Ideas for decorating the area in front of the house. Do-it-yourself landscape design of the front garden in front of the house. What should be included in a site plan

Recently, more and more owners of personal plots are trying to ennoble the territory in an original way. Someone hires professionals for this purpose. Some create beauty and exclusivity on their own. Those who independently think over the design of the site in front of the house, you need to take into account many points. After all, landscape design should not only amaze with its beauty. It should be as cozy and comfortable as possible.

Where to start design

Landscaping in front of the house is interesting and should begin with a survey of the area and the preparation of a plan.

When analyzing a site, you need to:

  1. Determine the sides of the horizon.
  2. Find out at what depth groundwater occurs. To do this, you need to make a recess of 1.5 m in the ground. After a while, measure the level of filling it with water. If water-free space less than a meter, you need to dry the area. To do this, make drainage grooves.

When planning, the site is divided into zones. For each of them it is necessary to come up with a project. You also need to choose a general design style for the entire territory, think over decor elements - flower beds, ponds, paths, lamps.

On a site of any size, you can create a great place to relax.

Plot layout

The design of the site in front of the facade of a private house will be much easier if the plan is initially applied to paper. This will allow you to add or exclude some elements, expand or reduce certain areas.

But regardless of the size of the site, the following places should be provided:

  1. Living sector. The location of the house. When determining this zone, it is necessary to pay attention to the sides of the horizon. If necessary, mark a place to build a house. Choose a site where the building will not interfere with sunlight.
  2. The garden area should be well lit. That's why tall trees located in the north. Then, to the south, smaller ones. The garden is set up in open spaces.
  3. Economic zone. Outbuildings are located in any unused place. This may be the northern corner of the site, hidden from prying eyes. To make this area even less noticeable, you can plant around it
  4. Rest zone. Equipped according to the tastes and hobbies of the owners. There may be a playground, a gazebo for relaxation, barbecue, swings and much more.

Deciding on style

So that the design of the site in front of the house with your own hands does not cause unnecessary trouble and at the same time the territory looks harmonious, you should choose the style of landscape design. It is on him that the planning of the garden, vegetable garden, selection of plants and decor items depends.

The design of a small area in front of the house can be done in the following styles:

  1. English. It is close to nature. This style is characterized by asymmetry, winding paths, slopes and rises, natural ponds and streams. Vegetation choose the one that is common in this area.
  2. Japanese. Based on the miniaturization of all details: a pond, stones. Junipers, rhododendrons, dwarf pines are planted near stones and water.
  3. Mediterranean. Assumes the presence of a patio with a wrought iron or wicker table and chairs, a deck chair, ceramic pots for flowers. The paths are made of light stone. An abundance of bright colors; pavilions and galleries entwined with ivy or grapes; park sculptures; fountains - details
  4. Chinese. Arranged according to Feng Shui. Be sure to place water, a mountain and a tree (plants) nearby. The role of a mountain can be played by a large stone or mound. The center of the composition is created, the rest of the details must obey it. This style is characterized by gazebos, curved stairs and bridges, pagodas. All of them should be painted in bright, saturated colors.

The design of the facade of a private house may include a variety of decorative details:

  • gazebos from various materials;
  • flower beds;
  • alpine slides;
  • paths lined with paving stones, stone or gravel;
  • garden figurines and sculptures;
  • streams and ponds;
  • hedges;
  • forged or other unusual fences;
  • green spaces.

When arranging various elements be sure to take care that they do not interfere with the growth of greenery and the passage.

Decoration of the front garden in front of the house

It is impossible to imagine private properties that are not decorated with living vegetation. Most owners create beautiful flower beds. They are not only a great element of landscape design. Fresh flowers fill the air with fragrance, create

You can come up with the most different design for such an element as a front garden in front of a house.

Carry out the design of the flower bed, taking into account a few tips:

  1. The front garden does not have to be flat. Larger plants are planted closer to the house. Lower the height towards the track. Taller plants and trees can be planted near windowless walls. In this case, the blank wall of the house will change significantly.
  2. Choose constantly flowering and frost-resistant plant varieties.
  3. The color of the front garden should contrast with the walls of the house, and not merge with their shade.
  4. Coniferous varieties of plants are the basis. Then they are interspersed with deciduous flowering varieties.
  5. Blue spruce will be a good center of the composition.
  6. If the front garden is located in the south, then exotic southern plants can also be planted.
  7. Use in the design of pots, flowerpots, flower boxes. They can be placed on the steps, along the tracks.
  8. On the territory of a large front garden, you can allocate space for a recreation area with benches, tables, chairs. It is better to sprinkle such a site with gravel, like garden paths.

Arrangement of garden paths

The design of the site in front of the house includes the development of paths. When arranging garden paths, you can use various materials. It can be stone, bricks, paving stones, wooden rounds, gravel and much more, which is enough for imagination.

It is customary to limit the paths on the sides with flowers or borders. When choosing material for arranging garden paths, you should also pay attention to the type of soil on the site. After all, the coating can float after the first rain. Therefore, it is not recommended to use sand.

Why do you need to make tracks? There are several reasons:

  • ease of movement;
  • dirt does not remain on the shoes;
  • the site acquires a well-groomed and cozy look;
  • paths are a great way to zoning.

Making crafts for the garden with your own hands

Beautiful design of the front of the house is not necessarily a big investment. You can make amazing crafts that will give the area a magnificent and exclusive look.

Of course, garden figurines, various planters and other design elements are sold everywhere in stores. But, by connecting fantasy, they can be made by hand.

For homemade decor elements, they usually use:

  • bricks;
  • stones;
  • car tires;
  • wooden slats;
  • plastic bottles;
  • wooden boxes.

Selection of details and accessories for decorating the territory

The whole area should look harmonious and very comfortable. That is why, when arranging the territory, in addition to planting plants and creating paths, great attention should be paid to decorative elements and decorations.

Those who have built a house of timber or logs can be advised to add the following decor items:

  • wooden swing;
  • bath in a rustic style;
  • a flower garden, equipped with wooden rounds or blocks of wood;
  • instead of planters and flowerpots - wooden tubs.

Pond - the highlight of the site

If you are planning such an element, then be sure to provide for its proper placement. This must be done even at the moment when the project of a private house is being developed.

The reservoir is one of the main and most beautiful elements landscape design. Rarely there are areas with a natural pond. Usually, artificial reservoirs are thought out on the territory. small size.

A pond can be made from a bath. If there is a desire to have a larger reservoir, then they dig a reservoir. Then the walls are covered with logs or concreted so that they do not crumble. Equip the pond away from the trees so that the foliage could not get into the water. On the banks of the reservoir, you can place small stones, plant flowers.

Fountains in the garden are usually made in flower beds. Their overflows have a calming effect on the psyche. Watching running water is a great sedative.

The pool is also an element of landscape design. But it must be designed in the same style with the site.


Lamps on the site create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. You can highlight plants, make lighting on the water. Of course, it is necessary to light the recreation area.

The paths are illuminated by lamps mounted on posts. The distance between the columns depends on the height of the lighting. The higher the light, the further the posts are placed.

Lamps for the garden are sold in stores. But with a little imagination, you can make them yourself.

The presence of a personal plot opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of different ideas. In a beautiful frame, the main will look impressive. On the territory you can mark, and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help to increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To simplify the formulation of your own wishes and the preparation of technical specifications, you need to familiarize yourself with completed projects. The following photo examples are accompanied by comments that explain the individual solutions.

This technology allows you to create your own reliable coverage, providing good protection of the foundation from moisture. Install behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are able to perform their functions without damage for decades. But on large areas, such coatings do not look expressive enough. It should not be forgotten that this technique is associated with "wet" labor-intensive processes. To provide high quality it will be necessary to carry out work at an air temperature above 0 ° C, in dry weather.

Note! Asphalt paving is not recommended. Evaporation of petrochemical products can have a negative impact on human health.

In this photo, concrete imitates painted natural wood. The original relief looks impressive on sites with different sizes. It prevents slipping, so it is useful for outdoor use. Factory deep application of dyes is characterized by increased resistance to wear.

Paving with such products is suitable for footpaths and driveways, parking lots. If necessary, it can be performed in difficult weather conditions, immediately, or in stages. A layer of paving stones is created on a bed of compacted gravel, sand with a slight slope to the side. An added advantage This technology is a good maintainability.

Sandstone, as in the photo, is cheaper than granite. Its rough surface provides a high level of safety when walking in the rain.

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Note! It is easier to figure out than to pave the area, if you take into account the mode of future use. If increased mechanical loads are expected, more resistant materials are chosen.

Landscaping and landscaping

There are no special GOSTs to create a land plot near a private house. Necessary improvement measures adjoining territory you have to plan on your own. To accept the right decision The following examples and photos with recommendations will help.

If you reduce the number of plants near the house, the care of the territory will be simplified. Vases can be used for seasonal planting of flowers

Note! In order to figure out how to plant greenery in a house adjoining area correctly, it is necessary to take into account additional important factors in addition to plant parameters. You should consider the location of the flower beds and the design of the relevant structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, and electrical networks. Complex preliminary analysis help optimize the project suburban area, Accurately calculate the cost estimate.

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An ideal solution for fencing a site, which will not only perform protective functions, but also delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package with your own hands. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How beautiful to plant flowers in the yard so that they look good from important vantage points ( entry group, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering cycles, create expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • What flowers are suitable for general style design.
  • How to equip engineering networks, passageways to facilitate.

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account the exact landing site.

Beautiful compositions are created using unique flowerpots and special options design

Note! To study the implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options it is necessary to evaluate the complexity of the work, the reality of repetition technological processes on their own without any extra labor and money costs.


Creating a unique landscape in a summer cottage of small size is not an easy task. Indeed, on a small piece of land it is necessary to recreate a cozy atmosphere. Before you get started, you need to make a plan. This will allow you to decide on the choice of not only the style of composition, but also with plant varieties.

If necessary, the site can be divided into certain zones. Without a plan to create beautiful landscape it will be very difficult. As a result, there may not be enough strength, time, or money.

Basic rules for site design

In order to decorate a small area with your own hands, it is worth remembering the basic rule: there is no place for large trees, shrubs and structures.

It is worth noting that such fences can not only spoil appearance and the atmosphere of the site, but also disturb its microclimate. After all, such a fence interfere with air circulation. If the site is small, then it is better to use a chain-link mesh or a low fence made of a picket fence to protect it.

What should be included in a site plan

Before you start creating a landscape design for a small area, you should decide on the style. This will save not only energy, but also cash. Worth it in the first place draw up a detailed plan.

Creating a landscape with your own hands requires care and accuracy. After all, any search can adversely affect the overall design. In order to correctly draw up a summer cottage plan, you can use special software. In extreme cases, the plan can be drawn on paper. Here you need to specify the location of the house and other buildings.

In addition, the plan should mark the barbecue and recreation areas. Some computer programs allow you to mark the proposed places where shrubs and trees will be planted. On the plan, you can specify places for flower beds and a garden.

Features of the choice of landscape style

To create an original landscape design with your own hands small plot, you should decide in advance on the style. There are several main areas: natural and regular.

Regular. In this case, the main axis of the entire composition is provided. In relation to her symmetrical landings are created. similar style ideal for large areas, but if desired, can also be used to create an original landscape in a small area.

It is worth noting that the tracks in this style are laid straight. At the same time, strict geometric shapes are observed, the choice of which depends on the configuration of the site. If the site is elongated and long, then it is worth building rectangular flower beds.

Natural or, in other words, landscape style. In this case, more free accommodation is provided not only for landings, but also for buildings, including houses. Straight paths can be omitted when creating a simple landscape.

When using this particular style, you can beat the natural relief of the area or create artificial elevations or depressions. On the small area you can make a reservoir and throw a humpbacked bridge over it. If there is no desire to mess with the ground, then you can make a flower garden by planting plants different shades, shapes and heights.

How to enlarge the area visually

If the area in front of the house is very small, then it can be increased by installing certain forms and materials. The main emphasis should be on lines, smooth and smooth forms. So, how to create a unique landscape with your own hands:

Gardening methods

In order for the design of a small area, created by one's own hands, to please, several basic rules of landscaping should be observed:

  1. First of all, it is worth considering the requirements for lightening certain trees, shrubs and flowers.
  2. Planting height should increase in the direction from south to north. The smallest specimens should be planted on the south side, and tall trees, such as pears and apple trees, on the northeast or north side.
  3. If the soil on the site is poor, then it is worth bringing fertile soil. Alas, manure and compost will not immediately correct the situation and saturate the soil with nutrients.
  4. The color scheme should be thought out in advance. Properly selected shades will visually enlarge a small area.
  5. Don't chase diversity. Not always an abundance of various shades in the garden plot is good. It is worth choosing one color scheme and placing its variations in different corners of the site. This step will achieve harmony.

Water facilities

landscape design a small area is a complex process. When creating certain compositions, you should take into account the basic rules and requirements. In this case, ponds and small reservoirs can perform not only practical functions, but also decorative ones.

Water can be used for irrigation. If desired, you can create lakes small sizes for aesthetic purposes. If you decide to create a reservoir with your own hands, then you should take care in advance not only about building materials, but also what plants and animals will live in it.

In addition, special equipment may be required to maintain such facilities. As a water structure on the site, you can build:

  • water mill;
  • the fountain;
  • waterfall or cascade;
  • circulating stream.

Flowers and plants

Growing any plants near the house requires constant attention and a lot of time. In addition, there may be some costs for financial plan. However, it is plants and flowers that make it possible to fill the landscape design with bright shades.

If desired, you can plant a small flower garden. At the same time, it is worth stopping your choice on one color scheme.

Today you can buy seeds of almost any ornamental plants that will decorate the area near the house. When arranging a summer cottage, you can use classic plants, or you can create an alpine slide. In many ways, the choice depends on the style of the overall design.

Places to stay and decorations

Usually, when creating a landscape design for a small area, a special place is given to the recreation area. In this case, any buildings should be practical. At the same time, it is important to choose not only the construction project, but also a suitable place.

When creating a landscape with your own hands, you should consider overall design and appearance of buildings. They must harmonize and complement each other. If the site is equipped in the Japanese style, then the structures should be made in the appropriate style.

Most often, the following structures are erected:

  • playgrounds;
  • shed for equipment and tools;
  • tandoor with open kitchen;
  • gazebos.

To create cozy atmosphere, you can use various decorative elements for garden areas, such as patios, sculptures, vases, decorative fountains . Special meaning also has lighting. With it, you can increase or decrease the area, as well as create a unique and fabulous atmosphere.

Decorative elements fit perfectly into almost any stylistic decisions. The main thing is pick the right one decorative elements that will emphasize the style and create a sense of harmony. All the rules and nuances listed above will allow you to create a unique landscape design for a small area at a minimum cost.

What mistakes do beginners most often make when coming up with landscape design in front of the house? How to come up with a landscape design for the front garden in front of the house? What can be the landscape design of the flower bed in front of the house? Who will help to develop landscape design in front of the house?

Business card of any house or estate is the design of a personal plot. The originality of its design, well-groomedness and beauty are the first to impress the guests of the house or buyers, in the event of a sale of the estate. It's hard to exaggerate correct design area in front of the house. Properly designed even the simplest landscape design of the area in front of the house allows you to harmoniously and conveniently divide the territory into functional parts.

DIY Front Landscaping: 10 Disastrous Beginner Mistakes

For the design of a personal plot, you can, of course, turn to professionals involved in landscape design. But this is the standard approach. To create something unusual, individual and fully reflecting the taste and desires of the owners of the estate, better way than creating a site with your own hands, not to be found. However, in this case, it is imperative to study the typical mistakes in order to be ready to decorate your home, and not repeat them.

Mistake #1: Ignoring planning.

Until recently, few of the owners of personal plots were worried about the issue proper fit and location of plants. Everything was planted chaotically, as it grew, so it grew, without taking into account any rules. Now everything more people are interested in the optimal placement of flower beds, plants in them, various paths and garden decorations. The first question that arises for such owners is where to start? The best answer is from scratch. You need to understand what exactly you want to get in the end, then draw your house, a kind of plan of the already finished plot in front of the house, in whole or in part, place on the diagram everything that you would like to get in reality. Site planning is the key to the step-by-step execution of everything planned.

Mistake #2. The lawn is everywhere and everywhere ("Everyone has, and I should have").

A beautiful backyard is not necessarily an abundance of green lawns on it. Undoubtedly, green grass decorates the front garden well, but there are many different alternative options, no less beautiful and more individual, capable of distinguishing the house and the land in front of it from the total mass of buildings. plant most lawn grass is a recent trend. It should be borne in mind that constant care is required for her.

Mistake #3. The design is for summer only.

When choosing plants for the design of the site in front of your house, you should not focus only on those that are beautiful only in spring and summer. It is necessary to take into account the autumn decoration. The palette of colors of autumn is diverse and so pleasing to the eye, giving reminders of the sun on a gloomy cool day. There are also many plants that can give beauty all year round, for example, with green branches.

Mistake #4. Complete lack of landscape in winter.

The year-round beauty of the garden plot will be emphasized by evergreens and coniferous trees. Big and small, they will become an emerald decoration of the site. Bright accents will be viburnum or mountain ash bushes, the berries of which are the first delicacy for birds in winter. This is the "highlight" of the site. When planning landscape design, you need to take into account the place for planting "winter plants".

Mistake #5. Carelessness in watering.

All plants, without exception, need care. Only in this case they captivate the eye with richness of colors. The first thing you need is watering, constant and independent of the plans of the owners of the house. Installing an automatic irrigation system helps to quickly solve this problem, and the question of regular, time-consuming manual watering is gone forever.

Mistake #6. Planting plants on a hillside.

The presence of a slope on the site in front of the house requires a special approach. It is necessary to build a retaining wall in advance and only then plant the selected plants so that heavy rain does not wash them away. You can beautifully decorate such a wall that will additionally decorate the house.

Mistake #7. Correction of the natural relief of the site.

Any nuances and features of the relief of the site can be positively used in landscape design. A place where there is a lot of shade is the best place to install any element with water. A fountain is an incomparable decoration for any site that can create the most romantic and peaceful mood. You can add shade-loving plants, a small bench and garden sculptures to complete the composition. sunny areas - the best choice for geophilic plants, various flashlights and clocks powered by light energy.

Mistake #8. Lack of animal protection.

Having created an impeccable landscape design of the site, carefully developing a plan, installing automatic system watering and fulfilling all the requirements for planting flowers, shrubs and trees, but forgetting to think over and install a fence from animals, you can get a deplorable result - broken flowerpots and sculptures, a broken irrigation system, completely damaged plants. We should not forget about uninvited guests - dogs, hares, neighbor's goats, etc. You can make a fence and how interesting element decor, and as reliable protection.

Mistake #9. Nowhere to store inventory.

Site maintenance requires the use of various equipment. The tool must be in good condition and stored in a convenient place. To maintain order, you need to think about which tool is most often needed and place it closer. The one that is used very rarely is best kept further so that it does not interfere. Purchase or replace inventory as needed.

Mistake #10. The landscape is not designed from a practical point of view.

In designing the landscape design of the site in front of the house, not only its beauty, but also practicality is extremely important. The perfect backyard is equally beautiful and practical. You should thoroughly consider not only its aesthetic appearance, but also the functionality, as well as the safety of the entire site.

Studying these mistakes will protect you from unnecessary disappointments, worries, costs and give you pride in the beautiful plot in front of the house you created with your own hands.

Simple landscape design of a small area in front of the house

The front garden decorating the house is the first and most important element landscape design. Its planning begins, first of all, with determining the degree of openness of the space in front of the house and identifying places optimal location closed, open, covered and formal front gardens.

    closed areas characterizes the presence of a fence in the form of a fence or hedge, created from thuja, barberry or laurel, which separate the street and plants.

    open areas do not provide for any divisions, except for conditional ones, in the form of asphalt - earth or sidewalk - earth. Owners of such plots can create a rock garden, plant a group of shrubs or sow a lawn.

    Covered areas imply separation from the street by low shrubs such as wild rose, rose, barberry, hawthorn.

    Landscaping of the formal site based on plants planted in pots. The adaptability of far from all plants to develop in a flower pot makes this type of design both simple and complex. The pots themselves are also a decorative element in this type of design. They are painted, pasted over with photos, decorated with stones, etc.

It is the preferences of the owners of the house that determine the style of landscape design of the area in front of the house and the types of planted plants. For the right choice, it is recommended beforehand, even before buying seeds or seedlings, to view photos of adult plants and reviews of people who are already growing them. So it is possible to protect yourself from acquiring plants that are too capricious or not suitable for the climate. First, either base plants are chosen and flowers-accents are already selected for them, or, conversely, to bright colors pick a base. You should not combine everything in one area, it is better to zone it into several flower beds with stone paths. Decorating the house, based on his own taste, the owner of the plot chooses the design style himself. There are several of them:

    romantic style refined and elegant. This style is decorated with rose, lavender, lilac, wild rose. When planting shrubs, it should be foreseen in advance that regular shearing is required to create and maintain their aesthetic appearance.

    rustic landscaping concise and restrained. The so-called "grandmother's" style is characterized by the contrast of a wooden picket fence with a variety of coniferous plants. It will also be decorated with climbing perennials, launched along the fence of the house or its facade.

    Modern style, or contemporary born under the influence of fashion. Preferably in this style, a combination of boxwood, yew and privet with stone finish plot and house. There are enough design options in this style on the Internet to evaluate whether it suits you or not.

    Asian style focuses on perennials planted around a stone garden or fountain.

    mediterranean style welcomes the presence of some randomness. This kingdom of palm plants is suitable for busy people, as it does not require constant clean-up.

Choice of accommodation style suitable plants significantly affects the size of the territory in front of the house. Some will fit a small flower bed, others can plant a grove. It is important to remember that trees are not planted close to the house. This closes the view, obscures the area and prevents light from entering the house. It is optimal to plant trees so that they protect shrubs and flowers from strong winds and bad weather.

If the front gardens are small, you can pay attention to evergreen perennials or begonias, daisies, fuchsias that bloom once a year.

When selecting plants for the site, evaluating their appearance on a bag of seeds, it is necessary to clarify the degree of their unpretentiousness to climatic conditions. For planting on the north or northwest side, it is better to choose those species for which the absence of sunlight is not critical. For example, various varieties of hydrangeas. In another case, if the plants will occupy the southern and eastern parts of the site, it is preferable to choose light-loving plants.

Another nuance when choosing - plants are selected taking into account the fact that some of them bloom in summer, others in spring, and still others in autumn. This gives year-round beauty to the backyard.

What can be included in the landscape design of the front garden in front of the house

Landscaping a front garden with your own hands is an exciting activity that requires patience, perseverance, creativity and a flight of fancy. Ready View design work will give inspiration, and our recommendations will help you become a master of your craft and create a site that you can enjoy and be proud of.

1. Fencing

The fence of the front garden can simply separate the site from the external territory, or it can also become an element of decor or part of the composition of landscape design. Types of fences are classified according to the materials from which they are made.

    There are stone, metal and wooden fences. An ordinary brick fence or from a profiled sheet is not very aesthetic. Forged fence with gaps is much preferable to a metal fence.

    The classic arrangement of the facade of the site is a wooden picket fence. This is dictated by the convenience of its parameters, which allow viewing the entire territory while creating barriers. The choice of color depends on the taste of the owner of the site. It can be either the natural color of the wood, or white, blue, green or brighter shades.

    East style The design of the front garden will be perfectly emphasized by a low stone fence, which weakly protects against the penetration of outsiders, but perfectly matches the style.

    The most interesting option fence - hedge. It is created from plants with a voluminous crown, well tolerated by a constant haircut. They are planted in a fairly dense row and regularly trimmed as they grow. After some time, a decorative thick hedge is obtained.

2. Accessories

Having chosen a certain style of landscape design of the area in front of the house, you need to adhere to it in everything, including the choice of accessories that decorate the front garden. Don't post too many of them. In this case, less is better. bright accent there will be wooden or ceramic figurines and figurines, a large stone or boulder, decorative flowers, swing, gazebo, etc. special charm the front garden will be given carefully selected style solar lamps. However, the main role in the composition, of course, is played by plants. It is their choice that decides everything in landscape design.

3. Plants

Having determined the style of landscape design, you can proceed to the choice of plants, taking into account the characteristics of the territory of the personal plot. Creating a landscape design of a small area in front of the house with your own hands, you need to correctly distribute all its elements. With the help of some tricks, you can make a small area much more spacious visually.

Plants planted directly in front of the house are selected taking into account the period of their flowering. So the front garden is provided beautiful view and continuous flowering in spring and summer. In autumn, it will be decorated with the spectacular coloring of the foliage of various shrubs, and in winter, the green paws of conifers and evergreens will revive.

The chosen style of landscape design should be the basis for the selected plants. For example, sunflowers are the crown element of the rustic style, they are perfectly combined with simple wildflowers - daisies, bluebells, forget-me-nots, etc. Romantic style befitting a large number of majestic flowers - lilies, hydrangeas, roses in a mandatory combination with climbing plants like clematis.

4. Color range

The color scheme also depends on the chosen direction. Country style welcomes the most diverse palette of shades, from gentle and calm to the brightest. The design can also be performed in monogamy from different plants of the same shade.

For example, maintaining the laconic style of the house and the backyard, you should limit yourself to one or two shades that are close to each other. To visually expand the space, it is necessary to focus on cold colors - blue, lilac, green. To add light to the area, it is wise to focus on warm colors - yellow, coral, orange.

All plants must be combined with general design houses, the color of buildings and fences. The bright walls of the house are beautifully set off by modest varieties of flowers and shrubs, and the colorful landscaping of the front garden will enliven a house painted in gray, white or another neutral color.

5. Cultures

Usually homestead territories are equipped and decorated with annual and perennial herbaceous plants. Lawns are sown with varieties of suitable grasses. No less popular in landscape design are various shrubs, and sometimes trees.

The flower beds are made up of the most different types flowers and non-flowering plants, based on the chosen design and taste of the owner of the house. There are many nuances. For example, a small space is much better to decorate with crops with small leaves and flowers. The beauty of plants with large leaves and flowers requires space. For climbing crops, support is needed, so it is better to place them next to arches, walls, fences.

Shrubs decorate the yard beautifully. The most common of them are barberry, honeysuckle, acacia, wild rose, mock orange, lilac. In addition to ornamental shrubs, berry crops, especially popular now, can revive the front garden. A landscape design with flowering and fruiting Japanese quince, currants, wild rose, hawthorn looks great both in spring and autumn. Some types of shrubs, planted in a dense row, serve as an excellent hedge and decorative element of the site, provided that they are cut regularly.

Do not plant a large number of trees in front of the house, shading the territory with this. A few copies are enough to focus on a specific point. To do this, use coniferous or deciduous, including fruit-bearing, trees. Conifers and evergreens look more impressive alone, in the form of a column or ball. For the landscape design of the front garden, dwarf trees are most often chosen. conifers, which resemble toy copies of large trees.

A separate item considers the design of lawns planned on the site. First you need to determine its purpose. For example, a lawn intended for walking is sown with trampling-resistant types of ornamental grasses. For planting in flower beds and discounts more suitable herbaceous plants with decorative foliage. The most common are hosta, fern, geyher, as well as cereal grasses.

Landscaping flower beds in front of the house according to the rules

Any properly executed landscaping of a personal plot will not give the desired results without care and maintenance. Only well-groomed plants bloom for a long time and beautifully and give joy and pride. Exactly correct selection each plant, taking into account all its characteristics of growth, flowering, climate resistance, etc. will become the key to the beauty of the front garden. Let us dwell in more detail on the landscape design of the flower bed, choosing the optimal place for it, and subsequent care. To begin with, we highlight the types of flower beds, they are:





    Panel type;


A special kind - monoclooms.

Each species has certain characteristics. Regular flower beds are distinguished by a clear geometric pattern made with flowers. A flowerbed of this style is characterized by the simultaneous flowering of all plants planted on it. In irregular flower beds, everything is different. Flowers are planted in small groups, clearly distinguishable, their separation is clearly visible. The buds bloom not simultaneously, but in sequence, which creates the effect of a longer flowering flower bed. Irregular flower beds look more natural.

A distinctive element of oriental design is the carpet landscape. It is achieved by planting low-growing, small plants that form a continuous grass cover, reminiscent of an oriental carpet. It looks great, rich and unusual. The style is striking in its beauty, but due to the especially careful care, it is not very common in cities. Mono-flowers based on the unity of color and plants are especially popular. The exhibitions are most often presented vertical flower beds, implying several tiers in their design. Very often these are real works of art in the form various figures or trees, which are great for any landscape. The flowerbed-panel is made up of flowering and ornamental plants that create a certain pattern or inscription.

Having firmly decided to do the landscape design of the site in front of the house with your own hands, you should think over and prepare the entire necessary material and inventory. This will require:

Having planned the placement and design of the alpine slide, you should pick up large boulders or cobblestones, as well as small stones. The pond will be decorated with pebbles or marble, you need to think over the water supply system and the reservoir.

Landscaping involves a responsible approach. Decorating a personal plot requires compliance with certain rules. Creating a flower garden is the easiest.

    The first and most significant in this process is the choice of a place for a flower bed. Flowers should be comfortable, all their features are taken into account. Only in this case the landscape design will be successful.

    Flowerbed plants are classified according to various criteria. They can be heat-loving, cold-resistant, exotic. There are also annual, biennial and perennial flowers.

    Given the location of the flower garden, plants of the appropriate classification are selected. The general wish for all plants is that the place for their planting should be sufficiently sunny and protected from bad weather.

    One large flower bed will look much more harmonious than several small ones.

    Landscaping of the site in front of the house involves the selection of planting material, taking into account many parameters, including the height of the plant and its color. The tallest specimens, even shrubs, are placed in the very center, medium-sized flowers decorate the middle, and stunted ones occupy the edges. This approach guarantees a successful design, the flower beds will fit perfectly into any landscape.

    Do not forget about the climate, composition and fertility of the soil. If simultaneous flowering of plants is important to create an attractive landscape, then these terms must be taken into account.

So, observing the technology of creating a flower bed, it is the landscape that is initially chosen. Then planting material is selected. Usually these are potted plants. The site is being prepared, which consists in loosening the earth to the depth of a shovel, removing stones and weed roots, and leveling the earth with a rake. Prepared plants are laid out in the order provided by the design. The pots are lowered into the water and after a while they are carefully removed. Planting holes are prepared for planting, according to the size of the pot. Plants are laid out root down, sprinkled with earth, you can add fertilizer or sand. Everything is carefully watered.

Any shape is suitable for a flower garden:



  • Oval.

Making the edges of the flower bed is an important design element. The composition will be unsuccessful if the plants are spreading in all directions. A small trench, made around the entire perimeter of the flower bed and covered with pebbles or any other decor, will reliably emphasize the outlines of the flower garden. You can also overlay it on all sides with stones.

As a design option, you can use a border of densely planted undersized plants and flowers in the form of long stripes. Marigolds and stonecrops are ideal for these purposes. Or the creation of rabatok. They are very similar to borders, but have a large width, the height of plants in such a flower garden is up to half a meter. Plants are preferable to choose bright (red, purple, pink).

Mixborders are flower beds that can decorate any landscape. The vertical and horizontal arrangement of plants in them fascinates with its unusualness. Such a flower bed provides for the use flowering shrubs, bulbous plants, annuals, perennials. There are about 20 - 30 species in total. Plant height varies from 1 to 4 meters, and the length of the flower bed is about 30 meters. It is an impeccable decoration of the urban and domestic landscape, but its creation requires certain skills.

A special team will help you professionally design the landscape, but flower beds and front gardens created by yourself are more enjoyable. Any, even the most unusual fantasy can be reflected here, as well as the taste and preferences of the owner of the plot.

It is imperative to remember the importance of caring for plants - watering, fertilizing the soil, loosening, etc.

What else can be included in the landscape design in front of the house (photo)

Figured decoration of bushes

The original design of a personal plot can be curly cutting shrubs or hedges. They can depict improvised gates, lead to the main entrance in the form of an interesting path, or resemble columns and statues. Shrubs planted in the middle of the plot and focusing attention on themselves look unusual and attractive. Topiary ornamental shrubs are great, but require much more effort, expense, patience and skill than creating a regular flower garden or lawn and garden paths.

Fountains and ponds

The highlight of any style of landscape design of a personal plot will be a fountain or an artificial pond. Installing a mini-pond, a pool or a murmuring waterfall is the creation of the brightest element of the author's composition, which can be complemented by a bench, swing, animal figurines and other decor, conducive to a romantic mood, peace and tranquility. The shapes and size of the composition have no restrictions, they depend only on the imagination of the owner of the plot.

Green rooms

The creation of stylized outdoor mini-rooms is gaining more and more popularity in landscape design. It could be green room, a wicker seating area, a pergola with a little furniture, decorated with a vineyard or plants in container pots. A table for tea drinking and lamps are required, giving a charming atmosphere of comfort.

Tiered garden

The uniqueness of the landscape design of the backyard plot is successfully emphasized by decorative elements made of stone, wood and others. natural materials. Any composition will be decorated with artificial or natural irregularities, making it full and voluminous. The site may appear visually wider and higher if you plant flowers on high pedestals or create garden paths with steps.

By laying out paving slabs from various materials and a variety of colors, you can achieve a 3D effect.

garden paths

Most great option landscape design of the territory of the personal plot is the paving of garden paths. As a material, you can choose paving slabs, paving stones, bricks, natural stone. Placing garden paths solves many problems:

    Comfortable movement of residents of the house;

    Lack of dirt in bad weather;

    Aesthetic view of the site;

    The presence of functional areas.

The most difficult issue of designing a beautiful garden path that fits optimally into the overall design of a personal plot worries any owner. Trust the professionals, contact the specialists of the company "Landscape", Rostov-on-Don.

Professional work on the creation of landscape design and site design begins with the development of an artistic concept and the definition of a zoning scheme. The style of the site is set by the residential estate. It becomes the centerpiece of the landscape project. The shape of the front garden, lawn, paths are being developed. The designer will professionally select the most appropriate shape and color of the tile, combine it with other decor (gravel filling, marble chips, wood chips, lawn grass); will offer as an addition a small gazebo, a sculpture, an alpine slide, a pool, a mini-pond; will emphasize the landscape with lighting design: lanterns, lamps, lighting, etc.

For the right choice and purchase paving slabs, ideally combined with the landscape of the house and the geometry of the backyard, we recommend our professional approach to the development of a design project, which will include:

    General plan;

    Top view, taking into account the breakdown of the site;

    Color palette;

    Scheme of paving tiles;

    Diagram of various geometric shapes;

    Calculation of the required tile footage;

    Visualization of the finished site.

We will prepare not just a project, it will be the embodiment of your dream!

Starting the development of a summer cottage, we rarely pay attention to the design of the space in front of the house. We put up a fence, make a gate and a gate - and we return to the design of the front garden and the entrance to the site much later, when the house is standing, the trees are planted, the lawns are sown ... What is important to consider when forming a zone in front of the house? We give advice on landscape design with your own hands.

Gate and gate

The perception of the garden will largely depend on the appearance and location of the gate. It is advisable to place it in such a way as to combine the useful with the pleasant, namely, the convenience of access to the site and the passage to the house with the attractiveness of the view from the gate.

For gates and gates, materials are selected that are combined with the materials used in the construction of the fence. Relatively speaking, plastic gates are completely unsuitable for a brick fence, as well as gates made of chain-link mesh. But metal and wood are very suitable materials for the manufacture of a gate that will be in harmony with most types of fences.

The dimensions of the wicket and gate should provide a comfortable passage and passage to the site, usually the width of the wicket is at least 1 m, and the width of the gate is at least 2.5-3 m.

The attractiveness of the gate will largely depend on its frame, on the nature of the decoration. For these purposes, as if specially designed climbing plants. Depending on the size and design of the gate, it can be decorated, for example, with curly honeysuckle, girlish grapes, actinidia or climbing roses. In the front part of the garden, conifers of a columnar or pyramidal shape, symmetrically planted near the gate, such as the western thuja Columna and Smaragd or the common juniper Suecica, look good.

front garden

As follows from explanatory dictionaries, a “front garden” is a flower garden or a small garden fenced with a palisade along the house, usually along its front part. This is the very first garden picture that a person sees when approaching a site or opening a gate. The front garden can be an ordinary, inexpressive passage zone, but you can turn it into an independent, originally designed miniature garden.

A retaining wall separates the front garden from the house

The front gardens look most solemn, imitating regular parterres with low molded borders made of cotoneaster or barberry, as well as topiary figures, for the creation of which conifers are often used.

Small conifers and large shrubs of the original appearance are planted in free front gardens as tapeworms. These are, for example, the bizarre Norway spruce Inversa, the columnar common juniper Hibernica, or the golden form of the western Rheingold arborvitae. In the center of plant compositions and as dominants, bright and attractive deciduous trees are also planted, such as the globular Norway maple Globosum, the Kilmarnock goat willow grafted onto a trunk, and the rough weeping elm Camperdownii.

Front gardens can be designed in a utilitarian manner (orchard, ornamental vegetable garden or garden of herbs and aromatic herbs, imitating a monastery apothecary garden). In their design, you can often find sculptural or everyday elements, such as stone, wooden or clay figures, objects in retro style: old mechanisms, gardening Tools and accessories.

Front gardens "with them" and "with us"

Unfortunately, in our country, front gardens in general, and even more so beautiful, elegantly executed, are rare. The reason for this, obviously, is the prevailing way of life, which involves fencing off the whole world with high, deaf fences. In this case, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200blaying out a front garden loses its meaning - decoration in front of the house, put on display, for everyone.

What kind of artistic techniques can not be found in the design of small plots of land under the windows or in front of the entrance to a Dutch, German or Belgian house! Flat parterres and compositions side by side with the use of geoplastic techniques, miniature slides rise, retaining walls and curbs of wood or stone. Concrete containers, ceramic flowerpots and boxes made of boards and old sleepers are hidden under cascades of ampelous annuals.

Numerous options for paving and filling the surface with crushed stone, pebbles or gravel screenings alternate with the greenery of short-cut tiny lawns. There are large stones: boulders, flat slabs or angular fragments of rock, reminiscent of islands, surrounded by a foamy surf of sedum, sapwood or thyme.

Many sites are dominated by flower front gardens, which reveal all the advantages of gardens of continuous flowering. Often there are so-called staffing elements - objects made of stone, metal or wood: hollowed-out flower decks, bird drinkers, ancient plows and anchors, as well as the original garden furniture from snags or roots. Old stumps and wood saw cuts turn into flower vases or pedestals.

front area

The front zone usually bears the main "representative" load and determines the perception of the main object on the site - a residential building. Most used garden elements in this part of the site - these are parterre lawns and flower beds, free flower arrangements, as well as planting coniferous or decorative deciduous trees and shrubs. In the front part, a pond, fountain or other water objects are sometimes arranged to enliven the territory. It is advisable to provide for the placement of garden benches, awnings from the sun and rain, or a place to relax and chat with guests.

It is known that open or semi-open spaces look friendlier than closed ones. The shape and dimensions of the front of the site are also important. A square, rectangle or circle is preferable to an irregular shape or an elongated stripe.

When at the entrance to the site there is a place sufficient to “run up the view”, the house, located at some distance, in the depth of the site, focuses attention on itself and is perceived as a whole, and the parterre part plays the role of a rich frame for it.

If the house is extended to the street, the parterre area of ​​the site, which is also the entrance, will be reduced to a front garden at best. Thus, the owners often close themselves off from the surrounding disturbing world and at the same time free up space for their private garden located behind the house. This is an example of an introverted garden intended for a narrow circle of people; it can be found in England, and in Holland, and in our country.

The sophistication of the landscape solution of the front part of the site must necessarily be combined with the functionality of this territory. No design finds can compensate for elementary inconveniences that may relate to the nature of the road surface, the location and size of the gate and gate, the width and turning radius of the entrance road, the magnitude of the slopes, the placement of paths, and many others.

When calculating the balance of the territory of the site for the front zone, rather large areas of paved surfaces are usually provided. If, in general, on a personal plot, a hard coating occupies approximately 10-15% of the territory, then in the front part it can be 20-25% or more. Indeed, because here, as a rule, there is an entrance road, and often a parking lot, footpaths.

How to decorate the entrance to the site: lawns, flower beds, vertical gardening

The lawn is one of the most sought-after landscape elements in the front area, there can be quite a lot of it here. In order not to complicate the care of the lawn, do not break it into small fragments. A single sheet of lawn looks more solid and is a great backdrop for placing others on it. decorative elements.

This advice applies not only to lawns, but also to flower beds, group plantings, and many other components that make up a garden. Whether we are talking about creating a flower garden from perennials or building a rockery, working with “broad strokes”, operating with enlarged groups of objects usually gives a more impressive result than a combination of a large number of small decorative elements, which often leaves a feeling of fuss and anxiety.

The entrance area to the site, as well as the parterre, benefits significantly when vertical gardening techniques are used in its design. These can be arches at the entrance and on the way to the house, entwined with flowering vines, pergolas and canopies in the corners of the rest. Openwork gazebo gazebos will be appropriate at the intersection of paths, and living trellis walls entwined with girlish grapes, aristolochia or wood pliers will also be able to perform a utilitarian function - to separate the parking lot or block the view of the site from the side of the street. In combination with a dense hedge around the perimeter of the site, the use of green verticals creates an atmosphere of security and comfort in the garden.

Climbing rose on the wall lattice

The classic lawn or flower parterre can be supplemented with wooden or metal pyramids or columns decorated with climbing roses, clematis or honeysuckle. The use of repetitive, regular decorative elements gives the front area a particularly solemn look.

In the parterre part of the site, flower beds are most often planted from colorful annuals, arranging flower beds, flower beds, or even, in some cases, carpet flower beds. Group plantings of beautifully flowering perennials create, albeit a shorter, but impressive effect. To do this, use the brightest varieties of peonies, lilies, saplings, phloxes, daylilies, astilbes, hostas, irises.

Planting mixborders, combining in its composition not only perennials of different flowering periods, but also ornamental shrubs, will create a continuous change of colors in the parterre area throughout the growing season.

Comment on the article "In front of the house. Plot design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else?"

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