Kitchen designer work ideas. Do your own kitchen design. Colors and their combinations in the interior of the kitchen

The interior of the apartment can be completely different. It depends on the number of rooms, the presence of a balcony, the type of bathroom (combined or separate) and other factors. However, absolutely all apartments have one common feature- the kitchen, and it should be given Special attention.

The kitchen is the place around which the whole life in the apartment revolves, because here they not only prepare food or store food, but also eat. Moreover, it is the kitchen that becomes a place of gatherings, communication of relatives and friends at one large table. It is for this reason that the kitchen should combine such qualities as practicality, comfort and, of course, modern style.

In 2018, functional kitchens with a variety of styles will become especially interesting. The main advantage will be originality and ergonomics, capable of reflecting the personality of the household.

Fashion trends

The main slogan of 2018 is a combination of eco-friendly, natural elements of a restrained style. The kitchen is especially interesting if it is spacious, it is better to give preference to conciseness. Massive furniture and a lot of decor are out of place here.

Finishing materials relevant in 2018: ceramics, a natural stone and wood, glass and metal. The only thing you don’t have to save on is household appliances: you can use an oven, integrated surfaces, a refrigerator, a microwave oven and other items that are relevant now and meet modern technical requirements.

You should also pay attention to lighting - it should be as much as possible, due to it you can zone the kitchen, play with colors. At the same time, the main thing is that the lamps fit the style of the kitchen as a whole.


The main condition is that the kitchen should not be overloaded with furniture. A pair of cabinets, a work surface and dining table with chairs. On this, a number of necessary furniture accessories is best to finish, the main thing is that the furniture present is functional.

All furniture should be made only from natural materials, plastic is recognized only if the kitchen is made in high-tech style. For small kitchens can be used modular furniture, tables-transformers. In 2018, will be especially fashionable glass facades and open shelves.

Color solutions

Since 2018 is obsessed with naturalness, the colors will be relevant in the same direction. Wood tones are especially attractive: oak, ash, alder and walnut. Also great milk, chocolate or olive color. Gray is always relevant and always in fashion. No less attractive for designers is black and white. white kitchen.

If preference falls on bright colors, then you should pay attention to red, yellow and blue, which can refresh the interior of the kitchen and make it more iridescent. However, it must be remembered that bright color should not prevail over others, otherwise he will quickly begin to tire the household.

When choosing a suitable palette, you need to take into account not only your taste and design of the kitchen, but also the peculiarity of the room itself. Bright hues will help to visually increase the volume of the kitchen, for comfort it is better to use warm shades, but cold ones will add severity.

The main styles of kitchen design in 2018

Here, first of all, you must rely on fashion and your personal taste, in addition, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the kitchen and general style apartments.

The most popular styles in 2018 will be: modern, oriental and high-tech.

Hi-tech - a minimum of furniture, a maximum of technology. The decor here is practically absent; modern materials and the kitchen itself is filled with modern appliances.

Oriental style is the opposite of hi-tech. He loves the combination of textiles and decor in himself, but this should be in moderation and carefully thought out.

Modern is a combination of simplicity and originality. Here you should give your preference to asymmetric shapes, smooth lines, various decorative elements and bold colors.

People who prefer comfort tend to Provence more. It is best to use the old and antique furniture, ceramic tiles, linen curtains, plaster and brickwork. Ideally, if the dishes in such a kitchen are earthenware.

If the kitchen is large and the owner loves luxury, then it will suit him classic style. Here is used dear wooden furniture hand-carved or forged, upholstered dining chairs. A huge chandelier, vases, paintings and other elements that emphasize luxury and beauty will also fit well here. material well-being hosts.

Fashionable small kitchen

Almost every housewife dreams of big kitchen, a huge dining area and free space, but the reality is often worse, and you have to put up with modest-sized kitchens. However, even such a small kitchen can be designed in an original way, making it a fashionable haven for the household during meals.

First of all, you need to choose suitable style, it is better to pay attention to the options for minimalism. Secondly, you need to do a visual expansion of the kitchen through lighting, light colors, mirrors.

Furniture in such a kitchen should be as ergonomic and thoughtful as possible, it is best to put a small corner cupboard, you can also use folding furniture (transforming table, quickly laid out chairs).

When choosing a technique, you need to give preference to the most functional things, because one combine is much easier to place than a Turk, a blender, a mixer and other attributes that are easily replaced by one.


Small homeowners may try to give up traditional cuisine, which is a separate room, and make a studio apartment, which is especially welcome in 2018. You can significantly increase the spaciousness of the kitchen by erasing clear boundaries between functional areas.

For visual separation, you can use combined and multi-tiered ceilings, small lifts and podiums, or color differences between zones.

Best for lighting Spotlights, since the working and dining areas must have individual lighting.

In general, it is worth noting that creating a cozy and trendy kitchen in 2018 is not so difficult, for this it is enough to choose optimal style and create a kitchen in accordance with it.

2017-11-12 14:55:06 Modern kitchen design

The kitchen is one of the most important and significant rooms in any living space, whether it is an apartment or a country house. Each of the family members spends a lot of time in it, as well as receiving guests or solemn celebrations. It is for this reason that a kitchen design project is needed so that its interior meets the requirements of everyone who lives in the house, as well as guests.

Making a design project

To date design solutions are so diverse that anyone who wants to change the interior of the premises can offer a lot of the most original, beautiful and practical kitchen projects. Of course, the proposed options can be absolutely in accordance with the individual preferences of the customer and his family members. But in the case when you still want the project to develop the interior of your kitchen to be author's, you need to take into account the fact that it will take not only time. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make your dreams come true!

First of all, you need to think over and take into account in what style you want to decorate the interior. Also consider the area of ​​​​the room and the overall layout.

It often happens that the kitchen is not only an object of direct use. It is also used both as a dining room and as a guest room. In other words, not only the process of cooking takes place in it, but also its consumption and meeting friends.

It is important to draw up a project correctly so that everyone has allotted separate sections(albeit small ones). Such a layout needs much more attention than just the room where food is cooked. There are some nuances in the design of kitchens of such a plan. This, as well as variations in the design of interiors of kitchens, will be discussed further.

The project of the kitchen combined with the living room

If the kitchen is combined with the living room, this provides an opportunity to decently save square meters of an apartment or house. Moreover, such an interior can be created in the most unique way. But the most important thing is that there is no way to do without professionals in this business - designers.

In order to combine the living room and kitchen, you need to re-register the documentation for the redevelopment of your home, upon completion of which a special permit is issued for the work.

Also, to develop a design for such a plan, it is imperative to develop a kitchen project.

It is also important that, according to the regulations, it is forbidden to transfer a kitchen set to a living room. That is, the entire working area should be located in the kitchen part. As for the rest of the design - you can completely trust your fantasies! You can compare kitchen projects in the photo - then you will probably be more clear what is what.

If you approach the issue of organizing a new interior in an original way, the kitchen combined with the living room can turn out to be quite unusual, bright and original.

Design project of a kitchen combined with a dining room

Often the kitchen is combined with the dining room. This design is done due to the limitation of square meters in the room, which does not allow organizing other options.

But if the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, for example, is 12 sq m, then you can easily organize a dining room in it! In such a room, not only the dining table will fit in a very original way, you can put eight fairly comfortable chairs, all the necessary kitchen communications and other accessories to it.

You may have already seen photos of kitchen design projects, where the boundary that divides the kitchen into a dining room and a cooking area is unusually beautiful and harmoniously defined. Moreover, such a distribution is made quite interesting and has good functionality.

We have compiled a collection of 10 the best layouts kitchens in the apartment, below you can view their photos. To enlarge a photo just click on it:

Thanks to the combination of certain styles and bright colors, the kitchen space will turn into the most masterpiece of art!

Today, there are not so many requirements for kitchens. The main thing is that it can be easily cleaned and put in order, and also - maximum convenience and functionality. It is important that the design kitchen project was designed in such a way that while in it, there is a healthy appetite and motivation to create culinary masterpieces.

Kitchen combined with living room (dining room)

Speaking of Design Design Projects kitchen facilities combined with a living room or dining room, the most important question is your vision of how the room will look?! But one of the many finished photos design of kitchen projects, it is quite possible that it will become the interior of your kitchen, which fits perfectly into the overall layout and decor of your home.

They turn out great designer kitchens, decorated in the German style or in the style of minimalism, as well as modern traditions.

Since the kitchen space should be used most functionally, everything in the interior is thought out very thoroughly. There should not be any unnecessary things and details. This will allow you to enjoy a cozy and comfortable environment.

Pay attention to kitchen lighting. It should not be very sharp, but at the same time bright - it is in the cooking zone. In the part where eating takes place, you can organize diffused or subdued lighting.

Creating a project corner kitchen combined with the living room, you can use a variety of furniture. including corners, soft sofas. The best kitchens to order Kazan are here. With the original distribution, you will get a wonderful version of the kitchen-living room, which will delight both the owners of the house and all its guests.

Also, if you decide to combine the kitchen with the dining room, choose warm colors and those that will create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere and stimulate the appetite.

At independent creation new interior, view photos of kitchen projects created by professional designers. It is possible that you can choose for yourself ready-made options corresponding to your desires and requirements. It is very convenient when a designer creates a kitchen project with dimensions! This allows each owner to navigate how and with what it is possible to equip one of important premises any home.

Kitchen interior options

Be sure to keep in mind that in the kitchen there should be not only the necessary for everyone - a refrigerator, Dishwasher, drying and stove. In it you need to place a countertop on which you will prepare and serve dishes before serving.

As regards modern household appliances, then it can be embedded in various options furniture, whatever the style of your interior.

  • When choosing appliances in the kitchen, consider its reliability and functionality.
  • Install a chopper in the sink - this will make life much easier for every housewife.

Also consider the distance from kitchen set to other items, including when opening lockers. If you have small area, it is better to use the kitchen space along the entire height. The optimal distance from the stove to the sink is one meter.

Creating a kitchen design is not at all difficult. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly and then you will get a comfortable and original interior!

A beautiful interior always starts with a good idea. If you have to plan a kitchen design without the help of a professional, we suggest looking for inspiration, fresh ideas 2019 and finished good decisions in our selection 120 real photo interiors (mainly Russian apartments). illustrative examples help you imagine and better think about the layout of the kitchen, color combinations, finishing materials, decor and furniture.

Here you can find interesting photos kitchen design, and then by clicking on the corresponding active link, go to a more detailed article on the topic and learn how to recreate something similar in your home.

15 kitchen design ideas with photos

Idea 1. Discreet interior with golden details

If the interior of your kitchen is tastefully decorated, but it lacks something for a wow effect, then it might be worth adding some gold to it. However, not necessarily gold. Bronze, brass, copper parts will work even better.

Our advice: The main condition for success is that the decor should not be too elegant, colorful, with an abundance of gloss, and there should be very few golden accents. For example, it can be: lamps, headset handles, faucets, picture frames, table accessories.

If you are equipping a kitchen from scratch and are in doubt about choosing a color scheme, then we recommend choosing a simple and win-win scheme: gold details + furniture and walls in neutral shades (gray, milky, beige).

Idea 2. Monochrome white kitchen - simple and stylish

When the walls, floor and kitchen set are white, the boundaries of space seem to disappear and even the smallest kitchen begins to seem spacious, filled with light and air. By the way, white surfaces are not at all easily soiled and require the same maintenance as surfaces of any other color. Moreover, they are much more practical than dark materials and even the biggest mess on a light background looks less annoying.

Our advice: To monochrome white interior did not resemble a hospital ward, you need to use a lot of "contrasting" textures and materials. white brick, gloss, glass, white tree, ceramics, textiles and stucco - all this will make the kitchen cozy and stylish, and not sterile and boring.

White kitchen design in stalinka

Idea 3. Gray kitchen

Gray is a more fashionable and practical replacement for white or beige. It is ideal for both kitchen and wall decoration. Shades of gray have a lot of advantages: they are practical, combined with all colors, balance the abundance of decor and bright colors in the interior and in general ennoble the design of the kitchen. Besides, gray walls and furniture have the ability to look equally good in both artificial and natural light.

The design of the kitchen-living room in gray-lilac tones

Idea 4. Kitchen design in white and yellow tones

White interior with yellow accents perfect solution for dark northern kitchens. The fact is that yellow shades can replace sunlight and act on households as an antidepressant and energy drink. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage, since in large volumes this color can irritate. In this selection of photos you can see photo examples of kitchen design with yellow walls.

Idea 5. Russian style kitchen

The conditional "Russian style" of the interior can be different, for example, country, Soviet, manor or old Moscow. Choose the direction closest to you, carefully consider color scheme, if possible, use only natural materials and try not to overdo it with prints, decor and color. If everything is done correctly, the interior of the Russian-style kitchen will turn out to be very cozy and stylish.

And here is a selection of photo examples of the design of the dining area in the Russian style.

Our tip: Sometimes a couple of iconic accessories or decor items are enough to create the right mood. For example, a samovar, a Gzhel collection or Zhostovo trays can be included in the design of the kitchen, as in the photo below.

Idea 6. Colorful tiles on the floor and / or in the backsplash

Motley tile ( metlakh tile, azulejo, oriental and Russian tiles), despite its brightness, is quite versatile. It fits into both classic and modern interiors, looks good both in flooring and backsplash, both in the design of a small kitchen and a spacious one. So, for example, in a small kitchen, tiles with patterns, attracting glances at themselves, distract them from the tightness of the room, and in large room brings a sense of comfort to the interior.

Design of a small kitchen with colorful tiles in Khrushchev

Our advice:

  • Variegated tiles look best in monochrome interior, with walls/furniture in discreet shades.
  • If your apron/floor is already finished with conventional ceramic tiles, then you can paint it using special stencils and chalk paints, for example, from Daria Geiler. You can see an example in the photo below. alterations of facades and apron with just paint and stencils.

Idea 7. Kitchen with a window sill-bar

If you are planning a kitchen design from scratch, then you should consider the idea of ​​converting a window sill into a breakfast bar. In a large kitchen-dining room or in the presence of a separate dining room, the bar counter can play the role of a breakfast and snack table, and in a small kitchen it will become a compact replacement for a dining table, saving space for working area and storage systems. Here are some photos of kitchen interiors with window sills.

Idea 8. Magnetic slate wall

Magnetic slate wall can not only look cool in the interior of the kitchen, but also bring practical benefits. It is convenient to leave notes for household members, write recipes, grocery and to-do lists, as well as attach magnetic shelves, hooks and spice containers.

Our advice: If you want to make a chalk wall thoroughly and permanently, then it is better to use either a ready-made magnetic slate board or slate paint. If the slate surface is needed only for a year or two, then the wall should be decorated with self-adhesive chalk wallpaper - they are inexpensive, easy to glue and peel off.

With a chalk wall, you won't have to worry about children's drawings on the walls.

An apron can also be slate.

Design of a small kitchen-dining room with a slate apron

Idea 9. Mirrors

Most effective method visually increase the space and make it lighter is ... hang on the wall large mirror. The main thing is that it be hardened or plastic (it's safer) and fixed away from the stove and sink (it's more practical).

Our advice: Hanging a mirror in front of a window can increase the lighting and create the illusion of a second window.

An example of decorating a small kitchen with mirrors

Mirror in design classical cuisine in stalinka

Kitchen design in a redesigned Khrushchev

Idea 10. Kitchen with a sofa

A small sofa will allow you to comfortably watch TV in the kitchen, arrange cozy gatherings with friends and, if necessary, accommodate guests.

Design project of a studio apartment

If you want to give the kitchen a more formal look, use an elegant bench or ottoman.

Our advice: If the kitchen is small, then the sofa can be replaced with a bench or a kitchen nook with built-in storage boxes, as in these photos.

Idea 11. Transparent furniture

Another super trick for small kitchen design is the use of transparent furniture. Tables and chairs made of polycarbonate look very stylish, they are quite wear-resistant and practical, and most importantly, they do not clutter up the space.

Idea 12. The focus is on the dining table

We often arrange the dining area in the kitchen so that it is first of all comfortable, roomy and practical. But why not give it a more formal look? After all, this is possible regardless of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and the size of the table. It is only necessary: ​​visually or physically separate the dining room from the working area, illuminate the table wall sconces, lampshade or beautiful chandelier and decorate it with accessories.

Dining area in the kitchen-living room in Khrushchev

Dining area in a small kitchen in stalinka

Here are some more photo examples of kitchen design with an elegant table.

If you are thinking of renovating the kitchen, then special attention should be paid to the kitchen set.

When choosing, pay attention to its functionality. Turning to a professional designer, do not worry about his work.

He will professionally choose the color of the kitchen set, dimensions and functionality for you.

Today, not everyone can afford a designer to renovate their home, so you have to learn everything on your own. The Internet can help with this, you can find a large number of photos of kitchen sets there.

If you still decide to independent choice set for the kitchen, you should pay attention to some points:

Assembly. Depends on the manufacturer. Expensive Italian furniture initially delivered to us in assembled form.

An average-priced kitchen set is brought here disassembled, and the assembly takes place at a subsidiary, and only then it is delivered to the customer assembled.

A cheap headset will be delivered to the customer disassembled and assembled, and assembly is carried out on site.

Manufacturers disclaim responsibility for incorrect assembly of furniture, so we strongly recommend that you contact specially trained people.

Dimensions. You need to keep in mind both functionality and general form kitchens are many different modules, from which the built-in kitchen set is assembled, exactly the one that you need.

The modules of the ordered furniture should ideally fit into the dimensions of your kitchen and leave no gaps between the walls and the furniture.

If you have built-in appliances in your plans, then first pay special attention to it so that in the future you don’t have to choose electrical appliances according to the size of the cabinets, and not functionality.

All headsets, regardless of the constituent modules, have elements similar in functionality, as a rule, they are located along the lines:

Bottom line. In most cases, it includes cabinets for storing bulky and heavy dishes. In such cabinets, it is best to use drawers for storage.

Since the opening door may not be convenient in small room, and the doors, according to the principle - a compartment, must have space in the neighboring module for movement.

Middle line. It includes surfaces directly used in cooking. such as apron, gas stove, worktop and everything else that can be attributed here.

Top line. Here, cabinets are used to store kitchen items - essentials, such as seasonings. Most often they are made smaller and it is better for them to open vertically.

Many use shelves without doors for more free space, but it is necessary to keep a constant order in such shelves.

vertical lines. Most often they are provided with cabinets for connecting the upper and lower lines. In this department, built-in appliances will get along very well, whether it be a refrigerator or an oven.

But it should be borne in mind that in a small kitchen set it will not look, yet it is more suitable for large kitchens.

Kitchen set materials and their elements

facades. First of all, you need to pay attention to the facades of the kitchen set, since they are the first thing that catches your eye in the kitchen, their cost is also not small.

Please note, the more original you choose the facade, the more expensive it will cost you. Materials from which facades are made:

  • Wood
  • Glass, in most cases, is used in the upper cabinets, as it gives lightness to everything.
  • headset.
  • metal
  • Chipboard/MDF

If the design of your kitchen set has a lot of decor, then get ready to pay for it. But do not forget about hygiene.

Tabletop. Its durability and functionality depends primarily on the material from which it is made.

Laminated chipboard, the shelf life will be 5 years, and you should pay special attention to the joints so that they do not diverge and water does not get there. This will cause bacteria to multiply and the countertop will rot.

A worktop made of stone materials is more practical, but experts do not advise putting hot dishes on it.

Stainless steel can also be a material for countertops, but it will not fit into any interior.

Cupboard. It should be borne in mind that cabinets with shelves without doors will cost much less.

When properly assembled, the ends of the headset are not visible, but if it suddenly happened that it was not possible to hide, then you can hide them with special cabinets - pencil cases.


When planning a kitchen set, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour kitchen and the features of its layout. There are several main options:

  • Linear. It is convenient in elongated kitchens.
  • L-shaped. With this layout, all functional areas are at hand. Be sure to take into account the opening moments of doors and drawers so that they interfere with each other to a minimum.
  • U-shaped. All kitchen space will be a working area.
  • Island. Such a kitchen should not be used in small kitchens.

If your kitchen is small, then use small kitchen sets in white tones.

Photo of a kitchen set

Kitchen Design

Kitchens are different: five-meter - in "Khrushchev", non-standard shape- in new houses, combined with a dining room - in country cottages. Even on several square meters we want to fit everything we need, and do it in such a way that it remains free place. How to properly plan the space and create a comfortable, compact and functional kitchen your dreams, you will find out in this section of our website.

Kitchen design is considered by many to be a daunting task. And not without justification: this room is unique in that it combines several other rooms at once.

Exactly! If in the old aristocratic houses and estates separate rooms were provided for the dining room, the cook's room and the so-called economic block, then in the 20th century everything merged together. The new 21st century continued the tradition: in most city apartments, no more than 12 meters are allocated for the kitchen. Least of all in this regard, the owners of housing in panel "Khrushchev" were lucky: the design of a small kitchen is a real measure of the master's professionalism.

Like the project of any other room, kitchen design can be done in a completely different styles. There are no barriers for the creator here: classic and modern, country and minimalism, art nouveau and high-tech. Some even create a kitchen interior in which several styles merge together.

The difficulty of implementing this or that style in the kitchen interior lies in the fact that the designer is very limited in space. In addition, the kitchen is the room that requires maximum functionality and practicality. The space should be planned in such a way that nothing interferes with the family "chef" in the performance of his already difficult duties. If the cabinets are arranged in the right order, and the cooking area flows harmoniously into the dining room, the interior of the kitchen can be called well-thought-out with confidence.

Color solution kitchens are a very personal matter. However, do not forget that stylish kitchens- these are those in which color unity is observed. However, the concept of the ideal is too subjective, and what is beautiful kitchens everyone understands in their own way.

When creating a kitchen design project, special attention should be paid to its content, that is, furniture. She is presented here special requirements. The surface of the kitchen set should be made of a material that is easy to clean and moisture resistant. Every housewife knows: while cooking in the kitchen, sometimes such bedlam happens that it is better not to see other households. The surfaces of tables and cabinets must be resistant to any surprises - from spilled soup to sticky dough.

We hope you find our kitchen ideas useful. We wish you a successful repair and look forward to reports about it on our website!
