Design of an elongated kitchen with a sofa and a table. Kitchen design with sofa. Fashionable kitchen interior (91 photos). Placing a sofa in a small or medium kitchen

Usually the kitchen does not have enough space to accommodate the main pieces of furniture, which is why sofas are located only in a more spacious area.

It performs an excellent function for seating guests. Most often, semi-rigid sofas with drawers are installed in the kitchen, in which the necessary utensils are laid out.

Important characteristics of a sofa for a small kitchen

The sofa in the kitchen can be either the main sitting place at the dining table, or as an addition to other stools and chairs.

Such a model usually does not unfold, because it would be necessary to move the table every time.

It is not recommended to install sofas in places where there are overweight people, then the furniture will quickly fail. Also, the use of pads is also not appropriate, due to the fact that they immediately absorb external odors.

A small sofa in the kitchen may have a lid that leans back, following the example of a chest. For such models, the backrest is attached separately to the wall.

The purpose of a small sofa

On small area it is rather problematic to place the main furniture, and the sofa is an extra item.

A direct sofa in the kitchen can be installed if other seating items cannot be placed in the middle of the kitchen.

It can be placed if the table is set, and you can only sit at it near the wall, pay attention to the photo of sofas for the kitchen. Because in another case, you won’t be able to move around the room at all.

Also, a small sofa in the kitchen can act as a decor, complementing cabinets or small table. There are options for mini sofas in the kitchen with curved legs, and they come with similar chairs.

Note! Lighting in the kitchen - what should it be? 80 Functional Design Ideas

Such furniture requires a table in the form of a circle on one rack. You can also use an ottoman or other seat with an ottoman as a sofa. Such an example does not “eat up” free space, but it is not suitable for storing other things.

Interior options for a small kitchen with a sofa

Most often, apartments in panel buildings do not have extra meters, not only for a sofa, but also for any necessary chairs or stools. It is for this reason that the sofa needs a certain place.

It is important for added convenience and completion. general interior. Just as in some rooms the tabletops are attached to the corner sofas, the kitchen sofa is a spare place for up to about 3 guests at the dining table.

Such a piece of furniture will be indispensable, for example, if a group of friends often play and drink tea or coffee at the same time.

A small kitchen sofa has the following features:

  • Creates harmony with the overall color palette;
  • Used to store kitchen utensils or supplies for the winter.

This kitchen sofa is not suitable as sleeping area, because the apartment, in the kitchens of which the sofa is located, will already have enough places for daily sleep in more suitable conditions than the kitchen space.

The sofa is usually located in the corner part, opposite the sink, for this the corner sofa in the kitchen is perfect. It is better if a window is placed on the side of it, because it will not be possible to covertly stretch the lighting devices.

Small kitchen sofas are needed to arrange guests at a table in the kitchen. Sitting on such furniture with a back is more comfortable than on any hard cabinet.

But it is quite problematic to get out from behind the table without disturbing the people sitting nearby. Sofas various colors, can enliven the atmosphere or create necessary balance furniture.

As mentioned earlier, a significant role is assigned folding sofas in the kitchen, they are indispensable in storing kitchen utensils, dishes, jars and other items. Therefore, the frame must have a high-strength structure and the ability to immediately withstand about 200 kg of guests sitting on it.

Quite rarely, such sofas are used as beds. If you try, you can find a sofa in the kitchen with a bed or even a double bed. But this is taking into account the fact that the kitchen has sufficient dimensions after it is unfolded.

Before buying, carefully determine its size, color and purpose, so that in the end the purchased item does not cause inconvenience, but only pleases its owners and guests.

Photo of sofas in the kitchen

The kitchen has long ceased to be just a cooking area. Now they receive guests here or relax after preparing complex recipes. Therefore, the presence upholstered furniture is not considered something unusual, but on the contrary, it expands the visual and functionality premises. How to choose suitable model where to place it? In this article, we will try to answer these and other questions related to buying a sofa for the kitchen.

Straight sofas

The traditional version, which has a simple and convenient form. It may seem to someone that such a sofa is too bulky for the kitchen, but by choosing the right model, you can fit it into a space with any layout.

Two-three-seat furniture, endowed with small sizes. Even in spacious rooms recommended to choose compact views so that they do not take too much attention in the interior of the kitchen. To provide more seating is best combined with several chairs on both sides. Stationary sofas can be placed in any part or used for zoning.

A laconic version, created by the type of an ordinary bench. Often it does not have armrests, which only visually simplifies the design. The sofa can be designed in a minimalist way or decorated with forged elements. The presence of upholstery and textiles eliminates the possible "street" image.

"Bench" is more suitable for the dining area, next to the table. Such an item does not look as bulky as standard sofas and will fit well into a small kitchen. There are also types with drawers under the seats in which you can store kitchen utensils.

This model is usually part of furniture set, forming a single monolith with a cabinet. In fact, this is a design of drawers with a seat, installed against a wall or window. Great option for modern kitchens that prioritize functionality.

In addition to the obvious practicality of the solution, the visual unity of the furniture allows you to create a holistic design that does not split the space into many details.

In small spaces, an extra bed will never be superfluous, especially if it can be “disguised” as a cozy sofa in the kitchen. Collapsible models are often as comfortable for sleeping as beds, but they save space.

Unfortunately, putting such a structure next to the dining table will not work, but it can become part of the recreation area - next to a bookcase or opposite the TV. Perfect for a studio apartment.

It is far from always possible to find a free corner in the kitchen space to place upholstered furniture there. But if there is such an opportunity, corner sofas will help transform the room and make the most of every square meter.

Such models may include storage or have a minimalist design, like a bench. The optimal solution is an instance with three seats and drawers on the sides, which are convenient to use next to the table.

If the kitchen has a bay window, you can purchase a sofa that adapts to its geometry. True, they are easier to make to order than to look for a product with suitable sizes.

Much less common corner furniture curved shapes. On the one hand, she takes more space. On the other hand, it smoothes the corners and makes the area visually “friendly”. But the most important thing is that such a solution looks non-standard, helping to diversify the design.

Where to place the sofa in the kitchen?

The location of the sofa depends on its purpose, the furniture set and the geometry of the kitchen. It is necessary to think over the layout so that the object does not interfere with free movement, but at the same time is located in a convenient place for residents.

Straight models can be installed along a free wall or under windows, and corner models, respectively, put in a corner. If in kitchen set island tabletop included, on the opposite side from the work area it will look good small sofa chik. However, even a stand-alone product will fit into spacious interior and help with zoning.

With narrow geometry, it is recommended to place along one wall kitchen furniture, and along the other - a table and a compact sofa. This solution is more profitable than chairs, which only split up the space, and can be used as storage.

in the kitchen with large area the sofa does not have to be combined with the dining room, as it is suitable for the relaxation area. Very narrow room it will not seem like a disadvantage if at the end along the walls you put two seats opposite each other - an image inspired by the romance of cafes or trains.

Materials and upholstery

Due to the close proximity to the kitchen, increased demands are made on the materials of the sofa. It is necessary to take into account temperature changes, high humidity, as well as the possibility of a drop of fat or food.

most stylish and practical option for the frame - durable woods, which include beech, oak or cheaper pine. At the same time from negative impact environment their surface will be protected by a special lacquer coating. But you can always pick up a budget look, for example, chipboard. Just keep in mind that the service life of such an alternative is small - about five years.

As upholstery, traditional leather has no competition. It has aesthetics, a variety of colors, as well as practicality, does not absorb odors and is easy to clean. What can not be said about natural fabrics. Cotton, linen, silk modifications are not suitable for the kitchen, as they are difficult to clean. But the same textile is acceptable as a cover: it can be removed for washing or replaced, thereby updating the design inexpensively.

In the matter of visual design, it is necessary to focus on the chosen style. We only note that the sofa can become bright accent or merge with space. Pillows in the kitchen are extremely rare, but their presence will only “enliven” the situation.

Style decisions

Even the smallest sofa is a noticeable part of the interior, so you need to responsibly approach its design, taking into account the patterns of style. It concerns decorative elements And design features models.

In the kitchen at classical style a huge role is played by subject composition when a central object is chosen, around which the interior is built. Stationary large sofa made of wood with beautiful texture and carving may well qualify for this role if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large enough. In this version, leather upholstery or textiles with a discreet pattern will look great.

For a more modern interpretation of the classics, you can stop at corner or combined options with storage places - here other items will help create the desired impression of the model.

The coating may have a natural texture or be painted white. The color scheme should reflect the overall palette of the room.

In such an interior, you can fit a model of any design: from a sofa with curves to standard compact items. The origin of the material is not important, its practical properties and beautiful texture are much more important.

Plain textiles, in harmony with curtains or another part of the interior, will look more appropriate than richly decorated fabrics. It is recommended to select natural light shades that will create the most comfortable atmosphere.

This direction is characterized by snow colors, the dominance of natural coatings, minimalism, but at the same time - real comfort. Laconic sofas with leather upholstery will look very natural and light.

The inhabitants of the Nordic countries demonstrate their unique approach to the creation of objects, making them as practical, functional and affordable as possible. Models with built-in drawers of any geometry and a woolen blanket as a style accent will fit into this concept.

The industrial style loves the concept of open-space, which implies the absence of partitions between the main areas, maximum comfort and a large number of seats.

In such a multifunctional room, it would be quite appropriate to look at a large sofa next to the kitchen set, which acts as a place of rest. It can also serve as a partition, dividing the kitchen and living room.

To maintain an authentic interpretation of style, it is recommended to opt for a leather upholstered design or purchase an antique piece. The presence of small traces of time will give the object depth.

High-tech style requires appropriate solutions. Ideally, corner models with bends, benches or other options will fit into such an interior. unusual shapes. In this case, the coating can be glossy, and the upholstery can be leather.

Since a high-tech kitchen is often built on contrasting shades, you can choose a sofa in white, gray, brown or even black.

At first glance, it may seem that a sofa for a small kitchen is too bulky and completely unnecessary element that will only take precious square meters. But in some situations, this is a more profitable purchase than a few chairs or armchairs. Pick up desired model The following tips will help:

1. Corner Views although they save space, it is rarely possible to find a free corner in small spaces. In this case, straight sofas along the wall are perfect.
2. Ideally, if you manage to put it under the window, since other objects will not fit here besides it.
3. Try to select options with a minimum number of details. Less attention will be attracted by a sofa without armrests and pillows. But the best solution would be wall-mounted structures that do not form a gap.
4. With enough storage, it is better to stay on a sofa bench with free space under the seats.
5. A sofa in a small kitchen should not stand out in color. It is better if it merges with the wall, forming a monolithic volume with it.

A beautiful sofa in the kitchen is comfortable, cozy and aesthetically pleasing. A variety of assortment allows you to choose a model for any interior, even the smallest. How else can you fit upholstered furniture into space - see our selection of colorful photos. Real projects sure to push you to a good decision. Enjoy watching!

The kitchen has long been transformed from a room where food is prepared to a place for meeting friends and talking while gathering all family members for dinner.

As the function of the kitchen has changed, so has the furniture.

It has become more comfortable and has acquired additional functionality. Uncomfortable stools and chairs were replaced with sofas.

Choosing a sofa for the kitchen

The first criterion that is taken into account when choosing furniture for the kitchen is practicality. The upholstery of the sofa should be easy to clean, wear-resistant and not fade.

This also includes the choice of the style of the sofa, based on the overall interior design.

The sofa model itself may depend on other pieces of furniture in the kitchen. For example, semicircular corners without massive armrests are suitable for a round table.

The choice of one or another sofa for the kitchen is also big influence renders the size of the room. Manufacturers offer the most different models from large corners occupying two walls to small double couches for small kitchens.

Depending on the size of your kitchen and the need for an extra bed, today you can choose sofas for the kitchen with a berth. IN this case the sofa folding system will matter - forward, or according to the principle of a book.

Depending on the purpose of the sofa, you can choose a sofa bench, corner or modular sofa. Corner sofa is perfect for not very large kitchen if lockers are not placed around the perimeter of the entire room.

It provides more seating space, saving space for essential kitchen equipment. To save even more space in some sofas, the back is attached to the wall. Sometimes, instead of a back, you can just use a lot of pillows to help you relax.

The material from which your sofa will be made is also important. A chipboard frame will not last you long. It is better to choose a sofa made of plywood, wood or metal. But even sofas made of wood can differ significantly in price.

It all depends on what kind of wood the furniture is made of. Oak and beech are more expensive, while pine and larch are cheaper.

Sofa bench

Modern sofa bench has soft upholstery, wherein Bottom part can be used to store various items. Such interior items can be soothing colors, and have a bright upholstery or an original pattern.

The simplicity of the design is offset by the variety of design of the backs, legs and armrests. Due to this, you can find a sofa bench that will fit into any interior, regardless of style.

For small rooms, a narrow bench is suitable, under the folding bottom of which a third of all your little things can fit.

Chrome base bench will be appropriate in urban styles. wooden models with wide armrests are suitable for a classic interior.

A sofa bench with storage boxes will be a great alternative to an additional locker. This will unload the room and organize order. For those who are going to often use things that are located under the sofa, you should choose a mechanism located on the side.

Semicircular sofa

Semicircular sofas are not often seen in the kitchen in apartments. Typically, these sofas are used for rooms with bay windows and niches. Such sofas are often made to order according to the size of a particular room.

Such furniture is very comfortable, besides, if you have a round or oval table, then with the help of a semicircular sofa a lot of seats are created.

Sofas that have a semicircular shape are often used to separate the kitchen from the dining room. IN one-room studio apartments, where zoning of the room is simply necessary, such a solution is optimal.

Modular sofas

Sofas, consisting of modules, allow you to simulate in the kitchen various options environment depending on the situation. With such furniture you will never be bored. From individual modules, you can arrange a single sofa or organize separate seats.

Modular sofas can have various forms. Right angles or rounded design - the choice is yours suitable option.

In the kitchens combined with the living room, you can install one semicircular sofa, which will turn into a sleeping place by attaching a module. The only disadvantage of this design is the inability in most cases to pick up bedding.

Manufacturers of modular sofas often provide the opportunity to buy additional modules if necessary. By purchasing modules with a different upholstery, you can diversify the interior, and over time, completely replace all modules.

Photo sofa in the kitchen

For designers, a kitchen layout with a sofa is sometimes presented as a minimalist style with a limited set of light shades in the room. However, the modern direction of style for the interior of the dining area dictates the opposite option with many interesting models.

Interior and layout of the kitchen with a sofa

This makes it possible not only to decorate the dining room, but also to approach the issue of its arrangement from a rational point of view.

Kitchen design 10 sq m has its own characteristics. Thanks to the layout of the kitchen with a sofa in the design comfortable interior dining area, not even too much large space rooms of 10 m² can be furnished stylishly and economically. Because by average standards Russian apartment cannot include an extra bedroom, then upholstered furniture is usually placed in the dining area.

Variant of design and interior of the kitchen with a sofa

Kitchens with a berth are in demand in our country for the arrangement of the dining area, since the presence of this element of the interior allows you to spend time with maximum comfort. It happens that guests who have come home can sit up and not notice that it is already night, so the presence of a sofa allows you to comfortably solve many problems.

Layout of the kitchen with a sofa area of ​​10 meters

It is good if the sofa itself is folding, since such an interior item is an excellent sleeping place for guests who have arrived overnight. If suddenly the TV is busy with someone in the hall, and there is a desire to enjoy watching a TV show, then the sofa in the kitchen is an excellent way out. This type has a number of advantages, and not only provides an extra bed in modern apartment.

What should be the kitchen sofa

Which upholstery to choose

Original upholstery of a semicircular kitchen sofa

If you need to choose a specific stylistic composition, shops offering custom-made furniture will help solve this problem by choosing the appropriate materials for the dining area.

When choosing a more suitable option, the models take into account the moment associated with the fact that the kitchen is a cooking place with a lot of different smells and high humidity.

In the air in the kitchen, a lot of oil and fat vapors are formed, including other liquid products. If it is planned to place a sofa in this room, then it should be remembered that it is most at risk of exposure to different kinds furniture spilled drinks: coffee, tea, juice, etc. Therefore, furniture must be purchased with practical upholstery, which should not absorb odors, accidentally get dirty with spilled drinks on it.

Folding kitchen sofa with leather upholstery

More suitable material for the upholstery of the sofa in the kitchen is leatherette or genuine leather. She may have not only bright hues but also dark. The upholstery of the leather model is not able to absorb a drink spilled by accident, so this type of material is convenient to use in the kitchen due to its practicality.

3D kitchen layout with a semicircular sofa

If a corner sofa is placed in the kitchen, then the area near the battery will be more functional, as it will provide additional space. Kitchen accessories that are not used daily can be placed under the seat itself. This type kitchen sofas ideal for square and wide kitchens.

It should be noted that the placement of full-size sofas in the kitchen, suitable for living rooms, is quite rare. Most often in dining areas, functional and more compact designs are not too large.

Scheme and plan of the kitchen with an area of ​​​​9 meters

They have a less puffy appearance and are upholstered in dense material, with a shorter seat surface than living room sofas.

Their back is quite thin. In the kitchen with a bay window that looks like a semicircle, you can put a sofa of a similar shape of the corresponding radius, complementing this composition of the dining area round table as in the photo.

Leather Corner Sofa Design

The result is a comfortable dining room. The idea with the installation of a semicircular model in kitchen area can be implemented in spacious kitchens, for example, at 15 m. The sofa should be comfortable, it is deployed with its back to the kitchen.

For a small dining area, about 10 m, you can choose a less overweight model that does not have armrests and the upholstery color is light. If the design of the model is visually simple and light, then the kitchen will not seem cluttered. There are also classic sofas with armrests that have a solid back. rectangular shape. Kitchen design 10 sq m apparently has its own distinctive features.

What is good about this method? It allows you to comfortably move between the dining and working area. In this case, all kitchen utensils will be at hand.

The sofa in the interior of the kitchen is wonderful way create a cozy and comfortable environment.

When choosing this piece of furniture, it is important to take into account all of the above parameters, guided by personal preferences. This will create original design kitchen interior in a certain style and enjoy the comfort of comfortable sofa from January to December.

The design of a kitchen with a sofa can have many different interpretations. The choice of sofa model will largely depend both on the size and configuration of the room, and on the style. To date, there are many models: angular and linear, modular, folding with a berth, couches and more. Which one is better to buy for a specific kitchen layout small size we will try to figure it out in this article. In the photos in our selection you will see the design options for a kitchen with a sofa.

Kitchen design with a sofa: what to consider

The design of the kitchen with a sofa can be considered for both large kitchen spaces and kitchen-living rooms, as well as for the smallest ones. For large kitchens any model will fit, here you should pay more attention appearance and style match. The design of a kitchen of 8 m with a sofa will be somewhat more difficult to arrange, but it is quite possible. To do this, you should pay attention to corner sofas, modular, as well as narrow linear ones.

A good help can be the presence of a loggia or glazed balcony. In this case, as we see in the photo, you will get an additional place for the formation of furniture, in particular, placing a recreation area with a soft comfortable sofa on this territory.

The design of the recreation area in the design of the kitchen with a sofa

A comfortable sofa will create coziness and comfort in the kitchen. The design of the kitchen will look much more expressive if you complement it with a wall with photo wallpapers as shown in the photo. This design will add new colors to the interior and make the recreation area more cheerful.

Quite popular in our time is the design of wall sections with wallpaper under decorative rock, brick, plaster or natural wood(It is not excluded the use of natural materials).

Various small accents, such as paintings, family photos, flowers in vases or flowerpots, will greatly enliven the kitchen design with a sofa, and pillows, a bright rug and curtains will make it homely. It's also a good idea to play with lighting - add built-in lighting or original lamps.

The choice of material for the sofa in the kitchen

There are no exact definitions of what color upholstered furniture should be. As shown in the photo below, the design of the kitchen with a sofa may have different color solutions, starting from which the color is determined. It can have a shade similar to wall decoration, or it can become an accent fragment in the interior.

As you can see in one of the photos, the sofa has an expressive Blue colour and located on the border working area and living room, separating them.
When choosing a sofa, do not forget about such qualities as the strength of the material, soiling and ease of cleaning. The kitchen is a place where, one way or another, food particles during cooking or eating can get on the sofa, so you should choose a material that will be easy to clean and durable. good options there will be such fabrics for the sofa as jacquard, leatherette, flock, which are able to absorb moisture, odors and at the same time lend themselves well to cleaning, as well as scotchguard and microvelour, which prevent moisture from getting inside the upholstery.

Design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa

IN Lately combining rooms in apartments has become quite common, as it allows you to significantly increase usable area. Let's look at photo examples of how you can design a kitchen-living room with a sofa, so that all the necessary functional areas are well located.

Design of a kitchen with a sofa of 20 sq m, combined with a living room

In small apartments, even as a result of combining rooms, it may not be a very large space, but, nevertheless, sufficient for organizing zoning. For example, the design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa with an area of ​​20 square meters can be organized according to a linear principle, as shown in the photo. Here is linear kitchen set ends with a bar counter, behind which there is a recreation area with a modular sofa and a coffee table. This leaves plenty of room for movement. This is a fairly common option in rectangular rooms.

For square layouts good decision will be the design of the kitchen-living room with a sofa with the dining area in the center, and the kitchen and comfortable sofa along the side walls (photo of a 20 m kitchen in a loft style).

Kitchen design 15 sq m with a sofa combined with a living room

Since we are talking specifically about the kitchen-living room, even in its small area, the sofa should be quite spacious and comfortable so that the guests who come can freely accommodate. It is worth giving preference to corner structures, as they are the most spacious and occupy less space than linear ones. In the photo below, in the design of the kitchen with a sofa, a significant area is reserved for the working area and at the same time there is enough space for relaxing with a soft sofa.

Kitchen design with corner sofa

The corner design will be an excellent element of upholstered furniture for a kitchen of any size and layout. Kitchen design with corner sofa presented in our photo selection. Here in the interior of the kitchen-living rooms you can see both overall sofas and compact models. Small corner sofas are often equipped with niche drawers where you can store various kitchen utensils.

Considering the design of a kitchen of 9 sq. M with an angular sofa, it can be noted that just such a design is most suitable for small interior. It successfully occupies a corner near the window and frees up space for movement. Such models can have a built-in berth, which is very convenient in conditions small apartments. If the design of the kitchen with a corner sofa (see photo, and our article) does not involve equipment extra bed for an overnight stay, you can purchase a soft kitchenette. It is smaller, but the lineup They are very large, which will make it possible to choose the appropriate option for a particular style.

Kitchen design with linear sofa

Linear models of kitchen sofas are also used quite often. On small kitchens they can be installed along one of the walls. In kitchen-living rooms, a large straight sofa model can become a central piece of furniture that will serve as a division of space into functional areas.

Straight sofas come in several types - folding, forming sleeping places, modular, which can be moved by moving individual elements rebuild and stationary.

The original design of the kitchen with a straight sofa can be seen on the example of a project developed by Ukrainian designer Alexander Chervinsky. In the photo we see a stylish modern design where is the straight sofa gray shade perfectly complements dining area kitchens in a white interior. At the same time, placing it opposite the working area is one of the most convenient. It is compact at first glance, but it seats four. A soft pillows add coziness and comfort to the environment.

An expressive accent is a red straight small sofa that fits perfectly into the design of a 10 sq m kitchen with a sofa. Against a background of white brick wall it looks very extravagant and seems to take up no space at all.

small kitchen design with sofa

Even the smallest spaces can be decorated in a modern and cozy way, while placing several functional areas. The design of a small kitchen with a sofa will be most successful if you use a compact kitchen set with built-in household appliances. IN square rooms, it is, most often, angular, and in elongated ones it is linear. It’s good if there is a bar counter that can play the role of both countertops and dining table. It is preferable to choose one style direction, for small spaces minimalism would be appropriate, which will save you from unnecessary decoration and clutter.

The design of a small kitchen with a sofa can be supplemented with original lamps, fruit vases, wall decoration under white brick etc.
A good solution could be the design of the kitchen design with a corner sofa. The photo in our article shows another example of decorating a small space using a transforming sofa, which unfolds if necessary.
