DIY pallet bed step by step. The highlight of the loft-style apartment is a do-it-yourself pallet bed step by step with photos of models. Interior in shades of gray

Raw boards emphasize the industrial style of the interior

Pallets, or pallets, have long been used all over the world, not only for their intended purpose. Craftsmen got the hang of making all kinds of useful household items out of them.

The idea of ​​making bedside tables and bed frames from wooden pallets is very popular. You can see for yourself that these products have a number of important advantages.

The head of the bed can also be made from pallets.

First of all, you contribute to society by giving a second life to things. And the money will be spent much less than if you had to buy new furniture in the store.

Pallets quite often end up in a landfill, and it’s not difficult to get a few from any warehouse. Everyone can work with such simple objects.

This bedroom has two pallet frame beds.

Pallets can be painted white to freshen up the look of the entire room.

And the black bed frame is quite consistent with the style of minimalism

You should not be limited only to making a pallet bed, because there are so many interesting ideas.

Pallets are something like the details of a large designer, from which you can assemble a lot of interesting items.

Let's start with the bed frame. Lay one pallet on top of the other and secure them together. Ready! Complete the set with matching bedside tables - making them even easier. And don't forget the linen storage box.

A mobile bed on wheels will allow you to change the layout of the bedroom without much effort

To make a bed on which a teenage child will sleep, you only need one pallet

By making furniture with your own hands, you will save both money and time.

The industrial interior of the bedroom will become even more interesting if you complement it with a pallet bed.

The size of such an original do-it-yourself bed can be anything

Pallets painted with bright paint make the whole interior more expressive and elegant.

Making furniture from storage pallets is easier than using any other recycled material.

The design of the bed can meet the individual needs of the person

Attach wheels to the frame to move the bed from place to place at any time

Pallet furniture fits into any interior

The structure of the pallets is very concise, which is fully in line with the industrial chic design concept.

Wooden structures make the attic interior even more comfortable.

Simplicity of lines is the main feature of Scandinavian design

A bed with a gray frame looks very modern

White furniture makes it easier to create a unified decor

A pallet bed fits even in this chic eclectic interior

Whatever the shape and size of the bed, it will take no less than two large pallets to make it. Plus those from which a bench, bedside table or laundry chest will be assembled.

The simplicity of raw planks is an important aesthetic component of the design of the bed and the bedroom in general, but if you paint the pallets with the right paint, you can emphasize the modern character of the interior.

Also sofas...

You can also easily make a sofa frame from pallets.

This charming corner sofa brightens up the backyard

Very interesting couch in casual style

Wooden frame and blue upholstery complement each other perfectly

Such a sofa, installed on the terrace or porch, is sure to please the guests of the house.

This cozy sofa has a convenient side table

And even in the living room there is a place for a stylish corner sofa with a frame made of storage pallets.

Now you, dear readers of the Design Museum, know that many original pieces of furniture can be made from wooden pallets that can perfectly fit into the interior of the house or become part of its exterior design.

June 26, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

If you are going to buy a bed, and be sure to be original and inexpensive, do not rush to go to furniture stores in search of the right model. Next, I'll show you how to make a bed and some other pallet furniture. Even the most novice craftsman can cope with this task, and the manufacturing process will require virtually no investment.

Homemade pallet bed with lighting

General information

A pallet bed is a great idea for those who love a simple and deliberately rough design. If you like such interior styles as loft, underground, grunge and other brutal trends, then such furniture is your choice. In addition, the product is perfect for giving, where design usually does not matter.

Its principle is based on the fact that it is assembled from ready-made blocks, as from a constructor. Accordingly, it is made very simply and quickly, and furniture can be given any size and shape.

In order to “domesticate” such a bed a little, i.e. to give it coziness, you can add a backlight. To do this, lay the LED strip in the pallets. As a result, the furniture will look even more impressive, and the bedroom will be original.


In addition to the original appearance and ease of manufacture, the furniture in question has other advantages:

  • You can buy pallets very cheaply or even for free, so this furniture is the most affordable.
  • The product will turn out to be more environmentally friendly than factory counterparts from chipboard.

  • Durability - pallets are able to withstand a lot of weight. Accordingly, the furniture from them is very strong and durable.

Therefore, the furniture in question has recently become increasingly popular.

A few design examples

As an example, I will give several options for using a pallet bed in the interior, and you will see that it can be used not only in the country:

Homemade bed in a room with Asian motifs

A pallet bed looks interesting in rooms decorated in Asian styles. Since it is just a wooden flooring, it harmoniously looks in such interiors. The only thing in this case is to use appropriate textiles and a large number of pillows.

I must say that in the manufacture of the structure it is not even necessary to stack pallets in two tiers. After all, Asian furniture is often very low.

Red interior for passionate natures

The product can look not only rude, but also romantic. The main thing is to approach the design correctly. Firstly, it is desirable to make it large and low, and secondly, you should use a lot of textiles in red and burgundy colors. Additionally, you can install a lamp with a burgundy or red lampshade.

And of course, do not forget the candles. It is unlikely that any other decor can give the room so much romanticism.

White bed with original blue lighting

A very interesting idea is a structure painted white with a rich blue backlight. It is perfect for modern interior styles, especially such as minimalism.

The design is also extremely simple - the flooring is assembled from pallets stacked in one row. An LED strip with blue diodes is laid inside.

Light youth interior

Youth design, like minimalism, should not be overloaded with details. To make it seem light, you should use as many tones as possible.

In this case, a casually decorated bed with white linens will look harmonious and also youthful.

Vintage interior with painted pallet bed

The furniture in question fits perfectly into the vintage interior. The only thing is, for this it needs to be painted with matte paint. You can even artificially age a little by using sandpaper.

In addition, attention should be paid to color - it is best if the structure is painted in pastel colors, for example, blue or beige.

How to make a pallet bed with your own hands - assembly steps

The construction process can be divided into several stages:

Preparatory activities

The preparatory activities include the following:

  • Calculation of the construction area. First of all, you need to determine the size of the product. It can be single or double. Also, measure the space that you are going to give under the bed to adjust the dimensions.
  • Choice of materials. Pallets will serve as the main material. The headboard can be made from any other materials, such as plywood, chipboard, etc. But as an example, let's consider the manufacture of a former from pallets.

From pallets, you can make not only a full-size bed, but also a small crib for a child.

Making a drawing

So the design is extremely simple, the drawing can not even be done. But, if you decide to make something yourself for the first time, it’s better to draw a design diagram and indicate all its dimensions.

You can even make a drawing by hand, the main thing is that it is clear to you. Thanks to the scheme that will be in front of your eyes, you will certainly not make mistakes during the assembly process.

Choosing pallets for the bed

For the manufacture of furniture, high-quality pallets should be used. Therefore, when choosing them, pay attention to the following points:

  • Structural integrity - the pallet must not have broken elements or boards with through cracks.

  • No rot - if you are going to varnish the structure, it should not have rot spots.

Knots and other similar defects are quite acceptable, since it is unlikely that you will be able to find pallets without them.

List of tools and materials

To work, we need the following tools:

  • Wood sanding wheel.
  • Electric drill.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Roulette and pencil.
  • Paint brush.

Of the materials, in addition to the pallets themselves, we need:

  • Lacquer or paint, preferably water-based.
  • Wood putty.
  • Self-tapping screws.

Of course, you also need a spring mattress, which will have to be purchased at the store.

Assembly steps

The step-by-step instructions for assembling the bed look like this:

Illustrations Description

Surface preparation:
  • Carefully sand the surface of the pallets.
  • Finish the edges so that they are slightly smooth.
  • Repair cracks and other defects with putty.

Painting. You can paint pallets both before the assembly of the structure and after. But in order not to stain the room with paint, it is better to paint in advance.

Apply the coating with a paint brush in two coats, drying between coats.

Assembly of the first row:
  • Lay the pallets on the floor according to the diagram.
  • Connect the individual blocks of the structure together with self-tapping screws. Screw them in at an angle, as shown in the photo.

Assembly of the second row:
  • Lay the pallets on top of the first row.
  • Fasten the first row with the second self-tapping screws.

The product is almost ready, now it remains only to complete the past.

We make a headboard from wooden pallets

The headboard is made very simply - you just need to connect the pallets together and cut to the size of the headboard. If necessary, after trimming, the structure should be strengthened so that it remains rigid.

The finished headboard should be attached to the end of the bed with self-tapping screws. After that, you can put the mattress and make the bed - the bed is ready for use.

To fix the headboard, you can use metal corners. They will allow you to securely and simply fix the structure.

Other furniture options

DIY hammock bed

Making a hammock from pallets is no more difficult than the above design. It is a small flooring, which, with the help of ropes, is suspended on tree branches or special supports. A brief instruction for the manufacture of such a hammock looks like this:

Illustrations Description

Flooring manufacturing. Connect the two pallets lengthwise. For docking, you can use boards and screws.

  • Tie ropes to the four corners.
  • Find a suitable spot for your hammock in your garden, and tie the ropes securely to thick tree branches.

Before assembling the structure, do not forget to prepare pallets according to the scheme described above.

sofa bed

From pallets you can make a sofa bed. True, it can be called a sofa conditionally. The principle of the product is based on the fact that pallets are stacked in two tiers, i.e. Each other.

The design is installed under the wall, so instead of the back, you can simply lay the pillows. Of course, if you wish, it will not be difficult to make a back.

To turn such a sofa into a bed, you just need to remove the second tier of pallets and lay them on the floor next to the first. True, in order to sleep comfortably on such a design, a spring mattress should be laid on it.

A DIY pallet bed is not only the cheapest way to make a bed, but also practical. These beds are eco-friendly, durable and look good in. To make a pallet bed with your own hands, you do not need to be a high-class specialist. It is enough to stock up on materials and tools to build a simple bed.

Do not forget to visit our instagram where you will find the most trendy and stylish ideas for decorating an apartment;)

If you want to add a touch of style, then all you need is a little imagination and ... you can start creating the bed of your dreams that you put in your stylish bedroom.

Pallets, or pallets, as they are also called, which are used to transport building materials, can become a strong frame for a berth. A do-it-yourself pallet bed will cost several times less than a ready-made and store-bought one.

Choosing a Pallet Bed Design

From pallets you can make a small or large single, as well as a huge double bed. The principle of creating this piece of furniture is the same: the same pallets are connected to each other so that a podium is obtained, on which the mattress is installed.

A do-it-yourself pallet bed can be made two-level, or low, on legs or wheels, with or without a headboard. But most importantly, correctly assemble the frame. How to make a pallet bed with your own hands?

DIY pallet bed - Master class

In order to make the simplest version of a pallet bed, you will need:

  • three pallets of the same size, you can take 120 X 80 centimeters
  • self-tapping screws
  • nails
  • drill
  • screwdriver
  • sandpaper
  • wood primer
  • varnish or paint
  • a hammer
  • brushes
  • roller

First you need to clean the pallets from dirt and dust. To do this, you can use a broom or brush and a damp cloth.

If you work with pallets in the country, you can wash the pallets with a hose that is used to water the plants.

To make it easier to work, you need to take the same pallets in good condition, but if they are not, then you will have to work hard to make the bed look neat.

When the pallets are dry, you can sand them. Sandpaper is suitable for this, but if you have a special grinder, or a special brush for a drill, you can use these tools - it will be faster.

Wooden boards must be treated carefully so that later the bed does not leave splinters in the skin of those who will sleep on it. After that, it is necessary to walk again on the surface of the pallets with a damp cloth.

The next step is to coat the pallets with a special primer for wood. It will help the paint or varnish lie evenly.

You can apply the primer with a brush, but if you want to finish the job faster, it is better to use a small roller. Then you need to put the pallets aside until the primer is completely dry.

After that, you can proceed to the application of paint or varnish. First you need to cover the pallets with one layer, and after it dries, you can apply another one.

To make the color of the bed frame more saturated, you can cover the pallets with a third layer of paint.

When the pallets get the desired color, and the paint dries, you can fasten them together. You need to connect along the long side.

You can first make holes with a drill, and then screw in the screws and hammer in the nails. Also, on the back side, the bed frame can be reinforced with wooden boards.

After that, it remains only to put a mattress on the frame of pallets. If desired, it can be fixed with special rubber bands.

By this principle, you can make a large double bed from six or eight square pallets. You can also make a high frame, for this the pallets must be folded in two or three rows.

A do-it-yourself pallet bed can be supplemented with a back, drawers, wheels and even lighting.

DIY pallet bed with mattress box

For a bed that has a frame of one row of pallets, you can make a box into which the mattress will be inserted. Depending on its size, you will need two or four wooden platforms.

To make a box of two pallets, you need to turn the pallets over, and then use a jigsaw to cut the boards that are located in the middle of each wooden platform so that the supports take the shape of the letter "P".

These boards must be fixed in such a way that each pallet has three closed sides. After that, you need to connect the pallets to each other with the open sides inward. The resulting box must be fixed on a podium of pallets, and then a mattress should be inserted into it.

If the box is created from four pallets, then each wooden platform should have only two closed sides.

DIY pallet bed with headboard

A do-it-yourself pallet bed can be supplemented with a headboard. It can also be made from pallets. You can simply install two pallets at the base of the bed, or you can use separate boards to create a headboard.

To do this, it is necessary to disassemble the pallets, pull out the nails, process the boards with sandpaper, cover with a primer and apply a layer of paint or varnish. Then the boards need to be fixed at the base of the bed vertically or horizontally.

Children's bed made of wooden pallets

A pallet bed can be built for a child. Children grow quickly, so after a while the bed can be extended with another pallet.

The baby bed can be equipped with protective sides. And the space between the pallets will be a great place to store toys and other small things.

Lighted pallet bed

Pallets have holes, so you can decorate your handmade with unusual lighting. Making it is no more difficult than making the bed itself from wooden platforms.

Creating Lighting for a Pallet Bed

To make bed lighting, you need to prepare several tools and materials that can be found in hardware stores and those that sell lighting fixtures.

In order to give the bed an unusual look, you will need:

  • 2 luminous cords of 185 centimeters
  • extension cord with two sockets
  • self-tapping screws
  • mounts

Backlight setting:

  1. A luminous cord, or duralight, as it is called, must be connected to the plugs. Then you need to make sure that all contacts go deep into the channels where the wiring passes.
  2. The free end of the cord must be protected with a cap.
  3. After that, you need to connect the luminous cords to the electrical cable.
  4. Then you need to check the operation of the system.
  5. Now you can place the cord on both sides of the bed and fix it in special fasteners from the inside. You need to keep a distance of 25 centimeters.
  6. After that, you can reconnect the cord to the network and admire the beautiful backlight.

DIY pallet bed on wheels

A pallet bed does not have to be installed against a wall. A small bed can be installed on wheels, which will allow it to be moved around the apartment if necessary. However, it should be borne in mind that when a person lies on a bed, the weight will increase, so it is necessary to choose wheels that can withstand serious loads.

Unusual pallet beds

In such a case as making a bed from pallets with your own hands, you can’t do without imagination. Designers offer the most daring solutions. So, for example, a pallet bed can not be placed on the floor, but simply hung from the ceiling on chains or strong ropes.

In addition, you can make a two-level pallet bed, where the two parts will be located at a small distance from each other, like steps on the stairs.

Also, the bed can be equipped with various drawers. They can be installed in the space between pallets or placed around the perimeter of the bed. In addition, you can build a bed with sides on which you can put books and other little things.

Painting pallet beds

In order for a pallet bed to last as long as possible, pallets must be processed and coated with a primer, and then with varnish or paint.

Varnish is suitable for those cases when a person wants to leave the natural color of the tree. The most neutral colors are usually used for painting the frame, for example, white, black, brown or gray. But if there is a desire, the frame can be painted in a bright color.

In addition, you can experiment and, for example, paint the main part of the bed in white, and small parts and partitions in other colors.

Where to put a pallet bed?

A pallet bed is an original item that fits only into certain interiors.

A pallet bed will look very nice in white, decorated in a Scandinavian style. In this case, it is better not to paint the bed frame, but simply varnish it.

Also, a pallet bed will fit well into. The more original the bed, the better.

You can complement the frame of pallets with metal elements, or paint it in silver. You can also complement the bed with lighting or original fittings, such as metal handles.

A pallet bed does not have to be installed in an apartment. This is an excellent solution for a country house and a summer residence. The bed also does not have to be painted.

In addition, you can put a bed on the veranda of the house, but then the frame must be covered with a product that protects against dampness.

A pallet bed can also be installed in a Provencal-style room. To do this, you can paint the frame in some pastel shade.

In order for the bed to be durable and last for many years, it is better to use new pallets, and not those on which building materials have been repeatedly transported.

It is also worth remembering that during the manufacture, you need to remove extra nails, otherwise they can cause injury later. European pallets are usually of higher quality than those made in Russia.

Pallet beds they turn out to be quite strong, but still it is worth considering that you cannot jump on them and perform acrobatic stunts.

It is also worth making sure that the mattress is of high quality and comfortable, otherwise sleep on such a bed may not come.
