Alteration of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. Kitchen design in Khrushchev: design projects with photo examples. Kitchen in pistachio tones

The kitchen of 5 m2 is quite compact. However, it can become extremely convenient if you approach the issue creatively. Many see the main problem in being able to place a refrigerator, hob, sink, storage cabinets and a dining table in addition to such a small space.

So let's take a pencil

To begin with, let's face it honestly and write it down on a piece of paper so as not to forget anything.

  1. How often do you go shopping?
  2. How often do you cook?
  3. How many people are in your family? How often do you use all 4 burners? Maybe two is usually enough for you?
  4. How many people should be seated at one table in the kitchen?
  5. How many dishes are constantly in use?
  6. Can some of the kitchen utensils be moved to the balcony, pantry, or any other storage location?

Now you can start designing the kitchen.

Working triangle

Now we take a tape measure and measure our walls. If the length of the street wall is 2.5 m, then the remaining wall is 2 m. So, one wall with a window and the opposite wall with a door. In total, we have 8 m of linear walls along which our set with a refrigerator can be placed. Usually one wall goes under the dining area. There is not much left.

What you need to distribute in the kitchen without fail:

  • Refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Washing machine - 60 cm.
  • Gas stove - 60 cm.
  • Sink - 60 cm.

Total, 2.4 m for household appliances with a sink. Let's try to fit this into our space. The upper cabinets can be placed as you like, the main thing to remember is that it is better to place a dish dryer above the sink, and an extractor hood above the stove.

If possible, it is better to take the washing machine to the bathroom. However, for her, you can contrive to find a place.

Costly option

The refrigerator can be taken out into a mini-corridor in a niche, which we cut off from the bath by installing a shower cabin. You will have to go through the dismantling of the wall, repairing the bathroom and abandoning the bath. But we win a place in the kitchen for a full table.

Cunning with arrangement

We put the refrigerator by the window, the sink in the corner, and the stove near the entrance. It is convenient that there is a fairly spacious countertop. It is possible to put a washing machine near the refrigerator.

But in terms of security, this option has a drawback, because. at the entrance, you can accidentally shove boiling water from the stove onto your feet. This is easily solved by adding a small side, about 15-20 centimeters, which will protect against accidents.

The second version of the refrigerator by the window also causes rather controversial judgments. So, the refrigerator is standing near the window, 10 cm from it is a stove, behind it a sink lurks through a cabinet with drawers in the corner, and near the door a narrow tabletop 40 cm leans on the lower cabinet. For safety reasons, the corner is rounded and equipped with open shelves.

The refrigerator needs high-quality cooling of the rear grille. She is always hot. If there is a stove with an oven nearby, then a problem arises. For a long service life of cooling devices, it is necessary to install them away from heating devices. Also, do not put them near radiators and heating pipes.

The void between the stove and the refrigerator can be filled with cargo.

What if you think about it?

The minimized version provides a comfortable dining area and an ultra-compact set.

Refrigerator, sink and stove line up along the side wall. Opposite the entrance in the corner near the window is a dining area. In this case, you can put a kitchen corner in which you can put a lot of all kinds of utensils, organize the storage of dry products there, for example, groceries.

The dining table will act as a cutting surface during cooking.

And if you need spacious storage boxes?

The stove and sink can be placed along the street wall with a window. The refrigerator in this case will stand in a free corner.

Thus, spacious cabinets and a spacious work surface are added. Especially if you use a built-in oven and a domino cut-in hob instead of a stove.

Cramped and want space?

Let's try to build a working triangle along the window. Cold zone opposite the door. Next is a sink, a small cabinet and a stove. In the free corner is a chic table with a soft corner.

If you put a table along the wall from the door, and behind it a wide cabinet, in front of them there is a refrigerator, a spacious wardrobe, a sink in the corner and another part of the headset along a short wall. At the same time, wall cabinets will occupy three walls, absorbing all the accumulated goodness of the hostess.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then the task is simplified, and the suite grows. You get a full-fledged kitchen with cabinets, a chic countertop and a refrigerator looking at the door from the window.

If you upgrade this option, you can build a place for lunch near the window, where you can have a bite to eat together.

And what about the washing machine?

It can be placed between the sink and the stove.

Or between the mini fridge and the sink under the hob. And the oven will move to a convection microwave.

Take a closer look at mini refrigerators that can be installed under the countertop. They take up little space. But you can win the desired cutting plane.

If you build a solid frame, then this option is also possible:

In this case, the main thing is that the frame on which the refrigerator rests can withstand the weight of the unit and products. If this pencil case is continued upwards, then several shelves can be added.

Do you still think that 5 sq. meters is a hopeless sentence? Then look for a competent designer who will help you create comfort in this space. Better yet, take a closer look at how these tasks are solved on a more modest area in European mini-apartments and tini houses. This is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for compact kitchens.

Kitchen interiors 5 sq m with a refrigerator in the photo in real apartments

See examples of renovations in small kitchens and get ideas.

Corner kitchen 5 sq m

White corner kitchen 5 sq m

Stylish kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

An example of a kitchen 5 to m with a refrigerator and a geyser. The column is closed with a white box.

Use the additional features of corner cabinets

Kitchen 5 sq m with refrigerator and washing machine

Jul 28, 2017 Werri

Residents of panel or brick two to five-story houses built in the 1950s - 1980s often face the problem of lack of space for basic cooking. Indeed, the kitchen in Khrushchev is 5 sq. m does not please with the dimensions, however, this room can be made stylish and functional without resorting to the help of specialists. The secrets of designers in design and layout will help to independently develop a kitchen project in Khrushchev and significantly improve living conditions.

Small kitchen 5 sq. m, the photo of which is presented on the site, in the presence of a headset with a refrigerator, the necessary household appliances and a dining table, it looks cramped and uncomfortable. Not every family has the financial ability to redevelop and overhaul, so it is worth considering options for adjusting an already finished interior. Sometimes some changes in the design of the kitchen 5 square meters are enough. m in Khrushchev - and the kitchen looks 2 times more spacious.

Color solution

Visual perception largely depends on the color scheme of the room. If the interior is dominated by bright saturated or dark colors, then the kitchen is 5 square meters. m seems much smaller than it really is. This problem is especially acute in apartments with windows to the north or west, where there is very little sunlight. Visually increase the dimensions of the room 5 square meters. m will help gentle pastel shades, peach, light green, sand, beige, white. It is desirable that the kitchen be plain, without bright prints and large drawings on the walls and on the floor. A bright room looks more spacious, fresher and more elegant. To give the interior style and originality, you can focus on one free wall by sticking photo wallpapers on it, or choose tempered glass with a beautiful pattern when decorating an apron.

Ceiling finish

The height of the kitchen in Khrushchev is from 2.5 m to 2.7 m. This allows you to consider such options for finishing the ceiling as plasterboard structures, a stretch ceiling, or simply covering the surface with white paint. The so-called floating ceiling looks very original. Its essence lies in the fact that a cornice is installed around the perimeter of the room, into which an LED strip is mounted. Such stylish know-how will make the kitchen cozy and spacious. Just note that it is better to place the power supply for the LED strip in a place with good ventilation so that it does not overheat.

The stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy, but the second option is preferable, since any shiny surfaces increase the space of the kitchen. Pay special attention to the quality of the material: it must be wear-resistant, withstand humidity and temperature changes, and be easy to clean. Savings in this case are inappropriate, since it will only lead to unnecessary spending on a new coating.

Wall decoration

When decorating walls, you can use wallpaper for painting, decorative plaster, bamboo panels, wall panels made of MDF or chipboard. It is desirable that they be plain or with vertical stripes, which will visually increase the height of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq. m. It is also recommended to choose high-quality materials that are easy to use, so that the walls can be easily washed from grease and soot during wet cleaning.

As for the finish of the apron, there are two options here: ceramic tiles or skinali (glass apron). The second option is much more original and reliable, because it is convenient and easy to maintain, looks very stylish and modern thanks to bright images of flowers, fruits or just landscapes. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles offer products for every taste and budget, so this design will be much cheaper.


If you plan to overhaul the kitchen, then it is advisable to first remove the old coating and make a screed. It is necessary for leveling the floor, giving the desired slope. In addition, the finish coat will last much longer. This process takes several days, but the result is worth it. Give preference to moisture-resistant laminate, ceramic tiles, linoleum. To visually expand the room, the coating should be laid diagonally. Avoid large drawings that make the kitchen 5 square meters. m more cramped and bulky.


In the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq. m lighting plays a dominant role. Sunlight alone is not enough, so care should be taken to install additional lighting fixtures. These include:

  • halogen lamps;
  • chandeliers;
  • LED strips;
  • lamps with fluorescent light;
  • ordinary light bulbs.

Energy-saving lamps will help save electricity: they have less consumption, and they last much longer. It is very important to make high-quality illumination of the working area, apron. This will optimize the cooking process. You can hang a sconce above the dining table, and a chandelier in the center of the kitchen. Different types of lighting installed at opposite ends of the room is a great way to zone the space. Visually increase the space of 5 square meters. m spot lighting headset and lamps mounted in open or transparent shelves.

The work area should be brightest of all, and dimmer diffused light is allowed in the dining room.

Layout features

Properly furnishing a kitchen in Khrushchev is not an easy task, especially when you need to fit a set with a refrigerator, a stove, a microwave, a washing machine, a dishwasher, a toaster, a coffee maker and a dining table with chairs. Few can overpower the layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 meters, but modern experts have found ways to solve this problem. First of all, it is worth considering possible options for placing furniture.

  1. Corner kitchen sets are the best option for small rooms in Khrushchev. They are located along two perpendicular walls with the capture of the corner. Such a layout preserves the principle of space ergonomics, which is important for housewives, in which the sink, stove and refrigerator are visually combined into an isosceles triangle. This allows you to facilitate the process of cooking, since you do not need to make unnecessary maneuvers.
  2. Linear layout implies the location of the headset along one blank wall. A significant advantage is the low cost of furniture, because it is enough just to measure the length of the room. The disadvantages include the irrational use of a small kitchen area in Khrushchev. For example, if you put a refrigerator, then there will be practically no space left for a worktop. This option is more suitable for those who do not like to cook a lot or prefer to eat out.
  3. U-shaped layout is the placement of the headset along three walls. For Khrushchev, this method is possible only if one sidewall of the kitchen set flows into the countertop or bar counter. Usually this design is located near the window and replaces the dining table. Just pay attention to its height so that children and the elderly do not feel discomfort when climbing chairs that are too high. There is enough space left for the working area so that the hostess feels comfortable.

Functional furniture made to order, taking into account the individual dimensions of the kitchen 5 sq. m, will help rationally use every free centimeter. Give preference to headsets with built-in appliances, many additional shelves, compartments, niches for storing kitchen utensils and products. As for the arrangement of the dining area, in the corner near the window you can put a small cozy table with chairs or a seating area.

To develop a kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq. m is easy and independent. To do this, it is enough to arm yourself with a pen, a sheet of paper and schematically depict the desired interior. Confident PC users can use a special program where in 3D mode it is possible to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the future kitchen.

When choosing a layout, decide what appliances and furniture you need, and which you can refuse. For example, a 2-burner stove will be enough for a family of several people, and a microwave oven can be replaced with an oven with a microwave function. A very interesting option is a horizontal refrigerator. It takes up much less space and fits in a cabinet or cabinet. As for the sink, it can also be made more functional by purchasing a special board. If desired, an additional surface covers the sink and turns into a place for cutting food.

Avoid massive furniture that makes the space cramped and bulky, "eating" precious meters. A folding table would be very appropriate, which, when folded, is an additional shelf. The same goes for folding chairs. Appropriate in a small kitchen of 5 square meters. transforming furniture. These multifunctional blocks are not only roomy, but also mobile. If desired, they can easily be moved to another place.

Increasing space

At 5 m, the design does not always meet the requirements and wishes of all family members. The small size of the room does not allow all households and guests to gather in the kitchen at the dining table. And then the only possible way to improve living conditions is redevelopment.

Consider the main options for overhaul in Khrushchev.

  • Dismantling of the wall between the kitchen and dining room. This method will allow you to combine two autonomous rooms into one studio, functionally dividing it into zones: a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. If the wall is load-bearing, then its demolition is impossible. In this case, it will be enough to make an arched opening, having previously strengthened the wall. When repairing, pay attention so that the load on the structures of the lower floors does not increase.
  • Combining a kitchen with a balcony. There are two ways here: either dismantle the entire opening with a partition, or remove the window frame along with the door. It is easier and more budgetary to leave the partition and make a bar or tabletop out of it, which will serve as a place for a snack or tea. With a full combination of kitchen and living room area of ​​​​5 square meters. m significantly increases, becoming a single whole. Do not forget that in this case the balcony needs to be insulated and the radiator needs to be moved there. This will require additional investments and approvals from the administration. The French window looks very impressive, which makes the room more light and spacious and at the same time leaves the rooms isolated. On the balcony, you can equip a winter garden, an office, a lounge area, a place to relax, or simply take out large household appliances there.

Remember that any redevelopment must be approved by the Bureau of Technical Inventory. The process of paperwork is long and painstaking, but it is necessary to avoid the collapse of the house in the future. Any unauthorized construction work to combine and change the original interior of the apartment threatens with a large fine and an order to return all structures and walls to their original places.

Photo gallery: modern design ideas

Small-sized Khrushchev is the reality of most families, but it also has its advantages: you don’t have to spend a lot on repairs, and you can come up with a design yourself. Show a little imagination, creativity and creativity - and the kitchen will turn into a real oasis of comfort and home warmth.

The design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev may sound like a mockery of those who have been huddled on 5-6 sq.m. for many years. and has no idea how to make a functional, comfortable and beautiful kitchen out of this space. However, for people who are not devoid of imagination, this is a challenge, an interesting task that can turn the life of the whole family upside down. You will find the best ideas for a small kitchen in Khrushchev in the photo in this article.

A modern kitchen involves an abundance of household appliances, storage systems and a full-fledged work area. Is it possible to fit all this into a small space? Of course, and as proof, see our article on kitchen renovation in Khrushchev in the photo.

Planning and zoning

The success of the whole undertaking depends on the correct preliminary preparation for the repair of the kitchen in Khrushchev. Careful planning will help not only to choose the best option from several, but also to check whether all your desires and design fantasies will fit in 5-6 sq.m.

It is best to draw the plan to scale and mark the following on it.

Main objects

  • window,
  • doors,
  • radiators,
  • communication entry points.

Architectural features of the room

  • arches,
  • niches,
  • ledges,
  • sharp or obtuse corners
  • sloped ceilings, etc.

It is important to find out in advance whether it is allowed to transfer engineering systems, and whether it is possible to demolish some walls and partitions.

The correct arrangement of furniture on the plan (and subsequently in the kitchen itself) depends on many factors:

  • objective parameters of the room (the constants indicated earlier on the plan);
  • accommodation in the apartment relative to other rooms;
  • family composition and lifestyle;
  • a set of necessary household appliances;
  • the possibility of transferring the dining group outside the kitchen space.

Taking into account all of the above, you can safely experiment. And the kitchen design ideas in Khrushchev in the photo in this article will help you.

Even taking into account the minimum area of ​​5-6 sq.m., the interior can be made fashionable, modern and comfortable. This will help some design tricks and general rules for arranging small spaces.


The main kitchen design ideas in Khrushchev often come down to combining space into a studio. And not in vain. If the layout of the apartment and building codes allow you to add a room or at least a balcony, the Khrushchev small-sized apartment receives additional square meters, where the dining group moves. Thus, only the working area is located in the kitchen.

The united space changes the perception of the whole apartment, it no longer seems so cramped.

It happens that the room is increased and due to the bathroom. So you can win an extra meter.

A studio kitchen in Khrushchev with an unusual design is shown in the photo below.


Another technique for expanding space is the rejection of deaf doors. The arch and the enlarged doorway will add additional volume to the room.

Built-in appliances

Today, the choice of household appliances is so great that it will not be difficult for owners of small-sized kitchens to find a narrow oven, a narrowed dishwasher, a small refrigerator or a 2-burner hob. These mini-devices are in no way inferior in their functionality to their big brothers, but they do an excellent job of saving space.


Hanging cabinets to the ceiling, a railing system, compartment doors or roller doors in drawers, a bar counter instead of a traditional table and a window sill as an extension of the working area - these are just some of the tricks of furnishing a small area.

Furniture made of transparent plastic or glass will fit perfectly here, because it will almost dissolve in space and will not clutter it up.

To visually expand the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev, the following techniques can be recommended:

  • any light, and ideally white color in the design;
  • matte ceiling;
  • plain (in extreme cases, with a small pattern) wallpaper for a small kitchen in Khrushchev (see the photo below);
  • mirrors;
  • asymmetrical arrangement of furniture;
  • smart lighting.

It is possible to increase the size of the kitchen in a standard small-sized apartment both in the literal sense (by organizing the redevelopment of the entire room) and visually (only due to our perception of space). Kitchen 5 squares Khrushchev design photo you will find in the photo gallery.

Color selection

The first impulse in choosing a color for a small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev is to stop at light or even white. And it is right! Many designers generally do not recommend adding any color spots on these 6 square meters.

Light colors expand the space, give lightness to the entire kitchen set, and allow you to hide the flaws in architecture. And complemented by warm shades of wood (for example, in flooring) or bright spots (on a kitchen apron), white will no longer seem cold and hospital.

It is not so difficult to create a kitchen design in Khrushchev, the photo examples in our article clearly confirm this.

Still, monotony is not for everyone. Of course, only extreme people will decide on a dark noble wenge, but if you want something cheerful and cheerful, you should not deprive yourself of color. The basic principle in finishing a small kitchenette is a sense of proportion!

Several bright facades against a light wall or a colorful apron surrounded by white boxes have a right to exist. It’s a good idea to add color accents with accessories: for example, juicy green towels and potholders, dishes of the same shade and a wall clock, or blooming violets on the windowsill, purple cutlery and a framed photo.

Style selection

The design of a small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev (photo below) looks varied and interesting, despite the fact that the size leaves its mark on the choice of style. Even big fans of the classics will have to give up massive wooden cabinets with carved doors, and Provence adherents will simply litter their 6 sq.m. cute trinkets.

To make the kitchen truly beautiful, while retaining all the functionality, it is better to opt for one of these stylistic directions.


Strict lines, smooth facades, simplicity in everything and the absence of small details - all this is ideally suited for a small space.

Scandinavian style

Pastel colors, slightly enlivened by small patterns, simple natural wood furniture, steel kitchen appliances and rustic textiles as decor are the components of the northern direction in the interior.


The Art Nouveau style is very fragmented and not every option is suitable for Khrushchev's cuisine. You should not think about any art nouveau or art deco for 6 sq.m, but contemporary is exactly what you need. To create a modern style you will need:

  • simple and reliable furniture (often made of modern artificial materials such as plastic, MDF, glass);
  • clear lines, smooth surfaces;
  • built-in and modular furniture, transformers;
  • few accessories.

The motto of this direction is functionality above all else!

Restrained eclecticism

If contemporary or minimalism is too boring for you, add a few touches from another style.

For example, an old poster and a refrigerator from the 70s will give a retro touch. Ruffled curtains and a rose kitchen apron will hint at shabby chic. One giraffe figurine and a small zebra print rug will create an ethnic mood.

So you can strike the right balance between your preferences and the austerity of space. See what a modern kitchen in Khrushchev looks like in the photo in this article.

Whatever style you choose, remember that simplicity and conciseness are the key to a beautiful and modern small kitchen.

Kitchen layout options

For the correct arrangement of the kitchen set, it will not be superfluous to make a sketch and place the necessary household appliances, drawers and cabinets on it. So you can imagine how your kitchen will look like when finished and choose the most appropriate way of arranging furniture.

Kitchen in one row

If, in addition to the working area, you also need to place a dining group, the best option would be to arrange the kitchen set in one row.

This is not the most convenient way for daily work, but the most common in Soviet apartments. The design of a very small kitchen with a refrigerator can be seen in the photo below.

corner kitchen

By lining up all the cabinets and household appliances along two perpendicular walls, you can place almost everything you need, including household appliances and a sufficient number of storage systems, even in a small room. It is not surprising that we easily collected a whole collection of corner kitchens in Khrushchev in the photo, which you can see. By the way, with this arrangement of furniture there is room for a dining table.

According to the designers, the corner kitchen for Khrushchev is the most suitable option, because with relative compactness, it is possible to comply with the laws of ergonomics. The rule of the working triangle, at the vertices of which are the main elements of the kitchen - sink, stove, refrigerator - is successfully observed (in contrast to the single-row arrangement of furniture).

Small corner kitchens in Khrushchev in the photo look very comfortable.

Parallel layout

By removing the dining group outside the kitchen space, you can place work surfaces on two opposite walls. Cooking in such a kitchen is very convenient: everything is at hand, everything is close, but only one hostess will fit here.

U-shaped layout

The kitchen set, built along three walls, will fit everything you need and even more. The hob, sink and refrigerator can be placed on different sides of the work area. Such a compact kitchen is a paradise for a lonely housewife. After all, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to help during cooking: several guests will not be able to turn around here. There is no place for either a kitchen table or a bar counter, so you will have to eat in the room.

Various types of layout of a small kitchen in Khrushchev are presented in the photo in our photo gallery.

Other furniture

All furniture should be compact, as functional and practical as possible.

Having chosen one of the layout options for the kitchen set, think about whether there is enough space for a dining table or is it better to use a window sill for this purpose; whether large chairs with a back will fit or whether stools should be preferred.

Various options for kitchen furniture for a small kitchen photo Khrushchev, see our article.

Built-in furniture and household appliances

An excellent solution for small kitchens is built-in appliances and built-in furniture. They unload an already small space.

An additional work surface that slides out from under the tabletop if necessary, or a folding table is what you need to increase the usable area.

A bulky stovetop or a free-standing microwave won't work either, but a compact hob, small microwave with grill and oven functions are optimal!

Furniture transformer

Furniture, as if specially created for small apartments - transformers: this is a combination of two (or even more) functions in one item.

For example, the blind doors of a wall cabinet with a slight movement of the hand turn into a countertop; one of the floor drawers can be pulled out and used as a stool; and one of the cabinet's hinged doors serves as a cutting board.

It is not difficult to find or make such items yourself, but they will become a real lifesaver for saving space.

Competent lighting

Looking at the kitchens in Khrushchev in the photo, it is easy to see that this enclosed space simply needs a lot of light so that it does not seem gloomy and uncomfortable.

First, you should let natural light into the room to the maximum. If it is possible to increase the window opening - go for it, and if not - give up the usual tulle and curtains, there will be enough roller blinds or blinds.

Secondly, in a small kitchen, the usual chandelier in the center is not appropriate. Spot halogen or LED spots will do the best with artificial lighting; it will be convenient to illuminate work areas, for example, using LED strip.

Thirdly, mirrors and glossy surfaces will further illuminate the space.


The best decor for a small kitchen in Khrushchev is the missing decor. The abundance of vases, figurines, souvenirs on open shelves will create chaos on 5 sq.m.

To decorate a minimalist interior, 1-2 flowerpots with indoor plants or several photos without frames on the walls are suitable.

If your soul still asks for cute little things, use unusual kitchen utensils as decor: for example, bright potholders in the form of funny faces, or a non-standard-shaped pepper and salt shaker, or plates with funny patterns.

Fundamental points in creating a kitchen design in Khrushchev:

  • the minimum amount of the most functional furniture;
  • light color scheme;
  • rational use of every centimeter of space;
  • a great desire to turn these boring 5-6 sq.m. in a modern and stylish kitchen.

Photo gallery

Our gallery features 30 more photos of stylish small kitchen designs.

For a Soviet person, his own apartment, albeit a very small one, was a dream. But mass-built apartment buildings from the late 50s - Khrushchev, originally conceived as temporary housing, have existed to this day. For a modern person, such housing no longer meets all the criteria for comfort: the kitchen in Khrushchev has an area of ​​\u200b\u200bonly 5-7 square meters, you need to hide the gas water heater and pipes, the ceilings are low.

Kitchen design 7 square meters in Khrushchev

Considering that Khrushchev houses occupy a significant share in the total urban housing stock and have standard layouts, finding a stylish and successful design option for even such a small kitchen is not difficult.

Bright kitchen without a partition (combined with the living room)

Professional designers and ordinary people have accumulated enough experience. And we have collected for you here only the best ideas and solutions for repairs with photos of real interiors and tips for arranging.

Decide on the design and draw the project with dimensions

If you do not plan your design in advance to the smallest detail, you are unlikely to be completely satisfied with the result. A detailed drawing with the layout of communications, a schematic arrangement of furniture will help not only save time, but also money for repairs. You can run the project in a simple .

Project in Khrushchev 6 sq.
After project renovation

Before you start planning your kitchen design in Khrushchev, consider a few important points.

Choose a style

Modern styles (Scandinavian, hi-tech, eco, loft, etc.) are ideal for the design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev.

Scandinavian style

Luxurious traditional styles with stucco, voluminous decor and massive furniture will not work. But it is quite possible to implement modern classics on 5-7 sq.m. Choose a set with paneled, frame facades, but compact and in bright colors.

Another of the most popular styles today is Provence.

Minimalism is always relevant for a small space. It is characterized by furniture with smooth facades without handles, a minimum of decor, and the absence of curtains on the windows.

The design can be done in the Art Deco style. Glass and appropriate decor will help with this. Gloss and mirror surfaces in this case will perfectly cope with the task of visually expanding a small space.

See the design idea of ​​a cozy 5.4 sq.m. kitchen in the style of modern classics in a detailed review:


A bright kitchen visually seems larger and more spacious. In this case, white, all shades of beige, pastel and muted tones of any color are ideal for wall decoration.

With dark colors, you should be careful. They can be used in small quantities, for example, in the design of the dining area, in decor, in the design of lighting fixtures. You can make a two-tone headset with a dark bottom row, or vice versa.

Bright colors can only act as accents (15-20 percent in the overall design).

Before you start planning and renovating, consider a few important points:

  • If the apartment is gasified, decide in advance how you will beat the column and pipes in the interior. If the equipment is old, then it is better to replace it. Modern geysers can fit perfectly into the interior without special disguise.

A U-shaped layout is also possible if the wall separating the kitchen and living room is demolished. Then one of the sections of the headset can become a bar counter.

  • Double row.

This option is also functional, but does not leave room for a normal dining room for a medium and large family.

A kitchen with a U-shaped or two-row layout can serve as a garage for appliances. If the family is large, then you will need a large 4-burner stove, oven, large and roomy refrigerator. You can also put a washing machine here, freeing up space in the bathroom. With this approach, the kitchen turns into a functional place with a purely economic purpose.

The room accommodates all the necessary equipment, but there is no room for a dining room. It is organized in the living room.
  • No top cabinets.

Today, replacing upper cabinets with open shelves is one of the fashion trends in design. But this is not always practical: it requires private dusting, there are fewer storage spaces. But it will greatly facilitate the atmosphere of a small kitchen. The idea is for an amateur and has a place to be.

Loft-style kitchen in Khrushchev

You can visually lighten the kitchen space in Khrushchev if you place the upper cabinets only along one wall.

Advice! Now many manufacturers produce upper cabinets with a large ceiling height. In a small kitchen, they will be a great solution to increase the amount of storage space for dishes and kitchen utensils.

Where to put the refrigerator?

There are three location options:

  • standing separately;
  • built-in;
  • free-standing, built-in headset in a niche under the cabinets.

Freestanding can be installed by the window to make it easier to pass into the kitchen.

In a room where the distance from the window to the wall is not enough to accommodate the equipment there, the only place for it is the corner opposite or against the wall near the exit (see photo below).

The location at the entrance is one of the most common. In this case (provided that the kitchen is not gasified), either install a compact accordion door or a sliding door.

Attention! It is impossible to leave a gasified kitchen without a door at all.

If there was no place for a refrigerator, then it can be installed in the corridor or in the living room.

Another option is to abandon the usual overall model and buy a separate freezer, a separate refrigerator and build them under the countertop. And if the family is small, then the compact low version "2 in 1" (refrigerator + freezer) is enough. Of course, there will be inconveniences here too. But the owners of the kitchen in Khrushchev, whatever one may say, will have to sacrifice ease of use for the sake of more free space, or vice versa.

If the kitchen has an electric stove, then you can arrange an entrance without a door in the form of an arch.

The refrigerator can match the color of the walls or furniture perfectly. For example, white cabinets and a white refrigerator.

A free-standing refrigerator can also play the role of a bright accent in the interior if it has a contrasting color.

The built-in refrigerator will fit perfectly into the design in any style. It does not violate the stylistic unity and the entire furniture ensemble.

An excellent solution would be a refrigerator built into a niche between cabinets.

Dinner Zone

With a corner or linear set, you can allocate space for a dining table for 2-4 people.

The round table accommodates more people and at the same time saves space.

Glass tables look light and weightless. Such dining groups are made of shock-resistant, tempered glass.

You can purchase the same translucent chairs made of durable plastic, which visually make a small kitchen freer and more spacious.

A transforming table is the best solution for a small kitchen. These can be designs with a folding tabletop or retractable.

To organize the dining area, you can use the windowsill.

The countertop can be made flush with the countertop of the kitchen set or cut separately in any shape.

The dining area can be made in the form of a compact bar counter on one leg.

It can be placed against a wall or near a window. Depending on the height, you can purchase ordinary stools or high bar stools for it.

It is much easier to organize a dining room if you completely or partially (by expanding the entrance) demolish the wall between the kitchen and the living room. In this case, the dining table can be placed in the transition between the kitchen and the living room.

Design of a kitchen-studio in Khrushchev after redevelopment

Today, when repairing in Khrushchev, such redevelopments are not uncommon. Because the wall is not load-bearing, then the probability that the application will be approved is quite high.

Attention! Before starting redevelopment, be sure to coordinate your actions with the authorized bodies.

Khrushchevs are 5-storey Soviet buildings with small apartments and cramped rooms. The kitchen in such housing has an extremely modest size - only 6 square meters. meters.

It is extremely difficult to equip such a room in such a way that it is not only comfortable, but also attractive in appearance. However, there are some secrets of designers that will help to cope with this task.

Choosing the optimal layout for the kitchen in Khrushchev

corner layout- this option for arranging a kitchen in Khrushchev is the most correct and convenient. It allows you to maximize the use of space, making it more functional and comfortable.

The set, installed with the letter G, is ideal for creating the right working triangle, which consists of a refrigerator, sink and stove. All furniture in the corner layout is arranged in such a way that there is still free space for movement in the kitchen.

There are rules to make the L-shaped kitchen in Khrushchev even more convenient:

  • Between household appliances, gaps about 5 cm wide should be left.
  • The headset should be tall, capacious, and at the same time compact.
  • Built-in appliances will help save even more space. In this case, it is recommended to choose the so-called "mini" devices.
  • Instead of a large bulky stove, you should use a small hob. If the family is small, a 2-burner device will be enough.
  • The sink should be moved to the window opening, then it will be possible to place the corner set more harmoniously, using all the niches in the room.

linear layout- a good solution for arranging the interior of the kitchen in Khrushchev. With this layout, the headset is installed along one of the walls in a continuous line. Thus, there is still enough space in the room for arranging other furniture.

With a linear layout, you can equip a dining table using a wide window sill - for this you need to attach a folding tabletop to it. All lockers in the headset, both hanging and floor, should be as spacious as possible. The higher the headset itself, the more usable space it has.

Advice! To ensure uniform lighting in such a kitchen, it is recommended to use ceiling lighting, or install the required number of spotlights. Above the dining table you can place a large chandelier.

The correct arrangement of furniture in the kitchen in Khrushchev

When choosing furniture for such a kitchen, preference should be given to folding and sliding doors, rather than swing doors. A folding dining table and chairs will help free up even more space.

It is also worth buying furniture that can be easily transformed - for example, with pull-out sections adapted for storage and suitable countertops.

Oddly enough, large rather than small decor elements will help to visually increase the space in a small kitchen. It is also worth using all sorts of glossy and mirror surfaces. In this case, it is recommended to avoid open shelves and give preference to closed cabinets.

Horizontal details in the kitchen in Khrushchev should be as small as possible. Vertical lines visually expand the space - for example, narrow and high floor cabinets.

bar counter- a great way to save space in a small kitchen. It can be used instead of a dining table by placing several high bar stools next to it.

If the top of the rack is wide enough, its base can be used for storage: for example, install a bread box or microwave oven there.

Kitchen table- designers advise using a rectangular glass table that can be leaned against the wall. It visually increases the space, besides, it does not take up much space. A round table for a small kitchen is far from the best option.

Chairs can also be selected transparent, made of special durable plastic. Corner sofas take up too much space, so it is also better to refuse them. A wide window sill, complemented by a folding table top, can also act as a dining table.

Fridge- it is difficult to imagine a kitchen without this household appliance. The hostess actively uses it in the process of cooking, constantly opening and closing the door.

However, it is quite difficult to correctly place the refrigerator in the kitchen in Khrushchev so that it does not interfere and does not take up much space. The best option is a small refrigerator built into the furniture, but this idea is not suitable for a large family.

There are other options for placing the refrigerator:

  • install it in a niche that fits in size;
  • build into the base of the countertop, if the refrigerator is single-chamber;
  • move the refrigerator outside the kitchen - for example, to a covered balcony, or to a corridor;
  • install the refrigerator in the corner near the window, next to the hob.

Geyser- most often, this device in Khrushchev is carefully masked, hiding it behind the facades of a hanging cabinet located above the working area.

Do not place a gas column next to a gas stove, refrigerator and hood. As for the locker behind which it is hidden, it is made of special refractory materials.

However, you can completely do without such a locker. It is enough to install a column between two hanging cabinets, and then attach a fake facade that closes with a magnet.

It is important to remember that in a kitchen with a geyser, there must be an entrance door; in no case should it be replaced with an arch (this requirement is dictated by the safety instructions).

Appliances- the ideal option should be called built-in household appliances integrated into the headset. It is better that it has a compact size.

Some household appliances that are used extremely rarely should be completely abandoned. A bulky stove is recommended to be replaced with a small hob.

In one of the niches of the headset, you can build an oven of compact dimensions. Above the work surface is to place the hood (its design should also be small). Right next to the sink, in a special niche, you can install a washing machine.

How to combine the living room and kitchen in Khrushchev

Before combining the kitchen in Khrushchev with the living room, you should remember important technical points. The current legislation states that apartment owners cannot independently take out a sink, stove and other kitchen appliances outside the apartment. When combining such a space, the kitchen, along with all communications, should remain in place.

It is forbidden to equip the kitchen in a new way directly above the living room of the neighbors below. It is also not allowed to arbitrarily demolish the load-bearing wall between the living room and the kitchen - this can only be done with special permission.

We must not forget about a powerful hood or air conditioning system. Foreign odors should not freely penetrate into the living room from the kitchen. No less important is the lighting system of the kitchen-living room in Khrushchev.

In order for there to be enough light in both the working and living areas, you should install a lot of spotlights, complementing them with the main chandelier above the dining table. If necessary, you can also use wall sconces in the living area.

You need to take the zoning of the combined kitchen-living room very seriously.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. Peninsula- in its role can be a table installed in the middle, or a tabletop attached to the wall. It is important that these elements are in harmony with both the kitchen area and the dining area.
  2. Cushioned furniture- for example, a small sofa installed approximately in the center of the room, as well as several comfortable chairs with a compact coffee table.
  3. Two-level ceiling- a stylish and concise way to divide a single room into separate zones so that they still look like a single whole.
  4. duplex floor- with its help, you can slightly raise the kitchen area, in addition, such a floor will reliably hide all kitchen communications from prying eyes.
  5. Sliding doors- a stylish and simple solution that allows you to clearly define the boundaries of both zones. The main feature of this method of zoning the kitchen-living room can be called its ability to quickly isolate itself from the kitchen at any time - for this you just need to push the doors.
  6. Installation of different lighting areas of the kitchen-living room- one of the simplest and most popular ways of zoning rooms.
  7. Screens or curtains- a simple, cheap and effective way to separate the living and kitchen areas.
  8. living plants- a great way to beautifully divide the room, as well as significantly enliven it.
  9. bar counter- its role can be played by part of the partition from the wall that previously separated the kitchen and living room. To finish the rack, you can use natural wood, ceramic tiles, mosaics or facing stone.
  10. Arch- this method of zoning is often used by owners of small apartments. You can decorate the arch with miniature lamps located directly on its structure.
  11. Walls in different colors- Another very affordable way to zoning the kitchen-living room. Colors can be in the same color range, or contrasting.
  12. wooden partition- you can use this method of zoning in conjunction with a small difference in ceiling height.

How to combine a kitchen in Khrushchev with a balcony

Combining a kitchen with a balcony will help solve the problem of arranging a small room. To organize the ideal kitchen area with maximum functionality, you should not completely demolish the entire wall - designers advise leaving its lower part along with the window sill. This design can become an original part of the interior, turning into a bar counter, or even into a full-fledged dining table.

In addition, a refrigerator can be taken out to the balcony combined with the kitchen. Thus, the room will immediately be vacated and become more spacious. To make this part of the kitchen look more attractive, you can equip an arch in place of the former wall, giving it an interesting shape.

It is also necessary to take care of good lighting of the newly acquired kitchen area by placing the required number of spotlights in it. In order for the room to really look like a single whole, the same materials should be used for its decoration. Of course, both zones must be made in the same style.

Kitchen layout in Khrushchev video

A small kitchen in Khrushchev can be tastefully decorated and made comfortable. See this video for a real example.

Kitchen in Khrushchev successful layout (real photos)
