Mind line. The direction of our thoughts. Palmistry for beginners: the meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand. Preliminary hand analysis

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Palmistry is one of the four directions of chirosophy, occult science who studies communication distinguishing features character of a person, his abilities, past, and probable future with the shape of the hand, fingers and lines on the palm, as well as palmar tubercles.

This divination system is considered one of the oldest on earth. Palmistry studies the meaning of lines in the palm of your hand, and it is available to study even for beginners. who want to comprehend the philosophy of man. With perseverance and patience, of course.

Palmistry as a science is not recognized by any serious scientific community. At the same time, there are three scientific directions for studying the hand in science: dermatoglyphics, chirognomy and palmistry. The first direction studies the relief lines on the palm and fingers, chirognomy and palmistry explores the shape of the hand and lines on the palm.

Some Interesting Facts about palmistry:

  • According to scientific research it has been proven that the formation of lines on the skin of the palms occurs in the embryo for a period of 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy.
  • There are 3 systems of palmistry: Eastern, Western and Indian.
  • Palmistry is currently taught at the National Indian University in Mumbai, as well as at the National Academy of Palmistry in Canada.
  • Captain Stanislas D'Arpentigny and Adolphe de Barol are considered the founders of modern palmistry. D'Arpentigny was the first to produce a system of classification of the palms and fingers, in 1843 he published his work entitled Chironomia. De Barol was more interested in the lines on the palms, his work, published in 1860, is called "Secrets of the Hand", which is still a success with palmists.

Practical palmistry

An experienced palmist will begin to study the hand first of all with its shape. According to the D'Arpentigny classification, hands are divided into the following types: primitive, practical, conical, mental, philosophical and mixed. Then comes the evaluation of the fingers - long, short and medium length.

Depending on the combination of the shape of the palm and the length of the fingers, the hands are divided into types corresponding to the natural elements: Fire, Air, Earth, Water.

The palmist also pays attention to whether the hands are soft or hard, smooth or rough, to the hairline on the back of the hand.

The interpretation of the lines of the palm begins with the main lines:

  • life line (in some people it is accompanied by a sister line);
  • mind line;
  • heart line;
  • line of fate;
  • lines of anxiety;
  • belt of Venus;
  • relationship lines;
  • lines of intuition.

Ideally, if the lines are perfectly distinguishable, have clarity, deep and without defects. In practice, there are often lines with defects or marks, which also have their own meaning. The so-called defects have their own classification: squares, lattices, islands, triangles, crosses.

Secondary lines serve as an addition to the main lines. Fingers are analyzed Special attention given to the thumb. In Indian palmistry, most often the analysis is performed primarily on the thumb. The relief pattern of the skin on the fingertip is not left without attention.

Thus, for a practicing palmist, every line, dash, any drawing is important for compiling a complete picture not only of a person’s personality, but also of his future, prospects, and opportunities.

Is it easy to comprehend this science?

A beginner palmist needs not only to read the manual and learn some basics, but also to practice a lot. The palmist is constantly learning and in search. Despite centuries of history, some questions still remain open. There are no identical hands. Even for one person, the pattern on the right and left hands has differences. Knowledge of palmistry is extensive, perhaps someone will not have enough of their whole life to comprehend this science.

Palmistry for beginners: principles and meanings of lines on the hand

About what steps in the study of the science of divination by hand should be done first and will be discussed in this article. Beginners in palmistry first need to learn how to determine the meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand as a result of a thorough analysis of the hands.

Palmistry has only 14 lines, of which: 6 are major, 8 are minor.

For beginners, it is important to know that in palmistry, in addition to the meanings of the lines in the palm, much attention is paid to which hand a person uses intuitively in the first place. In this case, the intuitive hand of a right-hander can be left and vice versa. You need to guess by an intuitive hand.

Note! For beginners, it is important to know that in palmistry, the meaning of the lines on the palms do not match on the right and left hands, therefore, for more successful fortune-telling, they choose the active hand, based on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed. If a person uses both hands equally, the right one is more suitable for fortune telling.

The main lines of fate and their meanings

In palmistry great importance have the main lines of Fate. Here is their list:

  1. Line of Head or Mind;
  2. Line of Life;
  3. Line of Fate;
  4. Line of the Heart;
  5. Line of the Sun;
  6. Line of Health.

The main lines of the hand that are most significant in palmistry.

Which female figures are most liked by men and why.

The meaning of the line of the Head (Mind)

The Uma line begins in the gap between the first phalanges of the large and index finger , crosses the palm in the direction of its edge.

Grade appearance the length and shape of the Mind line:

  • inquisitive mind, clear logical thinking possessed by people with a clear and long line of the Head. They have the talent of a leader, the ability to clearly see goals and defend their opinion, rationality, independence from outside influence.
  • Reaching the ribs of the palm the line of the Mind is characteristic of a selfish and prudent, stubborn and fearless person. Such people are talented in many areas of life, but tend to use their abilities exclusively for selfish purposes.
  • Reaching only the middle of the palm the line of the Head happens to people who are purely practical, who have solid supports in life, but, unfortunately, are almost devoid of imagination.
  • Line too short The head speaks of a lack of mental abilities, it can also indicate a short life span.
  • Having two lines The head speaks of mental abilities bordering on genius, as well as the high artistic sensitivity of nature.
  • Mind line clear and straight, which does not bend at the end, characterizes a person as an excellent organizer and leader, testifies to his poise and practicality.
  • Line termination The head is slightly bent down - a person tends to use his extraordinary mind for personal gain.
  • Gently curving down line Uma - a person is endowed with talents for art in the presence of such qualities as practicality. For such people, a favorite hobby and work are one and the same.

Note! The line of the Head in palmistry is one of the most important! Beginning interpreters of the meanings of the lines in the palm of your hand should first of all be analyzed.

Search for marks and signs on the Head line:

  1. clearly visible islets indicate that a person is in danger of a nervous breakdown from mental overload, threatening, including loss of reason.
  2. breaks indicate the likelihood of an accident associated with a head injury.
  3. quadrilateral carries the properties of a talisman.
  4. Star speaks of strengthening the work of the Mind or mental overload.
  5. teeth- the likelihood of head injuries throughout life.

The meaning of the line of Life

Also the most important line in palmistry. It originates between the thumb and forefinger, like the line of the Head, and flows down to the wrist, bending around the hill. thumb. Analyzing this line, they judge the duration and quality of a person's life, his character traits.

There is no exact mark of the date of death on the line of Life, it indicates the time allotted to a person, and illnesses, accidents or fatal injuries are judged by signs and intersections with other lines.

The appearance of the life line

The appearance of the line of Life can have different outlines and their meanings.

For example:

Signs on the line of Life

Also importance have signs on the line of Life.

They may be the following:

The meaning of the line of Fate

Passes towards the middle finger up the palm. From it you can find out the degree of luck of a person, success in business.

This value can be the following:

  • Straight all the way, a pronounced line of Fate. A person has a clear life position, he has purposefulness, is straightforward in actions and communication.
  • If there is no line of fate, or it is weakly expressed - such a person does not have a goal in life, he is haunted by failures.
  • Line of Fate starts in the middle of the palm- this speaks of difficult childhood and adolescence.
  • Paired line of Fate- a sign of good luck, such a person will succeed in several things at the same time.

One of the most frequent positions of the lines of Fate and Life.

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Signs on the line of Fate

You need to pay attention to the signs on the line of Fate.

Especially for these:

The meaning of the line of the Heart

It tells about a person's ability to love, be loved and about behavior in a couple. It also indicates the health of the heart.

Signs on the line of the Heart

There may also be signs on the line of the Heart.

  • breaks- changeable, overly demanding nature.
  • Crosses- failures in love.
  • Fork at the start- optimism, high level vital energy, stable attachment.

The meaning of the line of the Sun (Happiness)

Otherwise, this line is called the line of success, it is associated with a career in art and fame. Comes from ring finger down, in the direction of the line of Life.

Pay attention to the following:

  • The line of the Sun is clearly visible, it is long - fame and fortune await a person. If the line of the Sun is brighter than the line of Fate, the person will always be in the shadow of a more famous person, despite the presence of talent.
  • The sun line is missing with a clearly defined line of Fate - success will not bring happiness in life. These lines are typical for famous people not striving for glory.
  • Sun line branches off from the line of Life or crosses it - an indicator of artistic nature.
  • The line of the Sun crosses or starts from the line of the Heart - such people are not only endowed with talent and are able to fully realize themselves in art, but are also clothed with the fate of becoming public idols.

The sun line can be different length and location axis.

The line of the Sun can promise not only good fame if there is an indication on the hand of a person's tendency to aggression or harm.

Signs on the line of the Sun

There may be signs on the line of the Sun.

Pay attention to the following ones:

  • quadrilateral- protection of a good name.
  • Island- on the contrary - an encroachment on honor, loss of face.
  • Star at the end of the line great luck on the road to glory.

Health Line Meaning

It follows from the little finger down the palm. It tends to lengthen with age.

If the Health line is clearly visible in the palm of your hand, then it indicates the presence weaknesses in the human body in need of prevention and protection, it is mainly the digestive system.

Intersection with the line of Life - dangerous sign , means a critical health condition. If the line of Health extends in the direction of the line of Life, but does not intersect with it, this is a sign that a person has a depressive state and unreasonable irritability.

Beginners to practice palmistry - the science of reading the values ​​​​of lines in the palm of your hand, when assessing the line of health for a more accurate analysis, you should compare it with the line of the Head.

The Health Line can have a different shape and location axis.

Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  1. The Health line is available with a weak Head line. The deterioration of the health status of such people occurs on the basis of stress and mental overload.
  2. A clear line of the Head in the presence of a line of health. A person is able to control his condition and avoid overload.

Interesting fact! The fact that a person has good health is evidenced not by the presence, but by the absence of a health line. It is common for such people not to know any diseases until old age or to endure ailments easily, quickly recovering after.

Signs on the Health line

There may be signs on the Health line.

Pay attention to the following ones:

  • Islets. Risk of diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
  • quadrilateral protects against serious illness.
  • Links- the danger of nervous overexertion.

Minor lines of fate and their meanings

The meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand for beginners will become even simpler and more understandable after studying the secondary lines.

Here are the 6 main lines that palmistry points to:

  • Belt Venus;
  • Line marriage
  • Line children;
  • Line intuition;
  • Ring Solomon;
  • Ring Saturn;
  • Path sensuality;
  • lines wealth (money triangle).

Scheme of the main and additional lines in palmistry.

Belt of Venus

The line originating under index finger and extending to the ring or little finger.

The presence of the belt of Venus characterizes a person as extremely sensitive to other people, impressionable, emotional and quick-tempered. This is a man with a rich imagination, endowed with the ability to sympathize and striving to help people.

The absence of the belt of Venus indicates the secretive nature of man., on his ability to control emotions and not depend on other people.

Line of marriage (love)

Located on the edge of the palm under the little finger. testifies to long love relationships not necessarily leading to marriage. There may be several lines of marriage. By their depth and length, they judge the nature and duration of the relationship, as well as the strength of attachment to the partner.

Age dependency serious relationship from the location of the Marriage line.

Other lines on the hand will also affect the duration of the relationship; when calculating the timing, you should not be limited only to the length of the love line.

Line(s) of children

They branch off from the marriage line, are more common in women. By quantity, they determine how many children there will be in general and in a particular marriage. Miscarriages and abortions are also reflected in the palm of your hand in the form of lines of children. Clear deep lines mean boys, blurry lines mean girls.

line of intuition

Originates under the little finger. Often goes along with the health line. The presence of a line of intuition indicates a high sensitivity and susceptibility of nature, the presence of foresight abilities.

The Line of Intuition and the Ring of Solomon in the general palmistry scheme of the hand.

Ring of Solomon

A line in a semicircle under the index finger. A sign inherent in imperious natures, talented leaders, capable leaders, courageous, strong-willed and decisive.

Ring of Saturn

Mount of Saturn (Apollo) general scheme palmistry hills of the hand.

It is located on the hill of Saturn under the middle finger. Bad sign. Present on the hand of a gloomy and withdrawn person, a chronic loser. Such people live apart, do not strive for communication and are often immersed in thoughts about the frailty of existence. In the presence of the ring of Saturn, there is no line of the Sun.

Path of voluptuousness (line of lust)

Connects the hill of Venus with the hill of the Moon, looks like a loop. An unfavorable sign - the presence of the path of voluptuousness means a person has a craving for vices - drug addiction, alcoholism. The presence of a straight line of the Head on the hand weakens the influence of the line of lust - such a person keeps his weaknesses under control.
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Wealth lines (money triangle)

The money triangle is formed by the line of Fate, the Head and the third line connecting them. A clear, bright triangle indicates not only the presence of wealth, but also the presence of the ability to preserve and increase it. Broken triangle - the desire for waste, an unstable financial situation.

For some people, the Triangle of Wealth is very clear, as in this example.

The meaning of the intersection of the main lines and secondary

Any crossing of the main line means obstacles, unpleasant events or illnesses. If the intersection goes without breaking the main line, without changing its characteristics, this means another life lesson that a person needs to learn.

Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • Line break after crossing, a change in the depth and brightness of the line - the loss of the material and spiritual plane, significant changes, not always pleasant.
  • If the secondary line rests on the main one - a person is waiting for major troubles, mistakes, but he is given a chance to correct the situation.
  • Head and Heart lines crossed with strokes in the form of branches- it is necessary to find time to rethink life, reassess values.

To more accurately determine the meaning of the intersection of the lines, palmists use their relationship with the three zones of the hand that project the energy and aspirations of a person - his Spiritual, Mental and Material world.

The oldest way to determine the resources inherent in a person and the degree of their disclosure is palmistry. For beginner palmists, it is important to start studying with a complete and thorough knowledge of the meanings of the lines in the palm of your hand. This will allow you to better understand the difficult, nuanced, but incredibly interesting divination system.

Rare signs in palmistry

The interpretation of rare signs on the hand in palmistry has special meaning, because the details can say a lot about the past and future of a person, about his character and fate.

Cross on the palm The symbol on both hands speaks of intelligence and strong character. Crosses resembling the letter "X" speak of leadership qualities.
Triangle Signs on right hand palmistry explains how important events that are prepared for man by forces from above, on the left - as the fate of man. Figures on both palms - a person will be lucky in life.
Island sign They can talk about health problems or poor heredity.
A circle Circles are usually found on hills. The sign on the Mount of Apollo speaks of recognition and glory. On the hill of the Sun - about hard work, which will lead to wealth. On other hillocks, the symbol speaks of obstacles to success.
Spots Talk about a temporary illness or injury.
points These signs portend negative events. To find a point, you need to stretch the skin on one of the lines. The size of the dot indicates the severity of the problem or suffering.
Lattice Good human development in the area for which the hill on which they are located is responsible.
Square This symbol is considered two-faced. On the one hand, it is considered prosperous, protecting from troubles, and on the other hand, it restricts freedom, devastates a person, blocks development, and interferes with life.

From this video for beginners to learn palmistry you will learn Additional information about the meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand:

This master class for beginners will teach you the basic techniques of palmistry, confident reading of the lines on the palms and hand analysis:

Successful study of palmistry and auspicious signs on your hands!

In the center of the palm is the line of Mind (other names are Heads, Mentality). Palmistry pays special attention to this feature, because. its size, width and features of placement on the hand store information about the analytical abilities of the individual, as well as whether a person has managed to use innate talents, whether he has expanded his knowledge, skills and abilities throughout his life.

The meaning and location of the Uma line

The Mind line on the hand takes its origin from the same point on the edge of the palm as the line of Life, i.e. between the index and thumb, but very quickly they diverge. The line of the Mind tends to the hill of Mars under the thumb - this indicates that the person will confidently go through life, easily making important decisions, not stopping there and guided by his own mind, and not other people's prompts.

Often this feature is called the Ray of Light. The meaning of such a term is not difficult to understand - like light, the arc of the Head guides and leads a person through life. The symbol also gives information:

  • about the mindset and mentality;
  • about how well a person is able to dispose of the acquired knowledge and accumulated experience;
  • about whether a person is able to concentrate on the tasks set and achieve goals.

People who are far from palmistry believe that the long line of the Mind is an indicator of mental abilities, and a person with a short line can be called stupid. However, the symbol tells about the possibility of personal development throughout life, the ability to analyze and synthesize information, the ability to make important decisions. Owners of a clear Mind feature are prone to choosing professions that require increased attentiveness and scrupulousness: an accountant, analyst, economist, engineer. The sign also speaks of honesty, decency, creativity and talents.

Having studied the trait of the Head, one can understand how a person thought at different periods of his life, what mistakes he made, whether he is able to draw conclusions from the experience gained and how he perceives life in general.

Mind line length

To interpret the Mind line in palmistry, they consider first of all how long and straight it is:

  • People with a short trait do not strive for development and knowledge. These are very conservative, notorious, accustomed to think stereotyped individuals. They are dominated by moral principles instilled in childhood, old beliefs and wrong attitudes.
  • People with a long streak are very flexible in making decisions, they go beyond the ordinary all the time. This is a sign of thinkers and dreamers who do not obey general rules and are not afraid to go against conventional wisdom. They easily change their views, not obsessing over what others think of them.
  • People with a crooked Mind line on their hand are constantly evolving and changing throughout life. This is a sign of creative people, with a developed and non-standard imagination.
  • People with a short curved line, adhering to strict views and rules, still show a craving for out of the box thinking, developing imagination and constantly working on yourself.
  • People with a severely curved streak have a hard time finding mutual language are often impossible to understand.
  • People with a straight line are used to thinking traditionally, they are prone to excessive conservatism.
  • People with a broad streak like to think and reflect before making any decision. They need time to weigh the pros and cons.
  • People with a wavy line are very emotional, they often change their mood. Now they can be open and friendly, and the next minute become withdrawn and quick-tempered.

Sometimes the lines of the Head on the hands differ in size and shape. The left palm stores information about the natural inclinations of the individual, and the right palm - about life achievements and important decisions. Different lines of the Mind indicate that throughout his life a person used natural inclinations differently than intended.

The absence of the Mind line indicates laziness, lack of desire for development natural abilities. People who do not have a Head feature on their hand are prone to depression and nervous breakdowns, constant stress.

The end of the Uma line

When divining, it is also taken into account how the line of the Head on the hand ends:

  • The line runs in a straight line through the center - a person's life is governed by strict rules. He is disciplined and does not deviate from a pre-planned plan, has clear ideas of what he wants from fate.
  • The line at the end leans towards the base of the palm, towards the hill of the Moon - these are creative personalities for whom creative realization is very important. They often have problems with logic and information analysis.
  • The line has branches and signs on the hill of the Moon - a person has deviations in mental development. Such a person sometimes behaves inappropriately and painfully, is prone to emotional breakdowns, and sharply perceives criticism.
  • A line with a bend at the end towards the ring finger, towards the hill of the Sun (Apollo) - the person is in harmony with himself. He not only does what he loves, realizing his talent and enjoying it, but also knows how to make money on it. Such an individual does not have an internal crisis and dissatisfaction. Best of all, such personalities are realized in the field of art: singers, actors, writers, musicians.
  • A trait with a branching at the end in the form of a fork is a creative person with a pronounced talent (writing, playing music, drawing), but with analytical thinking. The internal energy of such people is divided into two equal streams: such people successfully combine creativity and a pragmatic approach to life. Sometimes it is very difficult for them to combine real world and fantasies.

Defects on the Mind line

Studying the entire palm, you should pay close attention to the divergent stripes from the Mind line. These are not just aesthetic defects - such symbols have a certain meaning:

  • Gap. This happens in two cases. The first is that a person has suffered a serious illness or brain injury. To confirm this assumption, it is necessary to carefully study the line of Life. The second case is a strong mental shock. You can check this by comparing the line of the Head and the Heart.
  • Separate features. The branches move towards the index finger, towards the hill of Jupiter - a sign that the person is in complete control of his own destiny, used to making decisions and taking responsibility. This is an excellent manager, businessman and leader. The lines cross the line of the Mind and bend towards the middle finger, towards the hill of Saturn - having made a mistake once, a person is careful in expressing his feelings and emotions. Lines running in the direction of the little finger, to the hill of Mercury - the person has an entrepreneurial vein, is prone to invention.
  • United signs of Mind and Life. The segment during which they are united is the period of the formation of a person with his own opinion and views. If the lines run parallel to each other and are not interrupted by other lines - the individual from birth knew how to defend his own opinion, was independent and independent, inclined to fast learning and immediate acquisition of new information.
  • Merging the line of the Head with the line of Life at the end. At a sufficiently adult age, a person will again become dependent on other people and stop making independent decisions. Both weak character and diseases can lead to such events, after which the individual is forced to live depending on his relatives.
  • Immediately 2 lines of the Head on the hand. The owner of the sign is a very educated person, a child prodigy. Such a person knows a lot foreign languages, well versed in mathematics, physics and chemistry, owns nanotechnology.

Signs on the Mind Line

The meaning of the signs on the palm that cross the line of the Head:

  • Star. Promises good luck - all undertakings will be accompanied by luck. Professional activity will develop successfully and family life which will positively affect the creative realization of the individual. The owner of a star on the line of the Head will never have to choose between money and creative self-realization.
  • Square. Symbol of protection Higher powers. A person has his own life purpose, which must be justified. Going through life, such an individual does not make mistakes, directing his mental strength to comprehend the new, constantly improving professional skills and abilities.
  • Ring. A sign of the creative realization of the personality - mental energy helps a person to reveal his talents. Such people very quickly achieve success in life.

Negative signs

The line of the Mind in the palm of your hand may have warning symbols. The stripes on the Uma line often indicate negative traits character: stinginess, greed, envy, inability to find a common language with other people - or events that lead to the fact that a person limits his horizons and mental activity, stopping in development.

Meaning of negative signs:

  • The island is stagnant, in a certain period of life a person began to think in a limited way, voluntarily putting himself in a framework, guided by stereotypes. Such people cannot occupy high positions, because they do not know how to manage and make decisions quickly, they do not want to take responsibility.
  • Asterisks - a person does not know what he wants from life, does not have clearly defined priorities and goals, does not use the inner potential inherent in nature.
  • Square - obsession, commitment to high ideals. The whole life of the owner of such a sign is subject to the embodiment of a super-idea. Trying to achieve the set goal, a person limits himself to rigid limits, completely forgetting about relatives and friends.
  • Point - due to severe trauma, the mental activity of the individual is impaired and mental energy is depleted.
  • Lattice - a person has not found his place in life. He rushes from one profession to another, trying to master a lot of knowledge, but does not know how to properly apply them in practice.


The line of the Mind is one of the main ones in palmistry. By studying it, you can understand what mental capacity given to man by nature, and how he will dispose of them: whether he will strive for improvement and realization creativity or prefer to go with the flow, not using the chances provided.

The direct line will also tell about the ability of the individual to go beyond the generally accepted norms and rules, preferring non-standard approach and creative solutions. Carefully study both palms, as well as all the symbols and dashes that are located on the Head line, since they have their own meaning.

The lines on the hand tell about the paths and roads that a person walks, about how he thinks, thinks, acts, loves, what decisions he makes, they talk about the mistakes he makes, the obstacles that he encounters on his way or created by himself, about his future.

The line of the head or the line of the mind begins between the thumb and forefinger, and runs through the entire palm to the hill of Mars. This line tells about the mind and intellect of a person, his ability to learn. Let's take a closer look at the line of the mind in the palm of your hand and understand what it means.

Lines on the hand

Mind line length

If the line of the head is long enough, then intellectual pursuits are relatively important for a person. They can find some practical application.

Very long mind line says that a person has a great mind, an open spirit, curiosity, understanding, tolerance. This is where intelligence plays an important role.

Short head line: lack of intelligence, lack of inclination to reflection, inattention, naivety, predilection for simplification.

Long and straight line of mind: direct, frank, clear, intelligent character. The ability to develop plans and projects, interest in culture, knowledge, the ability to concentrate one's attention, analyze actions.

Short and straight head line: cunning, enterprising spirit. lack of personal ideas and beliefs, which is compensated by the ability to share and accept the beliefs of other people.

Where does the mind line begin and where does it end?

If the line of the head starts from the hill of Mars: energetic character, faith in ideals, fighting spirit, a huge supply of energy, great opportunities, the need to bring what was planned to life, the struggle for one's beliefs, a love of discussion.

Starts from the hill of Venus: developed practical mind, in addition, intellectual pursuits aimed at pleasure, feelings and aesthetic sense.

Mind line on hand

Ends on the Hill of the Moon: rich imagination, developed intuition, inspiration, daydreaming.

Ends on the hill of Mars, a hill of psychic energy: a dream, inspiration, a brilliant mind, personal success due to fortitude, endurance and skill.

If the mind line ends with a triple fork: rich imagination, excellent ability for intellectual pursuits or financial activities, spiritual reflection, the desire to help people.

Mind line and life line

If at the beginning the line of the mind intersects with the line of life in a long section: mental abilities play the most important role, this person has more developed prudence than instinct, he is balanced, cautious, he has the ability for intellectual pursuits, but he needs approval and recognition, he is very sensitive to criticism.

On a short stretch: brilliant but superficial mind. a character subject to other people's influence, which is not noticeable from the outside, this person knows a lot and understands art, is polite, but he has few of his own thoughts.

life line on hand

If on the hand the line of the mind is slightly separated from the line in life at the beginning: a little naive, but benevolent character, interest in science, knowledge, study, ability to generalize, rich imagination, susceptibility to higher ideals and metaphysical problems.

If the head line does not intersect with the life line: enterprising, courageous, energetic, independent character This person acts more than he thinks. Ends with a branching, original character. This person loves to provoke others. Sometimes he turns out to be a rebel.

The line of the mind is one of the main ones by which palmists determine a person's ability to think and analyze. It is also called the "head line". If it is well studied and analyzed, then one can characterize the talents and inclinations of a person.

You will learn to guess by hand on your own.

It is located between the first two fingers and has one beginning with the line of Life. We are used to believing that our mental abilities are directly dependent on the length of the line of the mind, but palmists prove the opposite, and are ready to dispel these myths. All our mental qualities depend on other causes.

mind line- this is a sign that carries a flow of energy on which thinking depends. Depending on the length, one can judge whether a person thinks in a standard way or his thinking is unusual.

  • A short line indicates that a person is subject to stereotypes, his thoughts do not differ from most people; conservative thinking is his maximum.
  • Long characterizes a person who has a constant stream of thoughts in his head, they are not similar to each other. Such people are not inherent in living with one opinion.

Characteristics of the Uma line

The presence of curvature in the line

The sign of curvature is very important, because it can be used to characterize individual characteristics personality.

  • Usually a crooked line is found in the gifted, talented people endowed with unusual creative qualities.
  • Curvature is main feature, by which the level of intelligence is judged, the line itself speaks of the direction of thinking.

Short line with curvature

The owners of such lines are absorbed in traditions and stereotypes, but among all this they manage to find common sense and contradict the masses. These people are quite original, good ideas can come out of their mouths.

  • If the line of the mind has a sufficiently developed and strong curvature, then this indicates that their non-standard is so unusual that sometimes it is even insane. Due to the flow of their obsessive thoughts, they can behave intemperately and inadequately.
  • The presence of a straight line is characteristic of people who are not gifted with deep thinking - their thinking is so typical that it is always predictable.

The nature of the end of the line of mind

Do not confuse the slope and bend at the end of the line, because these are slightly different things.

When the line of the mind passes through the palm and reaches its final point, then it can end straight or make a bend.

  • If the line ends straight, then this is typical for people with logical thinking. This interpretation is due to the fact that the end of the line falls on the hill of Mars. Such people are dominated by conservative thinking, they are endowed with the ability to solve difficult problems.
  • At the end of the line on the hill of the Moon, the situation will be the opposite. The fantasies and eccentricities of such a person can be envied, because there are so many unusual solutions directed to the head. However, there is one small drawback - such people lack logic.
  • If you notice that the life line forks before the hill, then this indicates a person’s mental disorder. With such persons, it is necessary to behave very carefully, or any incorrectly spoken word can cause an attack of aggression.
  • If the line of mind is turned to the elevation of the Sun, then such people are endowed with creativity. Art comes to the fore for them; often such people are seen in the acting environment.

The formation at the end of the line of the mind of the Fork confuses palmists, since judgments about this sign vary:

  • some believe that a person is dominated by writing talent;
  • others are out-of-the-box creative thinking.

Everything will depend on whether the length of the branches and their direction are equal:

  • If they are the same, and one is directed to the Moon, and the other to Mercury, then this is undoubtedly a talented person. She can realize herself in any field, her energy and creativity excite and delight.
  • On the contrary, if the branches leading to the above hills are different in length, then such a person also has talent, but he is not destined to realize his plans.

Mind Line Width

wide line

  • People with such a line have a slightly retarded thinking, they do not quickly orient themselves in an extreme situation. However, if you give them time to think, they answer quite correctly and deliberately, they cannot be called stupid.

narrow line

  • Such individuals instantly respond to any question, solve the tasks assigned to them; but not always their speed leads to quality.

Line on the surface

  • Such a line is subject to people with reduced intelligence. Mental stress is heavy for them, people get tired of them very quickly.

deep line

  • This line is characteristic of gifted people - they are born intellectuals. Decide challenging tasks it is not difficult for them. Such individuals occupy high positions, are well versed in their specialty.

Sign formations on the Uma line

broken line

The interpretation of this situation may be different.

  • On the one hand, the cause of line breaks are disorders of the head and brain: possible injuries or other disorders.
  • On the other hand, love troubles that leave their imprint on the Mind line.

Therefore, palmists need to study and evaluate the situation very carefully in order to find out the cause of the violation of thinking.

Line break with overlap

There are 2 types of break:

  • the first type is characterized by the direction of the broken line towards the fingers;
  • for the second - to the palm.

If a gap is formed, then this indicates the personal problems of the individual, which prevent them from thinking rationally.
