How to make a Christmas tree fence with your own hands. How to install a ladder fence yourself. Wooden fence "Herringbone"

Herringbone - not a New Year's fence

Recently, a huge number of new building materials have appeared more and more, but the classics - wooden fences - always remain relevant. They fit into almost any style of site, and they are easy to repair and install. Outwardly attractive, such fences differ in the choice of finishes, patterns and a variety of designs. Wooden structures, if you look at the photographs and pictures, can be made in the most unusual versions: picket fence, lattice, wicker fence, checkerboard, etc. In combined structures, wood will ennoble any fence, adding natural beauty to it.

Features of the fence "Herringbone"

It is not always possible to install a ventilated and decorative fence. For example, if your house is located near a road, you will abandon the fences with gaps in favor of a blind fence, so it will be important for you to protect your building from road dust, car gases and noise. Such functions have a wooden herringbone fence, which can be used as a fence for a small country house, as well as a fence in a modern cottage, finished with siding panels. Outwardly, the "herringbone" resembles siding and is a variant of the double-sided front fencing.

You can see a typical Christmas tree fence in the photo:

Herringbone fence sections have a non-standard design: fastening boards with lintels in a horizontal position, overlapping and at an angle, makes the pattern of a wooden canvas look like steps.

Sections for the herringbone picket fence can be purchased at the factory (photo).

If you want to install a Christmas tree fence with your own hands, then the sections can also be done independently, connecting such “blinds” in your own way.

Fence Installation

A set of one section of the Yolochka fence can include 13 wooden panels measuring 140x20 mm, 2 special lintels made of wooden beams with a section of 40x60 mm.

The columns are selected for the main structure and can be made of various materials: wood, metal, brick. Most often, the support system is carried out using a steel profile pipe with a section of 60x60mm.

There is no particular preference in the height of the fence and the width of the board. But such a fence is good because it looks great on both sides. For the manufacture of such structures, boards of a horizontal picket fence 140 mm wide and 20 mm thick are taken. The board is installed one above the other with a slight slope. The canvas for spans in the form of a ladder is solid. If you need to make the ladder fence more attractive, then the metal posts are also sheathed with wooden materials.

The process of assembling the fence is shown in the video:

Sometimes wooden panels are laid horizontally, and special gaskets are installed between them. This addition makes the design purged. To complete the structure and to protect against precipitation, a wooden cornice plank is often installed over the edge of the spans. This makes the fence even more interesting.

This is what a cut board looks like

A Christmas tree fence can be made from several types of boards for construction:

  • Unedged - resembles a croaker, but its side edges are not sawn off or partially sawn off. This option is shown in the photo on the right.
  • Planed fence - suitable for all fences.
  • Decorative fence - looks spectacular with processed edges and ends.
  • Aged - has an original decor.

A beautiful wooden structure is often exposed to weather changes and environmental influences. Precipitation in the form of rain, insects, mold, rot can spoil the life of your building envelope.

When installing a ladder fence with your own hands, you should think about protecting your fence, for example, using various wood preservatives. An interesting fence is obtained, covered with paints and varnishes.

Wooden solid fence "Ladder" refers to impenetrable hedges. Its main element is well-dried boards of the appropriate size, treated with special means. Such a fence will not only become a beautiful addition to the house, but also has a number of practical advantages.

Externally, the type of installation resembles siding. Due to the fact that the boards are installed on top of each other, water and snow will not accumulate. Accordingly, the fence will be protected from decay and dampness.

Price from 1 300 rubles. / p.m.

In order for the future fence not to lose its aesthetic appearance, it is recommended to use 100 mm boards for its laying. They can be of several types:





To install the fence, steel profile pipes 60x80 mm are used, they are often replaced with supports made of wood, brick or concrete. They must be concreted into the ground to a depth of 1-1.5 m.

The running width between sections should be at least two meters and not more than three. The plating of the base starts from the bottom up. A well-dried and pre-treated with special means, the board is applied to the poles and the log in a horizontal position. They fix it from above and below with the help of self-tapping screws under the canvas, which does not spoil the appearance of the fence. And in this way, each layer of boards is overlapped, precisely fitting the end sides. Special covers are attached to the top of the posts.

Photos of fences "Ladder"

Brown wooden fence "Ladder"

The number of building materials and their variety is only growing every day, but the traditional wooden picket fence does not lose its relevance. It favorably emphasizes any style of the house and the site as a whole, and also does not cause much trouble during installation or repair, which is easy to do with your own hands. The fence-ladder deserved special love and trust.

It looks like a classic wooden ladder fence

Characteristics of the fence "ladder"

The installation of a ladder fence, of course, takes much more time than a simple classic version -.

An example of a "ladder" fence from an uncut board

However, this type of fencing has a number of advantages.

  • The horizontal arrangement of the overlapping boards does not allow water and snow to accumulate. This becomes another factor in protecting the fence from dampness and decay;
  • The design of the ladder (another name is herringbone) is a two-sided fence that looks like siding. So, an environmentally friendly analogue also becomes a profitable solution regarding monetary costs;
  • The ladder fence, due to the presence of holes, is also a blown version of the fence, due to which it becomes protected from external factors;
  • The dense construction protects private houses from road dust and dirt.

Finished flights of stairs resemble steps. To install a fence with your own hands, it is enough to connect the sections together.
Several types of boards are used for:

Do-it-yourself ladder fence installation

Initially, installation may seem like a rather complicated and incomprehensible process, but this type of wooden fence is easy to install on your own after a phased review of the design and the entire sequence of actions.

Fencing materials

The main component of the ladder is thoroughly dried material of suitable sizes, well. Too narrow boards will spoil the appearance of the fence and will not give the necessary decorative effect. It is also worthwhile to select load-bearing parts, which include veins and poles.

The original decor of the fence type Ladder

So, for the fence-ladder you will need:

  • Dry planed board, the desired dimensions of which are 25 x 120mm;
  • For jumpers - steel profile 60 x 20 mm;
  • Screwdriver, screws, tape measure and level;
  • Antiseptic solution for;
  • Coating paint or varnish.

It is quite possible to replace a pipe from a profile or, it’s just more convenient to attach logs to metal bases.

Site work

If the old wooden fence has fallen into disrepair, but the base is quite reusable, you can remove the old coating and install a new one. It is best to pre-strengthen loosened pillars and logs, eliminate warped frame elements and even replace unusable parts. and wait for it to dry completely.

Wood fencing installation process

To install a fence from the very foundation, the territory will have to be carefully prepared: cleaned of debris and grass, leveled the soil surface. The desired running width, as for any other wooden fence, should be at least two and no more than three meters. First, a place is marked for the most extreme supports, then the width of the run is laid off from the first support, followed by the next mark for the support - and so on until the last extreme pillar-support.

For a fence with turns from one end, a perpendicular is drawn and, then, the number of runs is measured in the same way.

At marking places. You can do this with the help of special equipment, or you can do it yourself. A drill will be a good help in this matter, which will not only speed up the process, but also make the recesses more accurate.
By the way! It is the soil and the height of the fence that indicate what the recesses should be. In weak soil, the pillars are embedded to a depth of at least one meter. The same goes for tall structures. For a small fence in dense soil, the posts are set at 80 cm.

In recent years, the fashion for wooden buildings has led to the fact that more and more developers are thinking that a metal fence may not be the best solution. In terms of durability, maybe yes, but in terms of aesthetics, it is inferior to wood. The wooden fence has somewhat lost its popularity due to its short life: wood, with constant exposure to the sun and water, quickly collapses. To increase the service life, the protective coating in the form of paint has to be constantly updated. With a large length, it takes a lot of time and requires a considerable amount of paint. This problem has become less acute, since the new antiseptics that have recently appeared can extend the life of the fence, and also guarantee the durability of staining for several years. The term is different - from 2-3 years, to 5-7. It depends on the type of antiseptic impregnation and the manufacturer, but finding "long-playing" ones is not difficult: in any more or less large store.

Moreover, these impregnations do not paint over the texture of the tree: all the veins are visible. They just change color, usually to a darker one. Such a fence made of wood looks solid and rich. Even a simple picket fence, and even a difficult one, even more so.

What is important is that you can put up a wooden fence with your own hands alone, if necessary, even without the involvement of assistants. Another important thing: a significant part of the work - the preparation of wood - can be carried out not on the spot, but, say, in a garage or workshop. And start it long before the start of construction. For example, from autumn to spring, and the construction itself should be started already when the weather is warm.

Wood is a very plastic material and the simplest thing can be done so that it looks like a work of art. This is true for fences as well. If you wish, you can make such a “candy”, which is a pleasure to look at. There are several designs of wooden fences.


The simplest is the picket fence. This is a set of edged boards or strips of the same, as a rule, width, which are nailed vertically to two or more transverse rails.

Scheme of a wooden fence made of vertically nailed boards - picket fence

The shape of the top may differ. A 90° floor cut is the easiest option, but far from the best, and not only in terms of aesthetics. The top of such a fence, even painted, is exposed to intense moisture, as a result, the coating in this place is destroyed first. And the wood pores in the perpendicular cut remain open. Rain, fog, melting snow / ice are absorbed by them, which leads to the destruction of wood. To avoid this, cut the tops not at 90 degrees, but at 45 degrees. If you look at such a board in profile, then the top will be beveled (see the figure below).

The distance between two adjacent fences is chosen according to your desire. You can make a solid fence, fitting one close to the other, you can make it translucent, leaving a gap of 1-2 cm, or you can make it completely transparent - with a large distance equal to the width of the boards or even more. Such options are popular for internal fences, which are more designed to separate zones and mark boundaries than to protect from something. For outdoor fences facing the street, they usually choose a solid installation, maybe with a very small distance so that the boards do not “swell” in wet weather.

Sawn tops add variety. They can be sharpened in different ways - with a rounded top, in the form of peaks, triangles, trapezoids. All this in different versions and combinations.

Rounded top - the most popular This is more of an openwork fence, but decorative - for sure Tops in the form of lilies - the fence will be beautiful Peaks and triangles - in combination and independently

Some even make truly works of art: a carved fence requires a lot of perseverance. The work is painstaking, but the result is worth it.

Carved fence slats - beauty Beauty - carved wooden fence

Make curly tops faster and easier with a template. Cut out a sample from a sheet of plywood, bring it to perfect condition. Then cut out all the rest according to this pattern. You can cut with a jigsaw or on a milling machine.

A jigsaw for such a case can be bought. All the same, even taking into account this expense item, it will turn out cheaper than buying ready-made carved pickets. The downside here is that it takes a lot of time, and the pickets turn out to be unequal: either the file will go a little to the right, then a little to the left. The edges then still have to be processed with sandpaper.

Buying a milling machine, if you don’t plan to use it later, is unprofitable. And those who already have one can buy cutters with a floating head and make a figured picket fence with it. The height of the cutting part of the cutter is equal to the thickness of the board that you will be processing, and the head rests against the template.

In both cases, you will have to somehow fix the template on the workpiece. This can be done with thin nails or by sticking double-sided tape on the template.

But if you approach the process creatively, then even from even thin planks you can make a beautiful wooden fence: nailing it at different angles.

The authors of this wooden fence made it even simpler: they only made the height non-linear, emphasizing the relief with a plank nailed on top. This, by the way, is the second way to significantly increase the life of a wooden fence - the plank blocks access for water to the most vulnerable open cross sections). Also, non-linearity is given by planks nailed to the surface in the form of frames, and the wood inside is painted in a lighter color. Agree, original.

Wooden fence "checkerboard" or "chess"

In fact, this is one of the subspecies of the picket fence. The boards are stuffed alternately on one side, then on the other side of the crossbar. It turns out an interesting three-dimensional view.

The principle of installing shtaketin in the fence "checkerboard" or "chess"

If you look at such a fence exactly opposite, it looks like a deaf one, if to the side, then at a certain angle some part of the yard will be visible through the gap. The degree of transparency is regulated by the entry of one bar after another. You can make it so that the visibility will be zero. For example, with a plank width of 10 cm, make the distance between them no more than 6 cm. Here, no matter how you look, nothing is visible. The disadvantage is the high consumption of wood. But the fences are very beautiful, especially in combination with brick or stone pillars and figuratively made tops.

Checkerboard on the plinth - such a fence looks gorgeous

They make horizontal fences from chessboards. But here you need to keep in mind that it is very convenient to climb on such a fence: boards are like steps. True, any fence is not such a serious obstacle. Rather, it is a protection from prying eyes than from serious assassination attempts.

Wooden fence - horizontal checkerboard

Such "chess" looks decent and solid. Pillars can be anything: metal, wood, stone, concrete. If metal poles are installed, they are made from a profiled thick-walled pipe (3 mm). Above ground level, on the front and back sides, they are sewn up with boards (to the pillars with bolts or self-tapping screws), which are larger than the width of the profile: they should protrude 3-6 cm on the sides. Thus, we get guides into which the boards are inserted. The boards are then fastened from the inside to the sheathing of the pillars.

Fence "Herringbone"

Another type of horizontal fence is called a herringbone. It is named so because the boards are stacked close to one another, and with an overlap on the one below. In profile, it looks like a Christmas tree, as children draw it.

Wooden fences "herringbone" create a continuous covering

It is more difficult to climb up such a fence. Please note that there is a protective visor on top. It protects the most vulnerable part of the fence, greatly extending its life, as well as pushing back the time for the next painting. After all, usually the top and bottom of the coating is the most damaged. From below, this fence is protected by a plinth, from above - by a visor.

Wooden fences "blinds"

They differ from those described above in that the boards do not adjoin one another. They are fixed at an angle, but with some clearance. This type of fence does not create a solid wall and the yard can be viewed, although this will require you to sit down or even lie down - depending on the angle of inclination.

A fence called "blinds" - looking at its device, you will understand why

This type of fence is very uneconomical - wood consumption is usually high. The assembly is also difficult: fasten a bar (corner) under each board or cut a notch in the post.

But with this construction, good ventilation of the site is ensured. This is important if the climate or terrain is humid. You can’t install a solid fence: there will be a puddle under it and the dirt in the yard will never dry out.

Wicker from the board - a beautiful fence

The fence made of boards bent between the pillars looks unusual. They are intertwined between the pillars like a traditional wattle fence. They only make it from long boards.

Fence "braid" from the board

Most often they are found in a horizontal version. There are fewer joints and bending long spans is easier.

There are also vertical braids. To give them a finished look, planks are nailed at the top and bottom - they both hold the edges of the boards and protect them from bad weather.

How to make such beauty, see the video. It's really easy, but it takes a lot of strength.

lattice fences

A wide variety of gratings are made from thin, and not very thin, slats: with different angles, frequency of slats, etc. These fences play a rather decorative role and are used either for indoor fencing - the waters of the thief, in the garden - or for the main entrance - to mark the borders, but not cover the beauty.

Fence made of wooden planks lattice "in a cage" Lattice fence made of boards - looks serious Double planks - such a lattice fence looks interesting

Photo of beautiful fences

You just wonder what beauty people can make from a piece of wood. Really beautiful. And some, while not very complex.

Maybe someone will be inspired by these photos of old wooden fences, they can be repeated ...

Disappearing beauty...

Trying to make your fence different from others and at the same time perfectly cope with the duties of a protective structure? Then we are ready to offer such first-class and reliable products as a wooden herringbone fence.

Wooden fence herringbone: product advantages

Wooden products have always been in great demand in Russia. This is due to the fact that they are produced from a natural material that is able to unwaveringly endure all sorts of mechanical and atmospheric influences. The massif of a tree unsurpassedly fits into any landscape design. If required, it can be painted in any color.

To other positive qualities of our wooden products, which include a wooden fence herringbone, you can add:

  • a huge selection of design solutions,
  • excellent level of protection
  • quality control at every stage of production,
  • strong fixation of the structure,
  • variety of design solutions.

Collaboration Benefits

For 25 years, Smel-LTD has been specializing in the manufacture of wood fences and other types of fencing. On the site resource you will be able to get acquainted with examples of our work or get advice from professional staff. We will help you to find a solid wood fence or gate, taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, so that they can serve as a protective structure for as long as possible.

We sell wood products made from selected wood with the possibility of processing with protective impregnations. For a strong fixation of the structure, our employees use durable steel corners.

By ordering from Smel-LTD, you will receive a durable construction that will protect and decorate your property at the same time!
