Construction of a country house from wood concrete. Do-it-yourself wood concrete house. Who will build my house

A house made of wood concrete is built quite often - many people prefer this material. However, such a building has both advantages and disadvantages.

The article tells how to build a house from wood concrete and reviews about it.

More information about wood concrete

That is why experts are trying to improve building materials as much as possible in order to strengthen the house and make it more reliable.

Nowadays, the majority prefer wood concrete, and only a few build buildings from brick and concrete.

This is explained by the fact that the last two materials transmit sounds very well and retain heat less well. This, of course, can be corrected, but additional insulation will take extra time and money.

That is why many people advise building from wood concrete. This material invented in the last century.

Wood concrete consists of a base made from wood chips; it also contains cement, which helps hold it all together.

If you add some more substances to the material, the mixture will become similar to foam concrete or stone. Very often, mineral solutions are added to wood concrete to strengthen it.

The result is that due to large quantities The wood chip material does not allow outside sounds to pass through, and this effect can be achieved even without additional finishing.

If you also apply plaster to the walls, the sound insulation becomes better. In addition, the material retains heat very well and does not allow cold air to enter the room. During the warm season, the house will keep cool.

Arbolite can last a very long time, which is another plus.

Besides, arbolite walls can withstand very heavy loads, so houses from such material can be built with two or three floors.

The long service life of wood concrete is explained by the absence of substances in the composition that can cause rotting.

The building material is not flammable. At the same time, wood concrete “breathes” well due to its porous texture and prevents the occurrence of moisture, so the house will not be stuffy.

It is also worth noting the low weight of the material, thanks to which you can not use expensive equipment and create a very strong foundation.

It should be noted that there is no possible subsidence of the structure. An example is a wall made of foam concrete, which weighs 3 times more than a wood concrete structure of the same size. Compared to brick wall, then it is 8 times heavier than wood concrete.

In addition, you can do almost anything with the material - putty, plaster, etc. This is possible thanks to the good adhesive properties of the composition.

In addition, wood concrete is absolutely not capricious - it can be used to build houses on any soil. For example, in Antarctica, polar bases are built precisely from this material.

However, wood concrete also has its drawbacks. For example, the parameters of blocks cannot be measured exactly.

Because of this, it is necessary to significantly increase the thickness of the seams, which can lead to freezing of the masonry. There may be excessive consumption of materials, and the construction time is long.

Another disadvantage of wood concrete lies in the high cost of installation, since for it you need to use perlite solution, which will cost much more.

In addition, another disadvantage is the price of the material itself. As a rule, it is higher than that of foam concrete.

This is explained by the fact that wood concrete is made mainly by hand - there is very little automation in enterprises. Because of this, production volumes are small, which affects the price.

Although the material can be combined with almost anything, it is advisable to choose finishing solutions that allow air to pass through.

In general, houses made of wood concrete have their pros and cons. But despite this, reviews from home owners are mostly positive.

Construction from monolithic wood concrete

Arbolite can be of two types - monolithic and in the form of blocks. The first option has some advantages due to which it is chosen especially often.

Firstly, a house made of monolithic wood concrete is more durable - it does not react to soil shifts and will stand even during a small earthquake.

In addition, the construction of a house of this type does not involve the use of seams, which improves the quality of thermal insulation.

Another plus is that construction can be carried out almost at any time of the year, this will not affect the material and masonry in any way.

Reviews say that building houses from monolithic wood concrete takes very little time, while the costs are very low.

It should also be noted that the shrinkage of the structure will occur gradually, which will prevent damage to the walls.

At the same time, the foundation of the house can be made using absolutely any formwork. Thanks to this, the construction can be completed very quickly, and the housing will be warm.

In addition, you can build such a house from wood concrete with your own hands much easier and faster. This is explained by the lightness of the material.

However, monolithic house There are also some disadvantages. For example, for construction you need to use special equipment for pouring formwork.

If the formwork is permanent, then you will have to do additional ventilation. So the construction of houses made of monolithic wood concrete must be approached very seriously, otherwise everything will positive traits material will disappear.

Despite the disadvantages of the material, many people build a monolithic wood concrete house. This is explained by the fact that the structure is strong and durable. In addition, it is environmentally friendly.

Before construction, it is necessary to have projects of wood concrete houses ready. It is necessary to decide whether ground floor– this determines what kind of foundation should be made.

It is necessary to purchase formwork and scaffolding - this necessary tools during construction. You can use both removable and permanent formwork.

You also need to take into account that you will have to take additional equipment to pour concrete into the foundation for a house made of wood concrete.

If you plan to build a base, then it needs to be made 50 cm above the blind area so that water does not get on the wood concrete. Experts recommend choosing brick for building a basement.

You also need to remember that the wood concrete mass must be poured 30 cm into the formwork, and then leveled. After 4-5 days, the foundation form can be removed; if the structure is not removable, then you can simply continue construction.

For wood concrete house It is better to make walls at least 60 cm thick. If the formwork is made of boards, then their thickness should be approximately 5 cm.

In general, building a wood concrete house is not that difficult; you just need to be careful and attentive.

Block house made of wood concrete

The construction of a house from arbolite blocks can be carried out on absolutely any terrain.

This is explained by the fact that the blocks are very plastic, so if the base of the building begins to settle, the walls will not crack.

The foundation for a house made of wood concrete of this type can be the simplest. However, at the same time, the structure should not have more than 2 floors.

Usually arbolite blocks used for the construction of garages, bathhouses, etc. The thickness of the walls made of blocks should be about 40 cm.

Typically, waterproofing material is placed between the walls and the base of the house.

Another advantage is that the blocks are quite cheap. However, the cost of construction will be influenced by the parameters of the house and the finishing material.

The technology of construction from this building material is not very complicated. First you need to remember that for construction you should use a stone-cutting saw to adjust the parameters of the blocks.

As with any house, construction begins with laying the foundation. Experts advise making a strip, slab or monolithic base for a block structure.

However, in some cases it is permissible to build a mixed foundation. Since arbolite blocks are lightweight, it is possible to build a shallow foundation.

Most often they choose for construction slab foundation, because you can save a lot on it. It requires less cement, because... most trenches are occupied by blocks. If such a base is chosen, then it should be made as high as possible.

Before construction, you should decide where the communication wires will run. This needs to be reflected in the designs of houses made of arbolite blocks.

After the owner has decided on the laying of the wires, he should proceed to creating the base. Most often, brick or concrete is chosen for it. In addition, you need to think about ventilation.

Floor beams are laid above the final row of blocks.

Since wood concrete has some features, the structure almost does not shrink, so after construction is completed, you can finish the house from wood concrete. For this you can use any materials.

Usually in calculation program you need to enter the parameters of the walls, the sizes of window and door openings.

As a result, you can get the required number of blocks that are needed for construction.

Block type wood concrete has its own characteristics. For example, masonry should begin from the corner of the structure. In addition, you need to make sure that the side with the hole near the block is located towards the bottom.

In general, the process of laying wood concrete blocks is similar to brickwork.

Most often, laying occurs using a solution of sand and cement. The ratio of cement to sand should be 1 to 2.

In some cases, they use construction foam or special glue for aerated concrete blocks.

As a rule, the first option is more expensive, but also of higher quality - the grip will be stronger and you can save a lot of time.

Before laying out the blocks, a concrete core is installed, which passes through the voids of the material. Some also reinforce the masonry with mesh every two rows.

Building a house from wood concrete is not as difficult as it seems, you just need to do the calculations correctly.

Comparison of wood concrete with other materials

Some people doubt whether it is worth building a house from wood concrete with their own hands. Currently, the choice of building materials is very rich - you can find something cheaper or more expensive.

But many people still try to consider everything possible options before you start building a wood concrete house with your own hands.

For most, not only the strength of the material is important, but also its safety, composition and thermal insulation properties. In addition, it is necessary that construction takes as little time as possible.

Most often people choose between wood concrete and gas silicate blocks. When choosing, you should take into account that gas silicate blocks contain concrete.

In addition, the material is difficult to work with; you need to strictly follow the laying technology. You also need to remember that building from gas silicate blocks differs from building a house from wood concrete in that in the first case it is necessary to do brick cladding.

This increases the weight of the entire structure, so it is necessary to build a strong foundation, and this, in turn, leads to additional costs.

Many more choose between wood concrete and wood. The tree is known and understood by many, so it is often used.

In addition, it is environmentally friendly and creates a good indoor microclimate. However, wooden materials has its downsides.

Firstly, construction time increases significantly, and the structure easily catches fire.

In addition, after completion of construction you need to wait about a year for the constructed house to settle down. You should also not forget that wooden housing must be coated with antiseptics.

Before you say: “We’re building a house from this material,” you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons and study the construction technology.

It is necessary that the selected material suits all residents and is suitable for the type of soil and climate.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

Detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all necessary steps and technologies for the construction of foundations, walls and roofs.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do the deadlines depend on?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. We do not involve contractors.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like in this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

Wood concrete is a special type of concrete - with wood chips. The walls of houses made from this material are strong, warm and light; the minimal load on the foundation allows work to be carried out in the shortest possible time (from 2 months, including plastering the surface). Wood concrete blocks weigh little, lifting equipment is not needed, all stages of construction can be done on our own. The main requirements of the technology are: waterproofing the foundation and the need for protective plastering of the walls immediately after the construction of the house.

Regulatory guidance describing general technical specifications Products made from wood concrete comply with GOST 19222-84. About 80–90% of the composition contains cellulose ( wood chips, flax processing waste), it also contains high-strength cement, fungifying and strengthening additives. The material has a porous structure and has good sound insulation and thermal insulation properties, it is environmentally friendly and is not afraid of biological influences. The standard thickness of the walls of a house is 30 cm (corresponding in thermal conductivity to 1.5 m of brickwork), the basic investments during construction relate to the arrangement of the foundation. Use columnar, strip or shallow type.

Arbolite is a plastic material, and as a result, it is suitable for erecting a building on any soil, including moving soil; the walls do not crack even if the foundation is skewed. Recommended scope of application: residential and industrial building(fire resistance allows this), garages, bathhouses. Due to significant porosity, height restrictions apply: building codes allow the construction of a house made of wood concrete up to 2 floors (ideally no more than 7 m), preference is given to mansard buildings. The main advantage of the technology is the low cost of construction; costs depend solely on the area and finishing materials.

Step by step guide for building a house

The main emphasis is on the selection and arrangement of a reliable and high building foundation. Standard step-by-step instruction building a house with your own hands includes:

  • Preparing the site, laying the foundation with simultaneous laying of communications.
  • Filling of armored belt, waterproofing work.
  • Construction of the ground floor.
  • Masonry load-bearing walls And internal partitions.
  • Arrangement of the ventilation duct.
  • Laying the floor and erecting a second or attic floor during construction one-story house- roofing.
  • Cladding: facades and interior walls.

1. Arrangement of the foundation and armored belt.

The significant bending strength of wood concrete allows you to choose any type of base; the use of shallow tiled base is allowed. The main thing is to raise the foundation as high as possible. A full range of waterproofing work is carried out: backfilling the cushion, spreading rolls of roofing material and coating the foundation walls. It is important to efficiently compact the drainage layer of sand; for this purpose, a vibrating rammer is used.

On at this stage The pipes are laid and only after that the reinforcing tape is laid. To fill the armored belt, high-strength concrete and metal grid with a cell size of no more than 150×150 mm, with a diameter of 10 mm. The recommended tape thickness is at least 30 cm.

2. Installation of blocks.

The process of building a house made of wood concrete begins from a corner, the technology is similar brickwork. The blocks are placed with the holes down and adjusted to the level as the work progresses. Used as a masonry mixture cement-sand mortar in proportions 1:2, polyurethane foam(dear, but effective method) or special glue. Reinforcement of the structure is a prerequisite. Ideal scheme: reinforcing mesh through 2 rows and installation of reinforced concrete cores through the vertical slots of the blocks.

At the stage of construction of internal partitions, it is installed ventilation duct from pre-filled elements made of cement-sand mortar. Due to the high absorption properties of wood concrete, it is important to wet or use wet blocks, otherwise they will begin to absorb moisture, which will affect the quality of the masonry. As a ceiling between floors or attic space it is recommended to choose concrete seamless slabs, installation allowed cement screed.

3. Roofing and finishing works.

Upon completion of the masonry, wooden beams treated with an antiseptic are placed above the last row of blocks. For rafter system regular ones will do edged boards. It is allowed to begin cladding the facade immediately after the construction of the walls, but it is advisable to wait until the end roofing works. Suitable for exterior decoration: siding, brick, lining, wood, facade paint, plaster, an important condition When choosing a material, its adhesion and resistance to moisture are important. For interior decoration, any options are purchased with the only requirement - maintaining the humidity level inside the building within 75%.

The main reason for choosing this building material is its insulating properties due to its porous structure. This is evidenced by reviews from residents about houses built from wood concrete, in particular - there is a general decrease in energy consumption for heating. But porosity has a downside - significant water absorption. For this reason, wood concrete cannot be used in rooms with high humidity without reliable waterproofing, also the material is not suitable for use in environments with aggressive gases.

To obtain high-quality construction and prevent destruction, it is recommended:

  • Build the foundation as high as possible to ground level.
  • Lay the blocks according to outside armored belt as additional reinforcement.
  • Provide a brick backing up to 50 cm thick.
  • Lay the blocks using the breaking joint method (using wooden planks) to eliminate cold bridges. It is advisable to use a special masonry mixture or introduce expanded perlite into the cement-sand mortar.
  • Choose materials with high adhesion for wall decoration; decorative concrete is considered optimal.
  • Wet the blocks before laying (to prevent the wood concrete from absorbing moisture from the solution).

There is another way - building a house from monolithic wood concrete (like a sliding or removable formwork), the thickness of the walls is selected taking into account climatic conditions region. In this case, the solution is prepared directly on the construction site; there are no cold bridges. Despite all the advantages of this option, it is not recommended to use it to build a house with your own hands due to high requirements to the quality of the composition, mixing and compaction of the mixture (you can’t do without special equipment).

Possible mistakes

Incorrectly made masonry mortar is considered a gross violation of technology; a house built from wood concrete will be warm only in the absence of cold bridges. When using purchased adhesive for blocks, it is better to check the instructions: the composition must comply with building installation standards and have thermal insulation additives.

It is strictly forbidden to lay wood concrete in the ground; the foundation is made of concrete not lower than M300. In this case, the laying of communications is done simultaneously with the construction of the base; it is important to think through their placement scheme in advance (make additional holes coated with waterproofing foundation slabs highly undesirable).

Turnkey house prices

When contacting construction companies, costs depend on the choice of equipment and price class (economy, standard or premium). On average, 1 m2 of construction of a regular box costs 12,000 rubles; when handing it over on a turn-key basis (laying communications, laying the roof, inserting double-glazed windows, plastering internal walls and facades, waterproofing and filling the floor), the price of the basic set increases by 7,000 rubles. The minimum cost of 1 m2 when choosing a standard class is 15,000–24,000 rubles.

When building a turnkey house from premium wood concrete blocks, the initial price per 1 m2 is 45,000 rubles. Costs increase mainly due to the use of more expensive building materials and the implementation of unique design solutions. Many construction companies have flexible discount systems (starting from 100–120 m2).

Often consumers choose Alternative option: order a diagram and design documentation from specialists (the price for such a service rarely exceeds 200 rubles per 1 m2) and build a house from wood concrete with your own hands. The advantage of this method is not only cost savings, but also quick coordination and approval of the project.

Arbolit – perfect material for the construction of small-sized housing.

Small-scale refers to a single-family home rather than a multi-unit structure.

In addition to building blocks, it is used to create thermal insulation materials.

Due to the fact that it is lightweight, it is recommended to use it in areas where there is a danger of earthquakes.

We want to tell you what wood concrete is and show what it is capable of.

History of creation

The idea of ​​wood concrete is as old as construction itself. In Asia, since time immemorial, a mixture of chopped cane, straw and clay, called adobe, in the form of bricks or blocks, has been used to build small houses. In dry areas, even under winds and frosts (and in the desert it is very cold in winter), houses made of adobe have been standing for several centuries.

Arbolite was invented in the thirties and forties, officially approved as construction material in the 60s. Put into mass production as a variant lightweight concrete

, has been used in the construction of many buildings in the residential sector. They are perfectly preserved and are still in use today.


The basis of wood concrete is wood chips and shavings. According to GOST 19 222 84, the content of wooden components is 80% of the total volume.

It is best to obtain wood chips by mechanically crushing them into pieces no longer than 2.5 cm.

Binding materials are M500 cement, sand and water.

Some manufacturers add coagulants to the mixture, which increases plasticity. As the volume of wood increases, concrete becomes lighter and can be used as...

Installation method Installation of wood concrete walls is very simple and quick. In terms of labor costs, it is comparable to masonry made of foam concrete, but 3-4 times faster.

The blocks are laid on ordinary cement-sand or perlite mortar. Due to the large size of the blocks, additional reinforcement of the masonry is only recommended by technology. This can lead to freezing of the seam. You can lay reinforcement in specially sawn cuts.

Characteristics Wood concrete is superior to wood in its ability to retain heat. A 30 cm thick wood concrete wall corresponds to a 60-70 cm thick brick wall. The material breathes much more better than wood

thanks to its fine-mesh structure. The shrinkage of wood concrete is 0.4% (for wood up to 10%), the mechanical resistance to bending is not inferior to wood. It practically does not burn, and if it is specially set on fire, it smolders a little on the outside and immediately stops.

Companies building houses from wood concrete Thanks to your wonderful Wood concrete is again becoming in demand in the market for the construction of individual housing. We invite you to get acquainted with some of the offers and areas. Are the offered wood concrete houses affordable for you?

We specifically chose the budget housing segment. Call wood concrete the most inexpensive material It’s impossible, the production technology is not cheap. But if we consider the cost of masonry per 1 sq. meter of wall, with finishing decorative bricks, then it comes out cheaper than walls made of brick or ceramic blocks by 50%. And the tree turns out to be 2 times more expensive.

Turnkey construction can only be carried out by companies with extensive experience and a team of specialists in all fields. Natural selection allows success only for those whose reputation and price-quality ratio are better than those of their competitors.

When choosing a future contractor, you can and should find out as much as possible about his previous projects. So we recommend that you do not hesitate to search for reliable information. Contact the owners of housing built by the selected contractor. Builders should take pride in their projects, so finding addresses is easy.

Woodhousegroup company

He proposes to build a house from wood concrete in the “ready to finish” configuration. The site presents ready-made projects, among which we found one suitable for making an approximate calculation of the cost of work and materials.

The project of a one-and-a-half-story cottage (the second floor is designed as an attic) is called “Ecohouse-1.” The total area of ​​the house is 101 sq. m. meter. Internal layout the customer can discuss with the contractor.

Basic equipment is priced at 2,121,000 rubles. It includes:

  1. Foundation (screw piles 150 mm with a reinforced grillage of 0.5 m) on a compacted sand bed of 0.3 m. Excavation work to excavate and move soil is included in the price. Terminals for communications and a grounding loop are laid, and bitumen waterproofing.
  2. External walls from arbolite blocks 500x200x400 mm, laid on perlite mortar. Ceiling height 2.8 m (excluding armored belt). Window and door lintels are reinforced concrete insulated.
  3. Internal walls made of wood concrete 500x200x300 mm.
  4. Exterior finishing made with tiles under fake diamond and plaster.
  5. First floor covering
  6. Roof(wooden lathing made of timber 50x200 mm, laid between the rafters mineral wool insulation, soaked fire retardant compounds, vapor barrier from roll materials, metal tiles).
  7. Window from metal-plastic profile at the customer's choice. Insulated metal door with a safe lock.

All costs for delivery and storage of materials and accommodation for builders during the work are included in the cost of construction.

All other work to bring the house to a turnkey state can be estimated according to the standards generally accepted among professionals at 25–30% of the cost of the “finish-out” package.

Certainly, modern market provides materials of any cost, but we will be rational. Plastic windows, heated floors, good heating systems with automatic adjustment, internal fine finishing walls and ceilings - everything can be realized at a reasonable price. That's why general expenses will amount to approximately 2,600,000 rubles.

Arbolitstroykomplekt company

Produces a full range of construction services. Wood concrete production is another component that allows us to successfully compete with other contractors. Provides a guarantee on all work performed for a period of at least 5 years.

House projects are developed taking into account the wishes of the customer. The size of the box and design are taken as a basis, and that is enough. Therefore, the customer can focus on average prices individual elements the buildings. The company offers for 14,000 rubles. per sq. meter to build the basic equipment of the house.

When calculating the cost of a house basic configuration we chose a total area of ​​135 sq. meters. The virtual project will only have a heated area; there will be no veranda or other cold rooms.

Construction of a house according to the selected dimensions will cost approximately 1,890,000 rubles. The building will consist of a common thermal circuit. Here is the scope of work performed by the company:

  1. Foundation(bored piles 150 mm to a depth of 2 m with a reinforced grillage 0.4x0.4 m), M300 concrete, A12 reinforcement, compacted sand bedding 0.3 m. All work on excavation and movement of soil. Connections for communications and grounding circuit, bitumen waterproofing of the foundation.
  2. External walls from arbolite blocks 500x250x300 mm, laid on cement-sand mortar. Ceiling height 2.8 m (excluding armored belt). Special wood concrete blocks with a U-shaped profile are mounted in window and door lintels, inside which reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured.
  3. Internal walls made of wood concrete 500x200x250 mm.
  4. Interfloor ceilings on wooden beams 100x200 mm, fire- and bio-protected.
  5. Roof(double lathing made of planed boards 50x200 mm, laid between the rafters with mineral wool insulation, impregnated with fire retardants, vapor barrier made of rolled materials, metal tiles).
  6. Window made of REHAU metal-plastic profile and double-glazed windows. Reinforced door with good lock.

Exterior decoration in basic kit Excluded. Let's round up 30% of the cost for finishing and in the end we get about 2,500,000 rubles.

Arbostroy company

It has been producing wood concrete since 2006. The configurations of the houses it produces are combined into the “Standard” and “Comfort” groups. When ordering a house with a total area of ​​150 sq. meters, the company guarantees the completion of work for 16,500 rubles per sq. m. meter. The customer chooses the layout.

For 2,475,000 rubles, the company will build a one-and-a-half-story cottage in the “Comfort” set (the second floor is an attic). All other work up to turnkey condition can be ordered for an additional fee.

The finishing package includes:

  1. Foundation(monolithic reinforced slab 0.15 m with monolithic tape 0.3x0.6 m). A thermal contour made of wood concrete is laid around the perimeter of the fill. Compacted sand cushion 0.3 m. Ground loop from metal corner L=63, communication terminals and everything excavation are included in the cost of the work.
  2. External walls from arbolite blocks 500x250x400 mm, laid on warm solution(cement-sand-perlite). Ceiling height 2.75 m (excluding reinforced belt). Window and door lintels are reinforced concrete, insulated with wood concrete.
  3. Internal walls made of wood concrete 500x250x200 mm.
  4. First floor covering from reinforced reinforced concrete slabs, second floor - by wooden beams 100x200 mm.
  5. Roof(wooden sheathing made of 50x200 mm timber, laid between the rafters with mineral wool insulation, impregnated with fire retardants, vapor barrier made from rolled materials, plywood layer treated with a hydrophobic compound, bitumen shingles Kerabit, color of your choice).

To bring the house to a ready-to-move-in condition, another 700,000 rubles will be required.

On initial stage It is important to choose the right material, considering all possible options. Instead of brick and concrete, wooden beams Arbolite arrived, which is a mixture of high-grade cement and wood chips. It is in no way inferior, and in some respects even superior to traditional options.

It is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of wood concrete. Any type of base can be adopted, since even with significant shrinkage, due to the high strength and ability of the blocks to withstand bending loads, the walls of the building do not crack. It is possible to use a foundation, the construction of which will be the most profitable and appropriate in specific conditions, the most suitable design is tape.

Arbolite has high moisture permeability, therefore waterproofing is required using the following technology:

  • the elevation of the foundation above ground level is not less than 0.5 m;
  • A brick substrate is made to the same height, absorbing moisture.

2. Laying walls.

The technology is practically no different from the scheme for working with brick or foam concrete, except that the blocks are capable of absorbing moisture from the mortar. Therefore, in order to avoid “drying out” the joints, the wood concrete is moistened in advance.

The laying of rows begins from the corners, checking with a level possible deviations, the material is easy to process. The thickness of the seam is taken from 10 to 30 mm depending on the geometry of the elements and the number of storeys of the building.

The solution is applied along the edges of the previous row. An air thermal gap is created, compensated by thermal conductivity cement-sand mixture. Additional insulation of masonry is often used using wooden slats or polystyrene foam tape. This gasket creates a gap in the seam, eliminating the occurrence of cold bridges.

The optimal thickness of the walls of a house is 30 cm. For a two-story dwelling - at least 40, since the loads on the lower rows of wood concrete increase. Subject to brick cladding either internal or external additional insulation It is allowed to accept a thickness of load-bearing walls of 20 cm.

It is necessary to stiffen the walls by reinforcing them with a polymer mesh or steel rods treated with an anti-corrosion compound. The corners of the building, door and window openings, and junctions of external walls are subject to reinforcement. For houses built from wood concrete, it is not necessary to strengthen the masonry, but many, to be on the safe side, place a mesh every 3-4 rows. You can read reviews from developers.

The blocks are laid in a checkerboard pattern, which ensures high reliability of adhesion of the elements to each other.

The guidelines for working with wood concrete indicate the need to lay out no more than three rows at a time. Then take a daily break to allow the solution to dry. It is for this reason that internal walls are often erected together with external ones. To speed up the strength gain of cement and reduce construction time, various additives are introduced into the composition.

3. External and internal finishing.

The surface is rough, which ensures reliable adhesion of the material and the rough plaster mixture, additional processing of walls is excluded. The facade of a house made of monolithic wood concrete or block can also be painted with acrylic urethane paint.

At exterior decoration It is advisable to use products that have reliable adhesion to wood concrete. If the plane is not level enough, a device is allowed wooden sheathing. The method of decorating interior walls with your own hands is chosen by anyone. The humidity level in the room during work should not exceed 75%

4. Roof.

It is important to correctly calculate the loads and distribute them on the walls, the thickness of which must be sufficient to ensure the reliability and stability of the roof. The easiest way is to arrange a reinforced screed from cement mortar.

Nuances of construction

When building a house from wood concrete with your own hands, it is important to study the manual and follow several simple tips. The thermal properties of wood concrete are fully revealed in the absence of cold bridges, leading to significant heat losses. To eliminate them on your own, we use the technology of breaking the seams by laying wooden slats.

To prevent the absorption of moisture in the solution, moisten the surface of the blocks with water or place them on material that is not completely dried. This problem can be solved using a mixture of liquid consistency.

The use of wood concrete requires mandatory finishing. If it is necessary to use the products non-standard sizes It is advisable to process them on site. This will reduce costs and significantly reduce time.

Some nuances:

  • due to high hygroscopicity, it requires a waterproofing device;
  • construction of a plinth with a height of 500-600 mm;
  • to protect against water drainage, the roof is moved beyond the walls by 300-500 mm;
  • for rooms with high humidity it is necessary to perform high-quality vapor barrier;
  • heat-insulating blocks with low density can be selected only for one-story houses, with a higher number of storeys, the use of construction material, capable of supporting the weight of floor slabs and upper floors;
  • wood concrete does not combine well with ordinary concrete, so when joining, special ingredients are added to the solution to speed up the setting of the cement, or wooden planks are used as a spacer between the surfaces;
  • when joining with metal it is necessary additional protection from corrosion.

The building material cuts, drills, saws well, and holds screws and nails well.

Possible mistakes

  • Hiring non-professionals to build a turnkey house is the main reason for dissatisfaction with the quality of the work performed.
  • Wrong choice of blocks. A product with low density, the price of which is significantly lower, gives significant shrinkage with curvature in the vertical plane.
  • Lack of reinforcement above the ceiling. It entails uneven distribution of the load on the walls and their curvature.
  • Deviations in geometric parameters. Leads to increased consumption masonry mortar and finishing plaster.
  • Construction of a basement made of cellular concrete. Porous building materials of low cost are not able to provide protection from moisture.

The cost of building turnkey houses in Moscow

The price of turnkey housing depends on whether a standard project is selected or developed individually for each customer. The layout of utility networks on the site also greatly influences the layout of the utility networks, the supply of which to the house constitutes a significant part of the estimate, the area of ​​the building and the number of floors.

By ordering a house according to a standard design, which can easily be adapted to wood concrete blocks, you will be able to save on developing an original scheme and plan of the home.

Cost of 1 m3 of masonry standard thickness is approximately 6700 rubles, 1 m2 finished house on average it will cost 4200. Prices for fully finished housing made of wood concrete start from 800,000-900,000 for a modest and neat house. Two-story cottage with a garage and a swimming pool can be built for about 4-5 million.
