Wood chip blocks. What are sawdust concrete blocks? stage. The construction of the basement of the house from wood concrete

Arbolite or cement particle blocks- material for the construction of buildings: it is lightweight concrete, which includes mineral binders and aggregates (waste from sawmilling and woodworking, or organic cellulose raw materials), as well as water.

Arbolit combines the qualities of cement stone and wood, it has excellent characteristics - it is not subject to decay, fire-resistant and easy to use, suitable for individual housing construction up to 3 floors inclusive. Wood concrete blocks for 80-85% consist of wood filler (wood chips, crushed or shavings from 2 to 25 mm long, 5 mm thick) and high-quality cement, at least ПЦ500.

Production technology

Today, in the manufacture of (CSB, CSP), mainly pine chips are used, but according to GOST 19222–84, other wood processing wastes (from hardwood and conifers). However, wood concrete actually comes out of pine or spruce shavings. best quality, because in these rocks least amount organic component (sucrose), which must be neutralized.

Chips for CSB are subject to drying and mineralization of the surface with a solution of chemical components that eliminate sucrose, which helps prevent rotting and wood damage by a fungus during operation. When using any other additives and materials (sand, plasticizers, hardeners), the product cannot be considered a real wood concrete.

The production of wood concrete is put on the conveyor in many cities of Russia, but you can make blocks with your own hands if you clearly follow the technological process and acquire minimum set tools:

  • Special crusher.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Forms for blocks.
  • Vibropress or vibrating table.
  • Drying chamber or space under a canopy.

Types and form of issue of CSB

By density, wood concrete blocks are of the following types:

1. heat-insulating or hollow (400–500 kg/m3);

2. structural (500–850 kg/m3).

IN industrial production wood concrete blocks are produced by:

  • wall or standard (500x300x200 mm);
  • partition walls (600x300x120 mm).


Dimensions of blocks of cement and shavings for construction exterior walls- 300x200x500 mm (per 1 m3> - 33 pieces), and for internal partitions 120x300x600 mm can be used, 47 pieces per m3 respectively.

In terms of economic and operational characteristics, houses made of wood concrete are much better than structures made of other materials. So, a house made of TsSB or TsSP is dry and warm, its walls are light, fire-resistant, retain heat well in winter and cool in summer, are convenient for decoration, durable and cheap.

Each building material has its advantages and disadvantages, and wood concrete is no exception, consider the pros and cons of such blocks.

Advantages of wood concrete

1. 1 m2 of walls built from wood concrete is 3 times lighter than structures made of expanded clay concrete and 8 times lighter than brick structures. This makes it possible to unload the foundation.

2. The cost of building a residential building from CSB is 40% less than from other materials.

3. Products made of chips and cement stone have a porous structure, which ensures natural air circulation and optimal humidity in the room.

4. Strong bond with concrete and plaster without the need for reinforcement.

5. Arbolite products, more information about which in, are perfectly sawn and cut (you can make the most accurate fit), drilled, chopped, hold screws and nails.

6. Exceeding the maximum permissible loads on wood concrete leads to its compression and subsequent restoration, and not cracking, which allows you to painlessly endure shrinkage at home.

7. The strength of cement-bonded materials (CSB and CSP) in tension and bending allows the use of all types of floors (wood, reinforced concrete).


1. Limited number of storeys of the building.

2. The low prevalence of wood concrete and it is difficult to buy it in some parts of Russia.

3. Water permeability, but this drawback is eliminated by plastering the walls.

4. A large number of unscrupulous manufacturers producing blocks of poor quality and different in composition.

As you can see, the positive qualities of this material more than compensate for its insignificant disadvantages.

In terms of thermal conductivity and fire resistance, CSP and CSB are superior to all traditional building materials. Properties of wood concrete, including cement particle boards, made it possible to use them for the construction of buildings even in the conditions of Antarctica. There are many about him good reviews abroad, it is widely used there and is valued for its energy-saving, heat storage and soundproofing properties.

Given specifications blocks clearly demonstrate the combination of the qualities of the material, allowing you to build warm and environmentally friendly two-three-story buildings.

Reviews of home owners

“I decided to calculate the cost, and it turned out that for 1 m3 of wood concrete you need Portland cement for approximately 1,200 rubles (already at new prices). Add more work and other materials, additives, then the cost will reach up to 2,500 - 3,000. Considering that a cube of wood in the region of six thousand is not very expensive. And wood concrete performs a load-bearing and insulating function (a huge plus) and the reviews about it are good. ”

Ivan Slepkov, Moscow.

“I really like the CSB - construction is going much faster. There is only one thing, but in order to find a conscientious manufacturer of these same blocks and cement-bonded particle boards, I had to search half the Internet and go through a lot of reviews. We were very pleased with the house, it breathes in such a house, as in a wooden one!

Andrey, St. Petersburg.

"From personal experience I will say that next time I will not get involved with wood concrete in any case, and I also do not advise anyone. The material is undeniably solid, just perfect, but, unfortunately, as often happens, the production is absolutely disgusting.

Elina, Kazan.

“When I come to visit a friend, he has a house from the Central Security Council, it takes so envy that I don’t have this. Honestly, I don’t know the disadvantages of wood concrete, it’s good for everyone! ”

Mikhail Plotnikov, Yekaterinburg.

The cost of cement chip products

You can buy wood concrete from manufacturers or in building supermarkets. Prices for this material are set depending on the composition of the product and its size. Typically, wood concrete is sold on the market in cubic meters or sheets (DSP). Thus, the price of one block of the format 400x200x200 mm will be 68 rubles, and the cost of 1 m3 will be 4,300 rubles, respectively, excluding transportation.

Price, rub/m33700 3700 4300 4600 4500 5000 3200
Number of blocks per m3/pc33 25 14 23 21 47 27
Length500 500 600 500 600 600 500
Width300 400 400 250 400 300 300
Height200 200 300 350 200 120 250

Wood concrete, otherwise, wood concrete, has unique thermal insulation properties thanks to which it is successfully used in the construction of houses.

Do not confuse this material with sawdust concrete, the production of which uses sawdust and sand. In the case of obtaining the material under consideration, wood concrete chips are made from wood waste, since this is the most cost-effective due to the cheapness and availability of plumbing waste, the block itself can be made by hand.

Composition of wood concrete

This material is endowed with unique heat-conducting properties due to its constituents. Like all concrete blocks, it contains a binder in the form of cement; in most cases, Portland cement of the M400 or M500 brand is used in the production of this material.

Wood chips are the main filler, which occupies almost 90% of the volume of the material.

Chemical additives can be 2-4% of the total mass concrete block. They increase its strength and, when combined, form compounds with the sugars present in the wood.

In some cases, sand and slaked lime are added to it.

used for breeding building composition water is poured into the solution in a warm form, its temperature should be +15 0 C. If it is less than this value, then the setting rate of the cement composition will be lower.

The exact proportions of the components of the wood concrete depend on its chosen brand.

Chips used for wood concrete

This wood material in the production of wood concrete loka, several types can be used. But not any chips can be suitable for this process, but only those that correspond in geometry and size to GOST.

Chips obtained from wood must be needle-shaped and fit into the following dimensions:

  • along the length of 15-25 mm;
  • in thickness 2-3 mm;
  • in width 10-12 mm.

To cook it with your own hands, you need to use special chipping machines, which in a short time are able to process various knots and tops of trees, waste from the woodworking industry and slab into chips. For the manufacture of wood chips are most often used coniferous trees: pine, spruce, fir, birch and aspen have proven themselves just as well, but beech and larch should not be used.

Sometimes chopped tree bark and their needles are used as chips, but they are mixed together with the main filler.

Before use, the selected wood material must be antiseptic treatment, it is also freed from water-soluble substances, which can reduce some of its performance.

If there is nowhere to take required tree, then you can use hemp or flax fires, rice straw, or cotton stalks. Before use, flax fires must be soaked for two days in milk or exposed to air for a long time, approximately 4 months.

Wood chips after production or purchase must be sifted, cleaned of dirt and bark. Then it must be dried, and to give plasticity, treat it with silicate glue or calcium chloride. To shorten the drying time, apply liquid glass, But ready blocks in this case are more fragile.

Purchase of wood chips and wood for her

Raw materials for the production of chips can be found in the forestry and agree on the purchase of a certain volume, the cost of transporting it will fall on the shoulders of the buyer, and if you buy wood from private companies that are intermediaries, then delivery will be included in the cost of the material.

The chips themselves can be purchased from private firms that have purchased the appropriate equipment and produce them for sale. And you can buy the desired chipper, and make wood chips with your own hands, it will turn out much more economically.

Do-it-yourself production of chips for wood concrete

It is most profitable to build a house from material made independently from start to finish. To do this, you need to buy necessary materials and equipment. Chips can be made from wood, which is purchased "for the future" and stored in a place closed from weather, as well as from waste from plumbing and forestry.

The most important attribute for obtaining chips are chippers, they are also called chip cutters. There are several types of them, the work of each of them is slightly different. Machines available for purchase:

  • hammer;
  • drum;
  • disk.

The final choice will depend on the volume of production, because you can set up the process of obtaining wood chips with your own hands, not only for your own needs, but also for sale, this type of activity will quickly pay for itself, since such material is in great demand not only during construction, but also for housing heating , and even for landscape design.

Before buying any of the above types of devices, you need to choose a place for its installation, consider free access to the loading window of the device, and also how chips will be collected that fly out of the device with great force. Many people miss this moment, and small material scatters throughout the place of production. Some allocate a small hangar for it and, after stopping the machine, collect the resulting material with a shovel.

Hammer crushers

Such crushers are single-shaft and two-shaft; for home production, the apparatus of the first type is enough. This is a rotary device that contains hammers and chippers in its core. The unit has a special loading hopper. It is necessary to lay thin logs prepared in advance in it, it is better to make them long or purchase them, this will secure the process, otherwise, if the short workpiece is awkwardly handled, there is a high probability of injury.

When wood enters the device, it passes between the hammers and separating plates, splits upon impact, and then sifted through the grate holes into the outlet compartment. The size of the chips will depend on the size of the sieve meshes, its maximum size usually does not exceed 6 mm.

Disc chippers

Some of their models have adjustable knives, due to which you can change the size of the resulting chips.

They are designed to process any wood, including round, the bars of which must be loaded into a separate window, where it, falling on the knives, is pulled deep into the device and splits. Max Diameter log is 10 cm.

Drum chippers

You can recycle not only wood, but also waste furniture production, sawmills. Models of such chip cutters are equipped with a large loading hopper into which branches and logs must be fed, they are self-drawn into the apparatus, and after passing through the drum with double-sided sharpened knives located on it, chips are obtained required dimensions. Smaller models have one wheel to make it easier to transport the device.

To simplify the process of producing chips with your own hands, you can make a whole line, which will consist of a chipper, a chain conveyor and a debarking drum.

The principle of operation of such a system is simple:

  1. raw materials are loaded into the machine to produce wood chips;
  2. at the exit, the finished wood chips enter the conveyor;
  3. the device delivers the material to the debarking drum;
  4. after reaching the desired purity, the contents of the drum are unloaded onto a chain conveyor, which feeds chips into the storage.

Human participation in this process is minimal.

The process of obtaining chips for the manufacture of wood concrete is not difficult, if you first allocate a place for the installation of equipment, select it for a specially designated place. Loading of material is carried out manually, in order to protect yourself it is better to use long blanks, and in the case of using a large hopper, you can load smaller raw materials using a shovel.

Concrete when using sawdust as a filler on line of concretes closer to the classics than wood concrete.

It's all about the presence of sand in the sawdust concrete.

No matter how similar in composition to each other arbolite and sawdust concrete - there is a difference, and it is, at times, significant.

We will not analyze the differences, we will consider in detail only the sawdust concrete itself.

There are types of sawdust concrete:

  • heat-insulating(average density from 400 to 800 kg/m3);
  • structural(average density from 800 to 1200kg/m3).

Like any other concrete, sawdust concrete gains strength best in heat and humidity, since moisture does not evaporate quickly and goes to the formation of cement stone.


The main advantages of sawdust concrete are:

  1. Cheapness of the main components.
  2. Ease of manufacture.
  3. The durability of buildings.
  4. Environmental friendliness.
  5. Excellent thermal protection.
  6. A method of manufacture and application developed over decades of use.


There is only one main disadvantage: not all sawdust will fit for this material. If, in the case of sugar, they were removed from the chips during resting, and, according to the ratio of the volume of chips and the specific area of ​​the chips, the decomposition of sugars did not greatly affect the cement, then in the case of sawdust concrete, the process of decomposition of sugars strongly affects the cement itself inside the block.


In the process of producing sawdust concrete, it is important to take only the most suitable sawdust from those types of wood that have minimum sugar content. Optimal contenders for the second life of waste in sawdust concrete:

  • pine;
  • birch;
  • poplar.

Larch, despite high performance in terms of density and strength is in the last place with the highest sugar content.

If in spruce the beginning of strength development begins two weeks after setting, then the end occurs somewhere on the fortieth day after manufacture. But for larch, this period is much longer: from thirty days at the beginning of curing to one hundred and forty at the end.

All works on monolithic sawdust concrete should be done in the spring to be finished by autumn. Due to the released sugars, it is better to bring the sawdust to the condition in the fresh air, including watering the sawdust with water in order to wash away the remnants of sugar decay.

A couple of washes with water will already provide the sawdust with an acceptable condition for use in the sawdust concrete manufacturing process. Sawdust structure when stored in bulk, it will prevent the processes of decay and combustion from starting. Since they are not compressed, there is no need to be afraid of moisture.


Any brand of sawdust concrete contains:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • slaked lime;
  • sawdust.

Differences in proportions observed only in the ratio of the components of the mixture.

Each brand of sawdust concrete has its own proportions.


We prepare sawdust concrete with our own hands. The proportions of the components per 1 m3 of the finished mixture will be displayed in the form of a table:

As you can see, with an increase in the amount of cement, the purpose of the blocks is more reduced to the construction of non-residential buildings. This is due to the change in the coefficient thermal conductivity of blocks, nullifying all efforts to heat the building. When using blocks of the M10 brand, the coefficient is 0.21, which is a very good indicator.

For the M15 grade, this coefficient is 0.24, which is caused only by a slight increase in the strength requirements, respectively, and an increase in the amount of cement to obtain a durable block for construction two-story house. For the M25 block, the coefficient is already almost 0.39, which is two times higher than that of the M10 block. This means that the M25 block is twice as cold, but from it you can build large rooms.

The golden mean for sawdust concrete is one-story buildings.


The proportions of sawdust concrete are shown in the table:

In terms of volume, this means the following. In the manufacture of sawdust concrete:

  1. Marks M10:
    • cement 0.5 buckets;
    • a little more than 1 bucket of sand (a bucket with a slide);
    • sawdust a little more than 3 buckets.
  2. Marks M15:
    • cement a little more than 0.5 buckets;
    • sand 1.5 buckets;
    • sawdust almost 4 buckets.
  3. Marks M25:
    • cement 0.5 buckets;
    • sand a little less than 1.5 buckets;
    • sawdust 3 buckets with two slides.

It is important to follow just such a recipe, because it was worked out for decades, much earlier than wood concrete. The lack of progression in quantity and proportions should not be embarrassing. In each case, the components work differently.

Hydrated lime as a component is used both as a means of sawdust desaccharification, and bypassing this stage, by introducing the required amount of fluff into the mixture.

Preparing the mixture

Surprisingly, the most easy way mixing is manual. When preparing sawdust concrete with your own hands, ordinary concrete mixers will not work. Due to the lightness of some components, they run the risk of remaining on the walls of the concrete mixer, or simply floating on top of the water. Any loading order.

You can first:

  1. dilute cement in water;
  2. add sand, sawdust and lime.

Another variant:

  1. mix sawdust with lime;
  2. add sand and cement;
  3. dilute with water.

No matter what other people say, there is absolutely no difference in which option to choose.

As a result of the work, a homogeneous mixture is formed, in the structure of which there is sand with cement. These two components form cement stone . The lime neutralizes the sugars as they are released from the sawdust, and the sawdust itself is the filler. Lightweight concrete classic.

Machine kneading sawdust concrete functionally possible if there is a forced-type mixer, as in the production of polystyrene concrete. But even in that case, the order does not matter, since if the sawdust has already been treated with lime during preparation, then they are no longer afraid of water.

Sawdust concrete based on gypsum binder

It is worth mentioning a little about a mixture where building gypsum is used instead of cement.

And let people not be afraid of the setting speed of gypsum in combination with water, since these moments have already found a popular solution.

The problem is solved by adding ordinary water to the water. detergent, and it, as you know, gives water in a dosed manner to gypsum molecules that are in an unhydrated state.

Explanation: building gypsum in the form in which it is sold in stores has ability to connect with water, forming a formula already with it, and which is already solid education, which is not particularly afraid of water.

Until now, the dispute has not been put to an end - is it possible to build external walls from gypsum-based blocks.

According to some reports, with proven technology (on hand) and when protecting blocks from atmospheric influence, it is quite possible to use these blocks for building exterior walls. You can definitely build internal ones.

The only question is the price for the binder, but in terms of the volume of sawdust and setting strength, we can say that the costs will be slightly higher, and the rate of curing is four to five times higher.

About sawdust size

The size of the sawdust does not matter if there is enough binder.

As a rule, sawdust is taken from a sawmill, and the differences in sawdust from a band sawmill and a circular sawmill are so negligible that they are not taken into account at all.

Here, the chips from the cylindering and calibrating machines will no longer work.

A homogeneous mixture will not work if there are fractions in one volume that differ from each other in volume by several hundred times.

Of the features of the process - it is important to knead so that when a lump of the mixture was picked up and squeezed with his hands, water would not flow from it in a stream. Although everyone's strength is different, and you need to approach this issue logically. And after the lump has formed - so that it does not crumble in the hands.

Including for these nuances, lime is present in the solution. She provides mutual adhesion both between sand and cement, and between them and sawdust.

Manual mixing of sawdust concrete with a shovel:

The use of sawdust concrete

A truly folk building material, as it is the most affordable of materials on the complexity of production. Perhaps people are noticing for themselves a wave-like interest in such materials. If earlier sawdust concrete was good option for the whole country, then with the wave of Western marketing, people in pursuit of fashion moved away from a reasonable choice.

It is only now that many have begun to turn to environmental friendliness and practicality building materials, and not what was designed for completely different climatic conditions. Successfully erected from sawdust concrete:

  • houses up to three storeys;
  • garages;
  • sheds;
  • outbuildings;
  • technological buildings.

Like any moderately hygroscopic material, sawdust concrete needs outdoor decoration, as well as aerated concrete and foam concrete.

If we consider sawdust concrete in comparison with autoclaved aerated concrete, then the water absorption of the latter is generally 200% of the mass of the block. Therefore, do not be embarrassed by the presence of sawdust in the blocks. Popular insulation, which was produced in Germany at the beginning of the last century - ecowool - is generally made from what is collected in landfills.

Therefore, it is still worth figuring out what is more environmentally friendly - sawdust concrete with natural ingredients , or ecowool with hyper-content of bromine salts.

Sawdust and cement blocks

Now you won’t surprise anyone in construction composite materials. What only yesterday coexisted peacefully, today, using new technologies, complements each other, mixes up. As a result, materials are obtained that have acquired the best quality characteristics from the mixed components, or even new properties in general. These materials include wood-cement. We know that when mixing solutions, fillers are needed. So why shouldn't wood waste be used as a filler? The benefit is twofold: and the waste will go into action, solving the problem of their disposal, and the concrete will become much lighter.

Types of wood-cement materials

Since wood materials of different sizes and structure can be added as a filler, and the addition of cement and other components can be in different proportions, there can be several wood-cement materials. Here are the main ones:

  • - wood concrete;
  • - fibrolite;
  • - sawdust concrete;
  • - CSP (cement particle boards);
  • - xylolite.

And since the difference in composition leads to a difference in properties, materials with different operational characteristics. This allows the use of wood-cement materials in construction quite widely.


This is a lightweight concrete made from wood chips, water, chemical additives and a mineral binder, most often Portland cement. Crusher is obtained from both deciduous and coniferous species, it is even possible to fill concrete with flax or hemp bonfire, chopped straw, chopped cotton stalks.

The technology for the production of wood concrete is as follows:

  1. 1. Wood waste is fed by conveyors to the chipper.
  2. 2. The resulting wood chips are sent to the hammer mill.
  3. 3. The pneumatic conveyor feeds the resulting product to a vibrating screen, from where dust and fine crushed material go to the waste bin, large crushed material is sent for re-crushing.
  4. 4. The desired crushed fraction enters the soaking bath, from there through the dispenser into the mixer.
  5. 5. Cement, water and chemical additives are supplied to the mixer through other different dispensers.
  6. 6. The resulting mixture in the molds is compacted by presses or vibrocompression units.
  7. 7. Molds with arbolite are subjected to heat treatment and drying.

The use of wood concrete: partitions, slabs for floors, ceilings and coatings, large-format wall panels, wall blocks and so on.


It is a slab made from wood chips and mineral binder. Chip length over 35 cm and 5-10 mm wide grinds down to wool. Further, the technological process looks like this: the chips are mineralized with potassium chloride, moistened and mixed with cement paste, plates are pressed at 0.4 MPa. This is followed by heat treatment in curing chambers and drying.

Fiberboard is used both for the construction of walls, and as a filler and insulating material in frame structures. It should be noted that when using fiberboard as a wall material, it should be plastered, and where the humidity is high, it cannot be used at all.

sawdust concrete

It is lightweight concrete made from sand, Portland cement and sawdust. The technology is as follows: sawdust and small chips are poured into the mixer, water with mineral additives and Portland cement are also supplied there. All this is mixed, decomposed into shapes and compacted. In order for sawdust concrete to harden faster, it is kept in thermal chambers at a temperature of 40-60 ° C during the day.

Sawdust concrete goes to the production of panels and wall blocks, is used to make clean floors.

Cement particle boards

Of the wood-cement materials, they are used most often. For their manufacturewood shavings come, then a cement-shaving mixture is prepared from it, by mixing the shavings with water, cement and mineral additives, followed by dosing, molding, pressing and heat treatment.

Cement particle boards are frost-resistant, fire-resistant and bio-resistant. this justifies their use in prefabricated housing construction. However, they can also be used for facade works and for interior decoration. They are not afraid high humidity, have proven themselves in restoration work.

There are cement-bonded particle boards and disadvantages. High density (up to 1.4 t/m³) makes it difficult to lift slabs for cladding top floors houses without winches andforests. They also have low bending strength, the plates can break. At the same time, they are very resistant to longitudinal deformation, for this reason they are used to strengthen the frames of houses.


It consists of a magnesian binder, alkali-resistant pigments and sawdust, to which finely dispersed minerals are added: asbestos, marble flour, talc.

In the production of sawdust, sifted through two sieves (remaining on 1 sieve and sieved through the second in technological process does not participate). A binder is prepared in mixers: magnesite is first supplied, then coloring pigments, then magnesium chloride (as a hardener). This mixture is fed into another mixer, where it is already mixed with sawdust for about 5 minutes.

Further, the plates are molded under significant pressure (up to 10 MPa), at high temperature (up to 95 ° C) they harden in the curing chambers. Then, for full condition, the plates dry in warehouses for two weeks. In order to increase water resistance, the plates are impregnated with hydrophobic compounds. Most often, these boards are used for the production of floors.


Buy wood concrete blocks in Moscow it is possible at a price of 28 rubles apiece. The cost of a cubic meter of wood concrete blocks is from 2200 rubles.

Today, the attitude of builders to wood concrete blocks is ambiguous, although the products have a number of positive qualities. It has its flaws, of course, like any other. building material. Before buying such blocks, you should study all their properties in order to use the products for their intended purpose and be prepared for the consequences.

Description and production features

Choosing a reliable manufacturer that has all the certificates for the goods - it's worth starting with this. Such enterprises follow all those requirements that ultimately affect the quality of products.

  1. These products are made from cement (less often - gypsum), wood chips, water and synthetic components. cement composition(in the professional language it is called "dough") binds together the particles of wood, to which special requirements. According to GOST, their length should not exceed 4 cm, width 1 cm, thickness - 0.5 cm. The smaller the chips, the higher the quality of the building material. However, sawdust or shavings in the composition of the mixture drastically reduce the quality of the blocks.
  2. Wood particles are processed special composition- for better adhesion to cement and increase the water-repellent properties of wood. This component is also subject to the requirements of GOST.
  3. The blocks have the shape of a large rectangular parallelepiped and are molded in two ways: manually or on a special machine. In this case, the wood particles are evenly distributed inside the product. Of course, the products received mechanized way, has more high quality and clear edge geometry. And only large manufacturers can afford reliable block-making machines.
  4. The production technology requires strict adherence to the proportions of the composition, which is also possible only at specialized enterprises.
  5. Ready product must pass a number of tests.

Arbolite blocks belong to the class of large-cell lightweight concrete. Manufacturers offer this product various sizes, the most popular option is 250x300x500 mm.

The use of wood concrete blocks

The products are applicable in the construction of civil and industrial buildings, namely:

  • to create curtain walls,
  • in the construction of internal partitions,
  • for construction bearing walls in buildings no higher than two floors,
  • as a sound and heat insulating material.

The operation of wood concrete blocks is possible in rooms with a normal or low level of humidity, in other cases special impregnation is required.

Practical characteristics

  1. Strength. Today, manufacturers are ready to offer wood concrete blocks with different class strength. The field of application of the product also depends on this value. characteristic feature such products is high bending strength. Unlike brick, foam and aerated concrete blocks, wood concrete products do not form cracks during operation.
  2. Thermal conductivity. This indicator for wood concrete blocks is extremely low, which distinguishes such products from many other types of wall and heat-insulating building materials.
  3. Density. Due to their low density, such products are not able to withstand heavy loads, and are not suitable for the construction of building cornices, laying basements and basements.
  4. Moisture absorption. Arbolite does not accumulate moisture inside, but passes through itself. Structures made of this material must be plastered or finished with hinged facade materials.
  5. Frost resistance. Since wood concrete walls are to be finished, they are additionally protected from low temperatures.
  6. Fire resistance. This product can be called practically non-combustible material.
  7. biological stability. The products are immune to mould, rot, fungus and insects.
  8. Soundproofing. In this parameter, arbolite blocks are superior to many traditional and modern building materials (silicate and ceramic brick, wood, different kinds cellular concrete).
  9. Vapor permeability. Steam passes freely through this material, which guarantees a comfortable climate at any temperature.
  10. Environmental friendliness. The components included in the composition of the raw materials do not emit substances harmful to humans.
  11. Ease and simplicity in work. The blocks are lightweight and do not put pressure on the foundation. Products are placed in desired design quite quickly, you can carry out the same manipulations with them as with wood: saw and cut, drive in nails and screw in screws.

This type of building material adheres well to plaster, which eliminates the need for additional reinforcement of structures.

Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting:

  • the need to use plaster or facade panels, which must be chosen carefully,
  • cost: it is slightly higher than that of other types of cellular concrete,
  • on construction market present a large number of products, the quality of which leaves much to be desired - as a rule, these are products manufactured almost by the "handicraft" method.