Technology of plastering brick walls. Plastering brick walls How to plaster walls inside a brick house

Plastering of brick walls is carried out with special mixtures, the composition of which depends on the operating conditions of the surface. For interior walls in an apartment, it is allowed to use any type of mortar based on cement, lime, clay and gypsum. External plastering of brick walls, for example, facade cladding, is carried out with mixtures exclusively based on cement and lime, since clay and gypsum are destroyed by atmospheric precipitation.

Before you plaster a brick wall with your own hands, you should take care of acquiring the tools and materials that will be required during the work.

To prepare the surface and directly for plastering, you will need the following tools:

  • falcon;
  • trowel;
  • as a rule, at least one meter long;
  • trowel;
  • grater;
  • mixer;
  • container for the preparation of plaster;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • roller;
  • brush 150 mm wide;
  • container with a cuvette;
  • metal scissors;
  • plumb;
  • laser level;
  • roulette.

From the materials you need to prepare:

  • metal or plastic reinforcing mesh, if it is planned to carry out work outside the building;
  • primer solution;
  • profile rails used as guide beacons;
  • plaster mixture in bags.

Surface preparation

The degree of adhesion of materials, and hence the strength and durability of the entire structure, depends on the quality of the preparation of brickwork before applying the plaster mixture. The step by step process of preparing the walls is described below.


From the surface that is planned to be plastered, it is necessary to remove: dust, dirt, smudges of cement and fasteners. This procedure is required to be carried out not only on old walls, but also in new buildings. At this point, the seams should also be “embroidered”, removing excess mortar, for which a metal scraper or chisel is used.

Identification of deficiencies and their elimination

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to conduct an external inspection of the wall surface and identify all cracks and crevices. Deficiencies are eliminated with a cement-sand mixture.

If you skip this stage of work, especially in the case of walls that separate the interior from the street, moisture may accumulate in cracks and crevices. When frost sets in, the water freezes and the brickwork breaks.


This is a mandatory procedure for preparing the wall for plastering, which beginners often skip, considering priming the walls as unnecessary. The application of a deep penetration primer can significantly reduce the porosity of the surface and enhance the adhesion of brickwork and mortar.


Reinforcement of the plaster layer with a reinforcing mesh is carried out during outdoor work; for internal partitions, this procedure is not necessary.

The metal or plastic mesh is fixed with special anchors into the seams of the masonry, but most often this process is performed after the first layer of plaster has been applied, into which the mesh is pressed.

Solution preparation

Before starting work, you should decide what is better to plaster brick walls inside the house in a particular room. The use of mixtures based on gypsum and clay in rooms with high humidity is not recommended. Mixtures based on cement and lime can be used in any room.

Currently, for plastering walls, mainly ready-made dry mixes are used, which only need to be diluted with water according to the instructions.

Before plastering brick walls inside the house with gypsum-dominated mixtures, you should be aware that such mixtures gain strength and dry out very quickly, so the amount for a single batch should be limited.

The technology for preparing the solution is the same for all types of mixtures:

  1. Dry ingredients are poured into a container designed to prepare a solution.
  2. The required volume of water is prepared, according to the instructions, and poured into the container.
  3. Using a mixer, the mixture is brought to a homogeneous mass.
  4. The prepared solution is left to “rest” for 10 minutes.
  5. The mixture is again stirred with a mixer. The solution is ready to go.

Marking and installation of beacons

For novice finishers, it will be very difficult to plaster a wall without the use of beacons. In order for a beginner to figure out how to properly plaster a brick wall, he will have to start by setting up guides that will allow the application and leveling of the mortar at the same level.

Marking for beacons by hanging.

To accurately set the beacons, a laser level is used. It is installed on the floor in such a way that the beam beats off the required distance from the wall, which is planned to be leveled with plaster.

As guides, a metal profile is used, which is attached to the brick base on the mortar. To do this, dilute a small amount of the solution, to which gypsum is added so that the setting occurs faster. To fix the beacon, you need to throw a few piles of solution vertically and drown the profile in them, focusing on the laser level beam.

The number of profiles is selected based on the length of the wall and the distance between the beacons of 1000 mm. Such a gap allows you to effectively and efficiently apply and level the solution. For mounting the first beacon, 100 mm recede from the corner. After applying the plaster, the metal profiles are removed, and the installation sites are leveled with mortar.

Applying plaster

Now that we have decided how to plaster the brick walls inside the room, installed the beacons and prepared the mortar, the plastering process itself begins. Below we describe in detail the classic method of applying the mortar to the wall and leveling it with various tools.

When preparing the solution, the volume of the mixture should be calculated for one working hour, otherwise the solution will lose its astringent qualities.

At the first stage, a preparatory layer is applied -. For the first layer, it is desirable to increase the proportion of the binder in the mixture, the consistency of the solution is thick sour cream.

The thickness of the initial layer should not exceed 5 mm, the laying of the mortar begins from the lower left corner, then, gradually filling the gaps between the beacons, they move to the right to the end of the wall. The application of the mixture is best done with a plaster spatula from a falcon, rubbing the mortar a little into the brick base, it is not required to level the spray. This ensures better adhesion compared to throwing the solution with a trowel.


The second stage is started after the spray has dried. Primer layer applied with a thickness of up to 20 mm, standard ratios of dry material and water are used to prepare the solution.

The solution is applied by throwing, after which it must be leveled, smoothing the surface with a rule based on beacons. Work is also performed from the lower left edge. It must be borne in mind that the plastic mixture under its own weight will settle a little, therefore, after completely passing through the space between the beacons, you should again go through the rule from the lowest point, leveling the surface.

Before application covering layer it is necessary to let the soil dry well, but first you need to remove the beacons and close up the voids with a solution.

The coating is applied in a thin (up to 2 mm) layer. In the prepared mixture, it is desirable to maximize the proportion of cement, and use fine, sifted sand as a filler. The mixture can be applied with a wide spatula with obligatory leveling with a trowel, after which the surface is rubbed with a trowel.

Final stage

For the final preparation of the wall for subsequent finishing work, grouting is required. This process is carried out on the surface of the plaster that has not yet completely dried out, if the mortar has firmly risen and dried, moistening of the base and a small amount of cement-sand mixture will be required.

The task of the finisher is to eliminate small irregularities, sagging, remaining after work with a trowel. Work is performed only with a clean tool, for which it is recommended to install a container with water next to the master, where it will be convenient for him to wash the grater.

The plaster is rubbed in a circular motion without much effort, so as not to damage the plastered surface.

The nuances of plastering brick walls outside

Working with external walls has its own characteristics:

  • only cement-sand or cement-lime mixture is used as the main material;
  • mandatory reinforcement is carried out;
  • at the corners of the structure and at the junction of walls to window and door openings, it is required to install plastic lining and corners;
  • recommended plaster thickness up to 20 mm;
  • priming is carried out before applying the plaster on the base and before applying the finishing layer.

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Finishing the room starts with. For this, a dry method is used (using drywall), wet (stucco mixture), or combined (piece materials). But the most effective and reliable is wet leveling. Although it is the most time-consuming, it allows you to even out all the bumps and create a durable coating.

In this article, we will look at how to choose plaster for brick walls, prepare the surface and perform a rough finish.

How to plaster brick walls correctly

Wet rough finish is designed to eliminate pronounced irregularities, improve the performance properties of partitions and ceilings. The brick wall plastering technology does not depend on the type of finishing material and includes a number of works that must be performed in a certain sequence.

Important: rough plaster of a brick wall is carried out on completely dried brickwork, otherwise the surface will shrink,.

Foundation preparation

Regardless of whether the brickwork is being plastered inside or outside the building, it is first necessary to clean the surface, make notches on it - this will improve the adhesion of the material to the walls.

Foundation preparation

The surface after cleaning should be treated with a primer, which will achieve the same over the entire area. Guides can be made of metal profiles or beams.

Note: lighthouses must be set strictly according to the level, without blockages and slopes.

An example of installing beacons

The slope of the beacons is corrected by the level. The verticality of their installation can be checked by applying the rule to several beacons at once.

Checking the evenness of the installation of beacons

Brick surface plastering technology

The solution is applied in three layers. The first is spraying - the mixture is sprayed in small portions onto the brickwork, completely covering its entire surface.

Advice: to further strengthen the solution on the wall and prevent its deformation,. It is overlapped on the first layer of plaster before the beacons are installed.

Spraying red brick walls

Next is the application of the base layer. It is leveled and rubbed at the end. The last layer is covering, made of pure cement. It is rubbed with a grater, the beacons are removed and all grooves are sealed. on a brick should be at least 10 mm.

The covering layer is designed to create a protective crust on the surface.

The technology of plastering the facade on brick is slightly different from the interior rough finish. In addition to the primer composition, you will need jointing, and sometimes the use of reinforcement, which is needed for better adhesion of a smooth brick surface to the finish.

On a note: on a brick should have increased weather resistance.

More clearly about how brick walls are plastered with your own hands - video:

Choice of rough finishing mix

What is the best plaster for brick walls? Wet rough surface finishing can be done with the following mixtures:

  • lime;
  • cement-sand;
  • plaster.

If the building is built of brick, brick wall stucco is the best option. This is a simple and economical way to carry out a rough finish.

The advantage of the sand-cement mixture is that it allows you to make a leveling layer with a total thickness of up to 7 cm.

White silicate brick, consisting of lime, is more suitable for cement-lime plaster. The solution is applied with a layer of at least 20 mm, since this building material has a low resistance to moisture.

Various types of plaster are the most convenient way to deal with irregularities and other defects in walls made of brick, concrete, foam block and other materials. These compositions are used not only to level the surface of the base of the walls, they can also play a decorative role. Plastering brick walls should be carried out by an experienced specialist, but if you know some of the nuances of the work, you can do it yourself.

Stages of plastering brick walls

Plastering brick walls takes place in several main stages:

  • preparatory work (cleaning the base from dust and dirt);
  • sealing cracks and chips, as well as eliminating other defects;
  • surface treatment with antiseptics to prevent mold;
  • applying a primer layer for better bonding of the base with plaster;
  • with significant differences on the wall, a plaster mesh is fixed;
  • plastering process.

The process of applying plaster on brick walls can be carried out in two different ways: leveling the base layer, grouting and finishing, or simply filling the wall space with mortar between pre-installed beacons.

What solution to choose for plastering brick walls

To level ordinary brick walls, plastering can be carried out using ordinary cement mortar or decorative mixtures. The first composition can be prepared independently from cement, sand and water, but decorative plaster allows you to give the surface a special texture, so it is better to buy such a solution in a store and apply it to pre-leveled surfaces.

Plastering brick walls with cement mortar

Cement plaster can be used for application on interior and exterior walls. It has a low cost and sufficient durability, at least 25 years, as well as good water resistance, plasticity and vapor permeability, immunity to the influence of the external environment.

The main disadvantage of such plaster is laboriousness, as well as a long period of drying of the solution. When using cement plaster, the thickness of the screed should not exceed 3 centimeters, after 2 cm it is recommended to nail a special reinforcing mesh to the wall.

Plaster with a decorative mixture

As for the decorative mixture, it should be applied to a pre-leveled base with a minimum layer. The advantages of such a solution are as follows: good water-repellent properties, the ability to use both indoors and outdoors, attractive appearance, use in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen, etc.).

The main component of most types of decorative plaster is synthetic resin. In addition to the resin, various additives are present in the solution to give the finished surfaces a beautiful appearance.

Building plaster work is messy and quite labor intensive, but done on your own can bring significant savings to your renovation budget.

How to plaster brick walls with your own hands - this question will invariably arise before a person who decides to do this work on his own, without the involvement of professionals. Although the process itself requires skills, but if you make an effort, you will soon get perfectly smooth surfaces, and most importantly, that this will be done on your own.

Plastering methods

Plastering can be done in two ways: dry and wet. The dry method consists in sheathing the surface with sheet materials, for example, drywall or gypsum fiber boards.

The method is quite common, relatively clean in production, but has a number of disadvantages. For example, wall cladding with sheets eats up part of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, is a rather fragile base, which is no longer suitable for subsequent cladding with tiles or granite. The service life of this kind of plaster is relatively small, only 10-12 years.

The wet method is the application of special plaster mixtures to the surface, for example, the most common cement-sand mixture. The use of this method is relevant for small spaces, in rooms with high humidity, when finishing the exterior brickwork of a house.

Required Tools

Initially, all special tools should be prepared:

  • Trowel or trowel;
  • Falcon;
  • Rule;
  • Half trowel;
  • Tub for solution;
  • Sieve (1.4x1.4 mm).

What mortar to plaster the walls

Homemade plaster mixtures must contain cement and gypsum or lime. Mixtures based on cement are the most durable, and lime plaster is the most fragile.

For plastering, the most common are the following mixtures:

  • Cement: - 1:3 - cement and sand;
  • Cement-lime: - 1:5:1 - cement, sand, diluted lime;
  • Lime: - 3:1 - sand, lime;
  • Gypsum-lime: - 1: 3 - gypsum (alabaster) and lime dough;
  • Ready dry mixes.

It should be noted that solutions containing gypsum are diluted in small portions and immediately put into action, since gypsum quickly hardens.

Ready-made plaster mixes are also widely used.

For their correct use, it is necessary to read the instructions on the package and strictly act according to what is written. Of the quality products, the German "Rotband" can be noted, from the domestic ones - "Volma-layer", "Gypsovit", etc.

Preparation of brick surfaces for plaster

Before the start of construction work, it is necessary to remove all pieces of furniture from the room or carefully cover them with plastic wrap. The floor also needs to be protected with a film or other material.

In order for the plaster on the brick to hold securely and for a long time, it is necessary to first beat it. With the help of an ax, notches are cut through the walls, at least 10 mm deep, approximately 1000 notches per square meter of surface. There is another way to increase the adhesion of the plaster to the wall. You can embroider brick seams 1 cm deep.

The technology of plastering brick planes

According to the technology of plastering brick surfaces, it is supposed to apply three layers, each of which is important.

The first layer of "spray". The thickness of its application on brick walls cannot exceed 5 mm. The consistency of the solution should be the most liquid, compared with mixtures for subsequent layers.

With the help of a trowel, it is necessary to draw a small amount of the mixture into the falcon. With the help of a spatula, the mortar is taken from the falcon and thrown onto the brick in a chaotic manner. The swing must be done in such a way that the plaster does not fly from the wall to the sides. And the very movement of the throw is carried out with a brush, and not with the whole hand. If everything is done correctly, then the solution, when it hits the wall, will fill all the voids.

It is not necessary to level the mixture after "spraying". It is only necessary to remove the protruding irregularities. The next layer of "primer" is applied after the previous one has dried. The “soil” is diluted to a pasty consistency and is thrown onto the surface so as to close all voids and irregularities. The application thickness is assumed to be no more than 10 mm.

With the help of the rule, movements from bottom to top, the “ground” is leveled.

Plastering brick walls.

If empty areas have formed, then they are again thrown with a solution and leveled with a rule. Next, the layer of plaster is leveled with a trowel.

After hardening of the second layer, finishing plaster of walls is made. It is necessary in order to eliminate all minor flaws. The mixture should have the consistency of sour cream with the addition of fine-grained sand.

Before its application, the wall is pre-wetted with water. Next, a thin layer of 2 mm is applied "covering". With the help of a trowel, movements in a circle, the surface is leveled. On the finish layer that has not yet dried, grouting is performed, which is done in a circular motion, removing all irregularities.

The video shows the process of work:

Now, after the end of the whole process, you can answer the question: how to plaster brick walls with your own hands and admire the difficult work done.

Plastering the outer brick wall of the house with plaster is justified in order to hide the unpresentable appearance of the structure, when using inexpensive stone in the work. As an option to save - it is allowed. After all, decorative ceramic bricks are noticeably more expensive than usual, therefore, in some cases, it is cheaper and easier to plaster the house from the outside.

Plastering technology

The application procedure takes place in several stages, which are natural continuations of each previous process. First you need to make a base. In building slang, it is called a draft layer - plaster applied in a chaotic manner. The solution is liquid. A small part is taken with a trowel and the usual brushing the mixture is thrown on the wall. Many people refer to this process as “spraying”. An important point will be the preliminary wetting of the brick wall. A solution applied to a dry surface will not have good adhesion, with all the ensuing consequences.

Properly prepared mortar, of a liquid consistency, penetrates well into all irregularities and cracks, filling them and forming an uneven crust, which will serve as a good hook for a thicker and thicker layer of plaster. But first, after drying, it is necessary to prime the surface.

This is necessary to close the pores in the cement mixture. In fact, almost the same procedure is performed before “spraying” the liquid solution, namely, the wall is wetted. But the brick has a lower degree of moisture absorption, and the plaster has a higher one, and if the surface is not primed before applying the main layer, it will absorb moisture from the solution, and the cement layer simply will not hold. The primer is applied in two layers with complete drying of each.

What if you wear a coat?

So called surface reinforcement before plastering.

How to plaster brick walls

This method is more applicable on load-bearing brick walls, because the "fur coat" is fastened with dowels, which are implanted every 20-30 cm, and a partition lined with one stone may simply not withstand such stress.

The material used is a reinforcing serk sold in any hardware store. It is distributed over the entire surface of the wall and fixed with dowels with the distance indicated above. When fastening, there should be no protrusions. Dowels are as long as possible. Try not to hit between the bricks, only the stone. If at least one dowel flies out, after plastering, the entire surface of the wall will crack.

When using this option, a rough layer of the mortar is also applied first and after drying, a fine finish is carried out.

Compared to a wooden house, a brick one stands out for its unpretentiousness to various finishing materials, and plaster, in addition to the decorative effect, also creates additional protection. But in order to achieve the maximum effect, work must be carried out according to the following technology:

  • if the last, leveling layer is applied, then the thickness is determined by the consistency of the solution;
  • in any case, the maximum thickness should not be more than 12 mm;
  • if you need to close the wall with a thicker layer, then the solution is applied in two approaches.

Plastering a wall with large plane differences, one way or another, you will have to make several throws of the solution before you can proceed to the final leveling. Each layer, before applying the next, must dry, but not completely. You can check this by pressing your finger on the surface. If it does not slip, you can continue to work.


If the house will be finished with siding, then the finishing layer can be omitted. Having decided to paint or whitewash the surface, this procedure cannot be abandoned. The final layer of putty is applied in 2 mm. Before work, the surface is wetted with water.

The final touch is the grout. To do this, you need sandpaper (one), an empty glass spray bottle and a small board. Saw off a piece so that it fits comfortably in your hand. Wrap a homemade grater with sandpaper and spraying a small area with water, in a circular motion, begin to clean up the rough surface. The top layer of plaster, mixed with water, will clog the smallest pores in the surface, making it perfectly even. It remains to wait for complete drying and paint the wall in the desired color.

How to plaster a brick wall? With any decoration of the room, the walls are first leveled. This is especially important when laying bricks, when it is not always even, has some chips, and the seams between the elements have different thicknesses. The article will tell you what is the best way to plaster brick walls?

Before starting plastering, the irregularities of the wall are determined, which will make it possible to hide these defects during the work. When applying plaster, the surface must be properly prepared.

She must be:

  • Pure.
  • Absolutely dry.
  • Strong enough.
  • Ensure good adhesion to the material.

The type of primer depends on:

  • Degrees of porosity of the material:
  1. for dense and smooth bricks, it is better to use a primer that has improved adhesion properties;
  2. for bricks of medium porosity, a universal primer is applied (see Types of building primers and their scope). The porosity of a material can be determined experimentally. To do this, you need to drop water on the brick. If it dries on the surface from three to 20 minutes - the brick has an average porosity.
  • Ability to how the coating absorbs moisture.

Before brick walls are plastered, a mineral-based primer is applied to them, cement acts as a binder in it. The coating is applied in a layer of approximately 0.2 mm.

Instructions for further work:

  • Hooks are fixed to the surface, with a step of 250 millimeters.
  • A metal mesh is hung on them with cells of 10 millimeters.

Tip: To protect the mesh from rust, it must be covered with red lead or varnish.

Strengthening the coating with a mesh (see Facade plaster mesh: how to choose), as shown in the photo, fixes the plaster well and helps to avoid surface cracking and other defects during operation. The mortar is placed on the wall with a layer of up to 25 millimeters, and it is better to apply several thinner layers of the mortar, while all previous layers should dry well.

  • A mortar for plaster is being prepared (see How to prepare a mortar for plaster correctly).

To prepare the composition, sand and cement are used, which are diluted with water, mixed well to obtain a homogeneous mass of the required consistency.

Its main advantages over other solutions:

  1. high strength and durability - more than 20 years;
  2. fairly low price;
  3. good plasticity, which allows it to be applied to the surface even a few hours after applying the solution;
  4. the composition is vapor-tight, which makes it more practical;
  5. frost-resistant;
  6. immune to atmospheric precipitation;
  7. resistant to temperature changes.

Despite the great practicality, the solution has several disadvantages:

  1. labor intensity of work. When applied, it takes a lot of time and effort;
  2. dries very slowly.

Tip: When facing a room with cement plaster, the thickness of the layer should not exceed three centimeters. In addition, with a layer of 20 millimeters and above, you need to use a special mesh for reinforcement.

When plastering the outer wall, lime must be added to the composition.

  • To facilitate the uniformity of the coating layer on the wall, it is necessary to prepare beacons. They will allow you to correctly navigate and conveniently apply the solution to the work surface.

Lighthouse cakes are applied to the wall in increments of 0.5 meters, they are made the same size. After the elements have dried, the main layer of the material is applied. It should be laid above the beacons, this adhesion of the entire plastered layer will make it more durable.

  • The surface is leveled with a grater.

Plastering is perhaps one of the oldest ways to level a brick wall or finish other enclosing structures of buildings and structures, combining both protection from adverse effects and artistic and decorative design of their appearance.
Known samples of plastered surfaces are found in ancient Egypt during excavations of Old Testament temples and tombs of the pharaohs.

According to the method of application, it is divided into simple and improved plaster of brick walls.

With the help of specially developed recipes and technologies, various properties can be imparted to the plaster coating:

  • heat-shielding;
  • soundproof;
  • waterproofing;
  • chemically resistant;
  • protecting from x-ray radiation;
  • decorative art;
  • and others, for special purposes, depending on the operating conditions of the plastered premises.

According to the type of most commonly used binders (binder base), plaster mortars are divided into simple ones:

Or composite - cement-lime, clay-lime and others.
The choice for what purpose and how to plaster brick walls always remains with the customer.

Raw materials for the preparation of various types of plaster

cement plaster is a mixture of sand, cement and water, mixed in the required proportion.

lime plaster prepared by mixing sand and lime.

Gypsum plaster prepared on the basis of a gypsum binder. To slow down the setting of such plaster for the convenience of its application and leveling, additives such as slaked lime, various adhesives - bone, PVA, CMC, surface active substances - trisodium phosphate solution are introduced into the solution.

Complex plasters prepared on the basis of two or more types of binders. The most common are cement-lime or clay lime (for finishing highly heated surfaces, such as stoves) plasters.

Heat-shielding plaster is obtained by using burnt sand of minerals such as perlite, vermiculite, which has a low bulk mass.
Sound-absorbing (acoustic) plaster is prepared by introducing sifted sand from ash, slag or volcanic pumice into ordinary plaster.

Waterproofing plaster. In the preparation of its composition, the so-called non-shrink cement is used, and special additives are also introduced - ferric chloride, sulfite-yeast bard (food industry waste), as well as plasticizing and sealing additives.

Chemical resistant plaster. For its manufacture, acid-resistant cement and granite or andesite sand are needed. Liquid glass is used as a special additive.

Plaster that protects against radiation and x-rays. It consists of barite sand, obtained by grinding a mineral containing barium sulfate.

Decorative plaster. This is a plaster that is used to decorate the facades of a building or its interior. It can be characterized by the following main subspecies:

Plastering brick walls

A set of tools for work

The most necessary tools and equipment for plastering:

  • pickaxe - hammer;
  • plastering trowel;
  • plumb;
  • water and bubble levels;
  • hacksaws;
  • cutting knife;
  • drill (perforator);
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • spray bucket;
  • rail-rule;
  • trowel (wooden or plastic);
  • falcon (square steel sheet 40 x 40 cm with handle);
  • thin nylon cord or thread;
  • wide brush-brush;
  • scaffolding, step-ladders;
  • protective devices.

For decorative plaster, additional tools, fixtures and templates may be needed.

Surface preparation

Before plastering a brick wall, additional attention should be paid to its surface. Most brick walls are composed of the two most common types of bricks - clay, ordinary (red) or silicate (white). Brick walls can already bear a layer of previously completed plaster. At best, this plaster must be completely removed. If for some reason this is not possible, all areas that are exfoliating and that have lost reliable adhesion to the wall should be removed.

When bricklaying walls, performed specifically for plaster, for better adhesion to the coating, the seams between the bricks by 1.5 ... 2.0 cm remain unfilled with mortar. Such walls, after dedusting and priming, can be plastered without any additional measures.

If the seams of the brickwork are completely filled, metal meshes are used to ensure reliable adhesion of the plaster mortar to the brick surface. They can be flat, welded from wire with a diameter of up to 4 ... 5 mm, or voluminous - chain-link mesh or notched mesh. On the wall, the grid is fixed with construction dowels using a special gun.

Before starting to apply plaster on a brick wall, it must be thoroughly dedusted, preferably with an air compressor, and primed with a deep impregnation composition.

The thickness of the plaster of brick walls using mesh is not recommended to exceed more than 5 cm. If the mesh is not used, the plaster on the brick wall should have a thickness of 2.5 cm.

Installation of beacons

Lighthouses are slats mounted on walls in such a way that when moving a special rigid slat-rule taken to lighthouses, excess mortar is removed, and the plastered surface becomes even and smooth.

As lighthouses, even wooden slats can be used, the width of which should be 0.5 ... 1.5 cm less than the thickness of the plaster coating. On sale are ready-made beacons made of aluminum or bent tin, having channel or brand profiles (inverted letter "T"). It is preferable to use T-section beacons - after use, they do not need to be removed from the finished plaster coating and the resulting cracks should be sealed.

The beacons are installed vertically on the wall in increments of 600 to 1000 mm, depending on the length and rigidity of the rail-rule used. Marking for lighthouses is carried out on the walls using a plumb line. Holes with a diameter of 6 mm are drilled along the vertical marking lines with a pitch of 100 mm, into which the corresponding dowels with screws are inserted. The screw heads are aligned so that they are in the same plane both vertically and horizontally.

This is achieved with the help of plumb lines, levels, as well as a thin strong cord or nylon thread. For best results, you can use a laser level. Vertically hung slats-lighthouses are pressed with a wide shelf to the screw heads and fixed with a quick-hardening gypsum mortar.

After installation, the fastening of the beacons must be strengthened by filling the empty spaces between the screws under the rails with plaster mortar.

Applying plaster

The technology of production of works during the plastering of the facade and walls of the interior is practically the same. For facades, cement-sand plaster is used, but the better to plaster brick walls inside the house depends on the purpose of the premises. It can be gypsum, lime, and cement-lime mortars.

In accordance with the current Building Regulations and Rules (SNiP), brick wall plastering must be applied in layers called:
- spray, the first layer in contact with the working surface, providing reliable adhesion, its thickness is 2 mm;
- soil, a more viscous layer applied to the spray after the start of its setting, the main layer of plaster applied in layers, each not more than 5 mm thick, until the total desired thickness of the plaster coating is reached; each subsequent layer of soil is applied after the beginning of setting of the previous one;
- covering, the final smoothing layer for leveling, is carried out with a solution rubbed through a fine sieve.

When applying layers of a plaster ground layer, a rail-rule is used, with ends that cantilever protrude beyond the borders of the beacons by 10 ... 15 cm.

After plastering, the finished surface can be puttied, primed, painted, wallpapered or veneered with a variety of finishing materials.
