Assembly of houses from a bar. Construction technology from a bar of different sizes. stage. Installation of individual elements

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The technology of construction of log houses, as well as houses from round timber, has a number of features associated with the specifics of the building material. For example, in the project it is necessary to take into account a decent shrinkage of the house, and a lot also depends on whether the house was assembled correctly from the beams. Given the many nuances, this issue should be considered in more detail.

General stages of log construction

The assembly of wooden houses from a bar is only one of the stages of building a house, in addition to this, the construction technology includes such stages as:

  • foundation device - it makes no sense to consider this stage in detail, it is only worth noting that a strip reinforced foundation is suitable for a 2-storey house, and a columnar or variant with a grillage may be enough for one-story buildings;

  • then there is the direct assembly of the beam from the log house, the laying is carried out along the crowns, and here the execution of the work may already differ in details. Some prefer to use dowels for greater strength and rigidity of the walls, others use profiled timber without dowels. This stage is discussed in more detail below;

Note! Profiled solid lumber usually undergoes chamber drying, so it is ideal for building a house. Its cost can be considered a small minus, but the increased price is justified - after all, the buyer receives a bar with minimal moisture, which reduces the shrinkage period and the likelihood of cracking the tree.

  • then a roof is built and the house is allowed to stand. The time during which the house "sits down" varies greatly depending on the conditions of construction, the type of wood, the type of lumber, and even the time of their harvest;
  • the final interior decoration of the house, the installation of windows and doors can be performed after the complete shrinkage of the house. In order to at least roughly navigate the timing, you can use a moisture meter, the average moisture content of the timber should not be higher than 20-25%.

Note! If the deadlines are running out, then glued laminated timber can save the situation. Assembling a house from glued beams does not provide for a long standing of the house, this is not necessary, since the beam itself is glued from several pre-dried boards.

More about building a house

Assembling a house from logs or timber is a rather painstaking work, so it’s better not to rush. The negligence made at this stage can turn into serious troubles in the future, which cannot be 100% eliminated.


For additional protection of the log house, the bars of the lower trim are first laid on the foundation, their cross section is slightly larger than the thickness of the future wall. And if the foundation is columnar, then the assembly of a log house from a bar involves the use of a double lower trim. This is necessary due to the fact that the bars will bend, so you need to increase their height.

Note! Before laying the lower trim, a layer of a waterproofing agent must be applied to the surface of the foundation (coated waterproofing can be used).

After that, you can proceed to laying along the crowns, until one crown is laid, it is impossible to start laying the second. If an ordinary solid beam is used for construction, then it can be recommended to use dowels through 3-4 beams with a step between them of 2-3 m. Dowels can be both wooden and metal and significantly increase the rigidity of the wall, the risk that the wall will lead when it dries is significantly reduced.

In principle, the assembly of a log house can be carried out without additional joining of the beams in a vertical plane. This is quite acceptable when using profiled dried timber, in this case, the selected grooves on the surface of the lumber are sufficient.

But usually pins are still not neglected - they do not greatly affect the final cost, and an increase in reliability will definitely not be superfluous. Moreover, quite often preference is given to wooden dowels, metal dowels are not very suitable for these purposes, since condensation can form on their surface, and this is fraught with rotting of the wood.

Also of great importance is the type of timber, or rather the profile of its surface.

The following options are possible:

  • german profile(comb), characterized by a large number of small teeth. In this case, assembling a profiled beam with your own hands does not require laying a heater between them;

Using this method of combining bars is difficult to consider appropriate in our time:

  • the risk of timber decay from the inside increases (due to condensation on the metal);
  • the cost of such studs is high (it can reach up to 400 rubles / m), since screeds are installed in increments of 1.5-2.0 m to a depth of 30-40 cm, then in total such a purchase will cost a lot;
  • one of the advantages of this method, some call adjustment of shrinkage, but this is not true. The only thing that can be achieved is that the bars will not lead when dried.

There is an opinion among professionals that the trend of using screed studs has gone since the time when the assembly of glued laminated timber was still being mastered. It was necessary to minimize the warping of the timber in any way, and the screed solved this issue. In principle, the Finns also use something similar, but there metal ties are used only on outlets, this is justified.

In a completely budgetary version, it is also possible to assemble a beam on nails, but this is not the best option, its only advantage can be considered perhaps a small cost.

Floor device

After the walls have been erected, you can start building the floor of the first floor and interfloor ceilings.

The instruction for the installation of the floor of the first floor will look like this:

  • the beams will be attached to the beam of the lower trim. If a double beam is used, then in the upper one you can simply make cuttings up to 5 cm deep and thus rigidly fix the ends of the floor beams. In the case of a single beam, steel brackets can be used to support the ends of the beams on them;

  • further, small bars are attached to the bottom of the beams to create a support for the subfloor. A draft floor is laid on them;
  • then follows a layer of insulation, on top of it - a vapor barrier membrane;
  • only after that it is possible to lay the finishing floor boards on the floor.

The design of interfloor ceilings can be simplified and dispense with a heat-insulating layer. At the same time, floor beams can be left as an element of the interior, this will only decorate the room.

Ready houses from a bar

If the cost does not matter, then you can order a finished log house. That is, the question of how a house is assembled from a bar does not have to be solved, specialists will first assemble it at their production site, then disassemble it, deliver it to the construction site and assemble it again. After that, you can proceed to the finish.

At the same time, the process itself is a bit like a designer - all the details are already perfectly sized and marked with numbers. So it remains only to arrange them in accordance with the project.

According to the same scheme, the assembly of a bath from a bar can also be performed. Although, the bath is not such a large-scale structure, so you can try to build it yourself. To facilitate the work, you can use ordinary dried timber and nails instead of dowels to combine the timbers.

Houses made of profiled timber are cozy and reliable. They have proven their worth many years ago. A lot of time has passed, and the advantages of wooden houses are only increasing. Nowadays, such houses are being built quite quickly, because they are assembled like a children's designer. This is also facilitated by the presence of special fasteners and the availability of materials. In this article, we will look at how you can build a house from a profiled beam on your own.

Features of profiled timber

Profiled timber is a building material that is extracted from coniferous trees, such as pine, cedar, spruce, larch. If you look closely at the material, you will notice that the inside is flat and planed, and the outside is semi-oval, or it can also be even. On the sides there is a special groove and spike, which allow you to quickly and efficiently fasten the timber together. The main advantage of profiled timber is environmental friendliness, since it is made without the use of glue.

Also, the material is very warm and relatively inexpensive. These moments bribe many people. As mentioned above, profiled timber is quite easy and quick to assemble, which is good news for DIY enthusiasts. But do not forget that profiled timber is a tree on which pores remain. Over time, mold, fungi, etc. can grow there. Therefore, it is always necessary to treat wood with special protective compounds.

The profiled timber has practically no cracks, but if they appear, they can expand over time. It is very important to ensure that the cracks do not turn into through. Also remember that all wooden houses do not tolerate moisture. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the roof and not delay its repair. If your house will be periodically exposed to cold weather, additional insulation should be done.

The beginning of the construction of a house from a bar

It is very important to draw up a project of a house from a profiled beam. When you make a plan, carefully and accurately do all the calculations, as this will play a very important role in the purchase of material. You can draw a project of the future house yourself, or you can contact a construction company. Before you start preparing for construction, you should understand that the best time to build is winter.

If you plan to harvest wood yourself, it is better to do it in the cold season and dry it at home for a long time. In this case, the beam will shrink evenly and calmly. But do not go to extremes - in severe frosts it is better to refuse such work, since the tree can become very fragile.

When harvesting the material yourself, you must take into account all factors and choose a healthy tree without cracks. After that, you need to cut the logs evenly and treat them with a special antiseptic. You can purchase ready-made material, which will be trimmed to your requirements. Also, grooves will be cut there, and you just have to lay out the house from the profiled timber with your own hands, like a designer.

Building a foundation for a house

Before you decide on the type of foundation you need, study the geological conditions. To do this, you should find out the groundwater index, the composition of the soil, look at the foundation structures of already built houses in this area. Strip foundations are often laid for houses made of concrete, brick or cinder blocks. The process of building such foundations is quite simple, but it is characterized by high material consumption and labor intensity.

For wooden buildings made of timber, a columnar, pile or shallowly buried strip foundation is ideal. Let's look at the scheme for constructing a shallowly buried strip foundation. It all starts with markup. Accuracy is very important in this process. Mark the outer and inner corners of the building with pegs. After that, you need to combine them with a cord to give volume. Thus, you will understand how the foundation should look like.

After that, you can start digging a hole, the depth of which should not exceed 60 centimeters. But making too little depth is also not worth it, because we are building a house from profiled timber and do not want to reduce the strength of the structure with our rash actions. Two bayonets of a shovel will be enough. In this case, you should not deviate from the initial markup by more than 20 centimeters. After that, you need to put a crushed stone pillow. The bottom of the trench as part of this procedure is covered with a layer of sand (or dense soil) of 10 centimeters and a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness.

You can make the formwork yourself or order it. Homemade formwork is made of wood, in which there are no cracks and seams. When ordering, it is better to choose steel or plastic formwork. You must install the formwork into the trench and center it. To increase strength, it makes sense to use reinforcement - parallel rods with jumpers. The diameter of the reinforcement must be at least 1 centimeter.

It is advisable to use a frame and at least 2 reinforcement belts. When welding, they should not be placed closer than 3 centimeters. The rods should fit freely into the trench, but not be closer than 5 centimeters. After that, you can moisten the formwork with water and start pouring concrete. If you are using wood formwork, dampen it as much as possible so that the wood does not absorb moisture from the solution. The formwork is removed immediately after the mortar has dried.

For insulation, you can use slabs of extruded polystyrene foam 5 centimeters each, and at the corners of the foundation - 8 centimeters each. When the sides of the foundation of the house from the profiled timber are pitched, crushed stone is poured into the place of the formwork. This is necessary for waterproofing. The upper part of the foundation can be isolated using roofing material. Then it is imperative to backfill, for which you can use the previously withdrawn soil.

Base and floor installation

The construction of any house begins with the creation of a row, which is laid on a processed and leveled waterproofing foundation. It is worth noting that for external walls it is necessary to use a beam with a section of 150 by 150 millimeters, and for the floor and internal walls - 100 by 50 millimeters. When the first row is laid, it should be treated with an antiseptic for good strengthening. After that, it is necessary to mount the floor logs, which it is desirable to lay on the edge.

Logs can be installed on the foundation of the house and attached to the walls of the log house, as shown in the video about houses from profiled timber. They must be put in the room and left there for several days to get used to the temperature. Two logs should be placed on opposite walls and nylon threads should be pulled between them, every one and a half meters. These threads will serve as a guideline by which you can make the rest of the logs. Gaps and voids will form between the lags, which should be filled with insulation. As insulation, you can choose sawdust, polystyrene foam, isolon, mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

If you will lay logs from boards 30 - 40 centimeters thick, then the distance between them should be 80 centimeters. If the thickness of the floor boards is less, the distance should be 50 - 60 centimeters, and for too thick boards - about 1 meter. Using wedges made of thin plywood or wood, you can adjust the height of the log. You can secure the wedges with self-tapping screws or long nails. Logs are fixed with anchors or dowels. After that, you can proceed to the installation and strengthening of the boards.

One and a half centimeters should be retreated from the wall and the first row of boards should be strengthened along a stretched line. For self-tapping screws, holes should be drilled. It is necessary to lay a board on each log and strengthen it. If gaps remain between the wall and the floor, they can be covered with a plinth or brackets, which should be connected to the board and fastened with nails. The draft floor is covered with thermal insulation on both sides. For him, boards with a section of 25 by 150 millimeters are suitable.

The floor can be laid with or without displacement, judging by the photo of houses made of profiled timber. First you must lay the first layer and lay the wood flooring on top of it. Remember the waterproofing that lies on the rough base of the future floor. For these purposes, you can use penofol or dense polyethylene. At the last stage, the floor should be covered with any material. For this, a grooved board with a thickness of 28 or 36 millimeters is perfect.

Construction of walls from profiled timber

To build the walls of a timber house, it is necessary to lay out alternate rows of timber. Each subsequent row is fastened together with dowels (pins for vertical connection), which does not allow the beam to move or twist. Pins can be made of metal or wood. It is advisable to use the same tree from which the house is built. It is known that metal dowels are more reliable, but they are more expensive than wooden ones, and the cost of a house made of profiled timber will increase in this case.

How are pins installed? This happens according to the brickwork method, through two or three rows through one. To do this, it is necessary to drill holes, the diameter of which is 3 - 4 centimeters. Pins will be easily inserted into these holes. The distance between the pins should be one and a half meters. Between the rows of timber, do not forget to lay a sealant for insulation. Where external walls are connected, it is desirable to use the "warm corner" method.

In one beam, a protrusion of the required size should be cut out, and in the other, a groove with similar parameters should be cut out. Some layers of timber can be alternated with grooves and spikes. This will greatly strengthen the structure, and the corners will not be blown. If you are building a house of one and a half floors, the walls of the second floor must be raised by about 1200-1500 millimeters, it depends on the steepness. Partitions must be included in the main walls of the floor. For them, you can use a bar with a section of 100 by 150 millimeters. The installation of partitions is done only after the creation of the log house.

If the dimensions of the house are larger than 6 by 6 meters, there should be at least one partition wall on the first floor, which will provide additional support for the floor on the second floor. If you want to reduce the price of a house made of profiled timber, the internal walls can be made of frame. To do this, you need to create a frame of bars with a section of 50 to 50, sheathe it with clapboard or other material. In order for a wooden house to be fire resistant, all its details must be treated with a flame retardant. You can apply it to the walls with a spray gun or a paint brush.

And the last point that should be understood when building walls: pay due attention to the creation of window openings. In places where windows are installed, it is necessary to cut technological openings through which air will move during the drying of the material. When the house finally sits down, you can carry out the installation of windows. Window blocks for a structure made of profiled timber can be metal-plastic or wooden.

Warming and decoration of the house

If the thermal insulation of a wooden house is of high quality, you can reduce the cost of heating it. Wall insulation will significantly reduce your heating costs, regardless of fuel. The exterior finish of the house significantly increases thermal insulation by reducing the moisture content of the timber. It isolates it from various atmospheric precipitation. The most popular types of finishes are lining and siding, but it is better not to use siding for a wooden house.

You can use mineral wool, glass wool slabs, tow or flax jute. Glass wool slabs must be laid with foil vapor barrier material. This approach will help to reflect heat into the room, and the vapor barrier will reduce the evaporation of moisture, which, as you know, steals heat.

It is worth noting that for insulation, according to the technology of houses made of profiled timber, it is better not to use expanded polystyrene, since it will not allow the moisture of the tree to evaporate completely and will cause the wood to rot. For the same reasons, you should not isolate the walls with roofing felt, plastic wrap or glassine. It is better to use a vapor-permeable membrane material.

Inside, it is also desirable to trim the profiled timber, as this will give you additional thermal insulation. Interior decoration can be made of lining, hardboard or drywall. Remember that the insulation should resemble a layer cake. Each layer should be a protection against heat loss and prevent the penetration of cold and moisture. If you plan to spend time in the house only in the summer, you can not warm it.

Roof for a house made of profiled timber

To cover the roof, you can use ondulin, corrugated board, roofing material, metal tiles. Remember that insulation should start from the last or attic floor, and then move on to the roof itself. In accordance with the structure of the future roof, it is necessary to install ceiling beams, rafters and crates. When the walls are built, ceiling joists should be laid, which should protrude 50 centimeters beyond the base of the wall. Logs are made of a bar with a section of 150 by 100 millimeters. They must be laid out on edge at a distance of approximately 90 centimeters from each other.

After that, you should assemble the rafter system from boards with a section of 50 by 150 millimeters. This design is the skeleton of the roof, so it needs to be strongly strengthened with the help of racks, crossbars and braces. Rafters should be mounted in increments of no more than one centimeter. When the frame is ready, you can start laying out the fronts, which can be made from siding or timber with a section of 150 by 150 millimeters. At the last stage, a crate with a section of 25 by 150 millimeters should be nailed to the rafters.

It should be noted that the pitch of the crate should not be more than 400 millimeters. To prevent the accumulation of condensate, it is necessary to make a vapor barrier using a layer of waterproofing. If you used slate as a roof covering, and the attic is blown through, you can refuse waterproofing during the construction of a house from profiled timber.

When choosing a coating material, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations, since for different types of coatings they can vary significantly. When installing, it is very important to adhere to the specified fastening techniques. Otherwise, the integrity of the roof may be compromised. If you strictly follow the principle of laying the selected material, you can easily build the roof of the house yourself.

Building a house from a bar is perhaps the easiest way to build a house with your own hands. You do not need to have special skills for this, and if you know how to use a chainsaw, then you can easily cope with this job. It will turn out to assemble the house, like a designer with whom you played as a child. For this, special fasteners are provided along the edges of the material. You will also need a solid foundation and a reliable roof! We hope that this article will help you understand the construction technology and build a reliable and beautiful house from profiled timber!

Having your own country house where you can take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy clean air and peace is the dream of every city dweller. Of course, in order to go to the dacha with pleasure every time, you need to have decent housing, and not a rickety hut. How to realize such a dream? It is very simple - to make an inexpensive house from profiled timber.

This article will help you understand, with your own hands, will guide you through all the stages of building a log house from the foundation to the roof. Do not miss the chance to make your holiday in the country more comfortable with the opportunity to spend it at any time of the year.

Positive qualities of profiled timber

A house made of professional timber is a good choice. Thanks to the unique and healthy microclimate inside the building, living in such a house is a pleasure. This is achieved through the use of profiled wood products in the construction.

In a profiled beam, unlike the usual one, the opposite sides are not even, but have special grooves and spikes, which not only improve the quality of the interventional seam, but also reduce the pressure inside the wood. This technique reduces the risk of cracks in the timber.

The positive qualities of profiled products should also include:

  • neatness and attractiveness- due to the smoothness of the surface, the house has an aesthetic appearance without additional processing;
  • energy saving- tightness of interventional seams is several times more effective than a seam from a conventional beam, the thickness of the seam is about 3 mm. The design of the lock creates a kind of labyrinth that complicates the penetration of cold-heat into the building, and also excludes blowing;
  • wall waterproofing– the design of the profile prevents the flow of rainwater between the logs, thereby providing additional protection against decay;

It is not possible to build a residential building of brick or concrete on your own, without resorting to the help of professional builders. But anyone who has minimal carpentry skills can fold a log house with their own hands.

As soon as the building material is selected, and the foundation is built, you should proceed directly to laying the timber.

Crown assembly technology: types of corner connection

There are various ways of laying timber in a log house. Unlike a log house, when the box is assembled separately and then installed on the foundation. The house from it is built directly on the base of concrete.

The main thing is to fold the first crown correctly, it depends on how straight the walls will be. The technology is based on a corner joint.

Assembly "in half a tree"

Regardless of which type of further connection is chosen, the first and last crowns fit "in half a tree". In this case, the upper part of one beam is removed, and the lower part of the second.

A hole for the dowel is pre-drilled in the beam. Nagel - a wooden pin used to connect the beams, it is installed inside during assembly, increasing the strength of the building. It connects several blanks at once in the corners. Then a sealant is laid on it, and a subsequent crown is installed.

Assembly "in ligation with a root spike"

The beam is processed in such a way that a spike is machined on one side of it, and a groove on the other. How to lay timber when building a house using this method of pairing?

Under the groove, a spike of the appropriate size is selected. The parts must be tightly connected to each other without gaps. This is the warmest "no residue" corner joint method.

Assembly of load-bearing walls "on dowels"

The first crown always fits "in half a tree", the subsequent ones in any chosen way. To connect the structures, grooves are cut out in them, where the dowels are inserted.

These are wooden or metal bars that cut into the workpieces to be joined by half their thickness. This type requires great precision in execution.

Types of laying load-bearing walls

Laying the beam is carried out in two ways:

  • "with the remainder";
  • "no residue".

How much it costs to lay timber depends on the amount of waste generated. The more the workpiece is trimmed, the more waste.

In the first case, the blanks are processed in such a way that grooves are cut in the upper and lower parts. The depth should be ¼ of the thickness.

A simpler option - the groove is made only on one side. The most difficult, but reliable - four-sided processing.

Benefits of laying "with the rest":

  • warmer corner;
  • ease of construction;
  • sustainability.


  • the material is not consumed rationally, a lot of waste remains;
  • the area of ​​​​the room is reduced, and the cost of laying timber increases.

Houses with convex corner joints look very nice and old-fashioned, but sheathing them with siding or insulation is almost impossible.

"no residue" implies that the walls do not have protruding parts. All parts are in the same plane, facilitating further finishing of the house.


  • modern look of the building;
  • a warm corner is provided by a reliable connection using additional materials;
  • increasing the interior space of the house.


  • if you do not follow the technology, then the house will be blown.

When laying is done on your own, you need to choose the simplest, but at the same time reliable version.

Installation of profiled timber 150 * 150 mm

To help you determine the amount of timber for construction, we suggest using a simple calculator:

Wall length


Wall width


Wall height


Bar section

150x150 mm. 180x180 mm. 200x200 mm.

Beam length

5 m 6 m 7 m 8 m 9 m 10 m 11 m 12 m

Giving preference to building your own house from a profiled beam, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​its advantages and disadvantages compared to a log.


  • completely ready for laying - all the necessary grooves and profiles have already been made at the factory;
  • the cost of laying timber is several times lower than from logs;
  • if the wood has passed the stage of artificial drying, then it has a uniform moisture content and shrinks no more than 2%;
  • smooth profile eliminates the formation of cracks in the masonry;
  • the groove-thorn system prevents blowing;
  • the house is built in a short time.


  • it is impossible to redevelop the house after construction;
  • dirt stains form on the surface and are difficult to get rid of;
  • for a bar with a cross section of 150 * 150 mm, additional insulation is needed to make the house suitable for permanent residence.

A step-by-step instruction for mounting corrugated timber crowns includes:

  • laying the first crown;
  • installation of load-bearing walls.

The procedure for laying profiled timber "without residue"

Before you start building, you need to learn how to properly lay timber when building a house.


  1. Installation of the first crown. It is laid on a foundation covered with waterproofing using the “half-tree” method - this is the most reliable option that gives stability. A layer of insulation is rolled out on it, which is used as jute or tow.

If tow serves as a heater, then it is evenly distributed over the surface of the profiled timber with a release of at least 10 cm for subsequent caulking.

  1. The next row is laid out with the previously selected corner joint. The most advantageous option is the assembly on dowels, it completely prevents blowing. The first two crowns must be treated with an antiseptic to protect against decay. As soon as the bars are placed on the first crown, forming the second, it is necessary to connect them. This is done in order to give the structure strength.

The rows are fastened with the help of metal or wood. Better from the same breed as all blanks. It is advisable to make holes in them in advance - this will help to avoid the situation when the embedded insulation is wound on the drill bit.

The hole should be exactly the same diameter as the dowel. The optimal diameter is 3-4 cm, and the distance between the holes is 120-150 cm. 2-3 rows are combined at the same time.

The last two crowns are not fastened together. This is due to the fact that they are removed for laying ceiling beams.

  1. Laying a profiled beam with your own hands is associated with the fact that each wooden element must be independently treated with a refractory agent. To do this, use a wide brush or spray gun.
  2. Particular attention is paid to the corners. The tongue-and-groove connection technology would be more appropriate. It completely protects against blowing. Additionally, after each crown, a heater is laid, especially for a beam of 150 * 150 mm.

  1. Every 4-5 crowns, the corner connection “in half a tree” is repeated - this is necessary for the stability of the log house. But it is impossible to completely lay the log house in this way - this connection is purged.

Laying timber near door and window openings

In any house, it is supposed to install a door frame and arrange window openings. The technology of laying profiled timber involves two options: installation during the installation of crowns and after construction is completed.

Option one:

More labor intensive. In the place of a door or window opening, a spike is made on the bars on both sides. A deck is planted on them perpendicularly with a groove made on one side.

Jute is laid along the perimeter. The countdown of the crowns starts from the second. The first - the mortgage is not taken into account anywhere.

Second option:

When the installation of the door and window frame is carried out after the construction of the house.

A small gap is left between the bars where the opening is supposed to be. That is, long and short workpieces are alternately stacked.

The countdown starts from the second crown. The width of the opening should be 5 cm more than it is supposed. This is for a door or window frame.

Features of laying profiled timber

The technology of laying timber 150x150 assumes that the workpiece is completely ready for use. Its side can be flat or convex - you can choose any, both for the outside and for the inside. Each subsequent crown is laid on a layer of jute insulation, tightly interlocking with each other by the “thorn-groove” system.

Typically, manufacturers produce blanks 6 m long, but the wall can be much longer. To qualitatively lay the bars, it is necessary to splice them with each other. It is important to prevent the penetration of cold.

To do this, do:

  1. at the junction of two wooden blanks, a cut is made along the beam;
  2. the clutch is carried out “in the dressing” - on the one hand there is a long spike, and on the other a groove, between them there is jute;
  3. driving pins at the docking points provides additional strength;
  4. in each subsequent row, the junction is slightly shifted - this is necessary for the reliability of the structure.

The price of construction in this case increases due to the large amount of waste after cutting the blanks. If the house project assumes a size of 6 × 6 m, then the cost will be much lower.


You can build a house from a bar yourself, for this you need to master the laying technology. It is quite simple, with minimal carpentry skills and strict adherence to the order of work, you will soon become the owner of a wooden country house.

The video in this article will give you the opportunity to visually verify the above material, see.

Houses made of profiled timber are cozy and reliable. They have proven their worth many years ago. A lot of time has passed, and the advantages of wooden houses are only increasing. Nowadays, such houses are being built quite quickly, because they are assembled like a children's designer. This is also facilitated by the presence of special fasteners and the availability of materials. In this article, we will look at how you can build a house from a profiled beam on your own.

  1. Base and floor installation
  2. Warming and decoration of the house

Features of profiled timber

Profiled timber is a building material that is extracted from coniferous trees, such as pine, cedar, spruce, larch. If you look closely at the material, you will notice that the inside is flat and planed, and the outside is semi-oval, or it can also be even. On the sides there is a special groove and spike, which allow you to quickly and efficiently fasten the timber together. The main advantage of profiled timber is environmental friendliness, since it is made without the use of glue.

Also, the material is very warm and relatively inexpensive. These moments bribe many people. As mentioned above, profiled timber is quite easy and quick to assemble, which is good news for DIY enthusiasts. But do not forget that profiled timber is a tree on which pores remain. Over time, mold, fungi, etc. can grow there. Therefore, it is always necessary to treat wood with special protective compounds.

The profiled timber has practically no cracks, but if they appear, they can expand over time. It is very important to ensure that the cracks do not turn into through. Also remember that all wooden houses do not tolerate moisture. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the roof and not delay its repair. If your house will be periodically exposed to cold weather, additional insulation should be done.

The beginning of the construction of a house from a bar

It is very important to draw up a project of a house from a profiled beam. When you make a plan, carefully and accurately do all the calculations, as this will play a very important role in the purchase of material. You can draw a project of the future house yourself, or you can contact a construction company. Before you start preparing for construction, you should understand that the best time to build is winter.

If you plan to harvest wood yourself, it is better to do it in the cold season and dry it at home for a long time. In this case, the beam will shrink evenly and calmly. But do not go to extremes - in severe frosts it is better to refuse such work, since the tree can become very fragile.

When harvesting the material yourself, you must take into account all factors and choose a healthy tree without cracks. After that, you need to cut the logs evenly and treat them with a special antiseptic. You can purchase ready-made material, which will be trimmed to your requirements. Also, grooves will be cut there, and you just have to lay out the house from the profiled timber with your own hands, like a designer.

Building a foundation for a house

Before you decide on the type of foundation you need, study the geological conditions. To do this, you should find out the groundwater index, the composition of the soil, look at the foundation structures of already built houses in this area. Strip foundations are often laid for houses made of concrete, brick or cinder blocks. The process of building such foundations is quite simple, but it is characterized by high material consumption and labor intensity.

For wooden buildings made of timber, a columnar, pile or shallowly buried strip foundation is ideal. Let's look at the scheme for constructing a shallowly buried strip foundation. It all starts with markup. Accuracy is very important in this process. Mark the outer and inner corners of the building with pegs. After that, you need to combine them with a cord to give volume. Thus, you will understand how the foundation should look like.

After that, you can start digging a hole, the depth of which should not exceed 60 centimeters. But making too little depth is also not worth it, because we are building a house from profiled timber and do not want to reduce the strength of the structure with our rash actions. Two bayonets of a shovel will be enough. In this case, you should not deviate from the initial markup by more than 20 centimeters. After that, you need to put a crushed stone pillow. The bottom of the trench as part of this procedure is covered with a layer of sand (or dense soil) of 10 centimeters and a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness.

You can make the formwork yourself or order it. Homemade formwork is made of wood, in which there are no cracks and seams. When ordering, it is better to choose steel or plastic formwork. You must install the formwork into the trench and center it. To increase strength, it makes sense to use reinforcement - parallel rods with jumpers. The diameter of the reinforcement must be at least 1 centimeter.

It is advisable to use a frame and at least 2 reinforcement belts. When welding, they should not be placed closer than 3 centimeters. The rods should fit freely into the trench, but not be closer than 5 centimeters. After that, you can moisten the formwork with water and start pouring concrete. If you are using wood formwork, dampen it as much as possible so that the wood does not absorb moisture from the solution. The formwork is removed immediately after the mortar has dried.

For insulation, you can use slabs of extruded polystyrene foam 5 centimeters each, and at the corners of the foundation - 8 centimeters each. When the sides of the foundation of the house from the profiled timber are pitched, crushed stone is poured into the place of the formwork. This is necessary for waterproofing. The upper part of the foundation can be isolated using roofing material. Then it is imperative to backfill, for which you can use the previously withdrawn soil.

Base and floor installation

The construction of any house begins with the creation of a row, which is laid on a processed and leveled waterproofing foundation. It is worth noting that for external walls it is necessary to use a beam with a section of 150 by 150 millimeters, and for the floor and internal walls - 100 by 50 millimeters. When the first row is laid, it should be treated with an antiseptic for good strengthening. After that, it is necessary to mount the floor logs, which it is desirable to lay on the edge.

Logs can be installed on the foundation of the house and attached to the walls of the log house, as shown in the video about houses from profiled timber. They must be put in the room and left there for several days to get used to the temperature. Two logs should be placed on opposite walls and nylon threads should be pulled between them, every one and a half meters. These threads will serve as a guideline by which you can make the rest of the logs. Gaps and voids will form between the lags, which should be filled with insulation. As insulation, you can choose sawdust, polystyrene foam, isolon, mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

If you will lay logs from boards 30 - 40 centimeters thick, then the distance between them should be 80 centimeters. If the thickness of the floor boards is less, the distance should be 50 - 60 centimeters, and for too thick boards - about 1 meter. Using wedges made of thin plywood or wood, you can adjust the height of the log. You can secure the wedges with self-tapping screws or long nails. Logs are fixed with anchors or dowels. After that, you can proceed to the installation and strengthening of the boards.

One and a half centimeters should be retreated from the wall and the first row of boards should be strengthened along a stretched line. For self-tapping screws, holes should be drilled. It is necessary to lay a board on each log and strengthen it. If gaps remain between the wall and the floor, they can be covered with a plinth or brackets, which should be connected to the board and fastened with nails. The draft floor is covered with thermal insulation on both sides. For him, boards with a section of 25 by 150 millimeters are suitable.

The floor can be laid with or without displacement, judging by the photo of houses made of profiled timber. First you must lay the first layer and lay the wood flooring on top of it. Remember the waterproofing that lies on the rough base of the future floor. For these purposes, you can use penofol or dense polyethylene. At the last stage, the floor should be covered with any material. For this, a grooved board with a thickness of 28 or 36 millimeters is perfect.

Construction of walls from profiled timber

To build the walls of a timber house, it is necessary to lay out alternate rows of timber. Each subsequent row is fastened together with dowels (pins for vertical connection), which does not allow the beam to move or twist. Pins can be made of metal or wood. It is advisable to use the same tree from which the house is built. It is known that metal dowels are more reliable, but they are more expensive than wooden ones, and the cost of a house made of profiled timber will increase in this case.

How are pins installed? This happens according to the brickwork method, through two or three rows through one. To do this, it is necessary to drill holes, the diameter of which is 3 - 4 centimeters. Pins will be easily inserted into these holes. The distance between the pins should be one and a half meters. Between the rows of timber, do not forget to lay a sealant for insulation. Where external walls are connected, it is desirable to use the "warm corner" method.

In one beam, a protrusion of the required size should be cut out, and in the other, a groove with similar parameters should be cut out. Some layers of timber can be alternated with grooves and spikes. This will greatly strengthen the structure, and the corners will not be blown. If you are building a house of one and a half floors, the walls of the second floor must be raised by about 1200-1500 millimeters, it depends on the steepness. Partitions must be included in the main walls of the floor. For them, you can use a bar with a section of 100 by 150 millimeters. The installation of partitions is done only after the creation of the log house.

If the dimensions of the house are larger than 6 by 6 meters, there should be at least one partition wall on the first floor, which will provide additional support for the floor on the second floor. If you want to reduce the price of a house made of profiled timber, the internal walls can be made of frame. To do this, you need to create a frame of bars with a section of 50 to 50, sheathe it with clapboard or other material. In order for a wooden house to be fire resistant, all its details must be treated with a flame retardant. You can apply it to the walls with a spray gun or a paint brush.

And the last point that should be understood when building walls: pay due attention to the creation of window openings. In places where windows are installed, it is necessary to cut technological openings through which air will move during the drying of the material. When the house finally sits down, you can carry out the installation of windows. Window blocks for a structure made of profiled timber can be metal-plastic or wooden.

Warming and decoration of the house

If the thermal insulation of a wooden house is of high quality, you can reduce the cost of heating it. Wall insulation will significantly reduce your heating costs, regardless of fuel. The exterior finish of the house significantly increases thermal insulation by reducing the moisture content of the timber. It isolates it from various atmospheric precipitation. The most popular types of finishes are lining and siding, but it is better not to use siding for a wooden house.

You can use mineral wool, glass wool slabs, tow or flax jute. Glass wool slabs must be laid with foil vapor barrier material. This approach will help to reflect heat into the room, and the vapor barrier will reduce the evaporation of moisture, which, as you know, steals heat.

It is worth noting that for insulation, according to the technology of houses made of profiled timber, it is better not to use expanded polystyrene, since it will not allow the moisture of the tree to evaporate completely and will cause the wood to rot. For the same reasons, you should not isolate the walls with roofing felt, plastic wrap or glassine. It is better to use a vapor-permeable membrane material.

Inside, it is also desirable to trim the profiled timber, as this will give you additional thermal insulation. Interior decoration can be made of lining, hardboard or drywall. Remember that the insulation should resemble a layer cake. Each layer should be a protection against heat loss and prevent the penetration of cold and moisture. If you plan to spend time in the house only in the summer, you can not warm it.

Roof for a house made of profiled timber

To cover the roof, you can use ondulin, corrugated board, roofing material, metal tiles. Remember that insulation should start from the last or attic floor, and then move on to the roof itself. In accordance with the structure of the future roof, it is necessary to install ceiling beams, rafters and crates. When the walls are built, ceiling joists should be laid, which should protrude 50 centimeters beyond the base of the wall. Logs are made of a bar with a section of 150 by 100 millimeters. They must be laid out on edge at a distance of approximately 90 centimeters from each other.

After that, you should assemble the rafter system from boards with a section of 50 by 150 millimeters. This design is the skeleton of the roof, so it needs to be strongly strengthened with the help of racks, crossbars and braces. Rafters should be mounted in increments of no more than one centimeter. When the frame is ready, you can start laying out the fronts, which can be made from siding or timber with a section of 150 by 150 millimeters. At the last stage, a crate with a section of 25 by 150 millimeters should be nailed to the rafters.

It should be noted that the pitch of the crate should not be more than 400 millimeters. To prevent the accumulation of condensate, it is necessary to make a vapor barrier using a layer of waterproofing. If you used slate as a roof covering, and the attic is blown through, you can refuse waterproofing during the construction of a house from profiled timber.
