Modular stairs to the second floor: types, sizes, installation features and prices. Making and installing a modular staircase with your own hands Assemble a modular staircase with your own hands

Self-manufacturing of modular stairs is a complex and painstaking undertaking that requires certain experience and skills. It is necessary to observe safety precautions, the sequence of work and carefully calculate the design.

What is a modular ladder?

A modular staircase is a structure made up of many identical parts called modules. They include a step and a mount. Particularly popular are models where the joints between the individual elements allow you to install them at arbitrary angles to each other. From one set of modules, you can create both standard straight stairs, and spiral, and L-shaped.

Types of structures

Before starting work on creating a modular staircase, it is worth deciding on its type. Specialists distinguish several main varieties:

  1. Marching. Installed in spacious rooms. Its assembly does not require specific skills or capital investments.

    The simplest modular staircase that you can assemble with your own hands

  2. Screw. compact modern staircase requiring a minimum of installation space. The manufacture of such a design requires specific tools and work experience. Of the described types of modular stairs, the spiral one is the least convenient in everyday use.

    The spiral staircase has an interesting appearance, but inconvenient execution

  3. Swivel. Optimal ladder for a private house or multi-level apartment. Little space is needed to install the structure. The ladder is easy to install and operate. In places of turns, special "platforms" are installed.

    Unlike a spiral staircase, the staircase does not make a full turn.

General device

The main component of a modular staircase is a chain stringer. It is installed in the center of the structure from below. The kosour consists of typesetting parts, by turning which you can set the stairs in any direction. It can be mounted straight, rotated to the side or coiled.

The kosour is attached to the supporting modules. In addition, several supports are installed, located at a distance of 1–1.5 meters. The maximum reliability of the structure is guaranteed if the ladder is additionally attached to the wall.

Ideally, the frame of a modular staircase should be made of metal.

Mounting of individual modules is carried out in several ways:

  1. Assembly mount. Modules are placed inside each other, plates and screws are used as fasteners. Modular design of this type, simple and short-lived, suitable for the first independent experience in assembly.
  2. Spike fastening. The elements are fastened together with threaded pins. The design requires periodic maintenance: on average, once every one and a half to two years, you will have to tighten the fasteners. This option is considered the most aesthetic: all fasteners are hidden inside the stringer.
  3. Clamp fastening. Features of this design allow you to adjust the height and length of individual steps, turn the stairs in any direction. Experts consider clamps to be the most reliable fastening element among those presented.

The next part of the modular ladder is the supports. They can be of two types:

  1. Racks-pipes. They rest on a solid floor base.
  2. Brackets attached to a load-bearing wall.

If the edges of the steps fit the load-bearing wall and are attached to it with anchors or corners, the installation of additional supports is not required.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are some advantages and disadvantages that are common to all types of modular stairs. What will prevail in this specific situation- It's up to the owner.

The main advantages of modular stairs:

  1. Lots of varieties and styles. The customer or builder can choose from a huge range of colors, materials, designs. The modular staircase fits perfectly into any existing interior.
  2. Ease of installation and dismantling. This indicator depends on the fasteners and the type of assembly.
  3. Swivel angle adjustable. Absent in designs using a stud connection, in the rest the angle can be changed even by 360 degrees.
  4. The possibility of combining several materials in the manufacture of steps.
  5. Low construction cost.
  6. Occupies limited space (in the case of a spiral or turning staircase).
  7. Ease of repair. In some cases, for current maintenance modular stairs, it is enough to replace individual parts or modules.

Modular designs also have certain disadvantages:

  1. The possibility of subsidence and loosening of the stairs. To avoid the problem, it is necessary to install additional support pillars that can spoil the design of the structure.
  2. With a large width of the stairs (from a meter), the bending moment increases while walking. This leads to rocking and tilting of the structure. To avoid this problem, support corners are installed under the steps. This allows you to fix the ladder on the load-bearing wall. Recommended frequency: with a width of up to a meter, the corners are mounted through a step, more than a meter- under each.

Material selection

The quality and durability of a modular staircase will depend on the material used in its manufacture.

For the manufacture of steps can be used:

  1. array hard rock tree. Most often - pine wood, strong, unpretentious, easy to process and does not require complex care. You can also use beech, an inexpensive and very durable material.
  2. Glued tree.
  3. Pressed plywood.
  4. Plastic.

Optimal - buy or make your own steps from solid wood. They are reliable, durable, environmentally friendly, do not slip under the foot and look impressive.

The material for the manufacture of a frame for a modular staircase can be:

  1. Standard stainless steel.
  2. Structural steel. From above it is covered with a polymer or paint and varnish composition.
  3. Wood. This material is used in exceptional cases.

Each material for the manufacture of the frame part has its own advantages. The main advantage of wood is interesting design. wooden stairs will look organic in any interior.

The main advantages of a steel framework - reliability and durability. As individual metal modules wear out, they can be replaced individually without touching the main part of the stairs. Staircase made from durable metal will last for decades. The main condition is that thick-walled pipes must be selected for the frame. Optimal Thickness- 5 millimeters.

Painted metal frame additional protection from possible natural and other influences.

Preparation for work

To ensure a long service life of a modular ladder, several basic requirements must be taken into account in advance:

  1. If it is planned to transfer part of the load to the wall with the help of hanging brackets, the partition must be a load-bearing, solid partition, at least 200 mm thick. Fixing a modular ladder to thin structures is not allowed in order to avoid collapses and deformations.
  2. If the vertical supports take on the main load, it is better to equip a concrete platform under them. When installing stairs on wooden floors, it is necessary to use logs reinforced with transverse bars.
  3. Before starting any work, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations.

To determine exactly how many steps should be in a modular ladder, you can use the following table:

The top step can be installed at the floor level of the second floor.

Drawing up a diagram or drawing

All dimensions are approx.

For the preparation of complete and reliable calculations, a number of specific works will be required:

  1. Development of a drawing of a room or other room where a modular staircase will be installed. The scheme is drawn with precise scaling. For this, checkered paper or graph paper is used.
  2. Measuring the height of a room. Next to the main drawing, a sectional room is also schematically depicted, with separate lines marking the floor levels of the upper and lower floors. Notscale must be carefully observed, otherwise the calculations will be incorrect.
  3. A diagram of a modular ladder is drawn up. The optimal distance between the individual steps is 14–16 centimeters. If the height of the final (upper) is lower than the face value, the "surplus" is distributed among the rest. For example, with a floor height of 2.8 meters and a height of each step of 15 cm, their total number will be 18.6. The remainder is distributed to everyone. As a result, we get a structure of 18 steps with a gap between them of 15.5 centimeters.
  4. On the plan of the room, you can apply a plan of the stairs with a horizontal projection of the steps. Her overall width- about a meter, otherwise stability is lost. Steps should not be wider than 30 centimeters.
  5. If you plan a high modular staircase, which will have more than 15 steps, you can make a transition platform, with a width corresponding to the dimensions of the stairs. This is also reflected in the drawing.

All of these parameters must be taken into account when drawing up a plan.

Materials and tools

For self-production of a modular staircase, you will need a set of tools and materials:

  1. Tubes for modules made according to your measurements. It is impossible to make round modular supports on your own; this requires a specialized machine. They can be ordered from a company engaged in similar activities. Square modules can be cut from a thick-walled profile pipe.
  2. Pipes for bearing supports. Must have thick walls to support the weight of the structure.
  3. Steps. They can be ordered from a specialized company or made independently according to your own sizes. Standard Width steps of a modular ladder - 40–50 mm. When making it yourself, you need to make sure that the boards fit snugly against each other, if necessary, glue them together. Option - pick up wood the right sizes in advance.
  4. Fastening elements: studs, washers, nuts.
  5. Brackets or corners for fastening steps to a bearing wall, if provided by the project.
  6. Welding machine and several packs of electrodes.
  7. Set of wrenches.
  8. Building level.
  9. Wooden blanks for railings and balusters.
  10. Sand, cement and water needed to prepare the mortar.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing and assembly

Gathering everything necessary tools and materials, you can start your own production and collection modular design. The assembly of individual parts and the installation of the ladder depend on the type of installation chosen. The easiest way is to assemble the ladder "module to module". It has a fixed step pitch. A slight curvature that cannot be eliminated is also possible. The main advantage of the design is that it is easy to make it yourself.

The main element of such a modular staircase is an all-welded module. It is based on two thick-walled pipes with carefully selected diameters. The smaller pipe should fit into the larger one without leaving any gaps.

The workflow for the manufacture and installation of a modular structure frame occurs in stages:

  1. Pipes are cut according to predetermined dimensions.
  2. A pipe with a larger diameter is cut by a grinder along a longitudinal seam. A rectangular profile pipe is also cut along.
  3. Parts of a rectangular professional pipe are welded to a round one on both sides of the cut, after which they are tightened with bolts. This ensures the rigidity of the structure.
  4. It is inserted into a thick pipe, tightened with bolts and a piece of thin pipe is welded.
  5. Other modules are drawn up in a similar way, with the exception of the start and finish. Additional metal platforms for anchors are welded to them, with which they can be attached to ceilings or walls.

Further work the installation of a modular staircase takes place in steps:

  1. For better glide, the internal parts of the modules are coated with oil, WD 40 grease or similar.
  2. Modules are inserted into each other. The bottom is placed first. To avoid damage to the floor, corrugated cardboard or plywood is placed under the module.

    The lining is needed so as not to scratch the floor

  3. The assembled modules are displayed in the form of a "column". The upper one is attached to the base in such a way that the upper step is at the height of the floor of the second floor, where the staircase leads. The module is preliminarily leveled.

    The design is leveled

  4. Next, the frame expands. In order not to hurt flooring, the lower module moves along with the plywood. During the construction process, the planned configuration and shape are given.
  5. Vertical racks are installed. It is advisable to install them in the foundation. To do this, a batch is made in the proportion of 2 shares of sand and 1 cement, pits are equipped, supports are installed there and filled with mortar. If this is not possible, a plate is welded to the rack and attached to the floor with several anchors.
  6. After the mortar dries, the ladder is attached to the vertical posts with bolts. If anchoring was used for the racks, you can start work immediately.
  7. Lastly, the bottom module is screwed to the floor. If the structure is placed on a concrete floor, ordinary anchors are used as fasteners. If on a wooden one - “grouses”, having a thread similar to a screw one, and a hexagonal or tetrahedral head.

    Flanges can be pre-welded or prefabricated

  8. Flanges are screwed to the installed modules, on which the steps will be attached. Everything is pre-leveled.
  9. Step boards are laid on the flanges. They are labeled for fastening.
  10. The marked holes are drilled to the desired depth. Drilling is a mandatory procedure, otherwise, in the process of tightening the screws, there is a risk of cracking.
  11. The steps are screwed to the flanges. To do this, you can use "grouse" or other suitable fasteners.

    Each element is marked, drilled and leveled

  12. The holes remaining in the modules are plugged with plugs (optional). All connections are carefully checked, if necessary, bolts or self-tapping screws are tightened. The frame is ready.

The next step is the installation of railings. Handrails and balusters can be made independently or purchased at a specialized store. Structurally, the baluster is a pipe with a flange installed at an angle. The angle depends on the height of the stairs, the number of steps and the distance between them. Ideally, the handrail bolted to the flanges should run parallel to the main structure.

Installation of factory balusters with a diameter of 24-25 mm is as follows:

Gallery: Modular stairs in the interior

Modular stairs fit perfectly into any classic or modern interior. They can be decorated in any style and installed indoors, regardless of its functional purpose.

It is possible to design a modular design for all types of interiors A spiral staircase can be installed on a single support Modular design does not require much space to install Large structures require additional supports Structures can be of any type and shape

Video: Assembling and installing a modular staircase

By choosing the right materials and calculating the design, you can make a modular staircase yourself and in a short time. Some elements and fasteners cannot be made by hand; you should contact a specialized company or store.

Moving between floors country houses provide the usual stairs for everyone. Their design is practically unchanged since ancient times. But thanks current trends changed in design and architecture general form construction, and thanks to new materials, the stairs have become stronger, lighter and more reliable. Most a prime example stairs, combining tradition and modern materials, is a modular staircase. Creating a modular staircase with your own hands will not present great difficulties, the main thing is to understand the sequence of work, be able to handle the tool, and also make a drawing with the necessary calculations.

From the outside, modular stairs for the home look airy and unreliable, but this is a deceptive impression. The materials used and the method of fastening provide modular stairs high level strength. In addition, another indisputable advantage of such a staircase is the small amount of materials used and the versatility of the design, which allows equipping a modular staircase in a small area. All this, as well as modern design and affordable price make modular stairs very attractive for use in the interior.

Choosing a modular ladder

There is nothing difficult in how to choose a modular staircase. First of all, you need to focus on general style interior, own financial opportunities and the feasibility of its installation. It will be important to pay attention to the manufacturer of a particular staircase, as well as its appearance, the assembly option for the modules and their fastening.

Initially, Italy produced modular stairs, and then Poland. Today, these countries still produce modular stairs for the home. Their products are characterized by elegance of form, quality and high price. Products from Poland are inferior to Italian ones, but in general the quality is high.

Over time, Russia picked up the baton. The release of these stairs has been adjusted various companies, one of which is Stamet. Stamet modular stairs have been produced since 2004, and the company is constantly working on improving their design. So one of the developments of the Stamet company is the Prestige modular staircase, which is perfect for the interior, where it is necessary to emphasize the status, refined taste and wealth of the owners. In general, modular stairs Russian production stand out for their reliability and affordable price.

Modular staircase "Premium" by Stamet:

Also produces modular stairs China. But, unfortunately, in our market, the lion's share of Chinese products is a miserable spectacle in terms of quality and the only thing that attracts the buyer is the low price. It is possible to find a high-quality factory modular ladder made in China, but you should be prepared for a rather high price.

Modular staircase made in China:

When choosing a modular staircase, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the parts. After all, the reliability of the staircase itself and its external attractiveness will depend on this. It should be noted that the cost of a modular staircase directly depends on the materials used and the quality of workmanship. There is no single answer to the question of how much a modular staircase costs. For modular stairs, the price ranges from 200 USD. up to 2000 c.u. per running metre. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of connection, material, as well as the fact that the stairs of the first generation are cheaper.

Stringer modules of cheap stairs can be made from low-quality metal, which will lead to the deflection of the stairs during operation. BUT wooden elements such stairs will not be properly processed. Ideally metal parts must be of sufficient thickness so as not to deform from a small effort, and wooden elements without any cracks or chips. In addition to the external component and quality workmanship Another important factor influencing the choice of a modular staircase is its appearance. Below we will consider existing species modular stairs, their pros and cons.

Having planned to create a modular staircase in the house, you need to decide what it should be. Like conventional stairs, modular stairs can be of several types:

  • marching, simple straight stairs with wide steps. They are very convenient for ascent and descent, but due to their design they take up a lot of space;
  • screw stairs take up the least space, but at the same time it is difficult to descend and climb them;
  • rotary with intermediate platforms. This type of stairs takes up relatively little space, and it is quite convenient to go down and up them. They consist of two or more marches with turning platforms.

But modular stairs have one feature, which distinguishes them from the rest, is a chain kosour. It is the central element of the modular staircase design. The kosour itself consists of typesetting parts that can be placed both straight and at an angle, which allows you to make stairs of almost any shape. The kosour itself is attached to the lower and upper support modules, which provide the necessary horizontal and vertical rigidity of the entire structure. An additional element that adds rigidity to the entire structure is a support pipe installed every 1 - 1.5 running meters. But if there is solid wall made of brick or concrete, then you can remove this element by fixing the steps of the stairs to the wall.

In addition to those described above distinguishing features modular stairs distinguish three more options for assembling modules. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing a ladder.

The first option for a modular ladder is to create a chain stringer by installing its parts "module to module" and fixing them with two plates and locking screws. Such stairs belong to the stairs of the first generation and have a number of significant drawbacks. First, the step pitch is rigidly fixed and cannot be adjusted. Secondly, after assembly, there is a slight curvature that cannot be removed even by tightening the locking screws. Thirdly, the metal has such an indicator as "fatigue", and over time, the mounting plates themselves unbend, and the ladder sags. Of the advantages, it should be noted the simplicity and speed of assembling a modular staircase. A prominent representative of the first generation of modular stairs is the Dream modular staircase. The photo demonstrating modular stairs shows how the stringer of the first generation stairs is assembled:

The second option for assembling and connecting ladder modules is performed with threaded rods. Such stairs do not have such a drawback of the first generation stairs as the curvature of the stringer, but this is more than offset by the difficulty of assembling the stairs and the inability to adjust the height of the steps. In addition, after a year and a half of intensive operation, the threaded connections become loose, and you have to tighten them, and this is a very troublesome business. The representative of stairs with threaded connection is the Unica modular staircase. The photo demonstrating modular stairs shows how the stringer of stairs with a threaded connection is assembled:

The third version of modular stairs is the result of numerous improvements and improvements to previous models and represents the second generation. with fastening of modules according to the clamp principle. The undeniable advantage of these stairs is the ability to adjust the height and length of the steps. In addition to the possibility of turning the module, it is also possible to turn the flange itself, to which the step is attached. Although it applies threaded connection, for modular stairs of the second generation, the load on the fasteners is distributed differently, and the connections do not loosen over time. The representative of the second generation of ladders is the modular ladder TM "Nash Ladder". The photo demonstrating modular stairs shows how the stringer of the second generation stairs is assembled:

Bolts can be used in all three options, but they are most often found in second-generation modular stairs. These simple fasteners, placed between the steps, increase the reliability of the entire staircase.

Modular ladder calculation

The creation of a modular staircase begins with the design and calculation stage. For these purposes, you can use a special computer program, such as ArchiCAD. Of course, to use it, you will need a certain skill and experience, but with a little desire, a beginner can also calculate a modular staircase. Another option to help in the calculations are online calculators. They can be found on the web, the interface of such a calculator is intuitive and clear. It is enough to enter all the necessary data - the height between floors, the angle of inclination, and so on.

When performing calculations on your own, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that affect the choice of the type of stairs. The main parameter influencing the choice is the space allotted for the stairs. Based on it, it is worth choosing a modular ladder. For the convenience of calculations, there is a series optimal parameters that suit a certain type of stairs. Spiral modular stairs it is preferable to install on an area of ​​​​less than 3 m2, and at the same time the width of the steps should be at least 100 cm. Of course, the width of the steps of a spiral staircase can be increased, and the area occupied by it will immediately increase. If you want to install marching ladder with wide steps from 120 cm to 150 cm, you will have to prepare a space of more than 4 m in length and 175 cm wide, which is about 7 m2. If less, then the stairs can turn out to be very steep. The way out of the situation when the place is less than 7 m2, but more than 3 m2, is the arrangement mid-flight rotary modular stairs with one or more sites.

Another key factor in the calculations is stair angle. So, an angle of 45 ° is considered the most convenient, but there are cases when it cannot be observed. Two more initial parameters depend on the angle of inclination of the stairs. This is the height of the riser and the length of the tread, in other words, the height and width of the step. The table below shows these dimensions depending on the angle of inclination.

The next parameter required for calculations is the height of the stairs. Everything is extremely simple here. To do this, it is necessary to measure the height from the floor of the first floor to the level of the floor of the second floor. This is necessary to calculate the total number of steps and their dimensions, as well as to choose the most optimal angle of inclination.

Modular staircase: dimensions, which are considered ideal:

  • step height from 17 cm to 20 cm;
  • step width from 20 cm to 26 cm;
  • the length of the step depends on the type of stairs. For screw from 100 cm to 120 cm. For marching and marching-turning from 120 cm to 150 cm;
  • tilt angle from 30° to 45°.

As a result, after entering all the necessary data, the program will create a staircase model that can be considered and, if necessary, made changes. It is most convenient to make a staircase project at the same time as designing a house. This makes it easier to take into account all the details. If you do not want to do such a project yourself, you can turn to specialists. Moreover, companies that produce and sell modular stairs, when ordering stairs, they make a drawing for free.

Modular ladder: drawing

How to make a modular staircase

Having on hand finished project, you can go in several ways. The first is to place an order for a staircase from the manufacturer according to the project. The second is to look in stores for all the components of the modular ladder and purchase them. The third is to make the modules yourself. Which one to choose is up to you. The easiest and most reliable way is to place an order with the manufacturer. As a result, you will be delivered already finished staircase, made in compliance with all norms and rules, it remains only to assemble it in place, and for this any special skills will not be required.

The first thing to do is to install and secure to the floor the first module of the stairs, which is its base. To do this, we measure the required distance from the walls and make notes.

Important! All dimensions and calculations must be in the project documentation prepared earlier.

Now, having attached the module in the right place, we make marks for the holes. Then we take a puncher and drill holes for fasteners. We put the base of the stairs in place and fix it. Further assembly work will consist in installing subsequent modules into each other.

Having installed the penultimate module, we check the correctness of the installation of all modules. This is necessary to comply with the geometry of the kosour and so that you do not have to redo the fasteners for the finishing module. If everything is in order, put the finishing module in place. Then, pressing him to interfloor overlap or wall, we mark places for holes for fasteners. We remove the finishing module, drill holes, return the module to its place and fix it. Next, with the help of locking screws, we fix all parts of the stringer.

Further work is to install flange plates on each module. There is nothing super complicated here. The plates have 8 holes, 4 of which are designed for attachment to the kosour modules. Simply attach the plate to the module and fasten it with 4 screws.

It remains to install the steps in place. To do this, first, if these are wooden steps, we put them in place. We center and mark the bottom of the place for holes for fasteners. Then we drill with a drill 1 mm smaller in diameter, put it in place and fasten it.

Important! If stiffening racks are not provided in the design of the stairs, then the steps must be fixed additionally to the wall. For this, ordinary corners are suitable. They are installed under the step to the wall. First, we put them in place, mark and drill points for fasteners, and then fix them.

Finally, install the handrails and bolts. Their installation is carried out after the steps have been fixed. In the steps themselves, you will have to do through holes, but after installing the bolts and railings, the entire structure of the stairs will receive additional strength.

The installation steps described above are suitable for first generation staircases. The video demonstrating modular stairs shows how to install a second generation modular staircase. After watching this video, there will be no questions left about how to make a modular staircase with your own hands.

When building houses, cottages with two or more floors, the question often arises, what design of stairs to choose?

At the same time, it should be comfortable, beautiful, occupy a minimum of space in the room. usable space. One option is to use modules when building flight of stairs. About what are modular stairs and their assembly, produced at home, will be discussed in this article.

A modular staircase is a structure consisting of identical, securely fastened modules with steps, which are attached with studs, bolts or screws to the central stringer.

Prefabricated modular stairs are designed for installation between two floors, when the height of the structure does not exceed 3.5 meters.

The main loads on the product are the own weight of the stairs and the weight of people moving along it. They are transferred to the upper and lower modules, and to the support column, which is installed if necessary. Per module limit permissible load can be no more than 250 kg.

When choosing a design, you need to pay attention to the type of ladder support. There are two constructive types:

  1. With support on a bracket or console mount;
  2. With the use of support posts, which are recommended to be mounted through 4 - 7 modules, with a span of 2.5 m or due to the impossibility of firmly attaching the finishing element to the intermediate floor.

The optimal angle of inclination of models is 39 ° - 43 °, but sometimes up to 65 ° can be allowed. The presence of special inserts allows you to adjust the height of the modules. The minimum tread height of the structure is 180 - 200 mm, and the maximum is 240 mm.

The advantages and disadvantages of the models are presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • A wide variety of styles for designing models;
  • Easy installation and dismantling of the stairs;
  • The ability to adjust the angle of rotation of the structure up to 360 °. The exception is stairs with the connection of elements on studs;
  • Stairs can be made from a variety of materials;
  • Indoors occupy a minimum of usable territory;
  • Relatively low cost stairs;
  • A fairly simple repair, which is explained by the replacement of standard parts from which the structure is assembled or its individual modules.
  • The likelihood of loosening and subsidence of the stairs. To prevent this, it is necessary to install additional support racks, but this can spoil the aesthetic appearance of the product;
  • With a march width of more than one meter, when a person moves up the stairs, a large bending moment arises, which leads to rocking, vibration and possibly tilting of the entire structure.
  • In terms of strength characteristics, such models are inferior to all-welded products.

Product types

Prefabricated modular stairs, depending on the configuration, are:

Construction type Peculiarities

These are the usual straight models of stairs with wide steps. Very comfortable and reliable in use, but rather large and not quite compact.

They occupy a minimum of space, but are not very convenient in operation, compared with mid-flight structures (read more).

This is with intermediate platforms. Occupy less space than marching, and quite comfortable. Made from two or more marches.

There are also subspecies of structures that depend on the geometry of the descent, which can be seen in the photo:

The most common option modular models is a single-flight staircase, and the most popular configuration is a rotary one.

Simplicity and relatively low cost explains the popularity of the modular system.

The structure includes:

  1. ladder frame. In its composition:
  • Top or finishing module;
  • Middle module;
  • Lower or starting module.
  1. steps;
  2. Retaining vertical racks;
  3. Balusters;

The construction frame is usually made from:

  • Of stainless steel;
  • Structural steel, which is then coated with a polymer or special paints and varnishes;
  • Wood, on request.

Tip: When making a product with your own hands, for the frame, you should choose sheet metal rolled with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The best option is the thickness of the sheets 4 - 5 mm.

For the manufacture of steps, the following materials are used:

  • Solid wood;
  • Pressed glued wood;
  • PVC, plastic;
  • Pressed plywood.

Features of the modular staircase device and its assembly options

How to assemble a modular staircase, the video shows with all the details.

But at the same time, before installing the structure, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • In order for the movement on the stairs to be comfortable, it is necessary to make an opening in the floor of the second floor with dimensions of at least 0.9 x 2.5 m;
  • To fasten structural parts together, it is recommended to use screws or bolts with a length of at least 15 mm;
  • In the manufacture of a 180 ° turn staircase, at least 6 modules and the same number of winder steps should be provided;
  • In the manufacture of a 90 ° turn staircase, at least 4 modules and the same number of winder steps should be provided;
  • The support post must have a support base with dimensions of at least 60 x 120 mm;
  • At least 4 fasteners are used to fasten the rack. They can be bolts, anchors, studs.

To draw up a plan for assembling a modular staircase and perform its calculation, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  1. Structure inclination angle. The most comfortable angle is 45°, but it can be different, depending on the width of the tread and the height of the riser, or the height and width of the step. The table below shows these dimensions depending on the angle of inclination;
  2. The height of the stairs. To do this, measure the height from the floor of the lower floor to the floor mark of the upper floor. This is necessary to calculate the total number of steps and their sizes, and to select the most optimal angle of inclination.

For the manufacture of modular stairs ideal sizes are considered:

  • Step height from 170 mm to 200 mm;
  • Step width from 200 mm to 260 mm;
  • The length of the steps depends on the type of construction. For screw it is selected from 1 m to 1.2 m. For marching and turning from 1.2 m to 1.5 m;
  • The angle of inclination of the product is 30° - 45°.

After choosing the parameters of the model, you can use any computer design program, for example, ArchiCAD.

After entering all the data into the program, it creates a staircase model. If necessary, you can make changes to it.

Tip: To take into account all the details, the design of the stairs should be done simultaneously with the development of the design of the house. In the absence of experience in carrying out such work, it is worth contacting specialists.

The assembly of a modular staircase, depending on its type, can be done in the following ways:

Assembling the stairs "module to module"

The assembly process of the “module to module” structure is as follows: a smaller diameter pipe in the upper module is installed in a larger diameter pipe in the lower module.

In this case, the modules can be made in one piece, cast from metal, or welded. On both sides of the elements are connecting pipes different diameters and heights. Pipe plates are bolted together.

The pros and cons of module-to-module technology are presented in the table:

Assembling the stairs "on a threaded stud"

This option includes many individual parts of the module, interconnected by threaded studs.

The table shows the advantages and disadvantages of the process:

Assembling the stairs "on the clamp"

Assembly "on a clamp" is a rigid fastening of the module parts with screws or bolts. Typically, a module consists of two parts:

  1. horizontal, consisting of two pipes interconnected by a plate by welding;
  2. vertical - this is a pipe with a flange that serves to fasten the step. In this case, two parts are attached to each other and to the adjacent module with tie bolts. The position and direction can be any, you can choose an arbitrary angle of rotation of the structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of assembling the model "on a clamp":

Video assembly of a modular staircase will help make the design more reliable, which will be used flawlessly for a long time.

In addition, when installing the model, it is worth remembering the following tips:

  • Vertical racks must be installed on pre-filled concrete bases, performing the functions of the foundation;
  • It is allowed to match the ladder only with the main wall, which has a thickness of at least 200 mm;
  • When installing the product on a wooden floor, you must first strengthen the logs with transverse bars.

Clamp assembly

Making stairs

Before assembling the model, you must preparatory stage. It includes:

  • Creating a drawing of the room where the modular staircase will be placed. It is more convenient to do this on graph paper on a certain scale or in a special program;
  • Measuring the height of a room. The image of the section of the room in height with the designation of floor and ceiling marks on it;
  • Schematic representation of a modular ladder. The steps on it are fixed at a distance of 150 - 160 mm between them. The drawing will help to accurately determine the desired number of steps.

Tip: If the height of the upper step is too low, the "surplus" must be evenly distributed over all the steps of the stairs.

  • Drawing a horizontal projection of the stairs on the floor plan. Optimal Width structures - 1 meter. It is better to choose steps with a width of approximately 300 mm;
  • Preparation of a drawing of modules for fixing steps. All modules must have equal dimensions and shape. Using ready-made modules, such a drawing is not required.

Instructions for assembling a modular ladder:

  • Materials are being prepared for the manufacture of steps. Best to use solid wood, with a thickness of boards 40 - 50 mm. Screws and glue are used to connect them. Steps can be purchased ready-made. In this case, you should focus on your preferences and design features;
  • Modules are being prepared for fixing the steps. It is very difficult to make round parts on your own without the necessary skills. It is better to order them immediately from a specialized company, providing it with your calculations and drawings;

Tip: You can make square modules yourself using profile pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm. To connect all elements, bolts and welding should be used.

  • Are being built concrete pads for the installation of load-bearing supports on them, which are immediately concreted;
  • A suitable pipe is cut into the required number of elements in accordance with previously prepared drawings;
  • Holes are drilled in the elements for their fastening;
  • The whole structure is assembled, in parallel the ladder modules are attached to the supports;
  • The system is enhanced by the creation of several neat welds. welded on metal corner to modules, when creating such a edging of steps;
  • All metal elements models are cleaned of rust, primed and painted;
  • Steps are mounted;
  • Forged or wooden fencing is installed;
  • The quality and reliability of all connections are controlled.

The prefabricated modular staircase is open and enough solid construction which can be used for giving and country house. Like any staircase, it serves to connect two floors together and is part of the design and an indispensable element of architecture. At the same time, the model should be well combined with the interior of the room, creating a single architectural ensemble in it.

FROM high ceilings people are faced with the issue of arranging a staircase that would be comfortable, beautiful and take up as little usable space as possible in the room. One of the solutions to this issue is to install the so-called modular stairs , photo 1.

What is a modular ladder? Varieties, installation features, our advice

modular staircase got its name from the components from which it is assembled - modules. Individual modules are inserted into each other and secured to each other with bolts, screws or studs. The load-bearing element of the modular staircase is the central kosour (bearing beam, which is assembled from separate modules).

The modular ladder system is designed for installation between floors with a height of no more than 2.6 ... 3.5 m. The ease of assembly and installation of the modular ladder allows ordinary people without installation skills, assemble the staircase completely for 3…5 hours.

Photo 1. Modular ladder options

For the first time, a modular staircase was developed and applied in Italy in the 80s of the last century, as an alternative to heavy, massive stairs. Today, worldwide, the modular system is gaining more and more popularity because of its simplicity and relatively low cost.

The modular staircase consists of, photo 2:

  • modules (ladder frame);
  • steps (mostly wooden);
  • retaining racks (vertical supports);
  • railing racks (balusters);
  • handrails.

The frame of the modular ladder consists of:

  • upper (finish) ladder module, photo 3a;
  • middle stair module, photo 3b;
  • lower (starting) ladder module, photo 3c.

The frame of a modular ladder is usually made from the following materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • structural steel coated with a polymer or a special paint and varnish composition.
  • wood (individual orders).

You should choose a modular staircase, the frame of which is made of metal, the thickness of which is more than 3 mm ( best option 4…5 mm).

Steps are made from the following materials:

  • wooden array;
  • pressed glued wood;
  • pressed plywood;
  • PVC, plastic.

Photo 2. Design of a modular staircase using the example of the Stamet staircase

Photo 3. Modular staircase frame components: a) top module; b) average module; c) lower module

There are the following main types of modular stairs depending on the configuration:

  • marching;
  • screw;
  • combined or rotary (several marches).

There are also subspecies of modular stairs, depending on the geometry of the descent., photo 4:

  • L-shaped;
  • straight;
  • arched;
  • U-shaped
  • zabezhnaya.

Photo 4. Varieties of modular stairs

The most common version of modular stairs is a single-flight design, and the most popular configuration is a rotary one. Marching stairs take up a lot of space, but are very comfortable. Spiral staircases, on the contrary, are the most compact, but inconvenient to use.

Modular stairs, depending on the type of assembly, are produced in the following versions:

  • assembly "module to module" (first generation);
  • assembly "on a threaded stud";
  • assembly "on a clamp" (second generation).

Assembly type "module to module"

The essence of the “module to module” assembly is the installation of a module pipe of a smaller diameter into a pipe of a lower module of a larger diameter, photo 5. Modules can be cast (solid) or welded, they have connecting pipes on both sides different diameter and heights photo 5 (fragment on the right). Pipe plates are bolted together.

Photo 5. Module-to-module assembly design of a modular ladder

Advantages of module-to-module assembly:

  1. Ease and speed of installation and manufacture.
  2. Relatively low cost.

Cons of assembly "module to module":

  1. No step height adjustment.
  2. There is minimal stair curvature due to play in the loose connection between modules.
  3. Over time, this type of ladder sags.

Type of assembly "on a threaded stud"

The stud assembly consists of many individual parts of the module, which are connected to each other using threaded studs, photo 6.

Photo 6

Benefits of a "threaded stud" assembly: almost no visible seams between the modules - the design visually looks complete.

Disadvantages of the "threaded stud" assembly:

  1. Over time, the threaded connection of the studs weakens, and the structure loosens, you have to constantly tighten the nuts.
  2. There is no way to adjust the height of the steps.
  3. High complexity of installation.

Assembly type "on a clamp"

Assembly "on a clamp" (second generation) consists in rigidly fixing the module parts with screws or bolts, photo 7. The module usually consists of two parts: horizontal - two pipes connected by a welded part and vertical - a pipe with a flange for mounting the stage. Two parts are fixed to each other and to the neighboring module with coupling bolts in any position and direction (arbitrary angle of rotation).

Photo 7

Advantages of the assembly "on the clamp":

  1. The ability to adjust the height and angle of rotation of each step. The step height is freely adjustable in the range of 15…25 cm.
  2. High rigidity of ladder fastening.

Disadvantages of assembly "on a clamp": the high cost of the stairs.

The main load from the own weight of the stairs and from people moving up the stairs are transferred to the lower and upper modules, as well as to the support post (installed if necessary). The maximum permissible load on the module is no more than 250 kg.

When choosing a ladder, you should pay attention to the type of ladder supports, photo 8. There are two types of supports:

  • support on the bracket (console mount);
  • the use of a support post - it is recommended to install after 4 ... 7 steps (modules) with a large span (2.5 m or more) or if it is impossible to securely fasten the finishing module to the interfloor overlap.

Photo 8. Views support system modular stairs

Tilt angle

The optimal angle of inclination of the modular ladder is 39…43°, but can reach up to 63…65°, photo 9. The modules can be adjusted in height using special inserts. The minimum tread height of a modular staircase is 18…20 cm, and the maximum is 24 cm.

Photo 9. Options for the angle of inclination of the stairs

Benefits of modular stairs

  1. A large number of varieties and styles of design of modular stairs; a wide range of colors frame, steps and railings; the staircase fits easily into any interior of the house.
  2. Ease of installation and dismantling of the stairs.
  3. The possibility of adjusting the angle of rotation of the stairs, up to 360° (except for stairs with stud connection).
  4. Possibility of using steps from different materials.
  5. Occupies a minimum of usable space.
  6. Relatively low cost stairs (compared to other types of stairs).
  7. In most cases, it is possible to simply repair the stairs by replacing standard parts or individual modules.

Disadvantages of modular stairs

  1. A high probability of subsidence and reeling of the stairs. To prevent this, additional fastening (retaining pillars) should be installed, which spoils the aesthetic appearance of the entire staircase, photo 10. Retaining pillars are recommended to be installed every 4…5 modules.

Photo 10. Modular stairs with additional fastening installed

  1. If the width of the march (width of the stairs) is 1 m or more, then when walking up the stairs, great importance bending moment resulting in swaying, vibration and even tilting of the entire ladder. To prevent such an unpleasant reeling and unsteadiness of the stairs, additional support corners are installed under each step, photo 11, which rigidly fix the position of the entire ladder (fastening to bearing walls and heavy partitions). It is recommended to install corners through 1 step with a width of up to 0.9 m or under each step with a width of 1 m or more.

Photo 11. Additional fastening to the wall of the modular ladder

  1. Before installing a modular ladder, the following conditions should be considered:
  • for comfortable movement up the stairs, it is necessary to provide an opening in the floor of the upper floor of at least 2.5 × 0.9 m;
  • it is recommended to connect ladder modules or other elements with screws or bolts, the length of which must be at least 10 mm. Connection on screws and bolts will ensure the strength and reliability of the stairs for many years;
  • to turn the stairs by 180°, at least 6 modules and winders are required, and when turning by 90°, 3 ... 4 modules are required;
  • the base for mounting the support post of the rack must have dimensions of at least 120x60 mm; the rack must be attached to 4 or more fasteners (bolts, anchors, etc.).
  1. For the convenience of calculating a modular ladder, it is recommended to measure following sizes, which are shown by numbers in the diagram photo 12. For a clearer view overall dimensions stairs to photo 13 the classic scheme of the modular ladder is shown, with the main standard parameters.

Photo 12 2 - possible dimensions of the space allotted for the stairs; 3 - parameters of the opening in the ceiling; 4 - overlap thickness

Photo 13. The classic scheme of the modular staircase with the main standard parameters

Thus, the height between the floor levels of adjacent floors is measured. Then, depending on the distance between the floor, the number of steps is determined. by different manufacturers standard modular stairs provide the ability to adjust the height of the steps (treads) by 1 ... 6 cm on each step. Therefore, almost any stair system can be adjusted to the existing room height. AT tab. one given approximate calculations the number of steps depending on the height between the floor levels (the number of steps does not depend on whether the staircase is straight or turned).

Table 1

Determination of the number of steps of a modular ladder

If during the calculation it turns out that the upper step is at the lower level of the interfloor floor, then you can leave it like that, considering the thickness of the floor as the last step, photo 14.

Photo 14

  1. The next step is to decide on the geometry of the descent, which can often overestimate the dimensions of the room allotted for the stairs in the house.
  2. If the first step is rectangular (the direction of the step converges with the direction of movement on the stairs), then the usual starting module is used. If the direction of the first step does not coincide with the direction of movement on the stairs, you should install a winder step (turning step) and a starting winder module, photo 15.

Photo 15

  1. Installation of a modular staircase must begin from above, by fixing the top finishing module to the slab or floor beam.
  2. Then the kosour modules are installed, according to the assembly instructions with a slight tightening of the bolts, so that later during installation it is possible to adjust the height of the steps. In the established places, intermediate supports are fixed.
  3. After setting the kosour, steps are installed in the direction from top to bottom. At the same time, the height of each step is finally adjusted, followed by the final tightening of the bolts.
  4. The lower starting module is fixed to the floor base.
  5. Supports are fixed to the base of the floor.
  6. Then the railing is installed.

Photo 16 shows the main options for attaching the railing to the steps. If there is no possibility or desire to install the modular staircase itself, you can use the services of the manufacturer or supplier, but then you should count on the cost of the installation service in the amount of 30 ... 45% of the total cost of the stairs.

Photo 16

The leaders in the production of high-quality modular stairs are countries such as Italy and Poland. Chinese stairs in most cases are not of high quality, but have a lower cost.

The publication was prepared by an expert

Konev Alexander Anatolievich

The interfloor staircase is one of the most important structures in the house. It is not only a bridge between two floors, but also greatly affects the appearance of the interior surrounding it. Massive look very nice and reliable marching stairs, however, there is not always a place in the house for such structures. That is why such majestic, but bulky structures are being replaced by no less attractive, but more compact modular stairs.

Modular staircase designs first appeared in Italy in the 80s. Such stairs reached us relatively recently and immediately won the love of most consumers.

Stairs of this type are included in the state register. They can be marching, screw or rotary. Good Examples You can see such structures in the "Stolyaris" catalog.

Modular stairs are assembled from individual elements. Due to which they can have a variety of shapes and configurations. Such structures are even more popular than their concrete counterparts. All thanks to the fact that they have a fairly large list of advantages.

Advantages of modular stairs:

  1. The cost of ladders from modules is much lower than that of concrete structures. Therefore, modular products become available to the masses.
  2. The modular staircase is so easy to assemble that even a person with no experience in construction can install it with their own hands.
  3. Prefabricated modular stairs are perfectly combined with all styles of interiors. However, in rooms with modern design such structures look like an integral part.
  4. From the same modules, it is possible to assemble structures leading to the second floor, of various shapes. It can be straight, and spiral, and corner stairs.
  5. Such ladder will perfectly fit into the room with any height of ceilings. You can adjust the height of the structure yourself by adding or removing modules.
  6. Stair structures from modules take up much less space than concrete mid-flight structures. Free space under such interior elements can also be used.

Interfloor modular stairs will perfectly fit into absolutely any room. They do not take up much space, and at the same time are very convenient to use. With a little imagination and patience, you can easily create a high-quality and aesthetic design.

Accessories for modular prefabricated stairs

To understand if modular stairs are right for you, you need to understand what they consist of. Hearing the name of such structures, one can understand that the main element of such structures are the modules from which the frame is formed. They can be of various types.

Types of modules for the frame of stairs:

  1. Glass-to-glass modules are assembled from the bottom up. In this case, one element is inserted into another, and the step size is not regulated.
  2. Clamp modules are inserted one into the other from top to bottom. At the same time, the elements are tightened, so you can adjust the height of the step.
  3. Cast modules are made by pouring metal into the desired shape.
  4. Modular ladders on two stringers are usually made in China.
  5. Wooden modules can be made by hand. However, this work will take a very long time.
  6. Modules original form cost more but look much better conventional designs. They can have an ornate or strict geometric shape.

Each of the options is good in its own way. To decide which one will fit best into your home, you need to draw up a competent design project in advance.

In addition to the modules for the frame, steps are included in the package of such stairs. They can be made of materials such as: marble, glass, plastic, metal and wood.

Steps can be made independently or ordered from companies specializing in their manufacture. In any case, the shape and size of such structures is adjusted to the type of frame that you have assembled from the modules.

Steps for stairs with a turn of 180 degrees can be narrowed on one side. However, in the central part, in any case, they will have parameters convenient for climbing stairs.

Thus, the width of the steps will always be more than 80 cm, and the depth will vary between 28-30 cm. Such dimensions are considered the most convenient for operation.

Types of modular stairs to the house

Modular designs are so popular not only because they save a lot of space, but also because they can have a variety of shapes. The shape of modular stairs varies depending on the way of assembly. In total, there are three main options for the configuration of stairs of this type.

The shape of the stairs is chosen depending on the style of the interior and the amount of free space in the room. It is also necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of all types of structures.

The most popular forms of modular stairs:

  1. Marching the ladder is the easiest option to assemble. It is convenient to climb along it, however, due to the supporting pillars, the free space under it turns into a “dead” zone. However, despite the bulkiness of such structures, mid-flight stairs are very popular. The fact is that they have wide steps and a minimum length, so that moving along them does not cause any particular difficulties. Such designs are relevant if the height from the floor of the first floor to the ceiling of the fourth is not more than 4 meters.
  2. screw, they are arc, modular stairs take up a minimum of space and look very original. However, such marvelous designs have one significant disadvantage- It's hard to walk on them. The fact is that spiral staircases have a large number of narrow steps.
  3. Swivel stairs are the best option for any apartment. They have wide steps and an original appearance. At the same time, such structures occupy a minimum of free space.

Types of modular stairs can be very different. Only a pre-designed design project will help you choose the perfect option for yourself.

L-shaped modular stairs

L-shaped staircases from modules occupy a minimum of space. Such designs look compact and interesting.

Excellent options for modular stairs are provided by companies such as Castorama and Stamet. Also pay attention to the models Graz, Superprestige and Stairbox.

Corner stairs may have a turntable or winder steps. The first option is the most popular, but the second looks more unusual.

Advantages of L-shaped stairs:

  1. The corner staircase does not take up much space, so its installation is possible in any room. This design will fit in a two-level apartment and in a private house. If desired, you can place a sofa or shoe rack under the stairs itself.
  2. The relatively low price and simple installation make this design attractive to the general public.
  3. Design corner stairs matches with all interior styles. By changing the finish of the steps, you can transform classic design in a high-tech staircase.
  4. Corner stairs with a turntable are convenient in that in case of carrying heavy objects, you can stop and rest in the middle of the rise.

180 degree modular staircase

Turning stairs can have a variety of configurations. One of the most popular options is U-shaped design rotated 180 degrees.

Such designs have the most positive reviews from owners of private houses. Whether wooden or metal steps installed on them, such reliable designs will serve you for many years.

Such designs do not take up much space. You can buy ready-made kits or make calculations using special programs and qsd files.

The advantage of U-shaped modular stairs is that their assembly does not take much time. These designs are distinguished by excellent appearance, they are also very comfortable and reliable.

Installation of a modular ladder

You can assemble a modular staircase in a short period of time. The main thing is to understand what type of structural elements you have, and how the manufacturer advises to mount them. The assembly instructions for each type of module are completely different.

The general sequence of assembly of modular stairs:

  • The approach to the upper floor is calculated;
  • Support posts are leveled and attached to the floor with anchor bolts;
  • From top to bottom, a modular frame is assembled;
  • Next, steps are mounted on the frame, which are fixed with bolts and metal intermediate elements;
  • Intermediate elements are connected to railing posts;
  • The railings and various decorative elements are mounted last.

As you can see, the assembly of modular stairs is not particularly difficult. It will take you only a couple of days to complete the work, and therefore you can easily mount such a structure with your own hands.

Due to the popularity of modular stairs, their production occupies a significant niche in construction industry. A lot of domestic and imported companies are ready to provide you with the most unexpected options for such designs.

Assembling a modular staircase (video)

Modular stairs are distinguished by their original appearance and ease of assembly. If you want to create an interesting rise to the second floor without taking up much space, then such designs are ideal for you!

Examples of modular stairs (photo)
