English words and their meaning. Examples of beautiful company names in various fields

Being carried away by a foreign language, it is useful to pay attention not only to grammatical rules and lexical units: it is also important to realize the beauty of the sound of speech. Well-known quotes, common aphorisms and simply beautiful phrases in English with translation into Russian are especially evident in their linguistic uniqueness and originality. We will consider examples of such expressions in today's material. In the article you will find philosophical sayings about life, romantic phrases about love and relationships, popular quotes from songs, books and films, as well as just short English expressions with meaning.

The most important feeling, about which a lot of both apt expressions and entire creative works have been composed, is, of course, love. In this section, we will look at popular English love phrases and find out how romantically the English express their feelings and emotions. A lot of words have been said about the most beautiful feeling on earth, so we have divided all expressions into two categories: aphorisms and quotes about love in English.

Romantic aphorisms and expressions

  • The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in. The space between the fingers exists to be filled by the lover's hand.
  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. - One word frees us from the burden of life's hardships and pain: and this word is love.
  • Love - as a war. It is easy to begin; it is difficult to finish; it is impossible to forget! “Love is like war. It is also easy to start, it is also difficult to finish, and it is impossible to ever forget it.
  • love is not blind; it just sees what matters. - Love is not blind: it only sees what really matters .
  • The best thing in our life is love. The best thing in our life is love.
  • Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Love is the triumph of the imaginary over the real.
  • My heart aches completely, every hour, every day, and only when I'm with you does the pain go away. “My heart hurts all the time: every hour and every day. And only when I'm with you, the pain goes away.
  • Love is not finding someone to live with: it's finding someone you can't live without. - Love is not a search for someone to live with. This is the search for someone without whom it is impossible to live.
  • It is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. Better to love and lose than not to love at all.
  • We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering. “We hate our loved ones because they have the power to hurt us deeper than others.
  • People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

Quotes from songs, books, films about love

Here we will recall the words from famous creative works about love in English with translation of quotes into Russian.

Perhaps the most famous movie-song quote is the chorus performed by Whitney Houston from the famous movie "The Bodyguard".

No less famous is the chorus of the hit of the Liverpool four guys, dedicated to the lost yesterday's happiness.

  • All you need is love - All you need is love.

Among the works of writers there are also popular quotes of a love nature. For example, such a sweet and childishly naive book about little prince(author Antoine de Saint-Exupery) in translation gave the English-speaking world the following aphorism:

  • To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction. - To love is not to look at each other, but to look in the same direction.

An excerpt from the novel "Lolita", written by the famous Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov, is widely known.

  • It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. - It was love at first sight, and at the last sight - from a glance to the ages of ages.

Of course, one cannot do without a truly English classic: William, ours, Shakespeare. One of his most famous quotes from his pen is a line from the comedy play A Midsummer Night's Dream.

  • The course of true love never did run smooth. - TO true love there are no smooth roads.

Let's not forget the cinema. Let's take a look at the lines from the movies that have turned into famous English love phrases, working with their translation into Russian.

The hero's statement from the classic American film "Love Story" received wide recognition.

  • Love means never having to say you're sorry - To love means never to force an apology.

Another well-known quote from the more modern film City of Angels.

  • I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. “I would rather smell her hair just once, kiss her lips just once, touch her hand just once, than be without her for an eternity.

A very touching dialogue about feelings is spoken by the hero from the film Good Will Hunting. Here's the full excerpt.

People call these things imperfections, but they're not - aw that's the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds. You're not perfect, sport. And let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the question is: whether or not you're perfect for each other. That's the whole deal. That's what intimacy is all about.

People call these things flaws, but they are not - these are great things. And according to them, we then choose those whom we let into our little strange worlds. You are not perfect. And let me be frank. The girl you met isn't perfect either. But the whole question is: are you perfect for each other or not. That's the whole point. That's what intimacy is.

English phrases-reflections about life

In this category, various replicas with meaning will be given, one way or another related to life philosophy. Let's learn these beautiful phrases in English and work with the translation into Russian.

  • Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. — A person is least sincere when he speaks openly about himself. Give him the mask and he will tell you the truth.
  • Failure does not mean I'm a failure. It does mean I have not yet succeeded. “Failure is not a stigma that I am a failure. It's just a sign that I haven't achieved my success yet.
  • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm still not very sure about the universe.
  • Success is not in what you have, but who you are. Success is not what you have, but who you are.
  • Do not squander time - this is stuff life is made of. Don't waste your time - that's the stuff life is made of.
  • Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds. - Be careful with your thoughts, because actions begin with them.
  • Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. — Life is the lessons of success that must be lived in order to understand them.
  • Remember that the most dangerous prison is the one in your head. “Remember that the most dangerous prison is in your head.
  • The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it. The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  • Not the power to remember, but it's very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence. - Not the ability to remember, but its opposite - the ability to forget, is a prerequisite for our existence.
  • The memory warms you up inside, but it also breaks your soul apart. - Memory not only warms from the inside, but also tears the soul apart.
  • Stretching his hand out to catch the stars, he forgets the flowers at his feet. - Stretching out his hands to the stars, a person forgets about the flowers blooming at his feet.
  • When you start thinking a lot about your past, it becomes your present and you can't see your future without it. - When you start thinking a lot about the past, it becomes your present, behind which you can no longer see any future.
  • For the world you may be just one person, but for one person you may be the whole world! - For the world you are just one of many, but for someone you are the whole world!
  • I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. “I learned that cruelty is a sign of those who are weak. Nobility can only be expected from truly strong people.

Short beautiful phrases in English with translation

Brevity is the sister of talent, so cool, and most importantly, small, beautiful phrases in English with Russian translation will be presented here.

  • Everyone has one's own path. “Everyone has their own path.
  • I'll get everything I want. - I will get everything I want.
  • Remember who you are. “Remember who you are.
  • A life is a moment. “Life is a moment.
  • Destroy what destroys you. Destroy what destroys you.
  • Fall down seven times, stand up eight. Fall down seven times, but get up eight.
  • Never stop dreaming. - Never stop dreaming.
  • respect the past, create the future! - Respect the past - create the future!
  • live without regrets. - Live without regrets.
  • Never look back. - Never look back.
  • Nobody's perfect, but me. Nobody is perfect but me.
  • While I'm breathing - I love and believe. As long as I breathe, I love and believe.
  • Let it be. - So be it.
  • Wait and see. - Wait and see.
  • Money often costs too much. “Money is often worth too much.
  • I shall not live in vain. “I will not live in vain.
  • My life - my rules. - My life my rules.
  • Everything you can imagine is real. Everything you can imagine is real.
  • A snake lurks in the grass. — The snake is hiding in the grass.
  • No gain without pain. There is no effort without pain.
  • Behind the cloud, the sun is still shining. There, behind the clouds, the sun still shines.
  • Only my dream keeps me alive. “Only my dream keeps me alive.

Choose phrases to your liking and learn them by heart. Sooner or later, you will definitely have the opportunity to show off your knowledge of spoken English. Good luck in learning the language and see you soon!

When the city falls asleep, the sky wakes up. It is illuminated by hundreds of stars and flying comets, showing their burning tails to those who are still awake.

The moon, with its cold gaze, carefully examines the houses that have fallen into a dream, leaving glare in the windows. And at this time, the moon path is clearly visible on the sea, trembling from side to side, as if reminiscent of the breath of water.

As Anatoly Rakhmatov said, “We will enjoy life as long as it gives us this chance!”. Today, it was not without reason that we began with a small lyrical digression in order to attract the attention of those who want to get acquainted with the most beautiful words in English language. There are a huge number of them, so we will highlight the most memorable.

  • Ailurophile- cat lover
  • Becoming- attractive
  • Brood- contemplate, contemplate
  • Bucolic- characteristics of village life
  • Chatoyant- iridescent
    The etymology of the word goes back to the 18th century and originates from the French "chatoyer" - to sparkle like a cat's eye.
  • comely- cute, attractive
    The word comes from the Old English “cymlic”, meaning “beautiful”, in Old German it meant “fleeting”, and in Middle High German - “correspondingly”, “properly”
  • Cynosure- center of attention, guiding star
    The expression "the cynosure of all eyes" first occurs in J. Milton's "L'Allegro", written in 1632.
  • Dalliance- light flirting; banter
  • Demure- humble, thoughtful
    But this word has long been more than 600 years old, and initially it meant “to put off”, and later it took on the meaning of “adult”.
  • Desultory- incoherent, unsystematic
  • Dulcet- sweet, pleasant, gentle (sound). The word comes from Latin and has not changed its meaning since the 14th century.
  • One of the most romantic words is efflorescence- the beginning of flowering, a synonym for which is blossoming.
  • Evanescent- disappearing, fleeting, imperceptible
  • Evocative- evocative
  • Fetching- attractive, seductive
  • Felicity- happiness, prosperity
    In English, there is an idiom felicity of phrase, denoting "the gift of the word", "eloquence".
  • Halcyon- peaceful, happy.
    If your days are filled with serenity, you can safely say: "I have halcyon days."
  • Ineffable- indescribable, inexpressible
  • Lagniappe(in American colloquial lagnappe, lanyap) - a small gift that comes with the purchase. It can also denote a bonus and a tip.
  • Leisurefree time
  • Lissome- flexible, elastic
  • Mellifluous- sweet-sounding, caressing
  • offing seashore, the space visible from the shore to the horizon
  • Petrichor- the word has Greek roots meaning "stone" and "liquid", and symbolizes the indescribable and recognizable aroma emanating from the earth after rain.
  • Penumbra- in direct and figurative meaning means "half light" and "partial shade".

Sometimes such words are quite difficult to find in their native language. We can endlessly describe an event or element, but expressing thoughts in one word can be difficult. This once again proves the poem by Alexander Blok "Night, street, lamp, pharmacy." It is worth paying attention to the masters who wrote tanka, haiku and haiku, because they, barely waving a brush, could express an idea, conveying a special philosophy in a few lines:

Quiet tread
Inflames impatience in the soul
funny tricks
Should I not know
How passion ignites

Surely you have repeatedly asked yourself the question: why are some words in English so melodic and beautiful? And the reason is not that this language is the most popular, but that you have the opportunity to discover another world in which your opportunities will multiply. Very often people decide to learn English precisely because they like the sound of its individual words.

How beautiful is this language?

The English language is attractive to many people for a number of reasons:

Subconscious craving for euphony. There are no hissing consonants similar in sound, but there are a large number of long vowels. There are also no words that are difficult to pronounce, despite the fact that in order to pronounce some, you need to have certain articulatory abilities.

Language semantics. Most words are easy to learn because they are universal. Some of them were borrowed from other languages, for example: fantastic - fantastic, delicacy - delicacy, eternity - eternity, galaxy - galaxy, freedom - liberty. The English language can be compared to a sponge - it has absorbed valuable linguistic forms, which is why it seems very beautiful.

Incredible emotional vocabulary. These include the presence of idioms and unusual colloquial slang, as well as the use of affectionate suffixes and other techniques.

Invaluable experience of linguists

Linguists from Britain like to organize various surveys. Not so long ago, they decided to create another one. Its goal is to find words that are pleasant to the ear. The survey was conducted among foreigners, since it is difficult for a native of Britain to determine the attractiveness of a particular word - he simply ties them to certain meanings. And, as for non-native speakers, they are often attracted to unknown words.

The first place in the survey was taken by a very melodic word mother, known by every person from birth. The rest of the results varied, depending on the age and level of the social group:

Young people prefer romantic words, as well as those associated with music.

Philosophical concepts appealed to older people.

Businessmen like tangible terms about business life.

Housewives like household words, as well as those that are often found in the field of shopping and in TV shows.

As you can see, the survey did not give definite results. This was another proof that the environment where a person lives and works affects lexical preferences. Every language has attractive words.

List of attractive English words

But still, among a million words, it was possible to distinguish between beautiful words in English that attract people and make them want to learn the language:

  1. Blossom - to flourish.
  2. Bumblebee - a bumblebee.
  3. Banana - banana.
  4. Observatory - an observatory.
  5. Bliss is bliss.
  6. Aqua - water.
  7. Cosy - cozy.
  8. Blue - blue.
  9. Cute - cute.
  10. Bubble - a bubble.
  11. Galaxy - galaxy.
  12. Destiny - destiny.
  13. Mint - mint.
  14. Gorgeous - magnificent.
  15. Rainbow - rainbow.
  16. Sentiment - feeling, mood.
  17. Freedom - freedom.
  18. Delicacy - a delicacy.
  19. Cherish - to cherish.
  20. Cosmopolitan - cosmopolitan.
  21. Extravaganza - extravaganza.
  22. Fantastic - fantastic.
  23. Grace - grace.
  24. Hope - hope.
  25. Lullaby is a lullaby.
  26. Moment - moment.
  27. Pet - an animal.
  28. Lollipop - lollipop.
  29. Peace - peace.
  30. Sweetheart - beloved.
  31. Smile - smile.
  32. Enthusiasm - enthusiasm.
  33. Sunshine - sunlight.
  34. Paradox - paradox.
  35. Hilarious - cheerful.
  36. Passion - passion.
  37. Peekaboo is a game of hide and seek.
  38. Kangaroo - kangaroo.
  39. Love - love.
  40. Emotion - emotion.
  41. Sophisticated - sophisticated.
  42. Twinkle - flicker.
  43. Tranquility - calmness.
  44. Umbrella - umbrella.
  45. Sunflower - sunflower.

And the most beautiful words in English are these:

  1. Bubble - a bubble.
  2. Hope - hope.
  3. Blue - blue.
  4. Love - love.
  5. Smile - smile.
  6. Mother - mother.
  7. Camomile - chamomile.

The secret of the beauty of words

Surely you have noticed that these words have not only a beautiful pronunciation, but also a meaning. They are positive in meaning, cause only pleasant emotions, because beauty is associated with kindness.

The survey was also conducted among marketers, designers, workers. And, in their opinion, with the help of beautiful words in English, you can attract attention target audience and not only.

And, if you have a desire to learn English, we strongly recommend you the Lim English training service. Here you will not only learn a lot of beautiful words in English with translation, but also expand your vocabulary, learn how to pronounce sentences correctly and beautifully. After all, a person who knows English, owns the whole world. And it's hard to argue with that.

Not only textbooks, but also your favorite musical groups will help you learn English. Some of them did a great job coming up with their names. In this article, we have selected teams for each letter of the English alphabet from A to Z. We hope that the stories and explanations of the team names will inspire you to learn and discover a lot of new things.

  • AC/DC

Alternating current / direct current, which in English means alternating current/ D.C.. In slang, this concept refers to bisexual.

  • the black Eyed Peas

The translation of the group's name in Russian does not sound so musical - Cowpea, by the way, is a very productive plant belonging to the legume family.

  • The Cranberries - cranberries
  • Deep Purple - deep purple/dark purple/dark purple

Evanescence |ˌiːvəˈnesns| - disappearance, evanescence, evanescence

  • Franz Ferdinand

The group is named after the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
His assassination in Sarajevo in 1914 triggered the declaration of the First World War.

  • Genesis |ˈdʒɛnɪsɪs| - Genesis, Genesis, birth

In the early 90s, the band began their musical career with the name His Infernal Magesty (His Devilish Majesty), which they later shortened to HIM.

  • Iron Maiden - iron maiden
  • Kasabian

Once, the former guitarist of the band, Chris Karloff, saw in one of the books that he was reading, the name Linda Kasabian. It stuck in his memory so much that it later became the name of the group. Linda, in turn, received a surname by marrying Robert Kaseybian, of American-Armenian descent. It is not difficult to guess that the original surname sounds like “Kasabyan”.

  • Led Zeppelin

Several legends are associated with the name of this foreign group. One of them tells that initially the participants used Lead |ˈled| Zeppelin (Lead Zeppelin, a type of airship). To avoid pronunciation errors - some read the word Lead as |ˈli:d|, the letter -a- was removed from the name. According to another version, The Who frontman wanted to name his solo project that way, which he told about in the future to the manager of the Led Zeppelin group.

  • Marilyn Manson

The name of the group comes from the merger of the names of actress Marilyn Monroe and maniac Charlie Manson.

  • Nightwish - night desire
  • OutKast |ˈaʊtkɑːst|

The name of this American duet is due to the word 'outcast' - translated from English it means "outcast", "homeless", "expelled". Replacing letters with phonetically similar ones is very popular in creative circles - this makes the name special.

  • Placebo |pləˈsiːbəʊ|

Placebo, a harmless drug prescribed to calm the patient

  • Queens of the Stone Age - Queens of the Stone Age
  • The Rolling Stones

The name represents idiomatic expression and is translated as “free wanderers”, “tramps”, “tumbleweeds”, although some still insistently call them rolling stones.

  • Slipknot [ˈslɪp.nɑːt] - noose, loop, “sliding” knot
  • The Thrills - thrill, nervous excitement, deep excitement
  • The Undertones |ˈʌndətəʊn| - shade, subtext

Note that the group's English name is plural; this emphasizes that there are several members in the team.

  • Vice Squad |skwɒd| - vicious squad
  • Wye Oak

This American group was named after the centuries-old white oak ('Wye Oak' apparently came from a consonance with 'white oak') in Maryland.

  • Yeah Yeah Yeah

The name has to do with New York jargon. The word ‘yeah’ itself is translated from English as “yes, yes”

  • ZZ Top

According to band member Billy Gibbons, the title is a tribute to B.B. King, since the band originally planned to be called Z. Z. King. But due to consonance, the members changed their name to Top, as BB King was the “top” musician. In a word, a game of association.

We hope you enjoyed learning our alternate alphabet. By the way, there is no letter X in it. Let this be its highlight.

We wish you interesting English and success in your studies.

Victoria Tetkina

Nowadays, a person is nowhere without English, because it is everywhere: music, movies, the Internet, video games, even T-shirts. If you are looking for an interesting quote or just a beautiful phrase, then this article is just for you. From it you will learn famous movie quotes, useful colloquial expressions and just beautiful phrases in English (with translation).

About love

This feeling inspires artists, musicians, poets, writers, directors and other representatives of the creative world. How many wonderful works dedicated to love! For centuries, people have tried to find the most accurate formulations that would reflect the essence of this spiritualizing feeling. There are poetic, philosophical and even humorous phrases. A lot has been written and said about love in English, let's try to collect the most interesting examples.

Love is blind. - Love is blind.

It is difficult to argue with this statement, but there is another one that can better clarify the thought expressed.

Love isn't blind, it just sees what matters. - Love is not blind, it only sees what is really important.

The next aphorism continues the same theme. In the original it sounds in French, but here it is presented English translation. These beautiful and precise words belong to Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. - Only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the main thing with your eyes.

Another beautiful statement characterizes not only the feeling itself, but also loving people.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. - To love does not mean to find, but it means to learn to accept the imperfect.

And finally, let's give a humorous one. However, it contains a rather serious meaning.

Love me, love my dog ​​(literal translation: love me - love my dog ​​too). - If you love me, you will love everything that is connected with me.

Movie fans

People who love to watch movies will certainly be interested in quotes from popular American films of different times. There are interesting and even very beautiful phrases. In English with translation, you can find a list of one hundred of the most famous movie quotes. It was compiled by leading American critics 10 years ago. The first place in it is occupied by the words spoken in the scene of the breakup of the main characters of the film Gone with the Wind: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. “Honestly, my dear, I don’t care.

The list also includes many other recognizable quotes from classic films. Some of these tapes are quite old, taken in the middle of the twentieth century. Phrases from them are now used usually in a humorous quality.

No less popular are quotes from other famous American films made relatively recently, from the 80s to the 2000s. Those of them that were especially loved by the audience became sources of wonderful quotes.

To better understand humor foreign language, it is good to know at least some famous quotes from film classics, since they are heard by the English-speaking population of the world just like the inhabitants of the CIS - phrases from Soviet films.

For tattoos

What phrases can be used? For example, summarizing life experience. Such a tattoo is suitable for a person who has recently experienced a difficult situation, but who managed to learn a lesson from his troubles.

You can also make tattoos from words that will inspire you. By applying such a pattern to the skin, you, as it were, “recharge” with the energy that the words that are important to you carry.

When choosing a tattoo with an inscription, it is important to find one that you want to wear on your skin forever. English is good because you can pick up a saying that will contain a minimum of letters and words, but a maximum of meaning. For a text tattoo, this is the perfect formula.

For a T-shirt

The inscriptions on the clothes look very interesting. You can pick up something suitable in the store, but if you want real originality, then it’s better to choose a personal motto for yourself, and then order such an inscription on a T-shirt. Beautiful phrases in English are well suited for this purpose. Choose any or come up with your own, and approximate options are presented below.

  • Music is my language (Music is my language).
  • I always get what I want (I always get what I want).
  • Forever young (Forever young).
  • Follow your heart (Follow your heart).
  • Now or never (Now or never).
  • Don't judge me by my clothes (Do not judge me by clothes, do not meet me by clothes).
  • I love chocolate (I love chocolate). Instead of chocolate, there can be any other words: music - music, tea - tea, etc.

to status

For social networks, you can also use beautiful phrases in English. Together with the translation, they can not be placed: those who know the language will understand it, and those who do not know can ask you. With such a question, acquaintance and communication may well begin. Which of the English phrases are successful for status from a social network? First of all, those that will reflect the current attitude of the owner or mistress of the page. In the list below, you will find phrases that are both life-affirming and suitable for a bad mood.


If you are studying English, you have the opportunity to practice your skills through communication in special chats, forums, and social networks. To make the conversation easier and more natural, it is useful to remember at least a few. You can always have a list at hand and periodically read it.

Useful conversational phrases in English can vary - from the most simple, accepted in informal and friendly communication, to ornate polite formulas that are good to use in a conversation with a stranger or unfamiliar person.

The following are examples of some colloquial clichés. The first group consists of those that allow you to thank the interlocutor or respond to gratitude.

Another group is phrases that allow you to calm and support a person during a conversation.

The following selection of expressions can be used to express a polite refusal or agreement with the proposal (invitation) of a communication partner.

And the last small list of phrases allows you to ask the interlocutor questions to clarify a particular situation, to recognize latest news etc.

Well-known, useful and simply beautiful phrases in English with translation were presented in this article. They will help you better understand humor, express your thoughts and enjoy communication in a foreign language.
