Do-it-yourself shoe rack from drawers. Shoe made from plastic bottles. We make a shoe rack for the hallway with our own hands. Shelf for shoes made of threaded studs and chrome racks

Shoes scattered throughout the corridor are unlikely to please anyone, and even more so if the hallway is not so big. You can solve this problem by installing a special shoe shelf.

On such a shelf, shoes can be laid out on several floors, which will significantly unload the hallway. At the same time, she herself can become a real decoration of your corridor. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but given the simplicity of its design, you can easily make it yourself, with your own hands. Moreover, with the independent manufacture of this much-needed item, you can very accurately select its size, both in width and in height. After all, store shelves are standard, and very often they simply do not correspond to specific features, specific apartments. Let's figure out how to make a shoe rack with your own hands:

First, decide on the size of your future shelf. What should it be in height and width, based on the availability of a specific place where it will actually stand. In order to understand exactly what your future shoe rack should be, you should also take into account its capacity, that is, how many shoes you will generally store in it. It is also reasonable to think about what other additional functionality it could perform. For example, it is very practical to use such a cabinet, or a shelf, as an ottoman that you can sit on when you take off your shoes or put on your shoes. It can also serve as a dressing table, over which you can hang a mirror, and, for example, a phone stand. Or you want to place a hanger above it. You may need to store cream and shoe brushes in it, then you will have to make an additional compartment for these items.

You will be very surprised, but this element of furniture, so banal in the minds of many people, can be a real work of art without losing its functionality.

The simplest homemade shoe rack is an ordinary rack made of wooden slats. Such slats are now sold in any building supermarket. You just need to cut them to the desired length, sand them a little, and twist them together. After that, it should be painted, since unpainted wood will get dirty very quickly, because it will constantly come into contact with shoes. The most practical and convenient option for connecting these rails together, you can see in the photo:

Shelf for shoes made of threaded studs and chrome racks

It can also be made from ordinary boards and threaded rods. You just need to drill holes in the right places and tighten the nuts. The studs themselves can be hidden by putting on them ordinary aluminum or chrome-plated tubes of the appropriate length. In place of the studs, you can also use various chrome racks for shelves, which can be bought at furniture fittings stores.

Wooden Pallet Shoe Rack - Pallets

It is absolutely not difficult to make such a shelf from a wooden pallet yourself - pallets. In fact, it is a ready-made shelf, it only needs to be attached to the wall, if it is located vertically, and painted.

Pipe shoe rack

It is very easy to make a shoe rack from ordinary sewer plastic pipes. Such pipes are tied together either with small screws or glued together with plastic glue. And also, they can simply be tied around with a decorative rope, or a belt. You can give such a shelf an even more aesthetic appearance by pasting them on the outside with a self-adhesive wood-like film, or another texture you like:

Metal shoe rack

If you have the ability to weld metal parts, then in the same building supermarkets, you can find any forged parts from which you can assemble a really beautiful and unique shoe rack:

As you can see, there are a lot of options, it all just depends on your imagination and the availability of materials.

Summer is replaced by autumn, autumn - by winter, winter - by spring - and so on, according to a circle set by nature. And we try to adapt to the whims of each season, acquiring a bunch of clothes and shoes for all occasions. The question of placing the latter in a city hallway that is often unable to boast of extra square meters remains open. What to do? A completely rational and economical option is to make a shoe rack in the hallway with your own hands. Not enough imagination to make the end result pleasing to the eye? We offer 20 photos of self-made shoe shelves - you will certainly find something for yourself according to your criteria.



The best option is to cut the existing plywood into small pieces of equal size, then thoroughly sand and assemble into the structure of the shape you need. U-shaped structures are usually preferred. As a result, we have a strong and pretty shelf that perfectly copes with its immediate function.


The traditional material for homemade shoe racks is good old wood. Never fails, absolutely non-toxic and perfect for processing. All you need is a planer, hammer, pencil, slate, as well as a tape measure and a saw.


Compared to untreated wood, it has a greater visual appeal, however, according to the main characteristics, it outright loses exclusively to natural material. For the manufacture you will need a grinding machine. Irregularities and other shortcomings of the workpiece are leveled with sandpaper, and your shelf will acquire its final "marketable" appearance when you stick a special tape on the sanded surface.


Rarely enough, metal is used to make a do-it-yourself shoe rack, but such options often flash on the net. As a rule, they are a modification of accessories that have already served their purpose.

Perhaps the easiest option. It is made quickly and easily, roomy enough and will perfectly fit into any interior.

Even something as insignificant at first glance as a shoe rack can look like a real design revelation.

An example of a huge chipboard shoe rack. The simplest design guarantees increased stability. As you can see in the photo, absolutely all the shoes will fit in such a shelf. There will also be room for your guests. And the cat :)

An excellent rack, which has a solid capacity with a fairly modest size. Such self-made shelves can often be found in small Khrushchev hallways.

In the photo - forged homemade shelf. It will fit well into the format of both a city apartment and the design of the hallway of a private house. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to fit all the shoes on it. The shelf is small and perfect for a small family of 2-3 people.

A vivid example of how skillful hands can give a second life to even scrapped furniture.

A common option, especially in demand in small hallways. The shelf is attached to the wall and allows you to do without a bulky dresser or cabinet, thereby saving precious meters of living space. It will not be difficult for anyone to make such an option: the main thing is to collect all the necessary parts and tools. Note: wet shoes in such a suspended state dries much faster!

budget shelves

The need for invention is cunning: sometimes in order to conveniently place shoes in an apartment, you don’t need to do anything. Just a pallet is enough, and now your sneakers, sneakers, shoes, boots are in their place. True, before using such a shelf directly, it should be carefully treated with sandpaper - in order to exclude damage to the shoes.

What a small and modest shoe rack in the hallway - and how much it contains! You can really make anything with your own hands - the main thing is that your hands grow from the right place.

An interesting handmade shoe rack. As you can see, both wood and materials from already deceased furniture were used. As a result, we observe an extremely practical option with a rather specific look.

Did you know that a shoe rack can be made from ordinary cardboard? A minimum of effort and time spent, but what an original and practical accessory has been drawn in the hallway!

It seems to us that such an impromptu metal shoe rack will fit perfectly into the format of a large private house. However, in the conditions of the good old Khrushchev and panel apartments, she will also find a place. You can make it in half an hour - there would be a desire, material and tools.

This is what happens when a person with progressive design thinking slowly but surely brings his crazy projects to life.

Above, we have already considered an example of a homemade shoe rack from an ordinary pallet. Here, the source for the furniture accessory is the same, with the only difference being that it was noticeably "ennobled", generously adding rich colors.

Creative shelf for shoes in the hallway. It will probably find its place in an apartment or house of a person prone to design thinking.

You can make a shelf for shoes from pipes. The "recipe" is simply outrageous: take several long pipes, cut them into pieces of equal length, fasten them with a neat bundle to the wall - and, voila, your shoes are stored in a comfortable place and appropriate conditions.

Looking to update your computer desk? Do not rush to throw away the details of the old. The photo shows a vivid example of how to put into action even seemingly completely unnecessary things.

An aged wood motif is a good idea for making your own shoe rack. The main thing is not to overdo it with style, otherwise your design risks losing its designer charm and gaining a purely nominal value.

An option for a shoe rack in the hallway, which you can easily and quickly make with your own hands. The steel sheets that are used in this example are durable and will not allow your shoes to end up on the floor. One can argue, of course, about the spaciousness of this type of shelf, but we won’t: both the idea and its direct implementation are painfully good.

An example of a do-it-yourself shoe rack, for the manufacture of which you may need the ability to forge. In fact, a practical accessory in the hallway. If someone fears that shoes can be damaged in this way, we hasten to dispel your doubts: the product is carefully varnished at the very end and will not leave a trace on your shoes, boots, ballet flats and other types of shoes.

Look at this cute girl: her dad just made a shoe rack in the hallway with his own hands - and now the first shoes have taken their rightful place. A classic version of a popular home-made product that you can’t find fault with, even if you really want to.

Summary: We hope that you are convinced that the shoe rack in the hallway is easy to do with your own hands, and the end result can leave even standard store items far behind. The main rule is not to be afraid of your own imagination. A certain supply of creative courage in one direction or another and direct hands will allow you to seriously surprise your household and once and for all solve the problem of placing shoes in a small hallway.


When you have to make your way through the hallway like an icebreaker through the ice of the Arctic, stumbling over shoes left here and there, it's time to think about a shelf. This simple piece of furniture will make it easier to put things in order, save the household from searching for a pair in a pile of shoes dumped on the floor, and ennoble the appearance of the hallway. Buying a finished product is not a cheap pleasure, and what the trade offers does not always meet our needs. There is a way out - to make a shelf with your own hands.

Types of shelves for shoes and the material of their manufacture

The choice of material depends on the skills of work, the interior of the hallway or the place where it is planned to place the shelf, as well as financial capabilities. For the manufacture of this piece of furniture is suitable:

  • wood (bars, slats, plywood, chipboard);
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • PVC pipes;
  • cardboard;
  • the cloth;
  • improvised materials.

Table - advantages, disadvantages and features of the use of different materials for shoe shelves

Shelf materialAdvantagesFlawsApplication features
WoodEnvironmental friendliness, noble texture, plasticity of forms.High cost, complexity of processing and ability to absorb moisture.Due to moisture sensitivity, dry, clean shoes can be stored in a wooden shelf and only indoors. Atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes will lead to its deformation. To protect against moisture, wood is primed with special compounds.
PlywoodCheaper alternative to solid wood, easier to process.Heavier than wood, absorbs moisture.When working with the material does not require special skills.
ChipboardFurniture panels made of chipboard have a protective coating against moisture and temperature changes.
Low price and variety of colors, does not require grinding and painting.
If the protective film is damaged, it quickly collapses due to the loose structure.Suitable for inexpensive furniture, inferior to wood and plywood in terms of durability.
MetalStrength and durability.The material is heavy, subject to corrosion, requires special skills and tools for work.Metal forging creates real works of art that can decorate any interior. Metal shelves will fit into the hallway of both a city apartment and a country house, and after special processing they can be placed on the street. It is easy to make a product from metal pipes by fastening them with fittings. It is even easier to make shelves from metal pipes and gratings by combining them with a wooden or other frame.
PlasticLow cost material, easy to clean, not afraid of moisture.It does not breathe, moisture does not evaporate, so the shelves can only be made open.Budget plastic shelves are on sale, they are made by pressing. It is almost impossible to make such furniture with your own hands, but everyone can make simple shelves from the remnants of plastic panels.
PVC pipesOriginal and cheap material, not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.It is unlikely that he is able to keep company with an expensive interior.Even a teenager can make a shelf from PVC pipes.

The simplest and most creative options: shelves made of cardboard, fabric, scrap materials

If you want to quickly build an original piece of furniture, without having special skills or the ability to buy expensive materials, you can independently make simple models from available materials - fabric, cardboard, improvised items.

  1. The cardboard version will last quite a long time and will cost mere pennies, because the material will be an ordinary packaging box. Lightweight and durable cardboard withstands heavy loads. It is so easy to make a shelf out of it that it can be called not furniture making, but needlework. For this you will need:
    • stationery knife;
    • stapler;
    • glue or tape.

    Furniture decorated with film or wallpaper is difficult to distinguish from those made from traditional materials. But cardboard also has a drawback: if it gets wet, it will get wet. Therefore, it is better to dry wet shoes first, and protect the base with a moisture-proof film or hang the product on the wall so that the shoe rack does not suffer when wet cleaning the floor.

  2. For slippers, ballet shoes and children's shoes, you can sew fabric pockets. To do this, you only need small pieces of material and sewing accessories. Placed vertically on top of each other, they do not take up much space in the hallway. This design is suspended on one nail and, if necessary, can be moved to another location. Pockets are also sold ready-made, but hand-made ones will cost much less.
  3. Unusual, comfortable and simple shelves can be made from any available materials. Fits almost anything:

    • old furniture;
    • the laminate remaining after the repair;
    • drywall;
    • plastic or wooden boxes;
    • pallets;
    • plastic bottles;
    • shoe or cardboard boxes;
    • a piece of tin;
    • grate left over from an old refrigerator.

What material to choose

When choosing a material for a shelf, you need to consider where the product will be installed - in a residential area, on the veranda of a private house or cottage, in the open air.

For home and garden - squared wood, plywood, chipboard

Any material is suitable for the room. In choosing, you should rely only on its safety and your taste. You should not make a cardboard shelf if there are animals in the house: the teeth and claws of pets will not withstand this material.

Outdoor shelves - metal and plastic

For storing outdoor shoes, it is better to use a moisture-resistant material or treated with a protective compound. Here it is important to consider that the shelf will be affected by humidity, sun and temperature changes. It is desirable that the material is not too light, otherwise the shelf may be blown away by the wind. The best option is metal treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Chipboard should not be used, such a product on the street will quickly become unusable. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, it is quite suitable for the street, if the shelf is well fixed.

Advice! If you plan to use a wooden shelf for the outdoors, treat it twice with a moisture barrier before painting, paying special attention to the ends.

Types of shelves for the hallway

The choice depends on the size of the room, its interior, the functional purpose of the shelf.

  1. Closed. Used for long-term storage of shoes. Represent a cabinet or cabinet with doors. They can be placed not only in the hallway, but also in the rooms.
  2. Open. Placed in the hallway, suitable for daily storage of casual shoes. The advantage of open shelves in free air circulation: shoes dry faster, the smell disappears.
  3. Floor. Suitable for spacious rooms, as they occupy quite a lot of usable space. To increase functionality, they can be made with a seat. There are open and closed.
  4. Wall. Save space, make cleaning easier. For a small hallway, the best option is a narrow vertical design, it takes up little space and visually increases the height of the room.

Options for do-it-yourself shoe racks in the hallway in the photo

We make shoe racks with our own hands: drawings, step-by-step photos, diagrams

Having decided on the material and model of the shelf, you can begin to manufacture it. One of the simplest and most inexpensive options is a cardboard shelf.

Narrow wall construction made of cardboard

It can be made in the form of separate pockets, interconnected and hung on the wall. For this you will need:

  • carton boxes;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • glue;
  • paint, wallpaper or decorative film;
  • cord.

Having prepared everything you need, let's get to work.

  1. From cardboard cut out a rectangle measuring 65x60 cm.
  2. On the short side we measure 25 cm and draw a line.
  3. We divide the long side into 3 parts: 20 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm. We draw lines.
  4. In the central part, we got a square 25x25 cm and a rectangle 25x35 cm. Cut off the side parts of the rectangle along the marked lines. There will be a T-shaped blank.
  5. On the remaining “wings”, we measure 11 cm from the square along the top line and draw diagonals connecting the marked points and the corners of the letter T.
  6. We bend the cardboard along straight and diagonal lines, for convenience using a metal ruler.
  7. We assemble the structure. The rectangle will serve as the back wall of the pocket, the triangles adjacent to the square will be the side ones, we wind the remaining parts behind the back wall.
  8. Elements are fastened with glue or tape. Finished pockets are pasted over with wallpaper, decorative film, covered with paint, decorated with cords.
  9. Having made the required number of pockets, we glue them together vertically and mount them on the wall.

How to make a cardboard shelf - video

Shoe rack made from cardboard boxes

Advice! If you plan to paint the shelf, tape the ends of all parts with masking tape. So the product will acquire a complete look and moisture will not get inside the walls.

How to assemble a rack - video

PVC pipe construction

It takes a little time and a minimum of tools to make such a shoe:

  • PVC pipes with a diameter of 20–25 cm;
  • paint, paper or film for pasting;
  • glue;
  • hacksaw.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the pipe into segments 25-30 cm long, process the edges to smoothness and decorate the segments to your liking.
  2. Fasten the finished parts together in the form of honeycombs or as your fantasy tells you.
  3. Fix the structure to the wall or place it on the floor.
  4. Additionally, pipes can be fastened with a cord or tape.
  5. As a result, you will get this design.

Pallet construction

For a dacha or a garden plot, a shelf of used pallets would be appropriate. Its production will not take much time and effort.

  1. Sand the pallet with sandpaper by hand or with a grinder.
  2. Treat it with a moisture protectant, such as a Neogard wood water repellent.
  3. Lean the design against the wall and use it.
  4. Also, the pallet treated with a water repellent can be painted. After the paint has dried, the impromptu shelf can be used.
  5. If you gravitate towards the traditional style, saw the pallet lengthwise into two or three pieces. Lay the resulting parts on top of each other, dividing them with bars of the required thickness, and fasten them with self-tapping screws. You will get a rack with two or three shelves.

simple wooden shelf

You can quickly make a shelf from wooden bars and slats. To do this, it is first desirable to draw up a drawing or diagram of the future design, then cut the material according to the calculated dimensions and connect all the parts using self-tapping screws.

Shoe rack made of wooden slats

The simplest version of a wooden shoe rack is a shelf made of slats. If there were no bars at hand, you can get by with slats alone. For work you will need:

  • wooden slats;
  • hacksaw;
  • wood screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the place where you plan to install the shelf and make a drawing.
  2. Saw the slats according to the dimensions obtained. For a three-tier shelf, you should have four posts, six cross supports, and nine shelf rails. You can change the width of the shelf by screwing a different number of rails.
  3. On the racks, mark the attachment points for the transverse supports, drill holes for the screws with a drill. This is necessary so that no cracks form during assembly.
  4. Treat the details with sandpaper.
  5. Assemble the side posts by screwing the cross rails to the posts with self-tapping screws. You will get two "ladders".
  6. Screw the rails of the shelves starting from the bottom.
  7. Coat the product with varnish, let dry.

Having shown imagination and spending a little time, you can make a stylish and inexpensive shoe rack from what is at hand, but has not yet been used. Imagine, create, and your house will acquire originality and individuality.

Just as the theater begins with a hanger, so each apartment welcomes guests in its own hallway. Shoe racks are not only a useful piece of furniture, but also serve as a part of interior design. And if the owner of the apartment is a lover of creative solutions, then he will definitely begin to surprise his guests, starting from the threshold of the house. For guests, beautiful shoe shelves will be a subject of delight and admiration, and for their hosts they should also serve as a place to store many pairs of sneakers, shoes, boots and many other shoes. After all, the question of storing shoes arises for quite a few, especially if the apartment has a very small entrance hall.

Of course, it’s easier to buy a ready-made product, but, as a rule, shoe racks offered in stores have many drawbacks and are unable to fit perfectly into the dimensions of the hallway. The store may offer very large shelves for shoes, which will cost a lot of money, or completely unsuitable for the finished interior of the hallway. And it is at this moment that a quite reasonable question arises: how to make a shelf for shoes with your own hands so that it can perfectly fit your requirements and remove all shoe wealth out of sight?

To make a shelf, you first need to have a pair of long boards one and a half or two centimeters thick and twenty to thirty centimeters wide. Of the tools you will need: a ruler and a pencil, a saw, a screwdriver, metal corners and screws. Metal corners will be needed to strengthen the entire structure so that it does not stagger, but firmly stands in its place. To mark the line of cuts, use a ruler and a pencil. For the manufacture of a simple structure, it is necessary to cut out two side parts from approximately seventy to ninety centimeters high from pre-prepared boards, and several transverse parts that will serve as the lower and upper parts of the shelf. You can choose any length, focusing on the dimensions of your hallway.

Next, using a saw, we cut the boards to the desired length. When working with wood, you need to remember that when cutting with a saw, uneven cuts can result. Sandpaper is ideal for fixing this problem, it can be used to easily sand uneven edges. You also need a rail, from which you will need to make several segments. The calculation of the number of segments is based on the number of shelves, two segments per shelf. The length of the rail should be equal to the width of the side parts of the shoe rack. Now you need to markup for future shelves. On the side parts in the designated places with the help of a drill, holes are drilled slightly smaller than the diameter of the self-tapping screws. We fix the parts with a screwdriver with self-tapping screws for attaching the shelves.

The lower and upper parts are attached from below and above with the help of metal corners. You can strengthen the structure by using not only metal corners, but also for more experienced craftsmen, you can use the butt joint method. After performing all these operations, a wooden box is obtained, having bars on its sides. After these simple manipulations, a do-it-yourself shoe rack made of wood is almost ready. It remains only to put your shoe rack in the hallway and place separate shelves inside. This design can become the basis for designing shoe racks with any configurations and sizes, everything will depend on your imagination. And if you also master the technique of working with chipboard boards and learn how to use them in the manufacture of such simple furniture, then you can generally get a hallway bedside table with doors.

When using the above technique, shelves in the form of a bench are very popular. This is a very worthy and practical option for any hallway. In this case, the shelf will perform two functions: a capacious storage for shoes, and, importantly, a place for shoes. Such models have a lot of options. If you do the work using natural wood, then in the end you can get simple and beautiful models. It also looks great shoe racks in the form of a bench with a padded soft top cover. And it's comfortable to sit and look beautiful. When mastering the already known technology, you cannot stop, but you need to improve your skills and bring your most daring ideas to life.

The oval-shaped shoe rack is very original. Few people will refuse to have such a beautiful shelf for shoes of the original form in their hallway, and even with a soft harness on top. This type of work is quite difficult, but the result will not make you regret the work done. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. To make an oval shelf that can be moved, store shoes and comfortably put on shoes, you will need the following materials: chipboard twelve millimeters thick and 60 * 60 centimeters in size, parts for attaching shelves, wood screws, special plugs to hide attachment points. To make a soft harness, you will need foam rubber and fabric.

As it was thought before, our do-it-yourself shoe shelf will have an unusual shape; for this, we draw circles on all chipboard blanks. To make the circles even, for this we drive a carnation in the center of the sheet and tie a strong thread to it. We take a pencil and, using the free edge, draw a circle that will fit into the square of chipboard as much as possible. Clearly along the marked lines with a jigsaw, cut out three identical circles. Rough edges can be processed with sandpaper, or if there is, then a grinding machine is used. Next, you need to draw two diagonal lines on each of the resulting circles. The lines are drawn in such a way that they are clearly perpendicular to each other. Two holes must be drilled on each part. Holes will be needed for attaching partitions.

Four partitions are installed on the round part, which will be the base of the shelf. Partitions are installed in such a way that they are clearly at the outer edge. From below, with the help of screws, they are fixed. Then it is necessary to fix the middle circle and partitions are fixed with screws on top of this circle. The remaining four partitions are fixed in the same way, only shifted so that they are clearly between the previous partitions. And the final step is to fix the upper circle. To complete the complete picture, it is necessary to close the screws with special caps and paint the shoe rack in any color you like and suitable.

And, of course, do not forget about the soft seat. To do this, several circles are cut out of foam rubber and covered with a cloth. All this with the help of a construction stapler is fixed on an already finished shelf structure. If there is a desire for the shelf to move to any part of the hallway, then four rollers are fixed to the lower base of the structure.

Another idea for a shoe rack is a corner shelf. This is another idea in the piggy bank for the master. This type of shoe shelves is very common, because it is this type of design that can be installed in any corner of your hallway. In the corner, the shoe shelf will take the most advantageous position, and will not clutter up the passage. What is important for small hallways. To make such a product, you will need several sheets of MDF, self-tapping screws, a jigsaw, a drill, drills and a screwdriver. The work is being carried out in several stages. First of all, it is necessary to make markings on the MDF sheet. Two rectangular parts are drawn, they will be the side walls of the shoe shelf. It is also necessary to draw triangular details, which will be directly the shelves themselves.

Then, with a jigsaw, all the previously drawn details are cut out, and their edges are processed with sandpaper. The whole structure is fastened with a drill and self-tapping screws. To do this, marking the location of future shelves is carried out on the side parts and all this is fixed with the help of self-tapping screws. To give an aesthetic appearance, the design of the shoe shelf can be coated with acrylic paint. So that such a shelf for shoes does not fall with your own hands, for reliability, you need to pull its sides with dowels to the wall. Now you can safely use such a design and not be afraid that the shelf may crumble from careless movement. And, of course, one should not forget that such designs do not provide for the possibility of storing high boots on them.

There are many more different ideas for creating unique hallway furniture. And if you still need a do-it-yourself shoe rack, photos of various configurations can be found on the expanses of the worldwide web, and not only. And if you also experiment a little with the already presented drawings of shoe shelves, then it is quite possible to create some kind of masterpiece and an exclusive piece of furniture. Fantasy and again fantasy will help you create a unique interior for your hallway. Such furniture can please not only yourself but also your loved ones. The created DIY shoe rack will be a great gift for friends and family. This kind of present will be not only original, but also very functional. And, as you know, a handmade gift is very pleasant.

Having become acquainted with some of the intricacies of creating shoe shelves, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated in this and it is quite possible to create any design of shelves for shoes on your own. The main thing is to show a little imagination and diligence. And, of course, to purchase all the necessary tools for work and materials.

Even a small amount of untidy shoes in the hallway creates a feeling of untidiness and disorder. But what if the family is large and there are a lot of shoes? What if the corridor is too narrow? In such a situation, capacious and light-weight shelves for shoes will save. With their help, you can compactly place all sandals, shoes, boots and boots, saving space in the lobby. We offer to organize free space in the hallway and make a roomy shoe rack. Moreover, a do-it-yourself shoe rack is a great opportunity to show off your knowledge and carpentry skills, because its design is extremely simple.

Another positive point in favor of making your own shoe stand is the availability of materials from which you can make it. In addition, if you use the available tools and materials for its manufacture, you can significantly save the family budget.

Wood is the most common and affordable material for creating any homemade furniture, this also applies to shoe racks. There are options for making shelves from chipboard or MDF, from boards or furniture panels. You can get a budget shelf if you make it out of plywood with your own hands. Opt for quality birch plywood.

In addition to suitable material, you will need a standard set for carpentry tools:

  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • sandpaper or grinder;
  • drill;
  • screws and metal corners for fastening the structure or furniture ties;
  • special protective equipment for the processing of wooden products.

The first thing you need to think about is the drawings and diagrams of the shelf or rack you like. You can draw them yourself or find suitable ones on the Internet and fit them to your size.

So, to create a shelf for shoes made of wood, everything is prepared, you can get to work.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out all the necessary parts from the prepared material in accordance with the available drawings.
  2. Wooden parts, especially the cut points, carefully sand with sandpaper and treat with a protective agent, this will prolong the life of the product. You can paint the details or cover with stain. So, your wooden shoe rack made of inexpensive material can easily be turned into an instance of noble wood.
  3. The edges of the chipboard blanks should be pasted over with a melamine edge.
  4. At the junction of the side walls and shelves, drill holes of a slightly smaller diameter than the size of the screws. If through side holes are embarrassing, you can use all kinds of furniture ties (screw, eccentric, conical), as well as furniture corners or euro screws for fastening.
  5. Attach the top cover last. By the way, from above it can be decorated with a soft foam seat and covered with material that will echo in color and texture with other interior objects of the hallway.

Advice! If a home-made shelf for your shoes is made of MDF or chipboard, then they can be cut at the construction company where they were purchased, this requires a cutting pattern. In addition, there you can order the processing of the edge of parts.

That's all the shelf for your shoes with your own hands made of wood is ready.

corner shelf

By the same principle, a corner shelf for shoes can be made. This rack is ideal for small apartments.

Metal shelves

You are afraid that wooden shelves for shoes will quickly become unusable in the off-season, when it is slushy outside. Indeed, shoes in such weather are very wet and should be dried before putting them on the shelf.

There is also a way out of such situations, to make metal shelves. For this, for example, plumbing pipes with a diameter of 3/4 inches or rods and fasteners to them may be suitable.


  1. You need to build a frame of suitable dimensions from wooden boards.
  2. In the racks, drill holes for pipes or rods.
  3. Fix in the holes of the pipe using special mounting fittings or washers and nuts.
  4. Do not forget about the usual processing of wood products and grinding. This do-it-yourself bookcase for your shoes can also be painted in your favorite color and decorated with a soft seat.

Having made a metal shoe rack with your own hands, you will protect the product from excessive moisture.

Also, a metal rack for shoes in the hallway with your own hands can be made using ready-made fittings, which can be purchased from companies specializing in the manufacture of custom-made furniture.

More shoe rack ideas

  1. There is no need to spend money on purchasing materials to create an exclusive shoe rack. A beautiful rack can be made from pallets or construction pallets. It is easy to make such a bedside table yourself, it is enough to show only a little imagination.

  1. A shoe rack made of PVC pipes deserves attention due to its unusualness, as well as ease of manufacture.

We will tell you how to make a shoe rack with your own hands from this material.

The idea is frankly simple. You do not even need a drawing of such a shoe rack.

Cut pipes with a diameter of about 30 cm into pieces of the required length. Drill holes at the joints and fasten with small decorative screws (you can simply glue it with special glue for plastic or liquid nails). Before connecting the parts, they can be painted in the desired color or even in several colors.

  1. As you can see, a nightstand for shoes does not have to have any traditional outlines at all. For example, for shoes with heels, it is enough just to fix a polyurethane ceiling plinth on the wall. It is easily painted in any color, and fastened with a special glue.

  1. Surprise, but a simple cardboard box from a TV or other equipment is also suitable for a rack. True, such a do-it-yourself shoe shelf is useful for storing, perhaps, slippers.

Round base

If you tend to shock your guests, then a do-it-yourself round shoe cabinet is what you need.

To make it you will need:

  • Chipboard with a thickness of at least 12 mm (or other material);
  • screws and plugs;
  • furniture wheels.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut round blanks of the required diameter with an electric jigsaw from chipboard (we recommend a diameter of 60 cm), as well as dividing walls 20x25 cm, 4 pcs each. for every level.
  2. Sand the cuts and glue the melamine tape with an iron.
  3. Drill connecting holes on each round base and each spacer piece (2 each).
  4. Connect with screws. Decorate the holes on the front side with plastic plugs or self-adhesives.
  5. Screw on the wheels.
  6. The top part can be decorated with a soft seat.

Nuance. The dividing parts of each subsequent level are attached in a checkerboard pattern.

Such an unusual do-it-yourself shoe organizer will decorate any interior and will not take up much space, and made to the appropriate size, it can easily fit in a wardrobe closet.

If you want to hide your shoes from prying eyes, or a dog lives in your house, who constantly strives to gnaw another leather shoe, then a shoe cabinet will become your salvation. Its advantage is a glass door protecting your wardrobe.

Of course, making a shoe cabinet with your own hands is somewhat more difficult than just a shelf, but this can be done with a little perseverance.

The dimensions of the cabinet will depend on the dimensions of the hallway. We suggest making inclined shelves and a drawer hidden by a frosted glass door, but folding shelves can also be provided. These will allow you to place more shoes, but they will also deliver a lot of work. All the necessary fittings for such shelves can be purchased at hardware stores.

Summarizing, it is safe to say that the compact storage of shoes in your hallway is a simple and very exciting business. Try to make a shoe rack with your own hands and, perhaps, then you can transform the interior of your home beyond recognition.
