Wall insulation in a corner apartment from the inside. How and how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside? The better to insulate a corner room in an apartment

Regardless of the material from which the house is built, be it wood or brick, you can often encounter such a problem as freezing corners.

The reason for this is not only the laws of nature, but also the mistakes of the builders. The fact is that any corner is a kind of bridge of cold.

If, in the process of building a house, builders saved on insulation or mortar in brickwork, then cold will penetrate into the dwelling through voids.

AT winter time Condensation may occur in the corners as a result of the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. It is he who causes mold and cold.

The first thing that comes to mind when deciding to solve the problem of freezing corners is additional insulation of the house from the inside. But this is far from the best option.

The internal thermal insulation of the house shifts the "dew point" inward, resulting in winter period there is a dampening of the walls, which means their untimely destruction.

As a result of such insulation, the freezing of corners can only increase. Therefore, the only the right decision It's insulation on the outside.

Thermal insulation of the corners of the house from the outside

Because of their high thermal conductivity, corners are the most vulnerable part of any home. And the reason for this may be poor sealing of the seams, poor insulation, the presence of voids in the concrete.

Reliable sealing of the seams and insulation of the walls of the house from the outside will help to improve the situation.

The modern market offers many first-class heaters. For example, in the so-called "warm" plaster, foam granules are used instead of sand.

It is not only much lighter conventional solution, but also perfectly passes steam, allowing the walls to "breathe" and preventing the formation of condensate. The warming effect of "warm" plaster can be compared with brickwork.

But this is far from the only way to warm the house from the outside. Recently, so-called "liquid" thermal insulations have appeared on the market, which are produced by various manufacturers under different brands.

Such a heater is especially relevant for such difficult parts houses, like freezing corners. The composition of the warming solutions includes special microspheres filled with air.

They perfectly isolate the heat inside the house. Also, suspensions for facade insulation include acrylic polymers or synthetic rubber, paint, as well as anti-corrosion and anti-fungal components.

Due to the composition of the "liquid" solutions for home insulation are light, stable, flexible and waterproof.

However, for all its technical excellence, liquid formulations cannot compare with such traditional heat-insulating materials like polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

Thermal insulation of the corners of the house from the inside

As mentioned above, ideal solution problems with freezing corners is the insulation of the house from the outside.

This is easy for homeowners to do. But what if the corners freeze in the apartment high-rise building? In this case, you will have to turn to the help of building climbers.

If this is not affordable, you can find a way out and insulate the corners from the inside with your own hands, while getting a pretty good result.

First of all, you should remove the wallpaper and repair the cracks. But even if they are not there, this does not mean that the wall is monolithic. Tap it with a hammer. If there are voids, the sound will be muffled.

Above possible cavities, the plaster is removed, and the wall is thoroughly dried. To prevent mold in the future, the corner must be treated with antifungal compounds.

Sometimes you have to use acid, a blowtorch, or even cutting off part of the wall to remove mold.

Voids and cracks are filled with liquid polystyrene foam or construction foam. They do not absorb moisture at all, are resistant to such biological factors like mold, fungus and rot.

The foam perfectly adheres to any kind of surfaces and materials, does not lose its qualities at sub-zero temperatures.

This treatment will protect the walls from further moisture ingress. After drying, the remaining foam is cut off and cleaned, and the walls are covered with plaster and re-pasted with wallpaper.

To protect yourself from dampness, warming the corner from the inside is best done in the warm and dry season.

Do not fill voids with tow or mineral wool, as this is a very porous material that easily absorbs moisture.

Other corner insulation solutions

You can solve the problem of freezing corners even at the stage of building a house or in the process of repair. According to the architects, in order to avoid freezing, the corners should be beveled or rounded.

Beveling corners from the inside can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner itself by a third.

A similar role is played by pilasters installed outside. Other interesting things are also capable of insulating corners. design solutions. For example, you can install on the ceiling drywall box with incandescent lamps.

Such corner lighting will additionally warm the air, preventing the accumulation of moisture and condensate.

When buying a new home, you can use the services of companies that, using special equipment, will help you check the thermal insulation of your home and identify possible heat leaks, if any.

This will help determine what mistakes builders need to correct, and save future homeowners from all sorts of problems associated with an uncomfortable microclimate in the house.

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Owners of corner apartments especially often face problems such as excessive dampness or cold. The heating system does not always work efficiently. Therefore, it is important to know how to insulate a wall in corner apartment inside and minimize energy losses. At right approach it will turn out to significantly improve the microclimate in the room, make it more comfortable for living. In this material, we will tell you how to properly carry out the installation of insulation and what is required for this.

The layout of corner apartments in terms of energy consumption for heating is not the most optimal due to the presence of two outer walls. And as a rule, in such conditions, even the presence of additional heating appliances does not save residents from the cold. Before the heating season, when the temperature drops sharply outside, the heat begins to quickly leave the room, which makes the apartment cold, dampness and fungus appear. If the walls are not insulated, it will be uncomfortable to be in such a room.

When it turns on central heating, the situation improves slightly as it gets warmer, but corner walls may freeze. This leads to damage to the plaster layer, peeling wallpaper. As a result, mold begins to develop in such places and different types fungus. Such a microclimate causes discomfort and does not have the best effect on the health of residents. Due to dampness and low temperatures, colds are becoming commonplace for many residents of corner apartments.

A bit of theory: dew point

In construction, the concept of "dew point" is used.

The dew point is the temperature at which condensation forms (moisture from the air turns into water droplets). In relation to the enclosing structures of the house, such a point can be located both on the surfaces of the wall from the outside or inside, and in its thickness.

During periods of high humidity and low temperatures the microclimate of the apartment contributes to the formation of condensate. Due to an incorrectly located dew point, mold and fungus begin to develop on the walls. It is better to insulate them from the outside. This approach will make the walls inside the room warmer and transfer the dew point to its outer edge. This will help get rid of mold and mildew. If it is not possible to insulate the apartment from the outside, then it is allowed to insulate end wall from within. In this case, it is necessary to choose a heater so that the dew point is in the thickness of the supporting structure.

Clear optimum dew point position

Insulating the walls will help make the room warmer and get rid of dampness. The microclimate will become much more comfortable, and residents will not have to worry about their health. However, it is important to properly insulate the room so that the result is as effective as possible.

Which material to choose - mineral wool or foam?

When choosing a heater, you need to take into account the features of the room. Any material must have properties:

  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness (if internal insulation this factor plays a key role).
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • high properties of thermal insulation and air permeability.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is made from basalt and is the most popular material for wall insulation. It perfectly retains heat indoors, but easily passes air, which provides good ventilation. The air in the room is always fresh and does not stagnate, which also allows you to get rid of high humidity. The material is highly elastic, which is convenient for installation. However, over time basalt wool tends to deform, absorbing excess moisture. Therefore, when installing mineral wool, they arrange a crate.

Among other shortcomings, one can note the harmfulness to the respiratory system. When used indoors, the degree of toxicity is not very high, but still the material is more suitable for exterior finish. Another disadvantage is the increased weight.


The main advantages of polystyrene are its cost and high thermal insulation ability. The material is breathable, lightweight and comfortable to wear. installation work Oh. It is non-toxic, which makes it great for interior decoration. Light weight will allow all work to be carried out independently without the involvement of builders. Particularly effective for internal insulation. However, there are also disadvantages. Styrofoam is flammable and not suitable for insulation wooden structures as condensation will form on such surfaces.

Features of insulation of corner apartments of a panel house

The installation process of panel wall fencing is different for wall decoration inside or outside the room. Let's take a closer look at the main differences.

The nuances of installing thermal insulation from the inside of the room

AT panel house for internal insulation, the material must be laid on bare walls, which is why the procedure is best carried out in the process overhaul. Installation work begins with the installation of a waterproofing layer, which is most often polyethylene film with special breathable membranes. It is best to use a single piece of film on the entire surface of the wall. Installed on the waterproofing layer metal carcass. After installation of the crate, sheets of insulating material are installed.

An example of internal insulation of the corner of an apartment with mineral wool on a steel frame

Mounting from the outside of the panel

When working with outer side rooms, initially all foreign objects are removed from the surface of the walls, their surface is thoroughly cleaned. The crate is installed directly on the surface of the walls. Next, two layers of waterproofing are installed with a layer of vapor insulator between them. Sheets of the main insulation are installed on top. Outside, decorative cladding is performed.

Features of insulation of corner apartments of brick houses

The procedure for insulating brick surfaces is not much different from panel ones. Consider the features of external and internal insulation of such surfaces.

Nuances of internal installation

For internal wall insulation brick houses the most commonly used foam. Before starting installation work, any trim is removed. The surface is carefully plastered, and then treated with a primer. It is very important to apply the primer in an even layer so that after drying, the formation of cracks does not begin.

Insulation sheets are installed on the still wet material. The insulation material is fastened to the construction adhesive. It is very important to pay attention to the components of the composition. The adhesive material must not emit toxic fumes.

Video: an example of thermal insulation of an apartment with Penoplex plates

Warming from the outside

Mineral wool is most often used for outdoor work. The start of work occurs according to a similar algorithm. On the outside, the panels are protected with an additional layer of primer to resist weathering, and a decorative finish is applied over the protective layer.

corner apartment brick house insulated outside

A brief overview of foam grades for wall insulation from the inside

In shops building materials you can see a fairly large range of foam grades. Consider the most common of them. Regardless of the brand, there can be two types of labels on the box: “PS” and “PSB”. The first indicates that the material was made by pressing, the second - non-press method.

C-15 is considered a popular brand of foam. This type is made without pressing. Due to its high density, it is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use. However, foam plastic grade S-25 PSB is best suited for warming corner apartments. This is a higher density material that can also be used for floor insulation. Grade S-35 PSB is distinguished by excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions. It is characterized by high fire resistance, as well as the ability to easily withstand mechanical damage. The densest variety is the S-50 PSB. This is a rather expensive material, which is usually used with frequent hail and constant strong winds.

For internal insulation, only the first two options are used.

A brief overview of mineral wool brands for wall insulation from the inside

There are four most popular varieties mineral wool: P-75, P-125, PZH-200 and PZH-175. For internal works only the first two varieties are used. Cotton wool P-75 is the lightest and has a relatively low density. P-125 is more rigid and is used for interior decoration in cold climates. The last two types, due to their increased density, are used only for outdoor work.

The best manufacturers of insulation materials are: Isover, Isorok, Ursa, and Rockwool.

Alternative modern heaters

There are many non-standard alternative ways insulation of corner apartments. They are distinguished by the use of modern innovative materials.

polyurethane foam

PPU insulation meets all requirements for vapor barrier, water absorption and the absence of seams. Therefore, even if there is a dew point inside the layer, it will remain “conditional”, since there is no condensation in vapor-tight materials. It turns out from the side of the room a completely sealed heat-insulating layer.

Wall insulated with polyurethane foam



Modern building material, which is characterized by increased thermal insulation. Sold in liquid form. For maximum effective insulation 6 layers are laid on the wall in a direction perpendicular to each other.

Astratek is liquid insulation material. It can be applied to the surface with a sprayer or a brush, and after drying it forms a strong and elastic substance with a porous structure. Such insulation perfectly passes air, but effectively retains heat inside the building.

Liquid thermal insulation using Mascoat as an example

The paint of a well-known American manufacturer has increased thermal insulation properties and also repels moisture very effectively. Its efficiency is 5 times higher than mineral wool. 1 mm. In terms of efficiency, paints will not yield to a layer of mineral wool half a centimeter thick. It is applied to the surface of the wall in the same way as ordinary paint. It can be used simultaneously for decorative finishing.


This material is made from a polyethylene base. Its thermal insulation properties are slightly lower than those of the previous options, but the material also has its advantages. Durable polyethylene film, produced by foaming, with inside covered with a thin layer of foil. Sheets of paper are glued on top on both sides. Outwardly, the material resembles wallpaper, often used as preparatory finishing before sticking them. The main disadvantage is the possibility of using only for dry walls. It may not be suitable for a corner apartment, since such premises are characterized by high humidity.


Penofol is a combination of polyethylene foam with aluminum foil. This is a whole series of materials (including single-sided, double-sided, laminated, with an adhesive layer). Moreover, it can be used both in combination with other heat-insulating materials, and independently.

Penofol - an alternative insulation

Non-standard method of insulation - electric

new but good enough effective way wall insulation in a corner apartment, it is considered to use the principle of underfloor heating. Panels with electric heaters mounted indoors on the surface of the walls and connected to the mains. In a separate accessible place the control unit is installed. For correct installation it is very important to wait for frosts, and then turn on the equipment until the walls are completely dry. Only after that an additional heat-insulating layer is laid and a decorative finish is performed.

This method of insulation is very effective, but has one big disadvantage. In cold weather, you will need to regularly maintain a stable temperature to prevent the formation of dampness and condensation. This will result in additional energy costs. The purchase of an insulation system itself will require considerable costs, and then you will have to pay for regular operation. However, this approach allows you to create the perfect microclimate inside the corner room in cold weather.

What are the conclusions?

The procedure for insulating the walls of a corner apartment is not considered difficult, but it has many nuances. It is very important to choose quality material for insulation, which will provide high thermal insulation and a comfortable microclimate in the room. Internal insulation is an easy way to do it yourself, which is why it is more popular. However, if the apartment has an increased humidity of the walls and the formation of mold on their surface, it is better to call the masters for external insulation. You can also consider using effective and cheap alternative methods.

When building houses made of wood, it was always necessary to take into account many technological features, but the main one - the variability in the size of wooden building elements - creates problems not only at the stage of building a house, but also during its operation. One of the consequences of shrinkage - distortions between the logs of the log house - leads to the fact that already two or three years after the completion of construction, it is necessary to think about how to insulate the corners of the house from a bar.

If earlier this problem belonged to the category of “additional”, today its relevance has increased significantly, since the use of new types of lumber is often accompanied by errors in the assembly of corner joints.

This review discusses several basic methods for sealing corners, the knowledge of which will make it possible to secure new house from premature failure.

What is shrinkage wooden frame, because of what it happens, and what are its consequences, we considered in our other articles. Here we recall that any wooden structure in its life cycle passes through several key "time stamps", after which its internal geometry changes significantly.

These labels are:

  • primary shrinkage (1-1.5 years after the assembly of the frame);
  • shrinkage of the residential period (after 1-2 heating seasons);
  • seal wear (10-15 years after the last caulking).

After each of these periods, wooden house the sealing of the interventional seams is broken and the “environmentally friendly” dwelling turns into a draft-blown building.

Besides, warm air indoors has more high pressure, therefore, if the insulation joints are broken, the effect of barometric exfiltration occurs, as a result of which a stable effect of cold floors is created in the house, even when the heating system is operating at full capacity.

Apart from natural causes, on the integrity of the interventional joints big influence provides a scheme for assembling a log house.

There are usually three assembly options:

  • laying in a bowl, associated with the Russian style of wooden architecture;
  • paw assembly, popular in European and American countries.

We note in particular that the design internal corners a log house is not the only difference between the technologies for building houses from logs and timber. One way to improve the reliability wooden buildings became the so-called "Scandinavian felling", in which a more efficient closure of the crowns occurs due to the wedge lock between the crowns.

It is noteworthy that attempts to automate construction work only exacerbate this problem. The figure below clearly shows how the machine-formed bowls were deformed to such an extent that centimeter gaps appeared in the log house.

Considering all of the above, it can be concluded that the wooden house- the process is continuous and requires periodic correction of the basic load-bearing structures and renewal of the insulation.

Sealing problem

We emphasize right away that the problem of thermal insulation of interventional seams is by no means new and has been successfully solved by builders over the past millennia. All modern techniques are simply the replacement of archaic building materials with their modern counterparts.

Despite the fact that the entire frame is deformed during shrinkage, the main channel of heat loss is still the corner joints, so finishing the corners of the frame is often considered as a separately paid operation.

Let's consider what methods of insulation of corners exist, and how intervention joints can be sewn up.


The oldest way to restore the heat-shielding properties of a house is to re-caulk all joints both outside and inside the building. As a heater, the same material is used that was laid during the construction of the log house. Despite the enormous laboriousness, this method is the cheapest option for restoring the heat-shielding properties of a house.

More modern version caulking involves the use of jute ropes and ropes, which greatly speeds up the process, but reduces the reliability of keeping the insulation in the gap.

Create wedge joints

This method is applicable only at the construction stage. It consists in a more thorough implementation of the joints between the crowns, the locks of which have a wedge-shaped configuration.

The recess inside the log is filled with a sealant with a maximum service life (for example, mineral wool), and the edges are sheathed with a closing sealant.

Polymer sealing

most efficient and fast way insulation of houses from profiled timber and logs is polymer sealing.

The peculiarity of this technology is that if it is performed correctly, you can forever forget about the consequences of shrinkage, since the seam is filled with an elastic sealant with a high adhesion coefficient.

With shrinkage displacement of logs, the new seal is deformed, but not destroyed.

The only problem this methodhigh price sealant resistant to climatic factors.

Alternatively, a combined approach is used, when the main volume of the insulated gap is filled with conventional (that is, inexpensive) acrylic sealant, and the outer protective layer form from sustainable special composition.

We emphasize once again that shrinkage deformations are primarily manifested in corner joints, so re-insulation is often performed only for corners. This is much cheaper, but does not fit well with the design of a log or log house.

In such cases, the repaired log house can be covered with plank sheathing, the fixing of which must be carried out taking into account shrinkage displacements.

Facade wind protection

Sometimes the deformation of the log house is at such a stage that sealing the joints alone is not enough to normalize heat balance at home. In such cases, external wind protection is installed in the form of additional facade cladding.

This design is installed using the “ventilated facade” technology, and for exterior finish a block house or lining is used.

Internal thermal insulation

Any sealant that can be used to seal the seams in a wooden house is very critical to large changes in humidity and temperature. Therefore, in baths and saunas, in addition to all the methods listed above, they install internal thermal and vapor barrier, which can be done both in a standard multilayer method and according to simplified technology- from penofol.

This approach not only prolongs the overall period of normal operation of the log house, but also increases the energy efficiency of the house.

The company "Master Srubov" will perform decorative and protective trim log and timber houses, including the arrangement of additional thermal insulation. Clarify the details of cooperation and calculate the cost necessary work You can use any method of communication published on the page.

High-quality thermal insulation of the room is not only comfort and a way to extend the life of household utensils and personal belongings, but also a sharp reduction in the cost of heating (in winter) and air conditioning (in summer). Corner apartments, by definition, are the coldest in the house, since they have 2 walls at once that have direct contact with the atmosphere. With the most effective methods wall insulation in a corner apartment from the inside, we will figure it out in this article.

How can you do it:

Increase the degree of heating of the radiators. In a private house, this is possible if the circuit diagram is drawn up in advance so that the corner rooms are heated each along their own “thread”. But how effective and expedient it is is another question. And for apartment building it is excluded in principle.

On a note! Installing additional batteries in corner rooms may not give the desired effect. If the walls become warmer, then not much. And the corner will freeze, and in the future it will not work to get rid of the fungus.

Reduce heat loss. This is the most reasonable solution, and not only due to high-quality sealing window openings and blocks, but also with the help of additional decoration of the walls themselves.

Overview of wall insulation

It makes no sense to consider the editing technology, since the reader will be interested in the specifics of working only with the material that he chooses, and there is an article on each material on the site. But it is necessary to understand the features of use.

mineral wool

Conclusion - for residential premises it is not advisable to use mineral wool for internal insulation.


AT this case it is worth using only its extruded variety -. Such plates are fixed on the wall by gluing. If necessary, additionally - dowels. Installation is simpler than mineral wool, but there are certain difficulties:

  • You will have to qualitatively align the walls, since the foam boards are rigid, and they also differ in strict geometry.
  • Surface vapor barrier will be kept to a minimum. Such material is certainly not suitable for wooden buildings, since the condensate formed on the base will lead to its intense decay. These risks can only be mitigated by providing good ventilation walls, and this requires accurate calculations and additional costs.

A common drawback is that it will no longer be possible to fix something on the walls finished with these materials. For example, hang a shelf, a massive lamp, a picture, and the like.

polyurethane foam

Granular material for wall insulation from the inside is not used - only in liquid form. Has good insulating properties– hydro-, noise-, heat-.

  • Completely seals the base, so you can forget about the vapor barrier.
  • Mounted by spraying. You will need special equipment and protective equipment. You can't do without the services of professionals. And although you will have to pay for such insulation from 65 rubles / m² (which, in principle, is inexpensive), it will not be possible to repair the heat-insulating layer, if necessary, on your own.


Naturally, not any, but heat-insulating. Ready mixes of various modifications and manufacturers are on sale. average price for 1 kg - about 15 rubles. There are many advantages - a thin layer, the possibility self application, high vapor permeability, good maintainability.

Minus - you will need high-quality waterproofing of the wall, since any of the compositions (to varying degrees) absorbs moisture. So, in the end, the coating will begin to soften and slide off the wall. This limits the scope of such plasters.

Conclusion - it is not advisable to use for rooms with excessive humidity.

"Liquid" insulation

If they allow financial opportunities, you should pay attention to the products of the American company "Mascoat". This material not without reason called ultra-thin insulation, or. According to experts, its 1 mm layer is equivalent in efficiency to mineral wool 0.5 cm thick. It is applied as regular paint, and at the same time, in addition to wall insulation, it provides high-quality waterproofing of the base.

Here are just a few General characteristics products, as it is available in several modifications.

  • Recommended layer (mm) - 0.5.
  • Consumption (l / m²) - 0.5 - 0.7.
  • The temperature range in which the insulation does not deteriorate its properties (ºС) is from -65 to +265.
  • Adhesion (%) - 100 in relation to any material. With this composition, you can paint the walls of a building, regardless of what materials it is built from - wood, reinforced concrete, brick, cellular concrete.
  • It is applied on surfaces if their temperature is not less than +7. Therefore, from the inside, it is possible to process rooms in heated buildings all year round.
  • There are no toxic components.
  • The insulation does not burn.
  • Excellent maintainability of the insulation, which does not require large-scale repairs to the premises.
  • Guaranteed service life (years) - 15.

Therefore, the use of such liquid thermal insulation not only expedient, but also extremely convenient. The only drawback is the high price. Euro bucket (about 20 liters) costs about 14,690 rubles. But if we take into account the meager consumption of funds, then 5-8 liters will be enough for one room.

In addition, you do not have to install a crate and spend money on other materials - waterproofing, adhesive (which is also expensive) and so on. If we calculate all the associated costs associated with the installation of traditional heaters, then the cost of such a special / paint will not seem too high.

There are several ways that allow you to additionally raise the temperature in the corner rooms. What to do?

  • Rinse batteries. The need for this is determined by the difference in heating of the extreme sections. If it is significant, then, most likely, there are excess deposits on the inner walls.
  • Check position three-way valve(in old buildings it is installed on a riser). Perhaps it is he who limits the flow of coolant through the radiator. It is easy to turn to the desired position. If the moving part is stuck, you can restore its mobility with the help of WD-40 (liquid wrench).
  • Reinstall radiators. They should be placed as close as possible to the corner of the room, as this is the most problem area premises.
  • Check if the battery matches the parameters of the room. Sometimes the reason for the low temperature in the room is an insufficient number of sections. Unfortunately, not all builders are extremely experienced and conscientious people. They could also supply what is at hand, not particularly "worrying" with engineering calculations. The criterion is this - for 2 m² of room - 1 section. For corner rooms, a correction factor of 1.3 is applied.

For example, if the area of ​​​​the room is 10 "squares", then there should be at least 5 sections, for a corner 5 x 1.3 = 6.5. Therefore, at least 7 pieces.

  • Stick an energy-saving film on the glass (or install). It will reduce natural light by no more than 2%, and heat loss through windows by 40%. Consequently, the temperature in the room will rise, which means that the walls will become warmer.

The article discusses only the most suitable options for warming the corner room from the inside, although thermal insulation materials much bigger. But not all of them are suitable for interior wall decoration, so the choice is somewhat limited.

What to consider

The main method of wall insulation is external. If there is such an opportunity, then first of all you should deal with the thermal insulation of the facade. And the arrangement of the inner layer is only additional way reduce heat loss.

The corner room always remains the coldest, despite the red-hot radiators. In order not to depend on the vagaries of the weather, it is worth considering how to insulate a corner apartment.

Where does the cold air come from

Corner apartments are located in the extreme entrances. The two walls that form the corner of the house are blown by cold winds. Such housing requires additional insulation.

If you insulate a corner apartment from the inside, it will become comfortable for living.

Most often the reason is in the walls. It could either be poor quality. brickwork, or cold bridges in the joints between the panels

AT low-rise buildings you can finish the facade with foam. Outdoor work is also possible in high-rise buildings, but only for residents of the first floors. And even then, if there is no ban from the city authorities to change appearance at home.

How to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside

There are several technologies that can improve the microclimate of a corner apartment:

  • The use of polystyrene foam is simple and inexpensive way. But on a wall insulated with any type of foam, you can not mount hanging shelves and lockers - the connection will be fragile.
  • Application of mineral wool. This material crumbles easily, so indoors it needs to be lined with plasterboard or decorative panels.
  • Insulation with plaster. In terms of environmental friendliness, this method is the most attractive.

Before laying any insulation, the walls should be cleaned of wallpaper and puttied.

Expanded polystyrene boards are glued using a special compound to a wall pre-coated with waterproofing. Large gaps between them foam. Then the wall is covered with reinforcing mesh and plastered. mineral wool fixed to the wall with wooden or metal slats. On both sides it should be surrounded by layers of vapor barrier.
