Relics and shrines of Tyumen: accessible places of worship. Places to help you get pregnant

Modern medicine has a large number of technologies and means for the treatment of infertility. However, no pill can compare to the power of faith. Where even reproductive medicine fails, it remains to rely only on higher powers - holy places for pregnancy.

Medical methods of getting pregnant are undeniably very effective. Today it is possible to cope with many pathologies of the reproductive system. At the planning stage, parents take vitamins, keep a diet, give up their habits. And all for the sake of the baby.

However, neither these nor more expensive measures always make it possible to get rid of diseases of the reproductive system that prevent the conception and bearing of a child. Often, couples, having tried all the possibilities of medicine, turn with their last hope to holy places that have bestowed healing on thousands of ordinary people.

It is difficult to judge the real impact of these places, but the ability of a person to heal through self-hypnosis and faith has been proven. In any case, who knows, maybe higher powers really help pure and kind hearts.

There is no guarantee that after visiting the first holy place, the couple will be able to conceive a child. Each case is individual. For some, God grants mercy immediately, for others it takes time. You need to believe that the baby will appear at the time appointed by fate, and this time should not be rushed. It remains only to believe and wait.

It is categorically impossible to go to a holy place with doubts and skepticism. Not only will this not help, but it will also put sin on the soul - an insult to the Holy Spirit. You should first pray and cleanse yourself of sins, asking for forgiveness for all mistakes and bad deeds.

Many couples who have lost all hope have been able to receive the blessing of a child in just such places. The experience of these couples helps others not to despair and to believe. Saints help not only to get pregnant, they give strength to trust in God.

Spouses, exhausted by constant consultations and procedures, find solace in holy places, replenish their energy reserves, looking at their relationship in a new way. Therefore, a trip to a holy place will be effective not only in terms of pregnancy.

Rules for visiting holy places

You can’t just come to a holy place and ask the Lord for mercy. Incorrigible sinners will not be able to achieve a miracle, even if they travel around all the shrines on the planet. Only with a clear conscience and humility can one ask the Almighty child.

How to behave during a pilgrimage to holy places

  1. Buy a baby thing and carry it with you. The item can be consecrated in the temple and presented to your baby in the future. So he will be protected from the evil eye, and parents will be able to feel his presence even before conception.
  2. The main thing is not how many places the spouses visited, but how much they were inspired spiritually. Therefore, do not rush.
  3. In the process, you can drink tinctures from medicinal herbs.
  4. Don't focus on the problem. The desire to confess and communicate with God should come first.
  5. Choosing a holy place in the south, you can not only ask for help from the Almighty, but also relax and chat with your spouse. This will have a beneficial effect on the state of the body and speed up the process of conception.
  6. In holy places it is useful to communicate with kind people and pregnant girls. This will make it possible to gain positive energy from them.
  7. It is worth doing good for free. This is how people attract good wishes and thoughts to themselves.
  8. Learn the prayers that help in conception. These are appeals to Anna and Joachim, Peter and Fevronia.
  9. In holy places, you can bless the water and drink it before conception.
  10. It is worth letting go of the problem, stop thinking about it. An obsessive state can only aggravate the situation, and then the spouses will not be able to concentrate on prayers.
  11. Negative thoughts should be avoided.
  12. It is recommended to add light food to the diet: vegetables, fruits, eggs, cereals, nuts, seeds. At the same time, give up meat.
  13. Saints often send future mothers good dreams. It is believed that fish, children, grains, eggs, children's things dream of pregnancy.
  14. It is better to come to holy places to ask for a child after entering into a spiritual marriage.
  15. In a holy place, you should try to make friends with children, play with them (only with the permission of the parents, of course).

What Not to Do

  1. You can not use abuse and make statements that there will never be children in the family.
  2. You can’t blame the Almighty for illness, you need to thank for the test of faith.
  3. You can not ask the Lord for a child to manipulate a man. It is better to ask for strength to solve the problem.
  4. In holy places, you can not wear defiant clothes and make up. Come to God, you need to be humble in everything.
  5. Do not talk about the purpose of the trip. This time should be given only to God and spouse.

Holy places in Moscow

Intercession Monastery

This holy place is located practically in the heart of the capital - on Taganka. The monastery attracts many afflicted people, so a long line is built up to it almost every day. Most believers receive answers to their prayers.

Even in appearance, this building involuntarily arouses admiration and awe. Infertile couples come to ask for a miracle, pregnant girls beg for an easy birth and health for the baby. In such a wonderful place, not a single prayer remains forgotten.

The strength of the temple lies in its history. Once upon a time, the Blessed Matrona of Moscow managed to revive it, thereby endowing the walls of the monastery with spiritual strength. The purpose of the temple is to help the suffering, because Matrona made a vow to help all people during earthly life and after it. The plight of Matrona proves that the power of faith is capable of much. This woman was able to convey to people some of her wisdom and love during times of persecution.

To this day, the promise of the Matrona of Moscow is being fulfilled. Her strength is so amazing that even doctors recommend hopeless patients with infertility to visit the temple and her grave in order to be nourished by this spirit.

Conception Monastery

The peculiarity of the temple for infertile couples is that it was built with just such a need. The last representative of the Rurik dynasty prayed to God for the birth of an heir, as his wife suffered from infertility. After the erection, the temple was consecrated, and after a while the wife of Rurikovich gave him a daughter. The girl was named Theodosia, but, unfortunately, her fate was short and difficult. So the family of Rurikovich ended, but people's faith in the power of the temple only grew stronger.

It is impossible not to believe in the healing energy of this place, since even in times without IVF and good medicine, a woman was able to fulfill her dream. The Conception Monastery is considered a holy place for couples who dream of a baby. Here lie the relics of Saints Anna and Joachim, to whom you can pray for children, because they are the parents of the Virgin. Also, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept in the monastery - a saint who definitely will not refuse such a desire.

Holy places in Russia

Trinity Convent

This monastery is considered one of the best places to ask for family happiness and a baby. The temple was founded in 1643 at the request of a wealthy merchant Bogdan Tsvetnoy. It is located in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. The monastery includes three functioning temples. There are gilded crossbills, which are considered masterpieces of the 17th century.

The strength of the monastery lies in the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are the patrons of marriage and strong love. During their lifetime they were prince and princess. July 8 is considered the best day for prayer, on which Peter and Fevronia were elevated to the rank of saints.

Every Sunday at exactly six in the morning, before the relics of the saints, a water-blessed prayer service is performed. On the day of the veneration of the saints, a Divine Liturgy is held near the walls of the monastery on the square.

It is recommended to visit the monastery during the warm season. So you can not only nourish yourself spiritually, but also admire the beauties of the building itself. In summer it is also more pleasant and easier to drink water from a spring named after Peter and Fevronia, which is located on the territory of the monastery.

Anno-Conception Church

The holy place is located in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. It is a monument of architecture of the XVII-XIX centuries. In 1694, Savva Vasilchikov built this church on a vow: he asked God for a child, and almost immediately after the start of construction, his wife became pregnant. The girl was named Maria, followed by other heirs of the Vasilchikovs.

The famous Kazan icon of the Mother of God, as well as the icon of St. Nicholas and the image of Seraphim of Sarov are kept in the Anno-Zachatievsky Church. Childless women have been asking for help from icons for many decades, receiving healthy and strong babies in return. Visitors note the special atmosphere of the church, the indulgence of grace and peacefulness.

Holy Trinity Monastery

It is also called the Lot of the Most Holy Theotokos or the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. It is located in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region. The relics of Seraphim of Sarov, who founded the temple and acted as its patron, are kept here.

A very revealing story is connected with the Holy Trinity Church. According to some reports, when Nicholas II and his wife had difficulty conceiving an heir (four daughters are proof of this), they visited this temple, and soon Tsarevich Alexei was born.

The chapel is located at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg. Saint Xenia the Blessed during her lifetime chose the path of foolishness (wandering monks and ascetics). At the age of 26, the girl donated her property to the church, put on the clothes of her late husband and told people that her husband was alive, and Ksenia herself died. At first, she was considered crazy, but Xenia's words began to come true. She warned against troubles and helped everyone, although she herself did not accept help.

The burial places of Xenia and the chapel named after her are considered saints. People believed the woman so much that after her death they dismantled the earth from her grave, and later pebbles from the stone slab. In order for Xenia to hear the request, you need to put a note with a desire in the chapel, light a candle and go around the building three times.

Tomb of St. Dunyasha (Evdokia)

Calling this woman a saint is not entirely correct; she was remembered for helping all those who ask. Evdokia is still not canonized, but this does not prevent people from all over the world from visiting her grave in the village of Chudinovo, Chelyabinsk region.

Spring of the Great Martyr Paraskeva

It is believed that the spring in the village of Salaur, Ryazan region, helps infertile women become pregnant. Every year, a religious procession is held here, which gathers mostly childless women.

Healing places in Russia

Holy springs of Krasnodar

The Krasnodar Territory has long been famous for its healing springs. They help with various ailments of all body systems, but you must first figure out which source to go to.

From infertility helps bathing in the source of the Holy Hand, which is located in the city of Novorossiysk. Here, childless spouses ask God for blessings, washing their soul and body from sins. The water in it is insanely cold, but this does not stop people. Near the source is the holy cross of Theodosius, to which it is customary to add your wishes.


The Caucasus Mountains have long been considered the center of spirituality and higher power. Here are Ullu-Tau and Mother Mountain - sources of hope for childless couples. It is recommended to try all the mountain conditions of life: leave worldly pleasures, live in a house without amenities, fast and pray. After humility, a ribbon is tied to a tree under the mountain, with the wishes of a daughter or son.

Women note the amazing influence of these mountains. There are thousands of cases of miraculous healing from infertility after living in this area. Climbing the mountains is humbly, giving up meat food and bad habits.

blue stone

This miraculous place is located near Lake Pleshcheyevo in the Yaroslavl region. The history of the appearance of the stone is unknown, but its amazing effect has been verified over the years. Every year, the Blue Stone sinks into the ground, against all the means of man to stop it. Women with infertility need only sit on a stone and dream about their future child.


In the suburbs there is a place called Kolomenskoye, which is located on the territory of the museum-reserve. Here are well-known healing stones throughout Russia. A stone that can help a woman is called Maiden. In order for a wish to come true, you need to scoop up spring water in your palms, sit down on a stone, whisper your wish and drink water. Men can ask for the health of the Goose Stone. The stones are believed to be at their strongest on St. George's Day (May 6).

Stele of stones at the Shapsug waterfall

This place has a special energy. Being in the resort area of ​​Sochi, the stones near the Shapsug waterfall are able to give women a child. One has only to lean against them and say the words of wish.

The Crimean peninsula itself has an incredible attraction and spirituality. From time immemorial, saints have made pilgrimages here, temples have been built, and amazing places of power have been found. Therefore, many couples are looking for the mercy of God in the Crimea.

Once here, it will be useful to visit the famous heart-shaped stalactite, which is located in the Red Caves (Perevalnoye). Many pilgrims celebrate the result after a trip to Sudak. It is believed that if you tie a ribbon on an apricot tree under the Genoese fortress, any wish will come true.

In Simferopol, spouses should visit the Church of the Holy Trinity or the Church of St. Luke. Here are the relics of St. Luke, who has long fulfilled the wishes of childless spouses.

Belt of the Holy Virgin

All Orthodox countries of the world have their own holy places, but Russia is really rich. If it is not possible to visit a holy place, it is recommended to wear the belt of the Holy Mother of God. They are consecrated near the relic of the Virgin - the only object that remained on earth from her.

The belt is expensive and rare, but really effective. It is necessary not only to wear it, but also to constantly pray and try to cleanse the soul. The Mother of God will surely give a strong baby to couples honest before God.

Icons that help in conception

The Tabynsk Icon of the Mother of God helps childless women to become pregnant and safely bear a child. You can pray for your health in the temples of Bashkiria. Grace is also noted in prayers for existing children.

Lists (copies) of the icon are stored in the Church of the Ascension in the village of Tabynskoye, the Mother of God-Tabynsky Monastery, the Temple-chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God of Tabynskaya in Orenburg, the Temple of the Tabynskaya Icon on the Holy Keys in Krasnousolsk (Bashkortostan), the Church of the Mother of God-Tabynskaya in the village of Maloyaz, Salavsky District .

In Russia, there are many icons that are considered sources of strength for childless spouses.

Icons that give healing from infertility

  1. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Located in the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery in Kostroma. It is the work of the Evangelist Luke. The power of the icon has been proven more than once: the face was preserved in the fire, withstood the war.
  2. A quick listener. The face was created on the Holy Mount Athos, today it is kept in the monastery of Dohiar (Greece). Lists of the icon in Russia can be found in the Athos chapel at the Vladimir Gates in Moscow, in the Trinity Lutikov Monastery in Przemysl, in the church at the Kosmodemyansky Convent, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in the church in the village of Sharkan, in the Spaso-Preobrezhensky Monastery in the city of Murom.
  3. Serafimo-Diveevskaya. The icon is in the Patriarchal residence. You can pray to the face on the feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos, when the icon is taken out to the Epiphany Cathedral of the Patriarchate.
  4. Xenia of Petersburg. The icon is kept in the chapel of the Smolensk cemetery. People come to her to pray for the strengthening of marriage, the birth and upbringing of children, humility and success.
  5. Matrona of Moscow. The icon of St. Matrona (and particles from the relics) is in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Moscow. Here you can also pray before the faces of Peter and Fevronia, who also help in childbearing.
  6. Alexander Svirsky. The relics and face of the saint are in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the village of Zelenets, Leningrad Region. The lists can be seen in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity and the Church of St. Alexander Svirsky in Moscow.
  7. Assistance in childbirth. The icon of the Mother of God is located in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Serpukhovo, Moscow Region. In Moscow, the icon "Assistant in childbirth" is in the Transfiguration Church. On the icon, the Mother of God holds the Divine Infant. One of her majestic and calm appearance pacifies women and gives them strength.
  8. Icon of the Godfathers Joachim and Anna. The face depicts the parents of the Mother of God, who for a long time could not have a child, but through humility and prayers received a blessing from the Lord. The icon is in the Zachatievsky Monastery in Moscow. The spouses are depicted not only humble, but loving.
  9. Icon of St. Roman. Even during his lifetime, the saint became famous for giving healing to barren women.

Appeal to the saints and prayers before these icons especially help women who dream of pregnancy. Before the faces of the saints it is impossible to dissemble. Even if the spouses do not know what to ask for, the spirits will guide them on the path of mercy. Standing in the temple, inhaling the smell of candles, a person begins to feel unity with God.

Turning to the saints and God through prayer helps those who are pure in heart and believe in soul. When pronouncing a prayer, a special contact is made that can enrich a person spiritually and physically.

It has been proven by many people: if you strongly and unconditionally believe, pregnancy will occur quickly, and the baby will be born healthy. It is believed that a prayer to a saint, uttered in a place associated with him, enhances contact.

To understand who to pray to, you can turn to the priest, sisters or parishioners in the temple. You can’t chatter a prayer, you need to pronounce it slowly and thoughtfully. If during the reading of the prayer strong emotions come flooding in, they cannot be restrained.

Prayers for conception:

  1. Prayer for pregnancy It implies a request for forgiveness and mercy from the saint. Thus, the woman asks to save her from ailments that prevent fertilization.
  2. Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg. It is best to say a prayer while standing in a monastery.
  3. Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow. A woman can simply turn to a saint and ask for a cherished baby.

Sometimes childless women are advised conspiracies for pregnancy. It is more difficult to read them than prayers, since a special pace, special conditions and knowledge of the intricacies of the process are required. It is best to invite a knowledgeable woman to perform infertility flushing.

During the period of the growing moon, you need to open the window, stand in the center of the room in an empty basin and pour holy water on your head. In the process, you need to pronounce words of conspiracy, requests to wash away diseases and infertility, cleanse the body and help bear the child without complications.

The meaning of visiting holy places

You can also pray at home, but the hustle and bustle of everyday life is often distracting. The lips say a prayer, and the head thinks about dinner, work and noisy neighbors. In a holy place, all thoughts rush to heaven, trying to catch the voice of the Almighty. It is not surprising that such requests are fulfilled more often. No, not because God does not hear, but because in church people begin to pray sincerely and more humblely.

It is impossible to carry evil intent, cunning or malice to a holy place. All grievances must be left behind, because it is they who prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. You need to let go of the past, free yourself from the burden of quarrels and establish contact with God so that you never break it off again. And you should not beg a child from the saints in return for something if there is no desire to fulfill the promise. It's better to just ask for mercy. Deception can lead to more serious consequences than infertility.

Why visit holy places

Holy places are Divine energy and power. They are of historical value and the most important events for the healing of people. There are a lot of holy places and springs all over the world. Every year more and more new ones appear, old ones are reconstructed. No need to look for "treasure in the distance, it can be found nearby." There are holy places that help to get pregnant, both in Russia and abroad

Holy places to help you get pregnant: Stone-Shop (Ukraine, Zhytomyr region), Murom convent (Russia), Scarab beetle in Karnak (Egypt), Gate of desires (Turkey), Sacred river Ganges (India), Lake "Pregnant woman" (Malaysia), Kykkos Monastery (Cyprus).

Why bathe in holy springs

At the holy springs, the goal of the parishioners is spiritual cleansing, do not be distracted by perishable deeds, merchants and guides. Of course, it is very important to bring a consecrated thing from a holy place, to listen to the history of this holy source, but remember that your thoughts should be directed to God. Disconnect from the hustle and bustle, absorb the grace of imperishable energies. Even without plunging into the water, you can get the divine grace of the soul and body. Such places are saturated with love and purity.

You do not need to go with someone at the same time, you need to go from yourself and clearly know why you are doing this. Many are familiar with the situation when it seems that God does not hear prayer. But this is not entirely true, God cannot but hear and see He is the All-Seeing and All-Hearing. It is written in the Gospel that whoever hears God and fulfills his word will be heard. And we, the laity, pray, go to church, fast, but we do not fulfill the word of God, we sin. To be heard and receive the recompense of the Lord in reality, you need to sacrifice yourself to God, shed blood, as Jesus Christ did. You need to fast, visit Orthodox holy places, go to the procession with pilgrims.

The holy places of Russia, helping to get pregnant, healed many couples from infertility and young people came to this source a few years later with their families with small children. In any difficult situation, you need to remain calm and strong faith, do not lose heart, hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not lose heart, despondency is a sin, it is from the evil one. More often, take communion, read the Gospel. You need to prove your faith by good worldly deeds. Not only prayers save us, but also good deeds, helping others. Holy places helping to get married saved many, gave hope, faith and love.

Holy places to help you get married: Chapel at the Smolensk cemetery (St. Petersburg), Tower of Love (Ingushetia), Courtyard of Juliet's house (Verona), Bronze boar (Florence), the grave of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Fethiye).

Rules for visiting holy places

1. Having come to a holy place, clearly define for yourself why you are doing this.

2. Strongly believe that the Lord will help you, take your time, God himself knows what will be best for you.

3. When bathing in a holy spring, there should be a pectoral cross. Women need to be in bodily "purity", bathe in a headscarf. On critical days, you can pour holy water only from a bucket. You need to dive into the water three times, each time crossing yourself. Wudu must be with the head, as the demons sit on the top of the head.

Be in a holy place with an open heart, ask for help, pray for loved ones. The Most Merciful Lord sees your tears and suffering. Before bathing, it is advisable to attend a service, confess and take communion. It is very welcome to fast a little before bathing in holy waters.

The holy spring is not a place for entertainment, people come to it not to "wash" and not "for show". Bathing after strong drinks can give quite the opposite result. After bathing, drink holy water. Do not wipe yourself with a towel, drops of water should be absorbed (Exceptions in winter and for the sick). Thank the Lord God, holy spring, wish everyone well. After bathing, the skin begins to “burn” and cleanse itself of dirt from the inside. After that, you get an incomparable lightness and purity. It will be easier to walk, as if "on wings". The head will become weightless, thoughts calm. You will experience God's grace. Some people may feel bad. This is the cleansing of demons.

The effect of holy water on a person

Virginly pure water molecules coming from the earth create an information matrix that washes away electromagnetic fields from the surface of human skin, cleansing and perforating it. Holy places that help heal, cured many patients from incurable diseases. In medicine, this is what I call a miracle. In case of serious illnesses, it is recommended to bathe in the seven holy springs. A noticeable improvement occurs after 5-6 sources. After each bath, a prayer should be read, usually they hang at the entrance to the bath.

Holy springs to help heal: Holy spring "Svyatets" (Smolensk region), Holy spring of St. David (Moscow region), Holy spring of Savva Storozhevsky (Moscow region), Holy spring "Barsky well" (Moscow region), Holy spring Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region), Holy spring of Ilya Muromets ( Vladimir region), the brook of John the Theologian (Ryazan region), the Holy spring of Pafnutiy Borovsky (Kaluga region).

“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen". Believe in God, hope for his help and love everyone.

Archpriest Alexy Ladygin, rector of the church of Euphrosyne of Moscow in Kotlovka, answers questions from viewers. Transfer from Moscow.

Hello dear viewers. On the air of the TV channel "Soyuz" the program "Conversations with the Father". In the studio Denis Beresnev.

Today our guest is Archpriest Alexy Ladygin, Rector of the Church of Euphrosyne of Moscow in Kotlovka.

Hello, father.

Hello. God bless.

- The topic of today's program is "Orthodox Pilgrimage".

How is a pilgrimage different from a tourist trip?

On a tourist trip, they can also visit holy places. In the Holy Land, you can see that among the visitors there are many people from all over the world, among them our compatriots, some of whom come through travel companies, and some pious pilgrims travel through the pilgrimage services of the Russian Orthodox Church. To date, there are two Pilgrimage Centers of the Russian Orthodox Church, which organize not just tourist, but pilgrimage trips to the Holy Land. What is the difference?

The difference is that during such trips we not only visit holy places, watch and listen to their history, but most importantly, we have the opportunity to pray, to touch the Holy Sepulcher not only with our body, but also with our spirit. Of course, on these trips, the Divine Liturgy is served, where pilgrims confess and receive communion. In addition to a common outlook, we also have spiritual fellowship. We come not just to see, but to bow to the holy place, which means to pray for our loved ones, relatives, to tell God about our problems and difficulties. After such a trip, a person returns inspired, enriched by the grace of God.

As a rule, there are clergy on such trips, a person can confess, take communion, talk with the priest, so that the priest prompts, since not everyone today is a church person, but strives for this. Sometimes a person timidly takes the first steps so that they are in the right direction, a person approaches the priest and asks. When he does everything right, he feels inner growth, confidence, and when his conscience does not convict him, he joyfully departs from the holy place. This is the main difference between a pilgrimage trip and a tourist trip. In it, a person touches the grace of God with his heart, communicates with saints. Prayer is constantly performed, there is an opportunity to take part in the Divine Liturgy, pray, submit notes, order magpies, commemoration for loved ones in one or another holy place.

If we talk about visiting the Holy Land, then the most amazing trips are through the Pilgrimage Centers of the Russian Orthodox Church. The first Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate is located in the Universitetskaya Hotel, which is directly financially and economically subordinate to the Russian Orthodox Church. It organizes trips not only to the Holy Land, but also to Greece, Italy, the shrines of Byzantium (now Turkey), and various pilgrimage trips around Russia. Of course, the pilgrimage center builds the program very carefully and reverently, and in this program there is time to enjoy spiritually, to receive spiritual consolation.

The Pilgrimage Center of the Russian Orthodox Church has also been created under the Department for External Church Relations, which is located in the Danilov Monastery, in a four-story green building located behind the Trinity Cathedral, on the first floor. This service is run by His Grace Archbishop Mark Egoryevsky; there are also very thoughtful travel programs here, in which clergy are always present. If this is a trip to Jerusalem, the groups are hosted by Mother Abbess of the Gorny Convent, sisters of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, mothers are also guides. Of course, such trips can be spiritual, there is no compromise that some secular guides can offer.

The biggest misconception is when our pilgrims visit the Holy Land, they are led to the Wailing Wall. It must be understood that all those numerous notes that are thrust into the cracks are picked out by the janitors in the evening, laughed at and burned. Of course, you don't have to do this. We, Orthodox people, must visit the Holy Sepulcher, Golgotha, walk along the Way of the Cross, venerate the stone of anointing, visit our Russian monasteries. The Wailing Wall for the Israelites who weep over the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and ask God to restore their temple. We, thank God, have churches, thrones, altars, so when the trip is not touristic, but through the center of the Russian Orthodox Church, of course, it is saturated with spiritual joy.

Pilgrimage trips are also organized to numerous shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church. We visit the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Diveevo monastery, Godenovo, Solovki, Valaam, all of these are very spirit-bearing trips. They are not touristic, because each such trip gives a person the opportunity to pray, venerate shrines and participate in the sacred sacraments. Of course, every pilgrim must confess and take communion, that is, unite with the Lord in such holy places, then he receives consolation and such grace, which later helps him to carry his life's cross.

Of course, these trips are wonderful, especially for those people who, perhaps, are just embarking on the path of spiritual, religious life, because there an understanding of inner communion with the Lord opens up, when you can see a living example of many believers, church-going people. This is impossible to see even in our big city, although every day we meet a huge number of people in the subway, transport, shops, just on the streets. But we can only see such bright, pure faces only in such holy monasteries, where you understand that these people have some kind of special life, they, as they say, are not of this world: pure, sincere, ready to help. This grace of God is revealed in practice, through people who have absorbed this grace, who live a spiritual life, and with whom you can communicate.

There is a special spiritual atmosphere in Diveevo: divine services, prayers, the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, numerous springs, in which every pilgrim considers it his duty to bathe, and, perhaps, even receive healing or receive grace-filled strength for further carrying out our service to the Lord and neighbors in our daily life.

The Trinity-Sergius Lavra produces the same deepest impressions. When we visit this ancient monastery and venerate the relics of St. Sergius. We see a host of monks, and the divine services themselves make an indelible impression. On one of our trips there was a young man who saw here for the first time what monastic life is like: a vicar with a staff, brethren with luminous eyes, clean, bright faces. When a person sees the fullness of grace, he feels such inner joy that he searches for words that can express delight. This young man expressed his delight with the desire to become a monk himself. This is similar to how the Apostle Peter, seeing the glory of the Lord on Mount Tabor, said: Lord, let us build three tabernacles here: You, Moses and Elijah, I forgot about myself, just to be near, on a pebble, look at the Lord and be filled with inner joy and completeness. Probably, when a person comes into contact with the heavenly world, he forgets about everything, is in such a state of delight, joy and fullness of life that he wants nothing more. Of course, the spiritual world opens up especially in these holy places, where even the air is filled with the prayers and deeds of all those who struggle in this place.

All this is so inspiring that you remember the words of the ambassadors who attended the divine service in St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople to Prince Vladimir: "Prince, we do not know where we have been: on earth or in heaven." Even a person who regularly attends divine services here feels the touch of God's grace in his heart. The Lord will touch you with grace, and you think that you can give up your whole life in this minute.

Why do people travel to holy places more than once? Because, probably, there is some kind of emptiness in our daily life, and you want to fill yourself up, to touch this great mystery again.

Studying at the Theological Schools in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, we observed how people came from different parts of the world, from different regions of our Fatherland, looking for, as a last hope, inspiration, a comforting word from the ascetics of today. In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra there are genuine elders who can show you your life, the path that you can follow, and this path will be saving.

Question from a viewer from Stavropol: Are there any recommendations on how often one can go on a pilgrimage so that it does not turn into "spiritual tourism"?

Of course, there are no restrictions, but I don’t think that every person has restrictions related to financial capabilities. As a rule, we either have time but no money, or vice versa. Money also needs to be earned, so I don’t think such a frequent pilgrimage is possible.

If we have the opportunity to make pilgrimages 4-5 times a year, that's great, but if every month, that's great. After all, you can make pilgrimages to various holy places, which are many both in Russia and abroad. A man can go to Mount Athos to pray in Russian monasteries.

I also do not see restrictions for trips to any one holy place. We go to the same parish, but at the same time we do not lose reverence, because we are going to communicate with the Lord. In earthly life there are such analogies: when we have a loved one, we strive to spend as much time with him as possible, and with the Lord. We are commanded to love the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind. If this love is real, then a person always strives for communion with the Lord, so you can visit holy places more than once.

For example, I know people who regularly, once a month for sure, or even every week, go to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to attend the special blessed Liturgies performed by the brethren of the Lavra. Vladyka the Viceroy delivers wonderful deep sermons, as students we learned from him this deep thought, inner reasoning.

I remember my mother, who traveled all her life to the Lavra to pray to St. Sergius, although it was necessary to travel 600 kilometers. When, after the army, I went to study at the Theological Seminary, my mother came, wept and said that she had never thought that St. Sergius would show such mercy that my son would stay within these walls. There was no question of her losing her reverence, she did not know how to be nourished by this grace, sated by this air, and at the same time, the help of St. Sergius, which is always there. The saint to whom you often come becomes your close and intimate friend.

On our trips, we see how people try to retire in order to open themselves to God, to tell Him something. Once, with a group, we were on Mount Athos, where we served a prayer service at the relics of St. John the Russian, anointed ourselves and gathered to go further, to the island of Patmos to worship John the Theologian. But I could not gather a group in any way, because people did not want to leave the church and, secluded in its various corners, feeling the warm welcome of St. John the Russian, they continued to pray with tears of consolation and joy.

People return completely different: they go thoughtful, joyful, inspired, hope returns to their hearts. They feel that the Lord will not leave, will help, that everything in life will be fine, the Lord loves us.

Going on a pilgrimage, we escape from the hustle and bustle. What is our life? Vanity of vanities, and languor is money. Work, care, some family scandals, if something doesn't work out. But it does not work because in this fuss we forget God. Pilgrimages bring us back to life.

For some people, a pilgrimage becomes an opportunity for churching. If it lasts for a long time, then during the week he has the opportunity to communicate with believers, listen to their reasoning, see how everyone reverently prays, takes communion.

There are amazing stories when the saints themselves take care of the pilgrims who come on a pilgrimage. Visiting holy places is a great comfort. There has always been a pilgrimage, moreover, there was a votive pilgrimage.

Metropolitan Veniamin Fedchenkov tells how his mother, when he was very ill in childhood, made a vow that if her son recovers, go on foot, bow to Tikhon Zadonsky barefoot. The Lord sent the grace of recovery, and mother, in gratitude for the recovery of her son Vanechka, went on a pilgrimage to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, and the son later became a metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church.

People come to Yekaterinburg to bow to the royal martyrs, the venerable martyr Elizabeth in Alapaevsk at the place of her martyrdom. They come not only from Russia, but also from Germany, America, Canada, Australia.

People come to places with beautiful nature, with wonderful churches, worship, pilgrimage, and when they leave, they have some kind of attraction, again they want to go to Yekaterinburg, and Diveevo, and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Solovki, Valaam.

Question from a viewer: In a conversation with a Samaritan woman, to her question, where is it right to pray, Jesus answered that the time will come when you will worship the Father not on this mountain and not in Jerusalem, but in spirit and truth, because God is a spirit. Seraphim of Sarov says that for a true Christian, Jerusalem is where he lives. How is this combined with the pilgrimage, does the strength of faith depend on this?

The strength of faith depends on how much you believe in God and want to have communion with the holy saints of God in your life. If you are a believer, you pray, of course, for salvation it is enough to go to one parish, and you will be saved. But there is also a wealth of ecclesiastical diversity. It is no coincidence that our ancestors made pilgrimages to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and to Athos, and to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. You have to look at history, which is very rich. For example, we have such a written monument of the 12th century as "The Pilgrimage of Abbot Daniel in the Holy Land of Palestine."

We want to be nourished by the great grace that these holy places, these holy relics have. There is nothing shameful and terrible in this. For we do not have one temple, but many temples and many monasteries. There is a different spiritual experience, a living example of asceticism.

A call from a viewer from Ryazan, testifying to the miraculous help of St. Basil of Ryazan, when financial responsibility for an unscrupulous person fell on her, and she had nowhere to wait for help. Every day, returning from work, she came to the temple where the icon of Vasily Ryazansky was, prayed to him, and one day miraculously people appeared who gave the necessary amount, offered work, and then the whole situation was resolved.

Our viewer has seen from her own experience how communication with saints helps. People travel to holy places also because they want to get help from saints.

- How to cultivate a reverent spirit for the shrines?

As Holy Scripture tells us, the beginning of all wisdom is the fear of the Lord. If a person understands where he is going, he always has this fear, and from him also reverence. He understands that he is not going to rest, as happens on a tourist trip, but his main goal is to pray. From this, reverence arises, a person is ready to endure some difficulties, because the priority for him is spiritual communication and spiritual food.

How should one prepare for a pilgrimage?

I think, first of all, there must be a mood. The entire pilgrimage takes place in prayer, there is an opportunity to read the Holy Scriptures.

Most often, pilgrims travel by bus, and the distances are long, so they read both the rules and the canons, and there is an opportunity to prepare for Holy Communion.

Are there walking pilgrimages today? Do they have any advantages over pilgrimages by transport?

There is no advantage, not everyone can walk long distances, and this is not safe in our time. Of course, there must be work. Old people believe that a real pilgrimage is made in work, prayer, silence. "Work the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling." I also found a time when old people specially went to bishop's services on foot, refusing to be given a ride. They said that the bishop's service must be earned. There was a reverent, reverent attitude. Previously, people understood that the bishop was filled with the fullness of church grace, they met him with reverence and fear.

Probably the most important thing that we should remember when going on pilgrimages is that if there is no fear, reverence, gratitude, you will not feel this grace. As a rule, when the spirit is peaceful, calm, then the holy places meet you in a different way, they open up to you, filling you with the grace of God.

Pilgrimages are very important for parishes. Not because you will not be saved in your parish, but on trips you will be nourished by the grace of God. When we travel forty people from one parish, then if it is a rural parish, everyone knows each other, but in the cities we do not know each other. More recently, in urban communities, people have begun to communicate with each other when living communities begin to form. On a pilgrimage, people begin to communicate closely with each other, someone begins to make friends, people unite so strongly that a large family is obtained.

Pilgrimage trips do not require protection, because they have been tested for centuries, our ancestors went on a pilgrimage for centuries. This is the experience of our Church. We know that, in addition to the Holy Scriptures, there is also a Holy Tradition in our Church, and it tells us that pilgrimages have always been welcome. We know that the holy apostles also returned to Jerusalem to be inspired, to receive spiritual support for their further ministry.

- What kind of pilgrimage trips are made in your parish?

Firstly, together with the kids we visit monasteries: the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Danilovsky Monastery, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, of course, we visit the Optina Hermitage, we go to the Diveevsky Monastery. Adult parishioners also visit these monasteries, and also visit Pereslavl, Rostov the Great, they love Godenovo very much.

We traveled to the holy places of Greece, visited Athos. Twice a year, we travel with our parishioners in large groups to the Holy Land in Jerusalem. People themselves ask me to organize this trip, and I apply to the Pilgrimage Center located in the Universitetskaya Hotel. It happens that we arrange a trip through the Russian Spiritual Mission, turning to the Pilgrimage Center located in the Danilov Monastery. These are probably the most frequent trips. It lasts for eight days. We always celebrate several Liturgies, one of them is at the Holy Sepulcher, and we always have a Liturgy at the site of the Nativity of Christ. We love to celebrate the Liturgy in our Gornensky monastery, where we are always received with great love. These are very joyful and blessed trips.

When we visited our Russian monastery of St. Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane, there were a lot of Arab women who went to it back in the 20-40s, studied the Russian language perfectly and became real Russian nuns. One already old nun Elena, seeing me once again, said: "Father, you fell ill with the Jerusalem disease." When I asked what kind of disease it was, she replied: "You come and come here, because your heart is constantly striving here." I know many of our parishioners who fell in love with the Holy Land so much that they live from one trip to another, I want to come, cry, ask to pray for their loved ones and relatives.

Thank you very much, father Alexei, the time of our transmission, unfortunately, has come to an end. Bless our viewers.

God bless you all.

Host: Denis Beresnev.

Transcription: Yulia Podzolova.

The holiest place in the world. Many people, under the influence of stereotypes of consciousness, in search of the most intimate, begin to travel, visiting all kinds of religious places of pilgrimage, places of power, visiting various temples and sacred structures, spending invaluable time and a huge amount of material resources in the hope of finding what is originally present in themselves. Without even suspecting that everything is much closer, simpler and easier. The fashion for traveling into God has distorted the truth that the most beautiful and amazing journey that a person can take is a journey into himself, the knowledge of his soul. After all, the soul is just the door that many people are looking for, including travelers who want to know God. The complexity lies in the simplicity!

When creating man, God endowed him with everything that is needed for the most important journey in life - the return Home! From time immemorial, people found God and were saved without leaving their village. They knew that God was really very close, closer than the carotid artery, and with great joy they knew God within themselves. After all, initially it would not be fair if only travelers found God. And if a person does not have the opportunity to travel, so that the road to God is closed to him? God has created all the conditions for spiritual development for each of us, regardless of where a person was born and lives.

- Travel agency, Stepan! I'm listening! Yes, yes, at 7:30. Okay, come on. Yes, see you soon! All the best!

- Hi!

- Hello Sasha! I beg you, look, please, refuses to work, doesn’t want to work at all: the Internet is gone, the system is frozen ...

- Hm! Let's see.

- Hello!

- Good afternoon!

- Please! What brought you to our travel agency? Where do you want to go?

I have an unusual request.

— In our company there are many tours for every taste.

I would like to go to a place where I can find God.

“I think it's an easy task. We have many catalogs with different tours where people from all over the world travel to these holy places and that is where they find God. Look. Here's another option.

“The fact is that I have already been to these places, but I could not find God there. Do you have any special place where you can surely find God?

“You know, I’ll go and consult, we have avid travelers who have traveled a lot to holy places. I think we can help you in this matter. I'll just go ask them. Yes, I'll go now, I think they definitely could find God there.

“Now everything will be all right!” Excuse me, please, I witnessed your conversation, I know how to help you.

Do you know a special place where you can find God?

— Have you been there?

- Yes! I visit it constantly. You can even say that I try not to get out of it.

— And where is this place where you found God?

Everything is much simpler and closer than we think. All my life I have searched for God wherever I could. Wherever I just was: and in holy places, in temples, in ashrams, I was in religious sects and currents. Where have I not been? What didn't I see? But over time, I realized that places are just places, and religious organizations are just organizations. God is always with us, and He is indeed much closer than the carotid artery, He is within us. Do not waste precious time and money on trips in search of God. Look inside yourself. Reach out to your soul. Helped me to understand this issue in depth. This is not a movie. It's much more. This is a live conversation “Consciousness and Personality. From the obviously dead to the eternally Alive. I recommend. Take a look and I'm sure you'll love it.

The article lists the holy places in Russia, healing people and helping to live with faith, hope and love.

Orthodox believers worship miraculous icons, asking them for a speedy recovery and resolution of everyday problems.

In contact with

List of holy springs

Source of Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo

Seraphim of Sarov is the founder of the Diveevsky Monastery, which houses the Sarov spring. Healing water helps with various ailments, as well as improves health.

In the monastery, you can pray and venerate the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. It is also recommended to come to the morning Liturgy, which takes place every Sunday. You can stay at the monastery or at the hotel.

Women who want to have children, suffering, homeless and weak people go to St. Seraphimushka. The elder never refused help, especially to those who keep the word of God, constantly go to Church and live according to the commandments.

Source of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Gremyachiy Klyuch waterfall)

The source is located in the village of Vzglyadnevo, and the Orthodox call this place "Malinniki".

The Monk Wonderworker Sergius of Radonezh is the intercessor of Russia, the protector from misfortunes and deceit of enemies.

Many believers make a pilgrimage to him, asking for intercession and help, as well as protection from witchcraft.

It's important to know: he should pray when a relative is in custody, hospital or on the road. Also, Sergius of Radonezh heals the possessed and gives them the strength to fight their passions.

The monk heals from ailments, admonishes children and protects them from evil people, helps in childbirth.

Spring ring in the Ivanovo region

The healing spring is named after St. Alexander Nevsky, who was famous for his purity of thoughts and righteous life. Nearby is the Temple, in which there are Holy relics.

The source saved people from terrible misfortunes, epidemics of cholera and plague. Alexander Nevsky protects and covers entire settlements of the Orthodox, helps them in hard work, intercedes with God for the sick.

You can come to the spring at any time and take a dip in the font. Many parishioners bring clean bathing clothes (nightgowns, long T-shirts) with them to take with them.

Water from the source has healing properties, relieves stomach diseases, gastritis, duodenal ulcers. But we must remember that everything is given according to the Orthodox faith.

Spring of St. David in the village of Telezh

The source is located 30 km from the village of Novyi Byt in the Moscow region, in a monastery.

On the territory of the monastery there is a small chapel named after St. David, who helps people, prays to God for the sins of others.

He lived for many years in a monastery, led an ascetic and solitary life. They pray to Reverend David for children and ask for help in raising them. Also, you can pray to wives for your husband, for the restoration of the family.

Visiting the source is allowed from 8 am to 9 pm. People come here to get married or baptize a child.

Source of the Healer Panteleimon in the village of Kalozhitsy

The healer Panteleimon heals demon-possessed, possessed people, as well as those who practice magic, the occult, or resorted to the help of sorcerers.

You can take a dip in the spring and take some water with you. The water is springy and has a pleasant taste.

Arriving home, you should sprinkle the corners of the apartment with water from the source and put the Icon of Panteleimon on the iconostasis.

Spring in honor of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" (Vologda region)

The source is located along the Vologda–Kirillov route.

On the territory there is a chapel where you can put candles and venerate the icon. Near the spring there is a font where you can take a dip.

Also, the Miraculous stone, located near the source, is considered a Shrine. The Smolensk Mother of God should pray for healing from ailments and intercession. She is the patroness of all Orthodox families and orphans.

They pray to her and ask for the appearance of children, and she also heals women's diseases. The Mother of God "Hodegetria" is the patroness of the entire Vologda region.

Holy spring of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh spent much time in solitary prayer. Now this place is a source - a sacred place.

Many believers received healing from chronic and inflammatory diseases there. Also, St. Mitrofan heals infertile couples who do not have children.

Headaches, pain in the back and joints - everything goes away, one has only to plunge into the holy water.

Saint Mitrofan cures pneumonia, colds, and even relieves fever. It is necessary to give the sick person some water from the source and wipe his body with a cloth dipped in it.

Holy key (Spoon) in the city of Iskitim

In the small village of Lozhok, Novosibirsk Region, there is a Holy Spring. During the war there was a camp with prisoners, and a spring opened at its location.

It is said that the prisoners “opened” it with their prayers. Now many believers from different cities and villages make pilgrimages here to gain strength.

Those who come in faith receive healing. The holy key helps people with skin diseases, gives strength, strengthens in faith, and cures diseases associated with the stomach.

Miraculous spring in the village of Aleshnya

Located in the Bryansk region, the water heals purulent, open, incised wounds, postoperative sutures, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can wash your face with holy water if there are problems with the skin of the face, or, for example, make homemade ointments based on natural herbs.

The holy spring has a strong bactericidal effect on trophic ulcers caused by diabetes.

Also, water lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces blood pressure. Families with sick children often visit here.

List of Orthodox churches and monasteries (miraculous icons and relics of saints)

Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Stogovo

Once, miraculously, the icon of St. Nicholas appeared right in a haystack. The area and the village began to be called Stogovo. In the 17th century, a Temple was built, into which believers flock daily to venerate the miraculous icon.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, like Seraphim of Sarov, led a hermit life for many years. The Lord gave Saint Nicholas the gift of helping people. And now the Saint, hearing the prayers of the Orthodox, intercedes before God and asks for intercession for the entire Russian people.

Note: Saint Nicholas should pray if there are problems with buying a home, before a long trip, during a protracted illness. The saint helps orphans, mothers raising children alone, and gives consolation to the terminally ill.

The miracle worker protects people from witchcraft and sudden death, families from divorce and children from evil eye and intent. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a truly prayerful place, here you can bow to the relics and venerate the icon. It is located at the address: Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, the village of Malinniki.

Holy Mount Pyukhtitsa (Crane Mountain)

Although this is not Russia, but Estonia, it is still a very popular place for pilgrims.

Even guidebooks mention this great place. On the Holy Mountain, which was called Zhuravlina, there is a Temple named in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God.

The miraculous appearance of the image of the Mother of God converted many to the Orthodox faith and gave strength to fight against unclean spirits. Now Orthodox parishioners pray before the miraculous image in the Pyukhtinsky Assumption Monastery and ask her for deliverance from illnesses, help with childlessness and help in difficult life circumstances.

Also, unmarried girls ask for a good groom and a successful marriage. In this Temple, they get married and honor the icon of the Assumption Mother of God as their intercessor.

Monastery of Alexander-Svirsky

The monastery, located in the Leningrad region, near the town of Lodeinoye Pole, is the monastery of St. Alexander-Svirsky.

The saint of God, the Monk Alexander, lived almost all his life in a monastery and always helped people. He, by the will of God, built a Temple in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Now pilgrims visit holy places and venerate the relics of the Holy Elder.

The Monk Alexander of Svirsky possessed the gift of enlightenment and instruction. Both ordinary people and the clergy came to him for advice - he never refused anyone to help. They pray to him when there are unresolved problems or difficult life circumstances, when a person does not know what to do in this or that matter.

Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

The Assumption Cathedral is located in the Moscow Kremlin. Today, worship services are held there on certain days. But for those wishing to bow to the shrines, the entrance is always open.

In the Assumption Cathedral there is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which helps the peasants to grow a good harvest, is an intercessor for those who work on the land, and protects Orthodox Christians from infidels and persecution.

Also, in the Cathedral there is the Nail of the Lord and the staff of St. Peter. Saint Peter protects people from hunger and poverty, helps to find a job, to buy housing. Saint Peter should be prayed during Lent - he helps to cope with temptations and gives strength to resist evil.

Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery

The monastery is located in the village of Oshevenskoye, Arkhangelsk region. There are many Shrines on the territory of the monastery: stones with footprints of St. Alexander, the Holy Spring and the lake, as well as the Halui River, which goes underground in one place and exits in another.

There is also a well dug by Alexander Oshevensky himself.

They pray to St. Alexander at the onset of war, as well as for safe trips and travels. Alexander Oshevensky heals people with blood diseases.

"Quick Acolyte" Icon of the Mother of God

It is located on the Holy Mount Athos in the Dohiarsky monastery.

The miraculous power of the icon heals the blind and puts the crippled on their feet, helps with difficult childbirth, saves them from cancer, saves from captivity and covers children during the war.

Women pray to the holy icon of the Mother of God to restore peace in the family, prosperity and the resolution of internecine strife. The Holy "Skoroposlushnitsa" intercedes before God for the weak and sick, lonely old people, and the disabled.

Also, "Skoroposlushnitsa" helps with natural disasters, floods, fires. She shelters with her Grace and saves from sudden death.

Savva Storozhevsky (Savva Zvenigorodsky)

Wonderworker Savva Storozhevsky, Russian ascetic of the faith of Christ, patron of all those who suffer and defender of the fatherland. The monastery, named after Savva Storozhevsky, is located in the suburbs of Moscow.

Everyone who prays to the Miracle Worker receives healing: he helps with cancer, chronic pain, kidney and liver disease.

In addition, Savva Storozhevsky should pray to resolve any conflict situations. The seer elder always helped people and gave advice, he was a mentor to all sinful parishioners.

The Monk Sergei of Radonezh often communicated with the Wonderworker and shared his spiritual experience with him.

Matrona of Moscow

Holy Matronushka is the patroness of all women who want to have children. They pray to her, asking her to protect her family from ruin, to be healed of an illness, to get rid of an addiction - the old woman Matrona always responds to prayer!

Often they pray to her that the child would study well at school, they ask for help and admonition before entering the university. In front of the icon, you can ask for blessings for marriage or divorce, for the purchase of a home or a car.

Small children should also be applied to the Miraculous Icon - Matronushka covers from sudden illnesses and early death.

Temple of the Matrona of Moscow, located on Taganka, in Moscow. There are always long queues here, and sometimes pilgrims wait for 5-6 hours to venerate the Shrine. You can come and pray at the Temple from 6 am to 8 pm.

Temple of St. Panteleimon

A small Temple, named after the Holy Hierarch Panteleimon, is located in Moscow, on Nikolskaya Street, but the relics of the Healer are in the Penza Intercession Cathedral.

Saint Panteleimon was a true companion, patron of all the sick and needy. Having sold all his property, he began to help people, healed them and set them on the right path.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon heals incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, restores after a stroke or an accident, protects pregnant women from premature birth, and protects babies from sudden death.

Pokrovo-Tervenichesky Convent

It is located in the Leningrad region, in the small village of Tervenichi. The patronesses of the convent are the Holy Martyrs - Faith, Hope and Love.

On the territory there is a shrine - the Tervenic Icon of the Mother of God, as well as a healing spring. Pilgrims can stay at the monastery, work in the courtyard, or pray with the sisters. Divine services are held every day, the schedule can be found on the official website.

The Tervenic Icon of the Mother of God blesses all women who decide to spend their lives in a monastic skete. She protects from devilish temptations, shelters from non-believers, wars and attacks on the Orthodox faith, saves people from spiritual death, instructs with the Word of God.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Chimeyevo

The appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God took place on a river in a remote Siberian village in the Kurgan region, in the Urals.

The miraculous icon protects Orthodox Christians from demonic attacks, children from witchcraft, and men from death in war.

The Kazan Mother of God is the intercessor of all Christians before God! She asks every day on her knees for Russia and the Orthodox people. Thanks to her prayers, the Lord shows mercy and sends down grace.

St. Nicholas Monastery "Holy Caves" in the village of Pokrovka

The monastery is located in the Orenburg region, in the village of Pokrovka. In the "Holy Caves" there is a miraculous source that heals those suffering from mental illness.

Thousands of believers come to the Nikolsky spring, asking St. Nicholas for a miracle. Nearby there is a bath, where everyone can completely plunge into the Holy water.

Before this, you need to read the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then cross yourself 3 times. The Orthodox faith is the most powerful weapon against evil. It lifts the spirit of every person, strengthens faith in God and helps to do good deeds.

A sincere prayer addressed to God from the bottom of your heart will always be heard!

About the holy places of Russia, see the following interesting video:
