Penetrating coating waterproofing for concrete. Waterproofing of concrete, materials and their features. Limitations in the use of concrete waterproofing

concrete structures considered to be the standard of strength. This affected not only the priorities of the builders in many cases, but even popular culture. The problem is that no amount of mechanical strength allows buildings from artificial stone and their individual parts to resist the destructive action of water.


Concrete waterproofing is often carried out during repair, construction and renovation work. The goal is to improve the quality parameters of the building and increase its resistance to water of various origins.

Along with roll materials, penetrating waterproofing is widely used. It does not stop the liquid on the way, but makes the thickness of the material impervious to it. The advantage of this option is the protection of the entire surface at once, the ability to guarantee cover even with continuous action of water (in a pool, tank).

Roll material is not suitable for permanently wet surfaces. But it also has advantages compared to penetrating solutions, such as:

  • the ability to protect those walls and parts that already have cracks or may have them in the future;
  • cover brick parts not only in the surface layer;
  • protection of porous concrete;
  • suitability for finishing the foundation.

The penetrating material is mixed with water and applied to wet surfaces. Waterproofing is provided by the systematic penetration of the solution into the pores. Crystallization forms a continuous strip of cover, which guarantees the resistance of the building to water. The depth of penetration of waterproofing under favorable conditions can reach 0.3–0.4 m. If initially there are microscopic pores and capillaries, as well as microcracks saturated with crystals, the treatment reduces the penetration of water several times.


Coated waterproofing is now being used more and more actively and successfully replaces older solutions based on bitumen. Its advantage is that the formed coating initially has high adhesion to concrete surfaces and actually becomes one with them.

The most advanced coating variations provide pressure and tear resistance - they are suitable for protecting the walls of pools and reservoirs. Other positives are the following:

  • the possibility of using in a recessed and basement;
  • resistance to cracking under dynamic loading;
  • passing steam outside;
  • ease of installation;
  • Can be used on wet concrete.

Cement coating is divided into plaster and penetrating. Its average consumption is 3500 g per 1 sq. m. m with a layer of 0.2 cm. Such coatings can be used to protect both vertical and horizontal structures. But mineral mixtures often lacks elasticity, the ability to withstand the action of vibration.

Additive liquid glass used for waterproofing concrete no less than cement compositions.

Such processing allows you to form a monolithic contour without a single seam, confidently resisting not only liquids, but also mold and other fungi. The glass version is suitable for geometrically complex architectural details and hard-to-reach areas. A small light layer effectively replaces several heavy windings at once. There is no risk of ignition, poisoning. The coating will not collapse even at high temperatures.

Glass protection is so effective that it is used in tropical and arctic conditions, and for volumetric pools.

But still there are weaknesses. Thus, the film formed by liquid glass is fragile and must be covered from the outside with other materials. You need to work with the mixture quickly so that it does not freeze prematurely. Therefore, along with liquid glass, other waterproofing compositions are often used. deep penetration.

They work for the most part on three principles:

  • osmosis (implementation of molecules in a diffuse way);
  • Brownian motion;
  • surface tension of liquids entering the capillaries of concrete.

The desired effect is also achieved due to various chemical reactions occurring in the thickness of the stone. But all this is interesting mainly to specialists, and for ordinary builders and home owners, it is important that concrete impregnated with special mixtures remains permeable to steam. Practice shows that penetrating waterproofing is acceptable for prefabricated and monolithic structures equally. Doesn't have special significance and resistance to cracks - if only the grade of the material was not lower than M100.

Experience has shown that penetrating treatment is effective for the following:

  • hydrotechnical and port complexes;
  • foundations, cellars and cellars;
  • fire tanks;
  • elevator shafts, balconies, parking complexes;
  • air passages between buildings;
  • tunnels and bunkers.

Penetrating insulation can be made from dry mixes, on the basis of which a one-component binder solution is kneaded, or using ready-made liquid reagents.

Strictly speaking, liquid glass and liquid rubber belong to the same category. Dry waterproofing attracts the attention of builders because it does not require complex equipment or sophisticated work skills. The only exception to this rule are roll coatings. Dry mix concrete easily adheres to any surface, but after drying it may become cracked.

The solution variant is formed from fractions less than 0.5 cm. The chemical base is quartz sand and some other mineral substances with additives of polymers. In addition to protecting against water, such compounds help to make walls stronger. Again, the steam regime of the structure is not disturbed. With the help of mortar waterproofing, it is possible to insulate foundations to the depth of soil freezing.

The impregnation waterproofing system is attractive in that it can be used selectively on those structural elements, which are experiencing a particularly powerful load. It can be used both on completely new and already used objects. Most often, bitumen or synthesized resins are used for impregnation.

Attention: despite the relative simplicity of the method, the best results are achieved when using finished products manufactured at the factory. With all the desire to ensure comparable performance, using a sealant directly on construction sites, does not work.

Scope of application

Surface waterproofing concrete floors required for elements such as:

  • gaps separating strip base from the pillar foundation;
  • load-bearing parts of the foundation;
  • ceiling tiles.

Apply waterproofing either from below, or along outer walls. In most cases, deep penetration mixtures are chosen. Their purpose is not limited to blocking the capillary movements of water, it is also important to strengthen the technological seams. In some situations, polymeric plaster compositions. Sometimes it is technologically justified to combine the treatment with mastic and the laying of rolls poured over the surface and penetrating into the thickness of the material.

Important: penetrating waterproofing requires great care.

Any manipulation with it is permissible only when wearing personal protective equipment, namely:

  • impenetrable glasses;
  • respirators;
  • rubber gloves.

The presence of dust particles and efflorescence on the surface is unacceptable. Loose concrete is supposed to be knocked down. All seams and cracked places are covered with strobes so that in these areas the penetration is even deeper than in the whole wall.

The penetrating mixture is applied in two steps, with the second treatment being carried out when the initial portion has set a little, but has not had time to dry yet. Further, the finished surface will have to be continuously moistened for 72 hours. The slightest mechanical influences on it or lowering the temperature to negative values.

Protection against water of aerated concrete blocks and structures during outdoor work has its own characteristics. Aerated concrete absorbs moisture extremely intensively, much more than the main building materials. On the walls, the necessary degree of insulation is provided by plaster with a thickness of 0.8 cm. As with the preparation of other surfaces, it is very important to remove all dirt and foreign deposits. Profile tongues are cleaned as thoroughly as possible.

Aerated concrete must be primed before hydrophobic treatment.

The choice of composition for this purpose is determined mainly by the possible costs and the climate of a particular area. The primer is always applied at a minimum of +2 degrees. A prerequisite for success is the protection of cold joints in concreting. It is these areas, both in aerated concrete and in other varieties of artificial stone, that are the weakest links.

The choice of seam waterproofing method is determined by the following features:

  • category of underlying soil;
  • the magnitude of temperature differences (seasonal and daily);
  • chemical aggressiveness of water;
  • the magnitude of the load;
  • seam mobility option;
  • the quality of the building materials used, and so on.

You can use acrylate drills, waterstop, gel on acrylic base and other injectable mixtures. Many experts prefer to use several options at once, but each combination should be selected individually for all houses. After all, any method of isolating a seam from water has both positive and negative sides. So, the dowels do not tolerate high hydrostatic pressure; only fixed seams can be protected with non-shrink mixtures.

If it is required to correct the problems that arose during the construction of houses from aerated concrete, foam concrete, or to carry out repairs without dismantling, injection techniques are recommended.

A special technique is needed for waterproofing the joints of the floor slabs under the laminate. Typical Solutions are the following:

  • pouring liquid materials;
  • formation of a screed from waterproof concrete;
  • roll layout;
  • placement of polyethylene (from 50 microns only as an addition to other protection options).

Concrete bases are covered mainly with isolon, polyethylene foam, cork (alone and in combination with bitumen) or XPS.

Initially, all joints, intersections with walls and slab borders are cleaned. It is categorically unacceptable to leave loosened plaster or the slightest deposits of debris. Waterproofing is preceded by the application of a deeply penetrating primer. The overlap of the roll blocks is exactly 100 mm. For leveling bitumen, polymers or asphalt, spatulas with a wide blade are used. Raid polyethylene films each other is 150 mm, without a polyethylene addition, no protection can be considered complete.

All screeds on the street are subject to mandatory waterproofing, because they are open to the weather. In those places where the groundwater level is very high, it is imperative to divert them, and make the screed itself as powerful as possible. Compacted clay is usually placed under the waterproofing layer. Bituminous materials are laid in three layers, when using polymer coatings can be limited to one line.

Hydraulic isolation of concrete with special compounds is important in the construction of new buildings, and the preservation of existing ones. At proper processing old foundations with protective materials from dampness, the buildings are still in operation for a long period. The most common drawback of old buildings is the corrosion of iron fittings. The applied means allow you to get rid of the disadvantage and operate concrete buildings longer.

Penetration into the finished structure of an aggressive environment and salt substances destroys concrete and iron from the inside. Therefore, additives in concrete for waterproofing can prevent such factors. Treatments are also used to achieve the same result on finished structures.

Description of the concrete waterproofing process

Penetrating concrete waterproofing uses a wide variety of preparations offered by the industry. But some of them have proven themselves better than others and are chosen by builders more often. Penetron concrete waterproofing belongs to the category of the most selected materials. She processes strategically important buildings, such as bridges, or rather their concrete part, which descends into water flows, concrete walls on embankments that protect cities from rising water in rivers. Also, the composition is able to protect the structure from temperature extremes and constant exposure to water. For a long time, hydraulic isolation agents were used, which covered only the surface with a protective layer in the form of a film coating, and with a small scratch, water flows seeped inside and continued their destructive property.

Now new tests have made it possible to create a material that is very different in composition from the previous ones, which, covering the concrete part, not only insulates it from above, but also penetrates inside, seeping through all possible ways, small capillaries and depressions. He, processing concrete, copes with corrosion and destruction.

Benefits of Penetrating Insulation

Penetrating insulation allows you to contain the impact on concrete of such factors as:
The high content of chlorine in water, which destroys the metal parts of the concrete structure and corrodes the metal,
Frequent wetting of a structure located on the street, exposure to concrete changes in the seasons, radiation during solar activity. Penetron, connecting with a concrete carrier, increases its density, which allows it to stoically resist the effects of aggression from nature.
The composition when it hits the recesses and small cracks, filling them, produces the process of overgrowing, that is, they are drawn in with the mixture and completely disappear.

How to work with a mixture of Penetron

The use of a building mixture involves diluting it with water to the state of thick sour cream and applying it to a surface moistened with water in advance. You can spread the composition with a brush or roller. First, corners and places with grooves and cracks are processed. Then it is rolled over all the necessary part of the concrete.

When applied, the components of the creamy mixture penetrate into the thickness through the capillaries and recesses and clog them. When interacting with the concrete base, an impregnated crystalline crust is formed, which strengthens and makes the concrete durable. Crystals prevent the penetration of moisture, but freely pass air flows, which allows you to maintain a favorable atmosphere in buildings. Applied, the Penetron mixture can be used to treat external walls and in the middle of buildings, which will create a completely impenetrable protection.

In other words, it is an effective composition that comprehensively processes concrete and, in the event of any damage and cracks, the mixture tightens with the help of crystalline formations problem areas and the protection becomes complete again.

Liquid waterproofing method

Liquid concrete waterproofing is the next processing method. The adhesion of every millimeter is important point. Otherwise, what is the use of processing if it is not stuck on the entire surface and will have gaps.

This occurs when applying rolled hydraulic insulators, through which air penetrates in some places, followed by water.

The complexity of processing a concrete base is that it is difficult to make it even and rough, wavy surfaces do not allow for good hydraulic insulation. This is where the method comes to the rescue, in which full coverage is made and the impossibility of passes arises. Liquid rubber will cover the entire surface, both before leveling and after it.

To apply liquid hydraulic insulation to the floor, a preliminary screed is made, but only in order to save material. But in those cases when it is necessary to make hydraulic insulation inside the concrete, that is, to make it and fill and screed from above, liquid rubber is just what is needed.

The more curved the surface, the harder it is to make a complete hydraulic isolation, but this does not apply to the composition of liquid rubber, it freely covers up all structural errors.

Another important fact in that liquid rubber can be applied to a layer of concrete that is not completely dry. That is, the applied rubber composition on concrete base, which was poured five days ago, will waterproof it and will not lag behind anywhere, and hydraulic protection can be made on the floor part already on the third day after pouring.

Bituminous and other insulators work only on a dried and cleanly cleaned substrate. Before applying, you need to check that there are no puddles left on the base, they are not visible to the eye, so you can run your hand and see if it is dry or not. If there are places where the hand feels a little moisture, you need to dry these areas. How to dry, you can get wet with a piece of foam rubber. If the hand does not feel moisture, and the surface is cold and slightly damp, you can spray rubber protection.

Rubber makes a complete seamless spacesuit over the entire surface. That is, when coated, there is not even a hint of any connecting overlap. There is a complete steam and hydraulic isolation. It turns out that the area treated with rubber is wrapped around from all sides. Excellent protection from exposure to moisture and gaseous substances.

Benefits of liquid rubber

Formaldehyde, causes minor damage:

  • Hydrochloric acid, harms only at high temperatures,
  • Hydrogen sulfide does not cause any harm.

Liquid rubber keeps concrete bases from water and chemicals, but does not keep from mechanical breaks. Therefore, usually a screed is made on top of the applied composition, if it is a floor, and a coating of other materials is applied to the sidewalls.

Waterproofing materials

If you need to hydraulically isolate concrete plates foundation from the outside, then in order to prevent damage, foam or insulation is laid on top of the rubberized base, and this is how backfilling is done.

When waterproofing concrete, various materials are offered, consisting of mastics containing bitumen and polymers. Technoprok produces environmentally friendly and high quality mastic for insulating concrete surfaces.

Do-it-yourself concrete waterproofing can be done with Rapidflex and Technoprok liquid rubber brands. These are emulsion compounds that can be used to process basements and other concrete premises on their own, but using equipment adapted for this. Rubber compounds are not applied with brushes and rollers, they must be sprayed onto the surface so that the liquid is evenly distributed and adheres.

Materials for liquid waterproofing

To work with a brush on your own, you can use liquid rubber coatings, which are available in the form of a paste. Elastopaz or Elastomix materials have such a consistency that they can be worked with a spatula or brush.

In order for these rubbers to adhere well to the concrete base, its surface must be smeared with primers that will contribute to good adhesion of liquid rubber and concrete. Hydraulic isolation liquid formulations rubber produces protection against water and radon.

When using the adapted equipment and spraying the room with rubber, the whole process is as follows. On a well-cleaned surface, vacuumed and free of debris, the application begins, layer by layer of liquid rubber.

During operation, it is advisable not to stop and spray in uniform stripes. All work should be done quickly, as the rubber compound quickly hardens and a solid crust is obtained.

Building protection

Protective work for concrete structures is simply necessary, whatever the concrete, with correct proportions batch, with the addition of an additive to concrete for waterproofing, using a variety of additives, without additional protective film, it will begin to deteriorate and collapse over time. Corrosive processes occur, but if you carry out additional work in terms of protection from them, concrete can serve for a long time.

Concrete buildings built by the ancient Romans have survived to this day, but, of course, now no one plans to build such durable buildings, but for 50-70 years you can keep the foundation in good condition.

When processing and hydraulic isolation in own houses special compounds should be used to close all kinds of cracks and treat corners. Mastic for waterproofing concrete will close access to moisture through small cracks formed during drying. The entire surface is treated with it before applying any type of hydraulic insulation, except for penetrating and using liquid glass. In all other ways, it will help improve the water-repellent work of hydraulic insulation, fill and level construction errors and prevent the concrete base from starting to collapse at joints and chips.

Liquid glass for waterproofing

There are several options for hydraulic isolation, which are used for work on large construction sites and for water protection of domestic buildings. Waterproofing concrete with liquid glass is one of the options. At home, it is used quite rarely, since the composition has the ability to quickly crystallize and solidify. Of course, sometimes when building pits for storing water supplies, liquid glass in a powdered state is added to the mixed concrete, before it is poured into the prepared and installed formwork. It is quickly stirred, and the composition is compacted in the formwork.

This supplement allows long time maintain the integrity of the concrete and prevent water from escaping. In addition, the added powder protects against the appearance of cracks through which water will seep, but such a pit is short-lived and will eventually have to be further isolated.

Construction crews use glass additives when kneading in special equipment, which makes it possible to prevent glass from crystallizing ahead of time and the prepared concrete will be more durable. There are also options for applying glass to the surface. There is sodium glass, which has increased stickiness and interacts well with mineral components. This category is used for additives in the foundation and in the manufacture of antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnations.

Potassium liquid glass is resistant to the effects of the atmosphere and is used in the manufacture of dyes. Liquid glass treatment is often used to protect architectural monuments made of concrete, since the applied glass covers the entire surface with a continuous crystalline film and water with the wind will not be able to destroy the statues. It is also used in places where a fire hazard situation may occur, and glass, unlike rubber, will not burn and retain protective layer.

When adding liquid glass to concrete solutions, precautions must be taken. So that the concrete is not spoiled, a quick kneading and rolling or pouring the finished solution is necessary. Before adding liquid glass is diluted in a ratio of 1:2 with water. It can be added to the solution and simply sprayed from the spray bottle onto the surface. A layer of liquid glass will restore the weathered areas of the concrete base and create antiseptic protection.

Description of the work process

Before use, the entire surface is cleaned of dust, leveled and treated with degreasing compounds. For application to the surface, a spray gun is used, while the penetration of glass into concrete occurs by 1-2 mm. If it is necessary to increase the protective layer, then it is necessary to apply several times, thus increasing the penetration to 2 cm.

When processing wooden products, you can place it in a vessel with liquid glass for complete coverage and impregnation. For basements, you can add 1 liter of glass to the plaster for every 10 liters of mortar. Liquid glass is used for hydraulic insulation of basements, screeds, wells and other buildings, as well as for corrosion protection of metal. Wooden floors are cleaned before treatment with liquid glass sandpaper. Before starting work, all surfaces are well cleaned.

There are several compositions that are used for hydraulic insulation. Now developed those that do not have a quick drying and can be used at home without the use of special equipment. These compounds are diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and applied with a brush on a concrete base. The process is the same as for painting. The composition of the glass has such a feature that if the surface was not quite even, then the use of the composition will even it out, the roughness will be removed and small cracks will close.

The use of a new composition of liquid glass makes it possible at home to make a quick hydraulic protection of basements, bathrooms, wooden buildings, concrete sewer drains and wells.

Concrete has been popular for many years construction material. Despite the very long history of its origin, concrete has become widespread and recognized only in the last century. Moreover, the volume of concrete produced and used in construction is growing year by year. This demand is quite understandable: concrete is a universal material of high strength and a wide range of uses.

But there is a characteristic of this material that I would like to improve or at least compensate for. Despite all its hardness, the water-repellent properties of this material are poor. If you look closely, even with the naked eye you can see the smallest pores on the surface. Moisture can penetrate deep into the material through these pores. With prolonged exposure to dampness and temperature changes, concrete products and structures can collapse.

To solve the problem of structural deformations and thermal microfractures of concrete, mandatory actions are needed to waterproof the concrete surface. This is especially necessary if the concrete is used in conditions high humidity or in contact with water: foundations, garage floors, swimming pools, etc.

Concrete waterproofing

There are many materials and methods for waterproofing concrete. The choice of a suitable solution will depend on the place of application, and on the area of ​​processing, and on the intensity of operation, and on the possible budget.

Concrete waterproofing options:

  • penetrating waterproofing for concrete;
  • additives in concrete for waterproofing;
  • liquid waterproofing for concrete;
  • coating waterproofing for concrete;
  • glued or built-up waterproofing;
  • concrete sealant.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating concrete waterproofing

Waterproofing on cement base although it was known 50 years ago, it did not find wide application then.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing is that its constituent chemical elements, after hitting the wall surface, penetrate under the action of physical strength into microcapillaries in the thickness of concrete. The name of this method of waterproofing comes from the ability to penetrate the wall.

In the capillaries, the active ingredients of the mixture interact with the substances that make up the concrete. Further, a kind of micro-plugs are formed, which completely clog the movement of the liquid from the inside, but do not reduce the vapor permeability of the wall.

For a long time, Penetron cement-based dry mix for waterproofing has been synonymous with penetrating concrete waterproofing. This is due to the fact that Penetoron has long been the only such remedy. But today on construction market waterproofing mixtures of many other manufacturers are presented.

Penetrating mixture for waterproofing is available in dry form. After mixing with water, apply to concrete with a wide brush with synthetic bristles. Mix the solution immediately before work and in an amount that can be spent within 30 minutes.

Cement based waterproofing

Additives in concrete for waterproofing

To improve the inherent characteristics of concrete, various additives are added to its composition at the stage of making the solution. Additives make concrete waterproof or hydrophobic.

hydrophobic concrete

This concrete, after hardening, acquires the property of repelling water from its surface.
The following types of additives are used:

  • paraffins;
  • calcium salts;
  • stearic acid;
  • salts of naphthenic acids;
  • petroleum acids;
  • resin.

An additive in concrete for its hydrophobicity can be hydrophobic (an immiscible admixture with certain characteristics) and hydrophobic (giving a water-repellent effect when interacting with concrete substances).

waterproofed concrete

Using waterproofing additives in concrete, it is possible to obtain a material with a lower air content. Waterproofing additives in concrete compact the mixture and increase the concrete's own resistance to moisture.

To waterproofing additives relate:

  • ferric chloride;
  • calcium nitrate;
  • silicate adhesive.

Additives in concrete for waterproofing

Waterproofing impregnation for concrete

Liquid impregnation for concrete waterproofing is of two types:

  • Deep penetration (mixtures based on silicates). Such impregnation significantly increases the strength of concrete, which causes a waterproofing effect.
  • Surface protection waterproofing (based on epoxy, acrylates, polyurethanes). Such impregnations create a film on the surface and prevent the liquid from seeping into the concrete, but do not affect its strength.

This type of waterproofing is one of the easiest to apply. Liquid waterproofing compound it is enough to apply on a vertical concrete surface with a roller or brush. Horizontal surfaces, such as floors or ceilings, are most conveniently waterproofed. It is enough to pour the impregnation in a thin layer, distribute it evenly with a soft brush and allow to dry.

Waterproofing impregnation

Mastic for concrete waterproofing

Mastic waterproofing is very popular for various reasons. This is a fairly affordable way to protect concrete from the harmful effects of moisture. The mastic is easy to apply, has sufficient fluidity to create an even coating during the drying process. In this case, the coating is smooth, without seams and joints.

Mastic can be used both in air and in contact with soil, protecting concrete equally well from atmospheric precipitation, and from ground and melt water.

There are two main types of mastics for waterproofing:

  • Bituminous mastic. One of the cheapest and oldest waterproofing for concrete. The main component of such a coating is bitumen. Hot bituminous mastic is applied. The material is added polymer additives, improving the fluidity, polymerization and elasticity of the cooled coating. In addition, additives allow you to apply bituminous mastic in a cold way.
  • Polyurethane mastic. Made from acrylic. When dried, it completely polymerizes, creating a dense protective covering on concrete. The advantages of polyurethane mastic in drying speed, resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Hydrophobic acrylic mastic is also good because you can add a dye to it and tint the coating to the desired color. Also, acrylic-based mastic is lighter than bituminous.

It is convenient to use a mastic coating for waterproofing surfaces of complex relief, as it is applied with a spray gun, less often with a brush or roller. At the same time, one can be sure that both external and internal corners will be well treated.

Mastic layer for best result can be up to several centimeters thick. The minimum allowable thickness is 1 mm.

Mastic for waterproofing

Bonded and built-up coatings for waterproofing concrete surfaces

Waterproofing concrete with roll coatings one of the most traditional. Materials are made on the basis of bitumen. Coatings of the old generation had significant disadvantage- great fragility, which created difficulties both during installation and during further exploitation. Now in the bitumen used for the manufacture roll waterproofing, polymers are added, significantly improves the characteristics of the material.

Bitumen-based roll waterproofing is divided according to the principle of installation into:

  • Okleichnaya. For laying waterproofing, the surface is pre-coated with bituminous mastic. Next, lay the waterproofing itself, carefully level it. The joints are overlapped, they are glued with mastic. Waterproofing can be done in several layers, alternating mastic and roll material.
  • Surfacing. Such waterproofing is bonded to the coating using burners. The material is rolled over the surface and warmed up. The mastic layer melts and sticks the canvas to the base. The joints are also overlapped.

Fused waterproofing

Sealant for concrete

Sealant is used when it is necessary to waterproof small cracks or seams in concrete. Exists a large number of a variety of sealants that differ in the main ingredient: rubber, bituminous, silicate, silicone, acrylic, polyurethane, etc.

The most popular are three of them:

  • acrylic sealant. Made from acrylic. By and large, it's more of a putty. It does not waterproof very well, but it can fill large spaces, levels well and paints beautifully after drying;
  • polyurethane sealant. Fast bonding to the surface, after polymerization and drying has high strength. Perfectly proved itself for sealing seams and joints between plates. Paint may be applied over the dried polyurethane sealant;
  • Silicone sealant. Most used and popular. The best protection against moisture and dampness. Can be used on different surfaces because it has high adhesion. The downside can be considered its immunity to staining - the paint simply does not hold on dried silicone sealant. But there are already tinted silicone sealants.

Silicone sealants can be acid and neutral. For work on concrete, only neutral silicone sealants are used, since acids, reacting with substances from concrete, can destroy both the concrete itself and the sealant.

Sealant for concrete

Waterproofing concrete with "liquid glass"

Liquid glass is a substance that is a mixture of sodium and potassium silicates. The composition of liquid glass is similar to stationery glue. The silicates that are part of the liquid glass react with the components of concrete and clog microcracks in layers close to the surface.

Liquid glass is a penetrating waterproofing. It is applied very simply - with a brush or roller. You can do the work yourself. But, it should be noted the fragility of the composition after drying, therefore, such waterproofing requires protection from mechanical damage.

Waterproofing concrete with "liquid glass"

Basically, when using cement mortar High Quality and high inherent strength, as well as when creating certain conditions for molding and drying, it is possible to obtain practically waterproof concrete. Such concrete is used in the construction of high-rise buildings and structures for special purposes. AT normal conditions to make such concrete is very difficult. Especially when it comes to low-rise private construction.

To increase the service life of buildings and to reduce the influence of the destructive influence of moisture on them, waterproofing of concrete is necessary. Various materials can be used for this: concrete sealant; hydrophobic additives for concrete; mastic for concrete; welded or glued rolls. The main thing is that the waterproofing is suitable, and the processing is done professionally.

The construction of various objects, especially buildings, requires careful attention to the load-bearing elements. It is mandatory to carry out certain actions that contribute to the improvement of operational characteristics, including the waterproofing of concrete.

At the same time, it is important to choose the right waterproofing material and observe technological requirements on its application, especially if you prefer to do everything yourself.

Is it possible to do without waterproofing?

Concrete is characterized by increased porosity. This negatively affects the performance of the material itself: it begins to quickly collapse under the influence of moisture that has seeped inside. Therefore, he needs protection.

Action of hydroprotection

Waterproofing concrete increases its hydrophobicity. As a result, the indoor climate is significantly improved, the frost resistance of the concrete itself and the service life of the object built from it increase.

That is why all surfaces that are exposed to moisture in one way or another must be protected. Special attention should be given to the foundation of the building.

Types of insulation

Depending on the direction of the work, waterproofing can be horizontal and vertical. The first is carried out at the junction of the foundation and the wall, as well as at the floor level or 15–20 cm below it. The vertical one is most often performed outside the building. In this case, special materials are used for waterproofing concrete. Let's study them in more detail.

Bituminous or coating

The most affordable option that allows you to protect the treated surface for at least 5 years. Waterproofing mix concrete surfaces consists of 70% bitumen and 30% waste oil.

To increase the service life as a coating waterproofing can be used bitumen-polymer mastics, for example, "Slavyanka" or Ceresit CR 65. Depending on the brand, such a mixture should be applied cold or hot.

Differing in availability, coating waterproofing has a low service life. It does not withstand external influences well. After five years, and sometimes even earlier, it may be necessary to repeat the waterproofing work.


Protection is carried out using roll materials. It can be used alone and in conjunction with coating materials. The most widely used ruberoid. The material can be applied by fusing and gluing.

In addition to roofing material, materials of this type include Technoelast, Stekloizol, Gidrostekloizol, TechnoNIKOL, Rubitex and others. The use of polyester as a base in their manufacture has significantly improved performance characteristics adhesive material.
However, gluing waterproofing is characterized by low mechanical strength. When applying it, it is necessary to carefully observe the technological requirements.

Liquid rubber

Unlike pasting waterproofing liquid rubber is more durable, good adhesion to the base. She is non-flammable. Allows you to get a smooth, seamless surface. When doing do-it-yourself work, a one-component composition is most often used, for example, Elastomiks or Elastopaz.

When treating surfaces with liquid rubber, it is worth considering the possibility of its destruction under the influence of direct sunlight. It is imperative to provide a special outer protective layer. When choosing a sprayed liquid rubber, it is better to entrust the work of concrete waterproofing to professionals.


Such materials are able to penetrate deep into concrete up to 200 mm and crystallize there. The formed crystals do not pass water, increase frost resistance and prevent concrete corrosion.

Hydrotex, Penetron and Aquatron-6 were widely used. They are often used if foundation protection, internal processing of basements, basement floors is required.
The use of penetrating compounds should be abandoned if the surface to be protected is made of porous material or has gaps. At the same time, the material has a high cost.


Plaster waterproofing is a mixture consisting of a special plaster base and moisture-resistant components. As a rule, it is hydroconcrete, polymer concrete, asphalt mastic. Such waterproofing materials are produced under the Hercules and Megavit trademarks.

It is worth considering that the formed protective layer can easily crack, for example, when the foundation shrinks. As a result, plaster waterproofing has a low service life.

Screen waterproofing

Modern Alternative clay castle. Protection is provided by clay-based bentonite mats. Can be used alone or in combination with other methods. This method of waterproofing concrete is more expensive and can be used to protect non-residential premises.

Features of the installation of waterproofing materials

Execution sequence installation work directly depends on the type waterproofing material. It is important to comply with the manufacturer's requirements in order to ensure required level protect concrete from water.

Some species allow several options mounts. Which is preferred depends on the operating conditions of a particular building. In order for the waterproofing of concrete and all work to be performed efficiently, it is necessary to take into account:

  • ground water level;
  • soil heterogeneity in a particular area;
  • feature of the operation of a particular building;
  • soil swelling force.

Application of bituminous composition

The prepared composition is heated to a liquid state. They process pre-prepared surfaces with a roller or brush, carefully smearing all areas.

The material is applied in several layers. The total thickness of such a bituminous coating should be about 3 - 5 cm. During the installation process, it is important to ensure continuous heating of the composition.

Installation of adhesive waterproofing

In case of welding, before fixing the roofing material, it is necessary to treat the surface to be protected with a special bituminous mastic or primer. Roofing felt sheets heated with gas burner applied to a vertical surface.

The layers are laid with an overlap of 15 - 20 cm. When gluing, special adhesive mastics are used, applied to the surface to be protected.

Application of liquid rubber

To apply liquid rubber, a roller, spatula or brush is used. The composition is applied to a dust-free and primed surface two hours after cleaning the latter.

If Elastopaz is used, the surface to be protected must be treated twice. Wait a day before applying another layer. On average, about 3.5 kg of material will be required to process one square. The remaining rubber can be hermetically sealed and left for later storage.

Elastomix is ​​more expensive, but it is applied in one layer. True, it should be borne in mind that this mixture is not subject to storage. Due to the addition of a special activator immediately before application, the composition vulcanizes after two hours, further waterproofing of concrete with such a material is impossible.

Application of penetrating waterproofing

The composition should be applied with a brush or spatula on a wet, dust-free surface. The dry composition is mixed with water before use. Penetrating materials involve the application of several layers.

Application of plaster waterproofing

Plaster waterproofing materials are applied in the same way as when plastering walls on lighthouses. Preferred is hot way. After complete drying of the composition, be sure to clay castle and backfilled with clay.

clay castle

A technology that allows you to protect, as a rule, the foundation from water. A trench is dug around the protected surfaces, on the bottom of which crushed stone is poured. The bottom and walls of the trench should be treated with clay. Before applying each subsequent layer, the previous one is dried. The available space is covered with gravel or clay. A blind area is equipped on top.

Screen waterproofing installation

Clay mats are fastened with special dowels. Laying is carried out with an overlap of 15 cm. A pressure concrete wall is installed along the fixed mats, which will not allow the mats to swell.

The structure of the house will not last long if the foundation is not protected from moisture. Concrete is the basis of the foundation, it is strong and durable, but is not able to undergo humid environment. From above, this part of the house is affected by precipitation, while from below - soil and groundwater. This should be added to the heaving and pressure of the soil, the chemical reagents that are contained in the water, as well as the temperature difference in the ground and underground parts of the foundation.

The need for waterproofing

If the base is not isolated at the time of construction, then in a couple of years you will have to pay a much larger amount for the restoration of the material.

Waterproofing is presented today in a huge assortment, it can be:

  • mastic;
  • roll;
  • liquid.

The latter variety is more effective, with its help you can create a seamless contour and cut off the path of moisture inside the structure.

Varieties of liquid waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is represented by several materials, the most common are liquid rubber and liquid glass. Manufacturers claim only the advantages of these solutions, but in practice it turns out that there are also disadvantages. If we compare liquid rubber and glass with rolled bituminous materials, as well as membrane films, then the former will differ in ease of application to the base of various shapes. The material is able to penetrate even into hard-to-reach places.

Using liquid glass or rubber, you can create a layer that is more resistant to moisture than bituminous materials.

The technology of waterproofing concrete with liquid glass does not provide for heating the material, which facilitates the application and increases the level fire safety. The resulting layer is non-toxic, it does not melt in the heat, and also does not ignite. These materials are able to replace several layers of rolled waterproofing at once, however, the application should be carried out in a rather thin layer, so the final weight is negligible.

Scope of use

With any surfaces, liquid rubber and glass are able to adhere well. These advantages have significantly expanded the scope of the described materials, therefore today they are used to waterproof structures and premises with a constant presence of water.

This should include:

  • fonts in the baths;
  • fountains;
  • base bowls of pools.

Liquid glass reviews

In building hypermarkets, in particular in Leroy, liquid waterproofing of concrete is offered in a wide range. Among other materials, liquid glass should be distinguished, the service life of which is 5 years. This does not mean at all that after this period the foundation will lose its protection. Glass during operation will only gradually self-destruct, and the process will begin from the surface layers. According to consumers, in a year the reinforced layer will become thinner by 1 mm. If liquid glass is applied with a layer of up to 5 mm, then the material will completely lose its properties in the tenth year.

However, users emphasize that waterproofing can be provided with a longer service life if it is covered with protective paint. When consumers use liquid penetrating waterproofing for concrete, they emphasize another nuance that can be called minus and plus. It is expressed in instant crystallization. The solution must be applied very quickly, otherwise it will seize and will not be suitable for work. If you do not have practice, then it is better to entrust the matter to a professional, since the material can simply be spoiled.

Fast setting becomes an advantage, according to buyers, when it is necessary to cover a concrete pool bowl located close to groundwater. AT this case we are talking about structures that manage to fill with water in one evening. In wet conditions waterproofing work can not be carried out with every material, to be precise - only with liquid glass. In 4 hours, the surface will dry completely and form an impermeable film.

If you decide to use liquid glass for concrete waterproofing, you must read the instructions. From it you can find out that using given material it is important to follow the dosage. If you mix the material with the composition by type concrete mix, then there should not be an increased dose, since the solution will turn out to be “oak” and will not adapt to the design. In this case, the seams will be torn, as well as the joints. In addition, according to consumers, the coating will be unstable to damage, and cracks will appear if it is accidentally hit.

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is one of the most effective. If you decide to use liquid glass, then you can apply for application:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • brush.

Depending on what the final goals are, you should choose the proportion of the mixture.

When it is planned to lay rolled material on top of the laid layer, the waterproofing is made superficial. To do this, the glass is diluted with concrete and applied with a brush or spray gun in two layers. The mixture will penetrate into the foundation by 2 mm, filling cracks and micropores.

Liquid waterproofing for concrete can also be used when the foundation is prefabricated. In this case, it is required to isolate the seams using a composition of cement and liquid glass. To create a solid monolithic foundation, liquid glass should be added to the solution. It is important to consider the dosage, otherwise the strength of the structure will suffer. The pouring of the foundation should be carried out by several people who will develop the mixture until it sets.

Sometimes liquid glass is used for. In this case, work is usually carried out to restore the foundation, which began to collapse during operation. To do this, holes are made in separate parts of the structure using a perforator, and then the prepared mixture is injected inside. It is unlikely that there will be specific equipment in the house, so such work is usually trusted to professionals, and it is easy to overdo it with the dosage.

Features of applying liquid rubber

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is offered for sale in the form of rubber. This is a ready-made composition that is applied with a roller or brush. Mixtures are cheaper if they are intended for application in several layers. It should be remembered that after opening the package, the rubber will not be stored, so it must be used up immediately. This waterproofing technology is time consuming and not able to provide deep penetration.

You can use a two-component formulation, such as bituminous emulsion, which is mixed with polymers at work and applied by spraying. This will require special equipment. The composition is clogged by pressure into the base firmly enough. This allows you to reduce material consumption, and if you carry out work by spraying, you will have to use the services of specialists.

Features of liquid rubber

Price liquid waterproofing for concrete will be mentioned below. However, cost is not the only thing you need to know before purchasing a product. When choosing a solution to protect the foundation, you should pay attention to the features of liquid rubber, which remains elastic even after drying. This indicates that ground movements and shrinkage of the house will not affect the integrity of the formed layer. The material will only slightly stretch in those places where the foundation has cracked or shrink when displaced. If we compare rubber with liquid glass, then the latter does not have such abilities.

The cost of liquid waterproofing

The price of liquid glass for concrete waterproofing is 249 rubles. for 10 l. This is 15 kg of solution. As for liquid glass, 1 kg of material can be purchased for 155 rubles. The consumption of this waterproofing per square meter will be approximately 6 kg. Depending on the porosity, the indicator may vary. Sometimes it reaches 3 kg per square meter.


In order to achieve a positive result when waterproofing the foundation with liquid-type materials, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology. For example, liquid rubber should only be applied to a dry surface, but manufacturers claim that the coating will dry even if the foundation remains wet. And for the material there is no difference - the base was dry or wet; the problem is that the water inside the foundation after the completion of the waterproofing work simply will not find a way out.
