Parquet board types of properties. Parquet board - technical specifications. Type and generation of the lock system

AT last years parquet board - one of the most popular types floor covering due to its environmental friendliness, excellent performance, decorative features. Our online store presents parquet boards from leading European companies: Germany, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Hungary, Belarus and Russia.

A high-quality parquet board, in terms of its external and strength characteristics, can completely replace an array valuable breeds tree, while being more economical material. At the same time, the cost of a parquet board can be an order of magnitude less.

What you need to know about parquet board

parquet board- completely natural finishing material consisting of several (most often three) layers of wood different varieties. The layers are adjusted in such a way as to exclude their deformation during operation. The first production of laminated parquet was organized in 1941, but the true flowering of this business did not occur until the beginning of this century.

The essence of the method is that valuable wood used only for the top layer (up to 4 mm thick), while the middle and bottom layers are made from less valuable species, usually conifers. Due to the fact that the middle layer has a transverse direction of the fibers, and the upper and lower layers have a longitudinal direction, the strength of the product increases many times over.

Features of the production of high-quality parquet boards

Reputable manufacturers organize the production of parquet boards in several stages (at least seven), each of which ends with quality control of technological operations:

  • Selection of wood for each layer;
  • Technological drying of raw materials (performed within one and a half months steam way) and heat treatment for the formation of a thick amber hue and compaction of the original wood;
  • Sawing blanks with subsequent sorting by quality and shades;
  • The parquet board is assembled automatically by successive gluing of the layers. The finished array is steamed and subjected to pressing until the required rigidity is obtained. Then upper layer puttied, brushed if necessary and undergoes final polishing;
  • Finishing - impregnation of the top layer with special oils and varnishing in several layers;
  • Shaping of lateral longitudinal sections for the formation of interlocks;
  • Finished product packaging for safe transportation.

Types of parquet board

According to the surface pattern, the parquet board is divided into:

  • Single-strip - the top layer consists of one solid die;
  • Two-lane - the top layer is made up of two rows of dies (short or long);
  • Three-strip - three dies wide on the top layer (produced in different color combinations).

Comparative characteristics of parquet with a different set of planks

The structure of the parquet board Number of slats Plank location Varieties General view of the laid parquet Peculiarities Possible laying directions in the room



reminiscent of a classic solid wood floor

along, across, diagonally, herringbone, intricate styling


looks like the deck of a ship

some models have decorative inserts in the form of colored wooden “plugs” and a contrasting thin edging along one edge


looks like a solid floor

the strips are located one below the other, without a shift in length

along, across, can be used for complex styling



reminds block parquet

the second row of stripes is shifted by half of the previous row

along, across



reminiscent of block parquet

each row is shifted relative to the previous one


flooring made of small wooden planks

has a special design that is unique to this type of flooring

Danish (Dutch) pattern

along and across

various types of weaving

reminiscent of piece parquet

planks are assembled into squares or cells perpendicular to each other

according to the desired pattern

modular parquet


according to the picture

lots of

resembles piece parquet, laid in a complex way

according to the picture

The parquet board of each type helps to create an individual floor pattern, while the price of the finishing material decreases with the increase in the number of strips.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a parquet board for your home or office, it is best to consider products well-known manufacturers to have guarantees of quality and durability this material. Variants of a high-quality parquet board differ not only in the type of wood used for the top layer, but also in selection (the way of sawing and laying the dice in a certain pattern), as well as the specified processing style (aging, country style, classic and others). matters and top coat- oil or varnish.

Laying and aftercare

Despite the seeming simplicity of assembling a floor from a parquet board, it is better to entrust the work to the master, since there are a lot of nuances and rules. Parquet floor care requires dry cleaning and careful application wet cleaning(almost dry with a wrung out cloth).

This finishing material is not, in essence, piece parquet or solid wood, as it has a two- or three-layer sandwich structure. Most often on sale there are three-layer options.

  • The bottom layer is 1.5 cm thick plywood made from spruce, pine or birch. It gives strength to parquet elements and protects them from deformation.
  • The middle layer is usually 8.9 mm thick and is made from wooden slats laid parallel to each other. Such a structure allows the parquet board to gently "spring" underfoot, and not leave marks on its surface from contact with heavy objects. In some models designed for use in very high traffic conditions, it is made of HDF.
  • The top layer is made from tree veneer different breeds. Its thickness can vary from 0.5 to 6 mm. The most common type of veneer is 4 mm, it can be sanded and scraped. Sometimes the surface of the wood is tinted to give a conventional wood floor the look of mahogany, wenge, or merbau.

In the two-layer version (engineering board), multi-layer plywood is used as the bottom layer, and 2-3 mm veneer is used on top. Such a board is cheaper than a three-layer one, but it needs to be glued, which increases the cost of work.

The surface of the boards is varnished or oiled for ease of maintenance and protection against fading, moisture and mechanical damage. Both options look great and serve great, the choice depends only on the personal preferences of the buyer.

How to choose a parquet board for the hall, living room or bedroom

In this case, your imagination is practically unlimited. In these rooms there is no constant contact with water and high humidity so you can choose what you like. The only condition is that the tone of the floor must be combined with the general color solution premises.

Often buyers are interested in what type of installation to prefer - glue or glueless. In these rooms, the use of glue is not justified; the floor can be laid without it. But here the advantages of the glueless method will be fully manifested - the floors can be laid on their own, and, if necessary, disassembled and assembled in a new place.

The only condition is that the locks on such boards must be reliable, otherwise such a coating will creak soon. Therefore, when deciding for yourself which parquet board manufacturer to choose, pay attention first of all to the reliability of the locks. If, in the future, you plan to scrape the surface of the veneer, then its thickness should be 4-6 mm.

Which parquet board to choose for a children's room

When choosing parquet for these premises, first of all, you need to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the coating. It's better that it be material from a well-known European manufacturer then you will be protected from the content of toxic impurities and harmful substances in it.

How to choose a parquet board for the kitchen and corridor

AT this case The most important factor will be the moisture resistance of this flooring. Therefore, it is recommended to coat the edges of the parquet board with wax when laying.

For styling, it is preferable to use varnished models, it is more difficult to leave stains on them. In addition, such a floor suffers less from mechanical damage caused by contact with the sliding parts of kitchen furniture.

Previously, there was a strong opinion that in such premises parquet can only be laid with glue. However, with the introduction of new construction technologies and release special means for sealing joints, it became possible to lay parquet in the kitchen and dining room in a glueless way.

Which parquet board is better to choose for laying on warm floors

Most well-known parquet manufacturers produce models that can be laid on a warm floor with both water and electric heating. For greater stability, the board is recommended to be glued to the base.

is a relatively recent invention. This amazing and beautiful view We owe flooring to dense Swedish forests, or rather, to Gustav Cher, who was born in them, who in 1919 invented the “multi-layered” method of assembling doors from lamellas - a large number wooden fragments connected into a single whole.

But the final birthday of the modern parquet board was not the 19th, but 1941, when Cher modified his method and adapted it for the production of flooring. The same enterprising Swede owns two more developments related to the parquet board - varnishing, as well as laying such a floor on logs, which made it possible to create sports "spring" floors currently used in various sports. A classic parquet board usually consists of three layers, which are always perpendicular to each other and firmly glued together, as well as a varnish or oil coating covering the top layer.

The top layer is made of solid layers of wood, about 4mm thick, unlike block parquet where a single piece of wood is used. Middle layer - from interconnected rails coniferous varieties trees - spruce or pine. The thickness of such a layer is 8-10 mm. The bottom layer is also made of softwood, but, unlike the middle layer, it is made homogeneous. To positive properties parquet board should be attributed to its strength, low sensitivity to changes in temperature and humidity, as well as high wear resistance. Almost any parquet board allows you to carry out several grinding cycles (2-4 times). The advantage of this flooring is its appearance. A solid, heavy board looks much more beautiful and durable than a week of a parquet board or an ordinary laminate. Traditionally, parquet board is also one of the most durable and wear-resistant types of flooring.

The scope of its application is not limited to houses and apartments. The board looks perfect on the floor of large halls, offices, reception rooms. The only restriction: the parquet board, as well as other natural materials, is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity and large temperature fluctuations: for example, in bathrooms. If no mistakes were made during the laying and subsequent processing, the parquet board will last a very, very long time. As a rule, for the first 10-15 years, such a floor, in principle, does not need to be treated with anything. And when the first varnish loses its attractiveness, the board can simply be re-sanded and covered with another layer. And the tree will be great again.

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When choosing a floor covering, it is necessary to compare the advantages and disadvantages of several materials. Parquet board, it has pros and cons, like other types of coatings, is one of the materials in demand today.

These are multi-layer lamellas equipped with a lock joint, similar to laminate, where the bottom layer is made of plywood, the middle layer is made of slats, and the top layer performs a decorative function. final protective layer is an impregnation protective compounds emphasizing the natural grain of the wood. The similar structure of a parquet board provides its rigidity and reliability of a covering.

The popularity of the parquet board, which at one time replaced the piece parquet, is due to its decorative properties, environmental friendliness and durability.

Pros and cons of the material

From positive qualities material is noted as follows:

  1. The natural material of manufacture is softwood for the inner layers and valuable species for the outer layer.
  2. Lower cost compared to piece parquet.
  3. simple and quick installation coating, due to the presence of end lock system thorn-groove type, which ensures high-quality connection and tight fit of the lamellas.
  4. A wide range of external execution of the front layer allows you to choose products for any interior.
  5. Additional processing with colored, black or white compositions allows you to reveal and emphasize the structure of wood.
  6. There are several ways to lay a parquet board (along and across the room, diagonally and in a herringbone pattern). original and fashion trend recently - parquet board on the wall and ceiling.
  7. The parquet board is suitable for laying in the system under certain conditions - the presence of a waterproofing layer between the water coolant and the board is mandatory, and it is also important not to overheat the board - its temperature should not exceed 27 degrees.
  8. The multilayer structure provides high material strength and resistance to bending loads.
  9. It is easy to look after a board, if necessary separate lamellas are subject to replacement. When laying a board without an adhesive layer, such a floor can be disassembled and reassembled several times. Also, some varieties are subject to cycle up to several times.

Of the minuses of the material note the following:

  1. Like all natural wood materials, parquet boards are afraid of moisture. It will not lose its performance characteristics when the humidity in the room changes, like parquet, but in direct contact with water for a certain time it can deteriorate.
  2. Since the material is not solid, it is afraid of exposure to chemicals and overheating.
  3. If a small fragment is damaged, it will need to be completely replaced.

How to choose a parquet board for an apartment? In order to make a conscious decision, you should briefly familiarize yourself with the criteria for evaluating parquet boards, production technology and the influence of these factors on characteristics.

Barlinek parquet board prices

Barlinek parquet board

Varieties of parquet boards

The decorative top layer differs in the number of planks laid in a row. The lamella can look like a solid board or like several smaller dice stacked side by side. In this regard, there is a classification of parquet boards into the following varieties:

The concept of "slat selection"

Such selection is used to achieve the homogeneity of wood products. To do this, they resort to sorting products, taking into account the method of sawing, the location of the fibers, color, absence or presence, as well as the size of knots and other defects.

The cutting method is:

  1. radial, in which the plane of the product is located along the radius. With this cut, the annual rings look like straight lines that are evenly spaced along the plank. This veneer has a uniform composition and shade, excellent performance properties.
  2. Rustic. In this case, an arbitrary cutting direction is selected. The design of the product in this case is absolutely unpredictable.
  3. tangential, in which a clear pattern of annual rings is formed on the surface of the product.

Table 1. Varieties of veneer depending on the method of cutting


This veneer has a smooth texture of wood pattern. There are no knots or other defects on the surface. A parquet board with such a pattern can be found not so often, since the pattern is rather concise and not suitable for all interiors.

The drawing of such veneer is more expressive, it is characterized not large quantity color variations. For its manufacture, a radial sawing method is used. On a surface finished product there are no knots and defects.

This veneer is characterized by an expressive wood pattern and color variations in several tones, which will give the coating some charm. For the manufacture of such veneer, a tangential or radial cut is used. On the surface of the finished product, knots up to 2 mm, core rays and veins are allowed.

This veneer is very bright, it has an expressive pattern and a peculiar texture. The presence of large knots, veins and rays create a unique appearance of the coating. Somewhat motley, but the most colorful such floor is relevant for country styles.

Choosing the type of wood

If we compare the material with a laminate, where the decorative layer performs an exclusively aesthetic function, then the top layer of the parquet board affects the performance of the coating, depending on the type of wood that is used.

Table 2. Popular types of wood that are used for the manufacture of parquet boards


Oak wood is the hardest, most durable and wear-resistant. Oak slats do not dry out or crack, and also behave stably when the humidity level in the room changes.

The wood has a rich hue and an elegant texture. The disadvantages include the relative softness of the material and vulnerability to mechanical stress. Possible slight changes in the linear dimensions of the lamellas during the operation of the floor covering.

Pretty solid and dense wood, characterized by an expressive pattern on a noble background. The coating is unpretentious in maintenance and retains its parameters with fluctuations in humidity.

By performance characteristics material similar to parquet oak plank, differs from it only in a lighter shade.

The surface of the product has an unobtrusive pattern and a pleasant beige tint. Products made from this type of wood are characterized by high strength and invariance of linear dimensions throughout the life of the floor covering.

This breed cannot be confused with any other, thanks to the pinkish tint of the wood.

An exotic wood species characterized by a dark, almost black tint and an expressive natural texture. The unique operational qualities are due to the resistance of the coating to high loads, mechanical impacts, and durability.

Enough hard rock wood that does not need antiseptic treatment. It is characterized by a reddish-brown hue with golden veins.

Wood, unique in strength and hardness, with a glossy smooth surface. Characterized by the absence of knots.

Wood with a noble honey hue, which is characterized by high density and hardness, excluding the formation of scratches and other mechanical damage on the surface of the coating. However, such a parquet board is vulnerable to changes in humidity in the room.

Compare with laminate

At first glance, the floor covering is made of laminate and parquet boards, it is hardly possible to tell where what material was used - they are so similar in appearance. But, nevertheless, both of these materials have significant differences. Comparing a parquet board with a laminate, you can more clearly emphasize its pluses and note the minuses.

Material composition

The structure of the parquet board was described above. From the description it follows that it is completely natural material, except for the presence of an adhesive composition for fixing individual layers between each other.

Laminate is also a multilayer material, but it is less natural. There is wood in its composition, but in a recycled form. The product is produced by pressing, and the decorative layer is created due to the image of the texture of a certain wood, fixed with an acrylic resistant coating, which ensures the wear resistance of the lamellas.

The only advantage of laminate when using a wood texture pattern applied to thick paper is that the laminate can imitate absolutely any type of wood, even very rare, while maintaining an affordable cost. And also it can imitate absolutely any surface - stone, tile, etc.

The practicality of the material

Compared to parquet boards, laminate is more resistant to various kinds of loads and mechanical stress. Some of its varieties, depending on the class, can be used in rooms with high level patency. At the same time, the laminate is not so whimsical in care and some of its varieties are more resistant to moisture. Waterproof laminate can be used in rooms with high humidity and the likelihood of direct contact with water. Laminate is not afraid of temperature changes and protects its parameters.

In favor of the parquet board, we can say that it is more pleasant and warm to the touch, and is also able to absorb noise from falling objects and walking in shoes, while the laminate is a rather “vociferous” material.


Parquet board is cheaper than piece parquet, but more expensive than laminate. The current prices for the material will speak for themselves.

Table 3. Prices for materials

Name of productAverage cost as of July 2018, rubles












The service life of a laminate is less than that of a parquet board and depends on many nuances. The duration of the floor covering is affected by:

  1. Material quality.
  2. The quality of the preparation of the base - how even it is.
  3. Compliance with the technology of installation of flooring.
  4. floor usage intensity.
  5. Laminate wear resistance class.

In this regard, manufacturers claim a material service life of 5 to 10 years, but these figures can be either higher or lower.

As for the parquet board, the manufacturers declare more serious terms - from 10 to 35 years, subject to the operating conditions. One of the advantages of this material is that some of its varieties can be cycled up to five times, updating the coating. However, for carrying out quality work you need to have certain skills and special tools, or hire a master.

Important! In favor of both materials, it can also be said that individual damaged slats can always be replaced with new ones when laying a floating floor. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase material with some margin.

Prices for parquet board "Tarkett"

parquet board tarkett

Video - What is better laminate or parquet board

It's no secret that the parquet board brings a unique charm to interior design. At the same time, it also has good heat and sound insulation, as well as high environmental friendliness. Many people want to decorate their home with this material. Given the current variety of parquet boards on the flooring market, it is necessary to pay attention to some points when choosing a floor.

And so, the differences between parquet boards - what is the difference? Modern technology production provides for the manufacture of a three-layer parquet board.

The top layer is a fine wood veneer. It has a thickness of 0.5 to 6 mm. The layer located in the middle consists of wooden bars, but it can also be made of coniferous boards.

The base of the floor covering is usually made of spruce plywood. The layers are arranged perpendicularly and firmly glued together.

The main characteristics of the parquet board

The first thing you need to pay attention to is what kind of wood the top layer is made of, as well as its thickness. First of all, the degree of wear resistance depends on this.

So, the most durable will be floors with a top layer of ebony and jatoba, medium wear resistance - from oak, ash, merbau, but floors, the top layer of which is made of birch or cherry, should not be purchased by those who are looking for a durable floor covering.

In addition, the color of the floor depends on the type of wood. Beech, maple, ash, birch, hornbeam, white locust - light material.

Pink hue at the floor of pear, cherry and alder. brown tones obtained from walnut, teak, ipe-lapacho. Floors of a red shade - from such breeds as merabu, jatob, dussia.

In addition to the variety of materials, parquet boards are produced today, which may differ in the number of stripes on the top layer. By design, parquet boards can be divided into four types:

In addition to the types described above, there is also a multi-strip board, the peculiarity of which is that the manufacturers of the parquet board have already applied decorative elements that make up the finished pattern.

Pros and cons of parquet board

Why should parquet board be preferred to other coatings?

The negative aspects of this material should also be taken into account:

  • the parquet board can be harmed by thermal, as well as chemical exposure
  • must be protected from excessive moisture.
  • coating is relatively easily damaged by mechanical action, for example, sharp heels;
  • parquet flooring repairs can be labor intensive
  • besides comparatively high price parquet boards per m2 can also be a negative point for some buyers.

Laying parquet board

A serious advantage of the coating is that you can lay the parquet board with your own hands, since the products are already equipped with fasteners, and manufacturers attach detailed instructions to their products.

At the parquet board different manufacturers can be different systems castle connection of boards. So, for example, barlinek parquet board has a click hitch, in which the elements for fastening to each other are first joined at an angle of 10-30 °, and then clicked into place with a light touch.

There is also a Lock connection. It is also called "thorn groove". It involves joining boards in horizontal plane and locking.

And the principle of the 5G system is that an additional insert made of dense PVC or aluminum, similar to a tongue, is built into the middle of the end lock.

Thanks to it, a tighter adhesion of the canvases is ensured, the divergence of the strips from temperature and humidity changes is prevented, and the service life of the coating is increased.

It should be noted that Lock and 5G connections are easier to work with. They can be joined, if necessary, both longitudinally and transversely.

The most common ways of laying parquet boards are floating and adhesive.

With any of these methods, you must first prepare the floor surface for laying. First you need to level the surface.

The advantage of the floating laying method is that if the boards are damaged or worn, when it becomes necessary to replace them, the floor can be easily dismantled and repaired.

When installing with glue, parquet boards are glued to the floor. To do this, an adhesive composition is applied to the prepared base and distributed evenly with a notched trowel.

To date, this method of laying is used quite rarely.

Experts say that before laying a parquet board, it must "acclimatize". Therefore, the packaged material must lie in the room where it will be laid for 24 to 36 hours.

Parquet and underfloor heating

Laying a warm floor under a parquet board today is quite possible. But, in this case, it implies compliance with certain rules:

It is preferable to entrust the selection and installation of underfloor heating under the parquet board to experienced professionals.

What kind of underfloor heating is still better to choose for a parquet board?

The best options would be with the use of electric or infrared underfloor heating, because, unlike water, during operation and during emergency they won't damage the board.

Features of care and repair of parquet flooring

The fact that the parquet board is based on natural wood implies appropriate care. In a room with such a coating, the humidity should not exceed 45-60%, and the temperature should not exceed 23-24 degrees Celsius.

Regular cleaning with a damp cloth is required, as dust and sand are applied to varnish or oil coating parquet board damage. Such a floor can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, but not washing.

In order to avoid scratches from furniture, its legs must be glued with protective felt pads.

If the parquet floor is still damaged, it can be repaired.

If small scratches appear, they are removed with a retouching pencil or puttied. After drying, such an area is sanded and varnished.

If the parquet is deformed, for example, as a result of a liquid spilled on it, then it can be re-layed. This will not be a big deal if the parquet was laid using the floating method.

There may also be such a problem as a creak. To eliminate it, you can drill a hole in the center of the creaking area. This usually helps. If the base of the floor is hard concrete, you can pour a special mixture of cement and water into the hole.

Also, in order to avoid creaking, parquet can be shifted in this area.

Due to changes in humidity, the parquet can dry out, and cracks form between the boards. This problem can also be solved. If the gap is not very large, it is puttied.

And if the gap is already more than 5 mm, it must be deepened, cleaned and driven into it with an insert from suitable tree. Then sanded and varnished.

The parquet board will decorate any interior and will allow you to create an impeccable, noble style of your home.

You just need to follow the above simple rules when using this wonderful cover.

Tags: laying, Types of parquet boards, selection, coating


Types of parquet board

A type of flooring is a parquet board. As a rule, this is a plate with a length of 2 m, and the width and thickness parameters are determined by the brand of the board and the manufacturer. These materials belong to the category of finishing and are actively used in residential construction, while their scope is not limited to apartments and houses. Parquet from boards is laid in office rooms, halls, reception rooms.

Initially, the parquet board was two-layer, it had design flaws. Modern boards have three layers. Each of them is located perpendicular to the previous one. Thanks to this structure, a high degree of rigidity and strength is achieved. The front layer is made of valuable tree species, the middle (intermediate) is represented by slats from softwood and the bottom one is made of spruce plywood. The layers are glued together with special glue.

Classification and types of parquet boards

Types of parquet boards differ in their size, the type of wood used in the manufacture of the front layer, the number of strips and layers.

  • The top layer is most often made of valuable tree species.

In the production of the top layer of parquet, both well-known trees (oak, ash) and exotic trees (merbau, wenge, teak, olive) are used. Each type of parquet board, depending on the type of wood, has its own characteristics: color, texture, pattern, hardness. These characteristics will determine the appearance of the future parquet, its durability and wear resistance.

  • According to the number of strips, the types of parquet boards are called so: one-, two-, three-strip.

Their number determines the cost of coverage: the smaller they are, the higher the price will be. The single-strip board is the widest compared to other varieties. It best conveys the natural pattern of wood, and with its help you can visually expand the room. A two-strip board is less massive. It consists of wide lamellas, which are laid in strips or divided into modules. Three-strip outwardly resembles piece parquet. It is suitable for decorating the floor in any room.

  • Depending on the number of horizontal layers, types of parquet boards are divided into massive, two- and three-layer.

In multilayer boards for the front layer, valuable wood is used, and in the remaining layers they use conifers. Thanks to this, manufacturers manage to reduce the cost of the product.

In addition, types of parquet boards differ in thickness. This indicator can vary between 0.6-6 mm. To increase the life of the flooring, the top layer of many boards is made quite thick, which greatly simplifies the installation. restoration work and it becomes possible to repeat the grinding of the surface.

State standard for parquet boards

In Gosstandart parquet boards are divided into three types. The classification is based on design feature grounds.

  • PD1 - has a single-layer base of slats. It is collected in squares or rectangles located perpendicular to each other.
  • PD2 - this board is made on a rack base, which has one layer and is located in the direction of the axis.
  • PD3 - the lath base of the board has two layers perpendicular to each other, glued together.

How to choose the right type of parquet board?

Different types of parquet boards are made from different wood species. The leader in the production of parquet is oak, which has excellent hardness and wear resistance. with oak veneer is practically not subject to abrasion, retains its characteristics in conditions of high humidity, does not dry out and practically does not deform.

Beech parquet has a light shade, and cherry parquet is pinkish. Maple boards are distinguished by their cream color, walnut flooring can become an original accent in general interior premises. Thus, depending on the type of wood, the color of the flooring may be different, and this must be taken into account when creating a harmonious style.

Types of parquet boards differ in size: they can reach 2.5 mm in length, 20 cm in width, and the thickness ranges from 7 to 26 mm. Most often, boards with a thickness of 13-15 mm are used to decorate the floor. In this case, the thickness of the working layer is 4 mm, which is sufficient for long-term operation. A ten-millimeter board has a working layer of 2.5 mm, so it will require careful treatment, since with a strong mechanical damage scratches, chips, abrasions may appear on the surface.

In three-strip parquet boards made from hygroscopic wood species, some difference in height is allowed. For oak, this is unacceptable. It is also necessary to pay attention to varnish chips at the joints of the lamellas, which is clearly visible on parquet boards. dark color. Chips are an indicator of poorly dried wood.

High quality has natural scent wood either does not smell at all. If the product comes from bad smell chemistry, then, most likely, harmful dyes were used in the production. Most of them are toxic, and such boards are not suitable for the home, especially for children's rooms.

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