Parquet floor care. Types of parquet and the basic principles of their care. Oil and wax floors

Expect from costly parquet flooring durability - naturally. This is possible with proper care. It is quite specific, since natural wood is capricious, and it is impossible to subject it to standard cleaning. How to care for a parquet board is correctly described here.

It is natural to expect durability from an expensive parquet flooring. This is possible with proper care. It is quite specific, since natural wood is capricious, and it is impossible to subject it to standard cleaning. Below is a description of how to properly care for a parquet board.

Types of coatings

The parquet area is characterized by the peculiarities of laying boards (article "Methods of laying parquet"). Parquet care will depend on the initial coating and installation of the boards. The floor is "floating" - that is, the lamellas are fastened together with locks. And mounted with glue - such a coating cannot be dismantled or replaced by individual units, since the composition layer firmly holds it on the base. From this follows the following:

  • For the installation of floating parquet, boards are purchased either with a varnish coating applied at the factory, or “clean”. In the future, varnishing is prohibited, as the composition will clog the joints between the lamellas. To protect the boards from moisture, this is good, but with minimal pressure lacquer coating at the joints will begin to crack. It is recommended to apply oil or wax to clean floating parquet floors.
  • The parquet floor, arranged "tightly" (fasteners, glue) accepts any coating - varnish is a priority. However, you should know that clean parquet boards after the first oil treatment hardly accept varnish - only after thorough cleaning and polishing.

Helpful information Rule number 1 - before you start caring for a parquet floor, it is important to find out the nature of the coating and the way the parquet is laid.

Organization of preservation of parquet in its original form

Caring for parquet at home begins from the moment it is laid. It is important to know the factors that affect the condition of the flooring, the permitted and prohibited actions and cleaning methods:


    • Use a vacuum cleaner with soft nozzles for daily cleaning, as in the photo:

    • Use a damp cloth for cleaning without detergents.
    • Clean heavy dirt with special means.
    • Treat scratches, scuffs and minor damage polish (for varnished parquet).

Forbidden to use

    • Use a washing vacuum cleaner. It has too much moisture.
    • Apply universal means for washing, if the parquet is not indicated in the annotation.
    • Walk in street shoes. In the hallway, there must be a rug to hold small pebbles and sand.
    • Move oversized furniture without felt nozzles on the legs (glued to the sole, they are invisible).
    • Provide drafts or ventilation. It is better to install climate control, which will automatically select optimal humidity air.

Helpful information Rule number 2 - parquet board care is carried out from the first days.

Parquet and steam mop

Basins and hand washing are a thing of the past. They were replaced by convenient gadgets - all kinds of mops. Steam is especially popular - in addition to most of the pollution, it disinfects the floor surface. This is important when there are small children in the house. But can you clean parquet with a steam mop?

Unfortunately, she is the enemy for most parquet boards. The reasons are as follows:

      • Oil and varnish coatings are afraid of high temperatures. After cleaning, milk stains remain on the surface, then the varnish gradually peels off. The oil is washed out, exposing the wood pores, where moisture is allowed to enter.
      • A large number of moisture. The boards will begin to swell. At high temperatures absorption will be faster. When the thermal action is over, the tree will begin to deform from the temperature difference. The result is cracks.
      • Steam action is critical for light parquet. Bevel and edges darken. If a certain pattern is conceived, then the boundaries will lose their clarity.

Helpful information Rule number 3 - never apply steam mop for parquet cleaning.

Types of pollution

To assess pollution will help their classification:

      • Surface. These include stains from products - juice, coffee, fruits. Chemical components of ink, cosmetics, pencils - you can often hear a question from mothers - what should I do if my child stained the parquet with drawings?
      • Deep. Those that eat into the wood structure. These are oil products - shoe polish, traces of it, tar, paints. Difficult stains include pet urine.

Helpful information Rule number 4 - most stains are removed from the parquet if you do not delay cleaning and choose the right products.

Cleaning the parquet board

Can parquet be washed? In the broadest sense of the word, no. Too much water is prohibited. However, cleaning is required.

Individual approach to cleaning depends on the type of coverage:

With varnish

Lacquered parquet boards are easy to maintain with daily vacuuming and weekly wet cleaning.

It is important to strive to only lightly process the boards, without pressure and friction. Before the "battle" with spots, the surface of the site is freed from fine litter and sand.

      • Easily removed stains are treated with a special spray, applying the product not directly to the parquet, but to the rags that are being cleaned.
      • Hard-to-remove stains from liquids are first moistened with a product, kept and rubbed off.
      • Tar, chewing gum, first frozen. To do this, ice is placed in a plastic bag and applied to the floor. Then carefully remove the substance with a spatula. Scratching and scraping with knives is not allowed.

Helpful information Rule number 5 - lacquer needs gentle care without abrasives.

With butter

Maintenance of oiled parquet is more labor intensive. The composition creates a moisture-repellent film on the surface, but not polymerized - that is, not solid.

All possible scuffs and roughness are present - dirt lingers in them for a long time, cleaning is problematic, but possible:

      • Weak dirt is washed off with water with a special cleaner added to it - a means for caring for parquet.
      • To remove traces of rubber or rubber from shoes, a foam aerosol is used - it will let the stains “shrink” and then they are removed.
      • Particularly resistant stains are wiped with white spirit.

Helpful information Rule number 6 - after cleaning oiled parquet, re-oiling is required, as the compounds will remove the film.

With wax

How to wash a parquet board treated with wax? There is only one answer - no way. Such parquet cannot be washed in the literal sense of the word.

There are other ways for it:

      • Dry cleaning with a soft vacuum cleaner.
      • Spray and foam treatment.
      • Regular waxing of parquet after cleaning.

Helpful information Rule number 7 - care for oiled and waxed parquet is carried out weekly.


The question - how to care for a parquet floor - seems complicated, only at first glance. The last rule will be regular prophylaxis the appearance of the flooring. Timely action is the key to longevity of the board. It is possible to order the parquet cleaning service from specialists if there is no time for thorough cleaning and restoration.

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Parquet board - multilayer material based on natural wood, suitable for the device of a practical, warm, natural floor. To prolong the service life will help proper care of the parquet board in compliance with the recommendations of experts and the use of tools specially designed for this purpose.

Like any other coating, parquet needs to be looked after, and especially carefully.

General care means the delicate operation of the parquet flooring, protecting it from moisture, mechanical damage and regular cleaning in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Simple measures will help protect the coating from scratches, chips and bald spots. So, for example, furniture legs will not scratch the coating if you stick small felt pads on them. If it is furniture on moving rollers, special plastic rugs made of transparent materials will help save the day.

There are even special design nozzles with felt, which, if desired or necessary, can be easily removed.

Considering that parquet made of natural wood is subject to the abrasive action of sand brought into the room from the street, it is necessary to think over the arrangement of the protective zone. Again, specialized mats of two types are suitable:

  • hard;
  • soft.

The former will collect solid particles, the latter will prevent liquid dirt from spreading across the floor in bad weather.

As for care, for general cleaning a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a retractable brush that cannot scratch the coating will suffice. Periodically it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning using a soft cloth slightly moistened with water.

In no case should the coating be flooded with water, even if there are heavily contaminated areas. They are used to remove special means, which are discussed in more detail below.

Oil-wax coating of the board - features of operation and care

To properly care for parquet, you need to know exactly what products were used for it. finishing. If we are talking about oil-wax compositions, then there are certain nuances. Such a coating, when applied to the surface of the board, does not form a film, but is only absorbed by the pores of the wood, protecting it from moisture and dirt.

If it is necessary to restore a parquet board with such a layer of protection, they grind the areas that require it, and then re-treat with oil, repeating the procedure several times.

For wet cleaning floors with oil-wax impregnation are best suited soap solutions. The rag should not be too wet, in addition, it is recommended to move it parallel to the fibers of the tree.

Always before cleaning any surface, you need to study the methods and means of cleaning it.

Wet cleaning is carried out infrequently, but only as needed. In order for the floor to dry completely after treatment, it is left for at least half an hour, after which it is polished using universal parquet care products to enhance the protective properties and give the coating an aesthetic appearance.

The greater the load on the parquet board or parquet flooring, the more often it will need to be updated. So, for example, if we are talking about public space, then reconstruction will be required at least once every six months. In apartments and private houses, where the coating is carefully monitored, following the recommendations for maintenance and operation, it will be enough to update once a year and even less often.

Wax floor - features of use and care

Wax flooring imposes certain obligations on its care. To understand how to care for parquet under a protective layer of wax, you need to know about its properties to respond to certain tests during operation. So, for example, wet cleaning of the coating will not give the desired effect due to the surface that repels any moisture. That is why only dry cleaning with the help of special products based on wax or solvent, if necessary, will be effective.

Soap solutions containing alkali are unacceptable. Their contact with the wax treated coating will change its color range.

The more carefully you maintain and clean the surface, the longer it will last and retain its attractive appearance.

Prevention for floors with wax and oil coating

Preventive maintenance of the floor depends on the period and intensity of its operation. In the first year after installation, the coating is treated every three months in the following order:

  • clean;
  • wipe with a damp cloth;
  • give time to dry;
  • impregnated with oil;
  • remove excess oil with a napkin;
  • give time to dry (days);
  • apply wax for protection.

With the onset next year the frequency of processing is reduced and carried out as needed.

Too frequent cleaning of the floor can also adversely affect the condition of the parquet surface.

Lacquered surfaces - how to care properly?

To prolong the life of your lacquered parquet, you also need to follow certain care and preventive maintenance requirements. Regardless of the durability of the parquet wood and the quality parquet varnish used for its processing, the surface will wear out over time, lose its aesthetic appearance due to cracks, chips, abrasions.

Prevention is just as important as routine parquet cleaning.

Preventive measures can also be considered as maintenance of parquet, extending its service life. So, for example, to restore the lost gloss of the surface and remove small spots, a special “freshener” composition is suitable. Polishing the surface at least once every few months will enhance its protection against moisture.

A complete renovation of such a floor is carried out no earlier than 12 years after active use with sanding, sanding and re-treatment with varnish mixtures. It is possible that restoration will be required earlier if there was no one and no time to properly care for the parquet board, for example, in public buildings.

What products are used to maintain wood floors?

Especially for the care and restoration of parquet and parquet boards, tools and preparations have been developed that simplify the task, but most importantly - safe for natural wood. When it comes to washing solutions, they are called cleaners. Just like classic household chemicals, they are sold in a concentrated form. The compositions do not harm the parquet, help to clean it efficiently without smudges and streaks. Below are the most famous of them.

One of the most popular parquet care products

It is believed that the market leader in the care of parquet, both at home and in public areas of American production called Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner. It is followed by the Spanish analogue of Rubi, the Ukrainian anti-grease stains on wood Glutoclean Pufas and the German concentrate, including wax for polishing the surface - Thomas Floor Pro, practically do not lag behind.

The choice in favor of the usual soap solution available for each implies the observance of some subtleties in the process of use. Soap should be low in alkali, liquid, diluted with water. A rag for wet cleaning must be soft, with an elastic pile. Ideal Solution- special rags made of microfiber or felt with high level absorbency.

It is possible to simplify the care of parquet coated with varnish or oil as much as possible by following the general tips:

  1. You need to wash the floor only parallel to the fibers (as already mentioned above).
  2. Pots with plants should not be placed on the floor, not only because of the fear of getting it dirty, but also because of the accumulation of condensate under it.
  3. Protective nozzles for furniture, pet "socks" with claws, rugs - all this will protect the coating.
  4. The humidity level in the room should be maintained in the range of 30 to 60%.
  5. The temperature level is 20-24 degrees Celsius.
  6. For cleaning and restoration, use only specialized preparations, without trying to resort to folk methods.

Simple but important nuance- house shoes not only for animals, but also for people. These should be soft, non-scratching slippers without heels.

Don't forget to stock up on slippers for guests

Simple restorative actions - how are they carried out?

If, with all the efforts, it was not possible to protect the parquet, you need to move on to radical measures. Chips and scratches, numerous abrasions and stains, especially perennial, remove with local repair a separate section is not always possible.

In cases where nothing helps, looping will be the solution. This procedure is effective and uncomplicated. It is carried out no more than a few times during the entire period of operation of the coating. The number of cycles allowed for parquet depends on the quality and type of wood and the thickness of the face layer. The largest amount of allowable scraping is 7 times, the smallest is 1 time.

For processing, special machines are used that delicately remove a few millimeters of the damaged layer. They are easier to rent than to buy. As an option, it is worth considering the ordering of the services of specialists, in whose arsenal there is the equipment, tools necessary for grinding and surface treatment, as well as experience, skills and a desire to return the coating to its original appearance in a timely manner.

Cycling is a slow and costly procedure, so it’s better not to bring the floor to such a state and take good care of it in advance

Specialists can also advise on how to cover the parquet board and how to extend the period of its use after repair, depending on the level of loads, they will help you learn how to cope with it yourself. minor repairs floors, using varnish, oil, special mixtures based on parquet chips and glue to solve problems with dents and scratches.

In conclusion, we note that proper and careful maintenance with periodic renewal of the parquet floor in time will extend its service life by several decades.

Care of varnished parquet is mandatory if there are plans to use this flooring for the entire warranty period. Also, with proper care for the material, it will make it beautiful, as when buying a product.

Parquet, although varnished, still remains a natural material. wooden surface very soft. She has no protection from physical and mechanical impact. You can not wash parquet floors with anything. Not every cleaner is suitable for cleaning dirty floors.

Types of care for varnished parquet

The wood from which the parquet floor is made is a very capricious building material. It is not enough to take care of him periodically, i.e. mopping floors and removing dirt. It is necessary to create conditions in the room so that the parquet floor deteriorates. If the room is very humid, the parquet will swell. And if, on the contrary, it is very dry and hot, then the tree will begin to dry. And this flooring will begin to creak, and other defects will appear on it.

Required conditions for parquet maintenance:

  • Humidity in the range from 50 to 60%;
  • The temperature range is from +18 to +25 degrees.

In cold weather, when the heating system is running, the air becomes very dry. To prevent the parquet floor from deforming, a humidifier should be installed in the room.

In autumn and spring, when it constantly rains, and the premises are not yet open heating system becomes very damp. And this is a reason for the occurrence of fungus and mold. To avoid formation, you need to regularly ventilate the room.

So far, no optimal variant of parquet care has been chosen. There are two main types of floor cleaning:

  • Floor washing;
  • Dry floor cleaning.

Because the tree does not like water, then dry cleaning is more attractive. However, you need to have a powerful vacuum cleaner and special soft nozzles. If the brush is hard, the floor may be scratched. Such cleaning can be done several times a week as a preventive cleaning.

If the parquet is more dirty, then it can be washed. The stores sell special products for cleaning parquet from dirt. They allow you to preserve the shine and color of natural wood, and also do not leave streaks. Wash only with a damp cloth. Before starting work, it should be squeezed well.

If a wet cloth was used, wipe dry immediately afterwards. In this case, water will not be absorbed into the tree.

Parquet cleaners

The stores offer a wide variety of products for cleaning parquet from dirt. It is very difficult to choose something suitable the first time. You need to understand what is best to clean the parquet floor.

Parquet can be washed with cleaners. These are chemical concentrates that must be diluted in a certain amount of water before cleaning. How this is done should be indicated in the instructions for the tool.

Parquet floor cleaners include different components. For a varnished floor, you need to choose a product that contains wax. It is neutral to varnish.

If this is a new parquet, just varnished, then it can be cleaned no earlier than 2 weeks after surface treatment. The varnish must dry completely.

If there were left on the parquet greasy spots, then special cleaning sprays can be used to remove them. The principle of their action is the same as that of the composition for washing windows. The composition is sprayed and then removed with a soft brush.

The lacquered floor must not be washed with products containing ammonia, solvent or alcohol. They will ruin the varnished surface of the floor covering.

Wax-based cleaning compounds not only remove dirt from the floor, but also cover it with a protective film.

Parquet cleaning rules

Exist certain rules cleaning parquet from dirt:

  • First you need to sweep all the garbage from the floor. The largest and sharpest must be removed by hand. During subsequent washing of the floor, it can scratch the surface of the parquet.
  • It's like using a brush, mop or rag to clean the parquet. The most important thing is that it be soft, made of natural fabric or fibers. It would be ideal to buy a brush made of natural, thick and long fibers for caring for parquet. To create them, goat or pig hair is usually used.
  • Good vacuum cleaners come with a lot of different attachments. Among them should be a soft brush. Although it is artificial, it can be used to clean the parquet floor.
  • If a rag is used, then for parquet you need to take a non-woven version with an antistatic effect. For example, microfiber is perfect for this business.
  • It is necessary to wash the parquet along the course of the wood fibers.

If you follow all the tips and clean the parquet according to the rules, then it will last for many years and will please with its original appearance.

Additional Information:

  • There are several secrets on how to varnish parquet with your own hands. But first you have to choose construction material with which you will need to work. ...
  • Which varnish for parquet is better can be said only after detailed analysis each composition. There are the following types of varnishes for processing parquet…
  • Linoleum is a durable and reliable floor covering, which is very easy to care for. It is enough to periodically wash the floor with a damp cloth. But…

Natural parquet, despite the abundance of modern flooring, is still in demand. It has the ability to ennoble the premises, give them a more solid and at the same time cozy look. His decorative properties significantly expanded thanks to the latest production technologies, and now parquet floors serve as a real decoration residential interiors. But, unlike other materials, parquet needs proper and regular care, on which not only the appearance of the coating depends, but also its durability.

Parquet is a common floor covering that requires constant maintenance.

In order not to have to change the floors a couple of years after laying, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with how to care for the parquet and what products are suitable for this.

The quality of a parquet floor depends primarily on the quality of the wood and the correct laying of the material. But in the future, the operating conditions of the floor become of paramount importance - the degree of load, temperature regime, humidity indicators. Even minor changes can have negative consequences, and it is not always possible to eliminate them without a trace.

  1. The main enemy of parquet is water. The liquid spilled on the floor is quickly absorbed into the wood, which causes the boards to swell, their edges rise above the center and a "boat" effect occurs. After drying, the planks gradually take their original shape, but sometimes part of the floor remains a little uneven. Humid air has the same effect, although less pronounced. In rooms with parquet floors recommended to support humidity regime within 45-60%.
  2. Excessive dryness is also harmful for wood: the boards dry out, numerous cracks form in the floor, the planks creak and move underfoot. The situation is aggravated when the temperature rises - cracks and chips appear in the parquet, and here restoration is indispensable. Cracked parquet looks untidy, and it collapses faster, so it’s better not to let it dry out and keep the temperature in the room within 18-25 degrees.
  3. Natural wood is subject to abrasion and minor surface damage in the form of dents and scratches. Sharp heels, claws of animals, legs of chairs and other furniture leave clearly visible marks on the parquet, into which dust accumulates over time, making them even more noticeable. Scuffs and scratches also remain with improper cleaning, when abrasive substances are used to remove dirt. If you prefer parquet to all other coatings, never forget about the vulnerability of wood: do not walk around the house in heels, always use linings for furniture legs, trim the claws of animals in a timely manner.
  4. Mold is another enemy of parquet. The reasons for its appearance can be different: a damp base of the floor, high humidity, the presence of through cracks, leaking batteries or condensate dripping from above. Very often, mold develops in corners, under pieces of furniture, on areas of the floor under windows with poor insulation. It manifests itself as dark spots on the parquet, which gradually increase. This can be prevented by competent maintenance of the coating and preventive treatments at regular intervals.

Types of parquet flooring

Protective treatment of parquet allows you to keep the original appearance of the floor longer and significantly increases its performance. It can be performed both in production and after laying the parquet, depending on the preferences of the apartment owners. When buying a coated material, you get a finished floor immediately after installation, you just need to wipe it from dust. However, this option limits color solutions, and in the process of laying there is a risk of accidentally damaging protective layer. At self application coatings, it is possible to choose the optimal shade of the floor for the interior of the room, which for many is a decisive factor.

For processing parquet, varnishes on water, acrylic and alkyd base as well as various oils and natural wax. The type of coating affects not only the appearance of the parquet, but also the ways of caring for the floor, as well as the further restoration of the material. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Lacquer coating

The varnish forms a transparent solid layer on the board with a glossy or matt effect. This coating has a high resistance to abrasion, impact chemical substances, mechanical damage. Due to the lack of pores on lacquered surface dust and dirt cannot penetrate deep into the wood, which greatly facilitates the cleaning process. The disadvantage of the coating is that scratches easily appear on it, so you need to handle it carefully.

The lacquer is applied to a pre-sanded and primed surface. The number of layers is usually 2-3, but may be more than 5. When self-processing, please note that the primer and varnish must be selected on the same basis, otherwise quality coverage will not work. It is also important to observe the interlayer drying intervals indicated in the instructions.

Lacquered parquet should not be exposed to overheating or freezing, as this leads to peeling of the protective coating, the appearance of cracks or white spots on it (depending on the composition of the varnish). It is rarely possible to repair damage locally, so you have to resort to a complete restoration of the surface, including sanding the parquet and applying new layers of varnish.

oil coating

Natural oils are used to process parquet, to which coloring pigments can be added. After application, the oil penetrates into the pores of the wood, providing high protection against moisture and dirt, but without interfering with vapor permeability. The impregnated surface becomes denser and harder, as a result of which the resistance of the parquet to mechanical stress increases. This material is great for high traffic areas.

The oil coating does not mask the texture, so the wood looks more natural. There are no toxic substances in the composition, all components have a natural basis, due to which this species processing is considered completely safe in environmental terms. At the same time, oiled parquet is more demanding to care for: it needs to be washed more often. special formulations and periodically update the protective layer.

wax coating

Wax is rarely used as an independent coating, and in most cases it is used together with oil impregnations. The thin, elastic film that the wax forms on the parquet surface is water-repellent and gives the floor a pleasant soft sheen. Due to the transparency of the protective layer, the texture of the wood is clearly visible.

Processing is carried out in three stages. First, oil is applied to a dry and clean surface and evenly distributed. When the composition is completely absorbed and dries, a thin layer of wax is applied and leveled with a spatula. The final stage is polishing, which is done manually or with a machine. During operation, parquet with wax coating gradually fades, but polishing quickly restores its original gloss. Periodically, the wax layer will have to be renewed in order to provide reliable protection to the parquet.

Parquet floor care instructions

Lacquered parquet

If the varnish was applied after laying the floor, only dry cleaning should be used within two weeks after completion of the work. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner or brushes with soft bristles, and it is better to refuse an ordinary broom so as not to accidentally leave scratches on the floor. For factory varnished parquet, these measures are unnecessary, since the protective layer on them has a high strength.

Basic rules for the care of parquet

For furniture legs, soft felt or rubber linings must be used. If the furniture is on wheels, they should also have soft cover from silicone.

Daily cleaning should be dry - dust, dirt and other debris are swept with a brush, rag or vacuumed.

Wet cleaning is carried out no more than once a week. To do this, it is most convenient to use a special nozzle on a mop or microfiber cloth, which allow you to squeeze out water to the maximum.

Street dust and sand brought into the house on shoes should be removed immediately, as they can leave small scratches on the surface.

Spilled liquid should also be wiped up as soon as possible to avoid staining.

To remove contaminants, cleaning compositions are used - cleaners, produced in the form of aerosols and concentrates. Do not clean parquet with solvents, washing powder, abrasive dishwashing detergents. Also, do not clean with a washing vacuum cleaner.

To restore the glossy sheen, the old protective layer is removed approximately every 7-10 years and the parquet is varnished again.

Oil and wax floors

As in the case of lacquered parquet, first of all, it is necessary to provide the floor covering with protection against mechanical damage using soft pads on the legs of the furniture. At the entrance to the room, it is advisable to lay rugs to clean shoes from sand and dust. If possible, it is necessary to ensure the temperature regime within 18-25 degrees and humidity from 45 to 60%.

Care instructions:

  • for daily cleaning, it is recommended to collect dust only with a brush or vacuum cleaner;
  • Wet cleaning should be carried out no more than 1 time per week. In this case, the rag must be squeezed well, and a special concentrate for cleaning wooden surfaces should be added to the water;
  • to maintain a soft sheen, the floor is treated with polishes about once a month;
  • for stubborn stains, special liquids are also produced that do not damage the protective layer. It is impossible to clean stains with abrasive powders, dish detergents and solvents;
  • cannot be used for washing hot water and allow puddles to form on the floor.

Approximately once every six months, it is advisable to treat the parquet with a wax protective compound - this helps to maintain an attractive appearance and glossy sheen of the coating.

Table. Popular products for parquet

NameShort description

Means-concentrate for washing wooden coverings. Designed for floors treated with oil hard wax, but can also be used for lacquered parquet. It contains no solvents or other toxic ingredients.

Colorless emulsion designed to renovate and clean floors treated with parquet oil. The composition has water-repellent properties, allows you to restore minor damage. Non-toxic, almost odorless

Washing liquid with anti-slip properties. Designed for lacquered floors in high traffic areas. Increases wear resistance, protects against fading, gives the coating a fresh look

Detergent-polish for lacquered coatings. Available in concentrated form, has a pleasant aroma. Effectively cleans dirt, masks minor damage, gives parquet a soft sheen

Wax-based care mastic wooden coverings. Suitable for lacquered and oiled parquet. It fills minor damage well, increases resistance to abrasion and moisture, and makes floors shine.

You will need a bucket of clean water, detergent and protective agent for parquet, foam rubber sponge, mop.

Step 1. The concentrate is added to the washing water in the proportion of 1 cap per 1 liter of water and stirred.

Step 2 The mop is dipped in water and squeezed well so as not to flood the floor.

Step 3 Uniform movements wipe the parquet over the entire surface, paying special attention to the corners and joints.

Step 4 Stains that are not washed off with a mop should be rubbed with a sponge moistened with soapy water.

Step 5 When the parquet is dry, pour into a clean container protective agent, dip a mop into it, wring it out, and evenly treat the surface.

When applying this tool, it is advisable not to affect already treated areas, so as not to violate the integrity of the protective layer. After two hours, you can walk on the parquet.

Common problems and solutions

Even with careful use, it is impossible to avoid damage to the parquet. Small scratches, chips, faded areas and scuffs, creaking - all this is well known to those who have parquet in their house. But you should not refuse such coverage because of such trifles, because you can eliminate them yourself and without much effort.

Table. Problems and ways to eliminate them


Here you need wax mastic. First, dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner, then the mastic is carefully applied with a spatula, filling the scratches as tightly as possible. Wipe off excess product immediately with a soft cloth. After drying, the treated area is polished to a shine.

Under the sun's rays, the parquet quickly loses its saturated color, as a result of which part of the floor becomes lighter. To get rid of this defect, you can lay a carpet on the burnt area or put something massive of furniture. After some time, the color of the parquet will be restored. But it is better to prevent this and periodically treat the coating with compounds that increase UV resistance.

If stains cannot be wiped off with a damp cloth, use cleaning sprays or parquet concentrates. You need to apply the product on the stain, wait a bit and rub with a thick cloth. Marks from nail polish, felt-tip pen or ink can be removed by wiping with a sponge dipped in alcohol

As a rule, gaps appear in the parquet at low humidity, when the planks of the flooring dry out and decrease in size. Additional humidification of the air in the room will help to eliminate this problem. The best option- built-in humidifier in the ventilation system. To control the level of humidity, it is worth buying a hygrometer.

More serious problems, such as squeaks, cracks in the planks, deformations of the coating, can only be eliminated by replacing the damaged elements and completely restoring the parquet.

How to restore parquet

If the parquet is in a state of disrepair, but still strong enough, it can be restored on its own. This process takes a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it. Such restoration will cost much less than a complete replacement of the flooring.

So, for work you will need:

  • parquet planks (in case of replacement of individual elements);
  • scraping machine;
  • drill;
  • mounting gun and glue;
  • Sander;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • putty on wood;
  • parquet varnish;
  • putty knife.

Step 1. Start by inspecting the floor and identifying problem areas. They dismantle skirting boards, remove rotten and cracked planks, and clean out the debris accumulated under them.

Step 2 The new planks are adjusted in size, glue is applied to the base of the floor with a continuous wavy strip and the boards are pressed. For greater reliability, you can press them down on top with something heavy. To seal wide gaps, wooden glazing beads of suitable thickness are used.

Step 3. Loose planks must be strengthened using the same glue. In the slats, closer to the ends, holes are drilled and slightly expanded to increase the diameter for the pistol nose. Accumulated chips and dust are removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Step 4 Alternately, the nose of the gun is inserted into each hole and glue is pumped in. You can squeeze the glue directly out of the tube if it is equipped with a tip. Excess glue must be wiped off immediately so that the floor does not get dirty.

Step 5. Carry out scraping of parquet. On the drum of the scraping machine is fixed sandpaper with coarse grain (P24) and proceed to surface treatment.

Advice. The machine must be driven very evenly, with the same pressure, without stopping in one place. If you press hard, the drum will make a recess in the parquet, and then everything will have to be completely changed.

Step 6 When upper layer is removed, change the sandpaper on the drum to a finer one (P40), after which the parquet is cycled again. The third treatment is carried out with fine-grained paper - P100, which allows you to achieve the perfect smoothness of the flooring. AT hard-to-reach places where the scraper machine does not reach, they use a more compact grinder.

Step 7 The sanded surface is again well vacuumed. Next, they take the putty mixture and process areas where there are cracks. Previously drilled holes are also puttied. The composition is applied with a spatula to the parquet and distributed with pressure over the surface so that the putty fills the slightest irregularities.

Step 8 After the puttied areas have dried, the parquet is processed again scraper and then polished. Having completed the grinding, the floor is carefully inspected, if necessary, previously unnoticed gaps are sealed, cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Additional polishing

Step 9 Dry and clean parquet is covered with a primer layer. In the corners, the composition is applied with a brush, it is more convenient to prime the rest of the surface with a roller. The primer should cover the floor in a continuous layer, but without sagging, evenly.

Step 10 After the surface has dried, the first layer of varnish is applied. Here, too, it is necessary to avoid influxes and gaps, otherwise spots will remain on the coating.

Step 11 When the varnish dries, the floor is treated with a sander with a fine-grained nozzle to remove the raised wood fibers, and then vacuumed again.

In order for the parquet floor to serve for a long period of time, it must be properly looked after. The surface of the parquet board is quite sensitive to scratches, so it is recommended to prevent its contact with a number of substances as much as possible.

So, let's consider who is the enemy of parquet:

  • Water. This is the biggest danger. If any liquid gets on the parquet floor, it should be removed immediately. As for wet cleaning, in order not to cause harm, you need to know how to wash parquet. Wet cleaning should not be carried out too often - once a week will be enough. Use a soft cloth wrung almost dry. It is impossible to clean the parquet with a washing vacuum cleaner.
  • sharp objects. Sharp things can damage the parquet surface. If there are pets in the house, then they definitely need to do a manicure. As for cats, the claws can be completely removed.
  • Furniture legs. Stores sell special pads different sizes and forms. If on the legs of a cabinet that moves very rarely, linings can not be glued, then on the legs of chairs, armchairs and coffee tables they need to be fixed. They can be felt or rubberized.
  • Heeled shoes. You can't walk on the floor in it. If a corridor is laid with parquet, then at the entrance you can lay a transparent rug that will not spoil the appearance of the room, but will protect the coating from scratches.
  • Sand, dust and dirt. They are also able to leave scratches on the parquet flooring. They not only scratch the top layer of parquet, but also penetrate into it. If they are not removed from the surface in a timely manner, they will become an integral part of it. You will have to get rid of ingrained dirt by removing the top layer of the floor covering.
  • Armchairs on wheels. This is another enemy of parquet. On sale there are special chairs on wheels for parquet. In such furniture, the wheels are made of soft rubber. They don't scratch the floor.

Caring for parquet depending on climatic conditions

Parquet is made from natural wood. Despite the fact that during production each layer is processed with special means, the tree remains sensitive to changes in the microclimate in the room. This is due to the fact that the wood "breathes".

If the humidity of the air rises, then the tree increases slightly in size. As a result, bumps may appear on the surface of the parquet. If the air is dry, the product dries out a little. This is fraught with cracks. Therefore, even at the installation stage, you need to make sure that it is laid waterproofing material High Quality.

Also, during installation, make sure that the parquet does not fit snugly against the walls. It is necessary to leave a centimeter gap, which is filled with sealant. The composition itself is elastic, which will allow the parquet to expand without the formation of tubercles.

In winter and summer, the humidity of the air cannot be the same. Therefore, the size of the parquet planks changes. This phenomenon cannot be avoided. But when choosing parquet, you should be aware that exotic wood species are more whimsical, but ash, maple, walnut and oak behave quite well when the microclimate changes. Therefore, it is worth choosing these rocks, especially if it is not possible to control the humidity of the air and the temperature regime in the room.

As for the features of caring for parquet in winter period time, then keep in mind that heating devices begin to work in houses. They dry out the air. As a result, parquet boards are reduced in size. There is no need to panic about this. With the onset of spring, the heating season ends, air humidity rises, and the plates expand. The cracks will disappear on their own.

If the presence of cracks is critical for you, you can humidify the room during the heating season. There are special devices on the market that are designed to saturate the air with moisture. It is better to opt for a mobile device. If the humidity level in the room exceeds 45%, then cracks will not form. You can control the indicator with a hygrometer.

It is worth mentioning the features of caring for parquet in summer period. If the summer is rainy, then the humidity level can exceed 90%. With this parameter, wooden dies will increase in size. As a result, the board may bend in the shape of a boat. Even if your parquet has changed its shape, don't worry. As soon as the humidity drops to 40-60%, the plates will level out.

However, too frequent deformations significantly reduce the operational period of the parquet. Therefore, in rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to lay the flooring in a special way. Before installation, the dies are ground and coated with a special oil. Then a substrate is placed on which the parquet is laid. Laying the coating with an adhesive method is not recommended in this case. The parquet at the walls needs to be tightened.

Important! To prolong the life of parquet flooring, it should be operated at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees. The humidity of the air should be a maximum of 60%.

Features of parquet care

There are several types of floorboards on the market today. Let's figure out how to properly care for a particular coating.

Caring for lacquered parquet

Caring for varnished parquet comes down to a number of simple rules:
  1. The first 14 days after laying the parquet board, it must not be washed. Cleaning must be dry. After this time, you can connect a wet one.
  2. If there is furniture on casters, then they should be made of soft rubber. Otherwise, the appearance of scratches on the parquet, which will spoil the appearance of the floor covering, is inevitable.
  3. When wet cleaning, use soft tissue. Dry cleaning should be done with a soft bristle brush or vacuum cleaner.
  4. The use of abrasive materials during cleaning is strictly prohibited. They damage the surface of the parquet.
  5. In order to get rid of dirt, sand and dust, it is recommended to use cleaners for parquet during cleaning. These are special substances intended for the care of parquet floors. The composition of the cleaners does not include components that violate the varnish coating.
  6. It is desirable that the cleaning products and the varnish with which the parquet was coated are produced by the same company.
  7. Under no circumstances should it be used to clean parquet boards. detergent for dishes, solvents, gasoline, etc.
  8. Machine cleaning of the parquet floor is advisable only if there is heavy dirt on it, which cannot be removed during normal wet cleaning.

The lacquer layer wears off over time. Therefore, it needs to be updated once every 5 years. Before recoating the surface must be sanded.

Caring for oiled parquet

The rules for caring for an oiled parquet board are practically no different from caring for varnished parquet. But you need to take into account that the oil layer is not as wear-resistant as varnished. Therefore, it must be updated at least once every 8 months. During wet cleaning, it is advisable to use special chemicals instead of water.

When caring for a laminate flooring, you should give preference to dry cleaning. In this case, powder and alkali cannot be used. It is strictly forbidden to wash the floor with a steam cleaner. Stains that appear on laminated parquet can be removed with ordinary laundry soap.

Caring for natural parquet

Caring for natural parquet is not much different from caring for other types of parquet boards. It is advisable to clean only dry. You can occasionally do wet cleaning in winter. At the same time, water should not get into the joints between the dies.

If there is dirt on the natural parquet that cannot be removed, then you need to carry out a general cleaning. But it would be better if experts do it. They have special equipment that will not damage the parquet. After general cleaning the protective layer of the coating needs to be updated.

What kind of parquet care products to use

In addition to the cleaners mentioned above, protective and decorative polishes are used to care for parquet. If with the help of cleaners it is possible to clean the parquet board from any type of dirt, then polishes are able to hide some product defects. Choosing a care product, you need to focus on the nature finish coat.

All products that are on sale, as a rule, have a certain effect. There are not very many universal substances for sale. Some struggle with heavy pollution, others are designed to improve the water-repellent properties of parquet. Therefore, before you go to the store, you should decide what kind of problem you have to solve.

To make the floors look as natural as possible, you can use parquet care oil. Penetrating into the surface layer, it protects the tree from the adverse effects of moisture.

And before most the best remedy considered mastic. Caring for parquet with mastic is still relevant today. With the help of the tool, the board can be given an initial shine. In addition, it increases the wear resistance of the coating. In addition, floors rubbed with mastic are much easier to care for. The surface of the parquet board becomes smooth, and it is enough to wipe it several times a week with a soft cloth.

There are 2 types of mastic on the market, one of which is used when laying flooring. This mask is adhesive composition on which the plates are placed. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to the scope of the product and make sure that you have in your hands exactly the substance that is intended to care for the parquet board during operation.

Another method that has been used for more than a century is wax. It has almost the same effect as mastic. Wax for parquet care fills the pores of the material and increases the water-repellent properties of the board. There is no point in waxing parquet floors too often. The frequency of this procedure depends on the patency in the room. With an average rate, it is enough to do this once every 6 months.

For the manufacture of wax, paraffin or natural wax is used. Accordingly, the final product is organic. After processing, a thin film is formed on the surface, which prevents the penetration of moisture and small debris into the structure of the upper layer of the parquet board. At the same time, this film does not create a barrier to air ingress.

Wax, in comparison with mastic and oil, is wear-resistant. Sometimes it is applied over oil. Such a measure is justified if there is a large traffic in the room.

In order to prolong the operational period of the parquet, it is necessary to operate it carefully. It is necessary to prevent sand from getting on the surface of the boards, which leaves scratches, and remove dirt in a timely manner.

How to care for parquet - look at the video:

Parquet board requires some care. If possible, avoid getting water on the surface of the parquet, and during wet cleaning, use a semi-dry cloth. As for chemistry, only special products intended for parquet care can be used. It is better to choose detergents and substances to create a protective layer from one manufacturer.
