How to wash kitchen towels without boiling. How to wash heavy dirt on kitchen towels yourself

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


A good hostess is immediately evident in the cleanliness of the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. And we are talking not only about surfaces and plumbing, but also about towels.

Moreover, if bathroom towels can serve for a very long time, returning to their original form after each wash, then the life of kitchen towels is extremely short.

Unless, of course, you do not know the secrets of their perfect purity.

10 Best Ways to Wash Dirty Kitchen Towels - Deal with All Kinds of Stains!

Each housewife has her own ways of washing kitchen towels.

Someone boils them, someone just throws them into the washing machine, not caring about the stains, and someone even uses paper towels because they don’t know how to wash these stains after all.

Video: We clean kitchen towels from Spots ECONOMY!

Your attention - the most effective methods of washing!

  • Salt. It will help to cope with stains from coffee or tomatoes. We dissolve 5 tablespoons of ordinary table salt in 5 liters of hot water, lower the towels, take them out after an hour and send them to the washing machine.
  • Regular laundry soap. Easily removes any stains, including traces of fat drops. We moisten and wring out the towels, rub them abundantly with laundry soap (if the towels are white, it will be more effective to use bleaching laundry soap), close them in a regular bag, leave them overnight. In the morning we send towels to the washing machine.
  • Mix: vegetable oil (2 tbsp / l) + any stain remover (2 tbsp / l) + the usual washing powder (also 2 tbsp / l) . This method can cleanly remove even the oldest stains. So, boil 5 liters of water in a large household saucepan, turn off the heat and, adding all the ingredients, mix. Next, we put our towels in the solution, stir a little and leave them in the water under the lid until it cools down. We take it out and, without wringing it out, immediately throw it into the washing machine. Do not worry - new stains from the use of oil will not appear, it will only help old stains to move away from textiles better.
  • Shampoo. An excellent method for removing fruit stains, if, of course, it is used immediately after contamination. We remove the soiled thing, pour shampoo on the resulting stain, wait half an hour and wash it in a typewriter.
  • Mix: glycerin and ammonia. A good composition for getting rid of tea and coffee stains. We mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 4: 1, dilute in 1 liter of water, lower the towel for a couple of hours, then wash it in the machine.
  • Silicate glue and laundry soap. A method suitable exclusively for white textiles. We knead a spoonful of silicate glue with a grated bar of soap, then dissolve the mixture in hot water in a household saucepan (about 2 l), lower the towels and boil them in the solution for about 30 minutes. Then rinse and, again, wash in the machine.
  • Fairy or any other dish detergent. Great way to remove greasy spots from any fabric. We apply fairies to the stain, leave it overnight, then wash it in the machine.
  • Vinegar. Great stain and mildew odor remover. We dilute ordinary vinegar in hot water 1: 5, soak the towels overnight, wash them in the machine in the morning, and there are no stains. If the fabric smells of mold (it also happens, from humidity or in the case when the laundry is forgotten in the washing machine), then we mix the water with vinegar already in a ratio of 1: 2, after which we soak the fabric in the solution for an hour and a half and return it to it former freshness.
  • Lemon acid. This tool will easily remove beet stains. We wash the towel in hot water with ordinary laundry soap, wring it out and pour citric acid powder on the stained area. Wait 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Soda. The product is suitable for old and fresh stains on white towels, as well as for getting rid of odors. We dilute 50 g of soda in 1 liter of hot water and leave towels for 4-5 hours. If the stains have not gone away, then boil our towels in the same solution for 20 minutes.

5 ways to bleach kitchen towels

With washing, it seems, they figured it out (among the 10 ways, each housewife will surely find 1-2 most convenient ones for herself).

But how to return whiteness to towels?


  1. Regular mustard powder. We dilute it in hot water until a “porridge” consistency is formed, then “spread” it on towels, leave it for 6-8 hours in a bag, then rinse and wash it in a typewriter.
  2. Potassium permanganate + powder. Pour boiling water into a bowl, add 200 g of your washing powder (any) and potassium permanganate in such an amount that the water becomes only a little pink (and no more!). now we put the already washed towels into the solution, close the lid or bag, after the water has cooled, we take it out and rinse.
  3. 3% hydrogen peroxide. Pour 2 tbsp of the substance into 5 liters of water and bring it almost to a boil in a household saucepan, then dip the towels into the solution for 30 minutes, and then wash it in the machine. For greater efficiency, you can also drop 4-5 drops of ammonia into the solution.
  4. Boric acid. A good way to bring back waffle or heavy terry towels to life. For 1 bowl of boiling water - 2 tablespoons of the substance. We soak the towels for 2-3 hours, after which we wash them in the machine.
  5. Soda + soap. First, grate half a piece of brown laundry soap on a coarse grater, then mix the chips with 5 tablespoons of soda, and then dissolve the mixture in a saucepan of water and bring to a boil. We lower the towels into the boiling solution, make a small fire and boil the cloth for an hour, stirring occasionally. Next, machine wash if needed.

Video: How to wash and bleach kitchen towels?

Whiteness, cleanliness and a pleasant smell of kitchen towels - a few tips from good housewives

And, of course, a few "life hacks" for good housewives:

  • Don't quit dirty towels in the laundry basket for a week - wash immediately. It is better to soak kitchen textiles overnight than to leave it in a basket, where you will safely forget about it, and the towel itself will acquire a musty smell, which only vinegar solution can then handle.
  • Boiling is a great way to remove stains, but only on towels that have already been washed. First - washing, then - boiling.
  • If you add starch to water while soaking , then towels are better washed, and after washing they will be less dirty and wrinkled.
  • Do not use your own towels as potholders - so they keep their purity longer and appearance generally.
  • Dry kitchen towels (if possible) outside This way they will stay fresh longer.
  • If you don't want to use fabric softener because it's "chemically" , you can use baking soda mixed with 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Don't use the same towels for wiping hands, dishes, fruits, as potholders and for covering food.
  • Do not use terry towels in your kitchen - they lose their neat appearance too quickly and absorb dirt quite easily.
  • The boiling method cannot be used for colored towels , as well as textiles with decorations, embroidery, etc.
  • Ironing towels after washing prolongs their cleanliness.

Dirty kitchen towels are a problem for any housewife. If her culinary kingdom shines with purity, then I want the textiles to look appropriate. But it doesn’t always work out, which, it would seem, have been eaten for centuries.

However, there are a lot of secrets that help solve the problem of how to wash kitchen towels at home so that they look 5+ again.

Kitchen towels are used daily in every home. In order for them to wash better, you need to observe some conditions for their use.

  • Keep at least three towels in the kitchen, changing them daily or when they get a little dirty. So it will be possible to keep them clean much longer, the stains will not have time to eat much, and washing will be easier.
  • If the dirt is too strong, then it is better to wipe them with single-use towels. So it will be possible not only to save your nerves, inventing how to wash the fabric, but also to significantly save money. Because it is not always possible to bring the material into proper form, and many housewives prefer to get rid of it immediately.
  • Refuse terry towels, they have increased properties to accumulate dirt. Waffle products are ideal for the kitchen.
  • Wipe the stove and sink with special cloths or sponges. Towels are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Wash towels as often as possible, because stale fabric with greasy stains is much more difficult to clean.
  • Wash such products separately from the rest of the linen and at a high temperature.
  • Feel free to iron the towels on both sides after washing. So you keep them in their original pure form for a longer time.

If, nevertheless, greasy stains or other ingrained marks appear on the towels, then you will have to work hard to bring the fabric into proper shape.

There are many ways to help clean matter at home:

1. Using mustard. For this you will need:

  • mustard powder in the amount of three tablespoons;
  • one liter of hot water for each serving of powder. If you pour 6 tablespoons of mustard, then add two liters of water.

Combine the above ingredients and mix well. Wait until the solution is infused (within 15-20 minutes). Fold the towels into a bowl and pour the resulting solution so that the liquid completely covers the fabric.

Leave for at least 12 hours. After that, wash in the usual way with the addition of washing powder. The result will amaze you after the first application of this magical remedy.

Most likely, many will be visited by the thought: “How is this possible? After all, oil has a greasy texture, etc.”

However, it is also possible to wash kitchen towels with the help of ordinary vegetable oil. And this method Ideal for heavily soiled towels. H to take:

  • very dirty kitchen towels;
  • vegetable oil in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • high-quality washing powder (6 spoons is enough);
  • if the towel white color then a good bleach. Its absence is not critical for the experiment;
  • water (7-8 liters).

Put dirty towels in an empty basin and pour them with all the above amount of well-boiled water. Add all the remaining ingredients there and mix everything well with wooden tongs so as not to burn yourself.

Leave all towels to soak for a couple of hours, then place them in and wash as usual. Dry in a draught.

3. Grease stains will be washed off with dishwashing detergent. It is necessary to moisten each blot abundantly with this liquid, rubbing the product well. Leave in this form for 30-40 minutes, then wash.

4. Hydrogen peroxide will also get rid of stains. It is necessary to apply it to all pollution and leave it overnight, and in the morning to carry out a standard wash of products.

Not only greasy stains appear on towels.

Other types of pollution are no less common.

  • Fruit juice. It can be removed with shampoo for washing the head, which is abundantly soaked in the stain, left for 10-15 minutes, then washed as usual.
  • With traces of coffee and tea with a bang, ordinary ammonia will do. It is necessary to prepare a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Moisten all stains from drinks with the resulting composition and load towels into the washer on a standard wash cycle.
  • It’s very difficult, especially if you couldn’t get down to business right away. But table salt will help correct the situation. It is necessary to prepare a mushy substance from salt and water, which must be applied to wine stains. Wait half an hour until the reaction occurs, and wash the towels in warm water. hot in this case it is better not to use, otherwise the fabric may lose color.
  • If the towels are dirty dirt, then the panacea for many troubles will not leave a trace of it - lemon acid. You need to mix it with water and rub the resulting slurry on dirty places. Wait a few minutes, then wash.
  • Due to the high humidity in the apartment, towels may visit mold. But that's not a problem either. Table vinegar will cope with this trouble. You need to prepare a “thick” solution - mix vinegar with water (take 5 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water), in which soak towels for an hour. Then wash them in warm water.

Can you boil towels?

Boiling tissues is the most radical way removal of strong contaminants. It is better to resort to it only in extreme cases. In addition, only white towels can be boiled; this procedure will do a lot of harm to colored fabrics.

Before you put the towels in boiling water, you need to treat all stains with a stain remover, and then soak them in warm water for a couple of hours. Upon completion of the above procedures, you can proceed to the boiling stage itself.

As the water boils, in which our towels are located, you need to add bleach, which contains oxygen. You can “boil” the fabric for no more than 1 hour, then wash everything in warm water with the addition of powder.

If the stains are very old?

It happens that it is not possible to wash kitchen towels immediately after they get dirty. Then you have to use the method below. He will surely handle this situation.

Take three liters of water. Dissolve three tablespoons of an effective bleach in the liquid, the same amount of vegetable oil, baking soda and washing powder. Soak the towels in the prepared product for at least 12 hours, then wash them as usual.

It is quite difficult to keep all kitchen utensils in perfect cleanliness. This is especially true for towels, which get dirty very quickly. But in any case, a timely approach is important. If you immediately take up the solution of the problem that has arisen, then there will be no trace of stains.

As often as we use towels, we don't use any other thing in our house. Their fate accounts for a lot of pollution of the most varied complexity, and at current prices, regularly buying new ones is not the most the best option. Let's find out how to wash towels at home from the toughest stains without emptying your pocket.

We will not beat around the bush, we will immediately begin to consider the removal of various stains from towels from different materials.

How to wash terry towels?

Why do we love to buy terry towels? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • These towels are very soft and pleasant to the body.
  • beautiful to look at
  • convenient to "operate"
  • quickly absorb water

It is clear that every housewife wants terry towels to be not only clean after washing, but also remain as soft, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result by 100%.

If these towels are not washed properly, they become very hard after the first few washes, and it is no longer so pleasant to wipe yourself with them. The easiest way to keep the mahre soft is to:

  • do not add too much powder when machine washing
  • use fabric softeners that soften the fabric
  • machine wash in the "Delicate wash" mode

To prevent the color of the product from fading, you need to use bleach during washing (only in this case it should be a product for colored fabrics, otherwise your towel will become a completely different color after washing - in white stains and circles).

Remember, no matter what material the towel is made of, before washing it for the first time, you must carefully study the tag sewn on it, it should indicate:

  • washing temperature setting
  • maximum ironing temperature
  • is it possible to wash washing machine

If the terry towel turned out to be heavily soiled, it is better to wash all the stains by hand and only after that “throw” it into the washing machine.

Another advantage of terry towels is that dirt does not eat into such a fabric too much, unless, of course, you wipe the carburetor of a car or the floor from gasoline with it. Learning how to properly wash terry towels:

  • add bleach only if the product is white or light in color;
  • add quite a bit of machine wash powder;
  • if the towel is too wet, it must first be dried and only then washed (to avoid too musty, bad smell);
  • strong contamination of such towels can be removed by first washing the towel with powder, after which, wash them in a typewriter.

Removing dirt from bath towels

Bath towels, their name definitely speaks of their scope. Many are surprised that such towels get dirty very quickly, because, in fact, we wipe ourselves with them after we wash ourselves well with “detergents”.

In fact, there is nothing surprising, because:

  • not everyone cleans perfectly and thoroughly
  • even if the body is well washed, a certain percentage of dirt remains on it, which is perfectly visible on a towel, especially a light one

In principle, bath towels are washed using the same technology as terry towels. In this case, it is also important that after washing, it does not peel off your skin, but gently and smoothly slides over the body and wipes moisture from it. To do this, you only need two things:

  • don't use too much powder
  • use fabric softener

Since these towels are used directly in baths, showers, baths, it is very important that the towel does not leave:

  • fungus
  • musty odors
  • various kinds of microbes

Therefore, they need to be washed frequently to prevent unpleasant odors. Pay Special attention on towels used in in public places– saunas, baths, common showers, etc. Wet towels very quickly “grab” various microbes and fungi, so after using them in such places, wash towels with great care.

How to wash white towels?

Many people are afraid to buy white towels for home, because they believe that they are too easily soiled and will have to be washed more often than others, and it is more difficult to wash them. There is some truth in this, but have you ever wondered why white towels are used in hotels and hotels? Maybe you think because it's fashionable or luxurious?

In fact, they are used only because it is convenient and practical. Are you surprised? Yes, it turns out that washing white towels is even easier than colored ones, especially if they are made of high-quality material.

Everything is very simple and banal:

  • pour bleach into the washing machine (preferably with a softener)
  • set the highest temperature

The result will surprise and please you, only the smell of bleach will be heard. But even here there is an optimal solution - in addition to bleach, add flavored conditioners to the “compartment” of laundry detergents.

The result of such a wash:

  • all stains removed
  • towel whiter than white
  • smells nice
  • to the touch - not hard

Buy white towels, surprise everyone with your cleanliness and ability to remove stains from them.

How to wash kitchen towels?

With these towels, everything is a little more complicated than with bath and terry towels, because the kitchen is fat, fumes, oil, scale, etc. All this, sooner or later, ends up on a kitchen towel.

I would like to say right away that main mistake housewives in that they rarely wash such towels. There can be many reasons:

  • fatigue
  • reluctance to mess around with a few small towels
  • believe that there is no need for frequent washing, arguing that they cannot be washed anyway

In fact, you can avoid old and complex pollution if, after each cooking, wash them in hot water with powder, or better with laundry soap. It will take you only 5-10 minutes, but it will save you from the painful question - how to wash:

  • old
  • ingrained
  • greasy spots

If this advice is no longer relevant for you, and the stains on your kitchen towel are the same as listed above, then let's find out which stains, from which towels, can be removed quickly and permanently, and consider simple and convenient ways for this.

We wash towels with vegetable oil

For some, the method in question may seem strange, because it is often necessary to wash kitchen towels from oil. This method does not consist in pouring towels with vegetable oil, the washing technology in this case is different:

  1. We will need an ordinary bucket (it can contain from 8 to 12 liters).
  2. Pour water into it (not to the brim, so that the towels also fit, and the water does not spill onto the floor).
  3. We add about two, maximum three tablespoons (tablespoons) of vegetable oil to a vessel with water (it is advisable to use purified oil).
  4. Stir well, and pour 250 g of powder (used ordinary powder for a washing machine or hand wash).

  1. In the resulting, well-mixed solution, we place all the contaminated kitchen towels.
  2. Let's leave it all alone for the night.

The next morning, you will need to rinse the soaked towels well three times:

Despite its originality, the considered method of washing is effective. After it, the towels will become very clean and fresh, which means you will achieve your goal. It should be noted that this method also removes stains from the oil itself, which have eaten into the structure of fabric products.

How to wash towels in the microwave?

What housewives just don’t come up with in order to wash their “kitchen helpers”. New technologies appear, and hostesses find new ways to use them. Let's talk about how a microwave oven can help you remove stains from towels.

All we need in the fight for the cleanliness of towels is:

  • microwave
  • soap (you can use laundry or household soap)
  • package
  • and, of course, dirty towels

Washing technology is very simple:

  1. pour into a bowl warm water
  2. Dip a towel in there so that it gets completely wet.
  3. rub it with soap (everywhere and from all sides, paying special attention to heavily stubborn and old stains)

  1. wrap the soaped product in a bag
  2. turn on the microwave oven for standard heating (two minutes will be enough)

Despite the strangeness of the method, its effect will definitely please you, and you are unlikely to return to long-term washing and sagging in bowls. Wash washed towels in this way is very simple.

How to wash kitchen towels with mustard?

It turns out that mustard powder helps not only with colds, but also for bleaching kitchen towels. How it works, we will tell right now. All we need for washing is mustard powder and boiling water:

  1. Pour the mustard powder with a small amount of boiling water (3-3.5 liters will be enough)
  2. We wait 15 minutes until the mixture is infused
  3. We filter it through cheesecloth
  4. We put dirty towels in the strained liquid
  5. We leave them for a couple of hours.

It is important that the solution completely covers the towels. After the towels have stood for several hours in the prepared solution, rinse them well and dry them, then iron them.

How to wash towels without boiling?

Everyone knows that over time, any things, even if they are taken care of and washed properly, become yellowed, lose their novelty and original color.

Of course, boiling is a great way to remove stains from clothes and other things, but this method quickly "ages" the fabrics, making them not as bright, and besides, this washing method is too long and difficult. Let's find out how to wash kitchen towels without boiling them:

  1. When using powder when washing things, add a few tablespoons of ammonia
  2. Soak kitchen towels in a solution of:
  • 3 spoons of boric acid
  • warm water

After that, rinse well in cold water.

How to wash kitchen towels with baking soda?

If you are worried - how to remove grease from kitchen towels, baking soda will help you. Baking soda is a "product" that is used in many household processes, including getting rid of heartburn. It is probably easier to say where soda is not used.

A quick and efficient wash of kitchen towels is another place where baking soda will not be superfluous. So, in order for the towels used in the kitchen to be fresh and clean, you need to wash them in warm water, after soaking them in a solution of:

  • table salt
  • dishwashing detergents
  • baking soda
  • table vinegar

All these "ingredients" are added to warm water, where dirty towels are placed, and we leave it all to "sour" for a couple of hours. After that, wash the towels in the same solution and rinse in clean water.

How to wash colored kitchen towels?

Effective and simple methods washing colored towels:

  • machine wash - 40-60 0 (for plain - 95 0);
  • with stains from tea or other drinks, towels can be washed with ordinary dish detergent, as long as the stains are removed while they are fresh;
  • complex contamination on colored towels before washing, it is better to soak;
  • add a little vinegar when washing colored towels;
  • rub with laundry soap, then wash as usual.

Whichever method of washing towels you choose, remember that each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are great for terry toweling but won't work on cotton towels, others will wash white towels but may ruin colored ones. All of the above methods are proven in practice, so you just have to experiment and find your ideal way to get rid of dirt on towels.

Video: How to wash dirty towels?

Digestion is the most affordable way return whiteness and freshness to towels. None Appliances and detergents do not give such a cleansing effect as this old-fashioned way. How to boil towels so as not to damage them and get the desired result - in the Waterhome article.

How to properly boil towels

Before boiling towels, make sure they are made from natural materials. Not all synthetics can survive boiling without problems, so we start by studying the labels.

Then we take a large pot or bucket made of stainless steel or enameled steel, collect a lot of water and thoroughly dissolve the detergent in it.

Council Waterhome: if the stains are old or there is a lot of dirt, soak the kitchen towels for several hours or a day before boiling them.

To boil towels, you need to put them in cold water, and then put on fire. In no case do not put the laundry in boiling water, so that the dirt does not weld on the fibers of the fabric. Kitchen towels must be boiled especially carefully, because. they may have a lot of dirt containing protein. When heated, it curls up, and due to this it eats into the fabric, it becomes very resistant. If there are a lot of greasy stains, check out the article. Get a long stick and in the process of boiling, stir the contents of the pan so that it warms up evenly.

What to boil towels in?

To boil towels, you can use the following home remedies:

  • ammonia
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • bleach
  • soda ash

Towels can be boiled in soap and soda. Grate laundry soap at the rate of 25 grams per liter of water and dissolve it. Add a tablespoon of baking soda per liter of solution. Boil towels for 2-3 hours, wait until they cool and rinse. If the towels are very dirty, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can be added to the solution, but then we reduce the boiling time to 50 minutes.

You can effectively bleach towels by boiling using bleach (half a kilogram) or chlorine bleach and soda ash dissolved in a bucket of water. Before boiling white towels, make sure they don't have brightly colored stains that could spread to the rest of the fabric.

How to wash kitchen towels from old stains? Nothing suffers more in the kitchen than towels. An item that is always at hand for every hostess. They should have high practicality, absorb moisture well. Although we are talking about ordinary towels, they also play an important role in decorating the kitchen itself. Therefore, it is very important that they look bright and impeccable in cleanliness. After all, the hostess is always judged by the state of her kitchen.

How to wash towels with laundry detergent

Range detergents, which are working on removing various stains and fats on the fabric is large enough, and then buying them will not be difficult.

It is important not to forget that these towels tend to accumulate a lot of germs while in the kitchen, and therefore they should be washed separately from the rest of the linen.

Washing in the washing machine

Of course, washing powder should be considered the main means for washing. Because the towels get dirty pretty fast it is advisable to load them into the wash about 2-3 times a week.

The washing mode in the washing machine is set depending on which towels will be immersed in it. For towels of light colors, it is recommended to set 90-950C. For color, it is recommended to set 600C.

Important! If the items are heavily soiled, they must be soaked before the main wash. This will improve the washing result.


There are two options for soaking white products:

  • things are soaked in a solution of soapy water and baking soda (about 100 g) for a period of 3-4 hours;
  • add a couple caps of chlorine bleach to plain water.

To soak colored products, it is necessary to choose the bleaches that are suitable for them.

There is universal soaking method which is suitable for both colored and white products. The method is quite simple, since it only needs 1 l. cool water and 1 tbsp. l. edible salt.

After soaking, before the main wash, be sure to rinse the towels with plain tap water. The main wash can be done by setting the washing machine to normal mode.

How to wash dirty towels at home

Often, hostesses use towels as universal items. They are used as potholders for hot dishes or as tablecloths. Sometimes, this is the first thing that comes to hand to wipe off grease or, for example, spilled tea.

When towels are not used for their intended purpose, of course, they wear out faster, they can no longer be a decoration of the kitchen, because they lose their color from constant washing. Therefore, it is important that they occupy their designated place in the kitchen.

It is important that everything has logic. For hot pots and pans, use a special oven mitt.

To kitchen table and kitchen countertop looked clean, you can use the cloths provided for this. But towels should be used for hands, and then not dirty, but already pre-washed.

Also, so that these products do not wash out, it will not be superfluous to purchase a couple of sets.

How to deal with grease on towels

No matter how hard you try, but still kitchen towels always have a risk of getting grease stains, because they are in the kitchen.

There are several methods that will help to cope with fat on them:

  1. Dishwashing liquid. Everything is quite simple. It is necessary to wet the towel well with dishwashing detergent for a day, the result will not keep you waiting.
  2. Laundry soap. A tool that is truly versatile because it has many advantages, and fat is no exception. It will help to cope with long-standing stains.
    It is necessary to rub the contaminated area well with soap and set aside for a couple of hours, then throw it into the wash, setting the normal mode. The main advantage of laundry soap is that it has antibacterial properties.
  3. Vinegar. A tool that can help to cope not only with fat, but also with the smell on the fabric. It is necessary to soak the product in water (about 300C). Add vinegar to the water - two or three dessert spoons are enough. The result is sure to please.
  4. "Mole"- one of the tools designed to clean pipelines. If you have no desire or opportunity to buy an expensive drug that will help remove stains, you should use the Mole.

You just need to add the product to the water and soak the fabric product in it. The composition of the product includes alkali, which fights both fatty stains and old ones.

What fabric is best for washing towels?

When choosing kitchen towels, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the fabric. Pay attention that the fabric absorbs moisture well, does not cause irritation on the skin, does not become electrified and dries quickly.

For example, bamboo towels are very soft, antibacterial and absorb moisture quickly.

  • Microfiber is good because it does not retain foreign odors, but is less durable in relation to other textiles.
  • Cotton and linen towels are wear-resistant, absorb moisture well and are not allergenic.
  • Waffle - pleasant to the touch, durable, absorb liquid well, wash well.

Additional ways to deal with pollution

Additional methods are easy enough to use, since all the tools are always in any kitchen.

These are: salt (plain or sea), vinegar (apple or lemon), soda (concentrated), soap (liquid or bar), washing powder (scented or not), liquid for washing all types of dishes.

It is possible to get rid of dirt and odor on a kitchen fabric product thanks to three more additional funds:

  1. Potassium permanganate. It will help to get rid of any smell that could not be dealt with before.
    It is only necessary to dissolve potassium permanganate in cold water and soak a towel in this solution. To make the effect better, it is possible to pre-lather the product with laundry soap.
  2. Mustard. Good bleach. If necessary, the paste will help whiten your kitchen item. It is necessary to apply the mixture on a damp towel and leave for a couple of hours. Then, rinse and wash normally.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Mold marks and greasy stains will not resist hydrogen peroxide. In addition, it acts as a bactericidal and disinfectant. It is only necessary to soak the laundry in water, adding a little peroxide.

Effortless washing methods

It is hard to imagine a tool that quickly, effectively, and without even a little effort will allow you to get rid of dirt, stains and unpleasant odors in one moment.

In any case, each hostess struggles with these problems in her own way, using her own methods. All methods have the same sequence of actions: first, soaking the place that is contaminated, and then applying chemical.

Sometimes, these 2 processes are combined into one, immediately immersing the soiled towel in a product containing chemical element.

What is important to know

There are methods, the peculiarity of which is that they do not require washing machine and a large number of water.

  1. Boil 10 liters. water (1 bucket), add 2 tbsp. l. bleach (choose depending on colored or white textiles), 200 grams of laundry detergent and vegetable oil.
    In the resulting solution, put dry linen, which is planned for cleaning. Cover the bucket with a lid and leave to stand until the water has cooled.
    The final step is to take out the laundry and rinse well in hot, and then cold water. This is how simple and effective it is.
  2. It is necessary to pour warm water into a plastic bag, add washing powder or laundry soap (75-95%), after rubbing it on a fine grater, put the soiled linen and close the bag tightly.
    For several minutes, the bag with all the contents must be shaken, if the contamination is deep, leave overnight. Then open the bag and rinse the laundry or additionally wash it as usual using a washing machine.


Do not forget that kitchen towels are not only a means for cleaning dishes, containers, containers and other kitchen utensils, but also primarily an interior and decor item for the kitchen.

That is why it is so important that they always look clean, have a beautiful, unwashed appearance, and do not emit an unpleasant odor.
