How to remove the smell of burning in the apartment. How and how to quickly remove the smell of burning, burning, smoke in an apartment, house: ways, tips. How to kill the smell of burning in an apartment: natural flavors, folk remedies How to remove smoke from a room

In our life, no one is immune from burnt porridge in a pan on a gas stove or electrical wiring. After an unpleasant incident, all rooms are filled with a pungent smell of smoke and burning, which is sometimes difficult to get rid of. Rapid ventilation does not always give a positive and effective result. In such cases, it is important to know how to remove the smell of burning from the apartment instantly so that it does not eat into the existing environment.

First steps

Regardless of the reason for the burning, the pie or the TV burned out, the necessary measures must be taken immediately. If this is not done, then the fetid aroma will be absorbed into the furniture and things, will slowly poison the clean air and undermine your health.

  1. As soon as smoke appears in the apartment, immediately open all windows and doors. The rooms should have a draft and fresh air. This will help to quickly weather the burning and pungent smell. To improve circulation, turn on the fan and extractor. If possible, ventilate the premises for as long as possible, depending on the season outside the window.
  2. If you have an air conditioner or air purifier, and the scale of the accident is small, after airing, close all doors and windows and turn them on at full capacity. After a while, there will be no trace of the fetid aroma. Important: first by airing, then by air conditioning, otherwise you can clog the filters of the air conditioner with ashes.
  3. Collect all burnt items. Sort into recoverable and hopelessly damaged. Clean the first ones from smoke or wrap them in a plastic bag (if there is no time to clean them at the moment), discard the second ones.
  4. Wet cleaning. Vacuum upholstered furniture, wall paper, ceiling, carpets and runners. A steam cleaner is great for this procedure, it can easily eliminate the smell of burning. Wipe cabinets, tables and chairs with a damp cloth. Thoroughly wash the stove, dishes, windows and floors. Tulle and curtains should be washed so that they smell fresh.
  5. Moisture is great at absorbing fire odors, so increase the humidity in the affected area. Open hot water taps, hang wet towels around the room, boil water in a saucepan (you can add aromatic herbs to the water for a pleasant smell). If there is a humidifier, use it, for the same purpose you can start a double boiler. With an increase in humidity, condensation can form on windows and walls - wipe it off.
  6. The consequences of a fire will eliminate the smell of citrus or pine needles. Spread the peel of an orange, lemon or sprigs of a Christmas tree in different parts of the apartment. The house will quickly be filled with a pleasant and fresh aroma, and the smell of burning will disappear. You can use other flavors to suit your taste and budget.

Such procedures are universal and will quickly help you remove the smell of burning from the apartment. But there are other ways to rid your home of stench.

Effective remedies for the smell of burning

Sometimes, even after thorough cleaning and prolonged airing, a faint smell from burnt food or burnt appliances remains. In such cases, it is recommended to use stronger and more effective means to eliminate burning.

  • Activated carbon quickly save your apartment from the smell of smoke. It is necessary to thoroughly crush the tablets into powder and spread them in small portions in all corners of your home.
  • Vinegar. In 1 liter of cold water, add 100 g of 9% vinegar. Soak several sheets in this solution. Hang them in every room of your apartment until completely dry. Vinegar with its properties quickly neutralizes and dissolves unpleasant odors. This method is very effective even after significant fires. In order not to breathe harmful fumes, it is recommended to leave your living space at this time and take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Vapors of vinegar. Mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Boil this mixture. Two hours of boiling such a mixture and there will be no trace of the stench of the fire.
  • Soda and starch perfectly absorb the unacceptable smell of burning. Put bulk materials on plates and place them on window sills, nightstands, tables and cabinets.
  • Freshly cut pine branches, Christmas trees and other plants of the coniferous family, disinfect and fill the room with their fresh aroma.
  • A decoction of herbs, citrus, coniferous plants. Place a pot of water on the stove and add your choice of lemon, orange, ginger, sprigs of pine or spruce, mint, lemon balm, lavender, cloves or other fragrant plants. The resulting "tea" will perfectly absorb the unpleasant smell of burning in the apartment.

  • kitchen salt is one of the natural absorbents and will instantly remove the smell of burning from your home. Scatter it in small slides around the corners of your apartment or make a saline solution. Pour 10-12 tbsp into 1 liter of water. l. salt and mix thoroughly. Place the bowl on the floor overnight in the room in which the fire occurred. In the morning the air will be cleared, and all the dirt will settle in a salty liquid.
  • Natural coffee beans or powder well interrupt the aroma of burning and stench. This product is one of the best home deodorants.
  • Persistent and musty odors will help remove special purchased liquid products Odorgon, MAZBIT+. Be sure to read the instructions so as not to spoil things and not harm your health.
  • Completely eliminate odors after a fire will help cleaning aerosols. Using this method, it is recommended to leave the apartment for 1-2 days, and then thoroughly ventilate.

If a slight burning smell has formed in your apartment, light scented candles or aroma sticks. They will quickly remove the stench and delight you with a pleasant aroma.

If there is a fire, even a small one, you need to quickly remove the source of the burning smell, and only then carry out the aromatherapy of the apartment.

The smells of burnt food and tobacco are not dangerous, but quite unpleasant. You can eliminate them if you know a way to get rid of the smell of burning in an apartment using folk and improvised means or using an arsenal of home chemicals and special-purpose household appliances.

Quick Ways

The first methods of responding to smoke are to try to ventilate the kitchen or room. But even such a simple step must be done correctly. When airing, it is important to create an air current so that smoke and fumes leave the room as soon as possible. Therefore, the ventilation of the room should be carried out with the formation of a draft: it is recommended to open the windows located on opposite sides of the apartment and the doors between the rooms.

In a city apartment, this condition is difficult to fulfill if the windows face one side of the building. To ensure the movement of air saturated with smoke, a household fan installed at an open window can. The device should be positioned so that the flow created by it is directed to the street. In this case, it is advisable to close the door in the room where the source of the stench is located.

The next steps should be:

  1. Identification and elimination of the source of smoke and soot. If food is burnt, then it must be removed from the fire, and, if necessary, taken out to an outdoor garbage container. Fill a pan or pot with water and turn off the stove. If the smoke source is an emergency appliance, then the first step is to unplug it.
  2. Switching on household appliances designed to remove odors. The hood or air conditioner running at full power also helps to weather the smell. But these devices are not in every apartment.
  3. The elimination of smoke and soot that has spread to other rooms is carried out with the help of ventilation and cleaning.

Depending on how quickly the source of the burning smell is eliminated, the last step can become more or less laborious.

Generic Methods

If the housing smells of burning is not particularly strong, then increased humidity will help. In the kitchen, just turn on the hot water faucet. If the smoke has spread to other rooms, do a wet cleaning by wiping the surfaces of cabinets and window sills: soot can settle on them.

To increase humidity, you can take wide containers (basins, bowls), pour hot water into them and arrange them in rooms. It is advisable to replace the liquid several times so that it constantly creates steam. With cold water, this method of removing unwanted odors will be less effective and take longer.

Well destroy odors and other means that are always at hand:

  1. You can soak a cloth (towels, sheets) in a solution of vinegar and hang them around the rooms. To prepare a working solution, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. acids (70%) per 5 liters of water.
  2. Vinegar can be used differently. To eliminate the smell, it is recommended to boil water over low heat with the addition of acid in the above proportion. As it boils away, water can be added, and the treatment should be carried out until the burning smell disappears. Sometimes this may take several hours.
  3. A universal remedy for eliminating any odors is special household chemicals. There are aerosols and liquid preparations that remove any air pollution by splitting the molecules of volatile substances. These include Odorgon, SmellOff, etc. The composition must be used according to the instructions attached to it.
  4. Chlorine is a universal odor remover. This substance is found in chlorine bleaches, Whiteness, carpet cleaners such as Vanish or household chemicals for disinfecting bathrooms and bathrooms (calcium hypochlorite, chloramine, etc.). The substance must be added to the water according to the instructions for wet cleaning.
  5. You can also mask the smell of burning with an air freshener. This measure is effective only with slight smoke and has a temporary effect.

How to remove the burnt smell after cooking?

When food burns in the kitchen, smoke and soot enter the rooms, remain in the oven or microwave, and on the dishes. An unpleasant aroma can not only pollute the air, but also spoil the taste of other dishes. The fight against this type of burning must be carried out in a complex:

  1. To make it easier to remove the smell of burning in the apartment, it is better to immediately free the pots and pans from the burnt contents and pour them with hot water. Food residues on the surface of the dishes will no longer exude a burnt smell, and it will be a little easier to clean the carbon deposits.
  2. Wipe the inner surfaces of the oven and microwave with water and vinegar (1 teaspoon of 6% vinegar per 0.5 l of water).
  3. To eliminate the persistent smell of burning (chicken, fish) in the microwave, boil 1 cup of the same vinegar solution. In this case, the fan of the device will force the vapors of the substance to pass through all the cavities where the smell of burnt food could remain, and the stove will stop smelling. If desired, instead of vinegar, you can use a soda solution (1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate powder in 1 cup of water).
  4. In the oven, from which it is more difficult to remove the smell, you can put a container with an ammonia solution overnight (a household preparation or pharmaceutical ammonia, diluted in a proportion of 1-2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water). The oven must be preheated to +90°C before processing. In the morning, wipe the oven with a damp cloth and dry with the door open.
  5. To eliminate the smell of burnt meat from a baking sheet, you can only use household dishwashing detergents. If a persistent soot has formed on an enamel pan (from milk, rice, etc.), then the smell can be eliminated and the enamel can be cleaned by boiling a soda solution (2-3 tablespoons of soda for every 1 liter of water). After that, clean the soot with a hard sponge.

You can remove the smell of burning from the room from a burnt pan using the means already listed (vinegar or household chemicals). If there are no such funds in the house, folk methods of deodorization will help.

How to get rid of the smell of burning after a fire

Smoke from a fire in the house permeates everything. The smell of burning lasts the longest in textiles. Delicate fabrics (bedding, curtains, etc.) and clothes are easiest to wash with a quality powder. Outerwear must be dry-cleaned.

The heavy spirit of burning in an apartment after a fire, even with slight smoke, remains for a long time in textile upholstery and upholstered furniture filler. It will be possible to eliminate it with the help of a steam cleaner (vaporizer). If there is no such device, then Vanish or similar products designed for carpets and furniture will help clean the upholstery.

Leather upholstery should be wiped with water and 6% vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 cup). You can refresh dark skin with a decoction of natural coffee, and clean suede with wet thick from the drink. It is easy to shake off or vacuum up after drying.

The smell of burning in the house is removed from the carpets after a fire with the help of absorbents: salt or soda. These substances simply need to be poured onto a moist pile and left to dry. Collect the rest of the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

Wallpaper absorbs unpleasant odors well. If they are expensive and not damaged by smoke, they are wiped with a damp cloth with a solution of anti-odor agents (Usta, Odorgon Smokebuster, etc.). Wall coverings that have been damaged in the fire will have to be replaced anyway.

Soot from tiles and plastic wall trim is the easiest to remove. The materials do not absorb fumes, and after a fire, they can be wiped down with vinegar or one of the chemicals listed above to remove the smell of burning.

Folk remedies

If there are no household chemicals in the house, and you need to remove odors quickly, you can use improvised folk remedies. The easiest way is to boil water with any spices (bay leaf, dill seed, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, etc.). In this case, the apartment will be filled with a more pleasant aroma than the smell of smoke. Natural coffee will also help: it must be ground and placed in dry form around the rooms, or you can brew it with boiling water, as for making a drink.

As an air freshener and to eliminate the smell of smoke, aromatic herbs are suitable: mint or sage, oregano, thyme. You can also take wormwood or tarragon, if they are not allergic, or citrus zest. Chopped herbs can be brewed and used for cleaning. It is convenient to put plant mixtures in fabric bags and place them on a heating battery in winter.

The smell of burning with slight smoke quickly interrupts the smoke from a burnt match. It has its own aroma, which neutralizes even the fumes from plastic or runaway milk. Burnt sugar has a similar effect.


It will be possible to remove the smell of burning from the apartment with the help of household appliances:

To partially solve the problem of foreign smell in the apartment, you can use both household humidifiers and automatic deodorizing devices (AirVic, etc.).

Other Tips:

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Every housewife has at least once encountered such a nuisance as burnt food in the kitchen, clothes burned with an iron, or even a small fire. The main question that worries after eliminating the trouble is how is it in the apartment? It is no secret that the smells of smoke and burning are very persistent and can quickly be absorbed into clothes and furniture upholstery. To freshen the air and eliminate the cause of the fire, you should use the following effective tips.

If acrid smoke filled the apartment, do not panic. The first thing to do is to get rid of the cause of its appearance, after which your action plan should be as follows:

  • Extinguish the fire and eliminate the cause of the fire - remove the iron, turn off the gas and electricity.
  • Open all windows and doors in the apartment. The room will be filled with fresh air, which will displace the persistent smell of smoke. To speed up ventilation, turn on the fan.
  • Do a wet cleaning. If you have a steam cleaner, great. With it, you can refresh the upholstery of furniture and remove the smoky smell from hard-to-reach places. Instead of a cleaner, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner. Be sure to wash the floors, wipe all surfaces and.
  • Use an air freshener, light a scented candle, or scatter orange peels around your home to completely remove the smell of burning from your apartment.

We ventilate the premises

If you are faced with such a nuisance as a burnt dinner or burnt wiring, after eliminating the cause of the problem, be sure to ventilate the apartment. Open all windows and doors wide open to create a draft, and also turn on the fan or air conditioner at full blast. If something burns in the kitchen, do not forget to turn on the hood. It often happens that the smell of smoke is too strong. Then be sure to throw away the remnants of burnt food, soak burnt dishes, put the spoiled thing in a small bag before sending it to the trash can.


It is impossible to cope with the caustic smell of smoke and burning without air humidification. If you have a special humidifier, you can use it. In the absence of this device, do the following:

  • Turn on the water. If a fire occurs in the kitchen or bathroom, this is the quickest and easiest method of humidifying the air. It is best if the water is hot. Over time, condensation will begin to accumulate on the surfaces, so be sure to wipe it off.
  • Hang up the wet cloth. If the smoke is slight, the unpleasant smell of smoke is easily absorbed by damp towels that can be hung in the room. Spread towels throughout the apartment, and especially in the room where the fire broke out. If the smoke is too caustic, you can wet the cloth with vinegar solution instead of water - 2 tbsp. l. vinegar in 5 liters of water.
  • Arrange water containers. You can quickly humidify the room if you collect water in small bowls and arrange them in rooms. After a few hours, the burn will begin to feel much weaker.
  • Boil a decoction of herbs. You can give the air a pleasant aroma and kill the smell of smoke if you put a pot with lavender, oregano, mint or thyme on the fire. These herbs perfectly neutralize the smell of burning and serve as a natural air freshener.

improvised means

How to remove the smell of burning in the apartment? The best way to do this is with the tools at hand, which can be found in every home. One of the most famous and effective is acetic acid or ordinary table vinegar. Dealing with the smell of burning with it is very simple:

  1. Take a large saucepan, pour 3 liters of water into it.
  2. Gradually add 1 liter of vinegar to the liquid.
  3. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the gas.
  4. Boil the vinegar solution for 1.5 - 2 hours.

An excellent remedy for the smell of burning after a fire is coffee. Grains are best, but you can also use ground. Pour the grains into saucers and arrange them in the rooms. For ground coffee, the expiration date will increase to several hours.

You can remove the smell of burning with the help of citrus fruits. Do not throw away the skins from lemons and oranges - you will still need them. Spread the peel on a baking sheet in the oven and dry for an hour over low heat. Fruits can also be cut into slices and boiled in water.

Special funds

There is a special tool This neutralizer will help you get rid of the smell of burning, without making hard efforts and without spending a lot of time on it. In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to follow a series of simple, consistent steps:

  1. We mechanically clean all visible contaminants, including soot, soot and soot. Leave the surface to full
  2. We apply the neutralizer with a spray gun or garden sprayer to all surfaces that have been soaked in
    smell yourself. On those surfaces that were as close as possible to the source of ignition, it is necessary to spill the product, as they have absorbed the smell most deeply. It is important to process everything, even hard-to-reach places, including corners, ceilings, walls. For processing walls and ceilings, you can use a roller.
  3. Then leave the product to dry completely for 12-24 hours.
  4. We ventilate.

We draw your attention to the fact that due to the natural composition, the product is harmless and therefore you do not have to leave the apartment for the duration of the treatment.


You can get rid of the smell of burning once and for all only with the help of radical actions, such as general cleaning in the apartment. It is best done using modern detergents. Wash all surfaces thoroughly with special gels, powders or other detergents. You can neutralize the pungent smell with the help of air freshener sprays. It is best to choose those that mask the smell of smoke or tobacco. For different surfaces, take special products - for washing tiles, for carpets and upholstered furniture, glass cleaners and washing powders.

Eliminate odor after a fire

In case of a strong fire, general cleaning should be started as soon as possible, otherwise the fumes can strongly eat into all surfaces. After the cause of the disaster has been eliminated, do the following:

    • Take everything out of the house. First of all, curtains, pillows, bedspreads, carpets and upholstered furniture should be removed from the room, as they strongly absorb smoke.
    • Eliminate burnt items. If furniture, interior items or household appliances cannot be restored, they should be disposed of immediately. The same must be done with the flooring, walls and ceiling - remove the soot with a spatula and prepare the room for repairs.
    • Thoroughly wipe everything that has survived with water and detergents. Do not forget about hard-to-reach places - cornices, chandeliers, space inside shelves and cabinets.
    • If necessary, carry out repair and restoration work. Repaint the ceiling, change the wallpaper and flooring. This will get rid of the smell of burning, and will also cease to remind you of the trouble that has happened.

How to flavor the air

If you do not know how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment quickly and effectively, use air fresheners. They perfectly kill the caustic odor and fill the room with the aroma of flowers, herbs and fruits. The most effective fresheners are sprays, scented lamps, candles and sticks. This is quite enough if food or a small thing is burnt. After half an hour or an hour, there will be no trace of smoke, and a pleasant bonus of using air fresheners will be the saturation of the air with your favorite aroma.

The most important thing after eliminating the cause of smoke is to release the remaining smoke and fill the room with fresh air. For this, it is better to make a draft. Open as many windows as possible, weather permitting, including adjoining rooms or the front door. If you have a fan, place it in the center of the smoky room. And wait for the situation to improve.

If your home has an air conditioner, an air cleaner, or both, do not rush to immediately put them into action. They will need to be turned on at the second stage of work, after the main ventilation, that is, with the windows and the front door closed.

If you have had a fire, you need to get rid of things that are irretrievably damaged as soon as possible, since most of the objects around us absorb odors very well. Especially textiles, paper (wallpaper in the first place), wood. The rest of the things need to be washed or washed with conditioner and taken out into the air. Carpets and outerwear will have to be dry-cleaned.

To neutralize unpleasant odors, you can use air fresheners in the form of sprays. But be careful not to harm the health of your loved ones by overspraying. Follow the instructions on the packages

A very effective way to remove the smell of burning is to hang a wet cloth in the apartment. Soak thick towels or sheets in cold water and hang them on doors, furniture, or string to do this. When the fabrics are dry, repeat the procedure several times until the smell is completely eliminated. In a few hours, you will be able to restore freshness to your rooms. If your household has an air ionizer, turn it on at night. It will be of great help to you with significant smoke.

Handy tools in your kitchen

It is very useful in the fight against the smell of burning to arrange wet cleaning. Add nine percent table vinegar to a bucket of water, at a ratio of one hundred grams of vinegar per liter of water. And wash the floor, ceiling, walls, furniture and other items. Instead of vinegar, ammonia can be used.

Coffee is also a good helper in the fight against odors. You will need roasted coffee beans. Put fifteen or twenty grains on plates and arrange them in your rooms.

You can also get rid of an unpleasant smell with the help of aromatic herbs such as thyme, lavender, lemon balm, oregano. Put a larger pot on the stove and put the herbs in the water. Boil, uncovered, for thirty minutes, until the steam is fragrant. Add more if needed.

About how to remove the oil stain on jeans, you will read in the next article.

A lot can happen during the cooking process, but the most common problem is the smell of burning, which quickly fills the entire apartment. Sometimes it seems that it is simply impossible to get it out, it is so caustic and annoying, but some measures can still be taken.

Today we will tell you how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment in simple but effective ways.

Successful baking doesn't always work the first time.

Simple manipulations

At home, from time to time, unpleasant moments arise with burnt food in the pan, with forgotten dishes in the oven, with improper operation of the iron, or simply burnt things.

All these unpleasant incidents lead to the formation of a large amount of smoke, which, dispersing around the room, is absorbed into things and objects in the house. To remove the smell, you must immediately begin airing the room and other actions.

  • In the event of a similar situation, it is advisable to immediately open all windows wide open. To create a draft and the movement of air masses, open the doors in the same way. Let the maximum amount of fresh outdoor air enter the room, replacing the smoke with the smell of burning. A fan operating in active mode will help to ventilate the room more thoroughly, the air conditioner will also work.
  • To remove the residual smell from the room, it is advisable to carry out a wet cleaning in the house. Moisture perfectly copes with various kinds of odors, diluting them and neutralizing them. In this case, you must first carry out work with a vacuum cleaner, process the floor and upholstered furniture with it, and then wipe the dust smelling of smog, and wash all surfaces. If you have a steam generator in your house, it will help you to carry out wet cleaning faster and more thoroughly. Upon completion of water procedures, remove the curtains and send them to the wash.
  • To completely neutralize the residual smell of burning, it is recommended to use an air freshener. If there is none, the zest or peel of citrus fruits, coniferous plants placed in the house will always help out.

A forgotten iron can bring big trouble.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can quickly ventilate the room and remove the unpleasant consequences of small fires from it. However, if your house itself caught fire, it will be more difficult for you to cope with a pungent and nasty smell.

Removing odor after a fire

We have already talked in detail, but in that case we analyzed a real disaster, and now we want to talk about the possibilities of removing the smell of burning after a small domestic fire, when the ignition object was quickly extinguished.

Despite the weak nature of the disaster, the smoke from such a mini-fire quickly fills the entire room. It is actively absorbed into things, after which there is an unpleasant pungent aroma in the house, from which it simply tickles in the throat. Only general cleaning will help to cope with such a smoky apartment.

If the smell has penetrated deeply into the surfaces, airing, general cleaning and washing have been done, but have not brought the desired result, a professional solution will help to cope with the problem. First of all, we throw out all the things that did not survive, they are probably the main source of stench. It is desirable to free the room as much as possible from furniture, curtains, curtains, carpets, etc. We treat with SmellOff evenly spraying on all surfaces at room temperature in the room. We give the product the maximum interaction with the smell, we try to achieve maximum humidity with the help of a humidifier, a bucket of hot water or a water bath by setting it in the center of the room. Upon completion of the treatment, leave the room closed for 12-24 hours, then ventilate. Smelly clothes can be washed by adding detergent to the washing machine in the conditioner section. Spray SmellOff in small portions on pieces of furniture and wipe with a damp cloth, distributing the product over the entire area and let dry.

At the same time, curtains, curtains, blinds are definitely sent to the wash. If the burning has settled on the bedspreads of upholstered furniture, covers, blankets, pillows, then a great solution would be to dry-clean these things. Dry cleaning will clean items from traces of fire and completely remove the smell. If the smell from the blankets is not so strong, take them out to air outside.

You can place things for ventilation on the balcony

If you have pasted modern washable wallpapers, then there will be no special problems with them. They do not absorb odors and rub off dirt well. Get a bowl of soapy water and wash them. If the wallpaper on the walls is not moisture resistant, and the fire is heavily smoked, then in order to permanently get rid of the smell of burning, you will have to make cosmetic repairs with their replacement. You can just glue modern vinyl canvases in their place.

The easiest way to remove the smell is from clothing that is indoors during a fire. It is enough to wash it in the washing machine. Divide items into groups, and stretch in several approaches. If pieces of furniture are burned, most likely they will have to be thrown away, since the restoration of such things is not cheap.

Odor control products

To get rid of unpleasant odors in the room, you can use adsorbing agents that actively absorb odors. In hardware stores, you probably met similar formulations from the manufacturers Odorgon, Usta. Although it is unlikely that such things are in your inventory, but other preparations are definitely present.

  • Activated carbon has saved us more than once, and in this case, this adsorbent will help. It can be successfully combined with soda or salt, it is enough to pour these substances in the corners of the apartment.
  • You can moisten rags in a water-vinegar solution and place them around the perimeter of the apartment. This is usually done in burned-out apartments to quickly remove the maximum amount of burning smell. As it dries, the fabric must be washed, additionally moistened, and hung around the house again.
  • If it is possible to get live needles, then this is just fine. This plant has a strong aroma, interrupting the influence of other odors. In addition, living needles disinfect the air.
  • Citrus fruits will help to kill the smell of burning, you can spread peels around the house, grate zest in different places, fry in a pan to quickly fill the room with a pleasant aroma.
  • For long-term air purification, aromatic herbs can be dried indoors: lavender, rosemary, cumin, cloves, mint, sage, wormwood. It is enough to pick up the indicated varieties of herbs, spread them on newspapers, and leave to dry. Drying, they will emit pleasant smells, which will fill the room. If there is no access to herbs, you can boil ordinary spices in water in a saucepan. The smell of steam will quickly spread throughout the rooms of the house.

Citrus fruits are always ready to help us

To finally defeat the unpleasant consequences of fires, it is necessary to act comprehensively: ventilate the house, carry out wet cleaning, use air fresheners and adsorbents, add pleasant aromas from herbs or citrus fruits.

Most often, odors cannot be removed immediately, they will gradually disappear after a few days, so you will definitely have to be patient.

Note that if you are cooking in the kitchen, you should close the door to this room, open the window and turn on the hood. Timely removal of odors will not allow the kitchen to smell of food or burning. Remember, the hood is not just a beautiful element of decor, it is an excellent and functional household appliance that copes with its task without any problems.

We hope now you have a complete idea of ​​​​how to get rid of the smell of burning, but let's allow ourselves a seditious thought that it is better to avoid such situations.
