Efficient options for hot water heating. Underfloor heating system Underfloor heating

The traditional and most commonly used is water heating.

What do you associate the word "comfort" with? Surely, the vast majority with warmth. Especially in a country with a cold climate, snowy winters and severe frosts. Therefore, the main system, important not only for comfortable life but also for survival is definitely the heating system. Of its many options, water heating, in which water plays the role of a coolant, is most widely used.

Features of water heating

For a long time, attempts have been made to solve the problem of heat transfer from the source to the heated premises. But the use of special channels with air as a heat carrier for this led to large heat losses.

Steam heating appeared in the middle of the 19th century. And soon he was replaced by water. The use of water in heating systems made it possible to reduce the temperature of the coolant compared to steam systems. Therefore, heating has become much safer, and heating costs are lower.

With the advent of new heat-insulating materials and technologies, it has become possible to transfer heat to long distances. Thus, centralized heating systems for quarters, districts and entire cities were built.

The water in them is heated in large heaters, after which it is transferred to the houses through external pipelines. But it is impossible to completely eliminate heat losses in such complexes, therefore, in recent times autonomous systems became popular.

The centralized system has another drawback. It does not allow to make a water heated floor from central heating. This is due to technological difficulties and administrative prohibitions. So this option is possible only at the expense of electrical systems heating. With central heating, everything is clear. What is an autonomous system?

The two-pipe water heating system is the most common

The main feature of such systems is the absence of external communications for heat transfer and, accordingly, the absence of its losses. An autonomous heater is installed in the house, and fuel is delivered by transport or transferred to the house through special highways. Natural gas is considered the optimal fuel for such systems. In addition to it, you can use fuel oil, coal, wood and products of its processing.

To ensure the smooth operation of such systems, water and electricity must be supplied to the house. Internal communications rooms with autonomous heating are no different from those connected to central heating - the same pipes and the same batteries. Losses in autonomous heating complexes are minimized and in more depends on heating equipment and type of fuel.

Composition of the heating complex, equipment and materials

Any heating system includes:

  • heater
  • heat transfer lines
  • heating appliances

Let's consider this scheme in more detail. And for example, let's take a complex based on a gas heating boiler. It uses natural gas from the conventional gas supply system as fuel. AT gas boiler water is heated up to certain temperature, after which this water is transferred through pipes to heating devices - radiators (batteries).

Battery and pipe installation

Along with traditional iron pipes, plastic pipes have also become widely used. Due to this, the installation of pipelines has become easier and cheaper, and their durability in a humid environment is much higher.

The efficiency of heating in such a system directly depends on the heating devices and the way they are installed. And along with traditional batteries, water floor heating is increasingly being used.

Let's take a closer look at this method of heating a room.

How is underfloor heating done?

Disputes about the advantages and disadvantages of such heating have not stopped since its inception. But one thing is indisputable - floor water heating - underfloor heating - can create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere anywhere in the room. After all, the farther from the battery, the cooler. And if a person's feet are warm, then he feels much more comfortable.

And further. How does a radiator heat a room? due to air convection. A cold stream passes through the battery and already warm rises up in a narrow strip - usually along a wall or window. So it turns out that the warmest zone is above the battery. And when the floor is heated, it is constantly under your feet.

Floor heating

When installing a floor heating system, radiators, heat exchangers and other special devices are not needed. The role of the radiator is played by pipes for water heating, laid in the floor. They can be metal or metal-plastic. The main thing is that they have good heat transfer.

Polypropylene pipes are not suitable for such systems, because they have low heat transfer, poorly transfer heat to surrounding objects and therefore cannot heat the floor material.

Heating pipes are connected to common system heating as an independent circuit with inlet, outlet and control valve. Thus, a warm floor from heating, or rather, its operation can be regulated independently of other elements of the system.

Choice of heating zones

When installing a warm floor, it does not make sense to heat the surface under furniture, a fireplace, a built-in wardrobe and other furnishings. After all, the owners will not go there.

Therefore, it is more logical and economical to install heating only in places of constant or frequent presence of people:

  • For the kitchen, this is almost the entire area, with the exception of the space under the furniture and household appliances.
  • For the bathroom - approaches to the bath and shower, and the rest - at will.
  • For residential premises, everything is very individual, but the area around chairs, beds and tables should be heated.

Choice of heating zones

Do not lay water floor heating close to walls and doorways.

And one more limitation. No need to try to warm up a wooden or parquet floor. Heating is not effective on them, and the parquet can also dry out.

Pipe laying

Having determined the heating zones, you can get to work. Consider it on the example of metal-plastic pipes. They are supplied in coils of 100 meters, which allows you to lay the pipe without unnecessary joining elements. For our purposes, we need pipes with an outer diameter of 16 mm.

First, heat-reflecting screens are laid on the rough screed, and pipes are directly on them. Pipe laying in each area is done in a zigzag with parallel lines or a spiral of parallel lines. It is desirable to reduce the entrances and exits of all sections to one point - it will be easier to subsequently connect them to a common system.

If the house has a basement and it is not heated, then before laying the heat-reflecting screens, it is necessary to lay a layer of heat-insulating material over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, regardless of the heating zone. After installing the pipes, you can proceed to finishing screed and floor covering. In this case, the thickness of the screed should not exceed 100 mm.

Such a scheme does not exclude the use of classic radiators. Wall or floor water heating radiators are connected to a separate circuit. This allows more efficient use of all heating complex depending on the conditions or wishes of the owners.

Wiring diagram solid fuel boiler heating

All individual highways start and end in the same place. It is here that it is worth equipping a certain control point. It can be located under the stairs, in the pantry or not far from the boiler itself.

The ends of the underfloor heating pipes assembled in one place are connected to a common system. For ease of adjustment and control, it will not be superfluous to immediately install a temperature and pressure meter, control valves, and, if necessary, a booster pump. Such an intermediate control panel is especially convenient in private houses with two or more floors.

Some Conclusions

When deciding on the choice of a heating system for a house or apartment, remember that water heating in the floor cannot be tied to central heating. In this case, only electric heating can be used.

Floor heating can be connected to any heating boiler that uses water as a heat carrier. Electric and solid fuel boilers are no exception.

Floor heating can be connected to any heating boiler

Heat if desired small plot apartments, for example, only a section of the floor in the bathroom, it is also better to install electric rather than water heating.

by the most efficient pipes copper is considered for heating in the floor - because of their good heat transfer. But the peculiarities of welding and the high cost of the metal itself do not allow their use everywhere. Metal-plastic and polyethylene pipes have proven themselves well for these purposes.

The most effective water floor heating will be where it lies ceramic tile, linoleum or carpet covering. Wooden, parquet, and laminate flooring have low thermal conductivity, so their heating is ineffective.

Heat production is always getting more expensive. In each part of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to heat the house during a special period. Every sensible resident wants to know: how to modernize the housing system. On the website, the site hosts a large number of residential heating systems that use completely different methods of generating heat. Each heating system can be installed individually or as a hybrid.

Water heated floors are a complete heating system, an alternative to the classic radiator heating system

Prices for installation of a warm water floor. as well as the price of individual services for the installation of a warm water floor you can find out in the Pricing Section. Order the installation of a warm water floor from the specialists of our company.

Our company will be able to help you in the design of such systems, and offer the most optimal options for cooperation in this area. We employ professionals who have great experience in the design and installation of such systems, and which can help you achieve the highest quality conditions in your home. We can find the most suitable for you best option operation of the heating system, and we will advise how to achieve minimal heating costs.

Our services

Performed by our company which depends primarily on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its technical characteristics, is a set of works that require a professional approach. First, the technical conditions for the performance of work are determined - the quality of the insulation is determined, work is carried out to prepare the base, waterproofing work is carried out. We can carry out all the work required for the heating device, or part of the work can be carried out by a construction company doing construction or repair.

To make it cheaper installation of a warm water floor price which may seem high, during construction work, you can pay attention to the screed and its waterproofing, and carry out these works by the builders. Firstly, this will save money, and secondly, the foundation will be prepared in advance, and when contacting our company, everything will be ready for work. There it remains only to carry out work on the installation of the heating system and put it into operation.

Most often, price for underfloor heating installation depends not only on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also on the type of pipelines chosen, the presence of difficult places, a large number of bends, and individual rooms where heating is required. The system itself can be connected both to the central heating system of the house, and to its own heating system. Which, in turn, can be electric or powered by a separate boiler or boiler.

The simplest option is to connect to the central heating system, and installation price of underfloor heating in this case, it will be lower due to the fact that it is not necessary to lay separate highways. But at the same time, the level and quality of temperature control will cause some discomfort, since it will not work to heat the system above the temperature of the radiators in the room. Unless you mount the control system and the radiator itself, which will require impressive costs. Therefore, it is better to use two different highways.

Consult us

But in any case, it is best to consult with the specialists of our company, who will be able to tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular heating system, and calculate the required number of elements with which you can achieve coziness and comfort. We know how to build optimal scheme heating of a dwelling, and we will be able to offer our customers a professional approach to solving the problem of heating a dwelling.

By visiting our office and deciding on the price of installation of warm water floors you will be able to conclude a turnkey contract, and all other concerns will fall on the shoulders of our employees. We will independently select and purchase the necessary components for the installation of the heating system, deliver them to the site, invite specialists who have experience and sufficient professional skills. We will also be able to purchase and install control equipment and adjust it.

Only our company employs specialists who have worked both in residential real estate and in commercial real estate, specialists who can handle the implementation of the most complex and ambitious plans. By contacting us, you will receive assistance in installation of a warm water floor, the price of which will be at an acceptable level, and we achieve this through the coordinated work of all departments of the company, optimization of costs and organization effective work every employee. And we know how to make cooperation with us fruitful and enjoyable in every way, for any customer.

How fast technology advances! Literally a century ago, people heated their homes with stoves, after which gas came to replace, and today we can even spend floor heating. About this innovative heating system and would like to talk in our article.

So far, only a few Russian citizens use it, but this is a matter of time. This type of heating is not only comfortable and convenient, but also useful and economical. However, first things first.

Types of floor heat generation

First of all, it must be said that underfloor heating is suitable for both apartments and private houses. It can be used as the main, auxiliary or backup type of space heating. Currently, there are two types of "warm floor" systems. Let's look at each separately.

water floor

After installing this heating system the floor covering (usually concrete) ceases to be a partition in which heat is lost, but becomes a large-scale heater. Now let's see how this happens.

Before installing a water heated floor, a heater is laid on the main floor surface. Then the material for fastening pipes is laid down (either special mats and fasteners, or ordinary reinforcing mesh with a cell of 10 × 10 cm). Flexible, durable pipes of small diameter are attached to the material with clamps, laid in loops throughout the floor (you can see how it looks in the photo).

Typically, floor heating pipes are made of polybutene or polyethylene. This is due to the fact that pipes made of these materials bend well, are resistant to high temperatures, they hardly take corrosion and they are durable. Polybutene products withstand water temperatures up to 90°C, and polyethylene products up to 60°C. Pipes and fittings are very firmly connected by diffuse welding.

At the next and final stage, the resulting structure is poured with a concrete screed, and after complete drying, a decorative flooring.

With this type of heating system, you can use any floor covering (laminate, linoleum, tiles, etc.).
Plus, the water floor does not overheat, which makes it possible to place any objects on it.

Thus, as a result, we got a large-scale heater: water (or other liquid heat carrier) will flow through the pipes and give off heat to concrete, which in turn becomes a heating plate and transfers heat to the room. True, the price for installing such a system is quite high - about 1,500 rubles per m². But it's worth it.

Separately, I would like to talk about the collector group of a warm water floor. It is a cabinet mounted in a pre-prepared niche in the wall. Why do you need a manifold cabinet? Inside it, pipes are joined, which are diverted from the central heating system and heating pipes under the floor.

In addition, it contains shut-off valves, in the form of control valves. After installing the cabinet, two pipes are brought into it (supply and return), connected to central system heating: hot water flows through the supply pipe, and the return pipe takes in all the cooled water and brings it back to the central heating system.

This type of system is electrical sections or mats that convert current into heat. Sections may vary in size and power.

Electric floor heating prevents heavy objects from standing on it.
If there is furniture on the “warm field”, then in this place the temperature will rise to a critical level, which will completely disable the heating system.
Fortunately, manufacturers almost always install special sensors that turn off the current supply when overheated.

Electric or infrared heating in the floor is much easier to install and you can do it yourself. But even here there are some nuances that we will try to consider. So, how is the installation of this type of heating?

Here is a short guide:

Benefits of underfloor heating systems

  • even distribution of heat from floor to ceiling;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature;
  • most of the heat is transferred by radiation, which is perceived by the human body more comfortably;
  • noticeable - in typical residential premises 20-30%, in rooms with high ceilings 50% and above;
  • the absence of bulky traditional heating units, which frees up space and allows you to use it to the maximum;
  • the absence of convective currents, which greatly reduces the amount of dust in the air.


Water or electric heating floors will be appreciated by those who love comfort in everything, as well as families with small children who love to play on the floor. By installing such a system, you no longer have to worry about the efficiency of heating your home! In addition, we suggest watching thematic video material, which will certainly become useful for you if you are interested in the "warm floor" system.

With the rise in the standard of living, the requirements for comfort in our apartments have increased. Even 10-15 years ago, an ordinary consumer did not think about which heating system to choose. A proven and fairly easy-to-use water heating system was taken as a basis. Giving preference to this type of heating, it only remained to decide on the type of system to be installed (namely, single-pipe or two-pipe system, upper or lower wiring, type of heating device - convector or radiator, etc.). Radiant, passive solar or floor heating systems were perceived as exotic.

Alexander KUKSA, Global 17 East

Rice. 1. Temperature distribution in a traditional heating system
Rice. 2. Temperature distribution in the room with underfloor heating

However, it would be a mistake to say that underfloor heating systems are radically new technologies for us. Back in the USSR in the 70s. there were terms for underfloor or baseboard heating. But attempts to introduce such systems, as a rule, remained only projects, embodied only in technical documentation and drawings. The main reason is the lack quality materials, with the help of which it was possible to carry out the plan.

So, for underfloor heating, it was proposed to use ordinary steel pipes, and for wall heating, ready-made heating panels were developed with coils already cast in concrete. Due to the low manufacturability of the installation of the system, neither the first nor the second was effective and did not give the expected results. After all, it is almost impossible to bend steel pipes without preheating, and bulky prefabricated panels were not always able to be integrated into living quarters. And the standard service life of these structures, as a rule, did not exceed 20 years, and the estimated service life of the building is approaching 100 years.

Idea of ​​use telephone cables how heating elements in electric underfloor heating led to increased values electromagnetic field indoors, and this adversely affected human health. Underfloor heating systems have again attracted attention with the appearance on the market of high-quality polyethylene and metal-plastic pipes for water heating, fittings and fittings for them, as well as special heating cables. In European countries, this system has long been widely used as a convenient and efficient technology.

Regulatory documents (ed. note), according to which in Russia it is possible to carry out the calculation and installation of underfloor heating systems:
1. SNiP 41-01-2003 - "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning". Adopted and put into effect on January 1, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 26, 2003 No. 115 to replace SNiP 2.04.05-91.
2. SNiP 41-02-2003 - "Heat networks". Adopted and put into effect on September 1, 2003 by a resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 24, 2003
No. 110 instead of SNiP 2.04.07-86.
3. SNiP 41-03-2003 - "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines". Adopted and put into effect on November 1, 2003 by a resolution
Gosstroy of Russia dated June 26, 2003 No. 114 instead of SNiP 2.04.14-88.
4. SP 41-102-98 - Code of Practice "Design and installation of pipelines for heating systems using metal-polymer pipes".

Advantages and disadvantages of underfloor heating systems

There are a lot of advantages of water floor heating systems over traditional ones:

  • Increased comfort. The floor becomes warm and it is pleasant to walk on it, because. heat transfer occurs from a large surface with a relatively low temperature.
  • Uniform heating of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and therefore uniform heating. A person feels equally comfortable near the window and in the middle of the room.
  • Optimal temperature distribution along the height of the room. The saying has long been known: "Keep your feet warm and your head cold."
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the approximate distribution of temperatures over the height of the room when using traditional heating and outdoor. The temperature distribution during underfloor heating (see Fig. 2) is felt by a person as the most favorable. It is also necessary to note the reduction of heat loss through the ceiling, because. temperature difference indoor air - outdoor air is significantly reduced, and we get comfortable heat only where needed, and do not heat environment through the roof. This makes it possible to effectively use the underfloor heating system for buildings with high ceilings - churches, exhibition halls, gyms, etc.
hygiene. There is no air circulation, drafts are reduced, and therefore there is no dust circulation, which is a big plus for people's well-being, especially if they suffer from respiratory diseases. A significant part of the heat from the floor is transferred in the form of radiant heat transfer. Radiation, unlike convection, immediately spreads heat to surrounding surfaces.
There is no artificial dehumidification of air near heating devices.
Aesthetics. Missing heating appliances, no need for them design decoration or choosing the right size. Economic benefit. By switching off the heating circuits in the floor or reducing the flow of water through them, it is possible to regulate the temperature in those areas or rooms where it is necessary. For heating, water with a temperature of 40-50 °C is used. This makes it possible to widely use secondary energy resources, as well as heat pump installations as a source of heat. The system of water underfloor heating, like any other technology, has its drawbacks:
  • The specific heat loss of the room should not be more than 100 W / m 2 of the floor. Otherwise, the room requires additional thermal insulation or the use of a combined system: radiators and underfloor heating.
  • Also, this type of heating cannot be used in multi-storey residential buildings with single pipe systems central heating. It is not uncommon for residents to arbitrarily install underfloor heating in bathrooms and toilet rooms. In this case, the heating circuit is connected to the inlet of the towel dryer. This leads to the fact that the floor temperature in these rooms often reaches 45 ° C and above. As a result, a person cannot physically step on such a floor without shoes, and all the advantages of this heating method are lost. In addition, the water, having passed through the heating circuit, is cooled, and the neighbors in the riser receive hot water at a temperature lower than necessary.
  • The need to fill the floor cement mortar, as well as additional insulation, leads to a rise in the floor level from 10 cm (on the second floor and above) to 13-15 cm on the first floor and in the case of a cold basement. This, in turn, leads to additional work on the installation of doors. Also, a large thickness of the fill leads to an increase in the load on the floor slabs and load-bearing structures.
  • The cost of installation and materials is higher compared to traditional heating.

Rice. 3. The design of the warm floor in cross section(1 - wall, 2 - plinth, 3 - damper plate, 4 - tire for laying pipes, 5 - metal-plastic or polyethylene pipe, 6 - floor covering, parquet, linoleum, tiles, etc., 7 - concrete screed, 8 - polyethylene film 80-100 microns, 9 - thermal insulation layer, 10 - sound insulation layer, 11 - floor slab)
Physics of the process of heat transfer from the floor surface

For every degree difference between the temperature of the floor and the air in the room, there is about 6.5 W / m 2 of specific heat transferred by convection, and about 5 W / m 2 of specific heat in the form of thermal radiation. Convection heat is distributed throughout the room by the movement of air currents. Thermal radiation is transmitted directly to surrounding objects, furniture and people in the room. The formula illustrating heat transfer during thermal radiation looks like this:

where t p - average floor surface temperature, °С; t to - air temperature in the room; °C.
The following formula illustrates heat transfer during convection:
a conv \u003d 4.1 (t p - t k) 0.25, W / (m 2 x °C
The total specific heat flux from 1 m 2 of the floor surface:
q \u003d 4.1 (a izl + a conv) (t p - t to ), W / (m 2

In total, the heat output per degree difference between the average floor surface temperature and the air temperature in the room is 11.5 W/m2. In well-insulated modern houses in the coldest season, the heating load is 50-60 W / m 2. In other words, to maintain a room temperature of 20 ° C with a heating load on the floor of 50-60 W / m 2, the temperature of the floor surface should be 4.5 and 5.5 ° C, respectively, higher than the air temperature in the room.

The device of the underfloor heating system
The underfloor heating system generally consists of several layers and is arranged according to the "layer cake" principle.

Installation of a warm floor

On the cleaned and dry surface of the floor slab 1 (hereinafter, see Fig. 3), sound insulation 10 and heat insulation 9 are laid (a concrete slab is considered dry when a relative humidity of 80% is reached). Irregularities in the floor must first be leveled cement screed. Laying a polyethylene film under the insulator plates is required if an unheated room is located below, a room with high humidity or outside air. It is possible to use one type of insulator, because thermal insulation also performs the function of sound insulation. In a typical case overall thickness insulation is 40 mm. As insulation, polystyrene boards with a density of at least 35 mg/m3 can be used, other insulating materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.028 W/(m-°C) to 0.05 W/(m-°C) are also suitable. For example, you can use foam boards, rigid and semi-rigid mineral boards Rockwool, Paroc - 0.04 W / (m - ° С), etc. The thickness of the insulating layer depends on the air temperature in the room below, and is taken at initial stage calculation. It can be from 20 mm, in the case of a heated room below with an air temperature of about 20 ° C - up to 80 mm, if there is cold outside air from below the plate. The damper tape 2 can be a foam tape or a polyethylene foam tape with a thickness of 5-10 mm. It is necessary to compensate thermal expansion concrete screed. After the screed has hardened and the floor finish has been laid, the protruding part of the tape can be cut off and the gap hidden with a plinth. At the same time, the plinth is attached to the wall, and not to the floor covering.

Rice. 4. Thermal insulation board Oventrop NP-35
Rice. 5. Laying with metal mesh
Rice. 6. Laying with metal mesh and wire

A polyethylene film is laid on top of the insulation, it should also cover the damper tape. Glue all the joints of the layers of the film with adhesive tape. The film acts as a waterproofing, preventing moisture from the poured concrete screed from impregnating the thermal insulation layer. Fastening pipes to the floor with the required pitch can be done in several ways. It is possible to use special prefabricated insulator plates with projections, such as Oventrop NP plates. -35 (see Fig. 4). These plates allow you to quickly lay the pipe with the required pitch.

Pipe laying using special plastic tires 4 is more appropriate. They have a number of recesses with a pitch of usually 50 mm, in which the pipe is firmly snapped into place. Typically, these tires require three to four per room (every 2-3 m along the bus). Such tires are fastened with double-sided tape to a plastic film; for reinforcement, you can also nail them with plastic staples (see Fig. 7) using a special tool. Pipes are also recommended to be fixed with these brackets every 1-1.5 m of length, and especially carefully at bends, because. it is at the bends that pipes can be lifted due to the stresses arising in the process of pipe bending. Quite often, pipes are laid on large-mesh metal mesh, with a typical cell size of 150 mm by 150 mm (see Fig. 5, 6). Then the pipes are tied to the grid with wire or nailed with plastic staples to the insulator plates. There is a grid laying on top of the heating pipes. The mesh acts as a heat conductor and allows for a more even distribution of heat from pipes to horizontal plane screeds. The grid can also be installed on top of mounted and fixed pipes in order to evenly distribute heat, but with a pipe spacing of 10-30 cm this is not very necessary.

On the supply pipelines (both supply and return), ring insulation is put on, made in the form of a sleeve. The supply pipelines are isolated in places where they are densely located, these are usually utility rooms and corridors. The length of the insulating sleeve should not exceed 6 m. The distance from the pipe to the walls is usually 10 cm, this applies to both outdoor and indoor interior walls. Concrete is poured after the pipes are installed, the installed system is filled with coolant and hydraulic tests are carried out. The thickness of the screed over the pipe must be at least 45-50 mm. Concrete grade - not lower than M-300 (B-22.5).

Rice. 7. Plastic pipe clamp

After installing the system, it is very important to make hydraulic equalization of the circuits. For hydraulic balancing of each circuit, valves are located on the return manifold. Each circuit has its own head loss. The circuit with the greatest pressure loss is selected for the main one, an open valve is left on it, the remaining circuits are equalized by the difference between the maximum pressure drop and the difference between the circuits themselves. For these purposes, there are special schedules that are provided by the manufacturer for each type of valve. The calculation of the positions of the control valves is carried out at the final design stage.

Pipe selection

The market offers a wide range of pipes, fittings and related materials for underfloor heating. The durability of the system and its reliability will primarily depend on the type of pipes chosen. Many companies offer only polyethylene pipes, claiming that only these pipes are ideal for installing underfloor heating. But it's not. Abroad, where such systems have already become widespread, metal-plastic pipes are mainly used. It has an aluminum oxygen-tight layer and is very easy to install. When bent, it does not return to starting position, as polyethylene, so fewer fixing brackets are needed at pipe bends. The aluminum layer reliably protects against oxygen diffusion inside the pipe, while increasing the heat-conducting capacity of the pipe wall. But during installation, it is necessary to observe the values ​​​​of the minimum bending radii, they are about five diameters.

These values ​​have different manufacturers can differ quite a lot. Therefore, if possible, you need to choose pipes with the smallest bending radius, and they are, accordingly, more expensive. Also, the closest attention should be paid to the aluminum layer. In no case should you use pipes in which this layer overlaps, when bending to a small radius, it will almost certainly diverge, and there will be little sense from such a pipe, and the probability of leakage at the bend is very high. It is very expensive to dismantle a concrete screed at the place of a leak, and it is not recommended to connect pipes in a screed. So, the choice of pipe type depends on the availability of high-quality metal-plastic pipes on the market. Otherwise, it's better to choose polyethylene pipe

The choice of pipe size depends on the thermal load on running meter pipes, coolant flow rate and is determined at the initial design stage. The most common pipes are 16/12 mm (inner diameter 12 mm). In rare cases, pipes of other sizes are used: 20/16 and 18/14mm.

Evaluation of the design object and initial data for design

Having received an application for designing a warm floor, you need to evaluate the design object itself. A visit and inspection of the site is desirable, but if there are ready-made floor plans and sections with dimensions made to an acceptable scale, this need is no longer necessary. Design should begin immediately after receiving the plans from the architect. It may be necessary to change the location of the shafts in the house, the material, the thickness of the insulation, the thickness bearing walls and floors, pre-determine the location of the technological holes for the risers. The initial data for design are:

  • building location (climatic data);
  • floor plans and sections made to scale;
  • list of materials used in construction;
  • material and thickness of all external fences, as well as internal ones, if they are located against unheated premises;
  • material and type of glazing. Two-chamber or single-chamber, filling with special gases, profile type, how the window opens;
  • desired room temperature; and floor covering material for each room;
  • thickness and type of insulation in the floor, minimum thickness concrete screed; and the location of the heating comb;
  • arrangement of furniture in the room (built-in wardrobes, etc.);
  • location, material and thickness of carpets.

The following questions should also be discussed with the customer:

  • Possibility of combined heating in case of large specific heat loss rooms (underfloor heating and radiators), in this case it is necessary to use mixing units to separate heating circuits with different temperatures of heat carriers;
  • bathroom heating in summer period(application electric heating during the warm period);
  • room temperature control (adjustment for each circuit/room or supply water temperature control at the manifold inlet, location of room temperature sensors).
General recommendations when designing underfloor heating

Supply water temperature. The supply temperature can be between 40 and 50 °C. If a heat pump installation is used as a heat source, it is advisable to take the temperature of the supply water to the underfloor heating circuit as 40 °C. In all other cases, any supply temperature within the above limits can be used.
Temperature drop. coolant in the circuit. The optimum temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the underfloor heating circuit is 10°C. That is temperature regime 40/30,45/35, 50/40. Unfortunately, this is often impossible to achieve, and therefore the recommended drop is in the range of 5 to 15 CC. It is not recommended to install less than 5 CC due to the greatly increasing coolant flow through the circuit, which leads to large pressure losses. It is not recommended to take more than 15 ° C due to a noticeable difference in the temperature of the floor surface, i.e. under the windows we can have a floor temperature of 27 °C, and at the end of the circuit it drops to 22 °C.
Outline length. The maximum length of one circuit should not exceed 120 m, optimal length contour - 100 m. If two or more contours are laid in the room, their length, if possible, must be designed the same. If the area of ​​​​the room is very small and the heat loss from it is small (toilet room, area in front of entrance doors), you can combine contours, i.e. heat it from the return pipe of the adjacent circuit.
Pipe pitch. The following distances between pipes are used: 10/15/20/25/30 cm. In exceptional cases, inter-pipe distances of 35/40/45 cm are used, for example, for heating halls, gyms.
Heat supply to the room. Heat influx can be from operating equipment, household appliances etc. Heat inflow into the room through the ceiling is taken into account if the room above has the same underfloor heating. The calculation of multi-storey buildings must be carried out from the top floor to the bottom. For example, losses through the floor in a room located on the second floor are a useful heat gain for a room located on the first floor. At the same time, the useful heat gain of the premises on the first floor is taken to be no more than 50% of the losses of the premises on the second.
Maximum floor surface temperature:

  • Office and residential premises - 29 °С.
  • corridors, auxiliary premises- 30 °C.
  • Bathrooms, swimming pools - 32 °C.
  • regional zones - 35 ° С.
  • Premises with limited stay of people ( industrial premises) - 37 °С.

Loss of pressure. The pressure loss in the underfloor heating circuit should not exceed 15 kPa, the best option is 12 kPa. If the circuit has a head loss of more than 15 kPa, it is necessary to reduce the coolant flow or divide the floor area in the room into several circuits.
Minimum coolant flow through the circuit. When designing underfloor heating, it must be remembered that the minimum coolant flow rate for each circuit can be set on the control valve at least 27-30 l / h. Otherwise, you need to merge the contours.
Calculation example
On fig. 8 shows a plan of a two-room apartment on the second floor, which, at the request of the customer, is heated by the "warm floor" system. Geographically, the apartment is located in Switzerland, the project was approved in December 2004. The temperature in the premises was chosen by the customer.

Initial data for calculation:
  • outdoor temperature - -10°C, indoor temperatures are shown in fig. eight;
  • coating materials - oak parquet (thickness 10 mm), carpet (7 mm), ceramic tiles (7 mm);
  • floor heating insulation: 1st layer - Isover PS 81, 0.032 W/(m-°C), thickness 17 mm; 2nd layer - Gopor T/SE , 0.038 W/(m-°C), thickness 15 mm;
  • concrete screed thickness 70 mm;
  • windows - double-glazed windows, single-glazed window heat transfer coefficient 1.1 W / (m 2 - ° C), profile 1.5 W / (m 2 - ° C).

material of external walls (listing from the internal layer):

  • drywall 10 mm; ceramic brick, width 175 mm, 0.44 W/(m-°C);
  • mineral wool, width 160 mm, 0.04W/(m-°C);
  • siding.

interior wall material:

Brick 0.44 W/(m-°C);
the wall opposite the staircase (heated, temperature 15°C) is insulated from the staircase side with mineral wool 30 mm thick.

Calculation of heat transfer coefficients of external fences. The calculation is made according to the standard formula:
where a nar is the heat transfer coefficient from the outside air, equal to 20 W / (m 2 - ° С); аВн - heat transfer coefficient from the side of internal air, equal to 8 W / (m 2 - ° С); 5 - material layer thickness, m; X - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material, W/(m-°C). The values ​​of the heat transfer coefficients are taken from the Swiss code SIA 384/2 (Schweizerischer Ingenieurund Architekten - Verband, Warmeleistungsbedarf von Gebauden). The following values ​​were obtained from the calculation (see Table 1).

Calculation of heat loss of premises. Calculation of heat losses in rooms is carried out according to the SIA 384/2 method, i.e. the heat loss of a room is the sum of the losses through all the fences of a given room. Heat losses due to infiltration of outside air through leaks are also calculated. We will not focus on these calculations, because any design engineer owns them to a sufficient extent. The calculation results are summarized in Table. 2.
Underfloor heating calculation. Consider an example of calculating room 03 (see Fig. 8). For better understanding we will make the calculation according to the method of manual calculation of the floor heating system from the company NAKA AG. The calculation is quite laborious, and this makes it practically inapplicable for the calculation a large number premises, for example, when designing the heating of apartment buildings. In addition, it does not have a sufficient degree of accuracy in determining the actual flow rate of the coolant through the circuit and temperatures return water and can be used for a preliminary assessment of the consumption of materials during the installation of an underfloor heating system.

Table 1. Estimated heat transfer coefficients

The author of the article uses the WinHT software product of the Swiss company AAA Software fur den Haustechniker, which specializes in programs for designers. This program allows you to make the whole range of thermal calculations.
Specific heat loss:

where Q h is the heat loss of the room, excluding losses through the floor, W; A - area suitable for laying pipes, m 2.
Thermal resistance coatings. Parquet, depending on the thickness and material, has a thermal resistance coefficient R \u003d 0.07-0.1 (m 2 x ° C) / W, carpet - about 0.14 (m 2 x ° C) / W, marble slabs - 0.01-0.02 (m 2 x ° C) / W.
coolant temperatures. The supply temperature of the heat carrier is 45 °C, the return temperature is 35 °C.
Average coolant temperature:

Area of ​​the edge zone. The so-called edge zones are laid under the windows. The pipe is laid in them with a small step, usually 10 cm, the depth of such a zone depends on the size of the window and the ratio of the window area to the area of ​​​​the entire wall.
Usually take from four to eight turns of pipe in the edge zone. Windows in room 03 occupy less than 25% of the total wall area, while the edge zone has four turns in 10 cm increments.
The depth of the zone is 50 cm.
A R \u003d 0.5x2.2 + 0.5x3.8 \u003d 3 m 2

Table 2. Heat loss of premises

Specific heat flux in the edge zone. According to the pipe pitch in the edge zone of 10 cm, temperature difference 20 °C, with a fixed value of thermal resistance of the coating 0.14 (m 2 - °C) / W, we obtain from the diagram in fig. 9:
qR \u003d 67 W / m 2

total heat, distinguished in the edge zone:

Q R \u003d 67 x3 \u003d 201 W.

Residual heat:

Q A \u003d Q h - Q D, W. Q D - Heat transfer to the interior. This could be heat coming from running equipment. This is also the heat coming from the room, which is located above and has underfloor heating. In this case Q D equals 50% of the heat loss in the upstairs room through the insulation down. In our case, to simplify the calculation, we will not take QD into account.
Q A \u003d 630-201-0 \u003d 429 W.

Thus, it remains to cover at least 430 watts in this room.
The area of ​​the inner zone. The area is equal to the difference between the total area of ​​the room and the area of ​​the edge zone.

A A \u003d 18.8-3 \u003d 15.8 m 2

Minimum required heat flux of the inner zone:

Let's use Fig. 9. The specific heat flux obtained as a result of the calculation
q A \u003d 27.2 W / m 2 more than the minimum possible. So, from the diagram it can be seen that at a temperature difference of 20 ° C, even with a pipe pitch of 40 cm, a heat flux of 36 W / m 2 is provided. The recommended maximum pipe pitch for residential premises is 30 cm, we accept it.< При этом эффективный удельный тепловой поток внутренней зоны составляет:
q A eff \u003d 43 W / m 2

Effective heat dissipation of the inner zone:
Q A eff \u003d 43 x15.8 \u003d 680 W.

Heat loss through insulation to the room below. On the ground floor is the same two-roomed flat. The air temperature of the lower room is 20 °C. Temperature difference between the coolant and the air temperature in the lower room:

Δt in.in \u003d t in.av - t to \u003d 40-20 \u003d 20 ° С.

Rice. 9. Specific heat flux, carpeted

According to the diagram in fig. 10 we find the losses through the insulation in the lower room. In the edge zone, with a pipe pitch of 10 cm:
q D

kr \u003d 19.7 W / m 2.
In the inner zone, with a pipe pitch of 30 cm.
q D
ext \u003d 11.5 W / m 2.

Correction for insulation thickness other than 20 mm:
40 mm - f = 0.64;
50 mm - f = 0.54.

Thermal resistance of heat output of two layers of insulation in room 03:

Equivalent insulation thickness with value λ:

equiv \u003d 0.04 R t.prov =40 mm.

Correction f = 0.64, total:
q D

kr 19.7 x 0.64=12.6 W/m2
q D
ext 11.5 x 0.64=7.4 W/m2

The heat loss through the floor insulation will be:
Q D = q D

cr A R + q D ext A A \u003d 12.6 + 7.4 x 15.8 \u003d 155 W.

Coolant flow rate per circuit:

The length of the supply pipes from the measurements according to the drawing is 22 m. Total pipe length:
L \u003d 83 + 22 \u003d 105 m.

Loss of pressure. From the diagram in fig. 11 according to the coolant flow rate m = 89.2 kg / h and the selected pipe 16/12 we find the specific head loss:
Δh =74Pa/m.
Total head loss:
ΔH = ΔhL =74 x 105=7770 Pa.

Each room is calculated in the same way. After the calculation, drawings are made. A table is provided for each room and is used when installing the system (see fig. 12)

The efficiency of an underfloor heating system primarily depends on the competence of the designer. The calculation of underfloor heating is a very time-consuming process, it also includes the calculation of heat losses in rooms. Without a proven calculation methodology or a specialized software product, it is almost impossible to correctly calculate the entire system. A system calculated "by eye" by craftsmen, and besides, not hydraulically equalized, will only be the subject of constant customer dissatisfaction and will not provide the required level of comfort. In itself, floor heating is a rather expensive system, because you need to purchase expensive and high-quality pipes, thermal insulation, fittings, combs, control equipment, circulation pumps.: Therefore, the price of a design error turns into a round sum. But it is almost impossible to correct shortcomings and miscalculations in the installed and flooded floor heating system, even in a single room. This is comparable to the setting new system plus the cost of dismantling the old one.

Now many individuals are engaged in the installation of underfloor heating. At the same time, as a rule, they use typical operating time, while each project has a lot of individual features that need to be taken into account at the initial design stage, and not try to adjust a typical system with a hammer, which for some reason does not want to work as it should. The installer performs his work according to the drawing and is only responsible for the quality of the installation, while the designer is responsible for whether the system will work correctly.

Specialists of the company "TRIA Complex engineering systems» perform design, installation, integration and maintenance of water "warm floors" (or underfloor heating) systems for country houses, cottages, apartments, offices and restaurants, which are located in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Our company has experience in creating water floor heating systems for facilities ranging from 240 to 2500 square meters. meters. On our website you can find an extensive list of developed objects.

It should be noted that our company approaches the creation of an underfloor heating system with great responsibility, because. we understand that a high-quality system of "warm floors" is one of the conditions for a comfortable climate in the house. It is the underfloor heating system that comes close to ideal indoor heating, because it allows you to maintain more high temperature at the feet than at head level. The surface of the "warm floor" is, in fact, low temperature radiator, which provides comfortable horizontal heat radiation and slow convector flow.

The underfloor heating system can be used as a primary or secondary heating system. We would like to note that in our climatic zone - we are talking about Moscow and the Moscow region - the floor heating system is used in combination with a radiator heating system. Only in southern areas with a warm climate can an underfloor heating system be used as the main heating system, as it allows you to compensate for all heat losses in cold weather.


In our projects of underfloor heating systems, we use solutions that allow us to fully use the capabilities of the underfloor heating system.

We want to note right away that without a project for "warm floor" systems, reliable floor heating cannot be created. No need to think that a foreman with installers will come to you and quickly and correctly lay “warm floors” for you. The underfloor heating system must be designed in strict accordance with the current norms and regulations. To understand the significance of our work, below we propose to consider the list of works that our specialists perform when designing a "warm floor".

Employees of our design department choose the design of the "warm floor", the laying scheme, the thickness of the floor screed, the diameter and type of pipes for underfloor heating.

In addition, the required coolant flow rates on the "warm floor" circuits are calculated. This calculation affects the temperature of the floor and the room. Next, a hydraulic calculation is made (calculation of pressure losses) and the selection of pumping equipment.

The choice of the design of the "warm floor"

The design of the "warm floor" can be "bulk". In this case, the "warm floor" pipes are poured with concrete. Ultimately, the concrete slab becomes a heat emitting element.

Another option is a "dry" underfloor heating design. In this design, the pipes of the "warm floor" system are laid in special metal plates. In this design, they are a heat-radiating element. Then the pipes in these plates are covered with plywood or drywall, and finishing material is placed on top.

Laying and wiring diagram

When designing water "warm floor" systems, we use pipe layouts that provide the most even distribution of heat over the floor surface.

In the design of this heating system, indents from the walls are taken into account, as well as indents from the planned furniture installation sites. Those. when designing underfloor heating systems, we try to take into account the projects of designers or customer plans in order to create the most efficient and reliable system floor heating.

In our projects, we use a collector-beam wiring scheme for “warm floors”. The location of the "warm floor" collectors is designed in such a way that the length of the pipes laid between the collectors and the underfloor heating zones is minimal. This will help balance the underfloor heating system and improve temperature control in individual rooms.

Floor screed thickness

Below is a diagram of the water "warm floor" in layers, which we use when laying floor heating using metal-plastic pipes. The thickness of such a "warm floor" can be from 70 to 110 mm. The diagram shows the thickness of each layer of the "warm floor".

The scheme of the water "warm floor" by layers

The thickness of the "warm floor" must be taken into account by builders, designers, architects, and the customer when designing premises in which it is planned to install an underfloor heating system.

Selection of pipes for underfloor heating

When designing "warm floor" systems, the diameter and material of the pipes for laying the "warm floor" are also selected. As materials for underfloor heating pipes, we use metal-plastic, polymer or copper pipes.

Examples of developed projects

In a typical combined heating project, you can see short description of the implemented project of the "warm floor" system of a private two-story residential building with an area of ​​300 sq. meters.


The installation of "warm floor" systems is carried out by the installation teams of our company. This ensures maximum compliance installation work design solutions, because there is no inconsistency in the work of various subcontractors.

Our installers clearly maintain the technology and the main stages of installation work when laying the "warm floor" system.

The "warm floor" system is built according to a collector scheme using metal-plastic, polymer and copper pipes and modern shut-off and control valves.

When installing the collectors of the floor heating system, our company uses balancing fittings equipped with indicators (rotameters) of the coolant. The use of such fittings allows you to more accurately balance the floor heating system, because. according to the indicator of the passing volume of the coolant, it is clear what condition each heating line of this system is in.

At the final stage of installation work, our specialists perform hydraulic balancing of the floor heating system, start-up, adjustment and regulation of the parameters of the heating system in accordance with the project documentation. In the collectors on the flow meters, the values ​​of the coolant flow rates are set in accordance with the design documentation.

Below are two examples of underfloor heating systems that our company has installed in country houses. In the first example, metal-plastic pipes were used for the installation of an underfloor heating system, and in the second, copper pipes. All collectors of the "warm floor" are equipped with rotameters for proper balancing of the heating system.

Installation of an underfloor heating system using metal-plastic pipes

Installation of a system of copper "warm floors"

The collectors of the underfloor heating system are equipped with flow meters and thermostatic valves, which allow room-by-room regulation of the coolant temperature.

An electric “warm floor” can also be used as an underfloor heating system. It is advisable to do an electric "warm floor" in the case when it is not possible to connect to the main heat supply system, for example, this situation is possible when creating an underfloor heating system in an apartment or office, as well as in small areas in houses and cottages.

An example of installing electric "warm floors" at one of our facilities

In country houses, cottages and other facilities that have an individual boiler room, our company recommends the creation of only systems of water "heat-insulated floors".


It is possible to connect an underfloor heating system to an integrated control system " smart home". To control the "warm floor" system, servo drives for controlling the heating circuit are installed in the collectors. The servo drives are controlled by a controller that analyzes the temperature sensors in the premises of the house or cottage, and by closing or opening the coolant supply to the heating circuit, raises or lowers the temperature of the "warm floor". This is how a simple version of climate control is organized by heating zones.

More complex options for integrating the heating system with other climate systems and control systems are also possible to provide more advanced climate control. For example, with the help of the AMX control system, it is possible to integrate a system of floor, radiator heating and cooling into one - unified climate system. Otherwise, when the heating and cooling systems work like two systems - each with its own climate control, they can run against each other at full power, like two racehorses at the finish line. That is, full-fledged climate control is unattainable in this case.

The experience of our integrators allows us to achieve the correct integration of underfloor heating with other climate systems. The AMX control system will monitor and control all climate control systems to maintain a comfortable indoor climate.

The temperature in the underfloor heating system can be controlled using user interfaces on touch control panels or, for example, on an iPad.

Service maintenance

Our service engineers provide maintenance services for the installed underfloor heating system.

On our website, you can also fill out a feedback form that allows you to make an application for
