We create a cozy and functional interior in a small family. We create a cozy and functional interior in a small family apartment studio 18 sq m layout

Many people dream of buying an apartment. But finances do not always allow you to purchase real estate that has a large area. However, this is no reason to despair, right approach and planning from such a room you can make a cozy nest. A fairly common option for a small living space is a studio apartment measuring 18 m 2, in which the owners want to combine a kitchen and a living room.

Before we start repair work for the design of a studio that combines a kitchen and a living room, you need to carefully consider all the details. A well-designed apartment plan is already half the success. Despite the small area, such a studio is a great way to accommodate two rooms that differ from each other in terms of functionality.

When designing a studio with such an area, you need to pay great attention to:

  1. Zoning of the premises. If in apartments of medium and large sizes this problem can be solved with the help of doors, then in a small studio this option is impossible. That is why it is important to think very carefully about how to divide this small room into zones.
  2. Finishing. Since the kitchen is a large number of vapors dispersing throughout the apartment, great attention should be paid finishing materials. They must be of high quality and easy to clean.
  3. Color design. This is the key to success in planning such an apartment. Not only the general mood of the room, but also its visual dimensions depend on the color scheme that the owner chooses for his studio.
  4. Planning. If you simply arrange the furniture, not guided by common sense about comfort and space, there is a risk of piling up the apartment. In such a studio, neither guests nor the owners themselves will be comfortable.
  5. Choice of furniture. It depends on what interior items will be in such an apartment, how much free space will remain in it.

With careful consideration of all these aspects, correct design studios with an area of ​​18 meters will not be difficult. The combined kitchen and living room will perfectly fit into such an apartment, and any person will be very comfortable in it.

Studio design with an area of ​​18 sq. m, combination of kitchen and living room

Combining the kitchen and living room in a small studio is a great solution. But in order for such an apartment to be decorated beautifully, comfortably, and at the same time be functional, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the room.

Much attention should be paid color design apartments. For a studio with an area of ​​18 squares, the use of light shades is recommended, as they visually make the room larger.

  1. by the most the right option is a compilation different colors for the kitchen and living area. The main thing is that the selected colors are combined with each other. Eg, dining place can be decorated in beige tones, and the walls in the hall can be done in bright colors.
  2. If you want to design your studio in Provence style, it is recommended to opt exclusively for light colors.
  3. In a high-tech or modern apartment, black and red walls are perfectly combined, as well as black and white. The whole design can also be complemented by bright interior items.
  4. The cooking area in the kitchen can also be tiled. It is not only beautiful, but also practical.
  5. An original solution for such a small studio is to place an image of landscapes, etc. on one wall. For example, a photo of Taganay will add zest and beauty to the apartment.

When choosing a material for walls, it is better to focus on washable wallpaper or moisture-resistant paint. This is very important and practical, since when combined with a kitchen in an apartment, there will be a high level of surface contamination.

The layout of the kitchen and living room in a studio of 18 square meters. m

As mentioned above, a competent layout is an integral part of creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a small studio that combines the kitchen and living room. Experts advise to present to the owner their daily activities in the apartment. The interior created in this way will facilitate free movement around the room.

Fortunately, there are currently many design solutions on the arrangement of furniture in small apartments:

  1. In the kitchen, it is recommended to purchase a powerful hood. This will eliminate odors coming from the cooking area. This item is necessary especially if the living room also serves as a bedroom.
  2. Many experts recommend using a linear layout, putting all the necessary furniture along the wall.
  3. Interior items should contribute to comfortable cleaning. Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase small apartment bulky furniture.
  4. The most modern and optimal solution for a small studio that combines a living room and a kitchen is multifunctional furniture. Items from this series are easily removed and transformed, while significantly saving space.
  5. For lighting, it is not recommended to choose massive options. Best place saver Spotlights embedded in the ceiling. For a studio with a small area, a small number of light sources will be enough.

Tips for zoning the kitchen and living room with a total area of ​​18 sq. m

Despite the small area, such a studio can easily accommodate both the kitchen and the living room. It is easy to fit in here kitchen set, and sleeping area and recreation area. In order for the apartment to look harmonious, it is necessary to visually divide it into zones.

The following projects will help to do this:

  1. by the most simple option is a combination of different colors. This will help visually distinguish the kitchen from the recreation area.
  2. Also, many designers recommend using a small partition. So that it does not look out of place, on the one hand, it is recommended to put a sofa to it, on the other - a kitchen set.
  3. Originally, you can separate the kitchen and living room by raising the first a few centimeters higher. Thus, if there is a step, zoning will be not only visual, but also physical.
  4. A modern solution for dividing a studio into zones is a bar counter. Such a piece of furniture will perfectly fit into the room, decorated in modern style.
  5. Visual separation can also be achieved by using different finishing materials.

Compact kitchen-living room 18 sq. m: design (video)

A studio apartment with a small area is not at all a problem for free movement and comfortable life. If you take into account all the subtleties of design and give free rein to your imagination, such a room can be decorated in a practical, stylish and comfortable way.

The living room is the most main room in any apartment. Here we meet guests, celebrate celebrations and just spend time with family.

Since this room is large quantity time, the living room should be very cozy, comfortable and functional.

Now there is a growing interest in the design of apartments, great importance has a personality in the rooms. The most common living room sizes today are 18 square meters. m.

What can be a living room of 18 square meters. m. photo shows best.

However, the interior in such a room must be approached competently, so just photos design projects not enough to bring an idea to life.

Popular interior design styles

As statistics show, a living room of 18 square meters is especially common. m in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. Most often, these are well-known Khrushchevs.

Among the residents of such apartments, it is especially popular to decorate the living room in a classic (traditional) style.

Developing the design of the living room 18 sq. m. in traditional style, Special attention give comfort, functionality of the room. As a rule, in the living room they spend family holiday, so a sofa and a TV are required in the room. The owners here exhibit a family rarity, crystal - everything should be in sight.

It is not an easy task to combine new trends in design and the functionality entrusted to this room. Traditional decoration just implies a combination of all of the above. Despite the fact that this style is a generalization of all eras, it never goes out of fashion and does not lose its appeal.

This design concept is characterized by a combination of details of the following epochal styles:

  • Rococo;
  • Classicism;
  • Italian Renaissance;
  • Baroque.

Of course, there is a modern interpretation of the classical style. The atmosphere also evokes family warmth: photographs of family members with memorable moments are posted, souvenirs and crafts are placed around the room.

There is a creative mess, which is combined with a clear and symmetrical arrangement of all objects. In such a living room you always want to spend time with family and friends.

Basic design rules

Before you start updating a room, you should decide on its purpose. Here, important factors are the number of family members, their age characteristics.

It is worth considering the number of items that need to be placed in the living room. The living room can act as a bedroom for one of the residents or is rarely used.

It is necessary to pay attention to all these nuances, because the needs of each of the family members matter.

optical zoom

A room with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m, not the most spacious. The layout of such apartments, as a rule, does not high ceilings. We have to visually increase the space with the help of colors, textiles, and competent furniture placement.

Ceilings and lighting

Equipping the interior of the living room 18 sq. m., special attention should be paid to the design of the ceilings. For the ceiling, choose a light color scheme, cold soft shades are also possible.

Such colors visually enlarge the space.

Lighting plays a very important role in interior design. Optically increase the space will help the use of several types of lighting. They can be sconces, floor lamps, desk lamp, ceiling lighting around the perimeter.

Particularly effective in this case there will be spotlights on multi-level ceilings. It is original, stylish and performs the main function - it visually enlarges the room, the ceilings seem higher.

Walls that expand space

As in the case of the ceiling, when choosing the color scheme of the walls for the living room, dark shades should be avoided. To visually expand the room, it is better to use pastel shades:

  • Shades of beige;
  • Sand;
  • The color of coffee with milk.

When using this color scheme, the room becomes cozier, more spacious, lighter.

Today, individuality is in the forefront when choosing a design, and just pastel colors of walls and ceilings may seem boring and mundane to someone. If you want to personalize small room, complement the room with contrasts.

It is enough to paint one of the walls in a darker shade that will be combined with the color scheme of the rest of the walls.

For example, with walls of color Ivory one wall more saturated will look perfect coffee color. This will create the effect of expanding the room we need, as well as give depth and personality.

Wall coverings (wallpaper, painting, primer) are best chosen with vertical stripes. This trick helps to increase the height of the walls.

Sex selection

Now designers are actively using zoning techniques in the interior, this gives functionality to the room, but at the same time, with an illiterate approach, it can make the room even smaller.

It is not advised to use partitions and screens in such a living room. It is better to place a small rug that will blend in with the rest of the decor in the room.

Tools that will help visually give an increase in area:

Not best solution there will be doors installed in a small living room, they will look rough. Better decorate the doorway beautiful curtains or arch;

For some, the option of expanding the doorway will be convenient. Just do not forget that this requires official permission;

Today, it is common to combine rooms in an apartment due to the demolition of walls. In this way, you can achieve an optimal increase in space;

It would be correct to visually enlarge the room due to transparent doors and large windows.

Furniture selection

Choose furniture that is simple and functional to create a feeling of lightness. It is preferable if it is transparent and also in light shades. The best choice there will be a closet. WITH big mirror the closet will expand the visual perception of the room.

You can play on the contrast of colors, the main thing in this case is not to overdo it and not overshadow the design.

Do not clutter up the space with small trinkets, if possible, remove them. If you still need to place a lot of accessories, give preference to niche shelves.

Well-chosen design of the living room 18 sq. m. is comfort and pleasant family evenings.

Photo design living room 18 sq. m.

We choose a design for a small studio apartment from 16 to 20 sq m, the studio plan is in the figure below. Receptions and ideas for a rectangular apartment.

Standard interior, can it be fixed?

light warm inexpensive interior studios 18 sq. m.

Photo studio apartment - view of the recreation area

The design idea of ​​using grassy green tones as accents in the interior is suitable for rooms from 30 sq.m.

Photo of a studio apartment in brown tones

Interior of a studio apartment in gray and beige tones

A project for a small studio apartment, where instead of pure white tones, gray and beige tones. Glossy stretch ceiling, metal table legs, light high chairs, a mirror on the wall and closet - all this makes the design light and the small room more spacious.

Beautiful inexpensive white kitchen-living room interior

The photo shows studio apartment projects for an area of ​​​​18-20 sq.m. The design is built on the contrast of the plank floor, kitchen apron under brickwork and white furniture and kitchenette cabinets.

Bright warm interior of a studio apartment

How to furnish a studio? The set of furniture is relatively standard, providing the necessary amenities for living. To the table small room it is difficult to place additional elements of the interior, however, even here small designer tricks are possible. For example, in the photo below, one wall is painted in a warm pastel color to match the floor, this color scheme support the wooden legs of high chairs and the tabletop.

Bright green kitchen and wallpaper with ornaments in the design of a small studio apartment

Separation of zones in a small apartment with color and texture

Zoning with color and texture in a small studio apartment

Zoning of a studio apartment with an area of ​​20 sq m

Zoning the kitchen from the living room with bright photo wallpapers

Separation of zones in a small apartment with bright photo wallpaper

Small 15 meter studio in bright blue colors

Photo of the interior of the studio 16 sq m in red

Photo of the interior of the studio apartment in blue tones

Studio apartment design 29 sq.m. remodeled in modern style

Small studio 29 sq.m. - most bright element design light metal shelving

Living room 18 sq.m. - a common option in Soviet-built houses. This is not the most spacious area, but it is quite enough to accommodate all the necessary pieces of furniture, and there will also be room for free movement. Today we will talk about how you can decorate a room of this type and show on real examples Variety of styles and color options.

Choosing an interior style

The choice of style is a key stage in the design of the living room. Firstly, to create an integral image in case other rooms are decorated in a certain style. Secondly, a properly chosen style can perform not only a decorative function, but also advantageously emphasize the advantages or smooth out the shortcomings of the room. Below are the options that are suitable for the design of a living room of 18 sq.m.

Living room 18 sq.m. in modern style

Modern style will fit perfectly into the living room with such an area. Although it is free from rules and norms, such a style implies the creation of a concise, functional interior, in which the decor does not play a “decorative” role, but follows quite practical goals: it creates a feeling of spaciousness, cleanliness and comfort.

The emphasis is on lines, shapes and planes, pure unobtrusive colors and comfortable furniture. Instead of decorative variety - order and attention to detail. Modern style continues to prove that small space able to contain everything necessary for life, if thoughtfully treat each element.

Living room 18 sq.m. in classic style

You should not assume that 18 "squares" is a small area, and you should try by all means to visually expand the space, avoiding any decor. For such a living room, a classic style is also suitable, it all depends on your preferences or requirements. If you want to create a cozy, luxurious interior with richly decorated wooden furniture and textile wallpaper with floral patterns - this is a completely feasible goal.

Pay attention to a more modern interpretation of the classic style and try to keep a balance in the interior composition so that the objects do not overload the room, and also leave free places. Traditionally, in the center of this type of living room there is a table, around which a sofa and armchairs are placed, and on the sides there is a bookcase, a fireplace or plants.

Focus on the details by inscribing paintings or mirrors in an elegant frame, tables with carved legs and a sofa with satin upholstery into the interior. Massive curtains will bring a sense of comfort, and a luxurious chandelier will be the perfect finishing touch to the design.

Living room 18 sq.m. loft style

Of course, the loft style loves large open spaces. But if your living room has high ceilings and it is possible to get rid of unnecessary partitions, small area won't be a hindrance. Besides, that's enough budget solution, due to the lack of need for wall decoration and the purchase of expensive furniture.

For walls, it is recommended to leave bare brickwork or concrete pavement with an interesting texture. white ceiling with wires and beams brought out to the outside, it will fill the room with light and freedom, and the wooden floor with a minimalist carpet will fill it with comfort.

It is important that the room has high windows, otherwise the lack of natural light will visually reduce the living room and make it gloomy. In the center, a large one will look great leather sofa with a glass coffee table, opposite which is a plasma screen.

Traditionally, in the arrangement of the loft they use "rough" furniture with metal frame and modern art objects. At the same time, you can purchase the necessary items at the flea market or auctions to create an authentic image.

Living room 18 sq.m. in the style of minimalism

Minimalism is not boring and empty spaces without decor. This is harmony, functionality, and also space, which is not so easy to achieve with other styles. Laconic aesthetics - perhaps the most best option for an 18-meter living room and those people who love freedom, cleanliness and a peaceful atmosphere.

Minimalism involves smooth, "mundane" lines, high ceilings and matte surfaces. When choosing color palette white and beige shades should be preferred, while dark ones are aimed at emphasizing accents.

The minimalist design uses predominantly natural materials: wood, smooth cement, glass, metal and mirrors. Despite the minimum design decisions, the emphasis here is not on quantity, but on quality. Therefore it is not the best a budget option repair, but very effective.

Living room 18 sq.m. in Provence style

Although Provence is considered "French country", it definitely cannot be called rustic. Rather, it is luxury that mimics simplicity. And yet, it is a very cozy and sunny style, which is impossible better fit for the design of a small living room of 18 sq.m.

Provence has no place dark colors. Preference is given to light shades and natural materials. A great option - white plastered walls with small, "careless" bumps, wooden furniture, patterned textiles and many plants.

Antique vintage furniture, natural fabrics and ceramic products will look appropriate here. At the same time, it is important to strike a balance between such authentic details and modern technology.

The color palette for the living room is 18 sq.m.

The next step in decorating the living room is to decide on the color scheme. It is better to start from the style if it is already selected. But even in this case, there are universal palettes of shades that will look good in small spaces.

Secondly, try to create accents with furniture and decor. If the room is made in light colors, then dark objects will “enliven” the interior without reducing its area.

Thirdly, pay attention to the location of the apartment. If the windows face south and the sun often “peeps” into your living room, it is better to choose a cold color scheme. And vice versa - to compensate for the lack of sun, decorate the living room in warm colors.

Finishing the 18-meter living room

Now consider the design of the living room 18 sq.m. in detail: what are the best colors and materials to use for finishing the floor, walls and ceiling? This is the basis of the interior, a kind of "frame", which is filled with characteristic elements.


Perhaps the best option that is suitable for the interior of a living room in any style is a laminate or linoleum that imitates natural wood. Light colors are a priority, but if you choose a dark floor, make sure that the walls are a few shades lighter.


When it comes to wall cladding, there are a lot of options. Of course, if this is a loft style, then masonry or concrete will look more than appropriate. To raise low ceilings, give preference to light plain walls or wallpaper with vertical stripes. The combination of monochrome walls with photo wallpaper will look quite bright and modern.


The ceiling in the living room is 18 sq.m. it should be lighter than the walls, otherwise it will "put pressure" on the inhabitants of the apartment and narrow the space. A white smooth ceiling will look best in any interior. But tension, cassette, rack and other options - will attract too much attention.

Decor and textiles

We figured out the decoration, now we will consider the options for “filling” the 18-meter living room. If your goal is to maximize the area, avoid unnecessary decor. Although the classics and Provence suggest a variety of details in the interior, such as vases, paintings or sculptures, if possible, try to limit their number and leave only bright objects. And vice versa, if the decoration of the living room is made in restrained colors, such unobtrusive elements as patterned pillows, chandeliers unusual shapes or art objects - able to diversify the look of the room.

Responsibly approach the choice of curtains, because they not only protect you from prying eyes, but can also become a transforming element. For a room with low ceilings, you can install a ceiling cornice, and extend the fabric itself to the floor - this will visually enlarge the walls.

Owners tall windows can afford French or italian curtains, especially in classic interior. And for the loft style, curtains may not be needed at all, or they may have a light plain texture without unnecessary decor.

How to arrange furniture correctly?

The arrangement of furniture depends on the shape of the room. Any designer will tell you that a square living room is the best option in terms of geometry. The center is occupied by furniture composition, and other items are located along the walls. But in typical Russian apartments more common rectangular interiors. This type requires special treatment and thoughtful planning.

Firstly, it is not recommended to arrange furniture along a long wall. Many Soviet apartments are decorated according to this principle: a sofa and armchairs on one side, and a TV and cabinets on the other. This will further emphasize the disproportion of the room and create an inharmonious image.

It is better to divide the space into visible zones: on one side workplace, and in the center - the main composition. You can zone along, across or locally - the area is quite enough for this.

Secondly, in a narrow living room of 18 sq.m. it is better to avoid direct symmetry - it will only emphasize rectangular geometry. For example, arrange the chairs diagonally or fit an L-shaped sofa into the interior.

Third, don't create "corridors" in the room. This effect occurs when large furniture is located far from each other, and there is too much free space between it. Try not to overload the space with objects.

Lighting in the living room 18 sq.m.

Many do not pay due attention to lighting and stop at the most typical option - a chandelier in the center and, perhaps, a lamp in the corner of the room. But the correct and complex arrangement of light sources can transform and visually diversify the space.

For example, in the living rooms 18 sq.m. with a low ceiling, it is better to abandon massive chandeliers and give preference to several common light sources located around the perimeter of the ceiling.

It is recommended to use different types illumination. For example, floor lamps or Wall lights. But keep in mind that placing the sconce in front of the TV is not recommended, as glare will be reflected on its screen.

IN modern design interiors often use decorative lighting, which does not play a practical role, but helps to diversify general form rooms. This solution can be used for paintings or shelves built into the wall.

Living room design 18 sq.m. - photo

We hope our advice will be useful to you. And to inspire you even more interesting solutions, we have made a selection of photos of the interiors of living rooms with an area of ​​18 sq.m. Enjoy watching!

Room of 18 sq. m is considered typical when it comes to apartment building. Designers offer many options for the interior of such a home: from classic to minimalism and high-tech. The use of unusual solutions will help to make the interior fashionable and interesting.

Room type

The criterion that determines the features of interior design is often the type of room. A room of 18 sq. m can be found in the "Khrushchev", since this footage is considered traditional for living rooms in old houses. studio apartment and ordinary room in a small apartment they have a similar square. All rooms are different, and they try to visually enlarge each of them and make it as functional and comfortable as possible.


A square or elongated room in the "Khrushchev" is most often a walk-through. She is the largest in apartments of this type.

The passage room in the "Khrushchev" is of two types:

  • living room with balcony (in multi-room apartments);
  • a room with a balcony and a door to the kitchen (in one-room "Khrushchevs").

The design of the walk-through room implies convenience and a minimum of details. As in the case of the living room, the interior of the room in the "odnushka" involves the combination of various kinds of spaces: recreation areas, workplaces, bedrooms. Partitions, podiums, niches can act as zoning elements. You can do without additional structures, dividing the space with color, light, various materials and fabrics.

In the interior of the room small size every square inch counts. So, to increase the space, a balcony is often used. It can be insulated and equipped as an office, dining room or bedroom.

In some cases, designers are advised to combine a balcony with a room by dismantling an adjacent wall, thereby making the area of ​​​​the room much larger. Such a solution allows to implement many interesting ideas.


A design feature of the studio apartment is that there is no partition separating the kitchen from other living quarters. In a studio of 18 sq. m on the available area, you need to organize a kitchen, and a bedroom, and a living room, and in most cases - also a place to work and study.

It is worth mentioning that this type of housing is chosen by young boys, bachelors under 40, young couples and families. Studio apartments are common in Europe, where they are chosen as a home by both wealthy aged men and young people.

In Russia, this type of apartments is only gaining popularity. The age of the residents largely determines the appearance of the interior of the studio apartment. The design involves the use of laconic furniture, a minimum of details, lightness of construction and simplicity of decorating the ceiling and floor.

To distinguish between the zones of the kitchen and living room, you can use a bar counter, wardrobe, corner sofa. Zoning space is quite possible with the help of different materials: for example, use tiles in the flooring in the kitchen, and laminate or linoleum in the living room. You can also separate spaces from each other with light and color.

It will not be difficult to organize a full-fledged sleeping place with a bed in a studio apartment. The recreation area is separated from the rest of the territory glass partitions, plasterboard or foam block structures, blind curtains.


An ordinary apartment in a Soviet-built building does not have a significant area. Often the most a large room it does not exceed 18 sq. meters. small room it does not impress with the height of the ceilings and its scale, however, it is still possible to make a worthy repair that visually increases its proportions.

To "pull out" the room, you can use wallpaper in vertical stripe, and to increase its width, choose a horizontal striped wallpaper. The ceiling for such a room is preferable glossy stretch.

The main thing is to use the rules of minimalism, while maintaining the smoothness of the lines and the uniformity of the decor. Even a small room ordinary apartment can be made a real work of art, and the interior will not look too pretentious.

How to visually enlarge?

This question is asked by all owners of rooms of 18 square meters. m. Expanding space and improving functionality is the main task of the designer.

The main methods of increasing space are:

  • the use of light colors in the interior;
  • "whitening" of the ceiling - intentional lightening of its middle with darker edges;
  • dismantling of doors, their replacement with spacious arches;
  • expansion of window spaces;
  • dismantling the wall adjacent to the balcony and expanding the room at the expense of the loggia area. It is worth noting that the project of such a repair requires the written approval of the BTI;
  • use of zoning in the interior.

Some of the methods should be considered in more detail. To create a visual effect of expanding the area, designers use bright hues. To make the room look more spacious, choose laminate and linoleum in light shades: golden or light walnut, oak, beech, maple, natural pine.

For walls it is better to choose wallpaper pastel shades such as champagne, beige, gray, milky, sand. You should beware of large ornaments, complex geometric patterns. You can choose wallpaper in a small flower. Be careful when decorating walls. abundance white color often turns cozy rooms to hospital rooms. It is better to opt for pastel colors.

When choosing furniture, you should avoid multi-layered draperies, gloomy colors and bulky designs.

The sofa, which often also serves as a bed, should be light, compact. An excellent option would be transformable furniture that can be hidden in a closet or a niche in the wall. Reception of space zoning is well suited for both rectangular and square rooms.

With the help of a partition, you can separate the recreation area, dining room, workplace from each other. Partitions are both deaf and transparent, made of plastic, glass. different kind drywall constructions can also be functional: inside they place shelves for small things and books, as well as full-fledged compartments for storing things. Partitions can be made in the form of a window or a forged metal lattice. A closet, a sofa, a wall will also serve as peculiar separators.

Main features of interior design small room an area of ​​18 m2 can be given in the form of the following theses:

  • minimalism in everything appearance furniture, decor, interior details;
  • the use of light shades;
  • spot lighting instead of a multi-tiered chandelier;
  • lack of multi-stage ceilings:
  • simple and laconic design, made mainly in light shades;
  • space zoning.

Beautiful examples

You should dwell on the popular design options for a small room.

Classic style

The living room in the "Khrushchev" can be equipped in classical style using the modern version. Help to achieve the desired effect textured wallpaper and fabrics on the windows. By tradition, in such a living room in the center is round table. The finishing touches will be wooden furniture, paintings, antiques. For decor, it is better to use soft pastel colors. You can visually expand the room with the help of mirrors framed in ornate wooden frames.

Classics are always in fashion, so this style will look homely and luxurious at the same time.


This style very popular among young people. It's perfect for a young guy. The direction of the loft implies the absence of any decoration, which means that repairs will be very inexpensive. You can leave brickwork or plastered walls. The design of the ceiling suggests the presence of wires brought out. Window openings need to be expanded, since the interior involves a large amount of light.


A room decorated in this direction will always look fashionable and fresh. It is the minimalist style that is the best suited for the interior. small apartments. When designing, it is necessary to focus on the severity of forms and conciseness of details.

The interior involves the use natural materials painting walls in pastel colors. The texture of the surfaces is chosen predominantly matte, without gloss.


This style will come in handy when decorating a bedroom or living room. The interior of the French village suggests the presence warm colors in the decor, an abundance of light. Wallpaper in a small flower or lightly plastered walls will create a light mood.
