Kitchen in Provence style: colors, materials, beauty in the details. Interior without mistakes: unusual ideas on how to arrange a kitchen in Provence style Decorating a kitchen in Provence style

Provence is a style French province, much like country music. The interior design is based on warm pastel shades, simplicity and elegance of lines, abundance of textiles and accessories.

Distinctive features of a Provence style kitchen:

  • Pastel shades as if faded by the sun
  • Practical furniture made from natural materials, often light and aged
  • Lightweight curtains with floral or colorful patterns
  • Ceiling with imitation wooden beams
  • Light floor
  • Built-in Appliances, hidden behind facades
  • An abundance of fresh flowers, ceramics and textiles
  • Decor of lace, ruffle and cutwork

Kitchen layout in Provence style:

  • Direct layout kitchen set
  • Furniture-free center of the room
  • No fancy mounted lighting
  • Zoning space in a studio apartment
  • Big windows

French country does not tolerate novelty; all decoration should have a certain touch of time.

  1. Walls and floor. Most often they are plastered and painted in pastel colors or covered with ceramic tiles. You can use natural stone and brick to decorate the walls. The apron is made of bright stylized tiles. Wooden floor, painted bright hues.
  2. Furniture. Always made from natural materials, often with forged elements, aged and painted. You can use both antique chests of drawers, tables and chairs, as well as patinated ones. There are open shelves on the walls for storing dishes and other small items. For the countertop, it is best to use natural stone or an artificial surface with a wood or natural tile pattern.
  3. Color design. Despite all the variety of colors, the colors should not be bright and saturated. Preference should be given to muted terracotta, olive, beige and milky shades. The traditional combination of colors in the interior is pale yellow and sky blue, which are the personification of sunny Provence. Dark colors not typical.
  4. Decor elements. Interior design involves the active use of living herbs and plants, as well as their images, in the decoration. This is especially true for lavender, rose and alfalfa. Abundance indoor plants and cut flowers, textile accessories, embroidered and colored, forged lamps and flowerpots. And definitely pottery. Provence is unthinkable without a variety of tablecloths, pillows, curtains, towels and napkins with lace or floral patterns, checkered patterns or flowers.
  5. Lighting. As close to natural as possible, not too bright, but sufficient. Chandeliers, as a rule, are hung both in the work area and above the dining table. The style and design of the lamps should harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen as a whole.

In Provence style you can design it as spacious kitchen in a private house, as well as a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, which, due to pastel colors, will seem lighter and more spacious.

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: Many of us would like to live in the southeast of France, but few can afford such global changes in their lives...

Sea breeze, meadows buried in delicate flowers, a cozy house on the seashore, wide open windows, flowing curtains, aromas of fresh baked goods...

Many of us would like to live in the southeast of France, but few can afford such global changes in their lives.

But each of us will be able to bring a piece of France to our home and decorate the interior of our living space in the Provence style. This is exactly what we will do in this article, let’s see what a kitchen in the Provence style looks like, what are its main features and how to decorate it with your own hands.

Provence cuisine: French chic and merging with nature

Historically, Provence is one of the most beautiful parts of France. And although the French are somewhat offended by the fact that too much attention is paid to Provence (other regions also have equally picturesque nature), it was in the southeast of France that the style of the same name was born several centuries ago, which is now widely used throughout the world .

We invite you to clearly define the boundaries of this style direction and identify the main criteria according to which you can correctly design the interior of a kitchen in the Provence style.

It is not for nothing that artists from all over the world still strive to get to the southeast of France in order to gain inspiration. Lavender meadows, olive groves, vineyards, sea expanses stretching into the distance fascinate with their beauty, relax, put you in a positive mood, and create certain conditions for the soul that wants to create.

Add to this local gastronomic traditions - aroma fried meat with basil and sage, the divine smell of baked fish with garlic and cherry tomatoes and you will understand how to design a kitchen in the Provence style.

At the forefront of everything here is comfort and home hospitality. He is the one who occupies the dominant position. Other epithets that help reveal the essence of style are simplicity, lightness, airiness and elegance.

Translated, the word "Provence" means "provinces". That's why this style inherent features rustic stylenatural materials, rough finish, a lot of natural light, the dominant role is given to textiles and man-made decorative elements.

Color spectrum indicated by calm, natural shades, such as nature itself. The interior reflects the endless sky, lavender meadows, olive groves, and sunflower fields. Merging with nature and the breath of serenity is felt in every fold of the curtain, in every crack old furniture, in every stitch of the embroidered tablecloth.

Now that we have been transported mentally to the south of France, felt the salty taste of the sea on our lips and felt the aroma of rosemary, we can move on and consider the Provence style in the kitchen interior in more detail. In the next section of the article, we will learn how to properly decorate a kitchen space with your own hands according to this style. In the meantime, we invite you to enjoy the ideas for creating a Provence kitchen.

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Kitchen interior in Provence style: decorating it correctly with your own hands

In order to properly organize the space, you need basic concepts of ergonomics, and in order to decorate the kitchen in accordance with a certain style, you need to know its characteristics. We invite you to decide on the main components of the Provence style.

1. Natural materials, gifted by Mother Nature herself. Wood, stone, metal, textiles - these are the materials from which furniture is made and surfaces are finished when creating a Provence kitchen design. Wooden furniture, stone countertop, forged candlesticks, curtains made of natural fabrics - this is exactly what a kitchen in the Provence style looks like.

2. Soft pastel shades. The color scheme, again, brings us back to nature. In this style, milk, sand, olive, lavender, yellow, turquoise(they have muted and slightly faded shades, as is often the case in sunny maritime regions). Dark gray or rich brown is often used for contrast.

In furniture, the color scheme is indicated by white, which can have a cream or yellowish tint. But furniture can also be blue, turquoise, pistachio color with some patina of time (tinted or with patina).

In any case, the entire interior should be designed in calm and warm shades, and even to place accents, bright but natural colors, for example, orange, burgundy, lilac, dirty red.

3. The walls are whitewashed, decorative plaster or textured wallpaper. The walls are usually decorated in monochrome, with plant motifs sometimes added in the form of paintings. In the work area, the apron can be made in the form of a multi-colored mosaic.

4. The floor is covered with stone or boards. From more modern flooring materials you can select laminate or tiles with an imitation of a wooden surface.

5. The ceiling is smooth white. To give the appropriate color, the ceiling is decorated wooden beams(V modern life they can be replaced polyurethane beams imitating a wooden surface).

6. Plenty of natural light minimizes the use of additional lighting. Through big windows a lot of light comes in, and a huge chandelier illuminates the entire kitchen, so various under-cabinet lights, LED beams and other newfangled “things” are not used here. Maximum – a few additional wall lamps in the dining area. Modern Spotlights are also used in the design of kitchens in the Provence style, where would we be without them. But still, initially, dominance was given to just one or two chandeliers.

7. Details play a huge role in the interior.– cute trinkets placed on open shelves, wicker baskets, vases, figurines, pottery. Walls can be decorated big clock, painting or panel.

8. A kitchen in Provence style is very easy to decorate with your own hands.– for this you need to be able to sew and embroider, have basic decorating skills (drawing, decoupage, craquelure).

9. Classic cuisine in the Provence style - this is a kitchen island. But even if the area of ​​your kitchen does not allow you to carry out work area to the center of the room, try at least dinner table place it in the middle of the room (but do not place it close to the wall).

Also interesting:

We hope that the characteristics described above will help you design a unique room that is not devoid of coziness, warmth and comfort. After all, Provence cuisine is what it is: beautiful, cozy, unique and peaceful in its own way. published

A kitchen in the Provence style is good because it is available for any budget, suitable for both small and large people. large room, as for country house, and a city apartment. And it will never go out of fashion, because the basis Provencal interior the classic style is laid down, only more comfortable and relaxed.

Here are some of its characteristic features:

  • Natural color scheme;
  • Traditional and natural materials in decoration;
  • Noble wear and tear of the interior;
  • Usage classic furniture made of wood, as well as wicker or forged furniture;
  • Soft and diffuse lighting;
  • An abundance of textiles made of linen and cotton;
  • Decor in vintage style;
  • The use of “rustic” and traditional “Provencal” prints: cockerels, sunflowers and lavender.

In this material we will tell you how to create a kitchen interior in the Provence style from scratch: create color scheme, choose finishing, furniture, lamps and decor. And here you will find 55 inspiring photos of kitchens in city apartments and country houses.

Color spectrum

The interior in the Provence style, like the southern coast of France, is rich in colors. True, not bright and flashy, but natural. Here are some of the most characteristic colors:

  • Terracotta (terracotta tiles - traditional finishing material in Provence);
  • Ocher (it has been mined in France since ancient times);
  • Blue and blue (the colors of the sea, sky and woad, which grows in France);
  • Shades of lavender: lilac, purple;
  • Yellow (the color of the sun, sunflowers and straw);
  • White color Ivory, creamy (these are the colors of white clay, stones, sand, wood bleached from the sun);
  • Green, pistachio and olive(shades of green often decorate homes in Provence; for example, window shutters and doors are often painted pistachio).

If you want to create the most authentic interior in a kitchen in a country house, then you can use these colors in large quantities. However, in a kitchen in a city apartment, Provence colors are appropriate in lighter proportions.

  • A small Provence style kitchen must be light. It is better to paint the walls, ceiling and large furniture white (this will increase the space and compensate for the lack of natural light); the floor should be decorated in beige, brown or terracotta shade. But in decor and accents it is better to use lavender, olive, ocher and other Provençal paints.

To create a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye, you need to combine warm shades with cool ones. Well, in what colors it is necessary to decorate the basis of the interior - warm or cold - depends on the orientation of the room to the cardinal points:

  • If the kitchen faces south or southwest, and its most the day is flooded sunlight, this means that the interior should be filled with predominantly cold shades (blue, light blue) or neutral (green, light gray).

Small kitchen in Provence style in blue colors

  • If the kitchen is dark and lacks natural light, which is most often the case in our northern country, then the interior should be filled primarily with warm and light colors. Moreover, they are characteristic of the Provence style like no other. Ocher, terracotta, white, beige, lilac, pink and yellow (in small quantities) are the shades that will replace the Provençal sun in your kitchen.

Finish: floor, walls, ceiling

A real kitchen in the French province looks shabby and unimpressive - there are uneven plaster on the walls, rough terracotta tiles on the floor, and cracked whitewash and wooden beams on the ceiling.

Kitchen design in Provence style country house

While it is still possible to recreate such a finish in a kitchen in a country house in Russia, in a city apartment it is more difficult. And the look of “antique charm” here will either be inappropriate or too artificial. What to do? The main thing is to use traditional and natural materials.


  • Ideally, the walls should simply be plastered or painted with matte/semi-matte paint. It's authentic and practical at the same time.
  • Wallpaper should have a classic design: floral prints, monograms, blue and white themes/patterns, stripes or Vichy checks. Examples of wallpaper in the Provence style in the kitchen interior are presented in the following selection of photos.

  • Brickwork can fit organically into the interior, provided that it is real. However, artificial aging of bricks and their painting are completely acceptable and encouraged. Another important adviceif the kitchen is small, it is better to cover only one wall or some fragment of it with brickwork, otherwise the space will visually become smaller.

Kitchen design project in Provence style using brickwork

Brick will also look great in a kitchen backsplash.

  • Speaking of the apron. The most practical, affordable and authentically Provençal option for finishing it is ceramic tile. Any “rustic” design options are suitable: imitation terracotta, tiles with floral/plant patterns, tiles, square tiles and in "hog" format. Below are different examples apron cladding for a kitchen in Provence style.


The best finishing for the ceiling is ordinary whitewashing and painting. If over time or as a result of flooding the ceiling begins to crack, it doesn’t matter, because it is in a Provence-style kitchen that this defect turns into an advantage.

  • Well, if the ceiling is not too low, then you can decorate it ceiling beams. The main thing is that they are made of natural wood.

The ceiling of this “Provençal” kitchen in a city apartment is decorated with white lining and wooden beams


For flooring ideal solution There will be wood or ceramic floor tiles. In the kitchen in the Provence style are unacceptable glossy surfaces, so the tiles should ideally be matte and somewhat rough, and the laminate should have a dilapidated effect. And here are photo examples wooden coverings And floor tiles in the kitchen in this style.


Dining room and kitchen furniture in the Provence style it is certainly wooden, rattan wicker or forged, classic style, preferably aged or deliberately rough.

  • The facades must have panels, possibly with glass inserts and even... metal mesh as in the photo below.

By the way, all Ikea kitchens with paneled facades fit perfectly into Provençal interiors.

  • Characteristic features of the Provence style are open cabinets and shelves. Please note that they and all their contents require frequent wet cleaning, but visually lighten the interior.

  • The dining table can be massive or, on the contrary, very light. Chairs, stools and half-chairs can be wooden, rattan (wicker), metal (including forged), made of bent plywood, possibly with soft upholstery. And the chairs can be of different colors. In the following selection of photos you can find interesting ideas dining room furniture for the Provence kitchen.

Kitchen appliances and plumbing fixtures

Of course, Provencal design is best emphasized by appliances and plumbing in the appropriate style:

  • Instead of a chrome faucet, it is better to choose a copper or bronze faucet with an old-fashioned two-handle device (see material: Choosing a kitchen faucet);
  • The ideal sink is made of white ceramics;
  • It is advisable to choose “antique” household appliances. Fortunately, today you can find retro models from almost every manufacturing company.


There should be plenty of natural light during the day, so make sure that furniture and window curtains do not block it from entering the room.

  • Artificial lighting in a Provencal kitchen should be uniform and soft. To achieve this, instead of one powerful chandelier, use many small devices (can be in addition to the main chandelier). For example, these could be spotlights, wall sconces or just placed around the room desk lamp and floor lamps.
It is the details that create comfort, so every little detail should be chosen with an eye on the interior.
  • A kitchen design in the Provence style is unimaginable without an abundance of various textiles: tablecloths made of linen or coarse cotton, light white curtains or curtains with a classic print, pillows, chair covers, towels and napkins. Traditional motifs for textiles are floral or plant prints, Vichy checks and rare stripes. Ideal views curtains: classic, Roman, cafe curtains.

By the way, curtains can be placed not only on windows: free-moving curtains can be hung on bottom part headset (see photo) or island table.

  • The most ordinary dishes are suitable - made of ceramics, porcelain, wood, cast iron, aluminum (with or without enamel).

  • Perfectly complement the interior wicker baskets, aluminum buckets and wooden boxes, in which you can store household items or fruits and vegetables.
  • “Antique” ones will look great in a Provençal kitchen. Wall Clock. They are usually round, with a Roman dial, possibly with inscriptions in French or traditional Provençal designs (lavender, roosters, etc.).

Many people think that creating cozy corner for complete relaxation in your “stone” apartments is impossible. This is a complete deception, because the Provence style was created precisely for this.

Thanks to its simplicity and unobtrusiveness, Provence can for a long time to please its owners without the desire to change it to any other style.

Provence has 4 characteristic features:

  • using a warm, light color palette;
  • natural finishing and furniture materials;
  • the effect of “aged” furniture;
  • focusing on pleasant decorative details.

Principles of finishing a Provence kitchen space

Wall surfaces in a Provence style kitchen can be finished with the most different materials: wallpaper, paints, plaster, decor panels, etc.

However, in this style direction, wallpaper is rarely used; painting and plaster are considered traditional finishing.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you should consider the size of the room and ceiling height. So, a horizontal strip will expand the room visually, and a vertical strip will increase the height of the ceilings.

For a small kitchen in Provence style, you can choose wallpaper with unobtrusive small ornaments, for spacious premises Large drawings are acceptable.

Looks very organic brickwork, but it is better to use it over large areas.

The ceiling panel in the interior of a kitchen in the Provence style is traditionally decorated with wooden beams, which serve only a decorative function. It is also possible to design a multi-level design, but stretch fabrics strictly prohibited.

The floor for Provence style is made using rough materials in the form of ceramic tiles, parquet or laminate boards that imitate natural wood. For more budget option Linoleum with a dim print is suitable.

Provence furniture always has the appearance of “aged” objects. Moreover, it is not necessary to use antique items, you can only decorate new ones. All furniture is made from natural materials. Materials: wood, ceramics, stone, etc.

The lighting in Provence style kitchens is always abundant, making the room seem spacious. You don’t need to limit yourself to natural light; it’s better to complement the space with a chandelier. It can be complemented with forged, wooden or ceramic elements, and a textile lampshade.

Decorative details are very important for kitchen design in Provence style. Baskets and pots with flowers, shells from the depths of the sea, paintings with a Provencal theme - all this will complement the interior.

Particular attention is paid to curtains and tablecloths. It is preferable to choose light curtains, without complex lambrequins, ruffles or decorations. Let's allow a discreet pattern in the form of a floral print, checkered patterns or stripes.

The table is always covered with a tablecloth, which should be made in a single ensemble and color with the curtains.

Color palette for Provence

Shades of snow-white are quite often used in Provence-style kitchens as a base. These can be tones of beige, ivory, etc.

Shades of green are considered natural and harmonious. For Provence, you can use olive, pistachio, and herbal tones. This color harmonizes well with other colors.

The yellow palette will be an excellent option for small kitchen spaces. These shades can be used to decorate furniture and walls.

Heavenly shades are suitable for romantic and dreamy natures.

Lavender tones are considered one hundred percent Provencal, and if you add color palette with a real bouquet of these flowers, the kitchen interior will be able to transfer to the real atmosphere of the south of France.

The dark palette is not typical for provasn, but can be used in some details and in large rooms. It is better to choose natural shades in the form of chocolate, moss and ebony.

Provence for a small kitchen

Photo successful interiors kitchens in the Provence style prove to us that this style is more suitable for decoration than any other small rooms. To do this, you should choose light colors that contribute to visual expansion space.

You can decorate the walls with paintings with thematic images of lavender fields and the sea.

There is no need to clutter the room with furniture items; they should strictly perform only their direct duties.

Wallpaper and textiles should be selected with small floral prints.

Photo of kitchen design in Provence style

Small kitchens have an area of ​​less than 10 square meters. m., so it’s difficult to turn around in them. And if you want to create a pleasant interior, then be sure to think about Provence.

This style looks great in a small kitchen, because it is dominated by light shades and a large number of light, so it seems that the room is very spacious.

Style features

  1. Light shades and naturalness.
  2. Display dishes and accessories using open cabinets.
  3. Many additional design elements (bouquets, ceramic figurines, photographs, cookware, themed hours and others).
  4. Wooden or tile floor.
  5. Lots of textiles and light.
  6. Antique or distressed furniture.

Buy an apartment in Khrushchev and create in it functional kitchen- really.

Choosing shades for decoration

This style is filled rustic simplicity and incredible tenderness, so to create a small kitchen in the Provence style, you should choose all shades of white, lilac, pink, olive, and blue. Bright accent can be done using beautiful natural textiles (linen tablecloths and napkins, light curtains and other elements).

If snow-white or cream walls seem boring to you, then be sure to create an accent on one of them using wallpaper with a colorful floral pattern, ornament, or tiles with a beautiful thematic pattern. The shades should be in harmony with each other, complementing the main color.

Materials you can use

For this style it is necessary to use mainly natural materials, namely:

  • textile;
  • paper wallpaper, ceramic tiles, plaster for finishing;
  • furniture made from wood, natural stone, glass;
  • floor made from wooden boards or tiles;
  • wooden doors and window frames, painted with white paint.

Light roughness should prevail in all elements of furnishings and decoration: untreated wood, aged furniture, decorative plaster on the walls, retro textiles, ceiling beams.

The main highlight of the design is the many accessories placed in the room in a random order. Of course, in a small kitchen there is no room for bulky figurines or floor vases, but you can replace them with ceramic figurines, small bouquets of dried lavender, bright curtains in wall cabinets or napkins.


Can be ordered designer furniture from a famous Italian manufacturer, which is made from solid wood. But if your budget is limited, then opt for furniture made in the CIS countries - ZOV, Geos Ideal, Maria. Such furniture is stylized to match the design in question; it can be made to suit the parameters of your small kitchen.

It is advisable to use at least 1 open wall cabinet in which you can display dishes, ceramic figurines or family photos. If you do not find such a cabinet, then a model with glass doors can replace it.

The interior should be complemented with elegant chair cushions, curtains decorated with ruffles, and a flirty tablecloth with a pattern of small flowers. It is the little things that make up this style, because it is dominated by brass handles, elegant ceiling lamps, various shelves, chests of drawers, kitchenware, thematic paintings...

For example, an old basket that you are going to send to the farthest drawer can be used in this style. Place a bouquet of lavender in it, tied with a ribbon, and then place this beautiful arrangement on the dining table.

All furniture and appliances are white, chairs are transparent. Purple wall with a picture of Paris.
