Classic mistakes in arranging furniture in the living room. Typical mistakes in arranging furniture in a small apartment Does not interfere with the rational arrangement of furniture

Architects are working on the design of our apartments, numerous factories release new collections of furniture and accessories every month, and designers offer new decor ideas. However, truly beautiful and comfortable interiors around us, unfortunately, does not become much more. This happens because people who do home repairs and redevelopment on their own continue to make the same typical design mistakes that we would like to warn you about in this article. What must be taken into account when it comes to the repair and redevelopment of the apartment?


Don't Forget Functional Areas

A well-thought-out and competent layout of even a small apartment truly works wonders, turning standard “Khrushchevs”, if not into a palace, then into quite stylish European apartments. Of course, before light hand destroy walls, it is worth consulting with a professional designer and remembering the existence of SNiPs, but if you do without such radical changes, you can do it on your own.

If you make a layout of the room and furniture on a scale, you can experiment with the arrangement of furniture without the help of design programs.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the type of layout, of which there are only three.

  • traditional layout assumes that all rooms are absolutely isolated. Most large room usually given as a living room, and the dining room, a private bedroom area, a bathroom and a dressing room are located away from the entrance. This layout is well suited for spacious dwellings and big family where each of its members gets the opportunity to be alone
  • free layout came into vogue a little later, a classic example of it: spacious lofts and tiny studio apartments. A single space gives the feeling of a larger area, which is especially valuable if the dwelling is small in size. Functional areas are not separated by walls, but visual techniques and furniture. This layout is well suited for creative people, lovers of hosting numerous guests and young families without children
  • combined layout represents a functional compromise of the first two options: part of the premises are combined into a single space (usually a kitchen-living room, possibly also with a small working area), and part (bedroom, children's room) remains isolated. This layout is suitable for medium-sized apartments and families of different composition, but may require redevelopment and demolition of existing partitions

Combination of kitchen, dining room and library in one space, L’Ottocento

In addition to the type of layout, you will also need to determine the functional areas in each of the rooms and at least approximately imagine the ways in which all family members move between them so that all the necessary things are at hand and the furniture “does not get in the way”. You can zone the room with the help of light partitions and screens, furniture, carpets, a multi-level ceiling or wallpaper. The main thing to remember is that while maintaining color and style unity, the area of ​​work, rest and eating should be visually separated from each other.

Do not place furniture close to the walls

Another simple one, however, effective method to make the interior lighter and more modern - do not move the furniture close to the walls, leaving at least a small gap between them. In addition, it should be remembered that arranging furniture exclusively around the perimeter of the room is not always the most good option layouts. A sofa, for example, can be placed at least in the center of the room, if it is combined with the functional areas you have chosen and does not interfere with movement.


Advice: if dance parties in your house are infrequent, then you can safely arrange furniture in the center of the room to make the most of the free space and make the interior more modern.

Do not forget about the preferences of all family members

Professional designers, starting work on a new project, first of all, try to analyze the tastes and lifestyle of all family members. No matter how beautiful and stylish the interior project looks, if it does not fit the lifestyle of its inhabitants, after a couple of months there will be no trace of it. Therefore, if you are not too careful or like to collect travel souvenirs, a strict one is unlikely to suit you, and for people prone to allergies, on the contrary, a style that involves an abundance of various fabrics and draperies is not suitable.

What must be taken into account when planning the interior?

  • number of family members, their age and character
  • presence of pets
  • health indications, for example, predisposition to allergies, etc.
  • which family member needs a separate workplace at home?
  • how often are there guests at home, and should there be room for large gatherings?
  • Do family members have hobbies, sports, or a favorite collection of anything?
  • What time of day do you usually go home and how do you prefer to spend your free evenings?

An example of space zoning using bookcases, Cattelan Italia

There can be a lot of such questions, however, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of all family members so that later there are no conflicts because of the workplace, the fact that there is nowhere to put your favorite collection of vases or put an exercise bike. You create a house, first of all, for yourself.

Choose paint according to lighting

No matter how beautiful the shade of paint you choose looks in the catalog or on the paint in the store, it is not a fact that it will look exactly like this on the wall in your living room.

When choosing paint, consider:

  • paint looks different on surfaces of different volumes and may appear darker or lighter
  • depending on natural or artificial lighting, the shade can change significantly
  • bright, blinding light makes objects more yellow
  • at poor lighting colors are less distinguishable, and blue shades become almost indistinguishable from white
  • the warm light of conventional lamps gives all shades more warmth, that is, red will look even brighter, yellow and orange will seem lighter, and cold shades, on the contrary, will become darker

Thus, you should pay attention to which side of the world the windows in the room face, what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface you have to paint, as well as the color of the lamps, which can vary significantly.

Advice: if in a room, such as a living room, you will spend mainly evening hours, there is no point in worrying too much about the increase sunlight in such a room. You may well decorate it in dark colors if they seem cozy to you, since all the light will still be of artificial origin.

Do not neglect the selection of lamps

It is the light that creates the mood and style of the interior, so you should not postpone the choice of lamps to the last moment or thoughtlessly hang a lonely chandelier in the center of the ceiling, believing that the choice of lighting is over.

Do not forget about sconces, floor lamps and table lamps, which can give a directional light for work and reading or a soft, diffused light for relaxing, Dolfi

memo: in any room there should be several alternative fixtures that create different light scenarios.

Before choosing fixtures, think about how and what exactly you are going to light. Standard Solution- to place the chandelier exactly in the geometric center of the room is not always the best option. If directly under the chandelier there is none of functional areas, it is better to shift it or even give preference to built-in lighting around the entire perimeter of the room.

The location of the chandelier in the dining area, TM Italia Cucine

memo: in the kitchen and dining room, the chandelier is usually located above the dining table, in the living room above soft group and a recreation area and is, rather, decorative ornament interior. In the bedroom, a spotlight overhead is not a mandatory item, but a decorative item.

Pay attention to the shape and size of the carpet

There are no unimportant details in the interior, this also applies to the size of the carpet in the room. AT ideal, the group of objects under which it is to be placed, for example, a dining table with chairs, must fit freely on it, at least the front legs of the chairs.


memo A: Carpets should be securely fixed in place and not slide on the floor. For reliable fixation of the web, today there are many options for substrates, adhesive tape, etc.

Don't Forget About Textiles

It is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of money on curtains, but you should not neglect the choice of textiles for the interior, because it is with its help that you can easily change the interior, bring it into color accents or interesting ornaments. , and if we talk about classic curtains, then when choosing them, you should adhere to simple rule: their width should be 2.5-3 times the width of the window, which allows you to create soft folds and beautifully drape the fabric.

roller blinds or vertical blinds- great option for small, modern interiors, Zimmer + Rohde

Advice: sofa cushions perfectly refresh the interior, but it is better to give preference to several large and beautiful pillows suitable for curtains than just throwing a lot of assorted pillows on the sofa.

Zimmer + Rohde

Don't underestimate accessories

It is accessories that are the highlight of the interior, giving it individuality and making the most dull room sparkle with new colors. However, paintings, vases, figurines, just like sofa cushions should not be many. A few large, eye-catching objects or accent wall so that the interior acquires character, but does not drown in trinkets.

memo: forget about artificial flowers. No imitation can compare with real flowers, no matter in the form of bouquets or indoor plants, and the plastic in the interior looks vulgar.

Don't be afraid to combine

Choosing a harmonious color scheme and sticking to the chosen style is, of course, important, especially if you are not sure of your taste and experience, but furnishing an apartment like a picture from a furniture catalog is too boring. Modern interior quite allows some liberties, for example, different chairs near dining table or different shape bedside tables. Of course, all parts of the ensemble should be combined with each other, but the complete uniformity and symmetry make the interior lifeless, remember this.


Do not hurry!

A harmonious interior is not created in one month, and suitable accessories sometimes have to be selected for years, which is well known experienced designers who are sometimes ready to carry a chest of drawers or a picture that is ideally suited in style to distant lands. Therefore, if you are not sure that some item, fabric or accessory is exactly what you need, it is better not to rush into the purchase, but to enjoy the thoughtful and leisurely selection of all the necessary details and things.

Turquoise accents are refreshing monochrome interior, L'Ottocento

It is important to think about where to hide all those things that do not belong in plain sight. Place baskets or boxes under your bed or sofa if your furniture doesn't have built-in drawers. For books, shelves under the ceiling, peculiar mezzanines are suitable, and for seasonal clothes you can allocate space on the loggia by making cabinets with doors.

Monochrome interior

To pick up all the details of the interior within the same style is an art, but in one color - a typical and common mistake. Take a closer look at this issue: take a walk on the websites of design studios, select the ones you like color schemes and based on that make interesting combination colors - accent and neutral, contrasting, light and dark.

Arrangement of furniture around the perimeter

Furniture placed in the corners and along the walls is a phenomenon quite common in our apartments. If the footage of the room is not quite meager, then you can arrange a cozy guest area by placing a small sofa or a couple of chairs in the center, and arrange it against the wall working area With small table and a bookcase.

Wrong zoning

Visually systematizing the interior by zoning is a good and useful technique, if used skillfully. When knowledge in this area is not enough, it is better to focus on the integrity of the space. To make the room look harmonious and not be divided into too small zones, you need to select for it color solution in calm harmonious shades. Using this technique, in a odnushka it is possible to equip a workplace in the form of a small folding surface, and a sleeping area in the form folding sofa, and a gathering area with friends, placing a small coffee table. It will look good within the same interior space and without distinction.

Arches, columns and drywall

This luxury is out of place in a small city apartment. Lightness and simplicity of lines are in fashion, as well as the most simple Decoration Materials, which fit much better into Russian realities: light high-quality plaster with a rough texture, smooth wallpaper or eco-friendly paint in beautiful shades, unpretentious geometric patterns. Competent use such techniques will not only allow the interior to look more stylish, but also help to visually expand the space, raise the ceiling.

lack of lighting

If there is not enough daylight in the room, do not limit yourself to the usual ceiling lamp. Pay attention to local lighting like sconces, floor lamps and table lamps. Place them in the dining area, sleeping and relaxing area. Place a floor lamp by the sofa in the living room - this way you will emphasize each of the zones and provide comfortable lighting around the entire perimeter. In addition to light, visually increase the footage can also be due to color palette. It is better to choose light and soothing colors, which can also be interesting: light gray shades, beige, milky, white, peach, mint.

Incorrect placement of sockets and switches

The number of sockets depends on the purpose of the room and, accordingly, on how much electrical appliances- TV with all the consequences, night light, computer, microwave, refrigerator and so on. It is difficult to advise something specific without knowing the requests of individual apartment owners and a clear layout, but at least you should think about sockets in the corners of the room (preferably double ones), as well as additional ones, for example, for a TV.

Mismatch between the dimensions of furniture and space

Subconsciously avoiding crowding, we often stuff the apartment with miniature furniture, endlessly unfolding, folding, transforming. In fact, you need to pay attention not to the size of the furniture, but to the observance of the proportions of the interior as a whole. For example, in an orderly and uncluttered room, even if it is small, a corner voluminous sofa with soft pillows can look very cozy and even compact, because in certain cases such harmony is just able to correctly adjust the space.

Oversaturation of the interior

Excess furniture and decor are the worst enemies of beauty and convenience. One neat but high cabinet easily replaces extra bedside tables and shelves. Countless collections of small souvenirs are best placed in boxes or decorative baskets: being in plain sight, they create a sense of chaos. Pictures, photographs and mirrors can spoil the interior perspective if not properly hung. At a minimum, you should not place them much higher or lower than eye level: this will be uncomfortable for visual perception and break the geometry of space.

faux finish

As well as excessive architectural hobbies, avoid excessive props in the interior: imitations of stone and wood, cheap photo wallpapers, lining. Instead, pay attention to trendy interior styles like Scandinavian, neoclassical, loft (in which, for example, imitation brick would look appropriate). These styles are universal, suitable for a city apartment and can add volume to the room.

Furnishing the interior is not an easy task, even if it seems so at first glance. It is not always possible to achieve harmony in furnishing. Anyone can immediately notice mistakes in decor if they are gross. But at the same time, everyone wants to finish the repair beautifully. How to do this and what are the most common mistakes?

The very first and most common mistake when arranging furniture is placing all items next to the walls. AT Soviet times such an arrangement was relevant, but then they were guided mainly only by considerations of spaciousness. Everything that they could afford to buy was placed next to the walls. This approach is outdated, as designers constantly say. It is the central part of the room that is best suited for shelves, shelves, tables and many other items. When dividing a room into several zones, it is necessary to use furniture.

The second error follows from the first. The empty center of the room looks very bad. You do not need to leave it free, even if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large. The only reason for this decision is regular parties. A room without a middle filled with furniture looks empty. The idea of ​​the interior is best implemented in the center.

The third mistake is placing a lot of furniture in small room. For some reason, it is in compact rooms that owners sometimes try to push everything that is possible to the center. But at the same time, you can not overload the room.

Also, don't focus too much. a large number of furniture in only one part of it.

Playing with light is mistake number four. The side of the world, which windows overlook, must be taken into account when decorating the interior. Furniture will very quickly lose its attractive appearance if the bright sun constantly affects it. Blackout curtains and bright furniture for sunny rooms - the best solution. If the windows face the north side, there should be a lot of artificial light. It is best if these are bright spotlights.

The fifth mistake can be considered too many trinkets. They also should not clutter up the room with unnecessary things. The room will seem the more cramped, the more it contains a variety of little things. Removing all unnecessary, you can solve several problems at once. First of all, visually the space of the room will become larger. In addition, extra dust collectors add a lot of trouble during cleaning.

Furnishing a home is not such an easy task, and when arranging furniture, many make mistakes that kill both coziness and comfort. Consider the most popular interior failures.

Mistake 1. Post all the best at once

Hold yourself in furniture stores. They offer buyers a wide range of that an unprepared person just has his head spinning. Often this ends with the purchase of all the things you like. As a result, the room is decorated in a bizarre style of “combining the incongruous”, and the owner's eyes widen again, but not in the store, but in his own house.

How to do better

Remember a simple rule: there can be only one visual center in a room - the object on which the eye is focused. It can be a bright sofa or a super cozy chair, beautiful on the wall or a lamp. interesting design. All other interior items are secondary, they should not draw attention to themselves. Their task is to emphasize or complement the center of the composition.

Mistake 2. Arrange all the furniture along the walls

Put an end to this relic of the Soviet past! In those days there were rooms, and it was necessary to somehow fit a sofa in them, folding chair, bulky rack, desk and so on. Today, apartments are much more spacious, and the furniture is more compact, but the stereotype that the center of the room should be empty is still alive for some reason.

How to do better

Place in the middle of the room corner sofa, boldly divide the space with a rack or table - and you will see how much more comfortable it will become. This arrangement is the easiest way to zoning space.

Mistake 3. Ignore the location of outlets

In pursuit of beauty, people often forget about practicality and arrange furniture without taking into account the location and number of outlets. Modern man needs them much more often than we used to think. “Flipping through” social networks in the morning, reading a book or watching before going to bed - we almost always need a source of energy at hand to charge gadgets.

How to do better

In order not to get tangled in the web of extension cords or suffer in an uncomfortable position while waiting for a laptop or for a while, place the furniture so that it is convenient to connect the devices to the outlet later.

When planning a living space, always start from the functional components: sockets, windows, ventilation, doors. Organize a place for reading or working with a computer next to the outlet: a bedside table or coffee table convenient size and heights and desk lamp will be most welcome.

Mistake 4. Trying to fit too much furniture

The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch, because the space suddenly narrowed. As a rule, people who strive to fit as much furniture in a room as possible experience frustration as a result, because the room becomes like a warehouse. Making your way between the sofa and the coffee table, regularly tripping over the leg of the latter, is so-so fun (and it can also be very painful).

How to do better

Even a large room will turn into a small mink if you put everything in it possible variations furniture. There should be “air” in the room, so leave only what is necessary in it. For small spaces, transforming furniture will be an excellent way out.

Mistake 5. Not providing storage space and free surfaces

Growing up, many forget about ground rules order: each thing should have its place. And gradually the apartment is engulfed in chaos. iron on desk, sock on ficus, remote control - under the pillow. Then it turns out that a pyramid of books has grown on the windowsill, boxes of shoes have blocked part of the room, and summer shirts are hidden on hangers under down jackets.

How to do better

First, evaluate the number of things in the apartment. Almost exactly one third can be painlessly abandoned: throw away magazines, give away clothes, turn in old books. Then think about how you can place things that are not needed daily. Storage systems for seasonal clothes and shoes (boxes, boxes, baskets) can be easily hidden under a bed or in a closet; corner shelves or other furniture in which they can be accommodated.

Leave everything superfluous in the past, systematize what you need and sort it out.

Mistake 6. Do not take into account the dimensions of the room

Focusing only on your own taste when buying furniture is not very reasonable. For example, placing dark interior items in a room with a low ceiling will make it visually cramped, which, of course, has little to do with comfort.
