Landscaping of a small piece of land. Landscaping and planning of a small plot of land. Techniques for visual expansion of the plot area

First of all, an inexpensive wooden fence was built on the basis of a wooden beam and a shalevka.

Because the area of ​​the site is large enough, then any capital fence would require substantial costs, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the site, making the landscape design of the site more complete and complete.

Elegant gives this primitive fence a special charm.

On the basis of a simple rectangular frame, a wooden gate was made.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result is neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda in the country.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore, on holidays, all the guests gathered in the garden at a large table. So that bad weather would not interfere with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house with a simple canopy of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, a large table can be placed on the terrace, which can comfortably accommodate 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

Many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special comfort in the house.

The owner also made a contribution - he made a wooden bench with a storage box for the kitchen.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a cute rustic charm to the kitchen.

And most importantly, the smell in the house. And it smells of pies and flowers here.

Economy mode and skillful hands will help to equip a country house at a low cost. From old unwanted clothes, you can pick up strips and knit a beautiful rug for each room.

Attic bedroom for grandchildren and bathroom.

Chief for comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Greenhouse and high beds with their own hands.

The old windows were useful for the construction of the greenhouse.

The arrangement of the site often requires a simple practical approach than intricate solutions: a finished greenhouse.

Near the greenhouse, from the boards left over from the construction of the fence, high beds were laid out.

Newspapers were laid in the aisles and covered with gravel on top - this will protect against the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful garden looks no worse than any clubs.

Arrangement of a suburban area. Garden gazebo.

The next step in the arrangement of the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a cozy corner of the garden around the gazebo, a semicircular flower bed was first laid out near it.

A small wooden flooring was made on the brick columns and the supports for the gazebo were concreted.

They set up a gazebo. The rear wall of the gazebo from the side of the fence is a supporting wall for roses.

A wall of weaving roses not only closes the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine aroma of roses.

Arrangement of a suburban area. Landscaping with your own hands.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy zones in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before breaking up the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agrofilm was laid, and after that, soil sorted from the roots, compost and fertilizers for flowers were poured into the flower bed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

A small decorative pond was made next to the flower bed. An old satellite dish came in handy for the bowl of the pond. The distance from the club to the pond was also covered with agrofilm and later covered with gravel, preventing the thickets of grass around that small pond, because of which it simply would not be visible.

Blue poppies are full owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses are planted in a flower bed next to the house, so that their fragrance can be heard from the veranda.

The flowerbeds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flower bed was dug up, plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted over the fence.

Having at your disposal even a small space, you can equip a stylish green corner. Planning a garden in miniature is sometimes more interesting than working with a large area, which often stretches over months and sometimes years. The easiest way is to create a small garden design with your own hands from photos of professionals - they inspire creative exploits, and a competent approach to organizing space helps to get the most out of the available meters of the site.

Choosing a style for arranging a small garden

When working with a limited space, it is important not to overload it with details - this will make it seem even more cramped. It is also necessary to observe the proportionality of objects - too large pots, decorative elements and plants attract attention only to themselves, interfering with the holistic perception of the garden.

Small garden in oriental style

Secrets of the oriental mini-garden

A wonderful example of small landscape design is the Japanese garden. With often a tiny space, the inhabitants of densely populated Japan still manage to make real works of garden art, using every inch of it. The basic principle of the arrangement of such a garden is the placement of the big in the small.

Miniature trees that imitate centuries-old giants, mini-waterfalls, a rock garden, symbolizing the vast sea with rocks - all this makes you feel like you are in a huge world, located on a small island. A useful element that can be borrowed from an oriental-style garden is hedges - with their help, even a small landscape can be diversified for the viewer, hiding a new view behind every turn.

If you are close to the aesthetics of the East, a small corner of joy on your site can be decorated with a stone Japanese lantern or a figurine of a traditional temple tower with pagodas. As for vegetation, it is better to give preference to low-growing evergreen shrubs, mosses and ground cover plants.

Classic style in a small space

Regular style in a small landscape

Do not think that the regular palace style is suitable only for vast territories. For a small garden, neatly trimmed shrubs, lawns and geometric flower beds, slender trees in tubs, and narrow garden paths are also suitable. Arches entwined with climbing plants, for example, a rose, look very appropriate in it.

To make a small garden cozier, you can use a sophisticated bench or a pair of garden chairs. You should not refuse a small reservoir in a stone frame - this element of landscape design will serve as a decoration for a site of any size.

The main rule for designing a miniature garden is conciseness, so it is better to avoid:

  • a large number of decorative elements (fountains, sculptures);
  • excessive riot of colors - one or two bright colors are more than enough;
  • voluminous shrubs;
  • plants with large flowers.

Small garden pond

Small landscape garden

You can feel yourself in the bosom of nature and being in a tiny garden. A small pond in the center of the composition will help create an atmosphere of a wild landscape - a pond made of a plastic mold or film waterproofing. A small stepped waterfall will visually increase the area of ​​the water space.

For the design of the near-water area, it is better not to use large stones - with them the pond will seem even smaller than it actually is. The “carpet” of various ground cover and flowering moisture-loving plants, located immediately behind the rocky border of the reservoir, looks very expressive.

In search of compact solutions for garden design

Useful ideas for a small garden, design techniques and fixtures will help to increase the space, and, which is especially nice, old and unnecessary things will come in handy for many of them.

Vertical rockery

Vertical and multi-tiered compositions

Climbing plants and vertical stone compositions look very advantageous in a small garden - rock gardens, rockeries in the form of a steep hill or towering terraces. In a small area, it is better to place them in the farthest corner so that you can evaluate the overall picture of the view from afar.

Garden attached to the wall

Before creating a design for a small garden with your own hands, you need to think about how to get additional area for landscaping in a particular area. This can be done using multi-tiered or wall-mounted structures. These are:

  • flower beds from car tires;
  • raised snail beds;
  • multi-storey or stepped flower beds;
  • flower beds from old furniture with drawers;
  • bookcases with shelves for beds;
  • wall containers with plants;
  • textile or plastic "pockets" for growing.

Tires for growing flowers


Weeds under the ceiling

You can increase the space of a miniature garden with the help of suspended structures. It can be both pots and metal "baskets" in the form of a sphere or a hemisphere with holes that are covered from the inside with a special coating. Such a garden is often located under the ceiling of the veranda or on specially made columns with curls. Begonia, fuchsia, petunia, purslane, allisum, pansies look very attractive in hanging flower beds.

Hanging baskets for a portable vegetable garden

Hanging containers are suitable not only for flowering plants - they can also be used to beat the design of a small vegetable garden. Arugula, various varieties of lettuce, spinach, sorrel, parsley and even strawberries can be safely grown on hanging beds, placing them on several floors to save space.

Hanging flower beds

Convenient mobile garden

The term "mobile garden" often refers to vegetation planted in pots. This is an excellent solution for a small area - at any time the plants can be moved or removed indoors. Such a garden looks good on multi-storey structures, stairs, verandas, near paths, arbors or the entrance to the house.

When choosing containers for the inhabitants of a mobile garden, it is necessary to take into account the size of an adult plant and its root system. The range of plants for such cultivation is quite large - from popular patio roses to undersized coniferous shrubs and even vegetables: tomatoes, peppers and others.

Mobile garden in pots

Landscaping with a small area sometimes requires a more serious approach than working with a vast area. Not all of your preferences may be compatible with limited space. Therefore, in order to design the design of a small garden, it is worth taking the help of a professional landscape designer - this way you can use the territory of the site to the maximum benefit, and your wishes will be skillfully adapted to its small size.

Many people think that doing all the work is quite simple. However, this is not entirely true, because with a small area, all compositions in the garden should be made as compact as possible, correctly combining them with each other. Any mistake you make will be immediately noticeable. If you are going to start creating a design, you just need to follow a few important rules:

  • Do not plant tall shrubs and trees. The size of the plot is not more than 10 acres? In this case, tall plants are contraindicated for him. And all because as they grow older they will fill the area, reducing the free space. To avoid this, be sure to plant low-growing types of trees. Also, do not forget about the compactness of planting - plant them in groups, and not one by one.
  • A blind fence can also spoil the design. And all because it will create the impression of being in a closed box, which will not bring any comfort and coziness. It is best to use an openwork metal gate and a fence, ennobling them with blooming vines. This will greatly expand the area.
  • It is best to remove bulky buildings from the site. Of course, it’s hard enough to do without them in the country, but a huge building and a small garden do not match. It is best to make buildings one-story, visually "airy" and compact. You can correctly disperse them around the garden, decorating neat buildings with shrubs and flowering plants.

Site design - options and their application

In order for your site to look great, you need to correctly decorate it with flowers, plants and shrubs. There are several types of design, b thanks to which the landscape design of a small area will amaze you, and your neighbors with its beauty and originality.

  • Flower garden. If you are going to organize a small flower bed, place it either at the entrance or in front of the house. In all these cases, you can use old tires or flowerpots filled with soil. A taller plant can be placed in the center, a little less around, then they will look harmonious.
  • A secluded corner for relaxation can be created on the smallest site. To do this, you can use climbing roses or other types of climbing plants. We will need to fence off literally 5 meters of the area, which will not be difficult. You should choose a far and inconspicuous corner, after which we mark its borders, place columns around the perimeter. Next, we stretch the wire and plant roses, wild grapes, you can also install a bench for rest.

Visual expansion of the area - simply and quickly

The main task of any designer is to visually increase the area, for which there are rules and tricks. The main focus is on the use of semicircular smooth lines and shapes. Sharp corners, clear geometric shapes - all this will make the landscape design of a small area dull and inconspicuous. Thanks to curving garden paths and barely visible outlines of flower beds, you can significantly expand the space on the site. Do not forget about the columns, small terraces and flower arrangements.

You can completely copy the idea from magazines or the Internet, or, knowing the rules, develop your own design with a little imagination.

It is worth paying special attention to flowers and shrubs. There should not be many of them in a small area, while it is better to choose those that delight us with flowers all year round. Lilac, jasmine and wild rose are unpretentious and elegant shrubs that do not take up much space. Honeysuckle, sweet peas and grapes can be used to create hedges. With the help of decorative and pine trees, you can also decorate your site. And you will be able to complete the composition with the help of a small pond.

Small suburban areas have a common disadvantage, directly related to their modest size. As a rule, the space looks closed and cramped due to the high blank fence and neighboring buildings located nearby. In most cases, the problem is solvable; There are many ways to get rid of the feeling of being in a box. Landscape design of a small area will help visually expand the local area, make it cozy and stylish.

The charm of a small area Source:

advance planning

The option when landscape design will be carried out on an undeveloped site is considered optimal, since there is no need to rebuild or relocate existing facilities. Initially, the owners will have to balance dreams with reality and determine the buildings that they really need. The set of necessary facilities may vary from family to family; in most cases, the following elements are included (in various combinations):

    Residential building, garage or a parking space.

    Outbuildings(barn, workshop).

    Leisure buildings(bath, gazebo).

    Technical facilities(well, septic).

The landscape design of a small area is determined by the principle of zoning the territory, which allows you to correctly manage the available square meters.

There are many graphic programs that allow you to correctly plan the site. source

Even a modest suburban area can be turned into a comfortable and, importantly, functional place. During preliminary planning, the following design principles are taken into account:

    On the the buildings(from a residential building to a barn) about 10% of the total area of ​​​​the site is allocated.

    On the garden(including a greenhouse or greenhouse) accounts for the maximum area, up to 75%.

    Rest zone, where the gazebo, flower garden and barbecue area fall, will take about 15%.

The size of the zones can vary depending on the preferences of the owners. Those who are not fond of growing organic vegetables, but love to relax with family and friends, can equip a spacious recreation area with all amenities. Anyone who appreciates the aesthetics of garden decor will plant most of the area with ornamental plants, install a stylish gazebo and fountain.

Small plot - great opportunities Source

Secrets of zoning a small area

At the zoning stage, not only the sizes of the zones are determined, but also their relative location. Around the gazebo, they usually seek to arrange a recreation area, and children will need a place to play. At the same time, everyone understands that it is impossible to arrange a place for children's games next to a barbecue area and build a greenhouse under a dense canopy of trees. Landscape designers recommend simple, space-optimizing techniques that include the following concepts:

    Location of buildings. So that the buildings do not look massive, they are distributed throughout the site, alternating with green spaces and masking behind them. Farm buildings are trying to be located in the depths of the territory.

    Residential building location. It is advantageous to place it at the front fence, facing the street. It is also a wise decision to attach a garage to housing, placing it on the same foundation. This will make construction more economical, and the driveway that absorbs valuable land will not be needed. An additional plus is that you can get into the garage directly from home, which is especially valuable in rainy or frosty weather.

Attached garage - an important condition for a modest site Source

    Determination of geological parameters. The choice of plants and their planting location (especially for fruit trees and exotic ornamental plants) depends on what type of soil is available on the site and how deep the groundwater runs.

    Choosing the style of the local area. Landscape design of a small suburban area is often performed in one of the natural (landscape) styles, since space is required for a regular (symmetrical, geometric) style. Great for English, woodland or country style. Exotic lovers can try the Japanese or Alpine style.

    Plant selection. When choosing trees for planting, take into account the size of their crown in adult form. Usually, tall trees are discarded in a small area; otherwise, the owners will have to annually painstaking work on the formation of the crown.

Country style in the design of a small area Source

    Zone placement. For a recreation area with a gazebo and barbecue, they choose a secluded, quiet place in the back of the site, away from road noise and prying eyes. On the contrary, they try to place a playground near the house, in the shade and in the visibility zone from the windows.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Arrangement nuances: how to visually expand the space

In addition to a residential building and auxiliary buildings, there are other objects that appear during the arrangement of the site and then exist for many years. Before putting up a fence, planting trees and laying garden paths, it is worth considering every little thing; reworking an unsuccessfully laid track is a troublesome and costly business. After dividing the site into zones, you can proceed to their design. The main way to change the perception of space is to divert attention from all sorts of boundaries and barriers.

Video description

About landscape tricks in a small area in the following video:


The fence directly shows the boundaries of the site; the higher the fence, the more attention it draws, taking up space in our perception and crowding out other details, making them appear smaller. A look that constantly rests on a high blank fence causes a feeling of constriction and discomfort. There are two ways to "push" the boundaries of the site:

    Disguise. The fence is decorated with weaving plants, which creates the effect of continuing the garden. Ivy, grapes, lemongrass, roses will do.

    Replacement. The solid fence is replaced by a lighter, airy structure. It can be a picket fence, a chain-link mesh, a wooden or metal fence-lattice. Trees and shrubs can be planted along the new fence, which, after regular shearing, can completely close the area from prying eyes. Thuja, elm, linden, lilac, viburnum are suitable for the role of a hedge.

Openwork light fence makes the space cozy Source

Organization of the species part of the garden

The front part of the site (in the courtyard in front of the house) should be freed from accidental plantings. A neat lawn with beautiful plantings and accessories along the periphery will create the impression of spaciousness, and it will become easier to move around such an area.

Vertical gardening and plant accents

If you can see the entire area, you can estimate its size. Therefore, distortion becomes an important technique of landscape design. It is necessary not only to mask the borders and corners, but also to build barriers to the view. Vertical decorative elements are the best solution because they create perspective. Such simple structures as trellises, screens, hedges and arches are widely used in the arrangement of modest areas.

The most spectacular design is the arch. It is not only a support for climbing plants, but also perfectly separates the zones of the site. Plants that draw attention with a bright color or unusual shape also help to enlarge the space. These can be small bushes or flowers in garden vases, planted within the same zone at its borders.

Arch - a classic way of decorating Source

Paths and decorative accents

Beautiful landscape designs of small areas cannot do without paths that are designed in a certain way. In a small area, clear geometric outlines and straight lines are abandoned, and the paths are no exception. Straight lines visually reduce distances, winding lines make you follow yourself, distracting from the close borders of the garden. Therefore, the paths are planned to be winding, and the space between them is filled with plants. This approach serves as an effective way to create the illusion of scale. Properly designed beautiful paths around the house and landscape design of the site no longer seem so cramped.

All paths need paving; Design experts offer many options, including the following common materials:

    A natural stone. A durable material that will harmoniously fit into any design, from English to Oriental, and give it a touch of respectability. Sandstone, dolomite, limestone, tuff, pebbles and shale are used for paving. An expensive option is granite, marble, basalt, porphyry.

Video description

About the design rules for a small backyard in the following video:

    Wood. There are paths made of boards, garden parquet (thermal wood) or saw cuts. Cleverly placed cuts look relevant in a country-style garden.

    Construction Materials. These include paving slabs, processed stone, asphalt, paving stones, clinker bricks and concrete. Gravel or tennessite (material for tennis courts) is often used.

A useful landscape design technique that allows you to divert attention from the size of the site is the placement of decorative details along the paths. They can serve as figurines of animals and gnomes, vases with flowers, small fountains, stone Japanese lanterns.

Winding paths can be the salvation of a small area source

Tiered garden

A complex landscape for a small area is not a punishment, but a gift, because it allows you to create multi-level areas and add volume. Terrain irregularities can be used in different ways:

    If a the site is on a slope, arrange terraces, the passionate love of every landscape designer.

    If a the plot is flat, a small zone on another level can be created in a different way. Among the options are built-in flower beds, alpine slides, small terraces raised above the ground (or vice versa, deepened into it). The effect is emphasized by flowers planted according to the cascade principle.

Video description

How to fit everything you need in a small garden in the following video:

Proper lighting

An effective technique for long summer evenings, which will emphasize the successful landscape design in a small area, is the thoughtful placement of garden lights. They will transform a small area and visually push its boundaries. Arranging the backlight in the garden, use the following principles:

    Fixtures place near paths and decorative details away from the site boundaries.

    use small power lamps and directional lighting. Weak or dotted illumination well indicates the contours of the tracks.

    For gazebos you can pick up bright lighting, then outside the darkness will become impenetrable and hide the true size of the territory.

Using lighting in the design of the track Source

Landscaping of a summer cottage of a small size

Landscape design in a small area includes the selection of suitable plants and their correct location. Preference is given to trees and shrubs of dwarf and low species. If the owners want to see less compact varieties on the site, they must be prepared to take care of them in a timely manner (so that the crown of such trees does not absorb the living space of other plants, it is periodically cut off). When landscaping a small area, the following techniques are used:

    Vertical gardening. It not only decorates and expands the space, but also saves space very effectively.

    Accounting plant requirements for light. An important parameter on which the well-being of green spaces depends. Low-growing plants are planted in the southern part, the highest (as a rule, these are fruit trees) - in the northern part.

    Entry design. Landscape design experts recommend setting up a small lawn or two flower beds at the entrance; the only condition is that they must not be symmetrical.

Competent landscaping of the recreation area Source

    Flower beds on the site. There cannot be many of them due to the limited territory. Flowers can be planted near the gazebo and along the paths. A flower bed near the house can be planted with medicinal plants and herbs, which will be not only beautiful, but also useful.

    accents. An original decoration will be a flower bed made from improvised materials. A basket, a cart, a log, a chest, an old shoe or a bicycle can be used.

    Garden organization. A garden is more of a habit than an urgent need. More and more owners are abandoning the beds in favor of expanding the recreation area. Nevertheless, even on a plot of 2-3 acres, you can allocate a little space to have fresh herbs and the most necessary vegetables on the table.

A vertical flower bed attracts attention and saves space Source

Additional details in a small area

Many owners consider it necessary to decorate the site with additional elements, which include:

    Water. In a small area, it is more often powerful to meet a pond, fountain or waterfall than a stream. Modest in size, but beautifully designed, the pond will make the landscape more natural and sure to attract attention. A landscape waterfall will require more effort to organize; it can be combined with an alpine slide. The fountain has long been considered an unaffordable luxury; manufacturers offer exquisite options of various sizes, made of different materials.

    Playground. If there are children in the family, it is important to allocate a cozy and safe place for them to play. Many believe that children can spend time in the gazebo during the day, but this is not always possible. A much better option would be a playground near the house, with swings and a sandbox. You can install a ready-made gaming complex. Such structures are well thought out, safe and compact in placement.

A modest pond will decorate any site Source


It is customary to call small plots with an area of ​​​​2 to 6 acres. Sometimes a much larger plot also looks small if the house built on it is disproportionately large and occupies a significant part of the area. Design secrets are not able to increase the area, but they will help to change the site beyond recognition, making you forget about the true size.