Plan of a bathhouse with a steam room. Optimal bath: what is it like? Features of bath rooms

Many owners of private houses sooner or later catch themselves thinking about what is on their property. This great idea, the bathhouse itself, steam room and sink, the layout of which can be very diverse, will give a lot of pleasant emotions and many hours of relaxation. Of course, you should carefully prepare for the construction of such a structure on the territory. The bathhouse has a special atmosphere and safety requirements, so you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail.
Design and layout of a bathhouse with washing and steam room

It is very important to take into account many factors that will be decisive in the question of which pair to be on. These questions are:

Interior decoration and design of a relaxation room in a bathhouse

These are just some facts that must be taken into account in the process of preparing for the construction of a place where you can steam, swim and just have a good time with intimate conversations.

You should understand what should be in the bathhouse. This:

  • Steam room;
  • or shower;
  • Toilet;
  • Locker room;
  • A place to rest (usually located in the dressing room).

Layout with dimensions of a bathhouse with a relaxation room
Everyone can adjust these spaces by adding something of their own. However, each of the rooms must be in a bathhouse; you can only add an additional one.
In addition, the structure should be erected taking into account safety requirements, namely fire safety.

Example of finishing and design of a washing room

What materials can you choose for construction?

Most often found in private areas. However, depending on which one or other sizes, the choice of materials may vary.

Bathhouse layout option 4 by 6 meters

A selection of options for steam room layouts in a bathhouse
Most often, they rely on the following types of raw materials for construction:

Read also

Types and layouts of baths

Each of the presented materials is worthy to serve as the basis for the construction of a bathhouse. The main thing is to follow the rules and requirements when constructing a building yourself.

What must be in the sink

The layout of a 3x5 bathhouse or other parameters must necessarily include such spaces as a sink and steam room, a bathroom, and a locker room.
Of course, if desired, each owner of a land plot can independently decide to supplement the space with non-main premises. For example, billiards, a recreation room and much more that can only come to mind.
The washing room must have:

  • Swimming pool or shower with cold water;
  • Sink for washing.

An example of placing a sink in a steam room

These are the attributes that you can’t do without in a washing room. The main thing is to do the layout correctly so that all the parts are located in the right places and are comfortable for use.

Layout of a sauna with sink and terrace

It is also worth making sure that the washing room prefers coatings that are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. This can be tiles, wood coated with special solutions.

An example of tiling a bathhouse sink

As a rule, a shower room or swimming pool is placed in such a way that it is convenient to enter after warming up in the steam room, that is, next to the steam room.

What should be present in the steam room

If the space of the bathhouse is three by four meters, then you won’t be able to speed up too much in the process of thinking about the layout of the room. In small baths of minimal size, the dressing room, small sink and the steam room itself are also quite compact.

In a steam room for comfortable use of this premises There must be niches on which you can sit. Often this design is made in the form of steps.

Drawing and layout of a compact steam room

This makes it possible to accommodate even the smallest space, quite a lot of people. The layout of the steam room is usually standard. Typically, heating sources are located in the far left or right corner. That is, firewood or stones, onto which special mixtures are poured to achieve the desired temperature in the room. Heat sources are placed on a special heat-resistant surface, making it possible to comply with safety precautions.

Layout and design of a steam room in a wooden bathhouse

Niches are located under the wall, usually in a “V” shape. In the middle of the steam room, as a rule, there is a wooden stand, which provides comfort when leaving the steam room.

According to statistics, more than 30% of Russian citizens have summer cottages; most residents spend their vacations there; only 14% of city residents spend their summer vacations at resorts. You will learn how to set up a steam room in this article. We read and build.

Country holiday

Today, the dacha is not perceived as in Soviet times, on six acres with minimal amenities, summer residents grew a large number of vegetables, made preparations for the whole winter and considered the dacha to be their breadwinner. Nowadays, many people go to their dacha to spend time in the fresh air and dream of having their own bathhouse on the property. This is a great opportunity to improve your health and fully relax after a working week. And if you go, you don’t need to go anywhere at all, the bathhouse is next to own home, then this is doubly wonderful.

Bathhouse planning

Having decided to put bathhouse with my own hands , the owner asks a lot of questions, in what place to put it, what size to build, how many rooms to make and many others. Consider the layout of a 3x5 bathhouse, this best dimensions for construction on a small plot.

As a rule, summer cottages have 6–8 acres, so it is profitable to build compact buildings. It is advisable to place three rooms in the bathhouse: a relaxation room, a steam room, and a sink. First, you need to develop a project for your future dacha.


Choose a place for the bath; it should be free and located approximately 8 meters from the house, according to fire safety rules. Five meters from the well, away from the toilet and compost pit. If there is not enough space on the site, then the bathhouse, at your own peril and risk, is attached to existing buildings. In this case, consider good insulation and take care of reliable electrical wiring.

The project itself can be ordered from a construction company, it will be developed according to all your requirements:

  • number of premises;
  • dimensions of the sink, steam room;
  • features of the arrangement;
  • the presence of a veranda, second floor, and so on.

The cost of the project is not small, it is significantly will affect the price As a result of the entire construction, the bathhouse will cost a pretty penny, and will no longer be so pleasing. The Internet resource is filled with construction topics, where photos of typical bathhouse projects are provided in abundance. After thinking and slightly changing the standard design, independently distributing the sink and steam room separately, you will get a drawing that will satisfy your requirements.

Having decided to do this and save on the project by doing it yourself, you should consider the following:

Even the smallest bathhouse is better divided by internal partitions for several rooms rather than leaving one room. It is recommended to limit the height of the steam room to two meters and ten centimeters; the washing room can be made 10 cm higher.

If a family of four or five people or often get together with a group, then the design of a 4 by 5 bathhouse project is more profitable and practical than a small 3 by 5 bathhouse. A competent project is the key to successful construction and further operation of the bathhouse.

Greater comfort in a small bathhouse will bring adjusted internal space, it is worth increasing the steam room, this will allow family members to comfortably accommodate. You shouldn’t save useful meters on the locker room or rest room, but the sink can be made smaller, then you can steam with the whole group and wash one at a time.

The entrance to the bathhouse is most often designed from the south side, in winter there is less snow, it is easier to clean, and the windows, preferably, face west. Usually people go to the bathhouse after lunch or in the late afternoon; the light of the setting sun will illuminate the room; such a thoughtful layout will help save on electricity.

If you want to make a bathhouse with a terrace, then such a project does not provide for a washing room, but the terrace serves as a resting place. This option is optimal for summer residents who use the bathhouse only during the summer season.

Waiting room

This is an unheated room necessary in the baths to prevent cold air from getting inside. The designs of even the most modest bathhouses include a small nook with two doors opening onto the street and into the steam room. Often the dressing room is equipped with benches and clothes hangers. If visiting the bathhouse in winter period is not included in the plans, then the need for a vestibule disappears.

Sink and steam room

Many people are faced with the question what to do with the washing room and steam room, organize them together or separately. When the bath area is small, the individual rooms will be very small. For saunas where the steam is dry, this is good, because a small room warms up quickly, and besides, there should be as little humidity as possible in the steam room, so washing is done separately from the steam room.

For lovers take a steam bath in a Russian bath with a broom, where the temperature is moderate and humidity is high, washing and steaming can be combined. On the other hand, in the steam room the body gets very hot and you want to cool it down. For this, a separate washing room with a contrast shower or a plunge pool with cool water will be very useful.

Before you start construction own bathhouse, it is advisable to visit several types of steam rooms to find out what you like best and finally make sure that you have made the right choice.

Arrangement of steam room and washing room inside

If according to the design the bathhouse has two floors, then the steam room should be located on the first floor; there are no windows in the room. Convenient when from the steam room there is access to the washing area and a rest room. It is better to choose doors for a steam room from tempered glass; if this is not possible, then wooden ones. But in any case there should not be any metal elements, the metal gets very hot and if you touch the door you can get seriously burned.

The height of the shelves is selected individually, but distance from ceiling to shelf should not exceed 110 centimeters. If there are several shelves according to the project, then one should be 45 cm higher than the other. The width of the shelves depends on the size of the steam room itself, the larger the area, the wider and more convenient the shelves. It is convenient to steam in a lying position, so the optimal length of the shelves is 180 cm.

If two people will most often use the bathhouse, then in a compact room you can arrange only seating for them. When the area of ​​the room allows, the shelves can be arranged in a cascade, this will make the steam room more spacious.

The sink should be separated from the steam room by a partition and a door. The washing room is heated by the same stove, as the steam room. The area per person must be at least 1 square meter. If the dimensions of the washing room are available, then a shower mounted into the wall, or a shower stall, a font is installed there; for greater comfort, you can install a toilet.

A rest room for everyone arranges it to your liking, with their own hands, as a rule, they place it there big table and comfortable benches. The construction of a bathhouse is considered one of the simplest, however, the internal layout should be approached seriously and responsibly, then wishes for “easy steam” will be heard sincerely.

A visit to the bathhouse is good way get healthier. The bath strengthens the cardiovascular system, relaxes muscles, relieves mental fatigue, and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

For those who have decided for their own use in their yard or country house, we will tell you about general principles, which must be taken into account when designing a bath. We will also give an example of a project in which a 4x6 is presented, a sink and a steam room are separate, and also separated from the rest room.

Why exactly a 4x6 sauna, and why are the sink and steam room separated? This is because this option is optimal, as it allows you to arrange steam rooms with dry and wet steam; the bathhouse can be visited by several people at once; the company can split, as they say, according to interests. Someone is warming up in the steam room, and someone is drinking tea in the relaxation room. Also, the dimensions allow you to add a terrace to the plan, which gives you the opportunity to relax in the fresh air. A separate sink can accommodate a shower stall.

From the above, it is clear that the layout of a 4x6 bathhouse with a separate sink and steam room should take into account many of the nuances and needs of future owners.

Where to place the bathhouse

The construction of any building involves first of all determining the location for construction. Experts recommend locating the bathhouse as a separate structure (for safety reasons). Some projects involve a bathhouse in the form of an extension to the main building, but then common wall will require additional insulation.

The ideal option is to be located on the banks of a pond or river. After all, how great it is to plunge into cool water after a hot steam room! This will increase your health and give you thrills. But, unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity.

What to consider when developing a project

The layout of a 4x6 bath (sink and steam room separately) requires taking into account the following indicators:

  • Type of soil. The design of the foundation will depend on this. For example, for sandy soil, a shallowly buried strip foundation. Therefore, when choosing a foundation, it is better to consult a specialist. He will evaluate the soil characteristics and recommend the most suitable type of foundation and building materials.
  • Determination of the bath area, number and location of rooms. We have proposed a 4x6 bathhouse layout. The sink and steam room are located separately from each other. This allows you to create a hot atmosphere directly in the steam room, and a comfortable, warm atmosphere in the wash room. There is also a relaxation room, which has a pleasant coolness, where you can spend time with friends.
  • Determining the area of ​​each room. The layout of a 4x6 bath (sink and steam room separately) should include several rooms. The rest room together with the vestibule (can be combined) and in some cases with the porch (veranda) should occupy on average half to a third of the entire area, depending on what is located in them. The washroom and steam room occupy approximately equal area of ​​the remaining area.
  • Furnace location. The stove must be placed so that the door is located towards the dressing room. The heater should be in the steam room itself, and the container with water should be in the sink. This option is easy to use, and it turns out that the stove is located in the center of the bathhouse. This will allow all rooms to be heated sufficiently.
  • Washing equipment. If desired, it can be equipped with a shower stall. It is also necessary to provide space in the room for benches for washing.
  • Door design features. For safety, all doors must open outward. It is recommended to do with a low box and a high threshold (about 30 cm). This design will reduce heat loss.
  • The need and location of ventilation, sewerage and water supply systems. You also need to consider the power supply for your new bath.

Selection of material for construction

The material, of course, must be environmentally friendly, resistant to various atmospheric conditions, and corresponding to all the functions of the bathhouse. Wood is one of these materials. For the construction of bathhouses, both deciduous and coniferous trees are used. When purchasing material, be sure to ask what region and region it was imported from.

The bathhouse can be made of logs (as our ancestors did), frame or made of timber. Each of them has its own nuances and advantages of use.

Which oven to choose

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of stoves that can be used for saunas. You can make the stove yourself, or you can install a factory one. They have various advantages and features of use. To choose, you will need additional consultation with specialists who will help you choose the best option.

But I would still like to note that, depending on the type of fuel, stoves are divided into electric stoves and wood stoves (you can also fire with coal, fuel oil, or gas). Electric furnaces are easier to install and operate, but consume large amounts of electricity. Wood-burning ones require a lot of effort both in installation and in caring for them. True, they are more economical, captivating with their authenticity and ability to evoke warmth not only in the body, but also in the soul.

Arrangement of the steam room

The internal structure of the steam room should also include a 4x6 bath layout. The steam room, located separately from the washing room, allows you to create the necessary atmosphere of warmth and privacy. It should be practical and convenient.

The layout of a 4x6 bath with a separate steam room provides for a ceiling height of no higher than 2.2 meters. This is due to the characteristics of air circulation. It is recommended to use wood as a material for the ceiling and walls. For example, lining made of alder, linden or aspen. For the floor, it is preferable to choose porcelain stoneware or a natural stone. Only wooden flooring is laid on top of it. You can also make the floor wooden, but it is believed that this type of flooring is short-lived.

The shelves in the steam room are installed along the wall. You can arrange them in the letter “G” - this saves space and allows you to fit more Human.

Ventilation system

The layout of a 4x6 bath with a separate sink should include an exhaust opening in the steam room, closer to the ceiling. This is necessary in order to achieve natural air circulation, oxygen supply, and also to remove polluted air.


A proper Russian bathhouse is a complex of internal premises in which the necessary conditions are created for water procedures, warming up and comfortable rest.

Required Tools and materials

Chainsaw Grinder Beam Drills Nails Nail puller Clay Planed board Drill Pencil Brick Brush Jigsaw Shovel Trowel Metal corner Mixer Stain knife Vapor barrier Perforator Sand Ruberoid Tape measure Self-tapping screws Construction stapler Stepladder Square Level Insulation Cement Slate Grinder Screwdriver Electric Planer



A proper Russian bathhouse is a complex interior spaces, in which the necessary conditions are created for water procedures, warming up and comfortable rest. For this purpose, the structure of a Russian bath includes a washing compartment, a steam room and a dressing room. We invite you to learn in more detail about how to build a dressing room, equip a washing area and a steam room.

Since ancient times, people not only washed themselves in the Russian bathhouse, but also rested and even received treatment. The room was often used for temporary living, and the attic was used for drying berries, medicinal mixtures and fragrant herbs. Before laying a bathhouse, much attention is paid to its convenient location, ease of preparation for use, comfortable operation for household and economic needs. First of all, decide on the size of the future room, its layout and appearance.

Construction of a wooden bath

The standard design of a wooden bathhouse is a sink, a dressing room and a steam room. When determining external dimensions baths focus on the areas of two main rooms - the washing room and the steam room. If they are made large, then heating the bath will take a long time and require a considerable amount of fuel. In addition, in a spacious steam room it is difficult to achieve the optimal ratio between temperature and steam humidity. If the rooms are made small and cramped, then swimming, relaxing or treatment in the bathhouse will become less pleasant and comfortable.

Often, a washing room and a steam room are combined into one room, based on original Russian traditions. This saves building space and fuel when preparing for a swim, and is also convenient if you like to steam. If your household or friends cannot tolerate steam or are generally contraindicated in high temperatures, they will not be able to use the bathhouse. Try to separate the steam room and the washing room with at least a light partition. Then a bathing holiday with family or friends will be equally enjoyable for everyone.

It is better to abandon the design of a bathhouse, where there is no dressing room at all, and the heating of the stove is carried out in a washing room or steam room. Any liquid, solid or gaseous fuel emits carbon monoxide, which is dangerous to humans. In a bathhouse, even its minimal concentration can lead to loss of consciousness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, or a disruption of the heart rhythm.

It is also undesirable to use electric heaters. No matter how high-quality the insulation is, it is sooner or later damaged by high humidity and relatively sharp temperature changes. This may cause a short circuit and may injure a person. electric shock through metal and wet surfaces. Electric heaters should be placed only in a steam room, installing fences to prevent human contact with the surfaces of the device.

A properly designed bathhouse has at least three rooms - a dressing room, a washing room and a steam room.

Construction of a waiting room: how to build and equip it

The dressing room can be of any size. It is optimal if it simultaneously serves as a place for heating, changing clothes and relaxing. Preferably a classic dressing room arrangement.

The dressing room is in the photo.

Before building a dressing room, calculations of the required area are made. An area of ​​at least 1 m2 is allocated for each person, the minimum allowable width should be 1 m. This should also include space for placing solid fuel, a bench and a hanger, and also take into account the location of doorways and the furnace for the stove.

Now let’s figure out how to arrange the dressing room. A good decision is considered a bench assembled in the form of a box 30-35 cm wide and about 40 cm high, located lengthwise free side dressing room A lid about 40 cm wide is placed on top of the box, made of wooden boards or a sheet of chipboard covered with soft, waterproof material. A hanger is fixed above the bench at a distance of 1-1.2 m from the level of the lid. The firebox is placed near the bench, but not closer than 50 cm, or behind the doorway of the washing room.

If the dacha plot is large and spacious, then it is better not to skimp on the space for the dressing room, in contrast to the steam room and washing room. By allocating additional space for a table, chairs, bench and lounger, you will ensure the convenience and coziness of your stay in the bathhouse. In such a waiting room you can sit at the table between bath procedures, relax after the steam room and even watch TV. In addition, the spacious room is well suited for overnight accommodation, storage or a workshop.

In summer cottages, where there is not enough space for a spacious and comfortable bathhouse, you can use a kitchen, summer kitchen or veranda as a waiting room, adding a washing room and steam room to them.

The only drawback is that in the warm season, when burning solid fuels, unwanted additional heat will be released through the firebox. If the stove is designed for gas, liquid fuel or electricity, this factor is not significant.

  • It is advisable to locate the entrance to the dressing room on the south side, where less snow accumulates;
  • the dressing room needs good lighting, so in addition to an electric lamp, one of the walls is equipped with a small window opening closer to the ceiling;
  • window and door openings must have reliable and tight locks to prevent drafts, and the walls must have good thermal insulation.

Washing compartment in a wooden bath

The washing compartment in the bathhouse must meet certain temperature requirements.

Washing room in wooden bath- central room. It is here that hot and cold water is supplied, which after use is discharged through the sewer. The size of the washing room is calculated based on the required minimum area per person (1 m2), as well as the dimensions of the benches and couch.

Washing device in a bathhouse

The installation of a washing room in a bathhouse begins with calculating the required free space. So, for two people, a washing room of 1.8 x 2 m is considered optimal. Here you can place one stationary bed (0.6 x 1.8 m) and two benches (0.4 x 0.8 m). If desired, taken away extra bed for installing a bathtub, tub or shower, where you can cool off and rinse off after visiting the steam room.

Installation of a steam room in a bathhouse

After the bathhouse is built, installing a steam room is the most important part of the work. Correct device The steam room provides stable steam and excellent conditions for relaxation. We invite you to learn more about the structure of a steam room in a bathhouse.

Steam room in the photo.

The steam room is the room for which a bathhouse is built in principle. To make your stay in the steam room useful and enjoyable, it is important to meet the basic conditions.

How to make a steam room

Before making a steam room, read the recommendations below.

The dimensions of the room are planned based on the number of visitors and the way they are placed on the shelves. According to safety measures, at least two people must be in the steam room so that they can monitor each other’s well-being. You should also take into account the design of the shelves and the dimensions of the oven. The optimal dimensions of the steam room for two people are 1.8 x 1.8 m.

The temperature in the steam room should be high but constant. To do this, the doorway is made low with a high threshold. In spacious steam rooms, you can raise the floor and lower the ceiling to the height of a person.

Comfort in the steam room is achieved through proper and convenient placement shelves

The structures of the shelves in the steam room are shown in the photo.

If the shelf is located against the wall, its width should be at least 40 cm for sitting or 60 cm for lying. The length is assumed to be equal to a person’s height, and the height difference between tiers is 30-40 cm.

Here are two bathhouse projects. The first is designed for 6-8 people, and the second - for 4-6 people.

As can be seen from the projects, the largest area of ​​the structure is reserved for the dressing room. This is due to the fact that the bathhouse is designed for simultaneous visits by quite large quantities people, while the functionality of the bathhouse is completely preserved. Steam room and washing room have optimal sizes to quickly achieve the required temperatures. A bathhouse with this layout can also be used as a guest house.

Construction of a bathhouse in the country: photos and explanations

Construction of a bathhouse in a country house can be easily completed on our own. Once the dimensions, construction and design of the bathhouse have been determined, based on the needs and number of visitors, we begin to allocate the required area. On spacious summer cottages this is not difficult to do - just follow the recommendations, adhere to fire safety standards, sanitation requirements and regulations on land management in the given region. First, determine the type of foundation based on the characteristics of the soil, and take care of the introduction of water supply, sewerage and electricity systems.

It is better to build a bathhouse in the depths of a summer cottage, away from the road and in a place closed from outsiders, including neighbors. The exception is the situation when the bathhouse is an addition to existing buildings. However, here too it is advisable to make maximum use of planting green spaces and the height of fences.

Try to take into account the landscape features of your summer cottage, and in difficult cases do not neglect the help of a professional architect. If the terrain is relatively smooth and flat, the bathhouse is placed in a place that is not suitable for planting plants, keeping pets, or placing other outbuildings and household buildings. In areas with differences in elevation, choose the highest place, taking into account the location of slopes, ravines, rock formations, etc. If desired, you can use the relief to your advantage and, for example, stack firewood directly under the entrance to the bathhouse.

If your summer cottage area borders on natural bodies of water, build a bathhouse as close to them as possible. Choose a dry, non-flooded place. You can dig a pool or an artificial pond in front of the bathhouse.

Of course, in small summer cottages it is quite difficult to follow all the recommendations. You may have to sacrifice the convenient location of the bathhouse, the desired dimensions of the building, or the intended design. First of all, you need to take into account the compactness of the bathhouse and the premises in it, and also consider in detail the possibility of an extension to other buildings. This will not only make it possible to rationally and efficiently use the land area, but also save on building materials, as well as simplify the input of electricity, water supply and sewerage.

Look at the photo of the construction of a bathhouse in the country:

Modern lovers of summer cottages in Lately turned their attention to the baths.

Your own sauna is a great opportunity to both relax and improve your health. Its benefits are obvious:

  • hardening of the whole organism;
  • prevention of colds and infectious diseases;
  • removal of toxins;
  • cleansing from excess salts, etc.

A bathhouse is undoubtedly a necessary and useful invention of our ancestors, which it is desirable for everyone to have in their area.

How to plan a sauna: step-by-step instructions

If you have decided to build a bathhouse on your site, then you immediately think about the following questions:

  • where is it better to locate this building;
  • what size should the structure itself be;
  • how many rooms will the future bathhouse include;
  • what foundation is better to lay;
  • what and in what quantity building materials should be purchased.

Experts suggest familiarizing yourself with bathhouse planning. The best option is a 3 by 5 bathhouse layout, in which the sink and steam room are separated from each other.

  1. Choose a place for development and conduct a geological study of it - this is necessary to accurately know the characteristics of the soil and the location of groundwater.
  2. Choice suitable type foundation - strip foundation made of rubble stone ( Alternative option– pile).
  3. Internal layout of the premises - the space is divided into three parts:
  • rest room 1500 x 3000 mm;
  • steam room 3400 x 1500 mm;
  • sink 3400 x 1400 mm;
  • the remaining mm will go to the thickness of the internal walls.

Consider the location of all necessary devices and communications:

  • the furnace firebox is at the far end from the front door;
  • dressing room with hanger;
  • rest benches;
  • tanks with hot and cold water;
  • wooden canopy.

We should not forget about such a nuance as the window in washing room. It is necessary not only for ventilation, but also for safety reasons. The dimensions of the window are no less than 500 x 500 mm, but keep in mind that it will open inward.

The advantages of such a small bathhouse are the rapid heating of the room and low consumption of firewood.

When choosing the location of the bathhouse, consider some nuances:

  • if a well is dug on the site, the distance to it should be more than five meters;
  • from a residential building - at least eight meters;
  • the toilet should also be located as far away as possible.

The ideal place for a bath is the shore of a reservoir, where you can take a dip after the steam room.

Today, the configurations and sizes of baths are not characterized by any numbers. There are buildings of such volume that appearance we can say that this is a residential building. Since ancient times, special requirements have been placed on the design of interior spaces. Many recommendations have survived to this day. Let's look at the recommended dimensions.

How to decide on the size of the bath

In any case, before you start preparing a construction plan, determine your capabilities. Consider whether your financial abilities match what you plan to do. You may have to sacrifice something in terms of reducing rooms or redistribute cash flows aimed at purchasing expensive finishes towards purchasing additional materials.

The basis, first of all, is the number of people who will use the bathhouse. If you have an average family, there is no point in planning large premises. Although if you have the opportunity and want to make a spacious bathhouse, why not? Two-storey complex, with spacious premises and rest rooms on the second floor will please even a person inexperienced in “double affairs”.

From this follows the definition that the dimensions of the bath are determined individually, and there are no restrictions in this regard. There are opportunities and interesting ideas - build a large complex. It's always convenient. In addition, in the billiard room organized on the second floor, during the construction of a roof with a veranda, you can have a great time even in addition to bath procedures.

Steam room and sink - determine the dimensions

But if there are some inconveniences in terms of finances, and a bathhouse on the site is simply necessary, then you will have to cut out squares to make the entire space comfortable. Special attention devote time to the steam room. Its minimum dimensions are calculated based on 1.5 m/2 per person. That is, if two people steam, the dimensions are 3 m/2. Taking into account the recommendations, we adhere to them during construction small bathhouse when you need to save space. But there is an advantage to this - small spaces are easier to heat and you don’t need to purchase an expensive sauna stove.

There is no need to save on a steam room if you are planning a medium-sized sauna. Allocate half the area to it. Minimum space for washing is required. As a rule, ablution procedures are carried out in turns, and at 4 m/2 you can wash yourself perfectly. Moreover, there will be no need to additionally heat the sink or create a complex sewage system.

The conclusion from the above suggests the following: for an average family, the size of the steam room should be approximately 4–5 m/2. The best option, but if possible, more is allowed, just do not reduce the area of ​​the steam room unnecessarily. Many people do not recommend going overboard with the size, given the difficulty of warming up. As for the height, the ceilings should be approximately 2–2.2 meters.

Dimensions of the rest room and dressing room

In some cases, when the overall dimensions do not allow “to roam around,” many sacrifice a rest room, making only a small locker room at the entrance. According to the definitions of experts, in order not to harm the main premises, you can only think about a relaxation room in a medium-sized bathhouse. These can be considered premises characterized by dimensions of 6x4 meters.

You can pamper yourself with a spacious relaxation room in large rooms, or two-story buildings. In some cases, summer terraces are added, so in warm weather you can sit at the entrance with a cup of tea. You can relax here in winter, additionally

The Russian bath is not only a health procedure, but also a good tradition of relaxing with family or friends. It's hard to imagine Vacation home no bath. To build it yourself on your own site is highly honorable. Let's focus on a 4x6 m layout with a separate sink and steam room.


The optimal size of a bathhouse on a plot of land is 4x6 m. This volume of space allows you to arrange a place for relaxation so that several people can take a steam bath at the same time. The layout of the bathhouse necessarily includes a dressing room, a steam room and a wash room. It is preferable to divide the bathhouse into three rooms with partitions so that they are effectively heated and retain heat.

Separate steam room and shower separate rooms with wet and dry steam. You can also make a rest room separate from the vestibule, put it in a washing shower stall: make traditional bath modern and comfortable.

In addition to the interior premises, it is necessary to include in the project ventilation duct and sewer channels, hot and cold water, the ability to use electricity, and take into account fire safety standards.


Before drawing up a plan, you need to choose the right site and soil for construction. For fire safety reasons, it is not advisable to attach a bathhouse directly to the house. For construction and finishing works materials that can withstand high temperatures should be selected. Construction separate bathhouse quite expensive, but comfortable and safe.

To select a reliable area on the site, it is worth conducting a geological survey and proceeding from this data when drawing up drawings and laying the foundation.

Let us note the main nuances when choosing a location:

  • The most convenient place on a hill: so dirty water will leave the bathhouse by gravity.
  • Wet areas with possible groundwater It’s better to exclude it immediately.
  • The distance to the well or the nearest body of water must be at least 5 m.
  • The nearest residential building should not be closer than 8 m.
  • The bathhouse should be located as far as possible from the toilet (if it is outdoors) and the compost.

The type of soil determines the design of the bathhouse foundation. Most often, foundations with a slight depth are used: strip (in areas with sandy soil) and columnar types. Before construction, you need to clear the area by digging it up to remove bushes, roots, and small stones.

As a rule, a 6x4 m bathhouse does not require a deep foundation. But in each case, you need to take into account the soil, groundwater and the percentage of soil freezing.

Standards for room sizes

The dimensions of bath windows can be 40x60 or 70x80 cm; the window in the washroom should be positioned higher. The front door should be made small and low so that heat does not escape outside. Internal doors It is better to place them perpendicularly to avoid drafts and colds (at a short distance from each other). Standards for ceiling heights vary minimally: from 2.1 to 2.4 m. Room volumes can be planned differently, it all depends on the needs of the owners and the number of rooms.

Steam room

You should not make it too narrow so that the bath does not overheat quickly. It is easy to calculate the minimum size based on the number of people who can steam at the same time: 1 m – a seat, 2.2 – a lying one. Number of seats + space for the stove + small passage to the shelves. The distance from the stove to the shelves should be at least 20-30 cm. The upper tier should be at least 115 cm from the ceiling.


The optimal volume of the washing room is 1.5x1.5 m. If you allocate a little for it more space, there will be enough space for a shower stall 1.2x1.2 m and trestle beds.


The ratio of the volumes of warm and cool rooms varies at the request of the owners. An option is available with a spacious steam room, shower and small dressing room, or with a maximally spacious relaxation room and a separate dressing room.


A significant area of ​​the bathhouse is occupied by walls and partitions. Therefore, you will have to calculate the size of the premises carefully and several times. In practice, there is much less internal space left if the thickness of all partitions and cushioning materials is not taken into account in the drawing.

Selection and location of the furnace

The heating of each room depends on the type and power of the stove. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable stove for the desired volume of premises (especially the steam room). The best materials for sauna stove- brick or metal. A brick kiln heats up slower and cools down longer, so it uses less fuel. However, it is not easy to assemble such a structure; this should be done by a master stove maker.

It is easy to make a metal stove yourself. Basic skills in working with an angle grinder and a welding machine are enough. It is better suited for a bath with a small steam room. Stoves are divided into electric and wood-burning (can be heated with coal, fuel oil or gas). Wood stoves are authentic, but electric stoves are easier to install and maintain.

Most economical option for a bathhouse with separate sink and steam room - a sauna stove.

If the bathhouse does not have any heating other than a stove, it must be installed so that it heats several rooms at once. The universal layout of the stove is with the door towards the dressing room. Then there will be a heater inside the steam room, and a container of water in the wash room.

This is the most convenient option to use: the firebox is located in the center of the bathhouse and warms up all the rooms:

  • The most heat should be in the steam room.
  • A little lower - in a ventilated wash room (in a humid and hot room it is more difficult to breathe, which can be dangerous for people with heart and lung diseases).
  • Moderate heating in a cool dressing room.

In addition to the location and dimensions of the premises, it is worth considering the internal work in advance. For example, how and how tightly to insulate the walls. How thinner material, the more internal insulation he demands. A bathhouse made of timber must be laid during construction; for a log building, inter-crown insulation is sufficient. In a brick bathhouse, you should definitely fill the space between the masonry walls; the outside can be insulated with slabs or foam plastic.

Under no circumstances should polystyrene foam be used indoors: it becomes toxic when heated.

Floor insulation is of great importance. Used as a base for flooring in a bathhouse wooden joists or concrete plates ceilings The flooring itself is made of expanded clay, foamed polystyrene, foamed polymers or glass wool.

The distance from the stove to the walls and shelves is important, which depends on the type of stove and the dimensions of the premises.

The chimney can be internal or external. In Russian bathhouses, internal structures that do not violate the architectural appearance of the building are more popular. It can be assembled from metal, ceramic or brick pipes. At the junction of the pipe and the ceiling, apply thermal insulation material, rain protection is installed above the chimney. An insulating cap is placed on the roof.

Interior decoration can be different depending on the needs and tastes of the owners. It helps maintain temperature and protects against burns. The main thing is that the materials are hygienic and heat-resistant. For a steam room it is better to give preference deciduous trees tree. They do not emit resin; conifers are well suited for sinks and dressing rooms. Loungers in the steam room, shower cabin and trestle beds in the washing room are installed based on calculations of the volume of the premises. Electricity, ventilation and sewerage are supplied to the premises at the end of construction.


Before drawing up a project for a future bathhouse, you need to decide on the materials for construction. Basic requirements for materials: environmental friendliness, resistance to atmospheric conditions and temperature changes. The best choice for a bath - brick or more traditional tree. The choice also depends on the climate of the area and soil.

It is cheaper to purchase material in bulk, after asking about the quality and origin of the wood. Before starting construction, all materials must be dried in the sun. Their humidity level should not exceed 8%.

A wooden bathhouse can be assembled from a ready-made frame, built from logs or beams. A log bathhouse does not require additional insulation. A building made of beams must be lined with linen after each row so that the structure is airtight. Wooden roof can be covered with corrugated sheets, or with metal tiles.

Brick baths are less common, but more durable and do not require constant maintenance. The cost of wooden and brick baths is approximately the same. For building walls, red or clay brick, for laying stoves and interior decoration - fireclay. Preferred for windows and doors wooden materials. They are the most reliable and durable.

Another significant advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness. When heated for a long time, it does not emit toxic substances, unlike PVC windows.

Internal organization

With the same dimensions (4x6 or 6x4 m), you can plan the location of partitions, windows and doors in different ways. Before dividing the building with partitions, think through the location of windows and doors. A universal option is the entrance door in the southern wall (in the south the snow melts earlier and there are fewer snowdrifts). The windows of the cold rooms face west, because the bathhouse is used more often in the afternoon, and the sun hits the windows from the west.

It is better to separate the vestibule and rest room. This will help avoid drafts. The relaxation room, where you can undress, relax and chat after taking water procedures, can occupy up to half of the total area of ​​the bathhouse. Comfortable benches, chairs or stools are placed here. You can even put it in the dressing room upholstered furniture, but you need to choose it very carefully, giving preference to material that is resistant to temperature changes. For spacious room A sauna stove with a fireplace module is well suited for relaxation.

A dacha without a bathhouse is unthinkable. Every self-respecting owner of a plot of land and country house strives to build at least a small, but working bathhouse. And this is understandable: the bathhouse is an original Russian tradition, it is about relaxation and health, after all, speaking modern language- this is relaxation. But you can’t just build a bathhouse - you need a project and an optimally suitable layout of the bathhouse. This is the primary task, and what types of projects are there and which one is better to choose will be discussed below.

For plots of 3 or 6 acres, a bathhouse with an area of ​​3 x 4 meters, the design of which you see in the figure above, is perfect. The principle of the bathhouse is the presence of a steam room, and in our particular case, the steam room has a fairly large area - 8 m2. You can place 2-3 shelves (beds) in it, and there will be room for a heater. The remaining rooms can be included in the project as needed. For example, you can wash yourself in a bathhouse without a billiard room, but you can’t wash in a billiard room without a steam room.

After a portion of hot steam, you need to wash off the dirt and fatigue, and here you need a shower room - it is also called a wash room. Two square meters for washing one person is quite enough, as can be seen from the project. There is even a relaxation room where you can just sit, drink kvass, and relax before your next steam session. The relaxation room in our standard project has an area of ​​4.5 m2, and, of course, there is also a vestibule in which you can organize a small dressing room.

About the required premises

But even the smallest bathhouse cannot consist of one steam room - it’s simply inconvenient. Therefore, in small projects, the main room is divided by partitions into several rooms, which are assigned one or another role. It is not necessary to make load-bearing partitions and lay a foundation under them - it is enough to divide the area with light wooden partitions, as shown in the project below. The layout of the bathhouse itself is quite spacious - 4 x 6 meters.

Dividing the main building into several rooms will allow (and this is the main thing) to quickly, efficiently and efficiently warm up the steam room, without overheating the remaining rooms, especially the relaxation room. In addition, the plan of the bathhouse needs to be carefully thought out regarding free access to all rooms.

Waiting room

The purpose of the dressing room is to enter the bathhouse, store firewood or other fuel, locker room (dressing room), separate the cold room from the room heated by the stove. The dressing room is a kind of terminator, on one side of which warm air, on the other - cold. From the dressing room, the doors should lead to the shower room, the steam room, and the relaxation room.

This plan for a bathhouse measuring 3 x 5 meters provides for a large and spacious (as far as the construction plans and construction area allow) dressing room, in which all other rooms can be equipped with the help of partitions - a firewood warehouse, a locker room, etc. In such a dressing room you can make a fairly large window, the main thing is that there is no window in the steam room. There should be only one door in the steam room, and they should exit into the same dressing room. From the dressing room itself you can get to all other rooms.

Washroom or shower room

The shower room should be separated from others, since, first of all, the temperature in it should be lower than in the steam room, and functional purpose this room implies the secrecy of the process. In order not to waste the already small amount of energy on heating the washing room, it is made small - within 2-3 square meters. Such an area for a shower can be allocated in any, even the smallest, project. And if the bathhouse is intended exclusively for men’s visits, then the shower room can generally be made miniature - about 0.5 m2. But at its expense you can expand the rest room.

If the layout of a 6 by 4 meter bathhouse suits you, then the shower room can be organized as shown in the figure above - it is a small but quite comfortable and functional room.

For a family bath, especially those with children, the shower room should be large, comfortable and multifunctional, which means including a compartment (or a separate room) for washing and other needs. Because of large area such a washing room can even be the main room in the bathhouse, so good forced and natural ventilation, natural and artificial premises, correctly calculate the heating scheme and room area for the maximum number of visitors. If just such a plan for a bathhouse is drawn up, then the rest room can be completely excluded from the project and moved into the house.

Steam room

The paired room must be moved as far as possible in the project from the front door. The steam room is located as far as possible from entrance doors. There are no windows in the steam room, there is only one door. The main dimensions (length, width, ceiling height) can be any, but inner dimensions are calculated in accordance with existing standards, which include the following standards:

  1. Construction and finishing materials;
  2. Ventilation system parameters;
  3. Number of visitors to the steam room;
  4. Power and heat transfer of a heater or other stove model;
  5. Fire safety;
  6. Ergonomic and design parameters of the steam room.

The standards for the height of the steam room are quite strict - 210-240 cm, while both the width and length of the steam room can vary between 84 -115 cm -190-235 cm for the smallest projects for one person. It is clear that larger bathhouse sizes will entail an increase in the size of the steam room. In addition, if planning features are aimed at minimizing the area of ​​all premises, then the places in the steam room can be provided with seating.

From the above steam room design it is clear that the shelves can be both seated and for a lying position. With a cascade arrangement of shelves, the free space in the steam room can be significantly expanded.

Bathhouse projects

When starting the construction of a bathhouse, any projects can be developed, but they must be tied to the area of ​​the site and the location of the residential building on it.

The first example is a bathhouse with a relaxation room as a separate room. It is precisely because of its separate location that this room can be loaded additional functions– locker rooms, dressing room, shower.

In this project, despite the fact that the recreation room is quite large, there is also a second floor, which can be intended for active rest– playing billiards, for example, or just watching TV. Judging by the project, the rest room occupies half of the entire area, excluding the vestibule. Since the high temperature from the steam room does not reach here, you can put a soft corner and household electronics in the room. Even with inconsistent heating of the bathhouse, there is no risk of hypothermia for the interior. You can make the room more comfortable and cozy by installing a special sauna stove with a fireplace module, which will be located both in the steam room and in the relaxation room.

Bathhouse with swimming pool

Yes, in the classic version there is no pool in the bathhouse, but nothing prevents it from being built, and the project plan below clearly proves this. And this is not the limit: in the bathhouse you can organize winter Garden, and a training room, and even a bedroom.

The design of a one-story bathhouse measuring 7 x 11 meters is a spacious relaxation room, a separate steam room, a shower room, and a swimming pool. The entrance to the pool is from the corridor, and this is more convenient, since you may first need to undress without visiting the steam room. carried out through the rest room. In this project, all rooms of the bathhouse are separate, and only the corridor is a passage. This multifunctional bathhouse even has a bathroom, despite the fact that only one floor quite severely limits the architect’s space options.

Bathhouse on two floors

A two-story bathhouse is more of a residential building than a health building, since the second floor and most of the first floor are almost always reserved for vital purposes. necessary premises, which are needed even without a bathhouse on the premises. Very rarely, both floors are given over to the premises of the bathhouse and everything that may be connected with it.

The second floor can be built as a separate full floor, as an attic or as a residential attic space. In this project, this is an attic in which guests will relax. That is, the second floor of the bathhouse serves as a guest house. Quantity internal partitions determines which rooms you will plan. This could be one or two bedrooms with a relaxation room, or maybe just a large living room with a sofa for sleeping and relaxing after the bath. But it is not at all necessary to host guests for several days, and in this case, from the second floor you can simply make a games room with billiards or equip a chill-out with a home theater.

The first floor is standard set premises necessary for the full functioning of the bath: steam room, washing room, relaxation room with dining area, and bathroom. Naturally, there is also a large vestibule, which houses a storage room for firewood and a locker room.

Bathhouse with extensions

With a large area of ​​land, there is an excellent opportunity to expand the bathhouse, building it not as a separate functional object, but as a household complex - with extensions that provide separate use of premises on a large area of ​​​​one floor. Here you can add separately to the bathhouse: a relaxation room, bedrooms, a bathroom and a bathroom, a kitchen, a storage room for firewood or coal, a swimming pool, and even a children's room. In general, you can turn a bathhouse into a full-fledged residential building.

The solution will be ideal for living only in spring, summer and autumn, since in warm times there is no need to equip major heating, insulate the building, purchase a lot of furniture, etc. This is an economical option for a prefabricated bath structure.

The advantage is the “buoyancy” of the project - you can add any rooms and in any quantity, as long as there is free space on the ground. In addition, the technology of separate construction allows you to reduce the cost of building materials - not all premises require the same, often expensive, materials, especially for foundations. If the extension is unloaded, then it can be placed on piles or on columnar supports, and the walls can be built from wood rather than brick.

If any premises are operated in normal conditions, and not at high humidity, then it will be more economical not to include the use of vapor and waterproofing materials in the estimate.

The first stage of preparation for the construction of a bathhouse or sauna is the creation of a project that contains the dimensions of the entire building as a whole and each room separately, ceiling height, communication lines, etc. It is very important that using the constructed bathhouse is not only pleasant, but also convenient. To do this, it is necessary to determine the optimal size of the bathhouse, the number and purpose of the premises.

It is worth noting that there are simply no universal bath sizes. Everyone selects dimensions in accordance with their needs, height, takes into account the number of possible visitors, and plans the frequency of visits. If a small bathhouse in the country is enough for someone, then there are those owners who immediately set their sights on building a capital multi-storey bathhouse complex, where it is pleasant to spend several hours in a row in pleasant company.

Bathhouses for year-round use and seasonal buildings will differ in size. If in the first case it is necessary to insulate the walls, floor, ceiling, and install a heating system, then for baths that are used only in the summer, such measures are unnecessary.

The main room, without which one cannot imagine a bathhouse, is steam room. A stove (metal or brick) and shelves must be installed here.

Sink or shower. If the bathhouse has communications (water supply and sewerage), then it makes sense to install a shower corner or stall, a dousing bucket, and you can also place a font here. If hot water is heated in a tank, and cold water needs to be brought in buckets, then several troughs, basins, tubs and other containers are placed in the shower room in which it is convenient to mix warm water. With this option, the shower head is replaced by a regular ladle.

To save space, the washing room is installed directly in the steam room, without separating these rooms with partitions and a door. Typically, this option is acceptable for small country seasonal baths. However, from a hygiene point of view, you should not wash in a steam room (heated soap can be harmful to health).

Bathroom. Opinions about the need for a restroom in a bathhouse are controversial; it is worth operating with the amount of free space in the bathhouse and the possibility of laying communications. An alternative to a classic toilet is a peat or liquid dry toilet. Usually the restroom is located in the washing room, installing a partition with a door, screen or curtain. In a two-story bathhouse, it makes sense to install closets on each floor, and ideally, to complement the restrooms with a compact corner washbasin.

Dressing room, also known as dressing room and rest room. It is impossible to do without this room. Here they usually change clothes, store firewood, and drink tea. The more free space, the more comfortable you can arrange the room by adding a fireplace, billiard table, soft corner, TV, etc. But in this case, it is better to separate the dressing room, dressing room and the rest room itself. And in the dressing room of the most modest-sized bathhouse there must be room for a bench or sofa, a hanger, shelves for shoes, and a table (possibly folding). In any case, the project is designed in such a way that from the dressing room you can get to the restroom, shower, or steam room. There may be two different entrances to the washing room and steam room from the dressing room, or the path to the hottest room of the bathhouse will lie through the shower room.

In the photo there is a small dressing room

It is recommended to supplement a bathhouse that will be used during the cold season vestibule to prevent heat leakage from the bath and the appearance of drafts.

View from the pediment of a 3x6 m bathhouse with a vestibule

Additional premises: swimming pool, gym, terrace, bedroom on the second floor, herbal bar, massage room, boiler room, laundry room (room with a washing machine and a closet for clean linen), attic where brooms are dried.

Bathhouse 6x6 m with attic, project

Comparison of bathhouse and lumber sizes

The good thing about masonry made of brick, foam and gas blocks is that the building can be of absolutely any shape and size. In any case, the number of hewn bricks (blocks) is negligible.

Another thing is bathhouses made of timber, logs, gun carriages. To reduce the amount of unused trim, it is worth choosing the dimensions of the bathhouse in accordance with the length of the lumber. The most popular lengths of timber and logs are 3, 4 and 6 meters.

Prices for edged timber

edged timber

Table. Lumber length

On a note! Deviations from the nominal length are allowed from -25 to +50 mm ( technical requirements according to GOST 8486-86).

In addition, logging companies sometimes sell timber and logs 9 and even 12 meters long.

Standard corner connections for timber and logs are:

  • 45 degrees.

Pay attention to these indicators when calculating the area of ​​the bathhouse with a bay window, as well as the amount of lumber consumed.

What determines the size of the bath

The first thing that determines the size of the bathhouse is whether it is free-standing or serves as an extension to the house. In the second case, one of the walls of the house will turn into a partition between the bathhouse and the main building.

Also, the size of the bath depends on the size of the site and the amount of free space. It is irrational to build a 12x12 meter bathhouse on six acres. And, on the contrary, on a plot of a couple of hectares you can safely locate a bathhouse complex of any size.

It is worth choosing the size of the bathhouse according to the number of visitors. If you plan to go to the steam room in splendid isolation, then a modest building of 2x3 or 3x4 meters will be more than enough. For big family It’s better to choose a larger size, from 6x6 m to 6x12 or more, of course, if you don’t plan to take turns occupying the steam room.

Important! Do not forget that the area of ​​the premises also depends on the thickness of the walls and partitions, the presence or absence of wall insulation, and decorative finishing.

It’s best to choose the dimensions of the steam room based on your preferences - whether you like to steam while sitting or lying down, sit on a shelf with your knees bent, or lie stretched out full height. But do not rush to build a steam room of immense area, so as not to spend too much time and resources on heating.

Table. Minimum dimensions of a bathhouse and rooms in it for 1-2 people when seated

PremisesOne manTwo people
0,98 0,98
1,49 1,67
4,62 5,59
Minimum dimensions, cm2150x21502150x2600

Table. Minimum dimensions of a bathhouse and rooms in it for 2-4 people when placed lying down

Premises2-3 people2-3 people3 people4 people
2,34 2,34 2,7 3,0
Recommended steam room dimensions, cm1300x18001300x18001400x18001500x2000
4,03 4,03 5,4 5,4
Recommended dressing room dimensions, cm1300x31001400x34001500x36001800x3600
3,24 3,6 3,78 4,2
Recommended washing area dimensions, cm1800x18001800x18001800x21002000x2100
9,61 10,88 10,88 11,88
Minimum dimensions, cm3100x31003200x34003300x36003600x3800

You can refer to GOST 52493-2005, which regulates the operation of baths and showers. But this set of rules is designed for public baths, and therefore for an individual builder it is only a recommendation. Paragraph 5 of GOST states that the dimensions of the bathhouse itself and the premises in it may vary depending on climatic conditions locality and national traditions.

Height of rooms in the bathhouse

A prerequisite is that there must be a threshold before entering the steam room, or the level of the entire floor of the steam room should be 10-15 cm higher than the floor level in the washing room or rest room. In the washing room, it is recommended to make the floors 3 cm lower than the level of the finished coating in the rest room.

There is a tradition according to which the ceiling height is chosen. Measure the height of the tallest family member and make a reserve so that it is comfortable to swing bath broom. The result is from two to two and a half meters. The optimal ceiling height is 210 centimeters.

If you make the ceiling too high, it will be very comfortable to sit on the top shelf and steam, but the volume of the steam room will increase, and this will lead to unnecessary fuel consumption for heating the room.

If you want to sit on the top shelf, then take a distance from it to the ceiling of 100 cm. For a “lying” position, fifty centimeters is enough, but it may be too hot, because the temperature distribution in the steam room is not uniform:

  • the floor is at its lowest temperature;
  • every 30 centimeters the temperature rises by about 10°C.

The main thing is that the top shelf is higher than the stones in the stove (the heater is usually located one meter from the floor), then the atmosphere will be the best.

There are standards for the location of windows in a bathhouse:

  • the bottom of the window opening should not be less than 120 cm from the finished floor line;
  • in showers and soap rooms this value is one and a half meters.

Building area

Ideally, each bathhouse visitor should have from 1.3 to one and a half square meters of space in the dressing room or 1 m2 in the steam room. The optimal washing area for one person is 2.25-2.4 sq.m. More than 80 cm of free space should be left between the shower stall (or a bench in a soap room, the dimensions of the bench are 0.5 x 0.9 meters) for ease of movement. In fact, this area can be slightly increased for greater comfort.

Optimal effective area a bathhouse for 2-3 people with three rooms (shower room, dressing room and the steam room itself with an area ratio of 1.5: 2: 1) is approximately 10 square meters.

How do you know if the planned area will be enough for you? The easiest way is to outline all the walls and partitions in steps. In winter, it is better to do this in the snow, and in summer, mark with sand or pull ropes.

“Tread down” the dimensions of the future bathhouse on the snow


Even if you correctly determine the optimal size of the bathhouse for yourself, but make an irrational layout, the level of comfort will be reduced.

Let's consider the layout of the bathhouse, mistakes made and methods of reorganization.

On the plan we see a bathhouse with three rooms - a relaxation room, a washing room and a steam room. The rest room and washing room are walk-through. The stove is heated from the rest room (with an external firebox).

Pay attention to the shower plan. There are: toilet, shower, washbasin. Most users are unlikely to be happy with the prospect of washing in the toilet, so the toilet should not be installed this way.

It is better to install a shower stall closed type, since water from the shower tray will splash in all directions and this threatens the appearance of fungus, and if the floors and walls are made of wood, then their service life will be significantly reduced. It is much better if water is collected from the floor and a drenching bucket is installed.

If you look at the rest room, a soft corner and table are irrationally installed here. Carrying firewood and heating the stove will be extremely inconvenient.

Be sure to consider the size of the furniture that you will install in the rest room. The more luxurious the corner sofa and oak table are, the more free space they will take up. Conversely, a modest bench with stools and a folding table will save a few centimeters of floor space.

Pay attention to the stove installation diagram. With this option, the chimney will be located quite far (about one and a half meters) from the ridge, and it will be inconvenient to clean it (and in bathhouses, chimneys become clogged very often).

If you like to run outside into the snow or a swimming pool immediately after hot procedures, then such a layout is not suitable, because you will have to run through two rooms at once, during the run the heat will subside, and the pleasure from the contrasting procedures will decrease. And when you return back to the steam room, you will flood the floors in both the relaxation room and the shower.

The space reorganization plan is as follows:

  • Let's start with the steam room. Move the door a little to the left. We move the shelves to another wall. We move the stove closer to the entrance, now it will be much more convenient to admire the fire through the transparent portal. This position of the stove is also more correct from a technical point of view, because the chimney will be located closer to the ridge and there will be no need to make it (the chimney) too high. It will also be more convenient to clean the chimney while standing on the roof (if the pipe is located further than half a meter from the ridge, then cleaning is unsafe and inconvenient);

  • the shower room should have insulated floors with a sloped screed (0.01 - 0.015 according to SNiP II-L.13-62), non-slip tiles and a drain for collecting and draining water;

  • There will be no toilet or washbasin inside. Instead of a shower stall, it is better to install a shower bucket and a wall-mounted shower, as well as a bench on which it is convenient to sit and wash;

  • in the rest room we move the windows and door. Now there is a free corner where a cupboard and washbasin fit perfectly. The cabinet is convenient for cutting snacks. You can also put it there electric stove and a kettle (relevant if you are planning long feasts in the bathhouse).

Such a plan can be reflected in the other direction, if it is more convenient. After all, it’s unlikely that anyone would want curious neighbors or passers-by to look into their bathhouse through the windows. We recommend placing the windows themselves to the west in order to spend less on lighting.

As for the size, this layout is good for baths with dimensions of more than 6x6 meters. If you build a bathhouse according to the original plan of 4.5 x 4.5 meters, then even a sofa will not fit into the relaxation room; you will have to steam alone and, most likely, while standing.


Build on own plot You can have not only a classic Russian bath, but also a Finnish sauna and Turkish hammam. If you could not determine the optimal size of the premises for yourself, visit public bath complexes or pay a visit to friends and neighbors. Estimate how much space is needed to sit comfortably in the steam room, without immediately burning yourself on the stove or bumping elbows with other visitors. In the hammam, measure the sun loungers and think about the location so that it is comfortable to walk between them.

You should not save too much and reduce areas to a minimum. Few people will like cramming into a bathhouse like herring into a barrel. The exception is mobile baths, in which the free space counts by centimeters.

Video - Minimum bath sizes
