Frame wall technology. DIY frame house walls. Performing the top trim

It is not for nothing that frame technology for building houses is very popular among buyers of country houses. After all, this is ease of construction, low cost, and speed of assembly. But when designing such a house, it is necessary to remember that the walls of this house should protect not only from wind and cold, but also from extraneous noise. However, first let’s talk about the frame house as a whole, because the walls by themselves will not build into a house.

Bottom harness

When the foundation is ready, we begin building the house itself. It is very important to set the harness accurately at the very beginning. frame structure, because the stability of the entire house will depend on it. In fact, bottom harness frame structure is its foundation, with the help of which the walls are attached to the foundation, and the load of the entire house is evenly distributed on the foundation. As a rule, timber with a cross section of 150*200 mm is used for strapping. At the same time, the distance between the vertical pillars of the frame should not exceed 2.5 meters.

Subtleties of the lower harness device

Preparation for laying the strapping beam consists of arranging waterproofing of the upper part of the foundation. One of the following works well for this. the following materials: roofing felt, bitumen mastic, etc., and then in order:

  • we treat the strapping beam with an antiseptic;
  • We make timber connections halfway through the timber and secure them with 120 mm staples and nails;
  • to strengthen the structure, we secure the corner joints with metal corners;
  • piping to the foundation frame house We fasten it using an anchor bolt and tighten it with a nut.

Upper harness

After installing the vertical posts of the external walls of the house, it’s time to arrange interfloor covering. And this work should begin with the installation of the upper trim. The material for it can be a double board with thermal insulation or a solid beam. The final thickness of such a prefabricated (or solid) beam should not be thicker than the vertical post of the frame wall. The height of the brace should be calculated by a specialist, since the uniform distribution of the load exerted by the upper structures on the bottom part frame house.

How to fasten timber

The methods of fastening are exactly the same as when installing vertical frame posts: either with corners, or fastenings by means of complete/incomplete cutting. Before installing the interfloor beams, you need to make the frame of the first floor sufficiently rigid, since the interfloor beams are also the floor joists of the second floor. The necessary rigidity of the frame will be given by permanent braces, which can be mounted either by cutting or using metal fasteners. You can also secure the braces by driving nails through them. In this case, the length of the nail must be such that, having passed through the brace, it goes deeper into the rack by at least 80 mm.

Important! If you mounted the vertical frame posts using a notch, then all connecting nodes should be additionally reinforced with metal brackets, which can be made either from reinforcement with a cross-section of 8-10 mm, or from sheet metal, the thickness of which is at least 3-4 mm.

Problems encountered during installation and solutions to them

  1. Difficulties may arise during installation of the harness. You need to be prepared for them, but it will be even better if you provide for some nuances and prevent problems from arising.
  2. So, when constructing a foundation from screw piles or blocks, sometimes it happens that its individual elements may not coincide with the rest in height, that is, they will not be located at the same level. As a result, the strapping will not rest on all the piles and the load on it will be distributed unevenly.
  3. In the future, it will be very difficult to correct anything, therefore, even at the stage of laying the foundation, the geometry of the pile field should be carefully checked and any errors identified should be corrected immediately.
  4. Sagging of the strapping beam above the foundation can be corrected using wooden spacers, but it is better to prevent such sagging. All pillars must be placed on the same level.
  5. When drilling a hole in the timber for the foundation anchor, proceed carefully, as there is a risk of getting cuts of the wrong size. Wood can crack for the same reason.

The essence of the wall element

Frame house - special kind low-rise building based on a rigid structure consisting of vertical posts connected horizontally. This rigid structure is called a frame. The construction of the wall of a frame house is, in other words, called a pie, since such a wall consists of several layers.

At first glance, it may seem that building a frame structure is very simple, and this is indeed so, but the expected result can be achieved only by consistently performing all the stages and adhering to a certain technology, which still has its own tricks:

  1. Wall thickness - it must be selected in accordance with the purpose of the building and the climatic zone.
  2. Good insulation is a material that combines quality and affordable cost.
  3. Insulation must be protected from exposure to various atmospheric phenomena. For this purpose, special films are used.
  4. If the insulation is installed incorrectly, cold bridges may form in the walls - areas through which heat will escape.
  5. External finishing is carried out taking into account all the requirements for the materials used in its construction.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Wall thickness

The main task when building any house is to make it as warm as possible, while reducing heating costs. This can only be achieved if the thermal conductivity of the walls is minimized. A properly constructed frame wall will retain heat inside the room and keep out the cold from outside. For achievement maximum effect The frame posts must be made of timber, 200 mm thick.

For areas with a hot climate, the walls can be made thinner - here the main task will be to minimize the cost of ventilation and air conditioning, and everything will depend on the size of the insulation.

If you are building a country house and plan to use it only in the summer, the optimal wall thickness is 40 mm. For the frame of such a house, a “magpie” edged board with a width of approximately 150 mm is usually used.

Insulation for walls

If you look at the wall in section, you can see that the insulation occupies the main part of it. It performs the function of an enclosing structure - it provides reliable sound and heat insulation of premises.

The main types of insulation for a frame house:

  1. Styrofoam - inexpensive material, but has many disadvantages. These include fragility, low sound insulation, flammability, and a high risk of damage by rodents.
  2. Mineral wool is the most popular material used today by most construction companies offering finished projects frame houses.
  3. Ecowool and polyurethane foam have exceptional protection parameters. When using them as insulation, a vapor barrier is not required. Disadvantage – quite high price.

We will consider filling the wall of a frame house using mineral wool as an example, as the most popular insulation. And you will find more information about insulation and the risks of errors.

How to lay insulation

The insulation can be laid either on top of the finished exterior finish or directly into the frame. Usually to ensure structural rigidity outer surface The frame wall is sheathed either with plywood sheets or OSB boards. In this case, the insulation is attached to them. If you decide to make the outer cladding from edged boards, then between the insulation sheets and the cladding you will need to lay a special windproof film.

Insulation procedure

When cutting insulation, cut out squares with an allowance of 50mm in width on all sides. This way the mineral wool will lie tightly, without gaps or gaps.

Seal the joints between the stand and the mat with narrow, double-folded strips of mineral wool. You can lay them by hand, but it will be more convenient to use a screwdriver.

The best option would be a double layer of mineral wool between the racks plus another layer on top. In this case, the risk of cold bridges will be reduced to zero.

The insulation is attached to a flat surface special glue, and as additional fixation, you can use disc-shaped plastic dowels.

Steam and waterproofing

A vapor barrier material must be installed under the internal lining of the wall of a frame house. Waterproofing film laid on top of the insulation under the outer skin to protect the structure from wind and moisture.

The vapor barrier prevents moisture vapor from escaping. If you neglect this element, steam will condense inside the “pie” and penetrate into the insulation, which over time will lead to a deterioration in its properties and an increase in heating costs. Attention! If you decide to use ecowool or polyurethane foam as insulation, a vapor barrier will be superfluous.

When constructing frame buildings, penofol is usually used as a vapor barrier material, and glassine or membrane films are used for waterproofing. They need to be laid overlapping and secured with construction stapler. The joints and junctions are glued with a special self-adhesive tape.

ABOUT self-construction frame house read.


The wall pie is sheathed with finishing materials on both sides. Since the wall of a frame house is perfectly flat, almost any available coating can be used to decorate it. For exterior decoration country houses Usually wooden or plastic materials are used:

Often, when finishing the façade themselves, owners of country houses do not pay attention to the recommendations of specialists and install the cladding directly to the frame. Such a solution is quite viable if the house is used exclusively in the summer, but if you live in such a house in the winter for at least a week, condensation will begin to accumulate under the sheathing, causing double harm - destroying the wood and moistening the insulation.

To avoid such consequences and to initially ensure the possibility of using the house all year round, the façade must be ventilated. To do this, 30-40 mm thick bars are nailed over the entire surface of the frame, and the cladding is placed on them. The main difficulty here is the precise pouring of the foundation so that it does not impede the penetration of air into ventilation gap. Interior finishing is usually done with plasterboard, fiberboard or clapboard.

The walls of frame houses have an ideal structure for insulation interior spaces, so by assembling the wall pie according to all the rules, you will get a warm, cozy and comfortable home.

About the ideal exterior decoration read .

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All larger number developers are becoming supporters of building houses using frame technology. This method allows you to solve housing problems in rural areas and rapidly develop dacha areas. In addition, the frame walls of such houses make the home warm, quiet and environmentally friendly.

Advantages of frame houses

A frame house is a lightweight prefabricated structure, which consists of a rigid frame installed on a foundation and covered with wood or panels.

In order for a house to have sufficient strength, the frame must have lower and upper frames, corner and row posts, crossbars and struts. In some cases, such a framework is already available in ready-made blocks supplied to the work site.

The technology for constructing frame houses has been known to builders for more than 50 years. This method comes from Canada and Europe, where most housing stock built using a panel-frame method. This type of construction has gained particular popularity due to the possibility of more economical use of materials, as evidenced by the following facts.

During construction, frame walls require wood 2-3 times less than cobblestones or logs wall partitions. It is this feature that makes it possible to reduce their weight and lay a lightweight foundation under the house, which has a more simplified technology compared to a conventional foundation.

The next positive point in the construction of a frame house is the relatively quick construction of wall partitions, since complex nodal connections on notches have been replaced by simple nail ones. allows you to build a residential building in a few months. At the same time, the developer is not required to have high professional training to install a frame wall, which makes it possible to build a house on his own without the help of specialists.

This strengths frame houses are not exhausted. In addition to the speed of project implementation wooden walls do not shrink, which greatly facilitates further construction. Thanks to the simplified design of wall partitions, it is possible to implement the most complex house layout and its architectural details.

You can also try installing a block consisting of insulation (mineral wool) and protective coating With outside frame. Regardless of the option chosen, all layers must be fixed with plastic sleeves that prevent deformation of the insulating board. The pitch of the frame posts should not exceed 600 mm.

The use of a double frame is appropriate if the thickness of the insulating layer exceeds 200 mm. This will reduce the load on the weight of the mounted materials. To do this, all parts of the wall must be connected to each other. metal fastening or a solid fiber board.

Modular wall blocks for frame houses are three-layer structures that have excellent mechanical and heat-saving characteristics. The outer layers of the panel are made of oriented particle board(OSB).

For the inside of the block, self-extinguishing structural polystyrene foam, polyurethane or mineral wool can be used. They have excellent thermal insulation characteristics, which ensures minimal heat loss when heating a frame house. The connection of all layers into a monolithic panel occurs through gluing polyurethane glue. If necessary, holes for door or window openings in such blocks are cut directly at the construction site.

The design features of the external walls of a frame house, consisting of small-sized panels, are practically no different from standard wall partitions. The only condition is that when installing a vapor barrier layer, lay it in one piece and reinforce the joints with silicone mass. For a strong hold individual elements with the lower beam, fastening is carried out strictly along the seams and always along inside assembled wall.

Construction of a frame house - popular technology for winter or summer country houses. This technology is distinguished by its simplicity, budget cost, efficiency, comparative ease of assembly, and the ability to quickly complete all work. It is important to design and calculate the labor intensity of the work, the amount of materials, taking into account the climate and individual budget.

The basis of a frame house is the walls; their correct design is one of the factors for successful construction. Frame houses can be built with your own hands.

Whether you will carry out the work yourself or prefer to turn to contractors - knowledge about correct device the walls of a frame house will be useful, they will allow you to calculate the cost of work, determine the quantity necessary materials and choose the best option.

Do-it-yourself construction requires a lot of free time: people with full-time jobs will not be able to quickly cope with the volume of work.

A frame house is based on a rigid structure in which vertical posts are connected by horizontal lintels.

Construction of the wall of a frame house (pie)

Insulation is placed in the free cells, then the surface of the walls is finished from the inside and outside. The frame is installed directly on the foundation, but during construction you must first assemble each wall as a separate frame on a level area next to the foundation.

  • The walls of a frame house form a kind of “pie”, assembled according to strict rules.
  • The wall thickness is calculated taking into account the climate and the purpose of the building;
  • When choosing insulation, it is important to achieve good sound insulation, as well as thermal insulation, while calculating its quantity and optimal cost;
  • It is important to protect the insulation from moisture and other adverse effects using special films;

The correct technology for laying insulation will prevent heat loss; saving energy also requires calculation and planning.

Builders are striving to reduce heating costs by better insulating the building. Calculating the dimensions of the walls and selecting insulation is the key to success.

Calculation of wall sizes and selection of insulation

To do this, the frame racks must be made of timber with a thickness of 200 mm. A cross frame made from bars measuring 50x50 mm is also allowed. The calculation of wall thickness depends on the climate: in warm areas, with hot summers and mild winter

, the thickness of the walls can be reduced. country house, which is visited only in the summer, will be simple: a wall thickness of 40 mm is sufficient, and an edged board about 15 cm wide, called a “magpie,” is suitable for the frame.

Foam plastic, mineral wool, as well as ecowool and polyurethane are used as insulation materials. Polystyrene foam is one of the cheapest materials, but it is fragile, insufficient in terms of sound insulation, flammable, and can be damaged by rodents. Mineral wool is popular in modern practice.

Insulation of a frame house with ecowool

Ecowool and polyurethane foam are quite expensive, but have better protective properties; their use will allow you not to worry about vapor barriers, but during the construction process they will require special equipment for their application.

Since the surface of a frame house, as a rule, for rigidity and strength, is covered with sheets of plywood or chipboard during construction, the insulation can be attached directly to these sheets. Great importance has a calculation of the amount of materials: it is recommended to use a double layer of insulation. Mineral wool sheets and sheathing material are separated by a windproof film. The insulation is attached with a special glue; stronger fixation can be achieved using disc-shaped dowels.

For external protection of the wall “pie”, a vapor barrier inside the building and its waterproofing with outside.

Vapor barrier inside the building and its waterproofing on the outside

Vapor barrier is necessary to avoid condensation of wet vapors inside the walls and their entry into the insulation. If moisture penetrates, mineral wool will significantly lose its thermal insulation qualities, and large energy costs will be required for additional heating of the structure. The film for waterproofing is laid outside, on the side of the facade, this allows you to protect the wall structure from wind and precipitation. For vapor barrier, foil materials are used, for example, penofol, for waterproofing you will need glassine, it is possible to use membrane boards. Such boards are overlapped during construction using a construction stapler, and the nodes must be carefully taped at the joints with special tape.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is used in country houses.

Vinyl siding

Its cost is inexpensive, it is not susceptible to rotting or exposure to rodents, it is easy to carry out work and convenient for subsequent use (easy to clean, looks neat), and has a long service life. It is often used for cladding country houses or if the developer wants to reduce the cost of finishing.

Metal siding

Used for façade cladding and metal siding, it is durable, impact resistant and attractive design- the image of a fairy-tale hut is created.

Metal siding

Galvanized steel with polymer coating does not rust, tolerates temperature changes well.

Cladding with clapboard has a number of disadvantages characteristic of wooden materials - a tendency to dry out (swell) and be affected by bark beetles. Apply modern impregnations, reducing the effects of harmful effects and the fire hazard of the structure, making possible fires self-extinguishing.

Wooden materials for façade cladding include a blockhouse that imitates timber, which is also used for interior decoration, and for outer skin. This material is stronger than rounded logs, it is attractive in design, but over time it still changes its shape, since it is a modified lining.

The sheathing should not be attached directly to the frame during construction.

Block house installation diagram

For summer houses such a solution is possible, but if you need to spend time in such a house in winter period even a few days, steam condensates will begin to destroy the wood and moisten the insulation. To build a winter house, pay attention to the good ventilation of the facade: for this, bars 30-40 mm thick are nailed over the entire surface, then work on cladding the wall is carried out. It is important to calculate the load on the foundation and accurately fill it, then air circulation in the gaps for ventilation will allow condensation to erode naturally.


Façade cladding possible facing bricks, but careful calculation of the significant load on the foundation and walls in this case is necessary so that the structures can withstand its weight.

Scheme of façade cladding with facing bricks

This material protects well from harmful influences, but the cost of such cladding is among the most expensive.


Tile cladding of the facade is reliable and has a long service life, but attaching the tiles to wooden elements You can't use glue.

Tiled facade cladding

The technology of attaching tiles using self-tapping screws is expensive and labor-intensive; if you choose this material, an accurate calculation will be required: it is necessary to determine both the amount of materials and the cost of the work.


Plastering walls is also not very popular in Russia due to its fragility.

Plastering walls

It is recommended to use three layers of plaster technology. For single-layer plaster, it is best to use a Portland cement composition, white cement(lime) and sand. To prevent cracks from occurring, it is better to add fiberglass.

Fake diamond

Facade cladding artificial stone It has an attractive design; this material is quite light in weight and convenient during installation, and does not create a significant load on the foundation.

Facade cladding with artificial stone

A house lined with artificial stone looks very attractive.

Thermal panels

Facade cladding wooden houses thermal panels are recommended in regions where the temperature in winter drops below - 25 degrees.

Cladding the facade of wooden houses with thermal panels

For interior decoration, lining, wood-fiber boards are used, plasterboard is possible, but it does not tolerate temperatures below zero.

Railcar finishing

It cannot be used for finishing work on summer houses whose heating is not planned in winter.

As seen, frame technology construction optimally combines quality and cost. The construction of the walls of a frame house is excellent for high-quality insulation living space.

Must be carefully designed frame house, execute exact calculation works for the durability and reliability of the house.

This technology is characterized by simplicity of work and will ensure low cost.


In this video you can learn a lot of interesting and new things about how to avoid mistakes and build correct frame walls.

A frame house is an opportunity to solve a family’s housing problems quite quickly and inexpensively. Durable, practical, warm house- This lightweight design, which can last for decades. At the same time, construction does not require a complex heavy foundation, but there is a difficulty - frame walls. Wall structures must be properly insulated and waterproofed, then your home will not be afraid of any temperature changes, the microclimate will remain comfortable and the house will truly become cozy.

Inexpensive doesn't mean bad

The main popularity of the technology lies in the possibility of using inexpensive building materials, which reduces the price of the project. Minimal use of wood, no brickwork, gas and foam concrete blocks - this parameter significantly lightens the total weight of the structure, which means it is possible to save on arranging the load-bearing base without losing the practical and strength characteristics of the entire house.

Another positive point - quick installation walls of the house. Technologically, the box is erected in literally 4-6 weeks, and there is no further shrinkage, which saves time on construction. And the simplified design and variety of projects make it possible to implement the most complex layouts without special financial investments.

Interesting! Frame walls They ideally hide communications, so during construction you will not have to additionally install boxes to hide the elements, which is also very convenient.

Structurally, the house consists of load-bearing frame, insulation, which is laid inside, external and interior lining, supplemented with layers. An impressive list of advantages of the technology can be concluded in the following: the wall of a frame house, with a minimum thickness, in relation to any other type of building, retains all practical qualities, while respecting best ratio building area to usable area interior spaces.

Depending on the type and thickness of the insulation used, wall panels have the following energy saving parameters:

  • mineral wool thickness 150 mm = R 3.2;
  • mineral wool thickness 200 mm = R 4.3;
  • polystyrene foam thickness 150 mm = R 3.7;
  • polystyrene foam thickness 200 mm = R 5.

Important! To ensure the preservation of all qualities, a frame house should be built from dry lumber. The use of raw elements will lead to drying out of the structure, which means deformation and weakening of fastening units. Subsequently, the house will require repairs and renovation. Frequently used boards have parameters of 150 * 50 mm or 200 * 50 mm, the width of the elements depends on the thickness of the insulation used. External cladding allows the use of OSB boards, plywood with the right level moisture resistance, DSP, in addition to protective functions, the cladding gives the frame strength. An ordinary dense mineral wool layer is well suited as insulation (wool should be calculated using the example vertical design, not horizontal, otherwise it will slide) or a layer of polystyrene foam materials.

Using polystyrene foam is a cheap measure, but not the most profitable. In order for the foam to hold well, you will have to seal all the cracks and joints. polyurethane foam. The cost of such fastening reduces the difference in price, and sometimes increases the overall cost of the work. In addition, polystyrene foam is a material in which rodents often make nests, and this quality clearly negates all its advantages.

One of important elements arrangement of frame walls - installation of vapor barrier. The materials are lined on the outside, protecting the insulation from getting wet. The tightness and quality of vapor barrier materials must be very high, in addition, all cracks must be sealed with double-sided tape. However, if polystyrene insulation is used, vapor barrier is not required, since the material itself perfectly removes moisture.

Important! The presence of a vapor barrier creates a closed zone inside the walls. air environment, which means ventilation is necessary. Its arrangement is thought out at the project creation stage.

The construction of a frame house can be carried out in two ways:

  1. the use of piece materials, the preparation, sawing and assembly of which is carried out on the construction site;
  2. the use of large-panel dimensional elements called shields. The manufacture of products allows only industrial options; the material is delivered to the construction site in the required configuration and only assembly and installation is carried out on site. The process is quite easy and quick, but the weight of panel structures sometimes requires the use of special equipment.

Advice! Panel technology is available in several options: the presence of only one-sided cladding, which involves arranging the cladding on the other side of the panel after the box is erected, and the presence of double-sided cladding. In the second case, the walls of the frame house are completely ready and you just need to install them in place. As a rule, these are SIP panels equipped with a thick layer of polystyrene foam, which performs two functions at once: thermal insulation and vapor barrier. At the same time, the panels have increased strength compared to a standard frame frame.

Disadvantages of wall frame structures

One and main disadvantage is the accumulation of moisture in the frame. This problem may occur in thick insulation material and will lead to the appearance of corrosive plaques, mold, and dampness. A house like this won't last long.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the highest quality insulation and waterproof it as thoroughly as possible. At the same time, remember that the thermal insulation is not to the taste of rodents and bugs, and is not subject to rotting and deformation. As soon as this problem is solved, you can build a house that will give you decades of trouble-free operation.

Frame walls: design of elements

The wall structure of a frame house has several mandatory components: a rigidly connected frame element with horizontal frames, additional structures, vertical posts, internal filler and cladding. In cross-section, such a “pie” looks like this (materials are given taking into account standard construction):

  • imitation timber cladding;
  • sheathing;
  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • wood board (chipboard);
  • wall frame structure (board, timber);
  • thermal insulation material;
  • soundproofing;
  • plywood board;
  • external finishing.

Now let’s look at which “pie” is especially correct. The technology requires the use of only high-quality dry wood, otherwise drying out will lead to irreversible consequences. For example, a raw board with a width of 150 mm during the drying process will turn into a board with a width of 145-147 mm, which means 3-5 mm of gaps, which will significantly reduce the thermal qualities of the house.

Insulation involves the use different materials, the main thing is that it stays firmly in vertical plane, did not roll down and did not gather like an accordion at the bottom. It is best to use a slab material or fix the sheets with foam.

The vapor barrier is always installed with an overlap, from bottom to top. The overlap line is indicated on the roll with a dotted line or line.

Important! The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is selected taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region.

Depending on the wall panels used, it sometimes happens that the thickness of the thermal insulation is slightly greater than the internal cavity of the wall frame. The solution to the problem is the use of additional wooden frame or slab element mounted under external cladding. No matter what construction option is chosen, the layers of the “pie” are rigidly fastened and secured using plastic sleeves in order to minimize the risk of insulation deformation during operation. The frame racks should not be spaced at intervals of more than 0.6 m.

With thickness thermal insulation material more than 20 cm, a double frame is made. The procedure lightens the weight load on the main wall element. The use of modular blocks facilitates the construction process, while the design of the blocks has parameters prepared in advance for each individual region. Most often these are OSB boards with polystyrene or mineral wool insulation. This design provides high energy savings and is easy to connect on site.

The design of small-sized walls of a frame house, if the construction is carried out from such elements, is no different from panels, only when installing a vapor barrier layer, the panels will have to be laid in one piece, and the joints will be reinforced with silicone mass.

As for what the thickness of the wall of a frame house built for permanent residence should be, experts recommend dimensions of at least 15 cm. This does not apply to the entire “pie,” but only to the insulation. For a temporary structure, 10 cm of mineral wool is enough, but then in winter you will have to warm up the dacha in order to stay there overnight. Thus, adding up all the thicknesses, we get the total thickness wall panel frame house.

Important! Insulation with mineral wool, as the most common material, has its own thickness parameters: insulation with an average of 15-18 cm is mainly used, and taking into account the complete structure of the structure, the wall thickness will be 22-24 cm.

Frame construction technology is deservedly popular among buyers of suburban housing due to its ease of construction, low cost and speed of assembly. However, when designing such a house, we must not forget about the main thing: it must reliably protect against cold and extraneous noise.

Proper wall design is one of the most important factors in connecting everything necessary requirements together. It doesn’t matter whether you build it yourself or prefer to order ready-made option– knowledge of how to make the right wall pie for a frame house will be useful to you in any case.

Construction of a frame house wall

A frame house is a special type of low-rise building, which is based on a rigid structure of vertical posts connected by horizontal lintels. Insulation is placed into the cells thus formed, and the inner and outer surfaces are sewn up with appropriate materials.

In the construction industry, such a multilayer arrangement of any element has a special name - pie.

This is what a typical wall of a frame house looks like in section:

The wall pie, despite its apparent simplicity, must be performed in accordance with certain rules:

  • the thickness of the walls must correspond climatic zone and the purpose of the house;
  • criteria for choosing insulation: good sound and heat insulation and reasonable price;
  • to protect the insulation from getting wet and other harmful effects, it is necessary to use special films;
  • it is very important to ensure correct styling insulation to avoid the appearance of heat leakage areas (cold bridges);
  • The construction of the façade must be carried out taking into account the requirements for the materials used.

Now about all the subtleties of the process in order.

Wall thickness

The thickness of the walls of a frame house should be selected in accordance with where and why it is being built. For the main part of the territory of our country, the main task is energy saving, i.e. reducing the cost of heating your own home due to its maximum insulation. In such cases, the frame racks are made of timber, the thickness of which must be at least 200 mm. Sometimes a cross frame structure is used, knocking it down from 50x50 mm bars.

For warmer areas where the climate is generally hot, the wall thickness may be thinner - the main objective is to reduce air conditioning and ventilation costs. It all depends on the size of the insulation used.

The optimal wall thickness for a country house, which is used only in the warm season, is 40 mm. For the construction of the frame, a “magpie” edged board with a width of about 15 cm is most often used.


The insulation occupies most of the wall in the section and performs main function the enclosing structure of a frame house - provides reliable heat and sound insulation of interior spaces.

Currently, quite a lot has been developed various materials for insulating houses. We will not dwell in detail on the features of the choice here - a separate one is devoted to this. Let us note only the main points that are necessary for better understanding The question is what is best to put in a wall pie.

The main types of insulation that can be used to equip a frame house are:

  • Styrofoam– the cheapest material, but at the same time it has a number of disadvantages: low sound insulation, fragility, flammability, susceptibility to rodents;
  • mineral wool- the most popular insulation material at present. The construction of frame house walls using stone wool mats as insulation is now offered by most construction companies;
  • polyurethane foam and ecowool– provide exceptional protection parameters; when using them, vapor barrier is not required. The main disadvantage is the high price due to the need to use special equipment during application.

In the future, we will assume that the frame structure pie is filled with mineral wool mats, since in practice this is the most common design.

Correct installation of insulation

The insulation can be laid on the finished external finishing or directly into the frame. It should be noted that most often, to ensure the necessary rigidity, the outer surface of a frame house is sheathed with sheets of plywood or OSB boards. Then the insulation can be attached directly to them. Otherwise, it is necessary to lay a windproof film between the mineral wool sheets and the cladding and, preferably, bars for a ventilated facade.

So, the installation of wall insulation using mineral wool is carried out in the following order:

  • When cutting, it is better to cut pieces with a width allowance of 5 cm on each side relative to the dimensions of the frame cell. This will allow them to be inserted tightly without gaps or gaps;
  • The joints between the mat and the stand are best sealed with narrow strips of insulation, folded in half. They can be laid by hand or carefully hammered in with a sharp tool;
  • The best option is a double layer of insulation between the posts and a third layer on top of them. In this case, thermal insulation will be optimal, and the conditions for the formation of cold bridges will be eliminated;
  • The insulation is attached to a flat surface using a special glue. For additional fixation, you can use plastic disc dowels;
  • A vapor barrier must be installed from the inside of the room. We will tell you how to do it correctly in the next section.

Steam and waterproofing

On the internal and external cladding side, the wall pie is equipped with a double protection system: vapor barrier from the inside and waterproofing from the outside.

Vapor barrier is performed in order to prevent moisture vapor from escaping from the room. Otherwise, the steam will condense inside the wall of the frame house and penetrate into the insulation. If exposed to moisture stone wool greatly loses its properties, so careless performance of this work can affect comfort: when cold weather sets in, heating costs will increase sharply.

Let us note once again that when using hydrophobic insulation, such as polyurethane foam or ecowool, a vapor barrier device is not required.

The waterproofing film is laid outside the insulation, on the facade side. With its help, the structure is protected from wind and precipitation.

In frame houses, vapor barrier is most often made from foil materials such as penofol, waterproofing is made from glassine or membrane films. They are attached with an overlap using a construction stapler, and the abutments and joints are glued with a special tape.

Interior and exterior finishing

The wall pie can be covered with finishing materials on both sides. Since the wall of a frame house is an ideal flat surface, it can be finished with almost any available coating.

Most often, walls in houses for permanent residence are plastered and tiled or painted. You can read about all the intricacies of this process in the article “How to sheathe the outside of a frame house.”

IN country houses The construction of the external cladding is somewhat simpler. For this purpose they are usually used wooden materials(lining, imitation timber or log) or vinyl siding. Moreover, when doing this work on their own, home owners often neglect the recommendations of specialists and attach the cladding directly to the frame. During summer use, this solution is quite viable, but if you come and live in such a house for at least a few days in winter, then condensation will begin to form under the skin, which will cause double harm - destroy the wood and moisten the insulation.

In order to avoid such consequences and immediately provide the possibility of year-round operation, the façade must be made ventilated. This is not difficult - 30-40 mm thick bars are nailed onto the surface of the frame, and the cladding is already placed on them. The main difficulty here is to accurately pour the foundation so that it does not prevent air from entering the ventilation gap between the frame and the sheathing. Then all the resulting condensate will disappear naturally.

As for interior decoration, it is most often produced with sheets of plasterboard, clapboard or fibreboards.

You should just keep in mind that drywall does not tolerate negative temperatures, therefore it cannot be used in houses that are not heated in winter.

The design of the walls of a frame house is the optimal structure for high-quality insulation of interior spaces. At the same time, it provides ease of installation and a very reasonable cost. That is why a properly assembled wall pie is the key to warmth and coziness in a comfortable and inexpensive home.
