Laying ceramic tiles step by step instructions. Laying ceramic tiles, the right advice. Ceramic tiles and installation tools

Ceramic tiles on the floor are attractive to owners of apartments and houses for a number of characteristics. It is easy to care for it, you can pick up an interesting pattern, manipulate the visual sense of space. Laying ceramic tiles on the floor is a job that is easy to do with your own hands. At the same time, the return of warm floors under such a coating will be very effective, which further increases the attractiveness of ceramics.

An indispensable requirement for a quality result

In order to put ceramics on the floor with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare the base. It could be concrete screed or hard flooring from boards, plywood on logs.

Laying ceramic granite tiles on the floor, as well as ordinary ones, on the prepared surface on your own will make it easy to arrange electric underfloor heating from film heaters. In this case, long-term uninterrupted operation of the system is guaranteed.

Repair of existing pavement

If a concrete screed in a house or apartment good quality, with an acceptable difference in surface levels, durable - can be carried out redecorating if required. For this:

  • damaged or crumbling areas are removed, the resulting recesses are filled with tile adhesive and rubbed;
  • in order to lay ceramic tiles without unnecessary difficulties, it is worthwhile, if possible, to cut off concrete influxes or protruding, sharp protrusions of the mortar on the screed with a grinder;
  • large cracks are cleaned, cuts are made across their direction with a grinder at a distance of 10-15 cm, after which the seam is filled with adhesive and the surface is rubbed.

After such repairs, the screed is ready for final processing. You can easily lay tiles on it with your own hands, working with a uniform layer of glue, carefully controlling the level of the upper plane of the ceramics.

When repairing an existing screed, work is carried out only if the difference in coating levels reaches 5-10 mm. This is exactly how much the technology of laying ceramic tiles on the floor requires in order to achieve optimal coating quality indicators. If the beating of the heights is greater and the rough repair does not help to level it, it is necessary to do a preliminary alignment.

Pre-levelling work

Since the technology of laying ceramic tiles on the floor requires a certain difference in the heights of the base on running meter surfaces to get good performance it makes sense to make a layer bulk mixture over the existing screed.

This method is rational in terms of price and quality of the coating obtained, if cement or gypsum-based compositions are used. They are inexpensive, dry quickly, require a minimum qualification of the performer.

The installation of ceramic tile floors, under which preliminary leveling is done, must be carefully evaluated in terms of the permissible load on the interfloor ceiling. If we are talking about a leveling layer of 5-10 mm and it is planned to lay ceramic tiles on the screed, problems are unlikely to arise. But if you want to lay porcelain stoneware on a floor that has a large mass, it is better to remove the existing screed.

It is necessary to make a leveling screed of preliminary alignment after the procedure pre-training surface, which will be discussed later. In this way, it is possible to reduce both material consumption and improve the service life and strength characteristics of the bulk layer.

Creating a new screed

If the existing screed is not in good condition, there are traces of moisture due to its capillary vertical movement upwards, there are traces of destruction and a significant level difference - such a base for ceramic tiles is not even considered.

Laying tiles should be carried out only after dismantling the old and creating a new screed. The latter can be done by several methods at once, for example:

  • cleaning is carried out to the interfloor overlap, garbage is removed, a waterproofing agent and insulation are laid. After that, the installation of beacons is done, a damper tape is placed and a cement-sand mixture screed is laid;
  • if the runout of the heights on the interfloor ceiling does not exceed 100 mm, the installation of ceramic tile floors can be done using one bulk layer of a “thick floor” class mixture.

For better results in terms of cost, you can make two layers of screed, preliminary and finishing. This can reduce the overall weight and cost of the finished coating. There are other methods for creating an even base in order to install ceramic tiles on the floor. However, listing them all is beyond the scope of this article.

Material selection for durability

In order for the tiles laid on the floor with your own hands to serve for a long time and not lose their appearance, it is necessary to purchase a product of the desired wear resistance class. The corresponding marking is applied on the packaging of ceramics. Materials are divided according to the PEI characteristic:

  • class I is the softest. It is suitable if you plan to lay tiles on the wall;
  • II - if you put such a tile on the floor with your own hands, it will serve for a long time only when walking on it in felt slippers;
  • III - suitable for laying tiles on the wall in rooms with the need for frequent and thorough cleaning, as well as for average apartments, as well as offices with low foot traffic.

Optimal in price and quality class IV. It is durable, wear-resistant, such ceramic tiles in the apartment will last a long time without the need to change the established habits of the owners. The most expensive, leading in terms of wear resistance, class V is focused on rooms with a huge foot traffic, for example, shopping centers and large stores.

Product quality assessment

When buying a tile, it is worth evaluating its quality by visual signs and product labeling. By the nature of the reaction to chemistry and ultraviolet, it is easy to separate individual products.

Packages are marked as AA - the most resistant products, A - minor changes are observed with prolonged exposure, B - small and medium reaction, C - loss of aesthetics in a relatively short period of time. If you plan to make ceramic tiles on the floor on your own, you should give preference to a product with the AA marking.

Similarly, there are varieties of ceramics. It is determined by the color of the marking applied to the package. From red (grade 1) to green (grade 3). But you can also evaluate the product visually. This is as important as knowing how to lay ceramic tiles on the floor.

  1. The surface is being examined. It must be even. If we are talking about glazed ceramics, sagging and bubbles of the coating are not allowed.
  2. There should be no chips along the edge and area, small mesh or large cracks.
  3. Good geometry is a guarantee that knowing how to lay the floor correctly will coincide with reality. To assess the correctness of the angular and linear dimensions, as well as the edges of the tile, you need to lay several elements side by side and look at the alignment and the presence of gaps.
  4. It is useful to check the moisture resistance. For this, the back side of the tile is wetted. It should not intensively absorb moisture.

For floor coverings, you should choose durable, heavy ceramics with a thickness of at least 8 mm. She will be able to withstand the load and impact from the fall. heavy items if you know how to lay it correctly.

It is recommended for kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms to choose non-slip tiles. It can be a product with a matte surface, ribbed. Ceramics with a special abrasive or corundum surface coating have more interesting visual characteristics.

Substrate preparation for laying

Before laying tiles or porcelain stoneware on the floor, the surface must be prepared. For this they do:

  • removal of debris and dust;
  • wet cleaning;
  • after drying - deep penetration.

Separately, it is worth considering concrete and the case when a new coating is placed on existing ceramics. In the first case (concrete), it is recommended to make the second priming with epoxy-based compositions. In the second (laying on a tile or other non-absorbent base) - carry out the treatment with mixtures of the concrete contact class to form a durable and rough surface to which the adhesive will adhere well.

How to work with tiles

There are many algorithms for laying tiles in terms of usability and manipulation of visual space. Eg:

  • individual functional areas rooms can be divided using separate stacking structures or divided patterns;
  • in small rooms, as well as for beginners, it is more convenient to work with tiles, starting from the free wall farthest from the door;
  • V large rooms laying should be done from the center. For this, markings are made with cords that stretch from the middle of opposite walls.

Laying can be carried out in classic rows with the formation of a grid of seams. The diagonal method is popular, but this kind of work will require more material and accuracy.

There is also a brickwork technique, when the tiles in each subsequent row are shifted relative to the previous one by half the size. Artistic algorithms for creating a drawing, which require a lot of planning, are considered separately.

How to work with porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tiles on the floor should be laid only from the center of the room. In this case, the trimmed parts will be located around the perimeter of the room. The complexity of working with porcelain stoneware is due to the special nature of the proposals for the size of the finished product. It is divided not by geometry, but by delta tolerances.

Each size is called a caliber. For example, for tiles 300x300, calibers of 298x298 or 302x302 mm are allowed. It is often very difficult to pick up elements from porcelain stoneware, if for some reason the purchased material was not enough. Therefore, it is always necessary to purchase tiles with a margin.

Techniques for forming patterns on the floor are similar to the rules for working with ceramics, except that the laying must be done from the center. In addition, porcelain stoneware offers great creative freedom in terms of creating interesting laying patterns.

Ceramic laying technique

Consider how to lay ceramic tiles. For this, a wide range of ready-made adhesive compositions is used. The algorithm of work looks like this:

  • a layer of glue is applied with a spatula;
  • it is leveled with a notched trowel;
  • the lower surface of the tile is wetted with water from a spray bottle;
  • using plastic crosses, the laying element is put in its place with the formation of even seams.

The laying is constantly checked for surface level. Protruding tiles are tapped with a rubber mallet. If the element is below the horizon, it must be removed and a little glue added.

Porcelain stoneware laying technique

Working with porcelain stoneware is somewhat difficult. Firstly, special adhesive compositions are used, designed to work with non-absorbent materials. Secondly, there are two methods of laying the coating. They look like this:

  • tiles are laid without a seam. This requires a solid qualification of the performer and high quality foundation preparation. The result is a continuous, visually appealing coating;
  • tiles are laid with a seam. In this case, the method of work is as follows: each tile is located close to the adhesive base to the already assembled coating, without a seam, then it is moved away with the help of special wedges. The purpose of this action is to get a clean gap free of glue.

Working with porcelain stoneware is somewhat different from ceramics. Before use, the material should be cleaned of the protective layer. Wax - removed with warm water and detergent. Paraffin - scraped off with a spatula.

When laying porcelain tiles on a layer of glue, the master has 10-15 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to form seams, adjust the position of the element, level the level.

Adhesive compositions for porcelain stoneware have one feature: they shrink. Therefore, it is recommended to do laying without stopping, so as not to make allowances for the fact that the coating collected before the break has become lower than the level and this factor must be taken into account when leveling.

Before grouting the seams, it is necessary to wait a certain time for setting and complete hardening adhesive composition. It averages 48 hours for tiles and a minimum of 72 for porcelain stoneware. During the drying process, there should be no drafts in the room; you should not walk on the coating. For grouting, any compositions offered on the mass market are used.

The work ends with the removal of the remnants of the grout mixture and a thorough cleaning of the surface of the tile or porcelain stoneware. If everything was done carefully and slowly, the laid coating will last a long time, fully revealing positive traits selected finishing materials.

Tiles on the floor of the kitchen, bathroom, hallway or utility room - ideal floor covering from all points of view. The coating easily creates the desired effect in the design, the main thing is to choose the right colors and texture. It does not require effort when cleaning, it is easy to clean, it is cleaned of dirt, it has a neat appearance. Properly selected floor ceramic tiles are not afraid of high humidity, temperature, are durable, and do not wear off like paint.

Disadvantages - a cold floor, painstaking laying work and increased hardness, due to which broken dishes that fall on such a floor are sure to break. However, these shortcomings are not significant. The tiled floor can be insulated, the kitchen can be equipped in such a convenient way that the risk of dropping the dishes is minimal, and the technology proper styling can be mastered by anyone with the proper desire and diligence.

When choosing a tile for the floor, you should consider a few points.

  1. When choosing a tile, do not be lazy to attach two or three tiles to each other to make sure that there are no gaps between them and that they fit snugly together.
  2. Floor tiles must not slip. You can check for slip by moistening the front side with water. The surface must be rough, with corundum coating or ribbed. Slippery tiles are not suitable for flooring and are suitable for walls.
  3. You should buy material with a margin, during installation you can split it, damage it. To do this, the area to be covered must be measured and then compared with the size of the sample and correctly determined the required amount. The remaining part of the coating after the repair can be stored in the house in case of damage during operation, for replacement.
  4. Calculate the required amount as follows: divide the floor area by the area of ​​​​the tile sample to find out the required amount. You need to add another 10-15 percent for marriage and stock.
  5. Pay attention to moisture resistance. look specifications, moisten. The reverse side should not absorb moisture.
  6. When choosing, preference should be given to heavier, thicker tiles (from 8 to 13 cm). It must be resistant to impact and withstand solid physical exertion.
  7. By hardness, the tile is divided into 5 levels. Flooring corresponds to levels from 3 to 5.
  8. Pay attention to how the tile is washed, reacts to washing abrasive substances. When choosing, designers are advised to choose floor tiles that contrast with the walls in color.
  9. by the most reliable material for tiling is porcelain stoneware. It costs more, but does not create problems during installation and operation.
  10. If the kitchen is small, it is better to choose smaller tiles (10 by 10). Large tile visually reduces the room. The easiest way to lay square classic tiles. If you choose curly, do not forget about skirting boards, borders, corners. For such places there are special forms of tiles.

Tools and materials needed during the laying process

To lay the tiles yourself, you need to stock up on tools and materials.

Adhesive mixtures

Ready adhesive solution in bulk plastic buckets or packages is expensive, but in practice it is not very convenient to use it. It is better to buy a special dry mortar, which is easy to turn into building glue at home. In addition, the dry mix can be prepared in parts, choosing a convenient schedule and pace of facing work.

Ready glue or dry glue mixture can be replaced cement-sand mortar. Working with a cement mixture is tricky, but it will be cheap, it will help smooth out errors in the curvature of the floor, and in terms of the quality of installation, if everything is done carefully, a cement mortar prepared with one's own hand will not yield to glue.

A good composition for a building adhesive mixture is a combination of sand, ordinary quality cement and dry adhesive mortar. It is both reliable and economical.

Fugue (grout for tile joints at the junction of tiles)

Fugue - grout for inter-tile joints at the junction of tiles. When choosing a fugue, you should pay attention to the fact that the contrasting grout makes the floor bright, emphasizing the shape of the tile, and the fugue matched to the color of the tile will give the effect of a uniform smooth coating. The width of the seam depends on the quality of the tile and ranges from 2 to 20 mm.

Before facing, it is necessary to prepare the floor for laying tiles. If the surface is not even, then the floor must be leveled, following the technologies adopted in construction work. Minor errors can be easily corrected with the help of cement mortar, as well as building aggregate from dry building mixtures.

Lay the tiles on a clean surface. Therefore, before work, the room must be completely freed from furniture and things, the floor must be thoroughly vacuumed, washed, cleaned of grease, dirt and dried. The room must be ventilated and closed for the duration of work and drying, eliminating drafts.

How to lay floor tiles in relation to walls

There are three main types of laying floor tiles.

  1. "Seam to seam" - the easiest, most understandable and simplest way, when the tiles are laid sequentially, one after the other, in even straight rows, while the seams are the same, they are located one above the other evenly, the plates are parallel to the walls of the room.
  2. "Diagonally" - the plates are not parallel to the walls, the corners of the tiles "look" at the walls. This is less economical, more troublesome, since many slabs have to be cut diagonally. But it is this method that can aesthetically make the room more attractive, visually more spacious, due to the diagonal lines on the floor.
  3. "In a run" - the slabs are placed one above the other, but the seams do not match, the fragments of the coating are laid like bricks, the border between the overlying tiles is in the middle of the seam of the underlying tile.

Video - Laying tiles

Laying tiles

The first thing to do is determine the point from which laying will begin and where the first tile will be laid. Such a point can be located at the middle of the wall or in the middle of the room. This is necessary for symmetrical styling, as it is convenient.

Having prepared adhesive composition, apply it to the floor. For thicker tiles, we give a thicker adhesive layer. Level it, distribute it evenly with a notched trowel. We make sure that when leveling the grooves are the same in depth and height.

Experienced repairmen usually fill 1 square meter with glue or cement. meter. If there is no experience, it is better to reduce the area. You need to lay the tiles quickly, until the glue is weathered and begins to dry out.

If a cement mortar or a more reliable mixture of cement and glue is used instead of a special adhesive, the tile must be soaked in a basin of water, for tight "sticking" and adhesion (adhesion) with the prepared floor surface.

On the finished fragment of the floor with the adhesive applied, the tile must be applied and pressed with your hands, then carefully tap on each side with a rubber construction hammer so that the laid tile adheres evenly.

For this, the building level is used. If the edge of the tile is higher than it should be, lower it with pressure or tap with a hammer. If the tile "sags", it is better to add a small portion of the adhesive solution.

We insert plastic dividing crosses between the tiles. so that the seams between the fragments of the coating are the same. Crosses can be replaced with matches or narrow wooden wedges, pegs with a diameter of 2-8 mm.

Sometimes a tile does not fit at the end of a row, in which case a tile cutter will come to the rescue, and if it is not there, an ordinary "grinder". Can be used for cutting and glass cutter. This will require additional effort, but - no additional costs.

While working on laying tiles, it is necessary to keep a damp cloth nearby to immediately wipe off glue and cement stains until the composition thickens and dries.

After laying the tiles completely, you need to wait until the glue is completely dry. It is necessary to exclude the slightest drafts, close windows and doors tightly, make sure that there is no one in the room with freshly laid tiles, including animals and children. The glue will dry in a couple of days. After complete drying, you can begin to complete the work - grouting.

The seams between the tiles are rubbed with a special building mix. We take out all the plastic dividing crosses (or matches) from the gaps between the tiles, then apply grout mixture on the seam with a small rubber spatula.

By the way, puffer can be made colored by adding dye to the finished mixture. The paint is selected individually in accordance with the aesthetic tasks that you set for yourself.

If the tiled floor is in a crowded room, liquid cement mortar can be used instead of a fugue, it is stronger, more resistant to physical aggression and does not wear off quickly.

After grouting, the tiled floor must dry out. Usually this takes a day. After that, you can wash the floor and breathe easy: the repair and construction part of the work associated with flooring is completed.

Laying tiles on the floor is an extremely popular solution for decorating many rooms. However, not everyone knows that you can lay tiles different ways, while working with different grounds certain nuances must be taken into account. Consider how to lay tiles on the floor: laying methods, technology features and the specifics of choosing the right material.

Many owners give a large number of time and attention to choosing the right finishing material, focusing on its color, texture and size. Of course, it is extremely important to choose a tile of the right size so that it is commensurate with the room, but the question of choosing a laying method should also not be left aside. Consider all popular options.

The traditional way of laying tiles on the floor: rules and features

The traditional method got its name because it is used many times more often than all the others. Such popularity is due to the ease of installation, as well as the ability to use both square and rectangular tiles. In this case, the elements are laid in even rows parallel to the floor. At the same time, it is extremely important to place them as close as possible to each other and to observe an even arrangement of rows.

Helpful advice! To give the traditional way of laying an unusual look, you can use multi-colored tiles. This option will make the coating original, but at the same time it will allow you to maintain a high speed of all necessary work.

Despite all its simplicity, this method, like others, has certain nuances that must be taken into account even before laying work begins:

  • all defects, irregularities and other factory defects will be very noticeable if the tiles are laid in this way. Therefore, you must either carefully examine each element and eliminate inappropriate ones, or choose another, less demanding method;
  • if the lining is made with tiles of the same color, then the coating will look rather monotonous. This is not to say that this is a disadvantage, but it is worth considering;
  • this option is well suited only for seamless ceramic tiles.

While laying tiles on the floor traditional way it may well be carried out independently and in the absence of special skills, you still have to pay attention to the issue of masonry uniformity, as well as the size of the seams (both vertical and horizontal).

How to lay tiles diagonally: the most beautiful way of laying

Laying tiles on the floor diagonally can rightfully be called the most beautiful of all options. But at the same time, the technology of its laying is the most complex, although at first glance it may seem that the basis is a simple traditional way. The main difficulty in this case is that it is necessary to accurately mark the diagonal axes, which will serve as guidelines for laying out the tiles.

Moreover, a lot of time and effort will be required to properly cut the tiles, which also presents additional difficulties in the process of laying tiles in this way. However, thanks to this method, it is possible to hide almost any surface irregularity. This option looks especially good when facing the floor of small rooms.

Important! During installation, the pattern grid should be at a 45-degree angle, so only square-shaped tiles are suitable for this method. This must be taken into account before you lay the tiles in the bathroom yourself in this way.

Interestingly, the drawing itself is quite self-sufficient, and even if a plain tile is used, it always looks extremely interesting. But before laying tiles in this way, you need to understand that in the process you always get a lot of scraps. And this may not please the economical owner who does not want to overpay for beauty, but if we are talking about the need to visually expand the room or hide irregularities, then this method is undoubtedly the best.

As already mentioned, the main difficulty of this method is the calculation diagonal pattern. In addition, a thorough surface preparation must be carried out by dismantling the old coating, removing paint residues and priming the base before laying the tiles. So you can arrange the tiles as evenly as possible, spending less adhesive solution on this.

Laying the first row is done in the traditional way and for this, rectangular tiles are used. At the same time, the length of its diagonal must correspond to the diagonal of the square tiles that will be used as the main ones. Laying the second row is done using pre-prepared tiled triangles. Further, everything is quite simple - the rows are stacked according to the principle of diagonal layout in horizontal rows.

The technology of laying tiles on the floor with an offset (in a run)

Perhaps most of all, this method resembles brickwork. This solution looks original and is used quite often. In this case, a plain rectangular tile will look best in this case, although you can often find the use of square tiles.

If, when choosing how to lay tiles in the bathroom, you preferred this option, then with its help you can solve two more additional problems - hide minor defects, and also make the design of the floor interesting and original. And when correct selection color solution, tiles laid in a run-up can give the room a special atmosphere. According to the recommendations of experts, this method is best suited for decorating rooms such as a kitchen or a corridor.

As for the features of the technology of laying tiles on the floor, it is important to know that the tiles must be laid in horizontal rows, and each element of the next row must be located so that its middle coincides with the seam of the previous row.

Important! It cannot be said that the laying procedure itself is something significantly different from the traditional one, however, there is one feature - the thickness of all seams must be the same.

As an unusual solution, we can consider examples when laying with an offset is done diagonally, that is, at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the wall. But in this case, it is extremely important to take care that the surface is prepared in advance and is as even as possible. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

You need to start laying with the location of the lighthouse plates in the corners of the room. So it will be possible to determine the level of the floor and correct the existing defects. After that, the screed is moistened with water and proceed directly to laying tiles using a solution. They do it in rows and along the lighthouse.

Then the masonry is leveled with a hammer, and the lighthouse slabs are removed. After complete drying, which can take from two to three days, the seams are filled with a grout or cement.

How to lay tiles on the floor "herringbone": options and technology

The herringbone flooring method is most often used for parquet. This option looks very unusual, especially if you use non-oblong wooden elements, and a tile. Naturally, only rectangular tiles are suitable for this purpose.

There are two options for laying herringbone tiles:

  • simple, which is no different from how it is done in the case of laying parquet;
  • with an attachment, for which tiles-inserts are additionally used small size. Often use elements of a different color or mosaic.

Speaking about the fact that this method was originally intended for laying parquet, we can conclude that such a coating will look best if its surface imitates wood. But for a tile that looks like a stone, this option is not very suitable, since it looks rather unnatural in the end.

An example of a successful use of the ceramic herringbone laying method

In order to get the desired result and lay the tiles in a herringbone pattern, it is necessary to rotate the elements to the right or left during the laying process, depending on the diagonal position of the tiles. The amount of waste in this case will be minimal, and the visual effect is amazing.

How to lay tiles on the floor: modular installation

Modular installation - perfect solution for those who are new to the issue of working with tiles. At the same time, the method allows you to decorate the surface as the owner wishes. It is enough just to think about how to lay the tiles in the bathroom on the floor, design a suitable pattern and make some necessary calculations.

A modular pattern will be an excellent solution for small rooms, especially since you can choose the right color and pattern yourself, taking into account the features of the interior. It is advisable to do as much as possible precise drawing, which includes an indication of the dimensions of the tile, as well as the location of the seams.

Helpful advice! If you don’t want to develop the project yourself, you can purchase a ready-made tile set and a diagram that demonstrates in detail how to lay tiles in the bathroom with your own hands.

Most simple solution is the use of a modular effect, when many small elements of various formats are depicted on one large tile. In this case, the main thing is to observe the principle of the model grid - the same pattern must be repeated many times. Given this, you can independently decide how to lay out the tiles in the bathroom in a beautiful and original way.

How to lay tiles on the floor in an original way: the "maze" method

The “maze” method, or as it is also called “braiding”, can be performed in various ways, but in the end it always gives the impression of intertwined stripes, inside of which there is a square of a different color or shade.

In order to lay out the intertwining stripes of the pattern, you need to use rectangular tiles, and for the inside - smaller square elements.

Helpful advice! In order not to be mistaken with the size of the tile when buying, it is best to immediately fold one of the elements of the pattern in the store. This way you can make sure that all the elements match and look good together.

This method looks decent in any room, but when it comes to laying tiles on the bathroom floor, then this option can be called ideal. Even with a small area of ​​​​the room and the absence of a window, the right shade of yellow in combination with such a pattern can create a backlight effect and make the bathroom lighter and more comfortable.

Related article:

Stages of preparation and laying tiles. Complexities and features of the process. Creation of the base and screed. Insulation and waterproofing of the coating.

You can also consider how to lay porcelain stoneware on the floor. With the use of this material, this pattern also looks very attractive.

Laying tiles on the floor "Deck": technology and features

The "Deck" method is undeservedly used in flooring not as often as others. After all, in fact, this way of laying the coating perfectly imitates the deck board, which brings a certain mood to the interior. In this case, the tiles are laid with an offset and it is extremely important that the distance is the same throughout the floor plane without exception.

You can see that this method is somewhat similar to brickwork. This is true, except for the fact that the elements should not be displaced by half of each tile, but only by a small segment of it.

It is worth paying attention to the choice of color and structure of the coating. By opting for a tile that imitates wood and does not have an unglazed finish, you can create a very convincing semblance of a wooden floor.

Imitation tiles natural wood often used in deck laying

How to lay floor tiles using the "Carpet" method

"Carpet" is one of the most sophisticated options for laying tiles on the floor, which provides the opportunity to decorate the room in accordance with the theme of the interior, as well as your own preferences. The essence of this method is that two, three or more colors of the tile are used, as well as a border that frames this pattern around the perimeter.

How complex and beautiful "carpet" you can create depends solely on your imagination, as well as skills in working with tools and materials. It is best to use this method on a fairly large area of ​​​​the room, for example, in a hall or bathroom of impressive size.

How to lay ceramic floor tiles using the Kaleidoscope method

One of the most unusual ways how to lay tiles in the kitchen - "Kaleidoscope". Just like the previous version, it allows you to independently come up with a pattern that will decorate the room. But here it is extremely important to strictly adhere to the plan, since it is very easy to get confused in the elements. It is best to pre-draw the floor surface in an appropriate way, thus facilitating your work.

When using the Kaleidostop method, you can use multi-colored tiles with different patterns

Important! Another difficulty of this method is the need to prepare a perfectly even base in advance, since all the irregularities will be very noticeable.

As you can see, laying tiles on the floor is an art that will take time and attention to detail to understand. So it's worth considering everything existing options, and having decided on your own capabilities and preferences, proceed to the implementation of the chosen method of laying floor tiles.

Before proceeding to the consideration of styling features tiles for various reasons, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the recommendations that experts provide. According to the statements, taking into account these simple tips, you can significantly extend the life of the coating, making it as durable and reliable as possible:

  • preparation of an even foundation is the main task to be solved;
  • the prepared surface must be vacuumed again immediately before laying;
  • the adhesive composition that will be used to fix the tiles must be selected taking into account the level of humidity in the room in which to work;

Before you should take care of the quality of the base

  • for any method that is more complicated than traditional or diagonal, it is advisable to mark on the floor;
  • for complex patterns, the tiles must be cut in advance and then laid out on a floor surface covered with a cloth in order to look at the result before starting to apply the mortar;
  • at easy way laying can start from the corner, but in the case of most complex patterns, you need to find and designate the center of the room;
  • liquid preparations for pre-treatment of the base - ideal to provide the tile with a more secure fixation;
  • before proceeding to laying tiles, you need to wait for the impregnation to dry completely;
  • grouting floor tiles can be started no earlier than the period indicated on the package, which is necessary for the adhesive to dry completely;
  • the color should match or match the color of the tile to create a single beautiful flooring.

The basics of choosing and laying tiles in accordance with the interior of the room

Pick up the most suitable option tiled flooring You can by considering a few examples of finished interiors using this material. At the same time, it is important to understand that in residential premises, tiles are almost always combined with a heating system, because otherwise, walking on the floor in the cold season will be quite uncomfortable. You need to read and watch additional training videos on how to properly lay tiles in a bathroom that has an underfloor heating system.

If we are talking about laying floor tiles in the living room, then a coating that looks like a laminate can be an ideal option. This is the right choice for modern interior, which will harmoniously fit into the room of any size. In large rooms, it is better to give preference to calm, solid colors that will not make the floor too colorful and tiring to look at.

If you want to lay tiles on the floor in the bath, then due to the small area it is permissible to use brighter and original colors. Do not forget that the selected color and texture of the coating can influence the perception of space. For example, glossy surface a light shade will expand the room, while a dark matte tile will do the opposite.

Before laying tiles in the kitchen, you should make sure that the material chosen is not too easily soiled. In addition, you should not buy slippery tiles, because in the kitchen the flooring is constantly in contact with water, which can lead to dangerous situations.

How to lay tiles on the floor: features of working with various surfaces

Having familiarized yourself with the various ways of laying floor tiles and choosing the most suitable option for yourself, you can safely proceed to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the laying procedure. Given the considerable cost of laying tiles for square meter, many want to refuse the services of a specialist and do everything necessary on their own. To do this, first of all, you need to stock up on tools that may be required in the process of work:

  • building level;
  • hammer;
  • glass cutter, or grinder;
  • wire cutters;
  • roulette;
  • notched trowel;
  • simple pencil;
  • sponge and clean rags.

Helpful advice! It is worth taking care of the availability of funds in advance personal protection and purchase, at a minimum, safety glasses that will protect your eyes from dust particles generated during the tile cutting process.

If during the installation process there is a need for curly cutting, for example, to bypass a riser or heating pipe, then a drill with a soldered hard alloy is used for this, as well as a string with an abrasive coating.

Also, in addition to the tile, you need to purchase special crosses that are used as separators, adhesive mixture for tiles, grout, as well as sealant and silicone seal. All this will allow you to lay tiles on the floor with your own hands.

How to properly lay tiles on a concrete floor: features of base preparation

The first point of the preparatory work that needs to be done before laying the floor tiles is the dismantling of the old coating and cleaning the surface of all existing stains: oil, paint, grease, etc. Then the existing base is checked using building level, as well as a visual assessment: if there is significant damage, potholes, cracks or deviations in height, then a new cement-sand screed must be made.

It is important that before gluing the tiles to the floor, the surface is hard and as even as possible. Otherwise, you will have to spend more glue on laying, and tiles laid on a soft base are much more susceptible to damage as a result of the load: cracks, chips, and simply falling off.

After you are convinced of the quality of the old screed or have made a new one, you should take care of laying the layer thermal insulation material. This will reduce heat loss and reduce the consumption of resources spent on heating. Another option is the arrangement of a heating system, which is the best solution of all possible.

In the second case, the thickness of the screed should be at least 40 mm, and to further strengthen the base, it is worth using a reinforcing mesh.

If the concrete base is in an acceptable condition, or for some reason it is impossible to make a new screed before laying the tiles in the bathroom, and you have to work with what is, then all the depressions can be smoothed out with cement mortar. But for protrusions, it is best to use a chisel, with which you can relatively easily knock off the interfering parts of the coating.

You can also use a grinder for leveling. And in order to ensure reliable adhesion of the base to the adhesive composition, it is necessary to first apply a layer of primer.

All of these methods of preparation are relevant for concrete structures or monolithic slabs. But laying tiles on a wooden floor is also possible. Consider how it is worth installing in this case.

Laying tiles on a wooden floor: features of surface preparation

For a wooden base, on which it is planned to lay a tile, the same requirements are imposed as in the case of concrete. First of all, the surface must be smooth and durable. The presence of old, worn or rotten boards is unacceptable, as it can lead to the fact that the tile covering at some point simply fails as a result of the destruction of the base. Therefore, all imperfect boards must be replaced.

Helpful advice! If a good, at first glance, board, as a result of the load, begins to “play”, then this defect can be eliminated by laying additional lags under it. Although in some cases it helps simple replacement fasteners (nails or self-tapping screws) with new ones. In any case, it is imperative to carry out an appropriate check before laying tiles on a wooden floor.

Another way to mount a solid and solid foundation for laying tiles in the case of working with a wooden floor involves the use chipboard sheets, OSB or plywood. In this case, it is very important that the material is resistant to moisture.

In the process of laying such an additional layer, it is necessary to leave gaps of approximately 5-8 mm between the sheets in order to allow the material to compensate for changes in air humidity without surface deformation. The laid out sheets are attached to the base with self-tapping screws and opened with a layer of primer before laying the tiles on the wooden floor.

Considering the fact that ceramic coating does not allow air to pass through and does not allow air to penetrate to the base, it is worth taking care of the presence internal ventilation so that an environment favorable for the growth and reproduction of harmful microorganisms is not created inside. Thus, laying tiles on a wooden floor is quite possible. The main thing is to pay due attention to the issue of preparing the base, and before laying the tile on the wooden floor, treat it with special protective equipment.

How to choose the right adhesive for laying tiles in the bathroom with your own hands

Regardless of the type of foundation, the laying technique is always the same. But the choice of a suitable adhesive composition should be approached with special attention, since depending on the surface on which it will be applied, its composition should be different. For a concrete floor, an adhesive made on cement base. In order to prepare it, it is necessary to add the amount of water specified by the manufacturer to the finished dry mixture.

A completely different glue is used when working with a wooden base. In this case, the adhesive solution has the consistency of mastic, which, among other things, is able to compensate for deformations resulting from changes in the humidity of the air in the room.

Apply with a notched trowel on the reverse side of the facing material. In this case, grooves should form on the surface. Then the tile is pressed against the floor surface and gently tapped with a rubber mallet. You can learn more about how to glue tiles in the bathroom using one or another method of preparing the mixture from the photo or video instructions.

Rules for cutting and calculating tiles on the floor

It is practically impossible to lay tiles on the floor in such a way as to avoid trimming and fitting the material. One way or another, the material has to be adjusted to the required size at the edges of the room or in places where heating or plumbing pipes are located. Special attention it is worth paying attention to how to lay tiles in the toilet, because in this case an even more difficult tile cutting will be required.

It is far from always possible to use a conventional glass cutter for fitting, since manufacturers usually use more durable material than for the wall. In addition, the thickness of the floor tiles is greater, which means that it will be even more difficult to cut it properly.

In this case, it is best to use a grinder, which allows curly cutting, albeit with an uneven edge. All imperfections made as a result of such trimming can be eliminated using special tongs (nippers) manually.

Most convenient option cutting tiles - the use of a tile cutter, since with its help all procedures can be performed as quickly and firmly as possible, and the edges are smooth.

Important! Despite all the positive characteristics of such a tool as a tile cutter, it is impossible to cut a thin strip (less than 10 cm) with it. In this case, it is better to do it manually using wire cutters.

It is very important not to forget about personal protective equipment, which must be present in the process of cutting tiles. Sharp pieces, which, one way or another, will scatter to the sides, can cause serious injury. Therefore, it is important to protect the eyes (and preferably the entire face) and wear tight clothing that can provide protection.

After everything necessary elements the tiles are cut and laid with the help of an adhesive composition, it remains only to wait for drying and wipe the seams. How exactly this procedure is carried out should be considered separately in order to take into account all the subtleties and nuances. After all, it will depend on the final stage how long the coating will last in the end, and how hygienic its use will be.

Grouting tiles on the floor: what is it for

In order to pay due attention to the grouting of joints between tiles, it is necessary to understand how significant this process plays in terms of its further exploitation. First of all, it is worth noting that the seams are the gap that remains between the elements after they are laid.

There are certain norms and rules that indicate the main guidelines that you need to rely on in the process of work. So, the basic rule is that the larger the width of the tile, the larger the seam should be. Usually it is from 2 to 5 mm.

The need for grouting is due to several reasons:

  • over time, the walls undergo natural shrinkage, so some free space is needed so that the tiles can move without damaging the surface;
  • due to the presence of cracks in the dense lining, the walls "breathe";
  • usage special composition for grouting, it helps to prevent the penetration of moisture, and hence the development of mold, fungi and simply the accumulation of dirt in the crevices;
  • due to the presence of grout, adhesion between individual fragments of the cladding is improved;
  • grout has a considerable decorative role. Properly and neatly designed seams can mask minor tile defects, such as notches and chips. In addition, using grout, you can hide the remnants of the solution.

Thus, the service life of the flooring, as well as how attractive its appearance will be, depends on the observance of the grout application technology. That is why it is worth considering in more detail on what principle it is worth choosing a mixture and how to carry out everything necessary work on one's own.

How to choose the right grout mix

In order to avoid any problems during the grouting process, it is necessary from the very beginning to choose a mixture that is ideal in all respects. This seemingly insignificant nuance plays an important role, so you should pay attention to the following aspects:

The color of the grout is the main criterion that most people pay attention to in the first place. The color of the grout can both positively and negatively affect appearance the entire coverage. A universal option that is appropriate almost always - white. But in combination with colored tiles, it will not give the feeling of a single canvas. For this. you can choose a grout shade that is as close as possible to the color of the tile. Contrasting colors are used less often, since choosing the right combination can be very difficult.

Helpful advice! To get the grout of the desired shade, you can simply add to the base mix white color the right amount of color.

The composition and properties of the grout also play an important role. Depending on what components are included in the mixture, and it can be alabaster, gypsum, epoxy resins, Portland cements and others, the characteristics will also be different. Here you need to focus on what conditions the material will have to face.

So, for rooms with high humidity, for example, when it comes to the bathroom, you need to choose compositions that include water-repellent components. If the surface is subject to serious loads, then you should pay attention to the wear resistance of the composition. The best solution is epoxy mix.

The composition of the grout will differ depending on what surface it is intended for. For example, if we are talking about tiling the wall surface, ordinary grout is used, which, under significant loads, can wear out over time. For flooring, it is worth purchasing a more tenacious mixture, designed for constant contact with shoes, furniture, etc. The main thing is that the grout structure is not loose.

Technology for preparing grout for tile joints on the floor

Today, many different manufacturers are engaged in the production and sale of high-quality grout. Such a wide range of allows you to choose the most suitable option for a particular situation. On sale you can find two types of grout for joints: dry powder and mass ready for application.

In the first case, the main difficulty is the dilution of the required amount of the mixture, since it can be difficult to understand exactly how much you may need. Therefore, the best option is to dilute the powder little by little, gradually using it as needed. Usually, manufacturers indicate on the packaging as accurately as possible how much water needs to be added to obtain the desired consistency, but you can also adjust it yourself, by eye determining whether the result you get tired of.

The second option is a mass that is completely ready for use. It can usually be purchased in jars or small buckets. The main advantage of this solution is that there is no need to bother with breeding on your own and the ability to carry out all the necessary work as quickly as possible.

The disadvantages of the finished mass in the first place include a short shelf life. For this reason, leftovers that have not been used will most likely have to be thrown away. Given this, we can conclude that self-dilution of grout from a dry mix is ​​more profitable.

If there is a desire to save money on the purchase of grout, you can consider the option of home cooking. To do this, you can use alabaster diluted with water to the consistency of a plastic mass. The main disadvantage of this option is the short service life, since usually such a grout crumbles quite strongly. You can add a gypsum mixture to strengthen it, but this will only slightly improve the situation.

How to grout the seams on the tile: the technique of applying the mixture

In order to apply the finished grout to the seams and bring it all into proper shape, you will need a container into which the solution will be poured, a brush, a construction mixer, as well as a foam rubber sponge and a small rubber spatula. It is best to dilute the grout gradually, in small portions and in a small container.

Helpful advice! The use of a mixer is justified only if you have to work with large area. In all other cases, to obtain the desired consistency of the mixture, it will be enough to mix it for some time with a spatula.

The grouting procedure is as follows:

  1. Tiled joints with which to work must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and fungus. For this, a special tool is provided.
  2. Using a brush previously dipped in water, the seams are soaked to increase the quality of adhesion between materials.
  3. Then you need to dilute a small amount of grout in a prepared container.
  4. Using a rubber spatula, the elastic mixture is applied to the seam so that the gap is completely filled. In this case, additional tamping is necessary to avoid the formation of voids.
  5. All excess that has fallen on the tile can be easily removed with the same spatula.
  6. To prevent future cracks, at this stage, the grout in the joints must be moistened with water.

Important! To provide maximum protection against the effects of water and the formation of fungus on the surface, it is recommended to additionally treat the places where the plinth will be laid with a sealant.

You need to understand that the procedure for grouting joints on the floor and walls is somewhat different. And if in the case of wall covering, the seams must be sealed from top to bottom, then for floor covering the rule applies - from the far corner to the exit. Before starting work, it can be extremely useful to watch a training video. Grouting floor tiles in this case will certainly be carried out better.

In order for the grout to dry completely, it is necessary to leave it for a day. And after that you can go to final processing seams. To do this, use special antiseptic agents that can prevent the appearance of fungus and mold, protecting everything. vulnerabilities coatings.

One way or another, if we are talking about laying ceramic tiles on the floor, some moisture will accumulate on its surface and, over time, may begin to penetrate through the seams. To prevent this, use . Its application is the final stage of seaming, which provides the maximum level of protection.

Final cleaning of the tile surface before use

In order to start using the coating that resulted from the work, it is necessary to give it an attractive and complete appearance. The main task is to eliminate as much as possible all traces of excess mortar and putty. And since rubbing is usually carried out in several approaches, since the mastic tends to partially sag as a result of drying, surface cleaning should be done only at the very end.

In order to effectively clean the surface, you will need a foam sponge moistened with water. The tile must be wiped so that the grout, which is located on the surface of the tile, is slightly soaked. Then, using a scraper or the same spatula, you can remove all excess. All stains are easily washed off with a damp cloth or sponge.

Helpful advice! If a relief tile was laid, then it will be quite difficult to clean it with a sponge. In this case, it is best to use an old toothbrush.

It is best to clean the surface before the final drying of the grout occurs, since after that it will become very problematic to soften it. Of course, even in this case, it is possible to completely remove the excess, but the process will take much longer and require a lot of effort.

Scraping completely dried putty must be done very carefully, as it is very easy to damage the surface of the tile, especially if the tile surface is glossy. As for the relief surface, it will be almost impossible to remove dirt here, so this needs to be done as soon as possible.

Tips for caring for floor tiles

It may seem that it is enough to know how to lay tiles on the bathroom floor in order to get a beautiful durable coating. But in fact, it is constant care that is the key to a long service life of the tile.

In this case, you need to learn two fundamental rules:

  1. Only regular cleaning of the seams can guarantee the absence of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. At least once a month it is necessary to clean the grouts in the tiles on the floor. How exactly to do this, everyone decides for himself: you can resort to using special detergents or soapy water, you can also use vinegar or lemon. Chlorine is suitable for surface disinfection. In addition, a steam cleaner will do a wonderful job of cleaning.
  2. If possible, you need to save the remains of the grout in order to be able to produce regular grout, which, one way or another, will be needed. Such re-grouting is done as needed if the old seams have darkened and cracked. In this case, the old putty is cleaned, after which the seams are treated with an antiseptic, and a new layer is applied. If it is also necessary to remove a layer of sealant, this can be done with a blade.

By following these simple recommendations, and regularly paying attention to the condition of the tile, you can significantly extend the service life and keep it in its original appearance. It will also be useful to read recommendations and user reviews on the Internet on how to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor. Often on the forums you can find useful ideas and tips.

How much does it cost to put tiles on the floor: prices for services

If after you are fully familiar with how to properly tile in the bathroom, the task still seems too complicated for you, it may make sense to seek the help of professionals. Experts know exactly how to properly lay tiles in the bathroom, kitchen or corridor by any method and will cope with the task as quickly as possible.

So, it remains to find an offer at the most reasonable price. Many masters offer to lay tiles on the floor, but this service should not cost less than 550-600 rubles per 1 m². Of course, there are a huge number of masters whose services are much more expensive, so here the choice is solely up to the customer.

In any case, it will be useful to get acquainted with the pricing policy, and if such a cost seems excessive to you, then you can always read the instructions again, watch the video about laying tiles on the floor and try to do everything yourself.

Bathroom tile laying technology: video instruction

Having thoroughly familiarized yourself with how to lay tiles on the floor, as well as with how to properly grout the seams on the tile, in most cases you can get to work without hesitation. However, it can also be very useful to watch a training video, which demonstrates in detail each stage of the work and provides useful advice from experts in the field.

Ceramic tiles are very popular as a facing material. There are many reasons for this, because the material has excellent technical characteristics.

The tile itself has a lot of advantages, but if it is put against technology, then it will not fulfill its main purpose. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technology of how to glue tiles.

After familiarizing yourself with the material, laying ceramic tiles with your own hands will not cause you serious difficulties. The main requirement is the observance of technology.

Step-by-step instruction

The whole process of laying ceramic tiles comes down to the following steps:

  • Surface preparation.
  • Markup.
  • Preparation of tile adhesive.
  • Laying.
  • Seam grouting.

We will consider all the subtleties point by point. It is worth adding that tiles before laying often should be cut to the required size. We will answer this question in the same way.

First of all, you need to prepare tools and materials. Among other things, you may need the following list of tools and materials.


  • Spatula with teeth.
  • Construction water level or laser level.
  • Wooden block.
  • Rubber mallet.
  • Electric drill.
  • Nozzle for stirring glue.
  • Manual or electric tile cutter.
  • Roulette.
  • Marker or pencil.
  • Container for tile adhesive.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Crosses for forming a seam when laying ceramic tiles.
  • Water.
  • Rags and sponge.


  • Ceramic tile.
  • adhesive composition.
  • Grout.
  • Guide bar for the first row (required when laying tiles on the wall).

We have given the main list of items and materials necessary for the performance of work. During the process, other accessories may be used.

Preparation is the key to success

Before gluing tiles, the surface of the floor or wall is put in order. First of all, they should be free of cracks and large irregularities. It must also be dry.

Principle preparatory work before laying ceramic tiles comes down to the following:

  1. The old finishing coating is completely removed from the wall and floor.
  2. All construction debris must be removed from the premises.
  3. The level checks the evenness of the walls / floor. If a large difference is noticeable, then plastering or pouring the screed is performed.
  4. The old screed can be checked for strength like this, tap on its surface, if the sound is deaf, then it holds well, if it is empty, then it must be dismantled and filled with a new one. This principle also applies to checking the plaster on the wall.
  5. Small cracks, potholes and irregularities can be removed with special plaster compositions.
  6. The finished and leveled surface must be carefully primed immediately before laying ceramic tiles.

If the repair is carried out in the bathroom, then be sure to put a waterproofing layer. Moreover, at the preparation stage, it is necessary to complete the work on the wiring of sewerage, electricity and water supply. All these communications take place in the body of the wall.

Regarding the work on leveling the walls, it is important to understand the following, they are all relevant if you are striving to achieve the ideal level and angles in the room. If this is not important, then the tile laying technology implies a visual leveling of the surface.


After preparing the surface, before gluing the tiles, it is also necessary to perform markings. Everything is calculated to the smallest detail. For example, places on the walls that most often fall on the eyes should cover whole tiles. The tile that is cut should not be in a conspicuous place.

With the help of markup, you can determine in advance how many whole tiles will fall on one row. The landmark must be kept on the floor. For example, if you calculated that, say, 15 tiles and a small segment lie down along the entire length, then consider whether it is worth cutting narrow strips near one of the walls.

It may be worth aligning one of the walls to reduce the room by just a few centimeters. Of course, if every centimeter is valuable in an apartment, then this method is irrelevant.

If it is decided to lay the tile so that one of the walls has a small piece, it should be directed to the side where attention is least drawn to it. This applies not only to guests, but also to the owners of the house. Many, after a while, regret that they decided to lay small and narrow strips of tiles. This is about the horizontal layout.

The vertical layout has one important rule- there must be a whole tile under the ceiling. All trimmings are carried out on the first row. The gaze is directed upwards, not downwards. Therefore, the size of the tile and the approximate size of the seam are measured.

All these calculations will help to find the lower level. As a result, it will be possible to fix the guide profile for laying ceramic tiles from below.

It is equally important to determine when marking - the laying option. Several options are known, including a seam to a seam, diagonally, with an offset of half a tile, a rhombus, and so on. The most popular method is seam-to-seam. Here it is required that the seam both vertically and horizontally be perfectly even.

If there are small deviations, then the whole view will visually deteriorate. Moreover, it is important that the tiles laid in a circle in the bathroom on the wall come together at the seams.

Advice! For measuring work, a dyeing cord is used. They are stripped off. If there is a laser level, then the marking process is not only simplified, but also accelerated.

Glue preparation

After marking, it is necessary to prepare a tile adhesive, on which ceramic tiles will be laid on the floor and walls. The composition used can be two-component, cement-based and one-component. You need to know how to properly dilute tile adhesive.

If you bought ready-made glue in dry form, then you must follow the instructions for the proportions on the package from the manufacturer. This will allow you to achieve the desired adhesive consistency.

Tile adhesive can also be used on a cement basis. It is recommended to breed it in warm water. For mixing, an electric drill and a special nozzle - a mixer are used. Stir until a creamy mixture forms in the container.

Important! Tile adhesive should not be too thick and liquid. You can check it like this, pick up the prepared glue on a spatula and turn it over. If the glue drains, then it is liquid, if it seizes like a stone, then it is thick. Its consistency should allow you to move the tile during its adjustment.

Laying - a crucial stage

Now it's time to learn how to properly glue ceramic tiles. If the laying is carried out on the wall, then the glue is first applied to the wall, and then to the tile. A level guide profile is already installed on the first row. Therefore, glue the first tile according to the marked markings.


Many remember old technology, which consisted in the fact that the tile was pre-soaked. Therefore, many are tormented by the question, is it necessary to soak the tiles? Modern technology eliminates this need. Perhaps it will be enough to decide whether it is necessary to wet it.

The tile itself does not need to be pressed strongly against the wall. Several tiles up to three pieces are placed in one row at once. After that, a level is applied to them and it is checked that there is no belly. The vertical level is also checked. This is important, because a large layer can come up. The level must be controlled when laying each element.

The tile is gently pressed. As a result, glue residue can escape through the seams. Glue must be removed. The seam must not have adhesive residue. Glue from the seam can be removed with a cross or other thin object. To form a seam, it is necessary to put a cross between each tile. These elements must have the same size and thickness.

According to this principle, floor tiles are also laid, the only difference is that the work will be carried out horizontally. It will take longer to tinker with floor tiles, as it is necessary to strictly control the thickness of the adhesive and the level from all sides.

If small curvatures under the ceiling are not very striking, then everything will be visible on the floor. Moreover, before laying the tiles on the floor, you need to make sure that the screed is even. Some lay without being guided by it.

As a result, this leads to large layers of glue. Definitely put in a new one. cement-sand screed works out cheaper than leveling a large drop with tile adhesive. So, floor tiles in total cost from mounting adhesive will cost less.

So, as you can see, you do not need to have special devices for laying tiles on the floor or walls. This work requires patience and a desire to pay attention to every detail.

These are the basic requirements for how to properly lay tiles. In addition, we suggest that you watch the informative video material, in which you can learn many other subtleties in this work at the end of the article.


Before gluing tiles in a corner or near other structures, trimming may be required. To do this, use a manual tile cutter or electric. If the tile has small dimensions, then you can get by with a manual device.

Cutting must be done carefully and slowly. First, measurements are taken, they are transferred to the tile and a cut is made in one go.


Grouting is the last step in laying tiles. For grouting, a special mixture is used. It can be matched to the color of the tile or played in contrast. First make sure that there are no glue residues or other contaminants in the seams.

Grouting is done with a rubber spatula. Residues of grout must be removed immediately from the surface of the tile. If they dry out, they will be harder to clean. When the grout has dried, you just need to wash the surface and wipe it dry.

So, here we have considered the basic tips for laying ceramic tiles. We hope that this material has provided you with food for thought and will help you do all the work yourself. If you are worried and not sure how to properly glue the tiles on the wall or floors, then we offer you an introductory video at the end of this article.

Ten useful tips DIY ceramic tile laying

Laying tiles according to all rules and standards

The assortment of construction stores pleases with constantly emerging new products designed to fulfill modern finishes housing. But be that as it may, ceramic tiles do not lose their popularity at all, and remain one of the most popular materials for facing floors and walls in rooms with specific operating conditions - with high humidity, with direct water on the surface, with a pronounced abrasive load. , with the need for frequent wet cleaning using detergents. According to such criteria, this includes bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens, hallways and corridors, balconies and loggias, entrance groups and some utility rooms.

In a word, in any house or apartment there is sure to be such a finish. wide application. Therefore, the question is so relevant - how difficult is laying ceramic tiles with your own hands, is it worth inviting a master, or is it quite possible to do on your own? We cannot agree with the opinion of the authors of individual articles who claim that tiling is a very simple task. Such a finish requires precise adherence to technology, knowledge of many nuances, a certain skill and increased accuracy. However, it does not seem impossible either - so many homeowners have successfully completed the finishing work on their own. We hope that this article will help the portal visitor to understand the basics of ceramic tile laying technology, to carefully assess their capabilities and make the right decision.
