Connecting heating radiators piping circuits installation of batteries. Diagonal connection of a heating radiator: diagram, pros and cons How to connect heating radiators

In practice, the efficiency of even the highest quality heating system becomes obsolete over time. For this reason, the owner of the house often faces the problem of replacing some of its individual components.

It is not difficult to change a heating radiator: you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions, at least a little understanding of the specifics of this area and having the appropriate tool.

Types of heating systems

Modern methods of connecting a heating radiator are extremely important nuances in matters of providing home heat. In construction practice, the most common two types of heating systems are single-pipe and two-pipe.
It depends on which one specifically appears - and it depends on what scheme the integration of the radiator will be carried out.

By the way, even if you do not connect the battery yourself, but with the help of professionals from a specialized company, you should still be aware of which heating system you have installed. For clarity, consider each of these types in more detail.

Single pipe heating

This type works on the principle of supplying water to a modern radiator, usually integrated in an apartment in a high-rise building, that is, in a high-rise building. This connection of the heating battery is considered the most affordable and simplest type.

But this system also has its drawbacks: taking into account such seemingly simple installation work, a single-pipe system does not imply the possibility of independent regulation of the supplied heat. That is, this type of heating does not provide for any additional devices that can provide the homeowner with such a service. In view of this, heat transfer in the apartment is supplied in accordance with the originally laid down.

Two-pipe heating

The activity of this system is based on the advancement of the hot coolant through the first pipe, while the second pipe in the opposite direction - the already cooled liquid is withdrawn. In this type of heat supply, a parallel method of connecting heating devices takes place.

A characteristic feature of a two-pipe system is the methodical uniformity of heating of all its components. Plus, the owner of such heating has the opportunity to independently regulate the heat in the apartment using a specific valve mounted near the radiator itself.

Detailed review - read on our website.

Advice: Pay attention to the document regulating the norms for the correct connection of heating radiators. Its name: SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Radiator integration point

Whether you have a series connection of heating batteries or a more complicated one - parallel, in any case, remember that heat supply is not the only function of these units. An additional bonus of such devices is that the radiators provide good protection against the "cold" intrusion of winds and drafts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that these life-saving devices find their refuge under the window sills. Heating radiators are able to provide an excellent thermal curtain, especially in the localization of window openings.

Advice: Do not mount two radiators close to each other - this is fraught with the loss of expensive heat: the density of the hot air flow will decrease several times, which will entail a sharp drop in the efficiency of the heat supply itself.

Before using a specific type of connection, draw up a schematic plan on which you clearly and visually indicate the location of the devices, and make correct calculations of the installation distance.

Radiators are correctly positioned in the following cases:

  • devices are located at a distance of 100 mm from the bottom line of the window sill;
  • distance to the floor - 120 mm;
  • distance to walls - 20 mm.

We connect radiators to different water circulation systems

The coolant in heating, which, as a rule, is ordinary water, circulates in the system in two ways - forced or natural.

Forcibly, the operation of the coolant is carried out thanks to a water pump that pushes water through the pipe. Of course, such a pumping device is an element of the general heating scheme. The installation of such a unit is either carried out directly near the heating equipment - a boiler, for example, or is initially included in its "original" package. you will find out in a separate article.

1. One-pipe sequential heating system with natural circulation
2. Two-pipe parallel heating system with natural circulation

Another system, which has natural circulation, is very efficient and effective in places where power surges are most common. In the indicated scheme of such circulation, there is no pumping device, but there is a place for a non-volatile boiler. The movement of liquid through the system is carried out due to the displacement of the cooled coolant by a hot stream of water.

Factors to consider when implementing the connection of radiators:

  • specifics of the laid heating main;
  • its length and so on.

Heating radiator connection diagrams

Any of the radiator connection schemes listed below is quite capable of being implemented in a heating system with a “forced” approach, that is, with a pump:

Due to the universal design of this design, the coolant fills the radiator evenly, which, of course, contributes to the maximum degree of heat transfer. The cross circuit significantly increases the efficiency of the system: heat losses are reduced by up to 2%!

What to do when the heating system spoils the view of the room? If cast-iron batteries can also be hidden behind the screen or more modern ones can be installed instead of them - bimetallic or steel, then what about pipes? Some people cover them with curtains and curtains, while others make the lower connection of heating radiators, as a result of which the battery piping is practically invisible.

Features of the bottom connection

Three ways to connect:

  1. Connection of ordinary radiators through the bottom holes.
  2. With the help of a set of accessories from below steel or bimetallic radiators.
  3. Purchase batteries that are designed for such a connection.

Now let's look at the methods, pros and cons of various bottom connection methods.

Connection with side outlets

The connection itself is not very difficult. Pipes are located below - above the floor or hidden in the floor. A radiator is attached to the wall, and a pipeline is connected to the lower holes. So that the battery can be removed without stopping the heating process, it is necessary to install shutoff valves on both sides. An air vent is installed in the upper hole (no matter which side).

Connecting with an adapter

Sometimes it is not possible to connect an ordinary radiator by connecting a pipeline to it from two sides. In this case, you can use an adapter. It is screwed into the lower hole, and a stainless steel tube is connected to the upper one from it. The heating pipes are connected to the adapter itself from below.

You can get more information about this type of connection by watching the video attached at the end of the article.

Bottom connection with flow extension

The bottom connection can be made with a flow extension. The device is screwed into the bottom hole and has no taps to the top one. The circulation of the coolant occurs due to the fact that the water, passing through the tube in the middle of the radiator, exits it at the end of the heater, rises, squeezing out cold water through the outlet located in the device.

For gravity systems, this type of connection is not suitable.

Connecting batteries with a bottom connection

Now let's dwell on the more efficient and most aesthetically acceptable method of bottom connection - from below, describing its advantages and disadvantages along the way.


  • It is possible to install a flow direction adapter.
  • Both pipes go directly from the battery into the floor or into the wall (or into pipes located above the floor).
  • When buying radiators with a bottom connection, you do not need to worry about purchasing a suitable thermostat, since it is already installed there.


  • An air vent must be installed on each battery.
  • Heating is less uniform and not as efficient.
  • Cannot be used for gravity heating systems.
  • It is necessary to constantly use the circulation pump.

Radiators Location Norms

Regardless of the chosen method of connecting the radiator, it must be at some distance from:

  • walls - 5 cm;
  • floor - 10 cm (deviation in any direction is not more than 2 cm);
  • window sill - 10 cm (a minimum distance of 5 cm is allowed).

When purchasing a mount, it is important to take into account the thickness of the installed thermal insulation with a reflective layer (if any). In this case, hooks-clamps of a slightly longer length will be needed.

Installation of a heating system with a bottom connection

Depending on the selected scheme, the installation of the pipeline is carried out. It can be laid:

  1. In the floor
  2. In the wall.
  3. Between the floor and the battery.

The location of the pipes does not affect the efficiency of the heating system - they are hidden for aesthetic reasons.

It is important to first install the batteries, calculating their number for each room, and then bring pipes to them.


See how sectional radiators can be connected from below:

This video explains the advantages of a bottom connection radiator:

First you need to decide which steel radiator you need to connect - with a side or bottom connection.

A steel panel heating radiator is connected similarly to aluminum and bimetallic radiators. A steel radiator with a bottom connection has two outlets at the bottom - supply and return, which must not be confused.

Schemes for side connection of radiators

There are three main schemes for connecting pipes to a radiator:

1. Diagonal connection- the most preferred option for maximum heat transfer. In this scheme, the supply pipeline must be connected to the upper branch pipe of one side, and the outlet pipe to the lower branch pipe of the other side of the radiator. In this case, the heat output of the radiator is maximum. With the reverse connection - the supply pipeline is from below, and the return pipeline is from above, the heat transfer of the radiator will decrease by 10%.

This scheme is preferred for long radiators and radiators with more than 12 sections. From an aesthetic point of view, the best option would be to lay suitable pipelines in the wall (in a strobe, or behind a false wall).

2. Lateral one-way connection- the most common case in apartments. In this embodiment, the supply pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe, and the return pipe is connected to the lower one, on the same side of the radiator. In this case, the maximum power is less than in the case of a diagonal connection by 2%. By reconnecting the suitable and return piping, the power is reduced by another 7%.

3. Bottom connection. This option for connecting a radiator is most often used when laying main pipelines in the floor or along the wall, when it is not possible to hide the pipes in a strobe.

The maximum heat transfer of the radiator is 7% less than with a diagonal connection.

Connection of steel panel radiator with bottom connection

Steel radiators with a bottom connection should be attributed to a one-way connection scheme, because. all wiring (upper and lower branch pipe) is made inside it.

It must also be remembered that when piping a steel radiator with a bottom connection, the flow and return cannot be interchanged. The return pipe is always the first from the near corner (see figure).

All steel radiators with a bottom connection are universal, that is, they can be connected through the bottom pipes or the second option, plug the bottom pipes with plugs and unscrew the top built-in thermostatic valve. Connect the supply pipeline to the place of the valve, and connect the return pipeline to one of the lower side pipes.

How to connect a steel heating radiator

A steel heating radiator with side connection is mounted in the same way as any sectional radiator. In most cases, it has an outlet with a 1/2 inch internal thread, into which they screw: a plug, a Mayevsky tap and control valves.

Steel radiators with a bottom connection are in most cases tied with copper, metal-plastic pipes or cross-linked polyethylene. To connect pipes to the radiator, as well as to cut off the radiator from the system, lower connection nodes (angled or straight) are used.

The nut is screwed onto the 3/4 external thread of the radiator, the pipe is connected to the bottom connection unit through the 3/4 euro cone.

Some steel radiators have 1/2" female inlet fittings; to connect such a radiator to the lower connection assembly, special 1/2 x 3/4 Eurocone nipples must be used.

In addition, such radiators can also be connected using conventional thermostatic valves.

If we talk about what comfort in the house primarily depends on, then one of the primary factors will be warm. It is it that “breathes life” into any building, regardless of whether it is a luxurious house with several floors or a small apartment in an old building. What provides warmth? Naturally well-designed heating system. Moreover, in modern conditions, it should be not only effective, but also economical, and it is not at all easy to achieve such a balance. Although, in principle, nothing is impossible, therefore, on the pages of our website, we consistently tell how to create excellent heating in a home. This time our topic is: wiring diagrams for heating radiators. This is one of the most important points in the design of the heating system, which can be implemented in several ways.

What types of heating systems are there?

In order to understand how to connect a heating radiator, you need to be clearly aware of which system it will be integrated into. Even if all the work will be carried out by craftsmen from a specialized company, the owner of the house still needs to know what heating scheme will be implemented in his home.

Single pipe heating

It is based on the supply of water to radiators installed in a multi-storey building (usually in high-rise buildings). Such a connection of a heating radiator is the simplest.

However, with the availability of installation, such a scheme has one serious drawback - it is impossible to regulate the heat supply. Such a system does not provide for any special devices. Therefore, heat transfer corresponds to the design norm laid down by the project.

Two-pipe heating

Considering the options for connecting heating radiators, it is naturally worth paying attention to a two-pipe heating system. Its operation is based on the supply of hot coolant through one pipe, and the removal of chilled water in the opposite direction through the second pipe. Here parallel connection of heating devices is realized. The advantage of this connection is the uniform heating of all batteries. In addition, the intensity of heat transfer can be adjusted by a valve that is mounted in front of the radiator.

Important! Proper connection of heating radiators implies compliance with the requirements of the main regulatory document - SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Choosing a radiator installation location: what is the importance?

Regardless of whether the heating radiators are connected in series or parallel, the functional purpose of these devices is not only space heating. By means of batteries, a certain protection (screen) is created from the penetration of cold from the outside. This explains the location of the batteries under the window sills. With such a distribution of radiators in places of greatest heat loss, that is, in the area of ​​​​window openings, an effective thermal curtain is created.

Before considering how to connect heating radiators, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the location of these devices. At the same time, it is important to determine the correct mounting distances of the radiators, which will ensure their maximum heat transfer. So, heating batteries are absolutely correctly located if:

  • lowered from the bottom of the window sill by 100 mm;
  • from the floor are at a distance of 120 mm;
  • separated from the wall at a distance of 20 mm.

Coolant circulation methods

As you know, water, and usually it is she who is poured into the heating system, or naturally. The first option involves the use of a special water pump that pushes water through the system. Naturally, this element is included in the overall heating circuit. And it is installed in most cases either near the heating boiler, or is already its structural element.

The system with natural circulation is very relevant in places where there are frequent power outages. The circuit does not provide for a pump, and the heating boiler itself is non-volatile. Water moves through the system due to the fact that a cold coolant is displaced by a heated column of water. How the connection of radiators will be implemented under such circumstances depends on many factors, including the need to take into account the peculiarities of the passage of the heating main and its length.

Any of the four connection methods can be implemented if there is a circulation pump in the heating system

In this article, we will consider the schemes for connecting heating radiators and you will understand which scheme to choose for you. Today there is a question in the choice of two schemes and two systems for the operation of radiator heating systems. The first is a gravity system that works without forced circulation by means of a circulation pump. And the second system is exactly the system that works forcibly using a circulation pump. But these systems can also cooperate with each other.

That is, we have a gravitational scheme for radiator heating, which works by itself, precisely according to the physical laws of heat and cold, but there is a forced system.

What could be simpler than wiring diagrams for heating radiators? There is a boiler: solid fuel, diesel, gas, etc. The coolant is heated in the boiler, which gets there under the action of the pump. The heated coolant goes to the radiator heating system, in the radiators heat is given off to the surrounding air. The coolant cools down and, already cooled, returns back to the boiler, where it heats up again and so the circle closes. Everything is very, very simple, but, nevertheless, in reality, schemes are much more complicated. Let's see what these schemes are and how they differ from each other, analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Spider radiator connection diagram

Figuratively imagine the boiler from which we take the pipeline, and bring it out somewhere in the center of the house. Usually such a system is called a spider. We lower the risers and collect, send it all back. We connect radiators to the pipes. The coolant rises up according to its natural physical laws. That is, the hot coolant goes up, and on the second pipe in the middle it leaves and falls down. Passes through the radiator, cools and enters the return line.

Note that the downpipes are sloped. This is the only problem is that you need to do the slopes. But it is precisely in today's time that many are again switching to these old systems, as problems with energy carriers begin. For example, the electricity is often cut off, while the pump will not work. The system will just hang up. And this is the system that works all the time. The boiler can be any: gas, coal, diesel and even electric. This whole system will work.

This system is very cumbersome. It must be practically brought to the roof and to the attic. Therefore, not everyone is given to master it.

Connection diagram "Leningradka"

Let's consider the second system. When we take the feed from the boiler and then lower it down. We carry out at the level of radiators and then return it back to the boiler. Here, too, it is necessary to observe the slope. Figuratively, this is called a radiator heating system, since 2-3 radiators are mounted along the length. That is, the first one enters the hot coolant, some part goes cooled down the return line, and the hot part goes to the next radiator. Such wiring diagram for heating radiators also called “classic Leningradka”. The only thing is to raise the pipes a little up to create acceleration. Then the water will go down the slope, here they are also very important. This is not always convenient to do, because doors will interfere with you. Also, the fewer taps, the better the system works. If you do not follow this rule, you can land the entire system.

Leningradka can work with a pump. He crashes back. Due to it, the speed increases and the system works more efficiently. The only drawback of this system is the large diameter of the pipes. If we take pipes with a diameter of 32 in the forced connection scheme for heating radiators, we will install a pump and it will push everything through everywhere. Here, for the system to work, the pipes must be large. So now these are very good systems. In new buildings, we always recommend doing just such a scheme for connecting heating radiators if there are problems with the supply of electricity. And here you can heat the stove or even gas boilers. Now there are non-volatile systems with temperature control.

One-pipe forced circuit

The simplest scheme for connecting heating radiators from those that are used in practice is a single-pipe system. It is good because it is simple and less pipes go to the tracks. It is because of this that it was often used back in Soviet times, precisely to save material.

However, this advantage of the “one-tube” looks doubtful against the background of its disadvantages. The main one is parallel flows. The coolant enters the radiator, gives off heat to the surrounding air, then returns to its own flow again. But, since the coolant in the radiator has cooled slightly, the flow temperature is slightly reduced. That is, the coolant comes to the second radiator colder than the one that came to the first. The second radiator again gives off heat, the coolant cooled again and was again mixed into the coolant that comes from the boiler and from the first radiator. It comes to the third radiator even colder than to the second one. If the system is long enough, then temperature changes will be quite noticeable on the last radiator.

How can you fix the situation when different radiators heat differently? The only way out is to increase the size of the last radiators. And the easiest way is not to use a single-pipe scheme, but to choose some other one. What? We will consider this further.

Two-pipe radiator connection diagram

It is very simple: all devices in this scheme for connecting heating radiators are connected in parallel to each other. Like everything that moves, a fluid, of course, chooses the path that comes easiest to it. With a two-pipe scheme, it is easier for the coolant to flow through the first radiator. Further, on the second radiator, the pressure will be weaker, so the flow through it will be less. On the third radiator there will be even less pressure, and so on throughout the network. If there are many radiators, then it is likely that with such a scheme, nothing will flow through the last radiator at all.

It turns out that the first radiator heats the best, the second heats worse, the third even worse, the fourth heats very badly, and the last does not heat at all. The problem is similar to the one we observed in the one-pipe scheme, it can be partially solved by increasing the area of ​​​​the last radiator.

Both systems are bad in that they are very poorly balanced. We can fight for a long time with the fact that one of our radiators heats up, while the other does not heat up. If we close one, the first one starts to heat up. We close the first one, the second one starts to heat, and the first one stops heating. Such nonsense happens in two-pipe schemes for connecting heating radiators. It happens that there are two radiators next to each other, there is one through one duct, but there is no duct through the other. That's all. No matter how you fight, no matter how you regulate, either one or the other heats up, but never together. Therefore, if you use such a system, then use it in very small rooms.

Tichelmann's scheme: all radiators under the same conditions

As the name implies, this scheme for connecting heating radiators is quite simple, but at the same time tricky. The first radiator is located closest to the pump, but farthest from the return pipe, and the last one is located farthest from the pump, but closest to the "return". It turns out that the resistance on each radiator, or the pressure on each radiator, is the same. The flow through all radiators is the same. If we take and block any of these radiators, then the rest will work as they did, the system balances itself. Here it seems that there are more pipes, but in fact, if these radiators are located around the building, then the circuit turns out to be much easier, simpler, more elegant than the previous ones. Tichelman's loop can be tied to two, and even three floors. Moreover, if all radiators are closed on one floor, they will continue to heat normally on the other.

Beam diagram for connecting heating radiators

Consider such a scheme in which a collector is used. The coolant from the boiler comes to the collector, and already from the collector to each of the radiators there is its own pair of pipes: direct and reverse. If these pipes are hidden in the floor, for example, in a warm floor screed insulation, or even placed between the “black” floor and the finished floor, then the room without pipes will look very aesthetically pleasing. Pipes to another floor can be carried out along the ceiling. With this scheme, each of the radiators can also be turned off, but the rest will continue to work.

What and where to end up using?

Let's summarize. If you live in central cities and you have no problems with energy, gas, electricity and others, we recommend using a two-pipe system, with oncoming traffic, with roundabouts and forced circulation. Since then we save on the diameter of the pipes and on the volume of the coolant. Accordingly, the less water is needed, the less energy is needed to heat it.

If you have problems with energy carriers or often emergencies occur, then you should consider connection diagrams for gravity-type heating radiators with natural circulation. Just in case, you can also embed the pump there, only it crashes around the pipe so as not to interfere with the main passage. For the time when you have electricity, you will drive it with a pump, because the speed increases, the radiators are all of a uniform temperature. The efficiency of work with the pump is increased by 30-50%. When there is no electricity, this system will continue to work for you. You already know which radiators you have chosen, their number and size. Accordingly, you can now calculate what is needed in order to connect them. Let me remind you that in the first case, you need large, large diameters, you can use large valves. And of course in this case it is difficult to regulate the temperature. Of course, there are options, we will definitely consider them in a more detailed review.

Ways to connect radiators

A classic multi-section radiator consists of several sections that transfer heat from the coolant to the surrounding air. When assembling the radiator, thanks to the threaded connection, the upper and lower collectors of each section are hermetically connected to each other, increasing the total length. A closed system is formed that uses the coolant as an energy source.

There are 3 schemes for connecting the heating battery to the system:

  1. Lateral.
  2. Lower.
  3. Diagonal.

Let's analyze each option in detail.

Lateral connection of radiators

In the case of lateral connection of radiators, the inlet and outlet pipes occur on the same side. Most often, a hot coolant enters through the entry point in the upper part of the battery, and the spent one exits through the lower connection point. But there are exceptions when the connection is made the other way around. It is assumed that the coolant flows evenly throughout the entire length of the radiator, then goes down and out. But in fact, this is not the case; the coolant passes through the sections closest to the exit much faster than through the distant ones.

This is due to the length of the path, if for the near section it is 8-10 cm of the section width, the vertical pipeline and 8-10 cm to the outlet, then for the far section this path is many times longer. During the time that the coolant reaches the far section and then returns back, two to three times more volume can pass through the near section. Because of this, the process of heating the battery is uneven, the far sections may be slightly warm, while those closest to the inlet and outlet will be hot.

There is also a scheme for lateral connection of heating radiators, only from below. With this scheme, the hot coolant comes from below and, in theory, evenly rises up. But in fact, we have the same thing as with the top connection: the first sections warm up perfectly. The rest are getting smaller and smaller.

Bottom connection of radiators

Quite often there is such a scheme for connecting heating radiators, when the incoming coolant flow is connected to the lower collector, while the output flow is connected to the lower collector from the other end of the radiator battery.

Hot water has a lower density and due to this it should rise up, and the already cooled coolant should go down. Due to this circulation, the coolant is replaced with a hotter one. But according to manufacturers' estimates, with this type of battery connection, from 10 to 20 percent of the coolant simply flows past the vertical pipelines and does not participate in heat exchange. This is due to the fact that a narrow channel does not contribute to efficient circulation and the process of displacing the cooled coolant can be very slow. Naturally, when salts and scale are deposited on the vertical pipelines of the radiator, the circulation rate will deteriorate and the efficiency will drop even more.

Diagonal battery connection

The most effective scheme for connecting a heating battery to a heating network. In this case, the incoming flow is connected to the upper manifold, and the outlet to the lower manifold on the opposite side. The movement of the coolant flow occurs diagonally and all sections are involved in efficient heat exchange. Thus, the maximum efficiency of the use of the coolant is achieved and losses are reduced.

Special models of radiators

In apartment buildings, heating wiring is often done in such a way that only lateral or bottom connection of radiators is possible. It is possible to make changes to the project only in agreement with the commission, and this is a long and tedious task. But many manufacturers of radiator batteries foresee such a problem and produce systems with diagonal wiring of collectors:

You can make such upgrades with already installed batteries. Brackets with flow extensions can be easily found in plumbing stores. An experienced plumber will be required for installation, as it will be necessary to disconnect the radiators from the mains, disassemble the inlet or outlet pipeline and seal the assembly.

There are similar solutions to cover the end section. Most often, this is a coupling that twists at the exit point and has a remote plug. It closes the hole between the penultimate and last sections of the radiator and redirects the main coolant flow along the bypass.

And finally, some useful tips:

  • do not make branches too long, especially to other floors. The coolant must necessarily reach the radiator;
  • when placing the collector in the room, do not place it at the end. The length of the branches to the radiators should be approximately the same. Otherwise, the temperature of the coolant in different radiators may differ markedly;
  • when installing pipes in the floor or in the ceiling, lead them to the radiators in their entirety, without breaking the connections. Otherwise, if one day such a pipe leaks, it will be a very big problem.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the connection diagrams for heating radiators of typical heating systems. Any person with a general secondary education can understand them in order to design and build their own system. Of course, when creating heating systems, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.
