How to insulate a frame house. Frame house insulation. Internal and external insulation

To keep warm and cozy in your home in winter time, need to do good thermal insulation outer walls. As a result, the percentage of heat loss should be significantly reduced, and the air temperature will be more stable even in severe frost. If you want to insulate the walls frame house with your own hands, then select the appropriate material that will suit your characteristics, and then proceed with the installation work.

Insulation in houses is installed not only in order to better protect the room from freezing. This measure creates a different microclimate in the apartment. Using quality materials for thermal insulation, you can prevent the appearance of dampness in the house. Therefore, in the rooms, the probability of the appearance of fungus or mold on the walls is practically excluded. Installed insulation from the inside of the room will be able to prevent the accumulation of condensate on the walls.

Of course, properly made thermal insulation in your home will allow you to keep warm throughout the cold season. comfortable conditions for living. If you are growing houseplants, then this will be an additional plus and a guarantee that they will not die during severe frosts.

Proper installation of insulation according to technology can increase the service life of the main structures of the house, and other elements. For example, freezing of walls can affect the quality and timing of adhesion. adhesive solutions, plaster, etc. When the wall freezes, their structure is disturbed, so the wallpaper may begin to lag behind the walls, and the putty may crack.

Video "How to properly insulate"

From the video you will learn how to properly insulate the house.

Materials for thermal protection

Today, as a heater for the house, a wide variety of materials are used, which differ in characteristics. When making thermal insulation with your own hands from the inside of the house, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • safety for human health (allergy is possible);
  • fire resistance;
  • density;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and moisture;
  • ease of processing and fastening;
  • tendency to deformation;
  • average service life;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • ratio of quality and price.

These criteria should be decisive when choosing building material for warming the room from the inside.

Among the most common means for thermal protection equipment, one can find mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam. One of these options will be the best solution if you want to do all the work yourself.

In some situations, sawdust and expanded clay can be used. They are suitable for warming the basement, cellar and similar premises. Sometimes they are used by gardeners in greenhouses for thermal insulation for the winter or as drainage.

Types of mineral wool

Mineral wool has become the most common insulation due to the combination of all positive qualities. This material can have several compositions, where the base and its density change.

There are three types of mineral wool: slag, basalt and glass. Among them, glass wool has gained great popularity. It is convenient because it comes in a convenient form. Production technologies produce compressed blocks and slabs at the output, which have a sufficiently large thickness.

When you plan to carry out the installation of thermal insulation from the inside with your own hands, you must immediately calculate the required thickness of glass wool. You can immediately buy suitable rolls and during operation you will not need to cut extra pieces.

When insulating floors with mineral wool, it is better to take slabs with a thickness that will approximately match the wooden frame at the base. The plates are perfect for thermal insulation equipment in the attic or attic.

Insulated frame house structures

When you start laying insulation with your own hands from inside the house, you need to remember that such work requires compliance with technology. Otherwise, these measures will not give the expected result. First you need to determine which structure will be insulated, and then prepare.

If you follow the technology, then without any problems you can arrange thermal insulation in a frame house with your own hands. Laying can be done on the floor, walls, ceiling of the attic or attic. Mineral wool is used for insulation from the inside, it is not suitable for external fastening.

In a situation where the equipped insulation from the inside gives a poor result, then additional insulation can be done outside the house. Styrofoam and special adhesive bases. Thus, a two-layer insulation is created.

Wall insulation

If you make thermal protection with your own hands from the inside, then it is better to learn more about the technology of laying building material. Usually the insulation is placed between the wall and the sheathing. It is best to make a wooden crate that will be fixed to the wall. It is very easy to use, and installation can be divided into several stages.

If you want to make simple thermal insulation from the inside, then it will be enough to install one crate. This technology involves laying one layer of mineral wool (or other insulation) into empty grooves, and then everything is sewn up with lining - clapboard, drywall, etc.

It is best to use a multilayer type of thermal insulation. For this, it is produced interior decoration premises. After that, fit and fix vapor barrier layer to protect the surface from the accumulation of condensate. Then the first crate is made, it carries the greatest load, therefore wooden bars must be of great thickness, and the type of wood with a high density. You should not take pine or spruce, it is best to use beech, ash for crates. Oak is very expensive and difficult to process, so this will be an extra problem.

After taking measurements, you can proceed with the installation wooden crate. The technology is simple - vertical crossbars are installed in increments of 50 to 70 centimeters. The thickness of the timber should not be too large, since this design affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and it is not necessary to lay too much glass wool, since quality does not always depend on quantity. For strength, make horizontal slats, it is best to mount them under the ceiling and slightly above the floor.

After installing the wooden frame, mineral wool is covered in the grooves. When the insulation is in place, you can put a superdiffusion membrane in a thin layer. Then a second crate is made on top with wooden planks with a small thickness. They are attached to the first with the help of special wood screws. At the final stage, it is fixed facing material, which completely hides multilayer insulation.

Floor insulation

In a wooden frame house, floors are often made along the beams. When arranging thermal insulation, insulation boards are laid between load-bearing structures main floors. You can use roll materials, but for their spreading it will be required pre-assembly bottom lathing or solid flooring. If everything is done correctly, then you can significantly reduce the percentage of heat loss in the house.

When insulating with mineral wool in the form of rigid slabs, the step wooden beams it is better to take overlappings so that about 570-580 mm remain clean between them. This will ensure maximum convenience installation work with plates 600 mm wide and complete filling of the space with heat-insulating material. On hard boards high density unlike soft mineral wool. Due to the density, all dimensions must be more accurate, since extra millimeters cannot be pressed under the cladding.

Installation of insulation pitched roof has the same principle as other structures. Instead of a crate, you need to properly make a truss system, as well as add a waterproofing and vapor barrier layer to prevent moisture from entering the insulation.

If the house is just being built, then the roof will need to be laid last, as this will greatly facilitate the work - the roof slope is at a large angle and getting to all the right places becomes a problem. After the roof, the lining from the inside is already being done.

To achieve comfortable living at home during winter period it is necessary to think about insulation even at the construction stage. This will prevent the penetration of cold air into the room and ensure compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions. Insulation of a frame house can be done by hand. Step-by-step instructions for each type of structure are given below.

Why is it necessary to insulate the house

With the help of thermal protection of structures in contact with cold air, the following problems can be solved:

  • condensation from inside the premises;
  • the appearance of dampness, mold and fungus;
  • increase in heating costs;
  • non-compliance temperature regime living quarters and reduce the comfort of living in it.

Besides competent technology insulation of a frame house can extend the life of the main structures of the building.

Materials for thermal protection

Home insulation can be carried out using the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;

Types of mineral wool

There are two classifications this insulation. The first is based on the raw materials used to make:

  • basalt;
  • glass;
  • slag.

The most popular is the insulation of the walls of a frame house and other structures with basalt mineral wool.

The second classification is based on the form of insulation release:

  • rigid boards;
  • roll material.

It should be noted that glass wool is produced only in rolls.

Rigid slabs that can withstand fairly high loads are suitable for floors. Insulation of the walls of a frame house can be carried out using both plates and rolls. For mansard roof best to apply board material. This will allow you to easily insulate with mineral wool between the rafters.

Insulated frame house structures

Before warming up frame house, it is necessary to decide which structures require this additional event.

With your hands you can protect from the cold the following items building:

  1. the floor of the first floor;
  2. attic floor (if the attic is cold);
  3. mansard roof;
  4. exterior walls.

Do-it-yourself insulation work can be carried out both outside and inside. It is best to mount the thermal insulation between the racks, as this will ensure the competent work of the material. Warming wooden house mineral wool from the inside of the wall will greatly simplify the work and allow you to hold events at any weather conditions.

Double-layer insulation - a guarantee of 100% thermal protection

An external insulation scheme is possible if the insulation from the inside is not sufficient and additional insulation is required. Peculiarities:

  • the outer thermal insulation material must not form a vapor barrier. Otherwise, the resulting condensate from water vapor will accumulate between the two layers of insulation, which is fraught with the formation of mold and mildew;
  • house wall thickening

Based on the foregoing, it follows that the thermal protection of a wooden house from the outside with mineral wool should be carried out only in exceptional cases, when the scheme from the inside is not applicable.

Wall insulation

Double layer insulation (double frame)

To guarantee a comfortable stay during the winter period, it is important to take care of the thermal protection of the walls. To reliably insulate the walls with basalt or other wool from the outside with your own hands, you need two-layer insulation. Follow the following layer order:

  1. interior decoration;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. mineral wool insulation (2 layers with offset racks);
  4. windproof membrane;
  5. OSB-3 on the crate;
  6. exterior decoration of the facade.

It is important to remember that the scheme for using this type of insulation requires the obligatory presence of a ventilated layer with a thickness of at least 4 cm. This is necessary due to the high hygroscopicity of the material. In order for the insulation to retain its performance characteristics, it is necessary to remove excess moisture from its surface. This is ensured by the circulation of cold air outside the surface of the mineral wool.

Most often, the technology for insulating the walls of a frame house is the following scheme: the material is not laid on any side, but between the racks of the frame. This makes it possible to reduce overall thickness walls and significantly reduce the construction time of the building. Mineral wool is fixed between the racks of the frame, after which sheathing is performed on both sides.

Vapor barrier and wind protection during do-it-yourself work are located similarly to the previous cases: steam protection from the inside, and wind protection from the outside.

With thermal protection of the walls from the inside under hinged facade The layer order is as follows:

  1. interior decoration of the premises;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. mineral wool;
  4. superdiffusion membrane;
  5. wall construction;
  6. facade decoration.

Floor insulation

For a wooden frame house, overlappings along the beams are characteristic. When arranging thermal insulation with your own hands, insulation boards are laid between the supporting structures of the floor. You can also use rolled materials, but for their spreading, you will need to pre-install the lower crate or solid flooring.

When insulating with mineral wool in the form of rigid slabs, it is better to take the step of the wooden floor beams so that 580 mm remain clean between them. This will provide maximum convenience for working with 600 mm wide plates and complete filling of the space with heat-insulating material.

When doing do-it-yourself activities, you need to remember that the vapor barrier is located from the inside of the room, and the waterproofing is from the cold air side. In the case of intermediate floors, steam protection should be provided from the side of the ceiling.

Warming attic floor

It is also important to remember that when working with any type of mineral wool, it is better to prevent particles of the material from getting on the skin and into the lungs. For this, it is best to use gloves and a mask. Also, workers must have special clothing which completely covers the arms and legs.

Pitched roof insulation

Do-it-yourself installation technology is similar to ceilings. The pitch of the rafters, as in the previous case, is selected with respect to a clear distance of 580 mm.

Work is performed in the following order:

  1. installation of the truss system;
  2. laying a waterproofing layer over the rafters;
  3. thermal insulation;
  4. installation of vapor barrier;
  5. upper and lower crate;
  6. laying roofing material;
  7. ceiling interior trim.

Preparatory work

Before properly insulating a frame house, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces. To do this, perform simple actions:

  1. processing of all structures of a wooden house with the help of antiseptic compounds to prevent damage to them by various microorganisms;
  2. cleaning the surface from dirt and dust;
  3. elimination of significant inconsistencies.

These simple do-it-yourself manipulations will provide the insulation with a reliable connection to the structures and the longest possible long service life.

Frame houses are deservedly considered healthy housing, since the main material of such houses is wood, which does not lose its relevance from year to year. frame construction popular and developed in many construction companies, as well as in the private sector.

Frame house - perfect option affordable and attractive housing, and more than 20% of construction is now underway. The cost of materials and work on the construction of a frame house starts from 300-500 thousand rubles, which is much less than the cost of a small, but full apartment. Even in such an inexpensive frame house, you can create comfortable living conditions, not only with the help of decoration, but also by creating proper insulation frame house.

Frame house insulation

After the construction of the main structure, the creation of thermal insulation is the first thing to do. It is very important to choose the right type of insulation for a frame house.


Styrofoam is the most common and cheap option to execute step-by-step warming frame house. This material is easy to transport, but it is fragile and can break. The disadvantages of polystyrene include its fire hazard and release harmful substances when burning and even just when the temperature rises.

The frame is sheathed with foam.

Insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam is most often done due to low thermal conductivity, and this characteristic is the most important for a heater. Also, when insulating the walls of a frame house with foam, you can save a lot on thermal insulation work and do it yourself. When installing foam, you do not need to do a vapor barrier.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is an excellent sound insulator and heat insulator, the most fireproof material for insulating a frame house with your own hands. However, it can absorb moisture quite well, deteriorate under its influence, crack and collapse.

Insulation of a frame house is used with the obligatory installation of a vapor barrier, which is made from a special waterproof film. The joints of the film are overlapped and glued with reinforced tape or a special adhesive film.

Basalt wool Izover.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a heater:

  • Thermal conductivity.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Noise isolation.
  • Lifetime.
  • Ease of installation when insulating a frame house with your own hands.

On a note

It is better to take the warming of a frame house with mineral wool in the form of plates, not rolls, because breaks and damage will be excluded.

Other types of insulation

  1. Ecowool is a high-tech material in which there is no possibility for rodents and insects to live. The material is ideal for insulating a frame house from the inside in terms of its characteristics, its only drawback is the rather high cost of both the material and the procedure for its installation.
  2. - expanded clay, slag, sawdust. A good heater this moment more used on flat surfaces. It is possible to insulate the roof and floor of a frame house with the mandatory use of waterproofing, as it often gets wet, settles and needs to be replaced.
  3. Glassine is a thick paper treated with bitumen. Excellent moisture insulator, perfectly saves from the wind.
  4. Polyurethane foam is a good material that has a number of significant disadvantages - it is afraid of direct sunlight, high-cost insulation of a frame house from the outside.
  5. Penoplex - it includes extruded polystyrene foam. Penoplex is produced with rectangular slabs of different thicknesses from 20 to 100 mm. Insulation of a frame house with penoplex is justified by the fact that the material does not emit harmful substances. Like polystyrene, it does not conduct heat well, but it is much stronger and easy to process.

Mineral wool.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house is carried out after the erection of a power frame and its introduction under the roof. This procedure is due to the preservation of materials from getting wet. Especially if cotton wool heaters are used, which lose their heat-saving properties when water enters.

The video of the frame house insulation shows that mineral wool can also be installed with the internal insulation of the frame house. In the future, the insulation boards are closed with OSB or clapboard. Additional insulation frame house made from the inside, takes part of the usable area.

Before carrying out measures to strengthen the walls of a frame house, it is necessary to carry out " general cleaning”, clean all beams and niches inside the frame of the house. Seal joints and cracks mounting foam.

Cross insulation

AT modern construction houses, cross-insulation of a frame house with outside. This method of insulation helps to get rid of cold bridges that occur at the points of contact between the insulation and the wooden frame. Also, wood itself is a bridge of cold.

Vertical cross cladding.

The usual thickness of the frame house insulation is 150 mm, which is placed between the frame posts. The insulation is used in the form of plates, while its width should be one cm larger than the distance between the posts, which will allow the insulation to adjoin the tree more closely.

Additionally, horizontal bars 50x50 mm are nailed from the outside of the frame, with a distance of 590 mm between them for tight fixation of the insulation, the size of which is 600 mm. Further, a moisture-proof membrane is attached to the crate with the help of a stapler and overlapped, and blocks the ingress of moisture into the inside of the frame.

A counter crate is nailed onto the moisture-proof membrane and then facade material, thereby creating space for ventilation and removal of excess moisture. A ventilated facade is created, which is simply necessary in the technology of warming a frame house.

On a note

There is no need to do steam and waterproofing from the outside - this will spoil the wood of the frame more. It is important to leave some space between outer skin and façade for better ventilation.

We insulate the ceiling.

Insulation of the ceiling of a frame house

Before carrying out work on the insulation of the ceiling in a frame house, it is necessary to install a ventilation system and consider openings for the exit of all pipes.

From the side of the attic or, if the frame house is multi-storey, a layer of foil foam foam is attached, also with a construction stapler, and layers of mineral wool are laid between the beams. Additional heaters there will be strips of parchment laid on top of the cotton and unedged board.

Floor and ceiling insulation.

Floor insulation

Warming is best done after installing the load-bearing frame of the house and bringing the building under the roof in order to avoid getting the insulation material wet. is done between the lags on the subfloor, another layer of insulation is placed on top, and then it is covered chipboard sheets or OSB.

Styrofoam or mineral wool can serve as a heater for the floor. Combining these two materials in insulation is not desirable due to different characteristics. The thickness of the frame house insulation can be quite large, but then it should be taken into account already at the design stage and leave the necessary gaps.

pitched roof.

roof insulation

If it is planned to equip, then the thermal insulation of the roof is carried out in rafter system. And if the attic is not heated, then the insulation is carried out along the ceiling of the upper floor.

Insulation of the roof of a frame house can be carried out using inexpensive materials such as straw, shavings, sawdust. They are not expensive, but quite flammable and susceptible to the development of microorganisms and fungal infections. Of course it's already last century.

We lay mineral wool in the frame of the house.

Exists new scheme insulation of a frame house, which is based on the use of modern thermal insulation materials. Now they prefer mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam plastic. Also for flat roof you can lay bulk insulation.

Helpful Hints
  • The thickness of the insulation of a house built according to frame technology depends on where the heater is intended. Typically, the thickness of the insulation is from 150 to 200 mm.
  • The home installation technology indicates the presence of notches and nails in the beams. In order not to damage the insulation, it is recommended to clean and grind the damaged structures.
  • Before starting work on internal insulation frame, seal the cracks and joints with foam and pieces of mineral wool.

If you decide to carry out the insulation of the frame house with your own hands, step-by-step instruction on our website will help to understand the process and do everything with minimal cost. The price of insulating a frame house will depend on many factors, so first of all choose heaters and materials that do not require special skills and equipment during installation.

The old system of building wooden and stone houses provided for a system of insulation during the construction process. Insulation was not singled out as a separate area of ​​work, it was carried out along with the construction of walls and was a matter of course. Now, the concern about how to properly insulate a frame house is the main one for builders.

The procedure for warming work

The building materials market does not suffer from a lack of insulation for walls, floors and ceilings. Each owner wants to choose something unusual, but natural and not harmful to health, so that it is thorough, long-lasting and inexpensive. The intensity of heat transfer greatly affects not only your health, mood and warmth in the house, but also the state of your wallet, as heating services become more important. Therefore, you most often have to insulate the frame house with your own hands.

Insulation is an inevitable process of any construction, the need to insulate floors and ceilings is caused by their very design feature.

This part of the work requires as much attention as the construction of the frame itself. can be produced using various technologies:

  • on outer wall, attic and subfloor;
  • along the inside of the walls and along the ceiling;
  • both outside and inside the house;
  • uneven insulation different parts buildings.

At the same time, there are various methods works, when using which the walls retain maximum heat in the frame house.

If the builders did not carry out the insulation work clearly enough, they will have to roll up their sleeves and finish, redo, bring the insulation “to mind”, starting from the walls and ending with the underground, or even with their own hands again. At the same time, it is important to systematically, purposefully and carefully insulate all the areas listed above. The ceiling is subject to denser insulation, and the insulation layer should be much larger than on the walls - by 25-50%. Close attention should be paid to both external and internal wall insulation, and floor insulation should not be ignored.

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Types of insulation for a frame house

Some design features or difficulties, wall insulation does not represent even for a non-professional. The only difficulty is the choice of insulation. Heaters are produced in two categories - on a synthetic basis and on the basis of natural ingredients. Most used insulation materials for frame houses:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • ecowool;
  • mineral wool.

which is subdivided according to the material of manufacture into:

  • glass;
  • slag;
  • stone.

Expanded polystyrene has an aluminum layer, which significantly improves its thermal insulation. The foil gives it, in addition to increased thermal insulation qualities, also moisture and steam resistance. This technology allows you to reduce the thickness of the insulation, while maintaining the same properties. Produced in sheet and roll form. For wall stickers, it can be produced with a self-adhesive surface.

The main disadvantage of polystyrene, if outside, is the negative effect of sunlight, leading to its destruction. This insulation for outdoor use needs protection. This protection can be paint or plaster. Its advantages include a wide choice of material thickness, fire resistance and environmental safety.

Mineral wool gained its popularity thanks to not only good thermal insulation properties, but also excellent fire resistance and excellent sound absorption. This material does not shrink over time. Available in rolls and also in sheet format.

Ecowool is made from cellulose fibers. valuable environmental cleanliness. When dry, it is rammed into the piers, and moistened with water is applied to the interframe gaps of the walls. The possibility of glass wool is used extremely rarely due to a number of serious drawbacks. These include the fragility of the fibers, resulting in the formation of glass dust, which negatively affects health throughout the entire period of operation. This type of insulation is subject to shrinkage.

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Pitfalls in insulation

Mineral wool, made on the basis of slag, becomes aggressive towards metals when moisture enters, and it has a very low level of heat saving. Cotton wool, which is based on basalt, stone wool - a great opportunity insulate frame walls. Environmentally friendly, durable, with good insulating properties in terms of thermal conductivity and vapor permeability, as well as excellent fire-fighting properties.

However, if available on the market good heaters desire still runs into problems. They consist in the difference between the vapor, moisture and heat permeability of the insulation. Styrofoam, for example, has good moisture resistance, but its heat resistance leaves much to be desired, while mineral wool, on the contrary, has problems with moisture protection. That is, it is necessary to insulate the frame walls, having previously distributed the insulation according to the degree of resistance to various environments.

The use of mineral wool should be limited when warming the house from the outside or provide protection from moisture, otherwise the heat insulator can become a heat conductor. But on the other hand, the frame house must have air exchange with external environment. Natural heat insulators are good in this regard, such as:

  • clay;
  • tyrsa;
  • straw.

They carry out natural heat exchange, support optimal mode humidity in the room, provide protection from noise. Being involved as a heater on, they clearly fulfill their functions, predetermined by nature itself. But working with them is a long and laborious process, unacceptable for our high-speed age.

To prevent the occurrence excess moisture and steam, as well as glassine is used to effectively collect them. This old companion of wall insulation is fixed inside outer skin frame. It allows you to leave dry insulation, which performs the main function - heat retention. At the same time, a gap is necessarily left between it and the insulation to allow the glassine to dry and prevent the insulation from getting wet. Air gap, in addition, in itself it will be a natural thermal protection, complementing the main insulation and creating a healthy microclimate in the house.

Frame houses are becoming increasingly popular, however, this European trend in the Russian climate requires significant thermal insulation, as well as protection from wind and moisture. Experts recommend insulating the walls of a frame house not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Choosing materials for thermal insulation

A few decades ago, to keep the heat in the house, a mixture of clay with straw, sawdust or shavings was poured into the walls of frame houses. At one time, sawdust concrete was also popular, but these materials have long been out of use, although they do not lose their attractiveness due to their low cost. AT modern houses based on a frame for insulation, they are mainly used mineral wool(glass wool, stone wool) and foam.

Mineral wool has a number of advantages - they are fireproof, which is especially important for houses made of wooden frames, have low thermal conductivity, are easy to install, are produced in a form convenient for builders (mats, rolls) and are quite light. The disadvantage of this insulation is that it cannot be called environmentally friendly, since it contains formaldehydes in small doses. In addition, moisture is contraindicated for him. Most often, mineral wool is used for external insulation, because for internal works using this material is not always convenient and safe.

Very quickly, among building materials, foam plastic broke out into the category of the most popular materials for thermal insulation. It is made from granules of polymer plastics, which are filled with carbon dioxide or natural gas.

Foam boards are very light in weight, easy to install, do not conduct heat and normal temperatures environmentally friendly. Insulation of this kind is not subject to decay and the appearance of fungus, therefore, during its installation, additional layers of vapor and waterproofing may not be required.

Perhaps the most important advantage of polystyrene is its modest cost. Its main disadvantage is the possibility of ignition and the release of substances harmful to human health during combustion. True, there is a fire-resistant version of this material - extruded polystyrene foam, which is also more compact.. All types of polystyrene, oddly enough, can easily be spoiled by rodents, which is another significant disadvantage.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a sprayed type of thermal insulation that has the highest degree of heat retention and is very resistant to moisture. Spraying takes place with the help of special equipment, in which active ingredients mix and, getting on the surface, instantly foam, forming a dense crust. You can spray PPU on almost any surface, even on glass and metal, regardless of its position. Vulnerable point polyurethane foam - sunlight. When exposed to direct sunlight, its life is reduced by about half. But you can protect PPU from the sun with ordinary painting. Another disadvantage is that special equipment is needed to work with this material.

For hydro and wind insulation, builders often use glassine, a thick paper impregnated with bitumen. However, its use as a protection against moisture and wind is undesirable, since glassine does not allow moisture coming from the house to pass through and contributes to its accumulation inside the frame. In modern practice, builders are increasingly using superdiffusion hydro-windproof membranes, which have a huge vapor permeability compared to glassine and perfectly protect the house from wind and moisture from the outside.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house from the inside - preparatory work

First, let's clarify some basic principles, without which the insulation of the walls of such a house can be a waste of money. First, when wondering how to insulate a frame house from the inside, you need to think not only about the walls. The floor and ceiling can also let in the cold! Secondly, thermal insulation materials should be reliably protected from external moisture and internal waterproofing. Thirdly, during the process of laying the insulation, it is important to observe the gaps necessary for ventilation between the material and the wall surfaces.

Before starting the installation of insulation, clean the walls, floor and ceiling from dust and dirt. Any protruding nails or screws should be removed. The existing gaps between the elements of the frame of the house are filled with mounting foam. By using building hair dryer if necessary, dry the damp areas of the frame.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the heat loss of a building.

How to insulate a frame house from the inside - step by step instructions

In the event that the house was nevertheless carried out and external thermal insulation with the use of waterproofing, it is not necessary to re-mount another layer of moisture protection inside the house, otherwise it may lead to accumulation excess moisture inside the structure and its rapid destruction. We will consider the option of warming the house only from the inside.

How to insulate a frame house from the inside - step by step diagram

Step 1: Installation of the waterproofing layer

We measure the walls of the frame house and cut into the appropriate strips the one we have chosen waterproofing material. By using construction stapler we fasten it to the racks, completely sheathing the frame. It is best to lay the waterproofing with an overlap, leaving under upper layer about 10 cm. Fastening is carried out at the junction every 10 cm.

Step 2: Installing the vapor barrier

Even in the case of using materials that are not afraid of moisture as a heater, it is still necessary to perform a vapor barrier. The reason for seemingly unnecessary costs at first glance is that, in addition to the insulation itself, there are other elements in the wall frame that should be protected from steam penetrating the walls from inside the building, for example, the same wood.

For vapor barrier use a special film or foamed polyethylene. This material is also attached to the racks of the frame with a construction stapler close to the insulation. Sometimes builders simply wrap heat-insulating blocks in such a film, but this is not entirely correct - as already noted, all elements of the frame must be protected from steam. The joints of the film, as in the case of waterproofing, should be made with an overlap of at least 10 cm. For greater vapor barrier, all joints and junctions of this layer should be glued with double-sided tape. When installing a vapor barrier, please note that its thickness does not in any way reduce the thickness of the main insulation.
