Flat roof. Repair and reconstruction of a flat roof. Types of flat roof repairs and stages of work

A flat roof has a number of advantages, which is why it is very popular. Roofing material and sheets with a folded edge are often stacked in violation of technology, which leads to leakage and loss of strength. With the next strong wind, this will be noticeable. If the surface has become unusable, our company will be able to perform a quality one. Our main distinguishing feature in the market for the provision of these services is our profile orientation. We deal only with roofs, not trying to keep up little by little in all areas. Therefore, we offer the best flat roof repair in Moscow.

Flat roof repair

How the work is done

Consider the progress of work for each option:

  • Ruberoid. We first need to determine the leakage zones using a special proprietary method, then the damaged areas are eliminated, and new material is laid in their place on the entire plane. Usually one or two working days are enough for such repairs.
  • seam roof. Craftsmen, using a specialized tool, embroider the fold, remove damaged sheets, and then replace them with new material. For clamping, we use only special frame pliers that provide enough force to create a reliable connection. Also, do not forget about specialized fasteners, which will provide protection from hurricane winds and strong gusts.
  • PVC membrane. This is a polymer, the sheets of which are fastened together with a specialized soldering iron. We will be able to eliminate breakdowns, gaps, seam divergences and roofing pie errors.

Works are carried out only after drawing up an estimate on the basis of a bilateral agreement.

Our advantages

We are contacted for the following reasons:

  • The work is done without intermediaries. Therefore, the price per m2 of soft roof repair is at the minimum level. We don't let anyone take advantage of our customers.
  • We are the official representative of the Grand Line company, so we can supply the required roofing elements at the best price in the capital.
  • We have a Slavic brigade in which they do not abuse alcohol. Therefore, working with us is pleasant and easy.
  • Over the years, we have already covered more than 1000 houses, so we can solve the problem in the best possible way.
  • When creating a new roof, you can get a long-term official warranty from the manufacturer, because we do not violate the prescribed technologies.

Flat roof repair in Moscow

from 100 rub. sq.m.

Mauerlat installation
from 400 rubles linear m

Installation of the truss system
from 450 rub. sq.m.

The device of the internal crate
from 77 rub. sq.m.

Vapor barrier device
and waterproofing
from 60 rub. sq.m.

Laying insulation 150 mm.
from 180 rub. sq.m.

The main function of a flat roof, like any other, is to provide reliable protection for the house, and therefore everything that is in it, from atmospheric influences. Of course, over time or due to defects that may have been made during its construction, leaks may form in the roof. In such cases, it is required flat roof repair.

When pronounced wet spots are found on the ceiling and walls, this means that the roof is leaking somewhere. It is clear that in such a situation it is necessary to urgently identify the cause of the leak in the roof structure and immediately eliminate it.

It is possible that it will not be possible to find the problem area immediately, since it may be located away from the leak. Therefore, to find "weak spots" it is necessary to carefully examine the surface of the roof. It must be admitted that it is not so difficult to find minor defects in a soft roof on bituminous material, for example, bursting bubbles or cracks. It is much more difficult to find the source of a leak on a roof covered with a layer of gravel.

According to the nature of the damage to the roof, there are current repairs (up to 40% of damage) and capital repairs. In the first case, a “patching” local repair of simple damage is assumed, while in the case of a major one, a thorough repair of damaged structures is carried out.

How to repair a flat roof on your own

Such simple defects as, for example, cracks, swellings, parted seams of roofing laid in strips, can be quite simply eliminated by yourself. For this, cold-curing bituminous mastic is most often used, that is, during repairs, you can do without the use of a special boiler in which bitumen is heated.

Flat roll roof bulge repair

This defect, as a rule, is a consequence of the delamination of the roofing. If the place of swelling is dry, a patch is applied to it. If moisture is found, first find the leak and completely replace the area affected by dampness. The need for special equipment to perform the current flat roof repair, No.

The elimination of swelling is schematically as follows.

  • If the roof is covered with a layer of fill (gravel, marble chips or pebbles), then it is removed from the swollen part.
  • The bituminous coating at the site of swelling is well heated with a blowtorch or a building hair dryer. When the material has already softened sufficiently, the swollen area should be pressed, for example, with a suitable wooden block.

  • If there is water in the swelling, it is opened with a knife with a cross-shaped movement and the edges are turned away. The incision is deepened until the base is reached and the coating is dried. To speed up the drying process, use a building hair dryer.

  • The repair is carried out with the help of cold mastic. Using a spatula, it is applied to the sides of the incision, the edges are again folded, pressed down to the base and nailed with 20 mm roofing nails at a distance of 15 mm from each other.
  • To cover the damaged area, a patch of roofing material is used. It should protrude beyond its borders by 50 mm in any direction. Cold mastic is laid on the damaged area, a patch is applied and pressed down to the roof surface. The patch is fixed with nails, its edges and nail heads are treated with mastic.

Repair of cracks on the roof surface

Any self-adhesive repair material can be used to cover cracks in the soft floor.

  • The surface of the crack is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and a special primer is applied to the surface.

  • After waiting about an hour, the protective layer is carefully separated and adhesive material is applied to the surface of the defect. If the size of the crack is small, the required length can be cut off immediately. If the damage is long enough, the adhesive tape must be unwound gradually. Then the tape should be pressed well so that the edges lie firmly on the base.

Patches on the roof, of course, do not give it aesthetics, so it is advisable to decorate them by applying paint or bitumen to the entire surface.

Flat roof overhaul

The need for major repairs arises when flat roof structures are damaged. They can be caused by its incorrect device. Let's look at a few examples.

  • If the minimum parapet height on a flat roof is violated , it is not always possible to provide the necessary overlap on the surface of the parapet layer of waterproofing. This, as a rule, leads to a violation of the tightness of the roof.

The insulation layer must have a vertical overlap of at least 25 cm.

  • If the ventilation of a flat roof is disturbed , this is a direct road to the accumulation of moisture vapor from below, which will lead to moisture condensation in the insulation.
  • If there are no compensating layers , structural elements may shift, which will lead to their uneven "work". Of course, in this case, an additional sealing layer can be applied to the damaged areas, but this will only solve the problem for a short time. At any time, damage can occur in a new location.

The list of cases where a major repair may be needed could be continued, but for all of them there is one thing in common - the need for certain costs, which depend on the method of solving a particular problem. Among them are the following.

The roof itself performs three main functions: thermal insulation, waterproofing and aesthetics.

Accordingly, when the customer decides to repair the roof, he is not satisfied with the quality of a particular function.


Let's start with the simplest option - the customer is not satisfied with the aesthetics of the roof. In this case, ordinary general construction or repair work is carried out, associated either with the replacement of the existing finish coating, or with the decoration of parapets, or with the installation of equipment, etc. When performing such work on a flat roof, one should remember only one thing: arranging some additional “bells and whistles” can damage the thermal or waterproofing, which will lead to negative consequences in the future, so all actions must be done very carefully.

In the event of a violation of the thermal or waterproofing of a flat roof, the repair will be much more difficult both from an engineering point of view and in terms of labor intensity and, as a rule, the cost of work. In most cases, the roof is simply leaking and it is this circumstance that leads to the realization of the need for repairs.

Thermal insulation (insulation and vapor barrier).

Roof leaks are not always associated with a violation of waterproofing. For example, the roof can simply “float” if the vapor barrier has not been completed, i.e. convective currents inside the room reach the dew point in the insulation, abundant condensate forms there, which is noticeable in the form of moisture. A similar, but different in nature, case is insufficient roof insulation. In this case, the dew point is not located in the insulation, as it should be, but directly on the floor slab, thereby causing abundant condensate, no matter how well the vapor barrier is made directly under the insulation layer. A similar picture is most often observed in severe frost. On the roof, there is no place for ice and water to come from, however, it drips profusely indoors. In both cases, the recipe for the treatment of this roof is quite simple - it is necessary to insulate it.

If it is not possible to do this from above due to the finishing work already being done or for other reasons, it can be done from the inside. To do this, as an option, it is necessary to attach an additional layer of insulation below the floor slab to the ceiling and arrange a vapor barrier. The easiest option is something from a self-adhesive film like Alutrix. After that, the thickness of the insulation will be sufficient, the dew point will be in the insulation, vapor barrier will be made and the roof will stop soaring. If the vapor barrier was not performed at all, then it must be done. Again, it is too expensive to do it from above due to the need to dismantle the roof, but to do it from below, under the floor slab, is quite simple and cheap. Self-adhesive film will also work.

Waterproofing repair.

The most difficult case in terms of repairing a flat roof is a violation of waterproofing: its damage or leakage due to natural wear and tear. If the roof waterproofing lies open, i.e. the finishing (decorative) layer has not been laid on the roof, the repair is quite simple - it is necessary first of all to find holes and patch them up. If this is a bituminous roof, then most likely it has already served its time and there are quite a lot of holes due to natural wear and tear. Then our recommendation is to repair a flat roof using modern waterproofing materials. Moreover, it is necessary to perform waterproofing over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bwaterproofing, because. if the bituminous roof has actually served its time, then it has been destroyed in many places.

If the insulation is significantly wet, it is necessary to install weathervanes (aerators) to dry it, or if it is completely destroyed, change it. If the mineral wool insulation was used, and it got wet, then it will not work to dry it with aerators. In this case, the roof will be completely disassembled, the insulation will be replaced and a new waterproofing layer will be installed.

In the event that crushed stone, tiles are laid on a flat roof, or waterproofing is covered with another finish, repair is a rather difficult task, because. the search for a hole can take a long time - this is an autopsy and other additional work. In this case, the work is carried out, as a rule, with a complete removal of the roof and, depending on the condition of the waterproofing and insulation, either they are replaced or the waterproofing is repaired and wind vanes (aerators) are installed to dry the insulation. If the waterproofing is made with modern polymeric materials, then its repair does not take much time and is carried out with the same material from which the roof is made. If, of course, these damages are actually detected. Not all waterproofing membranes are easy to find for defects. On the Resitrix membrane, for example, damage is looked for quite simply.

Conclusions. Anyway, flat roof repair- a complex and expensive task, usually associated with its dismantling completely or in separate sections. By repairing the roof with the materials that it was made of and by the same workers, in the end you will get exactly the same thing that you have now - the need for repairs. Our main recommendation is to carry out work involving only specialized organizations that have successful experience in such work.


Perhaps, many residents of apartment buildings faced such a problem as leakage, as well as an insufficiently reliable condition of the roof. In one row here are such disadvantages as poor-quality coating, roof collapse in an old house, etc. That is why the overhaul of the roof of an apartment building is one of the most pressing issues for many residents.

Very often, many citizens, seeking help from various authorities involved in house maintenance, are faced with their complete inaction, as a result of which the collection of funds for roof repairs in an apartment building is carried out independently.

However, before contacting such bodies and paying for the services of roofing specialists, it is necessary to understand the very reason. Next, we will talk about what types of roofs exist in apartment buildings, as well as the problems that arise in connection with them and ways to solve them.

Types of roofing in apartment buildings

Since there are several types of roofs in multi-storey buildings, it is important to understand the features of each of them, since repair work can vary greatly.

According to the design and shape of the roof are divided into:

  • single-pitched (with a different inclined angle);
  • gable;
  • multi-slope;
  • pitchless (standard flat roofs);
  • complex (more typical for modern buildings than for old houses).

The roof structure includes an external covering and a support located from the inside (this can be a rafter system or a reinforced concrete slab). Also mandatory elements are the drainage system, as well as layers of insulation and waterproofing. One way or another, when performing a major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building, it is imperative to take into account all the design features of the roof.

Roof repair methods

Works on the restoration of the roofs of buildings with many apartments are usually divided into two large groups: current, or temporary, and capital, or complete.

Thus, the current repair of the roof of an apartment building is carried out if any defects in the roof system are found. Very often, all work comes down to replacing the old and damaged roofing, which is usually roofing material, with a new one, eliminating the cracks and crevices that have appeared. Based on the need, the new coating can be laid in one or two layers. Upon completion of the repair work, all seams and joints of the roof sheet are completely sealed with special substances.

Regarding finances, this type of repair is not too expensive, so it is more common. However, there is another type of current repair, when it is not necessary to lay a new roofing sheet. In the place of the defect, after a preliminary incision, the edges are bent, and the internal space is carefully cleaned. Then it is dried with the help and treated with a layer of building mastic, both the coating and its base. The edges are returned to their place, after which they must be pressed tightly against each other, waiting for complete adhesion.

Places with manifested rot are completely cut out, the roof is cleaned. All defective places are filled with the same mastic, and then a new piece is glued to the treated place close to the old material. Of course, this method of repair is far from the highest quality, but in our time it is quite common, especially on the roofs of old houses.

A major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building is a complete alteration of the roof. The old coating is removed from it, after which a fresh screed is poured and a new roofing carpet is laid in two layers. Such repairs should be entrusted only to specialists, since during the work the interior decoration of the apartments located on the upper floors may be damaged.

If the roof is leaking in an apartment building, then this may be the result of improperly performed work. The main work during the overhaul is to fuse the roofing material with a special gas burner (read: ""). The underside of the roofing carpet is heated from below, after which the material is gently pressed against the base of the roof. It is very important to control the temperature of the fire, as its incorrect value can lead to the destruction of the material. It is necessary to lay the coating according to the principle of overlap, and all seams must be treated with building sealant.

Factors causing roof leaks in apartment buildings

There is only one way to avoid leaks - by performing a major overhaul of the roof. The causes of these unpleasant defects can be very different, but most often they appear after heavy rains or during the period of mass melting of the snow cover.

So, the reasons for roof leaks in apartment buildings can be the following:

Roof leak detection

Before applying for a major repair, you need to clearly identify the place that is damaged. Most often, for this, the place of leakage is compared and already along it there is a source of damage on the roof. On soft bituminous roofs, this is very easy to do - air bubbles form at the site of the defect.

In this case, the carpet should be completely replaced, and the necessary place should be dried well. It is not worth doing this work on your own, it is better to entrust the work to specialists. But if there is a desire, detailed descriptions of the entire progress of work with videos and photos can always be found in our articles on roofs and their repair.

Sometimes it happens that the problem of leaks on pitched roofs can also be complicated by rotting wooden rafter legs. With this outcome, not only the roofing is usually replaced, but also individual structural elements.

Roofs according to the principle of fusing

As it has already become clear, the essence of the overhaul comes down to the installation of welded materials. According to existing standards, scheduled repairs with the replacement (if necessary) of individual sections of the coating should be carried out by special services twice a year.

The whole process consists in fusing roofing material and other overlapped materials with a gas burner. Such repairs should be carried out for flat roofs, which are the majority today (read: ""). Such material is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, as well as direct ultraviolet rays.

What to do if the roof leaks, in detail on the video:

Pitched roof repair process

Pitched roofs are usually covered with a different material. Often these are sheets of metal treated with zinc or simply painted. Repair work in this case consists in finding damaged elements of the coating, replacing them competently and monitoring the condition of the roof base under the coating. To do this, the material must be removed and the necessary work carried out to restore the system of rafters and battens, as well as directly to the base located under the coating.

Sometimes it is impossible not to perform such an important part of the work as replacing the waterproofing layer and installing additional high-quality insulation. If the damage is minor, you can simply patch and seal all joints with sealant.

Any cracks and gaps should be filled with polyurethane-based sealant and covered with special polyurethane plasters. It is important that the damaged area to be repaired be degreased and treated with a primer before all work. After the completion of the restoration, it is customary to cover the roof with a paint specially designed for a particular roof, the functions of which are to give the coating greater strength and increase the service life.

Flat roofing is a great way to cover high-rise buildings and outbuildings, the price of which is several times lower than the prices for the construction of pitched counterparts. It is created by layering bituminous or polymeric materials on a concrete or wooden base. Thanks to this multi-layered roofing cake, it has a high degree of waterproofing and resistance to mechanical damage. Unfortunately, the harsh climate of Russia, low temperatures in winter and a large amount of precipitation lead to premature destruction of the coating, cracks, leaks or delaminations appear on it. This article will tell you how to do a major or partial repair of a flat roof with your own hands.

The price of a flat roof device is 2-3 times less than the construction of pitched structures, due to the absence of a massive truss frame. However, the service life of the bitumen-polymer coating, depending on what materials were used, is from 5 to 15 years, and difficult operating conditions and the lack of regular maintenance only bring the deterioration of the flat roof closer. Damage to the roof surface occurs for the following reasons:

Important! The advantage of a soft roof is that you can do the current or even major repairs of the coating with your own hands. Most minor damage can be repaired with liquid rubber. The technology allows do-it-yourself work at any time of the year, the main thing is that the weather is dry.

Minor repairs

In most cases, homeowners have to deal with minor damage to soft roofs. After several years of operation, small cracks and swellings appear on the surface of the roofing material. The technology for eliminating these defects with your own hands is as follows:

Important! The price for a partial reconstruction, taking into account the prices for materials, is 700-800 rubles. per sq. m. Doing the work yourself will save 20-30% of this amount. However, patching holes in the roofing felt only slightly delays the overhaul, without completely solving the problem.


The service life of a flat roof using modern polymeric materials is, according to manufacturers, 20 years. However, in real operating conditions, the need for a major overhaul arises after 10-15 years. The technology of complete reconstruction of the coating is as follows:

Note! The price of a complete reconstruction of flat blood is from 2500 rubles per 1 sq. m. Installation is carried out using a gas burner, by fusing the lower layer of roofing material on a concrete base. If the base of the roof is made of wood, then the bottom layer of roofing material is nailed.

Video instruction
