Waterproofing of walls indoors: basic materials and technologies. Practical tips for waterproofing walls Waterproofing the exterior and interior walls of a building

An obligatory stage of any construction work is the waterproofing of the walls. The absence of a layer that protects against excessive moisture leads to the appearance of mold and fungus, which can cause many serious diseases.

In addition, the violation of waterproofing technology worsens the technical condition of the building and significantly reduces its service life.

What it is?

To protect the structure from the destructive action of moisture, it is necessary to take care of the effective waterproofing of the walls, since water, penetrating inside the material, destroys its structure. At the same time, it does not matter what the structure is made of - concrete, brick or wood - they all need hydroprotection.

Probably, many have encountered the appearance of an unpleasant smell of mold and dampness in a house or apartment, especially often this unpleasant phenomenon occurs in the basement and basement floors. This is because moisture enters the room in several ways:

  • from groundwater;
  • during spring snowmelt and floods;
  • from rainfall and other atmospheric precipitation.

Moisture can also come from internal sources.: if the thermal insulation of the house is not of sufficient quality, then on the surface of the walls on cold days the temperature can drop sharply, which often leads to dew falling inside the dwelling. In addition, certain rooms of a private house, due to their functional purpose, have an increased level of humidity, these include a bathroom, shower rooms, pools, baths and kitchens.

Consider why waterproofing is needed.

  1. To keep the building as long as possible. Everyone knows that strong walls are dry walls. Under the influence of moisture, even the most resistant materials become brittle and begin to crumble and crack. A house devoid of waterproofing quickly loses its strength of retaining elements and gradually becomes unsuitable for comfortable and safe living.
  2. To be warmer in winter. The connection here is the most direct - damp walls freeze through first of all, since the accumulated moisture freezes rather quickly. Thus, the dwelling becomes not a protection from the cold, but exactly the opposite, a kind of “ice igloo”. House owners rush to insulate walls and spend extra money on heating, but, as a rule, this does not have the desired effect.
  3. To protect your home from pests. As you know, dampness is the best breeding ground for fungus and mold, the appearance of which leads to serious allergic and bronchopulmonary diseases in adults and children.

Obviously, waterproofing is needed not only to make the house better and stronger. This is one of the most important stages of work, neglect of which is fraught with the most serious consequences.

Waterproofing is also needed for processing the main elements of the building.

  • External walls of the frame core- due to the constant influence of natural factors, the walls are gradually destroyed, an environment favorable for the reproduction of pathogens is formed, and in addition, moisture begins to descend along the walls and destroy the foundation and supports of the building.
  • basement- the walls of the basement are most susceptible to destruction, since they experience an enormous load: the weight of the building, the proximity of groundwater and the constant impact of wet soil. All this causes a special need to protect basements and plinths.

Norms and standards

Waterproofing materials, as well as their installation, must be carried out in accordance with the current regulations and standards, which were adopted back in the days of the USSR, but still have not lost their relevance.

In particular, the requirements for waterproofing compositions are regulated by SNiP 3.04.01-87, as well as VSN 35-95 and others.


Depending on the purpose, there are several types of waterproofing.

  • Sealing. Such a coating creates conditions under which any possibility of atmospheric or capillary moisture getting on the walls is completely excluded. Such a waterproofing device is widely used between the foundation and walls.
  • Thermal waterproofing. This is a complex insulation that not only protects buildings and structures from moisture from the outside, but also reliably retains heat inside the room, contributing to the formation of a healthy and favorable microclimate. Such sealants are used for the treatment of roofs and walls.

  • Anti-corrosion. The composition is used for processing metal elements of building structures. The use of anti-corrosion coatings is regulated by official building codes and regulations, and for metal structures of particular importance, compliance with GOSTs and SNiPs adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation is considered mandatory.
  • Antifiltration. Such coatings are widely used to protect structures that are located below ground level. This type of waterproofing is the most complex, in terms of structure, it has many different options and modifications.

Most often, the arrangement of a building includes several options for waterproofing; for each individual case, materials and technologies are used that are selected taking into account the assigned functions and operating conditions.


Before any homeowner at the stage of preparing waterproofing works, the question of how to carry out the work - from the outside or from the inside, comes to the fore.

Experts have a common opinion on this matter - it is necessary to waterproof the building in a complex way: both on the outside and on the internal surfaces.

The main difficulty in carrying out external hydroprotection is that this type of work should be carried out even at the stage of construction of buildings. If it has already been erected, then to fix the moisture-resistant coating, you will need to dig out the foundation.

It is optimal if the building is surrounded by earth - it will not be difficult to dig it out, but in recent years, asphalt or plank paths have been built around the house, which must be dismantled before starting work, and then laid out with tiles or rolled up with asphalt again.

In this case, the waterproofing of the outer walls can be quite expensive, then it is better to limit yourself to internal work.


Today, the construction market offers a large selection of a wide variety of waterproofing materials. Consider the most popular types of coatings.

Bituminous mastic

Bitumen is a by-product of the petrochemical industry. Mastic based on it is used for gluing rolled coatings, such as roofing material or roofing felt. However, some types of mastics can be used as an independent insulating material, which creates an effective seamless coating that completely retains moisture of all types.

Bituminous mastic in its structure contains active components - plasticizers and antiseptics, which improve the performance properties of the material.

Implement mastic in bars weighing up to 20 kg, wrapped in paper. Before use, the composition should be heated over an open fire, the melting point of the composition is quite high, therefore, safety regulations must be observed during operation.

The advantages of bituminous mastic include good adhesion to all types of surfaces (brick, concrete or wood), as well as low cost. All this makes the composition one of the most popular for many decades.

Polymer mastics

For waterproofing walls, polymer mastics are also used - these are coating compositions with special properties, they are applied to the inner surfaces of the walls with a brush or spatula. A distinctive feature of such mixtures is a high solidification rate; it will take only a few hours to completely dry the composition.

It is a coating with high adhesion and exceptional strength, which leads to a long period of use of such waterproofing.

roofing felt and ruberoid

Roofing felt and roofing felt are materials that belong to rolled insulation options made from building cardboard impregnated with special bituminous compounds. The top layer of such coatings is a sprinkle of asbestos chips, sand and talc, which is important when installing a roofing pie.

Rolled materials are attached to the surface using bituminous mastics in a hot way, as a result, a surface is formed that provides one hundred percent protection against moisture penetration from the outside. This method involves the arrangement of walls outside.

Polyethylene film

Dense polyethylene film is truly indispensable when performing a wide variety of construction work. It is used for interior insulation work and is widely used in high humidity areas such as basements and basements.

The advantages of the film are obvious - it is lightweight, durable and completely waterproof, the thickness of the material reaches 3 mm. Such a covering material is easy to lay on surfaces of any type.

The composition has a low price and is affordable for most of our compatriots.

polymer coating

Membrane materials are characterized by durability, their service life is 50 years. This material is resistant to oxidation, is not subject to rotting and corrosion.

Manufacturers produce a wide variety of materials based on complex polymer compounds, which may have additional functions of vapor barrier and thermal protection, the surface of the membranes may or may not be self-adhesive.

Injection waterproofing

Despite the intricate name, in practice everything is much simpler - this is a simple priming. The liquid applied to the walls tends to penetrate deep inside and fill all the microcracks and pores. Penetrating compounds clog all existing capillary pores of the coating and form a high quality waterproofing layer.

The effectiveness of such waterproofing has led to its widespread use when working with monolithic and reinforced concrete products.

Gypsum putty walls

Another option for penetrating insulation, in which the surfaces are puttied with special gypsum mixtures. When dry, the gypsum creates a highly adhesive surface, protects the walls from mold, and in addition, reliably protects against any water penetration.

Choice by building

When choosing waterproofing materials, it is necessary to take into account the features of the structure.

For example, if work is being done on a wooden surface, then it is very important to completely replace structural elements damaged by putrefactive processes, while it is imperative to find the source of rot and eliminate it.

Waterproofing impregnations are best suited for such surfaces; they are applied only to dry and cleaned surfaces. The multiplicity of applied layers directly depends on future conditions of use.

Concrete walls are often treated with rolled materials, but any other coating is allowed - the choice depends entirely on the personal preferences of the owner of the house and his financial capabilities. There are many options for waterproofing for concrete:

  • penetrating insulation;
  • adding special components to concrete;
  • liquid waterproofing;
  • coating compositions;
  • welded or glued materials;
  • special sealants.

Ways to do it

When arranging internal waterproofing, several basic application techniques are used.


The method consists in using mastic, which is applied with a brush to the surface after leveling.

The main condition for the effectiveness and quality of the coating is the absolute cleanliness of the treated surface. Even before starting work, it is necessary to clean the working area, collect debris and dust, get rid of all holes and close up all cracks and chips.

The mastic should be smeared with one layer, while it is important to smear the entire surface well.

A reinforced mesh is attached on top, which is attached with a brush to the treated area of ​​​​the coating, and a second layer of mastic is applied on top of the mesh.

An important stage in the construction of any house is the waterproofing of the wall. There are several types of this work, designed for external or internal processing of certain premises. Each facade material requires its own nuances in protection against water. How to choose waterproofing and why it is needed at all - we will try to figure it out.

  • To keep the house as long as possible. Dry walls are strong walls. Water makes even the most resistant materials brittle and pliable. A house without waterproofing is devoid of proper strength and will very soon become uninhabitable.
  • To be warmer. Damp walls become cold in winter. The accumulated moisture freezes. The house becomes not a shelter from the cold, but vice versa - such an icy “ilgu”. The owners undertake to insulate the walls and additionally heat the room, spending a lot of money on this. And you could just protect the walls from water.
  • To be free of pests. The main one is fungus. It not only destroys the walls, but also harms the health of the residents. Dampness in the house, along with blooms, is the cause of constantly feeling unwell, chronic runny nose and more serious problems. Black spots on the walls are not only ugly, but also dangerous.

As you can see, waterproofing is not just “making a house better and stronger”. This is an important stage of work, the irresponsible attitude to which is fraught with serious consequences. By correctly installing waterproofing, the owner will automatically get rid of many headaches. How to do this - we will tell further.

Where is waterproofing needed?

If the internal walls in the apartment are not from anything, then some surfaces in the houses must be covered with waterproofing materials.

Mandatory processing:

  • External walls. Everything is very simple here. From the regular ingress of moisture, the walls begin to lose their strength. An environment for fungi and insects is formed. Over time, unprotected walls will begin to rot. The moisture that the material is saturated with will sink down and gradually destroy the foundation.
  • Basement. Basement walls suffer the most. The load on them is colossal: the weight of the house itself, wet soils, the proximity of groundwater, seasonal heaving of the soil. Any basement definitely needs protection and strengthening.

In no case should you insulate the basement without first installing waterproofing. And both internal and external!

  • Places with high humidity. Here you need waterproofing of the walls from the inside. The bathroom and kitchen are the wettest places in the house. The bathroom is a favorite place for fungus. You can get rid of dark spots on the seams between the tiles. But what if the fungus "sits" already deep in the wall? Wet and always warm kitchen walls are a great haven for cockroaches.

In damp places at home, it is appropriate to use materials that provide vapor barrier.

How to properly waterproof?

We have already found out that without it - nowhere. This means that absolutely all houses go through the process of protection against moisture. But why are some of them dry and reliable, while others are falling apart? The answer suggests itself: not all waterproofing is effective. Incorrect or poor-quality work is the same as its absence.

How to make it work?

  • Purchase only high-quality materials: choose trusted manufacturers and remember that building materials, like food, have an expiration date. More expensive is not always better, but a good waterproofing agent is never too cheap.
  • Hacking is unacceptable. In no case do not leave gaps, gaps, weak points. If the waterproofing is done by a team, carefully monitor the quality of work. Are there flaws? Make it change!
  • Choose the material that best suits your walls. And the better to overlay this or that house - in the next paragraph.
  • Don't neglect the instructions. It is said not to install this waterproofing in winter - wait until spring.
  • Not worth saving. Do waterproofing wherever necessary. Don't expect a smaller layer of solution to be as effective.

Types of waterproofing

Consider the types of waterproofing that are now used in construction.

Injection waterproofing

Complicated but effective. The wall is impregnated with a hydrophobic substance throughout its thickness, closing the slightest pores. To do this, holes are drilled along the entire wall, where the substance is injected through the pump. They perforate the walls from the inside - but as a result, the protection is two-sided, which is very convenient.

Where is it applied? This type is popular in working with brick and concrete walls. It is the best option for a country house. Injection waterproofing is also used for the basement: to protect the walls from all sides, you do not need to dig out the house from the outside.


  • materials for injection waterproofing are environmentally friendly;
  • monolithic protective layer without joints;
  • uniform and reliable insulation throughout the thickness of the wall.


  • price;
  • difficult technology.

Materials. Injectable waterproofing is made with acrylate and hydroactive gels, epoxy polymers, cement-sand compositions, silicate-based products.

Penetrating waterproofing

The process is simple: covering the wall with mortar. And he will do everything for you. The name itself speaks about the distinctive feature of this method: protective substances penetrate the wall for tens of centimeters, creating a thick and strong protective layer.

Where is it applied? This is an option for concrete, reinforced concrete and brick. With foamy concrete, this method does not work. The main area of ​​​​use is vertical waterproofing of walls.

Penetrating agents are not suitable for walls with significant voids and cracks.


  • non-toxicity;
  • durability;
  • effective protection against aggressive environments.


  • high price of materials;
  • does not protect against pressure leaks.

Coating waterproofing

It involves coating surfaces with mastics. Mastic forms a strong waterproof film that tightly closes the slightest pores.

Special skills for applying mastic are not needed - for this you need a regular roller. However, “spreading” the material is neat and without gaps. Between approaches, be sure to take breaks: do not take on a new layer until the previous one dries.

Where is it applied? This method is often used in the finishing of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal structures. Widely used in waterproofing non-residential premises.


  • ease of work;
  • low price.


  • wears out quickly;
  • spoiled by sudden changes in temperature.

Materials."Coating" is made with various types of mastic: bitumen, polymer rubber.

Spray waterproofing

This is the application of liquid rubber by spraying. The desired surface is cleaned, primed and covered with material. The rubber layer provides 100% moisture protection.

Where is it applied? Rubber walls are not for living quarters. Sprayed moisture protection is most often applicable in working with basements and roofs.

Liquid rubber is the only "salvation" of basements in places with a high level of groundwater.


  • strong adhesion of rubber to almost any material;
  • absolute water tightness;
  • work speed.


  • high price;
  • the need for special tools for coating;
  • The material is not breathable at all.

Today, spraying liquid rubber is completely fireproof.

Gluing waterproofing

Its essence is in pasting the wall with bituminous material: panels, sheets or rolls. The task is to eliminate all the irregularities of the wall, prepare the surface and attach the insulator. The glue is often mastic.

Where is it applied? The classic use case for this method is to isolate foundations and basements. Often bituminous sheets - for example, roofing materials - cover the roof.


  • fast overlapping of even the largest surfaces;
  • ease of use;
  • strength - materials can withstand heavy loads;
  • high degree of vapor barrier;


  • not suitable for hard-to-reach places;
  • it is impossible to make waterproofing in winter;
  • not repairable.

Materials: bituminous cardboard, varieties of hydrosol, bitumen-polymer products: isoelast, technoelast.

When pasting waterproofing, an overlap must be observed - at least 10-15 cm.

Film waterproofing

Everything is simple here: I wrapped it with a film - water will not get in. Waterproofing the walls of residential premises with a film is not done - it does not let air through at all. This material is used in the protection of roofs, foundations, floors.

If you insulate the foundation with a film, you definitely need a geotextile substrate. As with the previous method, an overlap is required. The seams should be carefully sealed with tape.

You should not expect that a cheap film will last a long time. Of course, the material does not pass water in any way. There is another minus - it breaks easily. Cheap polyethylene can be laid in two or three layers - but sometimes this does not help. Quality is expensive.

A progressive method of film waterproofing is the use of a membrane. This is a polymer material that does not allow moisture to pass through, but can also breathe. At the same time, the membrane provides an effective vapor barrier.


  • efficiency;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;


  • breaks;
  • requires additional training;
  • high price of a good film;
  • additional costs for the substrate.

Paint waterproofing

This is basically the protection of the walls from the inside. It is easy to make: paint the desired surfaces with a special waterproof paint.

Where is it applied? Such waterproofing is used more often indoors, but is sometimes used outside, to seal joints and cracks.


  • quick and easy application;
  • vapor permeability;
  • has anti-corrosion properties;
  • abrasive resistance.


  • short-lived.

Wood waterproofing. What are the features?

How to protect a wooden house from moisture? After all, he needs protection more than anyone else. Wood, even dried and processed, is a natural material subjected to decay and deformation.

To prevent the tree from spoiling, it should be treated with a number of protective agents: an antiseptic - a solution from pests, a fire retardant - a fire-resistant composition, a protective varnish and, of course, a waterproofing solution. There are dual-acting drugs: for example, an antiseptic that protects against water ingress. You can also find products only for protection against moisture.

For wood, there are two types of protective agents: penetrating and film-forming. The first ones are more resistant, as they create a rather thick waterproof layer inside the wall. Film-formers are more susceptible to mechanical damage. Over time, the crust peels off. It is worth updating the cover regularly.

In a wooden house, both external and internal waterproofing of the walls is required. To treat the premises from the inside, it is advised to use less aggressive products.

How long will waterproofing last?

Everything wears out over time, including waterproofing. The protective layer can slowly but surely break down, losing effectiveness. One day you will need to update the coating.

How durable is the protection of walls from moisture by various methods:

  • Waterproofing films will last up to 50 years - however, if they do not tear.
  • Injectable and penetrating waterproofing are among the most resistant. They will faithfully protect the house for 20 years or more.
  • Waterproofing with liquid rubber is reliable, but can leak over time.
  • Mastic is not durable - after 5-10 years, its layer will need to be updated.
  • The processing of wooden walls wears out the most. It needs to be repeated every 3-5 years.
  • Regularly refresh the hydrophobic coating of the facades of the house: it can also crumble over time.

Often, laying new waterproofing is problematic due to the finish. Many owners of private houses neglect major repairs: everything is still in order, the house does not fall - why peel and refinish? Here you need to be careful. When the house starts to crack, it will be too late to install waterproofing.

To extend the life of the house, it is necessary to completely protect its structures from moisture. Water, penetrating inside the walls, contributes to the destruction of the structure of the materials from which they are made. And it doesn’t matter if the building has brick, concrete or wooden surfaces, they all equally need hydroprotection.

Proper wall waterproofing, made from inside or outside the house, will protect surfaces from the negative effects of precipitation, reduce the level of freezing of materials during the cold period, thereby making the home warmer.

Outside or inside?

It is better to protect the dwelling from water in a complex way: the waterproofing of the walls must be carried out on the outer areas of the building and its inner surfaces. In the absence of external waterproofing, mold and dampness are guaranteed to appear in the dwelling. In order for the protection to be complete, the foundation must be treated with compounds both from the outside and from the inside: the basement is in contact with the ground on both sides.

The complexity of the implementation of external hydroprotection lies in the fact that this type of work must be carried out at the stage of building construction. If it has already been built, then the waterproofing of the walls requires excavation of the foundation.

It is good if the building is surrounded by earth. But most often asphalt paths are laid around it. It will be necessary to dismantle them, dig a trench in the ground along the foundation, make a hydroprotection, then bury the trench and again pave the area around the house with asphalt.

Therefore, waterproofing the outer walls of an already built building will be expensive. In this case, it is better to carry out such work from the inside.

Types of insulation and materials used

Hydroprotection can be horizontal and vertical. The first is carried out at the stage of building a house by laying roofing material on the foundation, then they begin to build walls.

The second is the use of certain materials on the outer walls of the building in order to isolate the foundation from groundwater.

For both waterproofing, certain materials are chosen.

The scope of their application is walls in the ground. The rolls consist of cardboard impregnated with bitumen. One of the sides is covered with quartz powder. The most commonly used roofing material, aquaizol, hydroisol. The last two are fiberglass mesh, also impregnated with bitumen. They are stronger and lighter than roofing material.

Roll insulation allows you to quickly process a significant surface of the foundation. Outside, the walls will be completely protected from moisture.

These waterproofing materials, with the help of which the vertical protection of concrete structures is carried out.

The advantages of mastics are good adhesion to the base, the formation of a monolithic sealed film. Under the influence of air temperature, these materials harden.

The disadvantage of inexpensive bituminous compounds is that the solvent exudes a strong odor.

Water-soluble mastics consist of fine dispersion bitumen and latex. They have excellent adhesion to concrete and brick substrates. Unlike solvent-based mastics, water-soluble formulations can be used on both dry and wet surfaces.

Hydro and vapor barrier of walls in the bathroom of an apartment or house is created using more modern mastics based on rubbers, various polymers and resins. They do not smell and are an environmentally friendly product.

Mastics of all kinds are applied with a roller or brush.

Today, the latest waterproofing materials are used to protect walls. What are penetrating (penetrating) compositions? These are dry mixes based on cement and quartz sand. Due to special polyurethane resins, they have special waterproofing properties. The compositions penetrate the porous structure of concrete walls, make the surface airtight, waterproof.

Penetrating mixtures are diluted with plain water, work with them with a brush and roller. The compositions are applied in 2-3 layers. They are usually used to protect surfaces from the inside of the building. Wall waterproofing using these materials can be done by hand, without the involvement of professionals.

Types of waterproofing

There are two ways to protect the outer and inner walls of buildings from moisture: coating and pasting.

Coating technology

Coating-type waterproofing compounds are used to treat the internal and external surfaces of the building. They do not allow capillary moisture to act on the walls. In the presence of a hydro-barrier with a pressure of up to 2 meters, the use of protection is possible under certain conditions:

  • there should be no expansion joints on the walls;
  • Subsequently, repairs can be carried out.

External waterproofing of walls involves the use of bituminous mastics, which are applied from the side most exposed to moisture.

Coating type compositions are applied in 2-4 layers.


Having found out what it is, we will consider the technique of its use using the example of processing the external walls of a brick building with a concrete foundation.

First you need to dig out the walls of the base of the building, free them from the remnants of the earth.

After that, the surfaces are treated with a special primer mixture or building bitumen dissolved in gasoline (primer). This composition is applied with a brush or roller in two layers. The walls are allowed to dry completely. Then the surface is treated with mastic.

What to do if the material is too viscous? Gasoline or thinner will help thin it.
Seams of concrete blocks are carefully processed.

Bituminous waterproofing of walls must have a thickness of at least 3 mm. The product is used 2-3 times, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.

Pasting principle

This is a rolled waterproofing that resists decay processes well. Only a combination of materials of pasting and coating types will reliably protect external and internal surfaces from moisture.

The insulation of external walls with the help of roll material also begins with their cleaning from dust, debris, and earth residues. After that, a primer is applied to the surface, 2-3 layers of bitumen-polymer mastic.

To fix the pasting materials, use a burner or a building hair dryer. The first layer is glued horizontally, starting at the foot of the foundation. The waterproofing strips are treated with a burner, pressed tightly against the surface, smoothed to remove air.

The overlap of the strips should be 15-20 cm. The second layer is fixed vertically, perpendicular to the first. Joints are carefully processed.

Internal protection

It is possible to prevent the penetration of moisture from the inside of the building with the help of penetrating mixtures. With their help, hydro- and vapor barrier of the walls in the apartment is carried out, the foundation is processed, the internal walls of the basements.

After cleaning the surface of the walls from dust and debris, they are moistened.

The waterproofing agent is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions on the package.
Wet surfaces are treated first horizontally. Allow the first layer to dry (3-4 hours). After that, the material is applied again, but already vertically.

After polymerization, the protective layer of the walls should be at least 2 mm. The thickness is checked as follows: a 2 × 2 cm square is cut out with a knife and a measurement is made using a caliper.

Wall waterproofing is an important stage in the construction of any building. It is not difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and apply them correctly.

High humidity is typical for many houses, garages and other buildings. In such buildings it is always quite damp and uncomfortable. The reason for this lies in the increased level of humidity. Incorrectly executed waterproofing of walls from the inside against mold can lead to a number of very negative consequences. At the same time, the most significant is the fact that living in a damp room can adversely affect the health of people living in it.

We protect the walls from the outside

We protect the walls from the outside

The best result can be achieved when performing work not only on the internal sections of the object, but also on external areas. However, it should be borne in mind that it is desirable to carry out external waterproofing during the construction of the facility. In this case, waterproofing of walls and roofs must be performed. To do this, it is necessary to provide for a certain set of works at the design stage of a house under construction. In this case, you can choose a pasting, painting, coating method, or you can perform asphalt or rigid waterproofing.

Paint waterproofing will be a reliable barrier to capillary moisture. For this purpose, oil bituminous and other mastics are used. They are applied in two to four layers. In this case, the thickness of the formed layer can reach 6 cm. In this case, the corners and edges of the protected surface must be sealed with strips of waterproofing or glass mesh.

If you are waterproofing the walls with your own hands, then you should pay attention to the coating method. It involves the use of special formulations that are applied in a continuous layer having a thickness of about 5 mm. To provide rigid waterproofing, a mortar based on sand and cement is used. This is the best option for waterproofing the basement of the house.

The creation of a pasting hydrobarrier is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the arrangement of the bitumen layer is in progress;
  • walls are pasted over with two layers of pasting materials. The adhesive composition is bituminous mastic. As gluing materials, it is necessary to use special roll materials: isol, fiberglass, hydroisol and other materials that are resistant to decay. For this reason, the use of roofing material or glassine should be abandoned;
  • coating materials are applied. There should be no bulges or delaminations on the surface of the materials. In this case, a reliable barrier will be created in the way of moisture.

Asphalt waterproofing provides for the application of an asphalt mass with a thickness of about 15 mm on horizontal and inclined surfaces of the basement. Asphalt waterproofing is produced by emulsion mastics, which include cement. Asphalt mastics can be applied hot or cold. At the same time, the former begin to fully provide hydroprotection after complete drying, and the latter - cooling.

Otherwise, excavation of the foundation will be required to achieve the best result. This will require additional financial investments. Therefore, if the waterproofing of the walls from the outside was not completed at the stage of building a house, work will need to be done indoors. In this case, you need to choose the most suitable option.

How can walls be protected from moisture from the inside?

We protect the walls from the inside

First you need to decide on the type of material used. From this will directly depend on the sequence of work. In this case, all materials can be divided into compositions:

  • penetrating action;
  • based on expanding cements;
  • which are based on the principle of waterproofing membranes.

The first group of materials forms a crystallization barrier in the wall, thereby dramatically increasing its water resistance. Such compositions, after adding water, take the form of batter. They are applied to a damp wall, ensuring the formation of a thin hardened film on the surface. The materials of this group are able to penetrate 15 cm deep into the structure, leaving the capillaries permeable to air. Such compounds are sometimes referred to as penetrating compounds.

The second group of compositions is relevant when it is necessary to make structures waterproof, crack-resistant and durable. They have a high degree of adhesion to old concrete. This is true in the case of creating a hydro-barrier inside the old building. Can be used for underground and surface structures.

In addition to those mentioned, you can use roll materials - polymer films. They are ideal when using insulation in the form of plates. If the waterproofing of the walls inside the room is carried out with their help, then the sequence of work is as follows:

  • the polymer film is fixed;
  • heater is being installed.

Also, if necessary, you can use a cement-sand mortar, into which various additives are introduced to provide the necessary set of properties. Such plaster must be applied in three stages. In this case, the primer is applied first, and then subsequent layers. Moreover, each layer can be applied only after the previous one has hardened. In this case, a dense crust will be formed, which will not allow moisture to penetrate inside for a minimum of financial investment.

We create a hydrobarrier with penetrating materials

With the help of these materials, basement walls can be waterproofed from the inside, as well as any other room. With a properly selected composition, a leak can be eliminated in a fairly short period of time. Penetrating compositions can be used both in the construction of new facilities and in the repair of facilities that have long been put into operation. At the same time, it is possible to protect walls, in the manufacture of which concrete, stone, brick were used.

We protect the walls in the basement from the inside

The sequence of work in this case is as follows:

  • the walls are thoroughly cleaned;
  • the required amount of water is added to the composition consisting of cement, sand, modifiers;
  • the surface of the protected wall is moistened with water;
  • the composition is applied to the wall in a thin layer.

The material, penetrating inside the wall, comes into contact with water, which is inside the wall. In this case, the composition, passing through the existing capillaries, clogs them with the resulting crystals. As a result, a sufficiently reliable hydrobarrier is formed that can withstand exposure to moisture for a long time. You can work indoors at any time of the year. It is important that the temperature is within the recommended range.

The waterproofing of basement walls performed in this way has the following advantages:

  • can be applied on the opposite side with respect to the surface, which is not able to retain moisture;
  • allows you to perform waterproofing after all construction work is completed;
  • does not require mechanical protection;
  • high fire resistance and chemical resistance;
  • significant durability;
  • the possibility of choosing foreign and domestic compositions.

In addition, it is worth noting:

  • If panels were used during the construction of the house, then when creating a hydro-barrier, it is necessary not only to protect the walls, but also the joints between the plates;
  • It is worth taking care of creating a reliable hydroprotection even at the design stage of a house under construction, and the entire necessary set of works should be completed in advance;
  • If walls are waterproofed in the bathroom, kitchen, sauna, then it is better to give preference to penetrating waterproofing;
  • Waterproofing must be continuous. Particular attention should be paid to the seams located at the junction of the wall - wall and wall - floor;
  • Preference should be given to modern high-quality materials.

Waterproofing is an integral element in the construction and decoration of walls.

Lack of waterproofing materials can cause fungus and mold to appear in the premises, and this is a direct threat to health.

In addition, the violation or lack of waterproofing leads to increased wear and tear of buildings, especially those buildings with walls made of wood or brick.

Depending on the function performed and the location, wall waterproofing can be:

  • sealing.

The possibility of getting on the walls of moisture, both atmospheric and capillary, is completely excluded. This type of waterproofing is most often used between walls and foundations;

  • thermal waterproofing.

Comprehensive insulation not only protects against moisture penetration, but also retains heat. Thus, the walls of the premises and warm roofs are processed;

  • anticorrosive.

Metal elements of building structures are isolated. The use of anti-corrosion protection is regulated by building codes and regulations, for especially important metal load-bearing structures it is a mandatory requirement of existing state standards.

  • antifiltration.

It is used to protect building structures below ground level. One of the more difficult types. It has many varieties and materials used.

In most cases, various structural elements of buildings and structures have several types of waterproofing; methods and materials are selected for each specific case, taking into account the operating conditions and assigned tasks.

At the location of the waterproofing can be:

The most frequently used. Do-it-yourself external waterproofing of the walls is mounted from the outside of the walls and foundations.

During the waterproofing of external walls, there are no strict requirements for the environmental safety of the materials used;

  • internal.

From the inside, it is often used for waterproofing the walls of an apartment (for example, a bathroom), basement, house and industrial premises. For residential premises, it has severe restrictions on the safety of insulating materials.

Brief characteristics of materials for waterproofing walls

The level of development of building technologies allows the production of a huge amount of waterproofing materials. Among them there are both universal use and with a specific purpose.

This, on the one hand, facilitates the selection of materials and the method of waterproofing, taking into account the maximum number of specific factors - for experienced builders.

For the less experienced, such a variety complicates “life”, they often, when choosing a material, are guided not by its physical and operational characteristics, but by selling prices and brand awareness of the manufacturer.

What are the characteristics of the most commonly used waterproofing materials?

  • Painting.

It consists in successive application of one or more layers of coatings to the protected surface. Bitumen mastics, polymer polymer cement, polymer bitumen or ordinary oil paints can be used.

Most often they are used to protect concrete structures and wooden structures that are operated in very difficult conditions (baths, steam rooms, wooden poles of power lines, wooden fences, etc.).

  • Pasted over.

All rolled traditional and modern waterproofing coatings. They are used during the construction of flat and pitched roofs, for the protection of concrete hydraulic structures.

Foundations, basements, dams, reclamation systems - this is just a small list of possible applications.

  • Plaster.

wooden walls

The main condition is that it is strictly forbidden to perform waterproofing of wooden structures already damaged by putrefactive processes. They must completely change. The causes of rot must be detected and eliminated in the most reliable ways.

Waterproofing impregnations for the wooden walls of the house must be applied to clean and dry wooden surfaces, depending on the operating conditions, the frequency of impregnation application is selected.

For internal surfaces, environmentally friendly materials are used, from the outside there are no special restrictions.

Some building technologies for exterior wall decoration require the use of rolled waterproofing materials.

Materials used for waterproofing interior walls

The list of materials is quite extensive. You should stop only on a few of the most used.

  • Coating Elastopaz (Elastopaz).

Consists of modified bitumen and polymer additives, forms a flexible and durable waterproofing membrane on the surface. It has excellent adhesion to all building materials.

  • Penetrating Sealpaz Flex (Silpaz Flex).

Approved for use in indoor living areas, used to protect wooden structures, has universal properties.

  • Liquid waterproofing Master Flex (Master Fleks).

Water-based, for manual application, can withstand significant static water pressure.

Materials used for waterproofing external walls

  • Coating Styrbit 2000 (Styrbit 2000).

It is made of modified bitumen and artificial rubber, used on brick, concrete and wooden walls, can seal cracks up to 5 mm thick.

Can come into contact with, does not have aggressive chemical solvents.

It is made on the basis of Portland cement, organosilicon mixtures and chemical additives are used as fillers.

Used for waterproofing concrete and brick walls.

  • Dispersion waterproofing film Izofol.

It is used for processing rooms with high humidity and temperature, one-component. Ready to use, does not emit harmful chemical compounds into the air.

Most domestic and foreign manufacturers produce waterproofing materials for universal use, they can be used to process both internal and external walls.

Only for particularly difficult cases is a special waterproofing, which has an increased risk of release of harmful substances. But such insulation is intended only for specific use and is generally not available on the open market.

Summing up

The quality of waterproofing depends not only and not so much on the materials used, but on the exact observance of the recommended application technologies. This should be the main focus.

The difference in price between different manufacturers of waterproofing materials can differ significantly, and their physical and operational characteristics differ very little.

If you choose the right cheaper materials and strictly follow all the application requirements, then the final quality of the waterproofing of the walls will be almost the same, and the total cash costs can be significantly reduced.
