Insulation of walls inside the apartment of a panel house. Internal wall insulation in the apartment in a dry way - the nuances that you did not know. Proper wall insulation from the inside

Insulation will help create an acceptable microclimate in your home, protect it from drafts and dampness. Thermal insulation of the walls allows you to reduce the cost of both heating the room in the winter and cooling it in the summer by a factor of three. After all, the insulation acts as a kind of shield that prevents the movement of air flows, protecting the structure from the effects of external factors. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to insulate the facade of a building. For example, thermal insulation of the end wall of a panel structure should be carried out from the inside.

Benefits of indoor wall insulation

  • Relatively low cost.
  • Warming is possible at any time of the year.
  • It is possible to insulate both the entire structure as a whole, and individual rooms and even walls.
  • Soundproofing of the room.

Among the positive aspects, one should also highlight the availability for self-fulfillment: this is within the power of any owner. It is also important to know how to insulate walls and choose the best material for this.

Ways to insulate walls from the inside

For thermal insulation inside the premises, mainly the same materials are used as for insulation outside. The most popular heaters are expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and mixed heat-insulating materials based on asbestos.

Wall insulation from the inside with drywall

Thermal insulation using drywall sheets is a simple and quick way to insulate walls. The minimum distance from the draft wall to the front surface of the plate is three centimeters. The greater this distance, the correspondingly more insulation will fit into the voids of the structure. This method of thermal insulation is suitable only for large rooms, since the wall noticeably thickens during the installation of the insulation structure.

The process of building insulation from the inside begins with the installation of a metal profile structure at a distance of two centimeters from the wall. It is better to mount the frame from a galvanized profile. It is necessary to stick a tape on the sole of the guide profile to isolate the surface from contact with the plaster, thereby protecting the drywall from the cold transmitted through the metal profile. Then, mineral wool is placed in the cavity of the resulting frame (between the rack profiles). The air gap between the wall of the structure and the drywall is already a heater. However, the use of mineral wool or polystyrene greatly increases the heat resistance of the structure.

Due to its structure and elasticity, the material perfectly fills the structure. The next step is the installation of drywall. When insulating rooms with high humidity, you should not save. It is better to purchase moisture resistant drywall. At the final stage, the plasterboard slabs are finished with wallpaper.

Wall insulation from the inside with mineral wool

Thermal insulation using mineral wool is one of the most economical options. The advantages of mineral wool include lightness (which is very important when transporting building materials and insulating old structures) and low thermal conductivity. The effect of "thermos" occurs due to the appearance of an air cushion between the mineral fibers.

Perhaps the only drawback of mineral wool is that it is quite hygroscopic. Therefore, if you decide to insulate the walls from the inside, you will also have to take care of the vapor barrier in order to avoid the accumulation of condensate. In order to prevent moisture absorption through the surface of the insulation, it is recommended, along with the use of the main heat-insulating material, to insulate the walls from the inside with penofol. This material has an outstanding property - it retains up to 97% of heat. A layer of vapor barrier is applied to the frame of metal profiles after the installation of mineral wool.

Penofol - a special, foamed polyethylene with an aluminum coating in the form of a foil, which has vapor barrier, as well as soundproof characteristics. The penofol membrane has small holes that allow moisture microparticles to move in only one direction. Penofol sheets have a small thickness. Thanks to its flexibility, this material is easy to install. It does not require additional maintenance during operation, which is also an indisputable plus.

Insulation of walls from the inside with foam

Thermal insulation using extruded polystyrene is within the power of even beginners who do not have much experience in construction. There is nothing simpler: Penoplex plates, which can be purchased here, are attached with glue to the wall. In this case, the entire surface of the plate is treated with an adhesive composition. Small grooves along the edges of the plate contribute to the reliable fastening of the foam and improve the tightness of the joints. Extruded polystyrene with smooth edges needs additional taping. Styrofoam is both glued and fixed with screws.

When insulating with foam plastic, there is no need for vapor barrier, since the surface of the plate is vapor-tight. A thin layer of plaster applied to the granular (for better adhesion to finishing materials and increased protection against fire hazard) surface of extruded polystyrene will protect the walls from damage and prepare for further painting or wallpapering.

Wall insulation technology from the inside

The process of thermal insulation takes place in several stages. The sequence of operations depends primarily on the selected material. The insulation is either glued to the inner surface of the wall, or attached to a special structure.

The most common is the scheme of wall insulation from the inside, in which the layers of thermal insulation are arranged as follows:

  • Interior wall decoration.
  • Small ventilation gap.
  • Membrane for vapor barrier.
  • Insulation.

The whole process of wall insulation can be divided into several stages.

Wall preparation

When carrying out thermal insulation with mineral slabs or with drywall, it is not necessary to level the walls. It is enough to clean the walls from flaky particles of building and finishing materials, remove protrusions that prevent the fixation of heat-insulating materials and carry out fungicidal treatment (protection against excessive activity of room mold). Small irregularities will be masked during thermal insulation and finishing work.

Formation of the frame and installation of insulation

At a short distance from the wall, a frame made of aluminum profiles or wooden beams is mounted (depending on the climate). It should be noted that wood is subject to drying and deformation during sudden changes in temperature. The profile is fixed in a vertical direction. The thickness of the frame must necessarily correspond to the thickness of the insulation, and the distance between the bars or profiles is calculated depending on the size of the finishing material (for example, a drywall sheet). When insulating with polystyrene, the frame does not need to be erected.

Laying of thermal insulation materials begins after the completion of the frame assembly. In order to insulate the walls from the inside, one layer of insulation is enough. If there is a need to install a second layer, then, accordingly, an additional frame will need to be installed for it. Often in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheaters, the installation of insulation is difficult. In this case, a layer of penofol should be laid.

Laying a vapor barrier and finishing

The vapor barrier protects the walls from the concentration of excess moisture in the voids of the thermal insulation material. Foil-coated film is most often used as a vapor barrier. Make sure that the shiny part of the vapor barrier is facing the inner wall of the room. The vapor barrier sheets are overlapped. To improve the effect, the joints are glued with metallic tape.

After thermal insulation is completed, the surface is sheathed with drywall and plastered, and then painted or pasted over with decorative panels or wallpaper. As for the choice of finishing materials, there are no special restrictions.

Other ways to insulate walls

In some cases, the foam is placed in space when laying walls. Also used during the construction phase penoizol, which is poured into hard-to-reach places and cracks.

From liquid materials use cellulose, which is also poured under the slabs and in the gaps between the brickwork. Cellulose insulation has a number of disadvantages: it is flammable and easily exposed to microorganisms and mold. To prevent this, flame retardants and antiseptics must be added to the pulp mass.

One of the simplest, but expensive ways to insulate walls is ceramic insulation. This is a liquid paste that is applied both to the surface of the wall and to hard-to-reach places. To achieve the effect of the wall, you need to cover with 5-6 layers of paste, the consumption of which per 1 square meter is 250 ml. This makes this type of wall insulation, although expensive, but durable.

When carrying out insulation work, unsightly heating or water pipes, additional electrical wiring can be easily hidden in a heat-insulating niche. Therefore, the insulation of the walls from the inside is an excellent reason to both improve the performance of the room and improve the design of the room.

The construction market does not stand still. Today in specialized stores you can find a large assortment of materials intended for internal wall insulation. How to choose from the whole variety of heat insulators what is best suited for a dwelling, warehouse, office building or premises for other purposes?

The choice of the optimal option, first of all, should be focused on achieving the primary goal - increasing the air temperature in the room during the cold season. But, besides this, it is important to take into account the environmental friendliness of the material, its ability to create an optimal microclimate. After all, if you treat internal insulation without proper preparation, then all the work will only aggravate the situation: the appearance of excessive dampness, the formation of fungi and a layer of mold on the walls and ceiling.

Each of the proposed options for insulation has its own styling features, disadvantages and advantages in use. It is worth dwelling on the issue of choosing a heat insulator in more detail.

Each of the proposed options for insulation has its own styling features.

The parameters that the material used to insulate the apartment from the inside must comply with:

  • Thermal conductivity. If the thermal conductivity of the material is high, the insulation layer must be larger, which leads to a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and an increase in cost. The ability to retain heat is one of the key parameters that you need to focus on when deciding what is the best way to insulate an apartment.
  • Strength, resistance to mechanical damage. The use of brittle material reduces the life of the insulation, and also increases the cost and time required to complete the work.
  • Environmental friendliness. When insulating a residential apartment, it is advisable to choose a harmless material. After all, wall insulation for an apartment or residential building must be safe, not emit harmful substances.
  • Vapor permeability. Taking into account this indicator, you can avoid many problems associated with an increase in humidity in the apartment.
  • Biostability. This indicator gives an assessment of the ability of the material to resist the spread and attack of biological organisms such as fungi. In addition to the external manifestation, microorganisms contribute to the destruction of the material and the loss of its original properties.
  • Profitability. Naturally, you don’t want to spend extra money on wall insulation in an apartment, but you shouldn’t save too much in this matter either.

Different materials have their own operational features and differ in certain parameters. Therefore, before you go to the store, you should familiarize yourself with these characteristics. After all, not only the warmth and comfort in the apartment, but also its suitability for comfortable living depends on the answer to the question, which insulation to choose for the walls.


Today, this heat-insulating material is the most popular due to several of its advantages:

  • proven effectiveness. Styrofoam has low thermal conductivity, which allows it to retain heat well, and low vapor and water permeability, which does not allow liquid to accumulate inside the insulation;
  • low cost compared to other materials;
  • ease of installation. Styrofoam does not require the installation of additional frames, it is attached by gluing to a pre-plastered surface;
  • versatility. This material is suitable for both indoor and outdoor work, it creates a reliable heat-insulating barrier of the ceiling, walls, roof, floor, ceilings between floors.

Plates penoplex

This material has several names: expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene and is considered a higher quality "relative" of its fellow polystyrene.

What distinguishes foam from polystyrene:

  • fine-cell structure allows you to better retain heat and protect against the penetration of cold;
  • increased strength. Under heavy loads, the plates do not deform, but are easily cut with a knife. Due to its strength, this material is good for use both for insulation from the inside in a private house and for outdoor work;
  • long service life. The warranty period during which the penoplex will retain its properties is 50 years;
  • penoplex is resistant to mold, rodents do not like it. In addition, this material does not emit toxic substances during combustion, as polystyrene, which gives it an additional plus for insulating walls inside the room;
  • in order to decide how to insulate the wall of your apartment from the inside, it is useful to pay attention to the cost of penoplex. It is higher than the price of polystyrene, but it is quite justified.

mineral wool

This type of insulation belongs to the category of mineral materials and has been used in construction for a long time. Compared to its newer counterparts, it has a number of disadvantages, but due to its effectiveness and low cost, it still remains a fairly popular material.

Features of mineral wool:

  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage is a significant disadvantage. When performing interior work, it is important to take into account that glass wool fibers scatter easily. This should be taken into account by the master and how to equip. If you decide to work with the material yourself, do not neglect protective equipment: goggles, a respirator, gloves, as well as clothing that protects the body well. In addition, the owners need to completely free the insulated room from furniture or objects that can retain glass wool fibers.
  • The cost of this material is quite low, which explains the feasibility of its use.
  • Compared to polystyrene, the thermal conductivity of mineral wool is higher, so it retains heat worse.
  • Mounting feature. To install glass wool, it is not necessary to plaster the surface of the insulated wall, but you need to mount a frame to fix the material. You also need to provide a layer of vapor barrier. Usually it is a dense film, with which the insulation layer is completely sewn up. It is tightly attached to the floor, frame and ceiling.
  • When insulating with glass wool, more of the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is eaten. That is why mineral wool is the answer to the question: how do the walls inside the apartment insulate.

Thanks to continuous development, today it is possible to insulate a wall even with plaster. The plastering technology for the purpose of insulating the internal walls is thought out to the smallest detail. Nuances that are important to consider when choosing this method of insulation:

  • Be sure to apply 3 layers. The first of which is a splash. The liquid solution is applied to the wall with a layer of 5-10 mm. This is done so that the material fills all the gaps. The second layer is 50-60 mm and is applied in three stages. This is the longest process, since each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one dries. The final layer is most often laid with a thickness of 3-5 mm. Its purpose is to completely level the wall and create a flat surface. The solution for this layer is sand diluted in water, which is rubbed into the base layer.
  • The advantage of this type of insulation is durability and resistance to mechanical damage.
  • The disadvantage is the higher cost compared to foam and the greater complexity and duration of the work.
  • Plastering retains heat less than foam materials.

polyurethane foam

This type of insulation is a dense foam that is applied directly to the wall by spraying. To work with this material, it is not necessary to carry out additional preparation of the wall, it is enough to mount the frame and fill it with material. Polyurethane foam is one of the latest developments in the construction industry, which boasts many advantages:

  • ease of use. Polyurethane foam is quite easy to work with even for beginners. The time required to complete the work is less than when plastering.
  • does not require waterproofing, as it does not let water through and does not get wet, like mineral wool.
  • low thermal conductivity, as a result - the material retains heat well inside the apartment.
  • has good adhesion to any surfaces, so that it forms one whole with the wall. It can even be applied to the ceiling.
  • allows you to insulate walls of any configuration, since the application method does not provide for the formation of seams and cracks.

Cork wallpaper is also a novelty in the field of insulation. Consider some aspects:

  • environmental friendliness. If you are deciding how best to insulate a room from an environmental point of view, then this material will completely satisfy you;
  • saving usable space. The use of wallpaper will not take many centimeters from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room or balcony, since they are relatively thin;
  • low ability to retain heat. A plus for saving space is a minus when it comes to thermal insulation characteristics. Due to the fact that the layer is quite thin, it is not enough to fully insulate the building;
  • attractive decorative finish;
  • ease of use will allow you to insulate the apartment yourself, which in turn will save a lot of money.

How to insulate the walls in each case depends on the location of the building to be insulated, the initial budget, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, the minimum temperatures in the cold season and other characteristics. Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics of insulating materials, you can make your house or apartment warm and cozy without involving qualified workers.

Each owner has his own, individual requirements for how his house or apartment should be. The exception to the rule is heat. Especially in the cold season, when the air temperature outside goes to minus.

With the fact that housing should not only be beautiful, but also capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature even with a big minus, everyone agrees without exception.

The reason for this unanimity lies not only in the desire to avoid the need to be at home in warm clothes that hinder movement.

The main troubles following the freezing of the walls are condensate, mold and fungi that affect the health of residents.

In addition, the walls themselves suffer. If mold and fungus can be eliminated, then restore the quality of the affected wall succeeds not always.

The way out of the situation is internal wall insulation, protection from the cold during frost, and from condensate during periods of thaw.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation

Usually the culprit decrease in comfortable temperature level indoors are heating systems, poorly insulated windows, or the roof of the house. If the heating, windows and roofing are normal, then the problem is really in freezing walls that require additional thermal insulation.

The indisputable advantages of internal protection of walls from freezing include:

  • the ability to insulate any room;
  • performance of work at any time of the year;
  • the ability to carry out all the work independently (significant savings);
  • increasing the sound insulation of the home.

The disadvantages include:

  • mandatory requirements for providing vapor barrier;
  • the need to use heaters with excessive thickness;
  • consequences in the form of internal drafts;
  • the need to create additional ventilation due to increased humidity;

Is it possible to insulate the walls inside the apartment?

Despite the fact that the option of internal insulation seems, at first glance, the most effective and profitable, experts recommend resorting to it only in the most extreme cases if there is no other way out.

If the operating organization promises to carry out external insulation for years, but the residents do not have their own funds, then everything that is not recommended can be done, since is not strictly prohibited.

Owners of corner apartments especially often face problems such as excessive dampness or cold. The heating system does not always work efficiently. Therefore, it is important to know how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside and minimize energy losses. With the right approach, it will be possible to significantly improve the microclimate in the room, make it more comfortable for living. In this material, we will tell you how to properly carry out the installation of insulation and what is required for this.

The layout of corner apartments in terms of energy consumption for heating is not the most optimal due to the presence of two outer walls. And as a rule, in such conditions, even the presence of additional heating devices does not save residents from the cold. Before the heating season, when the temperature drops sharply outside, the heat begins to quickly leave the room, which makes the apartment cold, dampness and fungus appear. If the walls are not insulated, it will be uncomfortable to be in such a room.

When the central heating is turned on, the situation improves a little, as it gets warmer, but the corner walls can freeze. This leads to damage to the plaster layer, peeling wallpaper. As a result, mold and various types of fungus begin to develop in such places. Such a microclimate causes discomfort and does not have the best effect on the health of residents. Due to dampness and low temperatures, colds are becoming commonplace for many residents of corner apartments.

A bit of theory: dew point

In construction, the concept of "dew point" is used.

The dew point is the temperature at which condensation forms (moisture from the air turns into water droplets). In relation to the enclosing structures of the house, such a point can be located both on the surfaces of the wall from the outside or inside, and in its thickness.

In a period of high humidity and low temperatures, the microclimate of the apartment contributes to the formation of condensate. Due to an incorrectly located dew point, mold and fungus begin to develop on the walls. It is better to insulate them from the outside. This approach will make the walls inside the room warmer and transfer the dew point to its outer edge. This will help get rid of mold and mildew. If it is not possible to insulate the apartment from the outside, then it is allowed to insulate the end wall from the inside. In this case, it is necessary to choose a heater so that the dew point is in the thickness of the supporting structure.

Clear optimum dew point position

Insulating the walls will help make the room warmer and get rid of dampness. The microclimate will become much more comfortable, and residents will not have to worry about their health. However, it is important to properly insulate the room so that the result is as effective as possible.

Which material to choose - mineral wool or foam?

When choosing a heater, you need to take into account the features of the room. Any material must have properties:

  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness (in the case of internal insulation, this factor plays a key role);
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • high properties of thermal insulation and air permeability.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is made from basalt and is the most popular material for wall insulation. It perfectly retains heat indoors, but easily passes air, which provides good ventilation. The air in the room is always fresh and does not stagnate, which also allows you to get rid of high humidity. The material is highly elastic, which is convenient for installation. However, over time, basalt wool tends to deform, absorbing excess moisture. Therefore, when installing mineral wool, they arrange a crate.

Among other shortcomings, one can note the harmfulness to the respiratory system. When used indoors, the degree of toxicity is not very high, but still the material is more suitable for outdoor decoration. Another disadvantage is the increased weight.


The main advantages of polystyrene are its cost and high thermal insulation ability. The material is breathable, lightweight and easy to install. It is non-toxic, which makes it great for interior decoration. Light weight will allow all work to be carried out independently without the involvement of builders. Particularly effective for internal insulation. However, there are also disadvantages. Styrofoam is highly flammable, and is also not suitable for insulating wooden structures, since condensation will form on such surfaces.

Features of insulation of corner apartments of a panel house

The installation process of panel wall fencing is different for wall decoration inside or outside the room. Let's take a closer look at the main differences.

The nuances of installing thermal insulation from the inside of the room

In a panel house, with internal insulation, the material must be laid on bare walls, which is why the procedure is best carried out during the overhaul process. Installation work begins with the installation of a waterproofing layer, which is most often a polyethylene film with special breathable membranes. It is best to use a single piece of film on the entire surface of the wall. A metal frame is installed on the waterproofing layer. After installation of the crate, sheets of insulating material are installed.

An example of internal insulation of the corner of an apartment with mineral wool on a steel frame

Mounting from the outside of the panel

When carrying out work from the outside of the room, all foreign objects are initially removed from the surface of the walls, their surface is thoroughly cleaned. The crate is installed directly on the surface of the walls. Next, two layers of waterproofing are installed with a layer of vapor insulator between them. Sheets of the main insulation are installed on top. Outside, decorative cladding is performed.

Features of insulation of corner apartments of brick houses

The procedure for insulating brick surfaces is not much different from panel ones. Consider the features of external and internal insulation of such surfaces.

Nuances of internal installation

Styrofoam is most often used for internal wall insulation in brick houses. Before starting installation work, any trim is removed. The surface is carefully plastered, and then treated with a primer. It is very important to apply the primer in an even layer so that after drying, the formation of cracks does not begin.

Insulation sheets are installed on the still wet material. The insulation material is fastened to the construction adhesive. It is very important to pay attention to the components of the composition. The adhesive material must not emit toxic fumes.

Video: an example of thermal insulation of an apartment with Penoplex plates

Warming from the outside

Mineral wool is most often used for outdoor work. The start of work occurs according to a similar algorithm. On the outside, the panels are protected with an additional layer of primer to resist weathering, and a decorative finish is applied over the protective layer.

The corner apartment of a brick house is insulated from the outside

A brief overview of foam grades for wall insulation from the inside

In building materials stores, you can see a fairly large assortment of foam plastic brands. Consider the most common of them. Regardless of the brand, there can be two types of labels on the box: “PS” and “PSB”. The first indicates that the material was made by pressing, the second - non-press method.

C-15 is considered a popular brand of foam. This type is made without pressing. Due to its high density, it is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use. However, foam plastic grade S-25 PSB is best suited for warming corner apartments. This is a higher density material that can also be used for floor insulation. Grade S-35 PSB is distinguished by excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions. It is characterized by high fire resistance, as well as the ability to easily withstand mechanical damage. The densest variety is the S-50 PSB. This is a rather expensive material, which is usually used with frequent hail and constant strong winds.

For internal insulation, only the first two options are used.

A brief overview of mineral wool brands for wall insulation from the inside

There are four most popular varieties of mineral wool: P-75, P-125, PZH-200 and PZH-175. For interior work, only the first two varieties are used. Cotton wool P-75 is the lightest and has a relatively low density. P-125 is more rigid and is used for interior decoration in cold climates. The last two types, due to their increased density, are used only for outdoor work.

The best manufacturers of insulation materials are: Isover, Isorok, Ursa, and Rockwool.

Alternative modern heaters

There are many non-standard alternative ways to insulate corner apartments. They are distinguished by the use of modern innovative materials.

polyurethane foam

PPU insulation meets all requirements for vapor barrier, water absorption and the absence of seams. Therefore, even if there is a dew point inside the layer, it will remain “conditional”, since there is no condensation in vapor-tight materials. It turns out from the side of the room a completely sealed heat-insulating layer.

Wall insulated with polyurethane foam



Modern building material, which is characterized by increased thermal insulation. Sold in liquid form. For the most effective insulation, 6 layers are laid on the wall in a direction perpendicular to each other.

Astratek is a liquid insulation material. It can be applied to the surface with a sprayer or a brush, and after drying it forms a strong and elastic substance with a porous structure. Such insulation perfectly passes air, but effectively retains heat inside the building.

Liquid thermal insulation using Mascoat as an example

The paint of a well-known American manufacturer has increased thermal insulation properties, and also repels moisture very effectively. Its efficiency is 5 times higher than mineral wool. 1 mm. In terms of efficiency, paints will not yield to a layer of mineral wool half a centimeter thick. It is applied to the surface of the wall in the same way as ordinary paint. It can be used simultaneously for decorative finishing.


This material is made from a polyethylene base. Its thermal insulation properties are slightly lower than those of the previous options, but the material also has its advantages. A durable polyethylene film made by foaming is covered on the inside with a thin layer of foil. Sheets of paper are glued on top on both sides. Outwardly, the material resembles wallpaper, often used as a preparatory finish before gluing them. The main disadvantage is the possibility of using only for dry walls. It may not be suitable for a corner apartment, since such rooms are characterized by high humidity.


Penofol is a combination of polyethylene foam with aluminum foil. This is a whole series of materials (including single-sided, double-sided, laminated, with an adhesive layer). Moreover, it can be used both in combination with other heat-insulating materials, and independently.

Penofol - an alternative insulation

Non-standard method of insulation - electric

A new, but quite effective way to insulate walls in a corner apartment is to use the principle of underfloor heating. Panels with electric heaters are mounted indoors on the surface of the walls and connected to the mains. The control unit is installed in a separate accessible place. For proper installation, it is very important to wait for frost, and then turn on the equipment until the walls are completely dry. Only after that an additional heat-insulating layer is laid and a decorative finish is performed.

This method of insulation is very effective, but has one big drawback. In cold weather, you will need to regularly maintain a stable temperature to prevent the formation of dampness and condensation. This will result in additional energy costs. The purchase of an insulation system itself will require considerable costs, and then you will have to pay for regular operation. However, this approach allows you to create the perfect microclimate inside the corner room in cold weather.

What are the conclusions?

The procedure for insulating the walls of a corner apartment is not considered difficult, but it has many nuances. It is very important to choose high-quality material for insulation, which will provide high thermal insulation and a comfortable microclimate in the room. Internal insulation is an easy way to do it yourself, which is why it is more popular. However, if the apartment has high humidity of the walls and the formation of mold on their surface, it is better to call the masters for external insulation. You can also consider using effective and cheap alternative methods.

External thermal insulation of structures of a multi-storey building is a complex undertaking carried out by masters - high-altitude workers for the appropriate payment. An alternative solution that requires much lower costs is the insulation of walls from the inside. How to implement it correctly, read this article.

How to insulate the premises of the apartment

Thermal insulation of buildings is recommended to be performed from the outside, but this option is not always available to residents of high-rise buildings. Warming inside rooms is cheaper, but requires strict adherence to technology, otherwise dampness and mold will form in the thickness of the “pie”.

Important. The secret of internal thermal insulation is the creation of a barrier to the path of water vapor penetrating into the concrete enclosure from the room. In such structures, the dew point occurs at the junction of the insulation with the wall, which is why the steam that has fallen into this zone condenses. A small amount of moisture has time to weather out into the street, and a large amount accumulates and serves as a focus for the formation of fungus.

How can you insulate the internal surfaces of walls, floors and ceilings in a brick or panel house:

  • mineral wool sold in slabs and rolls;
  • polymeric materials based on polystyrene - polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam, often called foam plastic by the name of the brand;
  • polyethylene foam coated on one side with a reflective foil layer.

For thermal insulation of roofs, attics and walls of private houses, polyurethane foam is also used, applied through a spray gun using a compressor. This method cannot be called inexpensive; it is rarely used in apartments. Now let's analyze each heater separately.

Properties of mineral wool

Commercially available mineral wool is made on the basis of glass and basalt fibers. Inside the apartment, it is better to use the second one, since glass wool is intended for outdoor work and insulation of cold roofs.

Basalt or stone wool has the following properties:

  • high fire resistance (can withstand temperatures up to 600 ° C);
  • good indicators of thermal conductivity - 0.05 W / (m ° C) in the operating mode;
  • the material is permeable to water vapor and is able to accumulate moisture;
  • The price starts from 27 USD. e. for 1 m³.

Reference. Mineral wool is produced in various densities: 35-60 kg/m³ in rolls, up to 200 kg/m³ in slabs.

Porous mineral wool products are suitable for external insulation of facades and internal insulation of walls of a wooden house, in particular, a frame house. From the inside of buildings built of brick or reinforced concrete, the material should not be used due to high vapor permeability. In addition, cotton wool contains harmful dust and is inferior to polymers in thermal conductivity.

Polystyrene insulation

Materials in the form of solid boards are made of expanded polystyrene and are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Polyfoam with density from 15 to 35 kg/m³.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam (otherwise - penoplex) with a density of 30-50 kg / m³.

It looks like foam in slabs

The difference between them lies in thermal conductivity, vapor permeability and price. Styrofoam is the cheapest insulation (from 32 cu per 1 m³), ​​capable of passing water vapor in small quantities. Penoplex practically does not let vapor through, and in terms of thermal insulation ability it significantly exceeds foam plastic: the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.043 W / (m ° C) versus 0.053. The price of the "extruder" is decent - from 197 USD. e. per cubic meter.

Note. Both materials are equally combustible and have high hardness, but extruded polystyrene is more durable.

In an apartment where every meter of area counts, it is best to use penoplex and its derivatives for insulation with your own hands, despite the high cost. If the budget is limited, you can take the foam, but carefully perform the vapor barrier, which will be discussed later.

Polyethylene foil products

Foamed polyethylene is produced in the form of thin sheets 6-10 mm thick with a layer of aluminum foil glued on one side. The role of the latter is to reflect infrared heat back into the room.

Reference. The material is often called by the names of popular brands - "Penofol" and "Isolon".

In terms of thermal insulation characteristics, "Penofol" is close to extruded polystyrene foam, and it repels moisture even better. There is no need to talk about the durability of polyethylene, this is a well-known fact. There is only one drawback: the products do not have the required thickness to create a serious obstacle to heat flow.

Polyethylene foam is an excellent addition to other heaters. It can act as a vapor barrier or serve as primary thermal insulation for balconies and loggias. Penofol should not be used as an independent material - due to the small thickness of the sheet, the application will not give the expected effect. More information about the choice of thermal insulation is described in the video:

Technology of internal thermal insulation

There are 2 ways of internal insulation of the walls of the apartment:

  1. Mounting insulation directly on a leveled surface under plaster or wallpaper.
  2. Installation of material on a subsystem of metal profiles for plasterboard lining.

The first method is used in order to save usable volume, when the walls are fairly even, and plasterboard finishing is not planned. The advantage of the second option is the ability to lay a thick layer of heat-insulating material.

Before you insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, you need to prepare it: remove old wallpaper and falling off plaster, remove protrusions and repair cracks. It is highly recommended to prime the surface with an antibacterial composition for 2 times.

An important point. Direct fastening of the slab insulation to the surface is ensured by a suitable type of adhesive mixture. For mineral wool and foam, different compositions are used.

In order not to arrange additional vapor barrier of the "pie", it is better to glue extruded polystyrene foam 40-50 mm thick to the wall. More foam will be needed - 8-10 cm, and material with a density of 35 kg / m³ should be taken and fastened in 2 layers of 40 mm each with overlapping seams. The technology is like this:

Attention! It is not allowed to insulate the wall of the apartment, which is wet or covered with fungus from the inside. The surface must be clean and absolutely dry. How to properly insulate with foam, look at the video:

At the end of the work, you should wait for the complete solidification of the solution for 1-2 days, and then proceed to the further facing of the apartment. If it is planned to install drywall on a frame made of galvanized profiles, then the insulation is done as follows:

Advice. Instead of a conventional film, Penofol can be used as vapor insulation, only the canvases need to be laid end-to-end and glued with aluminum tape. This option is also suitable for a bathroom with high humidity.

If the inside is thermally insulated with foam plastic or foam plastic, it is undesirable to use a frame made of wooden beams. Due to the contact of the polymer material with organic, the latter will begin to rot. The tree is excellent "friends" with mineral wool.

To prevent the wall from freezing from the side of the window in winter, do not forget to insulate the slopes with thin plates of extruded polystyrene foam. How to make the thermal insulation of an apartment under the cladding of the plasterboard, see the next video:

Floor and ceiling insulation

When a cold attic or reinforced concrete floor is located above the top floor apartment, it is desirable to insulate the ceiling. Methods of work are similar to the thermal insulation of walls - gluing plates to the surface or installing a subsystem. The material is fixed to the ceiling with dowels in the form of umbrellas or self-tapping screws to the profiles.

Warming of the floors of the first floor is carried out in three ways:

  • from the inside under a cement-sand screed;
  • the same, on wooden logs;
  • outside, from the basement.

Floors can be insulated with high-density foam plastic 35 kg/m³, foam plastic and slab mineral wool 100 kg/m³. In the first case, the material is laid on a concrete floor, covered with a vapor barrier film and poured with a cement-sand mortar. In the second option, the insulation is laid between the lags, and in the third, it is attached to the slabs from the basement.


If you decide to insulate the apartment with your own hands, then it is better to do this during the repair process. All external fences of the premises should be sheathed with insulation at the same time, and not postpone the thermal insulation of ceilings or floors for the next time. Also pay attention to the efficiency of ventilation: after insulation, the dwelling should not turn into a thermos, water vapor must be removed with a hood.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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