Wooden gazebo with barbecue at the dacha projects. Gazebo with barbecue: projects, photos, best ideas. Material for gazebo

It is not surprising that gazebos with barbecues can turn banal cooking into a truly enjoyable pastime and even a kind of culinary magic, because the event will be held on open fire. Few dishes are as popular as juicy kebabs, which are cooked on the grill.

Today we will find out how to get even more pleasure from this process! Let's get acquainted with the best options for gazebos with barbecues, consider drawings and several detailed master classes.

What you should know about gazebos with barbecue facilities

Today, a gazebo with a barbecue is already something more than a place for preparing barbecue. Here, according to many, there should be all the amenities that are available in the house. In addition to the barbecue itself, there can be an oven, smokehouse, brazier, etc. Let’s be clear, there are many options, but you must choose only one of them – the one that best suits your needs. In any case, often a small gazebo, in which there is only a minimum of the most necessary things, is more comfortable than a pretentious structure, “stuffed” with all possible devices.

You can add a cooking area. In the case of a small gazebo, you can place a sink and a table near the barbecue in order to turn it all into a true summer kitchen. Take care in advance of the table top (it should be easy to clean), as well as a small shelf on which the most frequently used kitchen tools will be stored. If possible, install a refrigerator there for more convenient storage of drinks and, of course, meat.

The space should be used practically. Traditional dinner Zone such a gazebo is a table for lunch and a bench. However, if your plans include saving space, you can make the benches slide under the table (this will provide you more space for maneuvers during cooking).

Take care of cleanliness! In terms of the use of materials, all elements of the structure must be durable, resistant to outdoor use, and they must also be easy to clean. Simply put, it is better to give preference to metal (pre-treated), stone or wood (also treated).

The cook should be comfortable. It will hardly be pleasant for him to cook while hearing bursts of cheerful laughter behind him. His place should be isolated from the epicenter of the party, but at the same time he should be able to quickly turn into the “highlight of the program.” Perfect option- This is a good bar counter, slightly raised from the side of the cooking area. Can a feast begin with something more pleasing to the eye than the sight of a chef preparing meat on a grill?

The gazebo should be warm. In case of cold weather, you can use special PVC curtains in the building. If you do not intend to purchase such curtains, you can easily make them yourself - to do this, purchase PVC film, cut it according to the dimensions of the openings, edge it with thick fabric, and subsequently equip it with eyelets on the edges. In order to secure these curtains inside the gazebo with barbecue, thread a cord through the eyelets.

Note! You can also take care of auxiliary heat sources - install, for example, IR lamps, preferably in areas of maximum functionality (near the cooking area, next to the table).

If the barbecue is not equipped with an exhaust fan, it is better not to place it inside the gazebo - instead, install it nearby. Take care of a high-quality canopy over the grill (you also need to think about the comfort of the cook), otherwise sudden rain can easily interfere with your plans.

You can equip an open hearth. And not only next to the gazebo, but also on the edge of the structure. Such a hearth will serve as an additional cooking surface on which, for example, you can cook kulesh.

Take care of an additional seating area. Equip next to the gazebo, say, a paved area or, as an option, an additional canopy - a kind of extension to the gazebo, a separate umbrella, etc.

And if the climate in your region is cool, then a separate gazebo can serve as a recreation area.

Take care of a convenient firewood rack. There should be a place near the structure where firewood would be stored. This way you won’t have to go to the other end of the site to get fuel.

From the gazebo with barbecue you can make an entrance to the basement. This means that there will be no need to install a refrigerator inside, and the entrance itself will look more harmonious (when compared to a lonely mound in the yard).

High-quality lighting is the key Have a good mood! If you take care of bright lighting for the gazebo, it, in tandem with the general lighting of the area, will provide a harmonious and functional atmosphere. It is important that the cooking area is illuminated especially brightly, while the table and rest area can be equipped with adjustable lighting (to create the same special mood).

Don't forget about safety measures! Be sure to ground each electrical appliances! To install wiring outdoors, use a special cable; In addition, additionally treat all wood elements with a fire retardant.

Correct location of the gazebo. This should be the coziest corner of your garden. While it is more advantageous to locate a summer kitchen directly next to the house, placing a gazebo further away also has its advantages. This way, you will provide yourself with a kind of “escape” from the daily hustle and bustle, enjoying instead the silence and luxury of the garden.

Take care of good decoration. A garden gazebo is a great chance to test yourself in choosing decorative elements. And decor in in this case will consist not only of decorations on the walls, but also of flowers on the table, attractive kitchen utensils, curtains and so on. Transform your gazebo into your own personal sanctuary!

Combine the structure with landscape elements to highlight the entire area in the garden.

You can take care of an original addition near the gazebo in order to emphasize the importance of this entire area. For example, create a small flower bed or a small kitchen garden.

Gazebo with barbecue - the best projects

Not everyone can afford to build a gazebo from expensive Siberian pine. For this reason, we bring to your attention several functional, but fairly simple gazebo designs. Quite ordinary materials are used for their manufacture; the projects themselves are not complicated and are accessible to almost every owner of a suburban area.

Option one. Construction with bathroom and barbecue

Option two. Project of a gazebo equipped with a washbasin, pantry and barbecue

Option three. A gazebo with a barbecue, as well as an entrance to the bathhouse and basement

Option four. Original hexagonal design with barbecue

Option five. A project with a pantry, a sauna and, again, a barbecue

It should also be noted that the gazebo options described in the article acquire last years increasingly popular. If allowed weather, then in such a structure it can be assembled in festive table guests - it will be much more pleasant and less troublesome than if the feast was traditionally held in the house. This way you and your loved ones can really relax!

But maybe there are some other important elements that you can use to complement your gazebo with barbecue? Yes, there are some - they are described in detail in the thematic video below.

Video - Examples of designing gazebos with barbecue facilities

Now, having become familiar with the main important nuances and some simple projects, can proceed directly to production. Let's look at a few step-by-step instructions, illustrated with high-quality images.

Master Class. Making a wooden gazebo with barbecue

As you probably already guessed, the structure itself in this case will be made of wood, and the grill will be brick. When manufacturing, we recommend using boards and beams 6 meters long - this way you will significantly reduce the amount of waste.

First, you need to choose a suitable location, and also decide on the configuration of the future building. Be sure to keep the following important points in mind.

  1. Don't forget about fire safety! There will be an open fireplace inside the gazebo, so do not build it in close proximity to the house.
  2. It is also important that Entrance door“looked” at the entrance to the gazebo ( this requirement associated with the convenience of serving the dinner table).

When you decide on a location, use sand to outline the contours of the future object. The design described below will be octagonal and with a round base. To “draw” this circle, it is convenient to use a pipe fixed into the ground with a rope tied to it. Due to the fact that the weight of the structure is insignificant, small columns of concrete can act as the base. It is recommended to remove the soil under the posts by pouring a mixture of sand and gravel instead (thanks to this, you will be able to level the height).

Make the bottom trim from 10x10 centimeter timber. Use a cardboard template so as not to make mistakes when determining the cutting angles. Make the cross beams from 5x10 cm boards. Additionally, you can fasten the strapping elements with iron corners (inside and outside) to make the gazebo more stable. Give preference to galvanized corners at 90/135 degrees. Be sure to lay roofing material between concrete columns and beams for waterproofing.

As for the floor of your gazebo with barbecue, then use the same edged board 5x10 centimeters. Cut the required amount to size immediately. Plan the outside of the boards with a plane, and treat the inside surfaces with an antiseptic (at least two layers). Use screws to secure the floor boards, then check again that the trim is horizontal using a level.

As for the top trim, it is most convenient to make it at the bottom. This way you can adjust the lengths of the rafters and locks. Make the frames and rafters themselves from the same board.

The roof of this gazebo, as noted earlier, will have an octagonal shape. Therefore, the rafter lock should also be octagonal. To make it, use a 10x10 centimeter beam. Special attention Pay attention to the placement of supports for the bars! The octagon for their installation is extended using 1.5-centimeter boards.

Now start making the rafters. Make a triangle-shaped cut at the bottom of the fastening. You will use it as a bottom lock.

The truss structure itself, as before, should be built on the ground to make it easier to correct minor defects.

The structure will be supported by ten support pillars made of 10x10 centimeter timber. Saw off their ends at an angle of 90 degrees - this will significantly simplify the installation process. To attach the supports to the base, use galvanized corners 10.5x10.5x9x0.2 centimeters. Periodically check the structure using a building level. Slopes (at least in our example) are not required.

After this, install the top trim and rafter system. When installing, use 90/135 degree angles, as well as metal connecting plates.

To construct the roof, use inch boards, the width of which is 10 and 15 centimeters. Lay them close to each other, start at the bottom and move in a circle until you reach top point structures. To fasten each board, use four self-tapping screws (two per side) so that the roof does not deform over time.

You can start construction brick barbecue. First, dig a 40-centimeter foundation pit.

Build the formwork. You can use boards from old pallets for it, as in our example.

Cover the formwork with roofing felt, securing it with a mounting stapler.

Place reinforcement in the hole, fill the foundation with concrete (sand and cement in a ratio of 3 to 1). The cement itself should be M250, in total you will need about five bags.

Sew the perimeter of the structure with an imitation log of 4.5 x 14.6 centimeters. This way the frame will be more rigid, and the structure itself will be more attractive.

Make window sills from 5x10 cm boards. For fixation, use all the same corners.

Make benches from tongue-and-groove boards, strengthening the ends with metal plates.

Decorate the barbecue area of ​​the gazebo with a barbecue with a wooden lattice to divide the space of the structure (use 1.5 x 2 centimeter bars).

Now that the gazebo is almost built, start building the grill itself. We recommend abandoning frills and using simple drawings.

For work you will need:

  • 360 red bricks;
  • 90 units of fire bricks;
  • stove hood made of galvanized steel;
  • 175 kilograms of oven mixture;
  • 7 meters of hot-rolled corner (dimensions - 4x4x0.4 centimeters);
  • 50 kilograms of fireproof mixture.

When laying bricks, stick to several simple recommendations. Do not use too thick a mortar so that you can adjust the bricks after installation. The thickness of the seam should be 3 millimeters. And finally, don’t rush – keep the masonry level. In principle, this is where our instructions end. All subsequent steps are clearly understood from the pictures below.

Finally, cover the roof with bitumen shingles, fixing it with a mounting stapler and nails; the structure itself should be treated with an antiseptic and varnish.

Master Class. Construction of a brick gazebo

If you prefer brick over wood, we recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions for building a brick gazebo with barbecue. About the features of choice suitable place and we will not talk about the marking procedure, since all this has already been described in the previous section of the article. In a word, let's get straight to the point!

The weight of the future brick structure will be impressive, and therefore the foundation in this case must necessarily be reinforced and monolithic. Having completed the construction of the foundation, feel free to begin laying the walls.

To make the rafter system, you can use the same materials and technology as for the previous version of the gazebo.

It is better to lay the bricks of the first row “dry”, that is, without using mortar.

Build a firewood shed, which will additionally serve as the basis for a smokehouse and barbecue.

Continue laying the barbecue yourself. The next step is the construction of a firebox and table top. If you want, you can additionally equip a niche for storing dishes.

In addition, you must install a stove under the cauldron. In the image below you can see an example with removable rings.

Now that the base of the barbecue is finished, you can start laying out the countertop using fireclay bricks.

Remember that when laying bricks at this stage, a fire-resistant mixture must be used!

After this, proceed to organizing the chimney pipe, as well as making a channel for the smokehouse.

The stove (at least in this example) will be Russian. Start forming the hearth for it.

Do not forget that each of the rows must be reinforced with steel wire.

It is also important that the walls are laid out at the same time. To check the accuracy of the work performed, use building level.

Finish with the stove vault.

The back wall in the example described here is slightly extended.

You will have to spend a lot of time on the work, but the results will definitely warm your soul.

Continue construction. Install smokehouse doors. Also finish with the arches over the grill, the oven itself and the hob.

As for unstitching, you don’t have to do it yourself; instead, your assistant can do the procedure.

You can additionally install a stainless steel mesh over the stove. Subsequently, this mesh will be very useful for drying mushrooms, berries or dishes.

How exactly to equip and cover the roof has already been written in detail in the previous section of the article.

The construction process of the brick gazebo is being completed, and the facility can already begin to be used.

Organize the water supply to the sink at the rear of the structure. IN winter time You can always turn off the water.

As for the pipe, it is better to make it three-channel, so that the draft is subsequently more stable.

Do not forget to cover the entire masonry with a special moisture-repellent impregnation.

In about a week, the structure will dry completely. That's it, now we can definitely continue using the gazebo with barbecue!

Master Class. Brick grill step by step

Traditionally, the construction of a brick barbecue begins with the construction of a reliable foundation. The dimensions of the latter should be selected in accordance with the dimensions of the future structure.

First, dig a pit and arrange wooden formwork along its walls (you can use the same old pallets). Fill the foundation with concrete, having previously completed the reinforcement. Wait until the concrete has completely hardened (this usually takes from 7 to 14 days).

When the concrete has dried, begin the actual construction of the barbecue.

Very useful to have on hand finished drawing– it will help to more accurately determine the quantity required Supplies. These include:

  • fireclay brick;
  • lime;
  • steel wire for reinforcement;
  • reinforcing bars or, as an option, mesh;
  • cement;
  • galvanized corners;
  • sand.

This brick absorbs moisture well, and therefore it is recommended to lay waterproofing underneath it. The best option- roofing felt laid in several layers. Now you can begin the actual construction work.

Prepare the solution by mixing lime, sand and cement in a ratio of 3/4:3:1. You will use the finished mixture for laying bricks.

Be extremely careful and careful during laying. Align the bricks, and be sure to watch the seams.

Remember that the rows should be laid in a checkerboard pattern. Start laying from the corner, then gradually fill the side space.

Obviously, the grill will be exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, for laying the second row, it is imperative to use a fireclay clay mixture.

To build a base for the brazier, install reinforcing bars between the walls. Install the firebox base on the latter (you can use, say, an iron pallet as such).

For efficient combustion fuel requires a constant supply of oxygen. For this purpose, leave several gaps in the masonry that are not filled with mortar.

Install a grate over the rods and select a suitable countertop.

Master Class. Brick country barbecue

This barbecue is the most suitable option for a suburban area. The construction is simple, but reliable and durable. Step-by-step instruction, which is given below, will help you do everything quickly and correctly.

First, make a detailed plan. Below is an approximate diagram, however, you must take into account the fact that your stove will have its own characteristics - both decorative and structural.

Think in advance about the niche for fuel, as well as the place for the grill (it should be located at a height of approximately 0.6-0.7 meters), while the stove should be approximately 10 centimeters lower.

Having finished drawing up the project, go directly to practice. Start work, as in the case of the previous options, by building a foundation.

The base in this case should also be reinforced and monolithic. Dig a pit about 50 centimeters deep, fill the bottom with a gravel-crushed stone mixture, add water and compact it well.

Proceed to install the reinforcement and form the frame. Make formwork and fill the foundation with concrete.

After about two weeks, when the concrete is completely dry, begin construction of the brick barbecue.

Lay out the oven using fireclay bricks. It is inexpensive, but is durable and resistant to critical temperatures. Prepare red clay, sand and cement in advance (all this will be needed to prepare the solution).

Note! The clay should be watered with water and wait at least a few days.

Prepare the solution and start laying. Do not rush while working, follow the plan, gradually lay out each new row. Regularly monitor the quality of work at the construction level.

Place a pedestal under the barbecue. No more than 70 centimeters in height.

Row No. 2 should be offset by 1/2 brick.

The depth of the furnace should be at least 3 bricks, while the length should be 6. Use the same fireclay bricks, and place reinforcing rods on the ceilings.

At the end add decorative elements to your taste. Clean the masonry from excess mortar; you can paint the structure with paint to visually highlight the seams. In principle, you can already begin to operate the structure.

Now you know everything about gazebos with barbecues, their features, types and construction options. Don't forget to watch another useful video at the end of the article! Good luck with your work!

Video - Making a barbecue with your own hands

Many people who hear the word “gazebo” immediately associate it with relaxation and summer time. Most of them do not even imagine that there are comfortable winter gazebos with barbecues in which you can relax even in the middle of a harsh winter.


Enclosed gazebos with barbecues can make ordinary cooking a real pleasure and a pleasant pastime. Dishes are cooked over an open fire, which significantly transforms the taste of the dishes and makes them more juicy and healthy.

Most owners summer cottages In addition to the location of the barbecue in the gazebo, they also prefer the presence of a stove, smokehouse and brazier. There are many options and they depend mainly on the needs of the owner of the home.

Even a simple option closed gazebo with a barbecue will become one of the most comfortable places for good rest and recuperation.

In a small gazebo you can install a small table and a sink for cooking. A larger house can even accommodate a refrigerator for storing food. In any case, the space of such a room should be used practically, because the gazebo is not designed for too much space. a large number of furniture. Most often, the traditional dining area is dinner table and chairs or a bench for guests. To save space in the room, the benches can be moved under the table.

Thus it will turn out more space while bringing your culinary masterpieces to life.

There are gazebos that even have a bar counter or sofa for comfortable seating of guests. Such gazebos can be considered full-fledged holiday homes with family or friends.


Winter gazebos are always great holiday Outdoors. Apart from this statement, there are other benefits worth mentioning:

  • the size of the building makes it possible to comfortably accommodate a large group of guests;
  • a reliable structure allows you to relax in comfort, regardless of weather conditions;
  • the stove allows you to heat the house and cook delicious food in the same room without going anywhere;
  • insulated options with a stove can serve as guest houses, where, if there is a sofa, guests can sit comfortably for a while.

Enclosed gazebos with barbecues can be very diverse, so you should choose those solutions that will most successfully combine with the landscape of your summer cottage and other buildings.


For the correct distribution of financial costs for construction country house closed type It is necessary to carefully think through all the details in advance. The design stage involves choosing the material from which the recreation structure will be built. It is better to make the walls of a closed gazebo house from building materials that have the lowest thermal conductivity, for example, timber and brick. In this case, it will be possible to relax comfortably in the gazebo during the cold season, without an additional heating source.

The most popular for the construction of winter houses with barbecue are timber and brick. However, in some structures the use of other materials is also applicable, for example, sandstone, stone, metal and polycarbonate.

You can entrust the construction of timber to professionals, or you can easily build it yourself. During construction, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • Closed options must be equipped with a chimney and good ventilation in accordance with basic fire safety rules.
  • Location of the building garden plot also plays an important role. You should not install a house on the border with your neighbors' property. In addition, it is advisable to erect the structure itself in a shady and cozy place for harmonious combination with a common landscaped area.

  • The choice of glazing and the construction of windows should be considered at the design stage of the garden house.
  • Installation lighting fixtures and water supply will make the gazebo complete country house a place where you can comfortably settle down on holiday at any time of the year.

Once the site for construction has been chosen, it is necessary to begin work on the foundation design. As a rule, it must withstand total weight the entire building. First of all, draw a diagram of the project.

Such drawings will help determine the timing of work and the main financial costs.

The foundation of buildings can be columnar or strip. The first is suitable for small structures, for example, made of metal and wood. As for the second, this method of construction will be an excellent option for the construction of more serious structures made of brick and stone.


There are different types of gazebos with barbecues, in this case it all depends on the chosen building material, the imagination of the owner of such a household and on the financial costs. Some prefer a small and simple barbecue with grates, others prefer the look of a live fire in a stove, and still others want a covered gazebo-house with a complete stove set: a place for cooking food, a hood and a section for storing firewood.

For the construction of closed gazebos, various architectural styles. Among such buildings you can find classical forms, Empire, Baroque, Gothic and many others.

The choice of brick for construction is made taking into account color range the dacha plot as a whole. For lovers of an extravagant style, a combination of different shades is suitable, and for those who like to stick to traditional things, red brick is perfect. In addition, it retains heat better due to the natural raw materials that are used in the manufacture of this building material.

Projects of closed houses with barbecue depend entirely on the material from which the building is constructed.

Let's consider the main pros and cons of the most common building materials for the construction of closed garden gazebos.

Brick building

The main advantages of brick construction include the following features:

  • strength of the building;
  • combination with other building materials;
  • a wide variety of architectural styles;
  • low thermal conductivity.

The walls of an enclosed garden house can be painted or tiled. Such simple manipulations will help protect the structure from negative weather conditions.

Disadvantages of brick construction:

  • the need to install a strong foundation;
  • the high price of construction, but this is fully justified by the durability of this structure.

Wooden building

It’s unlikely that anything can compare with the naturalness and environmental friendliness of wood. Its pleasant aroma and charming appearance give such a structure even greater value and allow you to enjoy your vacation with friends and family as comfortably as possible.

You can build an enclosed wooden building with your own hands. An inexpensive one is suitable for this, but practical option frame gazebo. Its dimensions can reach 5x5 m. From this gazebo you can easily make a practical summer kitchen and enjoy wonderful holiday Outdoors. Wooden structures blend perfectly with the landscape as a whole and make country cottage area as comfortable and attractive as possible.

Moreover, such projects require increased attention to fire safety rules when installing barbecues and other heating equipment in room.

The main advantages of a house built from logs or timber:

  • attractive appearance;
  • fast construction times;
  • a lightweight foundation, which, in turn, makes it possible to significantly reduce the financial costs of constructing a building;
  • increased resistance to frost;
  • environmental properties of the material;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Despite the large number of advantages, wood also has disadvantages:

  • increased fire danger;
  • destruction of a structure due to the influence of bad weather conditions;
  • tendency to rot the material and form high humidity in room.

How to choose a grill?

When installing the fryer, you should choose the right materials. For example, the firebox can be made of metal, and the walls can be made of brick. In no case should you forget about the chimney, because this will protect the building from fire.

There are several types of barbecues:

  • metal structures;
  • cast iron options;
  • electric barbecues;
  • collapsible structures.

Let us now briefly consider the characteristic features of each of these types:

  • Metal barbecues are one of the most popular types. They are distinguished by strength, comparative lightness, low cost and long service life. Most often, they do not require special care and are not subject to corrosion.
  • Electric models are preferred by those who choose safety in everything. The fire in this equipment is completely closed. Important features are the absence of smoke and soot smell.

Outdoor recreation is unthinkable without cooking something tasty over coals. The very fact of having a gazebo at the dacha implies that there should be a barbecue nearby. It will be used not only with guests, but also during personal use with the family (cooking dinner, roasting meat on the weekend, etc.).

The gazebo must a priori be equipped with a barbecue. Even if it’s the simplest one, located ten meters from the recreation area, it must exist.

This publication will first consider the potential location, as well as the material for the barbecue. This needs to be decided before building the gazebo, since if a large stove complex is planned, it will require additional space and a foundation. Even for a simple portable one, you will still need to allocate space, this is important.

The next stage - let's consider step by step process construction that you will encounter if you plan to build a gazebo from scratch. All steps will be duplicated with photographs for clarity.

Inside or outside?

The place for frying meat can be placed in two places:

Outside gazebos. For this, any free space on the site can be selected. You can choose a place away from crowds of people so that smoke from combustion products does not cause discomfort to guests. This option can be implemented for absolutely any building, since it is not directly related to the gazebo.

Inside. For this purpose, a special area with a smoke exhaust is equipped, which allows you to prepare food directly next to the guests. It is necessary to think through the design of the gazebo in advance so that the barbecue not only fits and does not interfere with relaxation, but is also made in accordance with all fire safety requirements.

Therefore, if you are considering the option inside, but are looking for ordinary buildings, then think in advance minimum dimensions gazebos and their location on the site. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to adapt the fireplace indoors.

In an open gazebo

A freely ventilated site does not require any serious design decisions in terms of construction. It is enough to withstand the entire technology of erecting a barbecue, to prevent coal from getting on the wood and to monitor the reliability of the entire hearth.

With barbecue

The grill can be installed in wooden and metal gazebos, although most safe option is a brick (a metal structure is sometimes sheathed with lathing, but I’m generally silent about gazebos made of timber).

In a closed gazebo (Finnish house)

An interesting option is that allows you to place the hearth in a closed house right in the center. This idea came to us from the Scandinavian countries, where similar structures were used in ancient times to heat people.

Modern facilities allow you to fry meat, sit at the table, or lie down on a reclining couch. And all this indoors!

At the summer cottage

If the space at the dacha allows, then you can consider several options for the location of the barbecue. The most preferable place is considered to be a separate space, fenced off from people, wooden surfaces and gusts of wind.

Country house building

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to “ennoble this place,” then choose any free place away from the house, barn and wooden fence. Fire safety equipment is placed nearby - a bottle or bucket of water, sand. Ideally, have a designated place for a fire extinguisher.

In the garden

If you have the opportunity to place a barbecue within the garden, then this option is also worthy of attention. It is worth considering that in the fall the foliage and grass wither, resulting in an increased risk of fire. However, in the summer, when everything is green, cooking next to trees, bushes and plants is very pleasant.

Options for barbecue in the gazebo

Made of brick

A massive and capital brick grill is wonderful decoration both gazebos and cottages in general. Thanks to the closed internal design, you can cook food in any weather, be it wind or rain.

Small in size

The price of such a “thing” is quite high compared to its metal counterparts, but its reliability and aesthetics are beyond doubt. In addition, such a grill can be assembled on your own. Detailed instructions We looked at this in an article about creating a barbecue out of brick.

Full grilling area

Made of metal

The most common installation for most summer residents is made of iron sheets on legs. Depending on the thickness of the metal and welding of the joints, such a grill can last from one to several dozen seasons without deformation.

There are two installation options:

  1. Stationary. The legs are securely fixed in the ground or concreted, thanks to which you can set everything at a level for convenient frying of meat (on skewers or a grill, for example).
  2. Portable. If you don’t have such a place for frying meat or the space does not allow you to constantly keep the grill in one place, then you can consider a portable option that can be removed into the barn as needed.

Idea for a summerhouse

The price of a metal structure can vary from 150 rubles (in Auchan or Lenta, for example) to tens of thousands of rubles. They will differ in the thickness of the metal, the presence of a blower, the possibility of turning into a slab, and so on.

Electric barbecue (electric grill)

A fashionable format for preparing meat abroad, which is slowly gaining popularity in our market. There are many varieties of shapes, sizes and prices; in chain stores prices range from 4 to 15 thousand rubles on average.

If for some reason you don’t like the smell of smoke, or are tired of preparing coals and preparing firewood, then you can consider an electric analogue. It will also have its own concerns, for example, cleaning surfaces from plaque and grease or safe storage (at least hit it with a hammer or an ax), but they will be noticeably different from its wood-burning counterpart.

As an avid lover of charcoal barbecue, I am skeptical about this installation, but since there is a demand for it, it would be wrong not to mention it.

Full-fledged furnace complex

An elite approach to cooking that combines the capabilities of a grill, barbecue, oven, stove and even. All together this is called the furnace complex.

It is a massive brick structure, which is installed on a separate monolithic foundation, allowing you to cook in different formats - cook pilaf on the stove, bake meat in the oven, and so on.

It's really interesting option, which will add pleasant troubles to the owners. Still, not everyone can boast of having such a thing. Yes, and it won’t be possible to install it everywhere, since it really needs a large area.

Nikolay Tarasov showed us a very interesting option when he talked about his.

Furnace complex of Nikolay Tarasov
Gazebo made of logs by Nikolai Tarasov

Do-it-yourself construction

Let me immediately note that we discuss the manufacture of the hearth itself for frying meat in a separate publication about the construction of a brick grill. Below we will give instructions on how to equip a gazebo specifically for the needs of cooking over coals.


The gazebo itself does not require any serious foundation, if we are not talking about the brick version. For a brick stove complex, you will have to make a monolithic one in any case, but the frame can easily rest on a regular foundation.

  • Made of timber or metal: block, pile.
  • Made of brick, strip or monolithic.



Fire safety

There are several features that also apply to any furnaces installed near wooden items(floor, walls, furniture):

  • The space around the barbecue should be covered with metal sheets.
  • Wooden surfaces nearby must be treated with fire retardants (fire protection).
  • The hood should come at the expense of comfort, not the quality of the chimney. It is better to make it bigger and better, rather than more convenient and less effective.
  • The area nearby should be as clean as possible, without debris, wood chips or firewood that could catch fire.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to avoid problems. Let me deviate a little from the topic and tell a story for those who take safety precautions lightly.

An incident from life (autumn 2016): our friends from Moscow, avid summer residents, have seriously taken up the construction of a cottage in the Moscow region. First they built a barn, then a permanent bathhouse with a second floor and began building the house itself.

Once, after regularly frying meat, in order to get rid of the ashes and ash inside the grill, the owner turned it over and left the coals to go out. A few hours later, when the coals supposedly no longer burned, all the ashes were collected in a plastic bucket (mistake No. 1) to be thrown away later.

Of course, everyone forgot about this and before leaving, they put the bucket in wooden shed(mistake #2). It didn't smoke or smell. Just white ash inside. The next week, when the friends arrived at the dacha again, an unpleasant surprise awaited everyone: all that was left of the barn were nails, screws, and metal remains of special equipment (chainsaw, jigsaw, pruning shears, shovels, etc.).

In order to avoid such grief and hundreds of thousands of rubles piled up in the building and equipment, follow safety precautions and play it safe. Two liters of water are cheaper than a shed with equipment.

Chimney with draft

As you know, a good chimney can cost more than the barbecue itself. In this case, you shouldn’t save money, since we are talking about serious things - carbon monoxide and smoke can not only ruin your vacation, but cause harm to your health.

The chimney must be large, vertical and installed according to all requirements. At first, during the onset of combustion, the draft may be very poor. This is due to the fact that the exhaust pipe must warm up, after which the smoke will begin to be drawn out normally.

If it is possible to light the fire early, before guests arrive, then it makes sense to do so. This will save your nerves and the comfort of your guests if you experience such problems periodically.

Drawings with dimensions

To understand all the dimensions of your future building, I am attaching several detailed drawings. To enlarge the picture, click on it.

What seemed most interesting to me was the drawing with the dimensions and height of the brick barbecue from the floor to the beginning of the chimney. Thanks to this drawing, you can make calculations of the material required for its construction (provided that the presented dimensions and shape suit you).

Good day everyone!

Today we will talk about how to build a gazebo at your dacha yourself. In the garden plot it is one of important elements comfortable rest, at least for most gardeners. Agree, you not only come to your site to work properly, but also to relax. And what kind of relaxation can compare with relaxing in the fresh air in a beautifully equipped gazebo.

If we compare the designs of gazebos in general outline, then they can be divided into categories such as open (a structure without walls, only a roof, used in the warm season), closed (can be compared to a small house) and portable (these gazebos can be assembled, disassembled and placed anywhere).

As for the materials and dimensions of the structure, this is in to a greater extent depends on your capabilities, tastes and preferences. The easiest way. Below is a diagram of a simple gazebo that you can easily build yourself.

Choosing the type of gazebo, closed or open, depends on how you plan to use it. If you need a year-round gazebo, then undoubtedly only a closed one will do. And if you are at the dacha only during the planting and assembly seasons. An open gazebo will be enough for you. It will take much less materials, and there will also be little cost in terms of money and time.

As for roofing material, then here, no matter what kind of gazebo you have. Slate, corrugated board, flexible tiles, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate.

At the beginning, we will see how to do a simple gazebo open type from different types materials.

The first step is to draw up a sketch and drawings of your gazebo, taking into account the size of the site. Then, according to the drawings, it is purchased required amount the required material. By the way, you make a drawing specifically for the material from which you will build.

You also add to the sketch whether you will have a barbecue grill or an oven.

If you are not interested in any particularly “cool” design, then it is best to make the gazebo rectangular. It will be much easier to build than a polygonal one, and you will have to do much less markings. A drawing of the foundation is made separately. Where you indicate the dimensions of the pillars, their height and the depth to which they will be dug.

In the roof drawing it will be necessary to indicate the rafter system, the fastening of the top trim, the lower support for the rafters and the spacing between the rafters.

For ease of work, attach to your project detailed diagram installation of technical components, indicating options for their fastening to each other.

Work begins with the installation of the foundation. A hole up to 80 cm deep is enough for a gazebo.

We lay a layer of sand on the bottom, after which the supports are placed and concreted. At the same time, we must not forget to check with a level their evenness, their distance from each other and the level in height.

After this is done bottom harness and a floor made of logs is installed. Wooden beams are used for this. After the floor frame is made, you can lay out the flooring from the boards. Next is done top harness and the roof frame is assembled. Then it is sheathed with boards and covered with roofing material.

The structure is ready and you can proceed to fencing it. First, we install horizontal bars that will act as railings. Then we install vertical posts. If you decide to make a fence in the form of a wooden lattice, then first make a frame from timber, and then fill the lattice itself inside it.

Below is a diagram of the assembly of a gable gazebo.

And here is a diagram of the foundation:

This diagram shows how to arrange a roof:

Can make a simple gazebo not only from wood but also from metal. For this purpose, both aluminum and simple iron can be used. All connections are made by welding.

If you decide to do open gazebo with a barbecue, then you also make a sketch where you need to indicate where on your site you will place it. This is necessary in order to subsequently properly supply water to the gazebo, and if there is gas, then that too.

Such gazebos usually replace summer kitchens, therefore, its construction must be approached with greater care.

When making a drawing of a gazebo, it is necessary to reflect not only the dimensions of the future country house building, as well as the location of the fireplace or barbecue. Additionally, a diagram of the foundation and chimney is drawn. In addition, the project includes the grill itself, the shape of the brazier, the number of firing points and the laying of stone in rows.

Glazed gazebos (closed) for cottages and houses with barbecue inside

Most often, gazebos with barbecues are made of a closed type. It will be a full-fledged not only summer, but also winter kitchen. Structures come in different types: both with windows and completely glazed to the floor.

The materials used to build gazebos are both wood and brick. But the main element is glass. At the same time, there are three types of glazing: cold, warm and triplex. Cold glazing is the simplest method, when the glass is only inserted and no insulation is done. In this case, the temperature inside will be ten degrees higher than outside. With warm glazing it is done good thermal insulation. And walls made of timber or brick will protect well from the cold. The method of frameless structural glazing is called triplex.

As for the glass itself, both plain glass and double-glazed windows or stained-glass windows made of tempered glass can be used for glazing.

To better navigate the choice of glazing, the table below shows the characteristics of several types of glazing.

As mentioned earlier, before you start building a gazebo, you need to choose the right place for it.

You can install it wherever it is convenient. However, it is better to adhere to the rule that it is better not to place it next to the bathhouse, compost pit, toilet, pond, well, and of course, at the neighbors’ fence.

In shape, in addition to standard rectangular gazebos, you can build it in a round or oval shape:

In order to glaze the structure, several steps will be required.

The first step is to apply a layer of sealant. When the sealant dries, you can insert either finished frames or glass into the corresponding grooves. After this, all joints are processed and re-coated with sealant.

Closed gazebo for a summer cottage with barbecue and turnkey barbecue - do it yourself (project and drawing)

Closed gazebos with grills and barbecues look much more profitable and comfortable than open ones. In addition, you can sit comfortably in it if it suddenly gets cold.

There are many different options for creating such structures. You can make it from brick or timber and glaze it, or you can make the part where the barbecue is located from stone, and the living room from wood.

When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. In order not to make a mistake with the quantity and size of the required material, all this must be indicated in the project. In addition, do not forget to draw up a separate project for the grill and barbecue, since it will have to be built more carefully.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact how the smoke will come out. Since combustion produces harmful gases, good and reliable ventilation will be needed.

In addition to free-standing structures, of interest are also gazebos attached to the house. What's good about them is that they save space and create additional local area. You can get to such a gazebo directly from the house, rather than having to go to it through the entire site.

Such an extension can be added to almost any wall of the house, the main thing is that this wall is in good condition, without chips or cracks. A good option is if there is a window on this wall through which you can supply the necessary things.

Gazebo with summer kitchen

This type of gazebo is most often combined and consists of two zones. The first zone is the kitchen, where the barbecue grill is located. Since cooking here involves fire, it is best to make this area out of brick. The second zone is the living room. This is where you relax, communicate, etc. This area is best made of wood.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. As they say, how many people, so many views. Therefore, the choice is always yours.

And at the end, watch a short video on how to make a wooden garden gazebo.

Good luck with your construction!

As soon as the snow melts and the first grass appears, people begin to make forays into nature. It is convenient to organize traditional picnics with barbecue at the dacha, in a comfortable gazebo. Garden house with grill or barbecue – perfect place for relaxation on suburban area. This design bought in finished form, or you can build a gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands.

You will learn in detail about how to build a gazebo with a barbecue yourself, choose a barbecue and arrange the room from this article, and our photo gallery will show pictures of beautiful garden houses with a seating area.

Types and features of gazebos with barbecue

The grill is a rectangular metal structure in the shape of a box on four legs. There are barbecues:

  • stationary - massive structures that have a foundation and are made of stone and brick;

Photo of a barbecue stove for a gazebo built of brick

  • portable - lightweight mobile structures that can be installed anywhere.

A small portable barbecue allows you to cook barbecue anywhere

Choosing a grill for a gazebo

Even at the design stage, you should decide on the type of barbecue. Exist:

  • compact collapsible structures that quickly unfold and fold into a suitcase;
On a note: These barbecues are cheap, but quickly become deformed from strong heat.

Compact folding grill

  • metal barbecues. These metal structures are lightweight, reliable and durable. Steel walls can withstand high temperature, so the fire can be lit inside the box;

Device for making shashlik made of metal

  • brick barbecues. They look great and will last a long time, but they are heavy and labor-intensive to make;

Reliable brick grill

  • electric design - suitable for those who cannot stand the smell of smoke.

Electric grill

Types of country gazebos with barbecue

Since when cooking on a grill we are dealing with an open fire, the gazebo must be equipped in a certain way - the fire must be reliably insulated.

There are different designs of gazebos with barbecues: large buildings equipped with a whole complex for cooking, or standard belvederes with a small barbecue. The final choice of one type or another depends on the owner of the site.

As for the material for building such a garden house, the most popular options are brick and wood. They are simple and economical to construct.

Wooden structures are beautiful and environmentally friendly. Wood is an inexpensive material that can be easily processed, so you can build a wooden gazebo for a summer house with a barbecue with your own hands. This building has the following advantages:

  • presentable appearance;
  • speed of construction;
  • low cost;
  • can be installed on a lightweight foundation.

Photos of wooden gazebos with barbecues, built from timber, as well as from logs

Attention: when installing the grill in wooden gazebo take care of safety measures.

Garden houses made of wood are often made open or semi-open so that smoke can freely escape from the room. But there are also Finnish gazebos, closed wooden houses, in the center of which there is a grill. It is located on a stone countertop. To prevent smoke from accumulating in the room, a special grill hood is installed in the gazebo.

Warm gazebo with barbecue, built according to Finnish technology ideal for our latitudes

If a wooden structure can be temporary, then a gazebo with a brick barbecue is a permanent structure. The material is not afraid of sparks and coal, and it will last for many years without requiring special care. Brick gazebos are not only reliable, but also warm.

On a note: Although brick construction It costs more than wood, but it has better performance and can be used even in the winter season.

Open and closed brick gazebo with barbecue, photo

The stone structure is durable and reliable. Stone structures will last for several decades, and they do not require special care.

Please note: Both stone and brick buildings are quite heavy, so they require laying a solid foundation.

Photo of a gazebo with a barbecue, built of stone

The best way to create a beautiful, reliable and at the same time inexpensive gazebo is to use a combination various materials. This will save construction costs while improving performance characteristics the buildings. The photo gallery will demonstrate examples of the construction of combined gazebos with barbecues.

Construction technology for a gazebo with barbecue

How to do garden house with a equipped place for preparing barbecue? Let's consider building a summer gazebo with a brick fireplace.


Before starting construction, you should decide on the type of structure. There are:

  • open buildings under a canopy, without any fences;
  • covered gazebos with barbecue facilities - spacious permanent structures similar to a house;
  • combined buildings of a semi-open type.

Winter gazebos with barbecue – warmth and comfort even in cold winter

Advice: glazed gazebos with barbecues can be used at any time of the year, but even when choosing an open structure, make sure that there is a roof or canopy over it to protect from wind and rain.

Layout of a brick closed gazebo with barbecue, photo

Preparatory work

The holiday home should be located in a comfortable and picturesque location. A flat clearing located in the shade of trees or next to a pond is best suited for these purposes.

Preparation of materials

To build the building you will need:

  • clinker brick for gazebo;
  • fireclay brick (fireproof) for a stove with barbecue;
  • cement mortar;
  • metal plate for the hearth and grates;
  • steel reinforcement;
  • hammer, nails, chisel, shovel, saw, level.

Laying the foundation

For a brick structure you need to lay a reliable foundation. Most suitable option will be tape reinforced foundation, the size of which depends on the dimensions of the grill itself, as well as how many people should fit in the gazebo.

Attention: optimal height the foundation above the ground level is 30 cm, the depth is about 40 cm.

Construction of an outdoor gazebo with barbecue in stages

A layer of waterproofing is applied to the foundation, and then the construction of walls begins. Brick laying begins from the entrance opening and continues along the entire perimeter.

Construction of brick walls

Advice: if you want to reduce the weight of the structure, use hollow bricks.

Masonry is carried out until the walls reach the required height. The evenness of each row is checked using a building level. Then on brick pillars install wooden racks and begin to form a rafter system for a hipped roof.

Covering the base of the barbecue and firewood

Formation of the combustion chamber

On a note: You can install a cast iron stove with removable rings if you plan to use a cast iron stove and a cauldron.

The edges of the tabletop are laid out from fireclay bricks. It is laid exclusively on a fire-resistant mixture.

Tabletop decoration

Next, ovens are formed from the same refractory brick, and metal grates and a tray are installed in the brazier. Then they begin to remove the chimneys. To ensure better draft, the chimney is made of three channels.

Construction of the upper part of the stove and chimney

When the oven roof is ready, arches are formed from bricks over the grill and hob. Such elements will give the design a more sophisticated look.

Completing the upper roof of the oven with barbecue

The combination of traditional and modern materials can create an unrivaled effect.

You can make your gazebo more stylish by simply repainting it in White color. A combination of contrasting colors also looks good.

Spectacular gazebos in contrasting colors

Metal structures can be decorated with openwork forged elements. They not only look beautiful, but also add personality to your building.

Application artistic forging— design of a gazebo with barbecue, photo

Bottom line

To create a comfortable and functional place to relax in your garden, one gazebo is not enough. It’s so delicious to enjoy dishes prepared in the fresh air. A barbecue is set up for these purposes. This can be a compact portable structure, or a grill-stove installed in a gazebo. You can buy a ready-made device, or make it yourself using our instructions.
