Nozzle on the crane - types and purpose. Mixer aerators: types and purpose Upgraded options for aerating devices

A fairly common proposal that is found on the Internet is the purchase of a faucet aerator in order to install it at home and significantly reduce water costs. The device is quite popular and has a relatively low price. Aerators are an integral part of various systems. Consider the features of the version that is suitable for the tap of the water supply system.

Why install a water aerator?

Many modern faucets have a special tip at the end, which is the water aerator. Why is it included in the design? Many aerator sellers claim that this structural element required to reduce water consumption. This is due to the mixing of the water jet with the liquid. Some ongoing studies indicate that every minute at standard pressure in the water supply, about 15 liters of water are drained, with the installation of an aerator about 8 liters of water.

A faucet aerator is a small filter-like device designed to mix water with air and restrict the flow without reducing its intensity noticeable to the consumer.

In this case, the pressure does not decrease. In addition, one can also distinguish the following features designs:

  • The aerator allows you to reduce the noise level emanating from the tap at the time of the fall of water. This effect is achieved due to the fact that air bubbles act as a kind of pads. Air bubbles are able to soften the fall of water droplets, due to which noise is reduced.
  • Falling water also reduces splashing. This effect is also due to the fact that air bubbles soften the fall of water.
  • The mesh structure of the design determines that it can act as a coarse filter. Certainly, established norms determine that in drinking water should not contain such large particles, but still such a situation occurs quite often. The lip cleaning filter also reduces the likelihood of contamination of the ducts with various debris, which will create strong pressure in the system.

The above features of the device in question can be called its main advantages. Given the low cost and simplicity of design, we can say that installing an aerator on a faucet is beneficial.

How a faucet aerator works

As previously noted, the design of the aerator is quite simple. In most cases, it is made of three main parts, represented by a body, a small cartridge and a seal. We note the point that on sale quite often you can find versions that do not have a sealing gasket - it is best to refuse such an aerator.

Installing an aerator is the easiest way to conserve water by replacing some of the leaking liquid with air bubbles.

Secret high efficiency aerator lies precisely in its cartridge, which can be produced according to different technologies. The main production schemes are:

  1. Slot type aerator - in this case the formation of an air-water mixture occurs due to the passage of water through a disk with thin slots, after which the flow crashes into a deflecting disk. As a result of such a complex movement of the water flow, it is broken into small drops, which are best mixed with air. After mixing, water is passed through a divider, which increases its stability.
  2. Disc version with reflector. The principle of operation of such an aerator is somewhat different from the principle of operation of the previous version. In this case, the water flow is divided into small jets with the help of a disk with small slots, which then crash into a small reflector. Exactly on this stage water is mixed with air. The metal mesh acts as a divider, which stabilizes the flow of water.

Important! As practice shows, both versions of the aerator have high efficiency, which determines their widespread use. It is quite difficult to determine which type is installed in the mixer, since both types are similar to each other.

Classification of faucet aerator designs

There are a huge number of varieties that differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in many other indicators. An example is the classification according to the type of material used in the manufacture of the body and main elements, technical features, dimensions and much more.

Aerators are various kinds according to the material of manufacture: aluminum, plastic, brass.

Aerators can be conditionally divided into the following main groups:

  • IN Lately aerators, which are made of extruded aluminum, are quite widespread. However, as practice shows, these designs are the worst choice of all possible. Even with a slight mechanical load, such a housing can quickly break. Also, despite the fact that the material in question should not react to the action of water, it oxidizes over time. As a result, a situation arises when, during installation, the structure cannot be removed, but at the same time it has increased fragility. As a rule, extruded aluminum aerators are the cheapest, found on inexpensive faucets.
  • Plastic ones have also become quite widespread, they can hardly be called durable, but unlike the previous version, they are easier to remove. However, do not forget that even a slight mechanical impact will damage the structure. In addition, plastic tips do not look attractive. Some plastic versions have an unusual finish that mimics aluminum.
  • Brass aerators are rare due to their high cost, but this version is the most reliable and practical. The design is not exposed to water, that is, corrosion does not appear on the surface, while it withstands significant mechanical stress.

In addition, some manufacturers of aerators began to use stainless steel as the main material in the manufacture. Like brass, stainless steel can be called the most suitable material for the manufacture of aerators for a number of reasons: high strength, corrosion or oxidation does not appear on the surface.

Classification by installation method

Aerators by appearance are internal and external.

Another important classification can be called the installation method. On this basis, aerators are divided into two main categories:

  1. The internal installation method provides for the presence external thread. In this case, the structure is placed in inner part spout. The features of this version of the design include the fact that it does not change the design of the mixer, which means it is suitable for almost any application. In addition, the design itself is protected from mechanical stress, which means you can choose plastic aerators that will cost less.
  2. The external type of installation is widespread, the body has an internal thread, the aerator is screwed onto the spout. Most often, outdoor aerators are made of brass or stainless steel, as these materials are less susceptible to mechanical stress. However, in the case of outdoor installation, the dismantling of the nozzle is greatly simplified, since when internal installation, for example, it is quite difficult to remove an aerator made of extruded aluminum after its oxidation.

It is quite simple to determine the type of installation by the location of the thread.

Classification of aerators for taps by the presence of additional functions

In addition to how to dilute the water flow with air, some designs can highlight the water to give an unusual effect, or redirect the water. Swivel option execution has the following features:

  • In some cases, this embodiment of the aerator is called flexible.
  • The design is represented by a small flexible ball, which allows you to redirect the water flow in one direction or another.
  • Also on sale you can find a design option, which is a design with two separate parts connected to each other by means of a hinge. The hinge has a flexible hose that is able to fix its position.

Illuminated faucet aerator has the following kind of features:

  • The design has a powerful light source, often represented by diodes.
  • Diodes may have a different color.
  • The backlight turns on when water passes through the nozzle. This moment determines a significant increase in the service life of the structure and a reduction in energy costs.

The backlit design creates a rather interesting effect, as the divided water flow overflows and becomes a light source itself at night, when the main lighting is not turned on. However, the inclusion of a backlight element in the design causes a significant increase in its cost. Therefore, this kind of aerators are installed only on expensive mixers.

The aerator diodes react to the temperature of the water and change their color accordingly.

What are the disadvantages of a faucet with aerator?

On the whole, it can be said that significant shortcomings The faucet does not have an aerator. An exception is a low-quality installation, which after a while will begin to corrode or oxidize. Also, the lack of some outdoor installation is that they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the faucet itself. Purely theoretically, the presence of a striker in the design causes an increase in pressure inside the tap, but this does not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, there are no clear reasons why an aerator should not be installed.

The aerator is one of the reasons high blood pressure inside the faucet, which can shorten its life.

What the experts say

On sale you can find a large number of different versions of aerators, the cost of some is within a few tens of rubles. Some are effective, others are not, despite the use of the same production technology. You have to choose an offer well-known manufacturers, since in this case it is possible to be in the result.

When looking for a way to significantly reduce water consumption, attention should be paid to aerators. I note that 1 liter of water remains 1 liter of water, but the consumption is reduced at the time of washing dishes or taking a shower. The effect has been proven by numerous studies.

I bought an aerator with backlight, installed it, and immediately could not see enough of the result. However, as it turned out, in practice, backlighting is not needed, since in the light it is poorly visible, and in the dark it makes no sense to use a tap.


Summing up

At the beginning it was said that on the Internet you can find a fairly large number of proposals for a significant reduction in water consumption. As practice shows, installing an aerator reduces water consumption by about 30%. Given the cost of the nozzle, its installation is justified. It is important enough to right choice designs, since there are a very large number of them, each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In light of the increase in tariffs for public utilities and a decrease in the standard of living due to the economic crisis, most people are looking for ways to save money and how. And here, helpful businessmen offer to buy an aerator (a special nozzle for a faucet), which, according to them, can reduce water consumption by 40-50%. Isn't it great to buy once a thing that will pay off in just 1-2 months, and will continue to save you money? It is with this slogan that marketers urge to buy aerators.

The variety of models, as well as the prices, is impressive. There are also very simple nozzles for 400-600 rubles, and rotating or backlit ones for 1100-1300 rubles. Some online stores even create colorful sales pages that vividly describe the benefits of buying an aerator and invite you to buy the device without fail. It's true, their prices are outrageous. The same model, which costs 600 rubles in a regular plumbing store, they sell at a price of 1,500 rubles, or even higher. But can aerators really reduce water use and help save money on utility bills? Or is this a new marketing ploy aimed at extracting money from the pockets of the townsfolk?

What is an aerator

The aerator is a special nozzle on the mixer, along the perimeter of which there is a series of small holes. According to the sellers, the water consumption is reduced due to the suction of air through these holes, which dilutes the water jet.

Internal aerators are produced, which are screwed into the faucet spout, and external ones, which are a design that is put on the mixer from above. They are usually made of brass, stainless steel, plastic or extruded aluminium. In addition to simple nozzles, models with a rotating head or with illumination are also available. These aerators are quite bulky and can be a problem for those who have a faucet too low above the sink.

Is it profitable to buy

Let's assume that the aerator is really able to save up to 50% of water consumption. Let's see how already on this beautiful phrase“Water saving 50%” marketers are deceiving and we will calculate whether it is really profitable to buy an aerator or you just once again waste your money and you won’t even be able to recapture the cost of the product.

The main water consumption in the house is a shower, bath and toilet tank drain. The aerator is designed to be installed on the faucet in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Tap water is mainly used mainly to wash, brush your teeth or wash dishes. Filling a bathtub, kettle or pan with water will definitely not save money, since it is the volume that is needed. The total consumption of tap water compared to the volume that is consumed when taking a shower or bath, as well as flushing the toilet, is only a small part - about 10%.

Let's make some conditional calculations. On average, a family of 4 uses about 24 cubic meters of water. Even if the same amount of cold and hot water goes, although in practice most spend cold water much more. Approximate water tariffs for Moscow 130 rubles - hot water, 35 rubles - cold, 30 - water disposal (Tariffs are approximate, since tariffs differ depending on the organization and location of the house. In the regions, prices are even lower). The total is 130x12 + 35x12 + 30x24 \u003d 1560 + 420 + 720 \u003d 2700 rubles. In total, for water that is consumed directly from the tap, the amount of payment is approximately 270 rubles. If we assume that the aerator really saves 50% of water, then the saved amount will be only 135 rubles per month. And this despite the fact that there are 4 people in the family. But you were promised 50% savings, which meant that the savings would be from the entire amount of payment for utilities for water supply, that is, in our case, 1350 rubles, not 135.

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Do not forget that there are at least two taps in the apartment (if you do not have two bathrooms) - in the kitchen and in the bathroom. So you need to install 2 aerators. The cost of one nozzle is about 500-600 rubles, if you do not buy very simple and cheap options that will fall apart in a month. In total, if we assume that aerators really reduce water consumption by 50% of water, then at a cost of 1000-1200 rubles for devices and savings of 135 rubles a month, the paid funds will be returned to you only after 7-9 months. And given the fragility of the structure and the likelihood of rust, they will just have to be changed by that time.

Here the first fraud of sellers was revealed. They claim that aerators save 50% of water, forgetting to clarify that this figure is not calculated from the entire volume of water used, but only from a tenth of it. But okay, if it would be their most terrible deception. If the family is large, then it would make sense to buy durable and reliable nozzles, which at least a year later gave at least some savings. But no! The most terrible deception of marketers lies in the fact that aerators do not actually save anything!

50% water savings? Alas…

At one time, having become angry because of another increase in utility rates and having heard plenty of beautiful promises about saving water with the help of an aerator, I also bought this interesting thing for myself with great hopes. I paid about 500 rubles for it in a plumbing store. Installing it was really easy, as promised by the manufacturer. On this, all the pluses ended.

Screw on the nozzle and hope that it will really save me 50% of water, it was not enough for me. Therefore, full of enthusiasm, I decided to check whether the sellers told me the truth or not. My instruments for the experiment were two three-liter jars and a timer on the phone. 10 seconds to fill the jars from the tap with and without an aerator and compare the difference in the volumes received. Do you really think it was 50%? No matter how! Alas, the water in the banks was the same amount. The difference was no more than 100 ml, and this despite the fact that both jars were filled with about 2 liters. The video clearly demonstrates an experiment to check the flow of water using an aerator.

I only regretted the purchase and the money spent. Later, a familiar plumber explained that in fact the aerator works simply as a water distributor. The same volume of water is poured out not in one continuous stream, but through several holes. The water pressure is the same, the volume is the same, so there is no question of reducing the flow, and consequently, saving the cost of utilities for the supply.

In total, having bought an aerator for himself in the hope of significantly saving on paying for water, a person will only spend money, time on the purchase and installation of a part and become the owner of an unnecessary trinket. In addition, a massive faucet nozzle can cause discomfort when washing hands or pouring water into dishes, as it greatly reduces the distance between the faucet and the sink.

A few years ago, when buying a faucet for a kitchen or bathroom, sometimes you could see kits with a removable or built-in aerator on sale. Many, considering them to be an ordinary filter, independently removed this modification from the tap, citing the fact that they already have a built-in filter installed.

To date, it is quite difficult to purchase any mixer without this additional element, which performs not only its direct function (filters and saturates water with oxygen), but also contributes to a significant reduction in water consumption.

Description and features

A faucet aerator is a small strainer mounted on a spout. This device allows you to saturate ordinary water with air microparticles, that is, to aerate it. An aerator is often referred to as a "diffuser" because it divides one large stream of liquid down the spout into many smaller streams.

The main details of such a device are:

  • case (most often made of metal or plastic);
  • filters for additional purification of water from small litter;
  • water and gas mixer (with the help of holes along the perimeter, air is sucked into the housing);
  • outer mesh (for dividing the main jet into many small jets);
  • various bushings and seals (for a tight connection).

The aerator allows you to create Various types water flow:

  • aerated - voluminous soft jet without splashing;
  • laminar - intense crystal clear jet;
  • spray - a lot of miniature jets.


The main function of the tap water aerator is to saturate it with oxygen microparticles. This not only significantly changes its taste properties in better side, but also contributes to faster weathering of chlorine if the water in the region is chlorinated. In addition, the jet itself falls more gently on the bottom of the sink and on objects placed in it, which significantly reduces the splashing of liquid on the surrounding space. If a rotary aerator is installed in the kitchen, then washing a large kitchen utensils simplifies several times, the flow of water reduces its impact force and more gently washes cleaning agents from the soaped surface.

Another function of the faucet aerator is water saving. Although the device itself is not very reliable and often needs to be replaced (at least once a year), it reduces water consumption by a factor of two or more.

At the same time, the convenience of washing dishes with such savings does not become lower, but even increases due to higher efficiency of use. With a wide jet, dishes are washed several times faster, which also saves time on cleaning. homework. The second disadvantage, in addition to frequent replacement, is the slow rate of water intake into the tank, but this disadvantage is so insignificant that it can be safely neglected.

What are there?

The simplest aerator is a small round atomizer with a metal mesh screwed into the faucet spout. Today, such a standard device is included with any purchased mixer and, like a foot valve, will reduce water consumption by at least 30 percent. It will last about six months, after which it needs to be replaced with a similar or more complex device.

Rotary aerators are also called flexible, as they can be rotated in different directions. One of the options for such a device is a special elongated hose tube, which is attached to the spout spout. Such a device allows you to collect liquid even in those containers that do not fit in the sink bowl.

The second option is an aerator in the form of a small watering can, similar to a shower head. Adjustable in length, it can be moved around the sink area and used in spray and jet modes. By adjusting the inclination of the aerator head and the water pressure, you can achieve the perfect result in each specific situation.

A jet of liquid in an interesting illuminated device is illuminated depending on its temperature. Cold water (up to 29 degrees) is highlighted in green, warm (from 30 to 38 degrees) - blue, and hot (above 40 degrees) highlighted in red. This is implemented due to internal thermal sensors that do not require connection to the mains. The built-in turbine that feeds the LED lamps rotates due to the flow of water when the tap is opened, therefore this method of saturating water with oxygen is also called ejector.

Illuminated devices are especially convenient for families with small children, as they allow you to immediately find out the temperature of the liquid by the color of the stream when you open it. Besides bright colors will help to attract the attention of the child, and bathing will take place in a more relaxed atmosphere. Also, a backlit aerator is often installed on sensorless touchless faucets in order to immediately see what temperature water is pouring from it.

The vacuum aerator is considered the most economical, it allows you to reduce the amount of water used by half. The price of such nozzles significantly exceeds the usual ones, but quickly pays off. vacuum system compresses the water with a special valve, after which it forms a strong jet passing through the filter cells under a stronger pressure than the pressure in the central system.

In addition to the design of the device itself, aerators may differ in the type of nozzles. Disk devices are a nozzle with a round disk in which small holes for liquid are located. With their help, the main flow is divided into thin streams and dissected by a reflector ( metal mesh). The slotted aerator saturates the liquid with air by breaking the water flow into separate drops through special slots in the deflecting disk, after which the oxygen-enriched jet is cut through the metal mesh of the filter.

Since the device of any aerator includes various filtering and separating grids, then the difference may be due to the type of material from which they are made:

  • From metal. The simplest and cheapest elements that have the shortest service life.

  • From polymers. Polymer dividers can be either simple disks similar to metal ones or complex "tunnel" systems. The plasticity of the material allows you to create not only round aerators, but also rectangular, hexagonal and devices complex shape. They practically do not oxidize from contact with water and air, which significantly extends their service life, but at the same time increases their price. In addition, polymers are most often quite fragile and can break from a little pressure when washing plumbing.
  • From non-ferrous metals. Brass, bronze aerators are expensive to manufacture, as a result of which they have a rather high price. However, the service life and reliability of the design perfectly compensate for their cost.
  • Grids made of plastic and extruded aluminium. Both of these options have many disadvantages: fragile, short-lived, aluminum is highly oxidized and tightly welded to the inner surface of the spout pipe, plastic can be deformed when high temperatures. Their only merit is low price, however, the risks posed by the choice are so poor quality products, are too high.

According to the installation method, it is possible to distinguish between an internal aerator (screwed into the spout) and an external aerator (screwed onto the spout).


In addition to differences in design features and materials, aerators differ in thread sizes. Since its size must correspond to the diameter of the spout pipe, it is very important to choose the right required parameters(on a tap with a spout diameter of 22 mm, an aerator with a thread of 18 mm will not fit and vice versa). The diameter of the aerator can vary from 12 to 1200 mm. The height of the device is 14-2000 mm, and the diameter of the air channel is from 20 to 2200 mm. The thread size is indicated alphanumerically (M20, M24, M28, and so on) and is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

The three most commonly used standard diameter threads: 28/26, 24/22 and 18/16 mm. It follows from this ratio that if an external thread of 28 mm is used, then the internal thread for the same tap will be 26 mm. Another important point is to buy an aerator with an external thread for a spout with an external thread, respectively. The same is true for the spout with internal thread.

Manufacturers overview

The more reliable the manufacturer, the less likely it is to buy a defect or a fake, so when choosing a mixer nozzle, it is best to choose companies that top the rating of the best according to customer reviews.

  • Grohe. Sanitary fittings made in Germany are different high quality, wide operational modifications and original design.
  • Jacob Delafon. French nozzles, predominantly made of sanitary porcelain, are considered elite equipment. High price guarantees a long service life and excellent product quality.

  • Finnish aerators Timo created using modern technologies from various materials, including both complex polymers and bronze or brass. For products various forms, sizes and colors, a five-year warranty card is provided, which indicates a serious approach to the quality of products.
  • Oras. Aerators manufactured in Poland, Finland and Norway with an innovative approach have recently entered the domestic market, but have already firmly taken a leading position in it. Plumbing accessories of this brand are equipped with automation and are easy to use, and the price can compete even with Chinese counterparts.

Depending on the design of the material and the manufacturer, the cost of aerators per construction market ranges from $2 to $10.

How to choose?

In order to choose a suitable aerator, it is necessary to focus primarily on the quality of the product and its price. The cheapest, but least reliable plastic and aluminum nozzles will last from a couple of months to six months. Slightly more reliable are considered more expensive metal and ceramic aerators. However, they are also highly susceptible to corrosion and their service life leaves much to be desired. Brass nozzles are considered the most durable and reliable.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the fastening on the faucet spout. The device can be with an external or internal thread and is selected depending on the thread of the mixer itself. Last but not least important aspect is the presence additional features. In the bathroom, an illuminated aerator will look good, and in the kitchen, any housewife will be delighted with a flexible device that allows you to comfortably wash even the largest pot in the sink.

Can you make your own?

Knowing the principle of operation and the scheme of the purchased aerator, in order to save money, you can try to make it yourself. In order to make such a nozzle, you must have an empty case from any nozzle on the faucet and a strong plastic plate. Gaskets are cut out of plastic, matching in size with the inner diameter of the nozzle.

With the help of a red-hot needle or a sharp awl, many holes are made in such a gasket so that it resembles a fine mesh. Ready nets are placed in the empty body of the nozzle instead of conventional filters, and the nozzle is attached to the spout. Such an aerator will perform all the functions assigned to it, however, its service life is significantly lower than purchased products, especially with brass nets.

Installation instructions

Installation of the aerator is not particularly difficult even for a person who has never encountered this device. In order to install a new or replace an old aerator, you must adhere to a certain algorithm.

First you need to remove from the mixer all the nozzles installed on it earlier. Unscrew the body and remove the old rubber gasket placed on the spout spout. The joint must be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then allowed to dry slightly.

In the package with the device, you need to find a seal in the form of a rubber gasket and put it on the faucet spout. If there is no such seal in the kit, you will have to buy it yourself. It should be of such a diameter that it fits the mixer. If the diameters of the aerator and the mixer itself are different, then you must additionally purchase a special adapter and additional gaskets. The material of the adapter must match the materials of the faucet and aerator. After the adapter, a rubber gasket is also placed on it.

The aerator is screwed to the mixer (or adapter) using a key or pliers. In order not to damage the chrome-plated glossy surface, at the junction of the tool with the body of the device, you can put a piece of cloth, rubber, or purchase a special tool. The thread must be tightened sufficiently tightly, but extra effort it is not worth applying, so as not to disrupt it.

After installation, it is imperative to carry out a leak test. If water seeps through the joints, then you need to either tighten the threads or adjust the gasket.

Modern faucets have a special nozzle at the end of the spout that traps large particles that are contained in the water. In addition, in addition to cleaning the stream from large contaminants, the filter nozzle on the water faucet performs some other functions.

Below we will take a closer look at what nozzles are and what qualities they have.

General information

Traditional faucet heads are a cap that is screwed onto the tip of the spout. There are several meshes inside it. Such nozzles are called aerators ().

The aerator body can be made of different materials, the best quality products are made of brass. Cheap options may be plastic, these products are less durable.

In addition to rough water purification, aerators perform a number of other additional functions:

  • They saturate the water with oxygen, as a result of which a soft foamy stream of milky color is obtained at the outlet of the spout.
  • Provides water savings without compromising pressure. Depending on the product model, savings can be as high as 70 percent. To verify this, you can detect, for example, how long a two-liter jar with and without an aerator takes.
  • Promote the weathering of chlorine from the water.
  • Reduce the sound of falling water.
  • They provide an orderly direction of the jet even when the tap is not fully opened.

It should be noted that recently water-saving nozzles on the faucet have been improved, resulting in more complex devices with additional functions.

Note! Aerators from time to time must be unscrewed and cleaned of contamination. Because this design less durable than a faucet, over time it may require complete replacement.


So, we examined the device and purpose of conventional aerators, however, recently the following types of nozzles have also become widespread:

  • Aerators with illumination;
  • Spray aerators;
  • Filters;
  • Spout tips for children.

All these devices are designed for different purposes, so below we will take a closer look at the features of each of them.

Illuminated aerators

This nozzle on the faucet performs primarily an aesthetic function, as it illuminates the water stream, which ultimately looks very beautiful. However, in addition to this, the product also has some practical benefits, namely, it reports the temperature of the water.

The fact is that depending on the temperature, the color of the backlight changes:

The backlight turns on automatically, since there is a small generator inside the structure, which starts working when it is exposed to a jet of water. Installing this device with your own hands is as simple as a conventional aerator.

Note! Working temperature of these devices is 60 degrees Celsius, if it is significantly exceeded, the aerator may fail.

aerator atomizer

The spray nozzle on the faucet provides a shower mode, which allows you to simply and efficiently wash dishes, vegetables and fruits. For convenience, such products have a swivel, so that the device can be directed in the right direction.

This nozzle is usually installed on the kitchen faucet, where it is most in demand. It should be noted that in this case water savings are ensured not only by increasing the pressure, but also by better removal of contaminants, which takes less time.

Advice! There is also a flexible spray nozzle on sale. This version of the device is even more convenient for washing vegetables and fruits.


Unlike conventional aerators, these devices provide sorption of the water flow. Compared to jug cartridges, the sorption material of such filters has an increased density, which allows it to effectively capture all kinds of contaminants.

It should be noted that many people are skeptical about these devices due to their compactness, however, the most advanced filters - faucet nozzles for water purification are equal in performance to traditional multi-stage purification systems. True, the life of the cassettes of such filters is limited to several months.

In addition to the sorption material, the nozzle-filter on the faucet has an ion-exchange mesh material.

As a result, the design is a small flask containing:

  • Ion exchange filter;
  • grid;
  • Cartridge with activated carbon located on a magnetic grid, in other words, a magnetic carbon filter is obtained.

It must be said that the most modern fillers provide purification of tap water not only from suspended particles and mechanical impurities, but also from noroviruses and rotaviruses. The rate of water purification can be up to one liter per minute.

Note! The instructions for using the filters in question imply their use for cold water. If hot water has been passed through the filter, the device must be rinsed with a cold stream.

It should be noted that filters for the bathroom and shower faucet can also saturate the water with microelements and vitamins, which are indispensable for the human body.

Modern faucets are equipped with a small element called an aerator, which is attached to the place where the water flows from the tap. If we touch on the issue of linguistics, then we can understand to some extent what the mentioned device is, since there is Greek word"aeration" meaning "air". Based on this, an aerator should be considered a device installed on a water mixer in order to saturate water with air.

Why do you need an aerator?

An important aspect of the nozzle is that it saves water.

Firstly, the water flow passing through the aerator becomes, as it were, soft, that is, its power normalizes, which is always constant. This provides savings in terms of water consumption. It is believed that at least 15 liters of water per minute passes through one single tap. In the case of installing an aerator, this situation changes radically, as there is a global decrease in water consumption (on average, 2 times).

Secondly, the aerator allows you to use water with great comfort by changing the quality of the water jet, which stops hitting in one place, thereby causing the appearance of a large number spray. The flow of water that has passed through the aerator becomes foamy to a certain extent, acquiring a soft effect on everything where it enters. Therefore, additional convenience is gained, for example, when washing dishes, since in this case there are practically no splashes, and a kind of enveloping water stream effectively washes the detergent from both dishes and human hands.

Thirdly, the design of the aerator leads to the purification of water from large compounds in the form of various kinds of deposits, which positively affects the quality of water. Also an important circumstance is the reduction of chlorine compounds in the water stream due to its saturation with oxygen, since this creates conditions for the weathering of such compounds.

What are the pros and cons of an aerator?

The advantages of using an aerator include the following points:

  • a significant reduction in water consumption, when, as already mentioned, a two-time reduction in its consumption is achieved;
  • less water noise due to the softening of the flow pressure;
  • improved water quality (less chlorine and obstruction of the passage of large particles of sediment);
  • ease of installation, which can be done without the involvement of specialists;
  • low cost, rarely exceeding the price tag of 600 rubles.

As for the cons, they are few, but they still exist:

  • a decrease in the volume of water passing through the aerator, which somewhat complicates the process of filling large containers, such as bathtubs;
  • frequent repair of aerators or their complete replacement - due to poor quality water, when such a need may occur quite regularly, for example, once every six months.

What are the types of aerators?

  1. Vacuum, allowing you to save water no longer by 2 times, but by 4, which becomes possible due to the special design of the vacuum valve, which provides strong compression of water to eject a powerful jet.
  2. Adjustable, which are also called rotary, capable of dissecting the flow of water, which leads to a change in its power. As a result, two modes of operation of such an aerator become available with the formation of a jet or spray.
  3. Unregulated, as a result of the use of which in no way can the power of the flow of outgoing water be affected.
  4. Backlit, used not only to add aesthetics to the process of water consumption, but also to obtain certain information. So, depending on the temperature of the water, there is a gradation of color: green (up to 31 ° C), blue (up to 43 ° C) and red (up to 45 ° C). Aerators of this kind are capable of operating in conditions where the water temperature is within 60 ° C. Their operation does not provide for the presence of an energy source, since such aerators contain a special microturbine, supplemented by an electric generator.
  5. Decorative, for example, in the form of bright animal figurines, which may interest children, or forming a water stream twisted into a spiral, but these are already design solutions.

How is an aerator arranged?

The main components of the aerator are the body this device; a plastic module that includes one or another number of filters; gasket based on rubber or silicone.

Main types of thread


One of three main versions can be used as the body material:

  • non-ferrous metals in the form of brass and bronze, as well as ceramics, guaranteeing the durability of the device in question;
  • ordinary metals, with the help of which they create budget structures subject to corrosion, which significantly reduces their service life;
  • plastic, affordable models, but of lower quality compared to those made of metal.

plastic module

The design of the module, which directly saturates water with air, assumes the presence of a so-called slotted cartridge with slots, or a disk reflector with holes, due to which the said process takes place. As for the filter, it consists of grids with small cells laid in a cylindrical body, where two layers of such grids are responsible for cleaning, stopping large fragments of sediments, and those going further provide excess air in the water flow. At the same time, aerators manufactured by different manufacturers, in terms of the device may differ slightly from each other.


A rubber or silicone ring for hermetic connection of the aerator with a water tap, the density of which depends on the degree of fixation carried out using a threaded connection. There are nozzles for aerating water that have an internal or external thread, which consumers should consider when purchasing this type of product.

How to dismantle/install aerators and clean them?

Usually aerators come with taps, therefore, initially there is a need to dismantle them for cleaning, and not vice versa. tap water contains various impurities that cause sediment to appear on the filter meshes, which leads to a decrease in water pressure, up to the complete cessation of its outflow from the tap. Based on this, it becomes necessary to dismantle the aerator in order to clean it or completely replace it, if it is not possible to restore the operability of this device. To do this, you must adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Use a special key for locksmith work or ordinary pliers to dismantle the aerator. You can also try to unscrew the nozzle by hand, but this usually does not work, as over time threaded connection accumulates sediment, which prevents unscrewing. There are two notches on the aerator body that provide gripping with the tool. In this case, it is necessary to unscrew the nozzle clockwise, starting from the view from above. In order not to scratch the case, wrap the pliers, for example, with electrical tape or other suitable material.
  2. After the nozzle has been dismantled, remove the gasket and check for wear. If the condition of the rubber (silicone) ring is unsatisfactory, then take care of replacing it.
  3. On next step you should go directly to disassembling the aerator. To do this, remove all filters in the form of grids and clean the cells with a needle, an awl and (or) a toothbrush under running water. Such an operation does not always end in success, since not all types of deposits can be removed mechanically. What makes you turn to chemical way cleaning with apple cider vinegar, which can be replaced with any detergent used in everyday life. In particular, it is necessary to place the filters in the agent of your choice until the deposits are completely dissolved. To remove rust, you can turn to special chemical compounds that are designed to care for plumbing equipment.

If the cleaning of all elements of the aerator was successful, then you can proceed to the installation of the device, trying to repeat your previous steps related to dismantling, in reverse order. In this case, one important condition must be observed in relation to the filter meshes, which must be laid so that the cell edges of each layer form an angle of 45 ° to the other layer.

Before you begin to install the nozzle, be sure to make sure that the rubber ring gasket is in place. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve sealing, and this will cause a leak. During installation, the aerator should be twisted counterclockwise without fanaticism, observing the principle of applying efforts only to the right extent and no more. If you do not follow this advice, then you can easily ruin the nozzle or faucet faucet.

Since aerators are different, in particular, to a certain extent high-tech, with regard to backlit devices, the question may arise: how to install such models? The answer here can be one, implying that the installation of backlit aerators is done in the same way as traditional devices of this kind.

Which aerator manufacturers are the market leaders?

As you know, any device is guaranteed to work without problems for a long time if it is of high quality workmanship, which is not least due to the authority of the manufacturer. Today, there are a sufficient number of manufacturers of aerators on the market, but not all of them can offer users really high-quality devices. Although there are pleasant exceptions, for example:

  • Grohe is a German manufacturer that occupies a little less than 10 percent of the world market, distinguished by the fact that it produces high-quality products with a long service life of up to 10 years (350–1000 rubles);
  • Oras is a company from Finland that offers a range of nozzles both in the form of individual products (250–500 rubles) and complete with mixers;
  • Timo is again a Finnish manufacturer using modern technologies when creating their products, which provides a 5-year warranty for it (180–500 rubles);
  • Jacob Delafon is a French manufacturer that has received recognition in the “bathroom design” nomination, but offers nozzles in a more expensive segment with a maximum price tag of 600 rubles.

How to choose the right aerator?

Going to the store to buy an aerator, you need to pay attention to the quality of the nozzle, which is directly related to its price. As a result, the cheapest models are plastic devices, the service life of which is minimal. Ordinary metal nozzles are recognized as slightly better quality and, finally, brass products are considered the most durable.

If your home is equipped with relatively big amount water faucets, and each of them individually is not used so often, then they can be equipped with inexpensive aerators. The situation is quite different in those families where one tap is used by all family members on a daily basis. In this case, it is advisable to purchase a more expensive model from the same brass, as this will lead to greater cost savings due to a longer service life.
