Fiberglass cobweb for painting glue. Painting fiberglass: varieties, application features, installation. Little instructions to follow

Many people consider repair an occupation that will certainly take a lot of time and effort. And that is why it is so important for them that, in the end, everything is done perfectly and remains so for as long as possible. Here, it is precisely in order for such desires to become a reality that fiberglass was created, which is also called the "spider line".

What is fiberglass

Probably, many have never even heard of such a building material as fiberglass, and therefore it is important to first find out what it is and what it is made of. So, this material is made from quartz or silicate sand, or rather, from glass. “It’s fragile,” you probably think. The fact is that the web is made of the finest glass threads, and as a result of their pressing, an incredibly strong, very flexible and thin canvas is obtained.
This type of material is used to reinforce the surfaces of walls, ceilings, etc. It prevents cracks on the surface, levels it, and also fixes putty or plaster. Fiberglass can be painted, primed, wallpapered, etc. It guarantees integrity finishing.

What are the advantages?

This type of material, like gossamer fiberglass, is gaining more and more popularity among people in the construction profession every day. But what contributes to this? What are the advantages of this material? So, here are just a few of them:

  1. Resistant to moisture, so it can be used even in rooms with high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens and so on.
  2. It differs in that it does not attract dust at all.
  3. It passes air with ease.
  4. Prevents the appearance of mold and its spread.
  5. It is safe for humans and environmentally friendly.
  6. Fire resistant.
  7. Very easy to clean with a damp, clean sponge or cloth.
  8. It is also corrosion resistant.
  9. It does not contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction in humans.
  10. Does not accumulate static electricity.

This material is not only very strong, reliable and inexpensive, but it is also quite easy to work with. If everything is done according to the rules, then after completing the repair, you will admire your transformed home for more than one year.

Cons of fiberglass and precautions

Any finishing material has both positive and negative sides. However, before deciding whether it suits you for work or not, you should weigh the pros and cons.
So, the main disadvantage is the smallest particles of fiberglass, which are inevitably formed during the work. So, for example, when cutting material and gluing it. Contact with the skin can cause irritation. To avoid this, it is necessary to wear tight gloves and overalls for work.
Experts also advise that you should never start working with fiberglass if your eyes, nose and mouth are not protected. To do this, you can use a bandage or a respirator and goggles. If you dress correctly, then in the process of work you will receive absolutely no harm to health.

Almost every surface, whether it be a ceiling or a wall, needs finishing. In order to make this process much easier, fiberglass is glued. When using it, the need to use a starting putty is completely eliminated.
Experts recommend using this type of finishing material without fail for those surfaces that are very often subjected to mechanical damage or there is a risk of cracks. Fiberglass is able to strengthen these surfaces, and this is possible due to the fact that it is incredibly strong and durable.
Most of all, this type of material is suitable for finishing the ceiling surface. It is very important to consider here that it can be glued to almost any wall or ceiling. For example, with this reinforcing material, surfaces such as concrete, plaster, plasterboard, and so on can be strengthened. As a result, you will be very Smooth surface, which can be finished at your discretion, for example, paint, putty, stick wallpaper and so on.

Advantages of fiberglass in various fields of application

However, this type of material can be used not only to strengthen the surfaces of walls and ceilings. It can also be applied in other areas:

  1. Fiberglass is used during roofing works. So, there are such types of it that are used as the basis for bituminous mastic.
  2. By using this material pipeline can be protected.
  3. To strengthen the walls. In this case, fiberglass painting is used. It creates reliable protective layer, which will protect the surface from the appearance of cracks, both small and large enough. And he is able to prevent even cracking of the walls, the cause of which is the shrinkage of the structure.
  4. It is also used during the manufacture of the waterproofing layer. This material is often used to process polymer sheets.
  5. Very often this material is used in the manufacture of drainage systems.
  6. Designers also use fiberglass, creating real masterpieces from this material.

Also, this reinforcing material is used in order to save cash. And it saves quite a lot of money. The thing is that the use of fiberglass helps to significantly increase the time between repairs.

Preparatory stage before gluing the surface with a "cobweb"

Such finishing material how to glue the fiberglass "cobweb" to the desired surface is quite simple. And almost anyone can do it. To do this, it will be enough to observe a few very simple rules, and then the result of your efforts will please you for more than one year.
What width or length to cut a strip of fiberglass you decide for yourself. For example, for gluing the wall surface, you can use strips equal to its height. However, when finishing the ceiling, experts recommend using strips no more than 1.5–2 m in length.
It is also very important, before sticking the "cobweb", to check where it has the front side. The thing is that the wrong side and the front side are very similar to each other. However, this material must be glued correctly. How to distinguish sides? You can find this information on the packaging or in the instructions that came with the fiberglass.
Then you should apply a special adhesive to the prepared and always dry surface of the wall or ceiling. The applied layer should be slightly larger than the width of the finishing material. The thing is that the glue absorbs and dries pretty quickly.

pasting process

After the finishing material and the surface to be glued are prepared, you can proceed to the direct finishing process. You just need to attach a strip of fiberglass to the wall and smooth it with a rag or your hands. Finally, smooth the surface with a spatula, while trying to remove all air from under the glued material.
After you make sure that the strip is firmly stuck, you will need to use a sharp knife to remove all excess. And only after that you can start applying the adhesive directly to the front side of the material. It should be completely saturated with glue, so that its color over the entire surface becomes dark from moisture.
Then you can start gluing the next strip, while it is worth considering that they overlap. It is better if possible to make the strips the same size. And professionals advise to paste over the ceiling exclusively along the room.
After the second sheet is smeared with glue, you need, armed with a very sharp knife, cut in the place where the overlap is made on a straight line. And then it will be necessary to remove all unnecessary in such a way that you end up with a perfectly flat surface.

How to paint

After the fiberglass dries, it will be possible to start finishing the surface. And most often this finishing material is painted. However, unlike sticking the web itself, coloring it is a rather difficult task that can take a lot of time and effort. And all this is because this material has a porous structure and therefore the paint will be absorbed into it very quickly, and at least it will be necessary to apply at least a couple of layers of coloring matter.
For coloring, it is best to choose paint on water based. The fact is that it is applied much easier and more evenly. And also if you apply several layers, the surface will still remain perfectly smooth.
It is also better to prefer a paint roller brush. You simply dip it in paint and paint the surface. However, there are two things to consider here. First, the joints must be painted over very carefully, using a special "wing". And the second - the interval between applying layers should be at least 12 hours.
Also, do not forget about the precautions. When painting the painting fiberglass, do not forget to wear special clothing that will protect you from small fiberglass, which, once on an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, can cause quite unpleasant sensations. And it's not that easy to get rid of them.

Can fiberglass be wallpapered?

Some people don't like painted walls and opt for wallpaper instead. However, many are wondering: "Is it possible to stick wallpaper on fiberglass?".
You can stick wallpaper, but only before that the fiberglass must be puttied. And only after the putty is completely dry, you can proceed to finish the surface with wallpaper.
It is worth noting that the puttied surface can also be painted. In this case, you will reduce paint consumption several times. And another advantage of painting such a surface is that it will turn out very smooth. After all, if you apply paint directly to the fiberglass, then a kind of relief of the finishing material will appear through it.

The nuances of pasting drywall with fiberglass gossamer

It is very common that the surface of the ceiling or walls is finished with plasterboard. In order to strengthen and prevent deformation of the surface, fiberglass is also used. However, there are a couple of important nuances in pasting such a surface with this type of finishing material.

  1. First of all, you will need to coat all the joints and the entry points of the self-tapping screws with putty. As a result, you should get an almost perfectly flat surface. Be sure to wait until the putty is completely dry.
  2. Then you will need to coat the entire surface of the drywall with glue - this is a primer layer. And it will be possible to start finishing the surface with a “cobweb” only after the glue has completely dried. By the way, the adhesive must be used one that is specifically designed for this kind of finishing material. Further pasting is carried out according to the above scheme.

Before proceeding with the direct finishing work, you need to learn a few tips from professionals:

  1. Usually, a material with a lower density is used for finishing the ceiling, and a material with a higher density is used for walls. This is very important to consider when choosing fiberglass, otherwise the finishing process can become very complicated.
  2. It is also important to choose the right and very high quality glue. Don't skimp here. If you choose a low-quality or inappropriate adhesive, this can adversely affect the final result and significantly reduce the time between repairs.
  3. When gluing the ceiling surface, it is very important to use a reliable stepladder. Please note that the stairs this case not suitable, as you must have both hands completely free.
  4. Fiberglass must be handled with great care. You should avoid deformation of this finishing material, as this will have a very negative effect on the final result.

Painting fiberglass gossamer is becoming more and more popular every year. And if you do not make mistakes during the finishing work, then the result of your work will delight you and your guests for many years. And to change the design, you just need to repaint the walls or ceiling in a different color or stick new beautiful wallpapers.

Fiberglass gossamer has proven itself as a finishing material and helped to get rid of many problems. Today, even in new apartment there are many problems with the repair. Cracks appear on the walls or ceiling, which are very difficult to get rid of. Even if they are repeatedly plastered, they will appear again. To change the situation, the cobweb grid is called upon. The popularity of this material is growing more and more. Its use avoids possible problems further. And it's very easy to glue. The main thing is to do everything right.

Fiberglass, one of the varieties of materials for puttying or painting. It is a thin non-woven sheet, which is pressed from fiberglass filaments. It looks like a grid. This material is made roll way, one meter wide and twenty and fifty meters long. It should be borne in mind that this material is not intended for fine finishing. Its scope is to protect surfaces from cracks.

The web has a density of 20 g/m2 to 60 g/m2. For painting, a grid of lower density is used, for reinforcing a larger one. This material allows you to hide microcracks, and also allows the walls to breathe. The complete naturalness of the material does not violate the environmental situation of the room. When using it, the appearance of fungus is prevented, it does not react with chemicals. It can be applied on objects with high humidity.

Fiberglass gossamer gives increased strength to the base and prevents cracks

Areas of use

This material can be glued to any surface. It gives increased strength to plaster and putty. If necessary, it can be applied before staining. Very often, a cobweb is used before wallpapering. But this can lead to the formation of bubbles, which appear due to the fact that the drying process takes a very long time.

Should know! Fiberglass has two sides - the wrong side and the front. They differ in their structure, the front side is very smooth to the touch. The wrong side with villi, it is better glued. Although there is a correct division into parties, but if they are confused, then there will be no special consequences. Most importantly, follow right amount glue and firmly press the material to the surface.

Adhesive mix

Glue for the "cobweb" should be selected correctly. It needs a special one that is designed specifically for this purpose. Trying to save money and use other types of glue is not necessary. This can lead to consequences that could not be expected.

Glue is applied thickly, but without frills. It is very convenient that if there is not enough glue, and the mesh is already pasted, then you can smear it on top - soak it. The cobweb mix has the following advantages:

  • glue is completely environmentally friendly;
  • does not leave stains and marks;
  • final setting time - 2 days;
  • does not respond to cold.

Rules for applying a web grid

To glue a cobweb, special skills are not needed at all. It is important to follow the rules, which are quite simple. But if there is no experience, then it is best to practice a little. Do not immediately take on large amounts of work. A little patience, and soon everything will turn out like real masters.

VIDEO: how to work with fiberglass

The process of applying fiberglass can be divided into several stages. Much depends on the correctness of their implementation.

  1. The surface on which this material will be glued is prepared. It is advisable to remove all irregularities, they can cause bubbles. All dirt is washed off with a damp cloth.
  2. Glue is applied to the wall or ceiling. You should not feel sorry for the glue, but you do not need to use it a lot either. The fact is that the process of applying the grid is very similar to the wallpaper sticker. The same rules apply here.
  3. A pre-prepared cobweb of the desired width is applied to the surface. It is best to observe the correctness of the front and back sides.
  4. Fiberglass is well smoothed. If it does not work with your hands, then you can use a soft cloth. Using a spatula, the remaining air is expelled. You should move from the middle to the edge. But it's important to be careful. The web can be easily torn, which should be avoided.
  5. Everything that sticks out is cut off. Glue is applied again. Well impregnated sheet becomes dark.
  6. The subsequent sheets should be properly glued with an overlap. Drafts should be avoided. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain.

If the outer and inner corners are not ideal, then it is best to cut the mesh in these places. Then you can avoid the appearance of voids. Cracks that are in the corners must be sealed with tape (paper). So you need to do in the places where the walls and ceiling are joined.

Fiberglass and drywall

If the surface is made of drywall, preliminary preparation is required. All seams must be sealed with putty. It is important to know that the joints of drywall sheets and mesh should not match.

Unlike simple walls or ceilings, when the cobweb is glued with an overlap, drywall must be glued end-to-end. Trimming should also be avoided. If this is not observed, then cracks may form in these places.

final stage

When complete drying occurs, and this can take up to two days, you can begin to putty the surface. If painting is supposed, then it is better to use putty - finely dispersed. It should be applied in several layers. Allow each layer to dry completely. After that, you can start grinding using the sandpaper. We must not forget that, as with simple painting, you must first prime the walls or ceiling.

Now more and more often they skip the stage with puttying. This is replaced by applying a generous layer of glue. With the help of such a trick, it will be possible to reduce the consumption of paint. It should only be borne in mind that in this case the mesh structure of the cobweb will be noticeable. This will be impossible to change even if many layers of paint are applied. A smooth surface will not work.

Fiberglass has many advantages, but there are also minor disadvantages to consider. When cutting the mesh, small particles of fiberglass appear. Getting on open areas of the body, mucous membranes, they cause severe irritation. Therefore, work is carried out exclusively in special clothing, in respirators.

But such minor flaws cannot cross out the advantages that gossamer fiberglass has. Its use allows you to avoid many unpleasant moments in the future. In addition, its pasting does not require special skills.

Hello to all readers. This time we will talk about fiberglass as a savior from cracks. We will find out what it is in general, what properties it has, what benefits it brings and, most importantly, how to glue it?

Painting fiberglass, or fiberglass "cobweb" (these concepts are equivalent) - this is not exactly glass wallpaper, although it is very similar to them. It, like them, consists of fiberglass threads, but these threads are connected not on a loom, but by pressing, much like paper. Fiberglass is thin translucent sheets that look like a "blotter". To the touch - quite smooth, but noticeably prickly - glass fibers after all. Canvas is sold in rolls, usually 1 meter wide, 50 meters long. When I saw him for the first time in my life, I thought: “Can THIS really reinforce something?” After all, it is very easy to tear it even with a finger until it is pasted. It turned out that it could.

The canvas is not afraid of water, fire, chemicals, mechanical influences, it does not accumulate static electricity and does not cause allergies. It turns out that he has all the advantages of glass wallpaper, which, by the way, are mentioned in the article about wallpapering. But it does not serve for finishing walls, but only for reinforcing the surface of ceilings, walls, drywall boxes etc. Exactly this effective remedy against cracks of all known to me. I without fail paste over all drywall constructions with them, as the most hazardous material in terms of the potential occurrence of cracks at the joints.

Surface preparation, adhesive selection

Surface preparation for gluing fiberglass is done in the same way as described in the article about wallpaper. The only difference is that you can not close up small cracks, but glue directly on them. What cracks are considered small? I count the ones that the spatula blade can't get into. If the crack is wider, you need to repair it with some kind of strong putty, such as Uniflot, and sand it. Tools for work are also identical, only a seam roller is not needed here. For gluing, a special glue for glass wall paper is used, it is often put complete with a canvas. It is imperative to observe the proportion of water / glue indicated on the package, the glue should not be liquid. Its consumption will be serious, noticeably higher than when pasting with simple wallpaper, so you need to buy it with good stock. And, I almost forgot - the windows on the day of work should be closed.


Gluing fiberglass is easy, easier than ordinary wallpaper. By the way, I advise you to use a dense canvas - 45-55 g / sq.m. The glue is applied to the surface of the wall or ceiling, and it is applied boldly, because it will immediately be absorbed into the canvas, it will practically not need to be driven out from under the sheet. The canvases are cut for reasons of convenience: the full length can be cut off on the wall, and two linear meters will be enough for the ceiling, more is already inconvenient. It is necessary to keep track of where the fiberglass has the front side - it is difficult to distinguish by sight. Usually his “face” is directed inside the roll, but it can be anything, carefully read the label. By the way, I advise you to use a long sleeve, gloves, a respirator and a hat - glass fiber particles will fly all over the room, prick the skin, and, God forbid, get into your nose - you will sneeze for a long time. But this is only in the process of gluing.

So, they applied a wide fat strip of glue, for example, to the ceiling. We take our first canvas and apply it to the surface, leading the edge along the corner, and smooth it lightly with the palm of our hand over the entire area. That's it, the sheet is stuck, now you need to expel excess glue and air from under it with a wallpaper spatula, it's very simple, we make movements from the middle of the canvas to the edges. As soon as the job is done, we cut off the excess against the wall, again we take a roller or brush and cover our sheet with glue. Yes, yes, this is a must, the canvas must be completely saturated with glue, and in order to achieve this, you must again rub the glue into the canvas with a wallpaper spatula, as if puttying it. It is clearly visible to the light whether the canvas has been soaked; when it is well saturated, it is darker. We rub the glue until our entire sheet becomes a uniform tone and wet to the touch.

We cut the second canvas. It is better to glue them along the room, overlapping. We glue the strip behind the first sheet with a slight approach to it. We stuck the second sheet, expelled glue and air from under it, now we take a sharp clerical knife and cut the overlap through two layers, removing excess from above and from under the sheet, thereby obtaining a perfect imperceptible seam; and then soak it well. We will do the same later with longitudinal joints. The evenness of the cut does not matter - the seams, although they will be visible to the eye, will not be felt by the fingers at all, which means that we will not get any drops on the ceiling in the future. At the inner and outer corners, we always cut the canvas, unlike simple wallpaper, at least, because it will break anyway. Do not press hard on the knife. Our hero is very easy to cut.

Fiberglass dries completely, usually in a day. Someone immediately paints it. I would not advise doing this, but would advise to putty (at least 2 layers) for painting. Firstly, if you immediately paint on the canvas, the paint leaves immeasurably, it simply soaks into it. Secondly, no matter how many layers you apply, the texture of the fiberglass will still be visible, and this does not look very cool. After puttying, the usual-looking smooth ceiling is obtained, which already looks much better after painting.

Despite all the advantages, the hero of this article has weakness. This place is the seams. If the crack under the canvas runs parallel to the seam between the sheets and is closer than 1 centimeter to it, it will come out. Moreover, it will come out along the seam between the canvases, even if the crack is not directly under it. This can happen in the case of a plasterboard surface, if by chance the joint of the canvas coincides with the joint of drywall sheets, as in the photo:

Therefore, I always photograph the surface of a wall or ceiling made of HA before plastering it under fiberglass. So my seams will definitely not match, and there will be no cracks.

If the crack nevertheless slipped upward, it is easy to fix it once and for all. To do this, you need to glue a piece of canvas of such a size directly on top of the putty directly on the glue that it covers a space of at least 3 cm from the crack in all directions. Cut it around the crack with pressure right through the putty, then peel and remove the putty in this area right with the canvas that was under it. As a rule, when wet, it is removed quite easily if you pry with a knife. Our ready-made patch is glued to this place, which automatically fits perfectly on the site in shape. After that, you need to let the canvas dry and putty the place of repair again with 2-3 layers.

Perhaps that's all. Subscribe to updates if you want to be the first to know about new articles. And good luck with the repair!

Not everyone knows what fiberglass for painting is: this innovative finishing material appeared on the market relatively recently and is actively gaining popularity due to its valuable properties. Like other types modern materials, painting fiberglass gossamer gives previously inaccessible advantages in the process of finishing work.

Scope of material

What it is? Fiberglass is a non-woven fabric obtained by pressing and consisting of the smallest glass fibers. This is a thin translucent material, therefore, in professional jargon, fiberglass painting is often called a gossamer.

Why do you need painting fiberglass? It allows you to guaranteed to avoid visible damage to the walls and ceiling. The appearance of cracks on surfaces covered with plaster and putty is not always associated with the unprofessionalism of the workers who performed the repair. Cracking is caused physical properties traditional building materials which, under the influence of dry air, shrink over time.

Another reason for the appearance of cracks is the constant vibration characteristic of houses located next to a highway or railway. Due to the appearance of cracks, it used to be necessary to frequently update the decorative coating.

The use of fiberglass allows you to get perfectly smooth, durable and not subject to cracking walls and ceilings.

Hypoallergenic, Fire safety, ease of use, durability and the ability to pass water vapor, thanks to which the decorated surfaces have optimal humidity, cause the increasingly frequent use of cobwebs for reinforcing walls and ceilings.


Painting fiberglass is a light fibrous material obtained from natural raw materials, which is used quartz sand.

The gossamer fiberglass is supplied in rolls, the length of the web is 50 m, the width is 1 m.

The density of fiberglass varies from 25 to 50 g/m 2 .

For walls, it is better to choose fiberglass of a higher density, and for a ceiling - less.

Application of the material is possible at temperatures from - 40 to + 60 ° C, which makes it suitable for any climatic conditions.

The web is breathable and hygienic: it does not electrify, does not accumulate dust, withstands wet cleaning, it does not form mold and fungus. The material does not release into the air harmful substances and does not support combustion. All this, coupled with resistance to mechanical damage and the possibility of quick application gives the gossamer an advantage over other types of finishing materials.

Precautionary measures

Fiberglass gossamer forms a hard wear-resistant coating on the wall that can be washed, but it acquires these qualities only in combination with glue. Before talking about getting on the walls, you should take care of the precautions.

The material not yet glued is fragile enough, and its small particles can get into the respiratory tract. Once on the skin and mucous membranes, glass fibers cause irritation, so be sure to use a respirator when working, protective glasses and overalls.

You can glue the cobweb only when certain temperature(from + 15 to + 25 °С) and air humidity not more than 60%. During the work, drafts are unacceptable, it is required to exclude direct sunlight.

How to glue fiberglass? It is necessary that the walls are pre-aligned and puttied. Before gluing, it is necessary to carefully putty and reinforce the seams between the plates and further ensure that they do not coincide with the boundaries of the glass sheets. Fiberglass on putty is glued only after applying a primer deep penetration, which will avoid overspending of the adhesive.

The technology assumes that the cobweb can only be glued special formulations that do not contain starch, such as Bostic, Oscar, Wellton adhesives, produced by fiberglass manufacturers. The same compositions

It should be borne in mind that the material has a wrong side and a smoother front side: it is important not to confuse.

Sticking rules

You need to stick the material as follows:

  • cut the material into strips, according to the height of the walls with an allowance of up to 10 cm;
  • according to the instructions, prepare a solution from dry matter - the preparation time should not exceed 15 minutes (the finished solution is also sold, but it is much more expensive);
  • evenly, without gaps, apply glue to the wall or ceiling - you need to cover the area with glue a little more than the width of the first canvas;
  • strictly vertically, pressing with a roller or a flexible plastic spatula, glue the first canvas, - gluing starts from the corner closest to the window, the canvas is back to back;
  • apply the next portion of glue and overlap the second canvas - in order for the paint to look even, the pile on the canvases should be directed in one direction;
  • cut off the excess under the ceiling, above the floor and exactly along the joint with a clerical knife (to make it even, it is convenient to press a wide spatula to the borders and cut along its edge);
  • cover the pasted canvases with glue on top - you need to stop when the color becomes uniform.

The video will tell you how to stick fiberglass sheets on the ceiling.

It is important that the room remains closed until the adhesive has dried completely. A draft can completely destroy the results of the work, causing peeling of the canvases.

How to prepare fiberglass for painting

Masters are often interested in questions: is it necessary to prime fiberglass, and is it necessary to putty fiberglass and why is this done? It is not necessary to prime the coating before or painting, because the walls have already been primed before gluing it. In addition, the adhesive acts as a primer.

The question of whether puttying is necessary does not have a definite answer. Fiberglass has a beautiful texture, which is sometimes preferable to keep, but the paint consumption will be very high and at least 4-5 layers will be required. The paint will make the joints noticeable: even if they are made perfectly, their very presence will by no means decorate the room. Puttying fiberglass before painting is better for another reason: small fibers can get into the air, which is harmful to health, and putty completely excludes their penetration.

What to putty? There is no special putty on fiberglass, you can use any finishing mixture on a gypsum or polymer base, the main thing is that it be of good quality.

How to putty painting fiberglass? The technology has some features:

  • by the time the putty is applied, the glue must be completely dry;
  • if the coating was pasted a few days ago, it must be cleaned of dust;
  • the adjacent surface is protected with masking tape;
  • putty is applied in two layers with an interval of a day;
  • the thickness of the first layer should not exceed 2 mm;
  • the second layer should be just as thin and completely overlap the first;
  • after drying, the putty is polished with a bar with sandpaper grit not more than P150.

Puttying fiberglass allows you to get a perfectly flat, durable surface.

Fiberglass painting

How to paint fiberglass? If it is decided to paint fiberglass without prior puttying, no priming is required, but its texture will be visible even under many layers of paint. But still painted walls or the ceiling will have a more attractive appearance if they were previously puttied; in this case, a primer must be applied. To paint walls, it is better to choose water-based paints that adhere well and are easy to work with.

Fiberglass painting is carried out using the same technology as painting other materials.

The paint is applied with a roller until there are no uneven tone areas on the painted surface.

Is it possible on fiberglass? Yes, because this material is not finished. Fiberglass for wallpaper is a common finishing option, but the surface must be puttied and primed before final finishing.

Fiberglass is rarely used as a decorative coating, but as a reinforcing material it is indispensable. Its use will allow you to achieve perfect smooth surface, a redecorating won't take much longer.

The development of building technologies has contributed to the introduction innovative solutions on the creation of new multifunctional building materials that simplify the work in the construction and decoration of buildings for various purposes.

A striking representative of modern building materials with a wide range of functions and a variety of applications is fiberglass, made from ultra-thin glass fibers with a diameter of 10-18 microns.

He owes his popularity availability of raw materials and environmental cleanliness its components - quartz sand, clay, limestone rocks and glass scrap in the form of cullet.

The use of recycled glass raw materials makes it possible to successfully solve the issues of maintaining the cleanliness of the environment at the proper level and obtaining relatively cheap building materials such as fiberglass or glass wallpaper.

The basic raw material for the manufacture of glass fabrics are glass elementary fibers-filaments obtained in the process of pulling molten glass mass through platinum spinnerets.

The production of fiberglass is based on the same principle, which you can read about.

Components of natural origin (quartz sand, clay and limestone) are used to prepare the glass melt, and glass recycling based on cullet.

The addition of cullet to a mixture of raw materials, called batch, significantly saves material and energetic resources going to the production of fiberglass.

Due to the processing of one ton of cullet, more than one ton of the main natural raw materials is saved, including the following materials:

  • quartz sand - about 650 kg;
  • soda ash - about 185 kg;
  • limestone - almost 200 kg.

For every 10% added mass of cullet consumption of heat and electricity is reduced by 3%, since the melting of a charge composed entirely of natural components requires a higher temperature than a charge containing cullet.

With the introduction of 40% cullet, energy savings will be 12%, which significantly affects production efficiency.

In total, about 3 million tons of fiberglass are produced in the world.

Leading glass fiber manufacturers pay special attention to glass recycling.

The presence of cullet among the components of the produced fiberglass reduces the amount of pollutants, removed to the atmosphere, allowing the manufacturer to save on emission treatment equipment.

You can read about other ways to recycle cullet and their benefits.

Differences from glass fiber

The technology for making canvas from glass fibers is fundamentally different from the production of glass fabrics:

  • fiberglass is obtained by pressing fiberglass, randomly located under the press;
  • fiberglass fabrics are woven on textile weaving equipment.

After pressing the fiberglass, fiberglass is formed - thin smooth material without a pronounced pattern resembling sheets of paper.

From glass raw materials, fiberglass "inherited" its main properties - chemical inertness, resistance to open fire and other qualities that made it one of the most sought-after building and industrial materials.

In accordance with the production technology, fiberglass differs from glass fiber in terms of surface density and functional purpose:

  • fiberglass density does not exceed 50-65 g / sq.m, which allows it to be confidently used to cover ceilings;
  • the density of glass fiber exceeds that of fiberglass and is 150-225 g / sq.m;
  • fiberglass is a finishing material for covering walls and ceilings, involving subsequent finishing painting; thanks to the smooth surface, fiberglass allows multiple repainting without compromising the quality of the coating;
  • cullet is a finishing decorative coating that does not require mandatory painting.

With repeated repainting, the quality of the surface of glass fiber deteriorates significantly.

This is precisely what very important difference between them and the fiberglass.

Thus, it is up to you to decide what is better to use for painting: fiberglass or wallpaper.

If you plan to repaint the coating several times, the choice is obvious.

You can read more about glass wallpapers and their differences from fiberglass in the article.


In Russia, more than 200 million m² of fiberglass is used annually. In construction and industry, it is used in combination with other materials that are selected according to purpose and technical requirements to the final product/object.

So, what is fiberglass used for:

  1. Production waterproofing coatings, in which fiberglass cloths serve as the basis for applying bituminous impregnating compounds (roofing). AT construction practice bituminous coatings are used in the form of rolls roofing materials and soft shingles.
  2. The production of linoleum, in which fiberglass is used as load-bearing frame preventing shrinkage of linoleum.
  3. Manufacturing, in which fiberglass serves as a reinforcing material for impregnation with binder polymer compounds during the subsequent shaping of the product (boats, containers, etc.).
  4. Construction, repair and finishing works in which fiberglass is used for:
  • creation of protective reinforced surfaces of walls and ceilings;
  • formation finish coat walls and ceilings, subject to subsequent decorative painting;
  • creation of a sound-insulating substrate in "floating floor" structures to reduce the level of impact noise.

The soundproofing canvas is a multilayer rolled material with a one-sided bitumen-polymer coating, which is used as elastic soundproofing substrate under cement-sand reinforced screed.

Varieties by density

The production technology of fiberglass is based on the pressing of chopped or staple fiberglass, the result of which is sufficient soft and flexible nonwoven fabric.

Depending on the dimensions of the pressed elementary fibers-filaments (diameter and linear length of the segments) and the method of joining the fiberglass filaments in the panel, the surface density of the fiberglass varies from 25 to 450 g/sq. m with a panel thickness of 0.5 to 4 mm.

In accordance with the absolute value of the density of fiberglass, its operational purpose changes. With the growth of this technical specifications proportionally increase the indicators of its mechanical strength.

Currently three groups are marked fiberglass, united by density indicators, a set of functions and scope.

25 to 65 g/m²

They are produced using wet pressing technology, identical to the process of making paper smooth sheets.

Canvases of this group are used for finishing walls and ceilings, for which they received the name painting glass canvases.

A more popular name for the materials of this extensive group is “spider web”, which they received because of the translucent texture, reminiscent of an openwork woven cobweb.

For writing paper for copiers and printers, the standard of surface density within 80 g/sq. m. The density of the "web" one and a half to two times lower than a sheet of paper.

For the manufacture of "cobwebs" use glass fibers with a diameter of 10-11 microns with a length of the constituent glass fibers of 6-10 mm (data on masking fiberglass brand Spectrum SN 30 were used).

For strengthening the structure during pressing modified polyvinyl alcohol is used.

Another name for painting fiberglass - glass fleece - was assigned to it because of its identity with painting non-woven fabric, which is a non-woven paper-like finishing material based on glued cellulose fibers.

60 to 200 g/m²

These materials differ from the paint "cobweb" by pressing technology:

  • fiberglass is combined using synthetic resinous components;
  • fibers are unevenly distributed throughout the volume, forming a rough rough uneven surface, while fiberglass has a smooth and soft surface, and the fibers are evenly distributed, without clots and seals.

Fiberglass of this group has found its application as waterproofing materials, therefore they are often called roofing and bituminous fiberglass (depending on the type of binder and its quantity).

Outwardly, they no longer resemble a weightless "cobweb", but look like a dense, opaque canvas with the following characteristics:

  • glass fiber diameter - from 13 to 18 microns;
  • fiber length - 12-18 mm;
  • panel thickness -0.5-1.0 mm.

It should be noted that roofing fiberglass perfectly absorbs moisture and .

The use of roofing fiberglass is regulated by GOST 30547-97 “Roofing and waterproofing roll materials. General technical conditions".

The following brands are most popular:

  1. Fiberglass brand TechnoNIKOL, produced according to TU 5952-001-13344965-2004. The density of the material is 100 g / sq.m, the thickness of the panel is 0.8 mm. The glass fiber used has a diameter of 13-16 µm and a fiber length of 12-18 mm.
  2. Fiberglass brand VVG, produced in accordance with TU-21-5328981-16-96 with a width of 200, 400, 1000 and 1200 mm. Max Diameter fiberglass is 18 microns. Panel thickness - 0.5 mm, surface density - from 60 to 200 g/sq.m, depending on the type of binder.
  3. Reinforced fiberglass of the XSA brand, produced according to TU 5952-012-04001485-97. From competing analogues (scrims TechnoNIKOL and VVG) reinforced fiberglass has a high mechanical strength due to reinforcement with glass fiber in the longitudinal direction along the entire length of the material with a step of 30 mm. The density of the reinforced fiberglass varies from 45 g/sq.m (for the XSA-45 brand) to 115 g/sq.m. m (mark HSA-115). According to HCA experts far exceeds traditional VVG according to physical and technical parameters and is a more suitable basis for the application of modern bitumen-polymer coatings.

Fiberglass is also used to create multilayer bituminous roll materials, of which the most popular glass isol TU 5774-004-00289973-96 grades K-3.5 (HKP) and K-4.0 (HKP).

The surface density of such coatings is 3500-4000 g/sq. m, since it takes into account the weight of the bituminous mixture and other components of the glass isol.

In the practice of marketing bituminous roofing coatings based on fiberglass, such materials incorrectly called bituminous fiberglass.

450 g/m²

This type of fiberglass is called pierced.

They are produced by fastening knitting and stitching weave several layers of glass fibers with a diameter of 6-13 microns.

The firmware is carried out with glass threads. The formation of the material proceeds without the use of binders.

Scope of pierced fiberglass - thermal insulation building structures and pipeline systems of heating mains.

Accepted name and designation heat-insulating pierced fiberglass PSH-T. The thickness of the PSH-T panel is 2.0-4.0 mm.

Decorative interior trim

For interior finishing work in residential and public buildings- children's and medical institutions, offices, hotels - painting fiberglass - "cobweb" is especially in demand.

The "web" is easily torn until it is pasted on any surface.

However after adhesive impregnation in the process of sticking to a wall or ceiling, its strength is comparable to the strength of steel, which allows fiberglass to act as a reinforcing material.

This feature provides the web with the following functionality:

  • reinforcement of walls and ceilings in order to preventing cracking processes and the appearance of microcracks;
  • increase in surface strength, since fiberglass, even after application paintwork retains mobility even in the process of long-term shrinkage of the walls of new buildings to a sufficient extent withstand shrinkage loads to prevent microcracks from growing;
  • masking of already existing microcracks and hiding defective areas surfaces;
  • alignment surfaces of walls and ceilings for painting;
  • giving specific decorative texture wall and ceiling covering for artistic interior decoration and painting.

Benefits of using in finishing works

The main advantages of the "cobweb" include the following factors:

  1. Increased fire safety premises, pasted over with painting fiberglass.
  2. resistance to open flame and high temperatures in the event of a fire in the room - fiberglass can withstand up to 1300 without destruction and does not emit toxic substances.
  3. Valuable ecological qualities- coatings from the "cobweb" do not emit harmful substances and cannot provoke allergic manifestations.
  4. High chemical inertness in relation to corrosion, influence of acids and alkalis.
  5. Absence conditions for education fungus and mold.
  6. Antistatic coatings, as a result of which static electricity and dust do not accumulate on the finished walls and ceiling.
  7. Fiberglass is not susceptible to impact dampness and condensation.
  8. "Spider web" does not lose its operational properties with sudden temperature changes.
  9. Good ones strength properties that preserve the integrity wall covering in houses and apartments with pets;
  10. Possibility of multiple repainting without loss of decorative qualities.
  11. A wall pasted over with a "cobweb" will not impede the movement of water vapor and air, positively affecting the microclimate of the dwelling.

Summarizing the list of advantages of painting fiberglass as a finishing material, it should be noted that it is fully adapted to modern special requirements for materials for interior decoration of residential and public buildings.

We note the following circumstances that are at the forefront of the requirements for interior decoration:

  • hygiene coating, implying the possibility of its constant wiping, washing and disinfection;
  • antistatic fiberglass material;
  • bactericidal properties, allowing the use of "cobwebs" in the wards of clinics, in kindergartens, in pools and baths;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good acoustic properties in room.

Application Disadvantages

The disadvantages of the "cobweb" include the following points:

  • fiberglass painting canvas by structure is soft and pliable, which makes it very difficult to fix it in one position when pasting walls or ceilings, so it is practically impossible to handle the material alone;
  • the difficulty of dismantling the already pasted "cobweb";
  • canvases "cobwebs" prevent the propagation of small cracks, but simple application on the wall, it is not able to "cope" with the elimination of large defects; when removing them, it is necessary to carry out preliminary training walls and putty, only then stick fiberglass;
  • painting fiberglass without putty 2-5 times increases paint consumption compared with the coloring of the pre-putty "spider line";
  • the need to work in protective rubberized overalls and protect the organs of vision and breathing in the process of cutting and gluing fiberglass.

Fiberglass consists of thin glass fibers, which, when cutting the canvas break down. Glass microshards become hazardous to the skin, vision and breath.

Types of painting fiberglass

In works on interior decoration, the “spider line” is used as a reinforcing layer, therefore, the surface of the painting fiberglass on the front side is smooth, and on the wrong side, the surface is fleecy and rough to improve adhesion to the wall or ceiling.

Depending on the value of the surface density of the "cobweb" material divided into three groups:

Vitrulan's VPP 200 series pigmented fiberglass should also be included in the category of painting thick glass mats. It can no longer be called a “spider line”, since the density of fiberglass is 200 g / sq. m.

On the front surface of the material, a layer of primer paint is pre-applied in a factory way, and on the fiberglass of the Vitrulan VPP 200 Aqua model, in addition to the “primer” layer, a layer of adhesive base is applied on the wrong side of the panel.

Due to the presence of an adhesive composition, Vitrulan VPP 200 Aqua can be classified as a self-adhesive wall roll coatings, because when it is pasted just wet enough wall without additional application of another adhesive.

The high density of the canvas allows you to reliably hide wall defects, and pre-applied paint ensure even distribution for finishing decorative painting.

One coat of glossy paint is enough to make the painted canvas fit perfectly into the interior of any style.

Sticker work algorithm

Speaking about how to use painting fiberglass for walls or ceilings, it is necessary to describe the following steps.

Stage 1 - preparation wall and ceiling surfaces(hereinafter referred to as the basis), which includes a number of mandatory operations:

  • removal from the base of the remnants of the old finish;
  • cleaning from dust and dirt deposits;
  • termination large cracks and grooves, alignment of protrusions;
  • priming to ensure maximum adhesion of the adhesive to the base.

Stage 2 - cutting pieces fiberglass for gluing, including the following operations:

  • cut the "cobwebs" in accordance with previously made measurements and estimated calculations;
  • cutting off the cut panels from the roll.

It is customary to cut pieces of material in such sizes that it would be convenient to work with.

Stage 3 - kneading glue. Many craftsmen use adhesive compositions homemade, believing that it is much cheaper.

Of the "proprietary" adhesives for fiberglass, practitioners distinguish brands:

  • Oscar;
  • wellton;
  • nortex.

Stage 4 - directly gluing fiberglass. When pasting rooms to create modern interior the method of the so-called "double cut" is used, which makes it possible to obtain canvases glued end-to-end:

  • first, two sheets of material are overlapped, as shown in the photo;
  • thickenings at the place of overlap are cut off with a knife along the entire length and removed.

Leading manufacturers

On the Russian market of foreign manufacturers of fiberglass dominated by companies that produce not only painting fiberglass, but also a wide range of other fiberglass products - glass wall paper, fiberglass, roofing and waterproofing materials.

Among them, the undeniable leadership belongs to the following brands:

  1. Vitrulan (Germany) - produces fiberglass in wide range cloth density, ranging from 25 to 300 g/sq.m. Buyers of Vitrulan products have to pay for truly "German" quality high prices- the cheapest "cobwebs" cost at least 2000 rubles / roll.
  2. Wellton (Sweden) - workshops that produce masking fiberglass are located in Finland and Germany. Velton products are slightly cheaper than their counterpart Vitrulan (1500 rubles / roll), but in some cases from users there were complaints due to shedding of the coating.
  3. Oscar (China) is a Chinese manufacturer that is in line with Wellton products, as it produces them under its Oscar brand. The cost of the "web" ranges from 1000 rubles / roll.
  4. Nortex manufactures fiberglass in the Czech Republic and China. On the Russian market, Nortex material is sold at a price of 610-630 rubles per roll.
  5. TechnoNIKOL is a domestic manufacturer widely represented in the supply of fiberglass increased strength for industrial premises and roof insulation. Roofing fiberglass in a roll 9 meters long costs 669 rubles.
  6. X-Glass- Russian company, producing fiberglass at the European level of quality. While the range of fiberglass is not wide, but it attracts users its affordability. Depending on the density, one roll standard size costs from 516 rubles. (density 25 g / sq.m) up to 646 rubles. for material with a density of 50 g/sq.m.

Which is better to choose?

When choosing a painting canvas for use in finishing work guided the following circumstances:

  • its purpose (for painting, under paper wallpaper or Wall panels etc.);
  • type of surface - wall, ceiling or floors;
  • the degree of dilapidation of the surface;
  • type of defects to be sealed (cracks, cavities, bulges);
  • the base material on which the fiberglass will be glued - concrete, brick, wood, etc.;
  • Useful video

    From this video you will learn why you need fiberglass "cobweb", which one to choose for certain purposes, as well as about the features of pasting walls and ceilings:


    The use of fiberglass in repair and finishing works effectively solves the problems of elimination of minor defects and irregularities walls, successfully replacing finishing putty and hardening the surface.

    As you can see, the price for a roll of gossamer fiberglass and other types of this material for painting or wallpaper varies depending on the density, which is determined on the basis of grams per m².

    The growing popularity of fiberglass materials and their availability in the domestic market creates additional incentives for rational use natural resources and glass recyclable materials for the manufacture of such popular finishing coatings as gossamer or glass wall paper.

    Now you know more about why fiberglass is needed, what density of material is better to choose for a wall or ceiling for painting, how it differs from glass fiber, how much it costs.

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