A toilet bowl with a sink on the cistern is a practical space saver. Do-it-yourself sink and toilet installation How to use broken toilet bowls and sinks

Installation of a combo-toilet in small room allows you to combine two sanitary appliances (toilet and sink) and significantly save space. In this article, the pros and cons of installing a sink on a tank, consumer reviews, photos of modern equipment, tips on how to choose and install plumbing fixtures correctly.

Toilet with a sink on the tank - the principle of operation of the equipment

After visiting the toilet, you must definitely wash your hands in order to maintain personal hygiene, for this, in toilet rooms sinks provided. The water consumption during this procedure is quite high, especially if the apartment lives big family.

Comb toilets come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so choosing the right one for your bathroom is easy.

Modern plumbing equipment is distinguished not only by high technical specifications, but still designed to meet the requirements of water saving. One of the inventions modern plumbing- combo toilet.

A toilet with a sink located on the flush tank (combo toilet) allows you to reuse the water used for washing your hands - saving water up to 25%.

Combo toilet - how the equipment works

Almost all models of combined toilets work as follows: when the consumer presses the key drain device, the water supply from the faucet for hygienic hand washing is activated.

The water used for washing hands from the sink is collected in the drain tank. To remove soap suds and other chemical impurities, the combo toilet is equipped with cleaning filters, which also neutralize the specific smell of used water and disinfect it. The filtered water is clarified and does not contain bacteria.

The use of a combi-toilet reduces water consumption

At the maximum filling of the tank with water passed through the filter, the automatic system is activated, which prevents overflow. After washing your hands, you can leave the room with peace of mind without fear of emergency. Automation plumbing equipment will complete the operation of filling the tank with water on its own and will not allow the tank to overflow.

Kombounitaz - a device of sanitary equipment

The combo toilet consists of two independent plumbing units - the toilet itself with a drain tank and a sink. The sink is also the lid of the tank, but the functions of the equipment do not end there.

The toilet bowl combines the bowl itself and the drain tank - this equipment is an indivisible unit. The difference between models of toilet bowls is in the shape of the bowl, the material of manufacture of the toilet bowl and the designs of the drain. Drain mechanism on models different brands can be placed on the side or on top. Combo toilets are usually equipped with a drain mechanism, which is located on the side of the structure, since the sink is located on top.

Internal organization combo-toilet

The difference also lies in the overflow system - in classic toilet models, the diameter of the overflow pipe is smaller than in combo toilets.

The combo toilet has a traditional water filling unit in case there is not enough liquid coming from the sink from washing hands. There is always enough liquid in the toilet bowl drain system to normal functioning.

The sink differs in shape, method of attachment, the presence of a system of nozzles.

Modern manufacturers produce a toilet bowl with a sink, equipped with an additional one, which significantly increases functionality sanitary equipment. In the manufacture of a combi-toilet with a shower, modern materials issued by innovative technologies.

Pros and cons of installing a combo toilet

Of course, it's hard to deny that installing a combo toilet saves a significant amount of space, because very often bathrooms in apartments are absolutely tiny. This design allows you to significantly save the area of ​​​​the bathroom and place the necessary household appliances or furniture.

The undoubted advantage is hygiene: after using the toilet, you can wash your hands literally within walking distance. With separate bathroom and toilet rooms, this is very convenient, you do not need to go to another room.

It is very convenient to use a combo toilet in a separate bathroom.

A cistern-mounted toilet bowl is easy and quick to install, without the need for additional plumbing for water supply. Installation of plumbing is carried out similarly to the installation of standard models.

The biggest benefit of installing a combo toilet is the significant water savings. The use of secondary water purified by special filters for draining the toilet bowl allows you to reduce costs, which is especially noticeable in apartments equipped with metering and flow meters tap water. Taking into account the steady trend towards increasing the cost of housing and communal services, the aspect of saving when using a combo toilet is very relevant.

The design is strong and durable, of course, with careful handling.

Advice! Mechanical shocks to the equipment should be limited, which can lead to cracks and chips.

Sink and toilet bowls are cleaned with ordinary detergents without the use of physical strength.

You can only connect the combo toilet to cold water supply

The disadvantages of the system can be called cold water. Unfortunately, you can only wash your hands in the toilet bowl cold water. The design is not equipped with a supply system hot water. The inconvenience also lies in the difficult access to the sink with some design features of the toilet bowl.

Advice! When installing the sink, a slight displacement relative to the drain tank is allowed, this makes it easier to access engineering equipment.

One of the most significant shortcomings can be called psychological barriers - squeamish people are unlikely to be able to carry out hygienic functions over the toilet (shaving, brushing teeth, washing).

The decision to purchase a combo toilet to equip the bathroom, of course, remains with the consumer. Modern models of plumbing will help save water, as well as decorate the interior of any bathroom.

Komboitaz: video

Toilet bowl with a sink on the tank: photo

I recently found information about how a South Korean company developed a closet for growing greens in an apartment. This glass cabinet is the size of a two-door refrigerator and looks very stylish. Plants are grown using hydroponics, that is, without soil (due to nutrients and moisture). The system uses LED lighting and draws used water from the sink for irrigation, so there are savings in electricity and water. For a long time and with interest I have been looking for materials on how “economy systems for the lazy” are designed. And today I'm happy to share my findings. It is not a fact that you should immediately try to implement these solutions in your own apartment - our water is not so expensive yet. But perhaps those who live in cottages with cesspools and regularly forced to pay for their pumping, these thoughts will seem quite interesting.

Idea 1. From the sink and shower to the flush tank

Used in some American houses The partially contaminated water system draws water from the sink and shower to flush the toilet. One housewife shared that her system of use is partly dirty water from two tanks of 95 liters saves at least 416 liters per day (four people live in the house). This water goes down the drain from the sink, shower and tub into special vertical tanks, and from there to four toilets in the house. The system is “scalable”: when new family members appear and water consumption increases, you can simply install additional tanks. By reusing water, owners also save on wear and tear. autonomous system water disinfection.

Water from the bath and shower passes through a chlorine filter and enters the tank, from where it can be pumped to the toilet. Can be connected to the system kitchen sink and a washing machine, but the water from them requires additional filtration, and according to experience, water from one bathroom is enough for toilets. The biggest headache– monitoring and control of the level of bleach in the water storage tank. If there is not enough bleach, bacteria will start in the tank, if there is too much, it will kill the bacteria that are vital for our immunity. The problem is solved by a carbon filter with control of the level of bleach: passing water through itself, it does not allow bleach to enter the tank and toilet, so that the bathroom does not smell like a pool. By the way, such systems with storage tanks are actively used in office skyscrapers: flushing with the same water that has already been used in sinks provides significant savings in operating costs for transporting water inside the building.

Idea 2. Eco-urinal

Exist different schemes water reuse

Designer Yeongwoo Kim combined a toilet with a sink, resulting in an original and probably quite cheap to manufacture design of even rectangles and squares of thick glass. More precisely, he combined a urinal with a sink: a man can urinate on an inclined glass surface, and then, after washing his hands, wash off traces of his life from this surface. It is unlikely that such a design will take root in ordinary houses, but in offices and shopping malls it can be used, saving both space and water.

Idea 3. Sink - toilet lid

The Sinkpositive company produces a plastic nozzle for the toilet tank lid, which is a sink with a tap. It is not so much the fact of the flow of used water into the tank that is interesting, but the very principle of operation of the sink, which does not require a separate water supply. Washed off - and while water is being drawn into the tank, it flows from the tap. There is no need to turn off anything, the water will stop itself when the tank is full. The biggest problem for promoting the novelty in the American market, the company-developer considers that ordinary Americans do not know the principle of operation of the toilet bowl and, therefore, the inability to connect this nozzle without the help of professionals. Particularly economical Russians suggest not to create a new plastic nozzle, but to use an existing tank lid (for example, by turning it over and making an additional hole in it).

Idea 4. Water from the bath - into the washing machine

Standard Japanese new buildings differ from our houses no less radically than modern Japanese cars from AvtoVAZ products. According to eyewitnesses, the desired water temperature in the local faucets can be adjusted to the nearest degree. Baths are usually "sitz", and it is customary to take them after a shower. The timer for filling the bath will call you with a pleasant female voice. Possible sub-

heating the water in the bath with maintaining the ordered temperature for several hours (this is convenient when several family members “warm the bones” in turn), there are even special “bath covers” so that the water does not cool down there. Like the Americans, the Japanese often mount sinks on top of toilet bowls and reuse the water flowing from the sinks. But something else is more interesting: a standard connection washing machine allows you to fill it both from the water supply and with the water that flows from the bath.

Idea 5. From the washer to the toilet

The innovative WashUP washing machine works on the same principle as standard appliances. The machine shows its “water-saving essence” at the final stage of washing. The used water is drained into a special tank and later used to flush the toilet. The design feature allows you to hang the machine directly above the toilet, which, in addition to water, also significantly saves bathroom space.

Hearing the wording “toilet bowl with a sink on the tank”, initially not very good thoughts come into your head - primarily in hygienic and aesthetic terms. Despite all the conflicting ideas, this constructive solution will become ideal option for small apartments. In this article, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the design, we will study the varieties and characteristics of such products.

Toilet with a sink on the tank and its pros and cons

Despite such a bold design decision, such products do not have many advantages. Consider the main ones:

  • Bathroom area. Models combined with a sink allow you to a large extent in the bathroom. This option is similar to washing machines, on which sinks are installed on top;
  • . Modern tariffs for water supply make us seriously think about saving this type of resource. And here the toilet with a sink on the tank will come in handy;
  • Multifunctional way of looking at things. This sanitary ware can be used anywhere - both at home or summer cottages, and in in public places. The sink on the toilet will save on water consumption and reduce losses. All in all, this design will fit in any small toilet.

But, as in any barrel of honey, there is a fly in the ointment and the indispensability of this design is an indirect concept. Consider the disadvantages of the product:

  • When using the washbasin for washing the face and hands, there is some discomfort - the toilet bowl interferes. To wash your hands, you will have to reach for the washbasin, bending over and stretching your back. Some manufacturers have found a way out of the situation - they placed the toilet bowl relative to the sink at an angle of 45 °, but the aesthetics of the product disappeared (it looks a little clumsy and at least unusual);
  • Psychology. Not for everyone modern man will be able to overpower himself and wash his face and hands in the "toilet bowl" (this is exactly what the vast majority of the inhabitants think, who first saw such a "miracle of technology").

The sink above the toilet bowl is a controversial phenomenon. Such a bathroom will have to be looked after especially carefully. Few people want to wash in such a sink, if before that one of their relatives went to the toilet. Constant cleaning, disinfection and other delights of everyday care will be on the agenda. Some do not like the fact that the shell is located relative to the height of the average person.

The internal structure of the toilet bowl - functionality

The technical side also plays an important role when choosing a new toilet - especially for combined models. If we disassemble the structure into parts, we get a sink and a toilet bowl. There is no toilet lid, as its role is played by the washbasin. The two main parts are separated - it remains to study technical details each element that can surprise even an experienced plumber:

  • Toilet bowl - arranged like the classic model, but has some character traits. So, the water drain lever is not located on top, but on the side (there is simply nowhere to put it at the top). Overflow - another distinguishing feature. Due to the intensive use of the sink, the water simply needs to go somewhere and then the protective system works - if the water level has reached a critical level, the water automatically starts to go down the drain. If a person uses the sink very rarely, water may not be collected. In expensive models, a system of dual tanks is provided. One tank is drawn from waste water from the sink, and the second is filled like a classic tank on the toilet. It should be noted that improved models have two drains;
  • A sink that fills the toilet bowl - if you do not look at its shape, it looks like its classic counterparts. The same drain, mixer. The only difference is that a siphon will not be required on such a sink, because the drain tank will play its role. Another difference is the type of mount that is located on the toilet bowl. In most cases, it is a threaded pipe, on which the sink is “mounted” on top and twisted with the help of an overflow neck.

In general, toilet bowls of this type can be divided according to many criteria. Today, such models are not just distinguished, but divided into separate subgroups, which we will now consider.

Varieties of combined models

Combined toilet with a sink on the tank differ in several factors and are divided into separate groups. They are divided according to the following criteria:

  • fastening method. Like classic models, in "nature" is known outdoor and wall-mounted toilet with sink on . As for wall products, their installation will require a specialist with the skills of such work. Accordingly, the cost of such models is several times higher than floor products;
  • bowl type. As with the classic versions, the combined models have a vertical, corner or bottom outlet;
  • Design principle - there are models of the "monoblock" type on the market, where only the sink is removed. There are also collapsible models, where in addition to the sink, you can dismantle the tank;
  • Transformer models - some premium models have a sliding cover. If you need to go out of need, the sink is moved to the side, at the end of the “deeds”, we return the sink to its place and calmly wash my hands.

When choosing a model of a combined toilet bowl, it is recommended to pay attention to products with a sliding bowl. If necessary, it can be moved to the side and calmly make a morning toilet.

We assemble a combined toilet with our own hands

A Russian person does not look for easy ways. If there is a need to save space in a combined bathroom, you can assemble a combined model with your own hands without spending extra money on acquiring such a miracle. To carry out work home master you will need to pick up a toilet and sink small size. They have the following requirements:

  • The drain button should be located on the side of the tank;
  • It is recommended to choose tanks with even edges around the entire perimeter;
  • The sink should be with a flat bottom - a water lily type sink model, which is often mounted, is ideal;
  • You should choose a sink that matches the size of the toilet lid or sticks out just a little. If you choose a large washbasin, then the side of the sink will rest against the back of the person sitting on the toilet (this causes discomfort).

In case the height is not of fundamental importance, you can make it easier - hang the sink directly above the toilet and use it to draw water into the tank. The only disadvantage of such a solution is that you have to look for a flat siphon.

Brief summary

Now you know what a toilet with a sink on a tank or a combo toilet is. If you are a jack of all trades, then you can go even further and turn a simple toilet into a real multifunctional device - experts advise installing a bidet cover on the toilet and that's it. The combined model will combine three plumbing fixtures.

There are a huge number of models on the market, explore design features which, you can on the Internet or in a specialized plumbing store.

Read in the article:

To make the use of plumbing fixtures comfortable and safe, you need not only to choose quality products, but also be consistent with their installation with ergonomic standards and rules for installing equipment

Ways to connect water pipes from different materials

Copper pipes connected by soldering or radial crimping. This work must be carried out by a qualified tradesman specialized tool and familiar with all the nuances of the process.

Steel pipes weld or thread the thread with a sealing material. The second option is less reliable, but it must be borne in mind that a poorly made weld reduces all the advantages of such a connection to nothing.

plastic pipes- these are products made of polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene PE-X and heat-stabilized polyethylene PE-RT. Only a professional should install polypropylene: if the fitting and the end of the pipe are slightly overheated during welding, then there is a risk of narrowing or completely blocking the gap, and if it is not heated enough, the pipe can jump out of the fitting under the pressure of water. For products made of PE-X or PE-RT with an aluminum layer (metal-plastic) or without it are often used threaded connection, but more reliable option- axial (that is, along the axis) crimping. It does not require high qualifications of the performer, rubber seals are not used here and visual quality control is possible.

Copper pipes

Steel pipes

Polypropylene pipes

Is it permissible to wall up pipes in building structures?

Water pipes can be laid in a hidden way, but in order to prevent condensation in the wall, the pipes for cold water must be insulated. Experts recommend using foam materials such as polyethylene or rubber for this. Corrugation cannot serve as insulation. But the main thing is that in this case unacceptable detachable connections pipes, as these are potential leak points, which means they must be within reach.

Methods for connecting metal-plastic pipes for flush mounting

For wiring in walls or inside the screed, two options for connecting pipes are possible: using compression couplings and sliding press fittings. Method one: a compression sleeve is put on the pipe and inserted into the fitting on which it is put rubber compressor. The sleeve is then crimped using manual or electric pliers, as a result of which distinct rings should appear on it. Compression can only be done once. With a sliding fitting, they act as follows: the pipe is put on the fitting fitting and the sleeve is squeezed with a press with a manual or hydraulic drive. When pushing on the push-on sleeve, the pipe is pressed tightly against the fitting nipple - a strong connection is ready.

For open wiring, metal-plastic pipes can be connected using compression fitting. It is untwisted, the nut and clamping collar are removed and put on the pipe. The pipe is inserted into the fitting, aligned, the clamping collar is lowered into place and the nut is tightened by hand, and then with a wrench

Wiring diagram: manifold or tee?

Wiring diagrams

The main advantage of the collector scheme is the ability to block each draw point separately. But such a wiring takes a lot more pipes and mounting materials than a tee, which is why the latter is cheaper. In addition, with a tee connection, fewer stagnant sections form in the pipes.

Collector scheme

Tee scheme

What are shells made from?

First of all, of course, from sanitary ware. In second place is cast marble, which is 80% natural marble chips, and 20% - from polymers (acrylic resins) as a binder. In terms of strength, this material is comparable to cast iron. If a small chip appears on the product (which is possible only with an impact equivalent to a hammer blow), the defect must be eliminated at home. In addition, the market today offers models of sinks made of artificial and natural stone, glass, wood, metal.

Depending on the installation method, the sinks are mounted (console), overhead, built-in, semi-built-in and the so-called "tulips"

Cantilever washbasin mounting options

A console (or wall-mounted) sink is usually mounted on brackets or special aluminum corners, however, this installation method requires a main wall as the basis. Another minus: the drain pipe remains in sight, because the bracket will not hide it, and this is not appropriate in every interior. Another option is to install the sink on the installation (for all manufacturers they are unified by holes; the most common height is 1120 mm), which will cost a little more, but sometimes it can be more expensive to level the wall than to install the installation, sheathe it with drywall and clad it. At the same time, the siphon will be hidden behind the casing, and under the sink there will be free space for a cabinet or washing machine. In this case, the sink model is optimally suited, in which the drain is directed towards the wall (water lily type).

From the point of view of ergonomics, the most convenient sink for use is at least 60-65 cm wide, located at a height of 850 to 900 mm. As a rule, plumbing manufacturers give recommendations on the installation of their products, based on the features of the model and type of installation.

How to install a recessed sink?

The sink can be completely built into the countertop (and there are two installation methods - from above and below; the second option, in addition to mechanical fasteners, also involves fixing with glue) or only half. This is the so-called semi-embedded sink, when the bowl is lowered into the countertop to a certain depth and sealed along the contour with silicone. It is advisable to first purchase the sink, and then order the countertop, then the hole in it can be cut exactly according to the pattern and the gap will be minimal.

Features of installation of a surface-mounted sink

Overhead sinks are installed directly on top of the countertop, drilling holes in it only for the siphon and faucet hoses. They are compact, often have an original configuration and look very stylish. Fittings for such models, as a rule, are sold separately. The shape of the siphon - round or square, as well as the version - white, "chrome", "gold" - is chosen in accordance with the interior design. The diameter of the holes for connecting the siphons is standard, but their design obviously assumes one of two types of installation drain pipe- on the floor or on the wall.

If two sinks are planned in the bathroom, for the convenience of using the appliances at the same time, it is better to install them at least 20 cm apart (center-to-center distance - 60-80 cm). And you can choose a large model with two plums

How is a sink with a bottom valve connected to the sewer?

The bottom valve is a simple mechanism located in the drain hole and actually works like a plug. There are mechanical and automatic devices, with overflow (equipped with a small metal tube to drain water) and without it. But in any case, there are no differences in connecting “ordinary” sinks and sinks with a bottom valve.

What are the designs of toilet bowls?

Funnel bowl model

Pan-type toilet bowls with a shelf inside the bowl are not in great demand today, because due to stagnant water they are prone to the formation of rusty smudges, most often require repeated flushing, etc. Currently, visor models with a slope of the back wall of the bowl are widespread, which makes using the toilet as hygienic as possible, as well as funnel-shaped, providing the highest quality flush.

A relatively recent development is rimless toilets, which have raised the level of hygiene in these toilets. plumbing fixtures on new height. They do not have a rim with hard-to-reach cavities on the top of the bowl and use a circular flush, carried out with the help of jet dividers, as a result of which the surface of the product is perfectly cleaned even when economical consumption water.

Rimless toilet

Which bowl is better in terms of the anti-splash effect?

A shelf in a dish-shaped toilet bowl can provide an “anti-splash” (however, this design cannot be called successful in other respects), a drain offset from the center, a specially calculated slope of the bowl walls, a low location and a reduced diameter of the drain channel. A small ledge-shelf in the foot of the toilet bowl also serves as a surge damper.

Technical developments aimed at combating unpleasant odors

There are models of toilet bowls with special channels through which air from the bathroom is supplied to the carbon filter and, cleaned, returns to the room. The system is absolutely silent and can work both from a network, and from batteries. Triggers her seat-mounted pressure sensor.

A system for filtering air taken directly from the toilet bowl has also been developed. Pipe coming from flush tank, filled with water for only 3 seconds, so that air is supplied through it to the filter with activated carbon and, after cleaning, is released into the room. The second component of the system is a special flush button that allows you to drop cubes of disinfectant with aromatic additives into the tank. At the same time, it is important to understand that no innovative developments to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom will not replace the ventilation system.

Why do rust stains appear on the walls of the toilet?

Brown marks on sanitary ware can appear if the risers are made of carbon steel. The metal corrodes, and rust enters the tank with water. The second reason is that the flush valve is leaking or there are problems with the filling valve, which begins to constantly supply water to the tank, and it flows through the overflow hole. It is also possible that there are technological cavities inside the toilet bowl, from where water drains slowly after flushing, and the iron dissolved in it gradually settles on the walls of the bowl.

Those who first heard about such a strange design may involuntarily think: what is the purpose of such a combination? The question of hygiene also arises: will it comply with all norms and rules? Will it be difficult to install and maintain such specific equipment? This article will help you understand all the intricacies of a toilet bowl combined with a sink, find out all the advantages and disadvantages of a plumbing fixture, and also find out what types of this toilet bowl are on sale.


Similar modification The toilet bowl fits perfectly into a small-sized bathroom or shower room. It includes several functions, thanks to which you can perform several procedures at the same time. Everyone knows that after using the toilet you need to wash your hands, and for this you need a sink. And if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment does not allow it to be installed, a toilet with a sink on the tank, called a combo toilet, will come to the rescue. It differs from conventional equipment in that it has high production characteristics. The main indicator is the economical use of water, which is achieved by reusing water. This is especially noticeable for big family, while water consumption is minimized by 25%.

The principle of operation of the equipment

In all variations of hybrid toilets, the release of water from the faucet for hygienic hand washing occurs when the user presses a button on the drain tank. Then this water goes from the sink to the drain tank, where it enters a special filter to remove soap, foam and other hygiene products. This filter has a neutralizing property, it disinfects water and eliminates odor.

Purified water has no bacteria and becomes clear.

The tank is equipped with a special automatic system to avoid overfilling., which controls the flow of water through the filter, which allows you to calmly wash your hands and not think about an emergency situation associated with flooding the bathroom. The water flow will automatically begin to fill the tank and at a certain moment it will automatically stop.


Now let's talk about the structure of the hybrid toilet. It consists of two self-sufficient parts: the familiar toilet with a tank and a sink. The washbasin, in addition to its direct purpose, is also a cistern lid. The toilet directly includes both the bowl itself and the drain tank, which makes this device an indivisible unit. Models differ from each other in the configuration of the bowl, the drain mechanism and the material from which the toilet is made.

Drain button in various configurations equipment can be located on the side or on top. Most often, this device on the combo toilet is located on the side, since a sink is mounted on top of the drain tank. This model is distinguished from the classic one by the overflow system: the pipe in a conventional toilet is much smaller than in a hybrid one. In the event that the liquid received after washing the hands becomes insufficient, the water in the combi-toilet may fill up traditional way. For stable operation of the hybrid toilet, there is a sufficient amount of water in the drain system. And the differences between the sink are in a special shape, mounting options and the presence of nozzles, which in this design are a whole system.

Production of combo toilets in modern world is not limited to the model with a sink on the tank, there are advanced modifications that include hygienic shower. This greatly increases the functionality of the bathroom equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Combinations have many advantages.

  • An important positive feature is the saving of space in small apartments, thanks to which it is possible to directly equip the bathroom with all the plumbing fixtures needed in the household, household appliances and furniture.
  • You can also highlight the hygienic function, which makes it very convenient to wash your hands after using the toilet. Separate bathroom complicates this procedure, which can sometimes lead to non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules.

  • The installation of a combo toilet can also be attributed to the advantages, since during the installation of equipment it is not required to additionally lay a water supply system. Installing a hybrid is similar to installing a conventional toilet.
  • by the most important advantage using a combined toilet in everyday life has become water saving. If meters for metering cold and hot water supply are installed in your apartment, then it is in this situation that water savings will be noticeable through the use of recycled water that has been cleaned with specialized filters. Considering that in Lately utility tariffs do not stand still, but are constantly growing, the combo toilet becomes a kind of “life hack” necessary in the modern world.

  • With careful use, this design will serve you for many years due to its strength and durability.
  • The processing of the combo-toilet does not differ from the usual one; standard detergents are used.
  • Install this equipment can be in any residential area: in an apartment, country house, in the country, as well as in public places where people stay.

This design also has its drawbacks.

  • Only cold water supply is possible to bring to the toilet, therefore it is possible to wash hands in the sink only with such water.
  • Another inconvenience is the difficult access to the sink. It lies in the design features.
  • But the most important disadvantage in using a combo toilet is that some people have squeamishness at the psychological level, so it will be problematic for them to use the sink for such hygiene procedures as brushing their teeth, washing, shaving.

The decision to purchase and install a hybrid toilet for your bathroom must be made consciously.

And if the choice is positive, then such an installation will save your family budget and make your bathroom stylish and modern.

  • If you decide to buy a combined toilet, pay attention to the model with the bowl moved to the side: it allows you to get closer to the washbasin.
  • In the operation of the combi-toilet, mechanical shocks are prohibited, as they can lead to cracks and chips, which will disable the system and cause water to flow in the box.
  • If you decide to install a combo toilet, then during installation a minimum displacement of the drain tank is allowed, which will facilitate access to engineering equipment.

  • The toilet bowl is processed with the usual cleaning products, but it is worth disinfecting much more often than a conventional toilet bowl in order to avoid a specific smell during hygiene procedures. Disinfection with special solutions should be carried out daily.
  • More important aspect in the selection of a comfortable model - the drain button should be located on the side, and the tank should have perfectly even edges.
  • If the water in the barrel runs out, then the drukshpuler tankless system will come to the rescue - a feature of the hybrid toilet, which will make it possible to flush the toilet without water.
  • The sink must have a flat bottom.

Manufacturers of combo toilets

Despite the fact that combo toilets have become popular only recently, the plumbing market provides us with a huge range of models and manufacturers that differ from each other in price and installation quality. The variety of models is also surprising: we can get a very compact combo toilet or a multifunctional device that fits perfectly into any bathroom interior.

There are several major manufacturers of combined toilet bowls.

  • Gustavsberg- a Swedish manufacturer that gives a guarantee of 25 years for all models of toilet bowls. Products are made of high-quality glazed porcelain, which gives the device high wear resistance.
  • ifo is also a manufacturer from Sweden. It has been on the sanitary equipment market for more than 100 years and differs from others in the most reliable and ergonomic products.

  • Roca– Spanish trademark, which releases toilet bowls both for home use as well as for public places.
  • Czech company Jika can attract with its affordable cost to combined toilets.
  • vitra– a Turkish brand that is different from all other firms big amount innovative developments. All beautiful economy class models are equipped with automated equipment. The design also pleases with its individuality.
