We are trying with our own hands to make a smart home from an ordinary “kopeck piece. How to make a smart home with your own hands Cheap smart home with your own hands

Intelligent control system for various engineering communications and devices that increase the degree of comfort under the general name "smart home", has many advantages. Its installation is all the more necessary if among the household there are people with disabilities, elderly people who find it difficult to use ordinary elements. technical schemes(eg switches).

Firstly, the terminology "smart home" is applicable to everything that is subject to "automation". Even a simple dimmer installed in just one room is already a sign of the presence of an element of such a system in the home. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the specific goal that we are pursuing.

What we need is to control household appliances with the help of one electronic “think tank”, open the gate leaves on suburban area, provide automatic on/off street lighting(and so on)? There are many options, but it is this approach that will help optimize costs. And they can be significant.

Secondly, you should evaluate your abilities. It is not enough to know something, you still need to be able to and perform various technological operations by hand, without outside help.

Thirdly, from what to assemble the scheme " smart home"? There are ready-made kits on sale, but their cost is quite high (especially imported ones). In addition, are the component parts subject to repair (if so, what will it cost) and will it be possible to ensure the joint operation of elements from different manufacturers?

In some cases, it is more expedient to buy everything you need at retail and mount it in a common circuit with PC control. A computer is now in almost every home, although it will take a little longer, but at the same time it will be cheaper.

In principle, you can meet 35,000 - 40,000 rubles. If you pay for the services of masters, then you need to multiply the indicated amount by about 1.5.

Another control option is from a separate remote control with the ability to program various options.

And most importantly. Much depends on the depreciation of the power supply system. Before planning large-scale improvements, it is necessary to calculate how much the load on the “line” will increase. Will its capabilities be enough to satisfy all our requests and wishes to improve comfort? And if you have to deal with the relocation of cables (wires), then what will be the total cost similar event? It is this factor, as a rule, that most often limits the “appetite” of the homeowner in terms of the degree of home automation.

Therefore, we will consider only some variants of schemes that can be used to control something.


With the help of such a device, the degree of illumination of the room is regulated, therefore, there is no need for various nightlights, sconces, and the like. By the way, it can also control curtains (blinds).

If you include motion sensors in the circuit, the light will turn on when you enter the room. Their installation and configuration has a number of features, so in detail about them

Engineering systems

First of all, heating forced ventilation. Having installed the appropriate sensors (humidity, temperature), correctly positioning them, the owner can, for example, remotely turn on floor heating, adjust the position of window sashes. Opportunities depend only on the degree of automation and the number of people involved in the scheme household appliances, up to the boiler (if it is not programmable).

Protection system

None of the schemes is capable of ensuring 100% home security, no matter what the advertisers claim. Their goal is to sell, and our task is to think everything through first. How to minimize the risks of unauthorized entry? It is necessary to determine the most "dangerous" areas from this point of view. Perhaps it is enough to “protect” only 2 of them, or maybe put such “barriers” on all windows and doors, combining them into a common scheme. The choice of appropriate sensors is large - motion, presence and a number of others.

Listing all the features of the systems is a waste of time. The range of relevant products is significant, the operation of each model has its own characteristics. One of simple options shown on general scheme:

Here is an extended package with increased functionality.

Well, what exactly to choose for your home is up to you, dear reader.

Own suburban housing is the dream of many, while it is very important that it be carefully thought out and comfortable for living. For example, many people want to make a "smart home" with their own hands. What is it and how to think about it so that your home is not only beautiful and well-planned, but also functional?

"Smart home": what is it?

Experts say that such a system is based on the complete automation of all components of housing. For example, if you do not want to get up at night and turn off the lights in the corridor, you can do it much easier: several problems are solved at once with one remote control. To make a "smart home" with your own hands, you will have to work hard, and therefore many prefer already ready systems offered various companies. For example, using a variety of controllers, sensors, wires, executive devices, which are removed into the walls of the building, you can simultaneously control all the components of your home: electricity and water supply, lighting and ventilation. At the same time, the participation of the owner in this process is minimal - control is carried out exclusively by the remote control.

How it's done?

The modern system Smart House» thought out to the smallest detail. That is, the owner of such housing can control all the vital components of his cottage or apartment. However, most companies that specialize in similar structures, carry out the installation of the "Smart Home" system, taking into account the wishes of customers. It is noteworthy that each such development is individual, it is created for a specific object, respectively, and design solution completely different for each specific case.

"Smarthouse" system for an apartment or country cottage suggests that the object will be filled with a kind of "electronic servants". And this is not only and not so much TVs, refrigerators and home theaters, but warm floors, air conditioning and ventilation systems, boilers and pumps. Plus sources Of course, it is not so easy to mount all these systems on your own, but it is still worth trying to make your home “smart”.

Where to begin?

Our house is a kind of puzzle that needs to be correctly assembled. That is, we must saturate it with various technical devices, communications that will work for our own convenience. To make "Smarthouse" with our own hands, we need to combine a number of components into a single stable system. Moreover, it is quite possible to create an elementary design on your own. To do this, you only need to have certain skills:

  1. Knowledge of electrical and ability to operate various electrical appliances, work with current.
  2. Understand the principles of construction automatic systems, that is, to understand what controllers are, what signals they give.
  3. Be able to program to create a desktop or mobile operating system and interface through which control will be exercised.
  4. Clearly understand the algorithms by which the Smart Home system will work.
  5. It is good to know the equipment used.

That is, our task is to combine all solutions into one in order to manage the entire building through a computer or mobile device. Let's try to figure out what equipment is needed for the "Umnydom" system.

First: the warning system

Timely warning of accidents is a guarantee that the owner will not worry about the breakdown of any structure or pipe leakage. If you install an automatic in your home, you can keep it under control permissible load to the power supply network. In this case, even in the event of a short circuit, the supply of electricity will be turned off, and the equipment itself will be safe and sound. If you suddenly forget to turn off the iron or the faucet, the sensor will definitely warn you about this, and, if necessary, will block all systems.

Second: power supply

The Smart Home system (it is quite possible to install certain of its components with your own hands) suggests that there must be a reliable power supply, especially if the lights in your area turn off quite often. To protect your equipment and housing in general, you should install stabilized power supplies with a built-in battery in your smart home. This will keep all systems operational in the event of an emergency. In order not to think about possible power outages, you can install in your home diesel generator and backup power supplies. Thanks to automatic control, the fuel level in the generator will be under constant control, and the load on the network will be evenly distributed.

Third: burglar alarm

Protecting your home plays an important role, including in the Smart House system. Installing an alarm with your own hands will not be difficult. For example, sensors can be placed along a fence that encloses an area, on walls, windows, doors, and also in rooms. If at least one of them suddenly works, all warning systems that are programmed in a specific algorithm are activated. Such a system will consist of a presence detector, a control panel, a source uninterruptible power supply with a battery (in the event of a power outage, it will work for about 6-7 hours), a siren, a key-tablet reader.

Fourth: lighting control

It is necessary to competently manage the Smart Home system. With your own hands (the scheme must be drawn up together with competent designers), you can develop a lighting control system, thanks to which you can significantly save on the maintenance of the house and create comfort in it. Choose quantity and type lighting fixtures it is necessary depending on the room in which they will be mounted, how the interior will be designed in it, and so on. At the same time, everyone can arrange the lighting system as he likes and needs. The main thing - automatic control when the owner of the house may not think about whether he turned off the light or not. You can set the system so that the lights will turn on when a person approaches and go out when he leaves.

Fifth: power consumption

To limit the power that the house consumes, it is worthwhile to install an energy management system. With this solution, you can avoid serious problems, which may occur if the power reaches its peak. For example, if your cottage has underfloor heating powered by electricity, an overload of the power supply may occur. If you create an intelligent system, you can achieve a smooth inclusion of floors in different rooms until the house is fully warmed up. This will avoid sudden surges and network congestion. In addition, the presence of such a system will lead to the fact that as the power approaches the peak generator, it will turn on itself, and as soon as it decreases, it will turn off.

Sixth: sockets must be normal

The simplest thing you can do for the Smart Home system is do-it-yourself equipment for sockets. This solution is economical, since it is enough to have an antenna and the ability to control it from a distance using a key fob. The essence of such a system is that all sockets in the house are connected through a single electrical circuit. Accordingly, when receiving a command to turn on, for example, a kettle or a toaster, the appliances start working at a certain time you set. In addition, the presence of such a centralized system allows you to turn off all the included electrical appliances at the touch of a button on the key fob.

Seventh: warm floor

Today such floor coverings are very popular, and despite the fact that installation is expensive. It is comfortable and pleasant to walk on such a floor, it is always warm and safe on it. Modern warm coatings can be water or electric. If you install a Smart Home system in your home, you can constantly control the temperature in the room. Moreover, it is managed through remote control. An intelligent system is a guarantee that the temperature in the house or apartment will be maintained at the optimum temperature for living. At the same time, energy consumption will be rational, and therefore beneficial for owners.

Eighth: heating system

Agree, the ability to independently regulate the state and degree of heating of the batteries in the house is worth a lot. AT ordinary apartments we can't just go ahead and turn them off, for example, if it gets too hot. In a "smart home" it is easy to do this, because in it radiator heating has built-in intelligence modules. Thanks to them indoors is maintained certain temperature, which is automatically changed using the remote control. This system can be easily integrated into any interior without any harm being done to it.

This is done simply: control valves are installed on ordinary radiators. They can be controlled automatically by means of a control panel in which a temperature sensor is built in. If you make a more complex configuration, then in it the valves and consoles communicate using a radio channel, and adjustment and control can be carried out via a computer or the Internet.

There are a huge number of solutions, technologies to make your home "smart", that is, functional and well-equipped. Many of them are quite simple. Something you can do yourself, for example, install an anti-icing system for roofs and stairs, or automatic design water supply. And some systems should only be installed with professionals, for example, when it comes to power supplies. In any case, it is worth spending money and making sure that your housing meets all modern requirements of reliability, safety, and quality.

Is it possible to equip a house or apartment with a full-fledged automation system, or at least make a simplified Smart Home with your own hands, without entrusting this work to specialized companies?

You can find a great many articles on this topic on the Internet: people talk about their installation experience of both the simplest bundles from the category of “light by motion sensors depending on the time of day”, and more complex ones, controlled via a computer or from a mobile device (for example, with iPad). Many of these solutions are really interesting and useful in everyday life.

What do you need to build a Smart Home yourself?

  1. Knowledge of electrical. Understanding the principles of managing various electrical appliances, experience in assembling electrical panels, knowledge of safety precautions when working with electric shock. Cable connection skills.
  2. Knowledge of the principles of building automation systems: types of controllers, inputs and outputs of controllers, types of signals.
  3. Programming skills for desktop or mobile operating system to create a control interface.
  4. Clear understanding of work algorithms.
  5. Good knowledge of the equipment used.

Often, a Smart Home can be found in the form of a fairly simple but limited system, for example, water leakage control, SMS informing, or lighting control from a remote control. Such equipment exists in the form of ready-made "boxed" solutions designed for self-assembly.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the range of ready-made solutions - “Smart Home in a Box” equipment kits, which will allow you to implement the Smart Home system yourself.

A real Smart Home system is a comprehensive solution that connects all subsystems into a single network, allowing you to control the entire house from one control panel or tablet computer.

To create such a system that will be reliable, convenient and easy to learn, will allow the owners to feel completely safe, you need years of work in this area: competent selection of equipment, careful development software experienced engineers and designers. Ready-made Smart Home solutions will become a worthy alternative to this battalion of specialists.

The most difficult work includes interfacing with third-party equipment: air conditioning, ventilation, home theater, etc.

In any case, we can always prepare a draft system. The project will be completed in full accordance with the wishes and all building codes. It will include cable installation diagrams, a shield diagram and explanatory note with complete equipment specifications.

The cost of the project is low, but it will provide an opportunity to independently produce everything necessary work associated with the installation of the cable and the assembly of switchboard equipment without the risk of closing the “phase to zero”.

On the question of how to make a smart home with your own hands, ready-made project examples can also help you.

Since our systems are built on a freely programmable industrial controller (Beckhoff, OVEN, Siemens), then, having knowledge in this area, a person will be able to independently program, configure and adjust in accordance with his own wishes.

The assembly offered by us on the basis of an industrial controller and Easy Home control software for Windows, Android or iOS leaves a lot of room for self-configuration, as it allows you to easily change the interface, add new elements, change scenarios and switch associations for light groups, using the principles already laid down.

A self-implemented Smart Home system for an apartment or a private residential building, of course, will give the owner a huge amount of knowledge and experience, but we recommend that before building a system at a residential facility, discuss with our specialist the possibilities of a future intelligent building, ways to implement them and possible difficulties implementation in order to be completely confident in their abilities.

Building a smart home with your own hands can be difficult for a person who does not have a special education. Of course, everything can be made much easier by buying ready-made smart home modules. However, it is better to create the system yourself.

What is a "smart home"

Before starting work on independent creation various amenities, you need to figure out what a smart home system is and what it is capable of.

A smart home cannot be characterized by two or three functions. For a shorter definition, it should be said that in such a system all communications are connected to a computer and controlled with its help. The system carefully monitors the temperature in the rooms of the house, observes and captures images from video cameras. By using computer technology you can adjust the light, the temperature of the floor or batteries, turn on various electrical appliances and much more.

The degree of equipping the house with various modules is determined by the connected equipment or the imagination and creative skills of the master.

Why is it better to start arranging such a system in the house yourself? Because at the same time, the owner himself will be able to regulate various modules, complicate and modify them. He will have in his hands the open source code of the system, which he will be able to correct at his own discretion. Ready-made modules and kits do not give such freedom of action. They are completely dependent on the developer company.

Another plus of self-development is that the master will not spend a lot of money either on installing modules or on repairs. If a ready-made kit is delivered, then any refinement will cost quite a lot. In addition, the kit itself will also become a significant expense item.

What a smart home system can do depends largely on the imagination of its creator.

Where to start

It is necessary to start the arrangement of a smart home with the most basic things.

  1. You will need a computer.
  2. You will have to create a website for your home, which will reflect various functions.
  3. It will be necessary to install special software (programs). To do this, you will need to clarify the compatibility of the software with the computer.
  4. Make a diagram.
  5. The first hook functions can be the simplest. You can start with a home monitoring system and room temperature control.

Arrangement details

  1. Installing a local server on Linux.
  2. Apache server setup.
  3. Using Linux, you can organize a video surveillance system. This will require ZoneMinder.
  4. On Apache, you need to create a website for a smart home.
  5. For monitoring, you can install various alarms, USB cameras. You also need to install temperature sensors and install the appropriate software.

it minimum set, from which the arrangement of a smart home can begin. Having understood the details of such operations, you can move on to more complex things. In order to inexpensively create a full-fledged control system for various communications and equipment functions in the premises of the house, there is no need to invent something. On the Internet you can find a lot of solutions to create comfort and coziness.

Some masters have been posting their developments for a long time and offering users to try them out.

Creating a website for your home can seem like one of the hardest things to do. In fact finished module site can be found today on the Internet. For those who want to do development on their own, you need to do the following.

  1. Understand php and learn how to work with MySQL.
  2. Various scripts will form the basis of the smart home function control system. They do not need to be developed, most of them are available to users. You just need to understand the installation sequence.
  3. The scripts will run regularly and update information about the state of the system.
  4. The jQuery library will also come in handy. With its help, you can even create an excellent appearance site without learning Cascading Style Sheets.
  5. Working with databases can be made easier if you use an engine to manage the site.

Smart home features

The functions and possibilities of a smart home are almost limitless. Therefore, only a few of them will have to be considered.

The light can be adjusted using several devices. For example, dimmers can be installed to control the light level. Such devices, however, will only work in certain cases. They will not work in fluorescent lamps.

The disadvantage of dimmers is a constant light background noise.

Switches are installed in the place where light switches are usually located. With their help, the light can be turned on and off.


Household appliances can be turned on and off using the same switches as in the case of dimming.

Do not make all systems at home fully automatic. It's better to leave the usual manual control. Otherwise, in case of malfunctions, you will have to work hard.


The surveillance system can be equipped in such a way that it will be possible to monitor the cameras located in the house even from the workplace. It is not very difficult, a video camera system can be installed as the first function of a future smart home. The essence of this technology is that the signal from the cameras is transmitted to a specific computer. Data from sensors and cameras can even be received on portable devices.

Simultaneously with video cameras, motion sensors can also be installed. They will work on the same principle. To set up software on a computer, you only need to download the appropriate open source modules. In order to be able to regulate and modify the code in the future, you will have to understand a little about the structure of such systems. It's easier than learning to program.

Desire and hard work will help overcome obstacles in mastering the fascinating science of creating a smart home. You just need not be afraid of the new, and over time, even enthusiasm for the process will appear.


We bring to your attention the following videos on the topic of creating a smart home:

Films often show a living space that seems to take on a life of its own. Light bulbs light up at the wave of a hand, curtains open, after a certain word music plays. All this equipment is an intelligent home system, and we propose to consider how to make a smart home with your own hands, what is needed for this, and also what is the scheme of such a system.

Smart home - what is it

A smart home is home automation, which is a residential extension of building automation. Home automation can include centralized control of lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), home appliances, unlock gates, doors, GSM and other systems to provide improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security. It should be noted that for some categories of the population (the elderly, the disabled) this event may become necessary.

Photo - Smart home distribution ideas
Photo - Simple smart home

With the latest introduction of SMART technologies into our lives, many no longer imagine their lives without automatic installations, software equipment, we need wireless internet, household appliances.

Home automation refers to the use of computer and information technologies for management household appliances and their functions. It can range from simple remote lighting control to complex computer/micro-controller based networks with varying degrees of intelligence and automation. Home automation should preferably be as simple as possible.

Photo - Smart door lock

Benefits of using a smart home in an apartment based on PIC or WAVE:

  1. Economical time spent on daily setting up various mechanisms, receiving calls, sending mail;
  2. The use of gaseous or liquid fuel materials, and later the use of electricity, allowed increased automation in heating systems, reducing labor force required for manual refueling of the heater and oven.
  3. The development of thermostats has made it possible to adjust more automated control heating and later cooling;
  4. So often guarded industrial facilities, residential premises;
  5. As the number of managed devices in a home increases, their relationship rises. For example, an oven can send notifications when it needs cleaning, or a refrigerator when it needs maintenance.
  6. AT simple installations, smart can turn on the light when a person enters the room. Also, depending on the time of day, the TV can tune in to the desired channels, set the air temperature, lighting.

Smart home can provide interface-access to household appliances or automation to provide control and monitoring on your smartphone, via a server, mini Smart for iPhone, iPod touch, as well as using a laptop computer (requires special software: AVR Studio).

Photo - Home control through a tablet

Video: Schneider Electric smart home system

Smart home elements

Home automation elements include sensors (such as temperature, daylight or motion detection), controllers, and actuators such as motorized valves, switches, motors, and others.

Photo - House control scheme

These are heating, ventilation and air conditioning, HVAC can control temperature and humidity, for example, the Internet control thermostat allows the homeowner to remotely control the heating and air conditioning systems of the building, the system can automatically open and close windows, turn on radiators and boilers, and underfloor heating.


These lighting control mechanisms can be used to control household light appliances. Also here can be attributed the system of natural lighting, the work of blinds or curtains.

Photo - Scheme of a smart home

Audio visual

  • Remote control presence effect (This is the most modern technology, which is used to increase security). It consists in lighting the light, musical accompaniment.
  • Imitation of presence
  • Temperature control
  • Brightness control (electric lamps, street lighting)
  • Security (alarm, blinds).

How to make a smart home

You can make an intelligent system with your own hands, the most a budget option- This is a setting to control the lighting in the house or turn on the computer.

Photo - Smart home control option

To make a lamp that will “light up” by itself, you will need to connect special equipment to it. There are several options for solving this problem:

  1. Install an acoustic relay (1 or x10-wire);
  2. Connect dimmer;
  3. Connect motion sensor.

The easiest way to work with the sensor. Its sale is carried out in any online store, you can buy a channel device, you can develop your own according to your own parameters. The only remark is that you cannot install an incandescent lamp with such a device, it may not withstand the load and explode, it is better to work with LED.

Photo - Smart home concept

Another "smart" silent option is a dimmer. Here you will need to touch the lamp, depending on the number of touches, the talking device will change the brightness. It is very convenient to use on the lamp in the bedroom, nursery.

To set up temperature control and regulation, we need a multi-channel system. The central temperature and humidity control circuit consists of:

  • Sensors (ds1820) that measure the physical state of the liquid, air.
  • Controllers (rfm12) which can be simple physical components and complex special purpose devices or embedded computers.
  • Lunex drives that respond to controller signals.

Most modern way is to buy all the components of a smart home, wires, thermostats. After installing the appliances in each room, one thermostat per radiator and one per boiler. You will also need a controlled unit, or the "brain" of the entire system. It is recommended to mount it on inlet pipe heating.

Photo - Smart home system

The easiest way to install a video surveillance and alarm system. Fundamental provisions for the installation of security systems:

  1. You need to connect sensors on the windows, doorways, there the electrician will be the most productive;
  2. The board is the most difficult to select, the smart home controller, the operation of mediocre parts, the level of signals depend on it;
  3. Many experts believe that indicators should be mounted at floor level. About 20 cm from the baseboard, this increases efficiency;
  4. It is desirable to establish permanent monitoring, to establish a digital system of contact with the security service. Often, responsible owners install a special program on their Personal Computer, which allows you to control the operation of the system from anywhere where there is Internet (this is what Elena Teslya advises to do and her book: “Smart Home: How to Do It Yourself”, there are also other solutions). You can enable SMS alerts.

Smart home is very convenient way to make your life easier, often the whole system is bought completely (Arduino, KNX, Linux).

The cost of each system is individual. The most popular brands are: beckhoff, gira, lpt, redeye, Smart Switch IOT screen, teleco. We recommend that before you build such housing, consult with experts, they will help you calculate the load level, calculate the power consumption.

Photo - Light control via phone

To get ideas, you can scroll through V.N. video instructions, read the advice of famous masters.
