Bathroom design in Khrushchev (real photos). Combined bathroom in Khrushchev: photo of interior design Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev from a separate combined

Combining a bathroom is the simplest and most common type of redevelopment. But before you decide on it, you also need to weigh all the pros and cons and understand the nuances of coordination.

Ekaterina Salamandra: “The combined room looks spacious, it is possible to embody interesting ideas in it”

“In some houses, a combined bathroom is the only legal layout option: its area is extremely small, but impossible. First of all, Khrushchevs are famous for this. The combined room looks spacious, it is possible to embody interesting planning and design ideas in it. For example, create a place for the master's closet, effectively use accent finishing materials as zoning for a large room.

Natalya Yanson: “You can leave a light partition between the bathroom and the toilet”

“A combined bathroom is a convenient solution: you don’t have to make unnecessary movements and move from one room to another. If you want to use the possibilities of a common space and not give up the advantages of a separate bathroom, leave it between the bathroom and the toilet.

Nadezhda Kapper: “A combined bathroom is economical”

“It's economical. Imagine a shared bathroom. Divide it into two separate rooms - a bathroom and a toilet. There is a need to finish another separating wall on both sides and purchase another door. In apartments with every ruble in the account, and savings can be an important argument. Cons: bathroom and shower are wet areas, there is a danger of splashing water where it does not belong.

Svetlana Yurkova: “The main disadvantage is the inability to be alone, read a book while lying in the bath”

“The main plus is the financial savings in finishing. And the space is expanding. But there are also disadvantages, the main of which is the inability to really be alone. If you live in an apartment not alone, then there is a conflict of tastes and interests. Someone likes to spend hours in the bathroom and, for example, read books.

How to agree?

This is a fairly common type of redevelopment, especially in Khrushchev-type houses with small bathrooms. But before you combine the bathroom, be sure to weigh the pros and cons so that the decision suits all the tenants in the apartment. And you can agree on this project without much difficulty: you only need a redevelopment project and a technical opinion from any organization that has SRO approval.

Before collecting the necessary papers, clarify what types of work are allowed to be carried out without approval, and for which it is necessary to provide a project and obtain permission. The procedure for obtaining such permits is provided in the "Regulations on the procedure for the reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises in multi-apartment residential buildings."

You need to contact the ZhREO of your district, which have the right to prepare documents for the approval of both independent redevelopment and the development of design documentation for repair work.

Maximum practicality with the minimum area of ​​​​the combined bathroom. 3-4m, 2 allotted in Khrushchev to solve small and big problems, leave no room for a flight of fancy. I would like the territory so important for everyday life not to look like an elevator cabin. If we are not talking about redecorating a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, but first of all about a serious redevelopment and turning it into a comfortable office for personal needs, it is worth seriously working with a photo of the combined bathrooms after a real repair.

No matter how beautiful the design solutions are in advertising offering turnkey renovation of a combined bathroom, real solutions in practice are very different from magazine projects.

Among the general variety of wall and ceiling design solutions, the most practical repair options are:

  • The use of tiles;
  • Use of PVC panels;
  • The use of waterproof drywall;
  • Use of decorative panels made of modified wood.

But not always the use of modern high-quality materials in the repair of a combined bathroom saves from failed decisions.

A small room of a combined bathroom of 3 sq.m or 4 sq.m, decorated with high-quality dark tiles, makes the atmosphere heavy. You can truly appreciate the result of the repair and the splendor of the finish only if there is a large window and sunlight, which never happened in Khrushchev. Replacing sunlight with imitation lamps will not work. In addition, the dark surface of the decor shows dirt and traces of dried moisture more than the light one.

The correct layout of the combined bathroom

Before starting repairs, it is worth soberly assessing the possibilities and choosing what you can refuse in order to increase the free space in the combined bathroom. Pay attention to the classic solution to the Khrushchev problem in the photo. Thanks to the replacement of the bathtub with a shower cabin in the center of the combined bathroom, it turned out to be quite large, as for Khrushchev, free space.

Successful solutions in the repair of a combined bathroom include:

  • High-quality execution of the floor, successfully combined in color, without closed niches and blocks;
  • Hinged plumbing options add space underfoot;
  • The location of the washing machine in the combined bathroom - often only for the sake of this they carry out repairs and redevelopment of the bath-toilet in Khrushchev.

The first redevelopment option is associated with a large amount of work to change the sewer and water communications in the combined Khrushchev office. Separating a shower cabin and a toilet bowl on one side and a washbasin with a “washer” on the other side requires laborious laying of drain pipes in wall niches, taking into account restrictions on their length, which is not always achievable in small areas of Khrushchev.

The use of ceramic and tile in repairs

High-quality ceramic tiles have always been the most commonly used material for decorating and renovating bathrooms. The use of tiles requires significant costs, sometimes leads to a decrease in the internal volume of the combined bathroom, especially if the walls are curved, it requires leveling the base with drywall or carrier plaster.

Alternatively, a combined solution is possible - a combination of tiles and walls finished with waterproof plasterboard, followed by a coating that imitates rough plaster. The effect is important - lower costs and an excellent combination of different techniques, which is normal for Khrushchev.

Almost no alternative is the option of laying tiles on the floor. A bathroom with a washing machine, and even more so a bathroom in Khrushchev, has always been and remains a source of possible emergencies associated with spilling a large amount of water on the floor.

To reduce the adverse effects, before laying the tiles, it is advisable to perform a self-leveling floor with waterproofing and an entrance door threshold raised by 3-4 cm. In this case, twenty liters of water spilled out of the washing machine will not go beyond the combined bathroom and will not cause a scandal with the neighbors on the floor below.

A special corrugated coating will firmly hold the tile on the base for at least 10 years. Advantages of ceramic tiles:

  • Easy to clean with any cleaning products;
  • High resistance to abrasion and exposure to adverse microflora;
  • Under the influence of moisture, heat and light does not fade and does not emit harmful substances.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the material and professional work on its installation. Laying or gluing tiles is estimated at about half the price of the material.

Although it is difficult to imagine that the owner of a Khrushchev apartment would use expensive Spanish or Italian handmade ceramics to repair a combined bathroom, laying tiles even in a small space of 2x2m will cost most of the repair budget.

Therefore, in order to reduce prices without loss of quality, inserts from spectacular tile sets are often used against the background of a cheaper solid array. In some cases, the tile is laid only in places of intense condensate sweating or direct water ingress, replacing the rest of the wall with a water-resistant plasterboard painted to match.

Use of PVC panels

The most budgetary and affordable option for repairing a combined bathroom in Khrushchev is to use PVC tiles or panels and waterproof drywall.

Both materials are successfully used for technical purposes - primarily to hide communications and pipelines, insulation of valves, taps and meters.

The boards can be glued on prepared and glued surfaces. This approach practically does not reduce the internal volume of the bathroom. In the case of decorating decorative boxes, a building frame profile is used. Next, PVC slabs or panels are glued, completely imitating expensive varieties of ceramic or marble tiles. For a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, this is the most affordable option.

The most problematic place in the Khrushchev bathroom has always been the ceiling. Repairing the always uneven ceiling surfaces required exceptional funds. The ideal solution to the ceiling problems was a set of PVC panels mounted on a metal frame.

This option has a number of advantages in the repair of a combined Khrushchev bathroom:

  • Easily passes air and retains water vapor;
  • Lightweight design is firmly held by a metal frame;
  • The subceiling space is easily used for laying additional wiring and pipes.
  • Easy to clean, will not rot, corrode, warp or sag.

Important ! If the neighbors living on the floor above regularly ruin the ceiling of your bathroom with regular floods, the only option is to use PVC panels.

PVC panels can be called a versatile material that can correct the appearance of walls or even the layout of a bathroom. Hidden niches are made from it for storing chemicals and hygiene products, screens that close the space under the bathroom, air ducts that help to ventilate the room of the combined bathroom with high quality.

Increased humidity from a large amount of water in the bathroom requires not just ventilation, but the creation of a ventilation system with hidden air ducts and an electric fan. Without ventilation, odors and moisture will eat into the walls of the Khrushchev bathroom.

The local air exhaust system has proven itself perfectly, providing 3-4-fold air exchange in the area of ​​​​the toilet bowl and shower cabin. During the repair, flat air ducts with wiring are mounted on the ceiling of the bathroom, covered with a ceiling made of MDF panels or drywall. A more serious modification can provide stable ventilation of the entire Khrushchev, and not just a combined bathroom.

A more expensive decor option for the ceiling of the bathroom is stretch ceilings, which give a beautiful appearance, but the cost of their installation, even for a room of 3 sq.m, turns out to be prohibitively high, given the status of Khrushchev housing.

To all the positive points, it is worth adding a negative one. The supply and exhaust ventilation device in the Khrushchev bathroom is such that if a fire occurs, for example, from a shorted electrical wiring or for other reasons, a fire will instantly flare up in the bathroom, like in a stove. Therefore, the wiring in the bathroom should be laid in special mounting metal hoses-sleeves. Don't skimp on safety.

The warmest and most expensive option for repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev

Repairing the walls and furniture of a combined Khrushchev bathroom may seem archaic, but with the skills of skillful handling of wood and varnish, you can create very cozy and practical options.

If you make repairs in the bathroom with your own hands, then the cost of acquiring the material will be quite low, manual work and wood flooring will be very expensive. When using ready-made solutions - modified wood panels, which is unlikely for repairing Khrushchev, the cost may exceed the estimate for laying high-quality tiles.

Wood, even under a layer of varnish, very poorly perceives constant contact with water, this leads to loss of color, the development of mold and warping of the structure. Therefore, in the repair of a combined Khrushchev bathroom, species such as larch, oak, and pine are used. It is undesirable to use birch or beech. You can make an analogue of modified wood yourself by covering the blanks cut out for repair with 5-6 layers of oil varnish with thorough drying of each layer for 2-3 days.

Buildings, called "Khrushchev", make up a large share of the housing stock. Most often, the apartment requires a global redevelopment so that all the necessary elements can be placed. As for the bathroom, the situation becomes critical there, because there is a catastrophic lack of space. Sometimes you have to sacrifice one or another type of plumbing. How to competently re-plan the bathroom and how to fit everything you need on a few square meters? What bathroom design in Khrushchev will be optimal?


Unfortunately, there are not so many places for the manifestation of fantasy in the Khrushchev bathroom. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider the location of each element of the room in order to rationally use the available space.

The peculiarity of the interior in this case is the maximum combination of functions in one element. There should be nothing superfluous, only the most necessary.

On the features of repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev and combining a bathroom and toilet, see the following video.

The best option is to combine a bathroom with a toilet. If the layout of the apartment allows, you can also grab part of the corridor.

Difficulties of repair

Khrushchev houses are distinguished by the inconvenience of the initial layout of the space. At the same time, there is a catastrophic lack of space to accommodate all the interior items necessary for a modern person. If the bathroom is separate, this further exacerbates the situation.

That is why the best option would be redevelopment - combining the toilet and bathroom. And although this will not completely solve the problem of a modest area, it will somewhat expand the possibilities for maneuvers.

So, from the problem of lack of space, another follows - the additional costs of dismantling the wall partition.

Another problem is the inconvenient location of communications. Most often, plumbing has to be installed far from the main risers. In this regard, it is necessary to additionally do the wiring of water pipes, trying to save space as much as possible.

You can try to hide communications in the walls, provided that space is preserved. At the same time, it will be possible to level the walls, because during the construction of the Khrushchev houses, the builders were not particularly worried about the evenness of the surfaces. Sometimes it's easier to build a wall again than to try to level what was.

We increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - redevelopment

Naturally, the best way out of the situation is to combine the toilet and bathroom into one room. If this option is not possible for one reason or another, it remains only to consider the location of the plumbing and select the most miniature models. In critical cases, the washbasin can not be installed, but a faucet above the bath can be dispensed with.

Relevant is the use of corner models of plumbing. If you use a sink and toilet without steps, there is additional space for a washing machine, a laundry basket, and various little things. However, at the same time, it is necessary to hide the pipes and fastening in the wall, which will “eat” the area of ​​​​the room somewhat.

When choosing a style for the interior of a bathroom in Khrushchev, it is necessary to take into account the limited space of the room.



Minimalism is the best option. In this case, there is no problem with unnecessary details, everything is strict and neat.

Small-looking boxes are able to accommodate a huge number of jars and tubes. The conciseness of the forms visually expands the space.


A bit similar to minimalism is the Japanese style. It is ideal for a small space. As an original decor element, a composition of tiles in the form of a sakura branch can act. True, you will have to work hard to find the right tile.

High tech

Lovers of high technology and cool colors can make a high-tech bathroom. The predominance of glass surfaces, metallic sheen, mirrors and original lamps will expand the space.


Visually expand the space

When it is impossible to enlarge the room physically, methods of visual expansion of space come to the rescue.

In the bathroom, for this purpose, the play of light and shadow, accents and some other tricks are used:

  • the ceiling is made in light colors, the glossy surface visually makes it higher;
  • vertical stripes on the walls elongate the room, while horizontal stripes make it wider;
  • the alternation of colors creates the illusion of an increase in area. The tiles can be placed with diagonal inserts of a darker color or laid out alternately with rectangle frames in contrasting shades;
  • the floor is covered with dark tiles located diagonally;
  • mosaic allows you to create the illusion of compactness on the protruding elements of the bathroom;
  • light tones expand the space, and when combined with dark ones, a depth effect is created;
  • mirror surfaces allow you to visually push the walls apart;
  • spot lighting will also help solve the problem of lack of space;
  • suspended plumbing expands the space due to the open floor;
  • strict lines help get rid of the feeling of clutter;
  • the absence of small details and excessive decor frees up space not only physically, but also visually;
  • glass looks much lighter than other materials and takes up less space.

Color solutions

Dark colors, as you know, narrow the space, so you need to focus on light and bright shades. Dark inserts can be used to create an effect of depth, highlight zones, or visually expand a space with horizontal or vertical stripes. The emphasis should be on decorative inserts.

The best combination of colors for a modest-sized bathroom are light colors with elements of tropical mixes, as well as a marine theme. The combination of blue, turquoise and sand shades always looks organic and attractive.

Read more in our article on blue bathroom.

The combination of milk and chocolate shade always wins. The walls in this case are made in light colors with accent points in the form of dark stripes or inserts, and the floor is tiled with dark tiles. A combination of milky walls with dark furniture will also be advantageous.


Since the bathroom in Khrushchev is very small, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of finishes and the design of the ceiling, floor and walls.


To visually increase the height of the room for the ceiling, it is necessary to select materials in light colors. The best option is painting or plastic panels.

If the ceiling height allows, you can make a glossy stretch ceiling, it will create the illusion of infinity. It would be nice to mount spotlights in it.


For wall cladding, it is best to use tiles or mosaics. You can also use paint, but this requires a perfectly flat surface, and the walls in Khrushchev, as you know, are not even. The tile forgives minor surface defects due to the application of an adhesive solution. In addition, with its help, you can visually expand the space by combining tiles with zones or alternating colors.


The color of the floor should be slightly darker than the main one.

The tiled floor definitely looks more advantageous, since the diagonal laying method allows you to expand the space visually. In order not to be injured on a wet floor, tiles must be selected with an anti-slip coating.

Choosing plumbing

The second crucial moment in the repair of the bathroom is the selection of plumbing. Given the small size of the room, it is worth opting for compact and practical models.

It is better to replace the bathroom with a shower.

If you are not ready to make such sacrifices, then the best option would be a corner bath.

Remember that even small bath models can be equipped with a hydromassage function.

You can install an ordinary rectangular model by closing it with a false panel with removable elements. Thus, it will be possible to use the area under the bath for storing detergents and basins.

Tiled sides will serve as a shelf for shampoos and gels.

It is best to choose a sink without a footboard. The tulip model will only take away valuable space under the washbasin. With the wall mounting method, you can place shelves for storing things or a washing machine under it. A good option is a corner washbasin with a cabinet, especially if the sink is of an overhead type. Above the bathroom itself, you can place several corner shelves.

The glass sink looks light and airy, although it costs a little more than usual.

The toilet model is also better to choose a hanging one. A solid installation can withstand a weight of up to 200 kg, so you can not be afraid that the structure will collapse under the weight of a person.

To save space, you can place the sink above the bathroom.

Shower with floor drain

An excellent option in order to save space is a shower with a drain in the floor. Its main advantages: compactness, lack of high sides (which is important for people with disabilities and pensioners) and minimizing the risk of flooding neighbors from below. The only moment is that the floor will rise a dozen centimeters so that a drain ladder can be installed.

Hiding a washing machine

The main problem of bathrooms in Khrushchev is the location of the washing machine. It also does not make sense to transfer it to the kitchen, because there is also a problem with a lack of space. Therefore, the best option is the hidden location of the washing machine. Of course, the technique of standard dimensions is not a very suitable option. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to models of shallow depth.

Any repair in Khrushchev apartments (and the bathroom is no exception) is a very responsible matter that will require rational thinking in addition to taste. Usually, bathrooms in apartments of this type have an area of ​​​​no more than 5 square meters, and even not a very convenient layout.

All this greatly complicates the repair of the bathroom with their own hands to a non-professional.

The small area of ​​the bathroom also complicates the process of selecting and arranging plumbing and furniture. About the same, to install a washing machine is often not discussed at all.

However, not everything is so sad, and even in a small bathroom you can create a cozy interior if you try hard.

Photo of a bathroom design project in Khrushchev: green floor, white walls

The complex design of a beautiful bathroom in a small Khrushchev

Choosing a style for renovation

Thinking about the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev, do not forget about the design of the entire apartment. For example, a high-tech bathroom will look alien in an apartment with a classic interior, despite the fact that it will be very comfortable and beautiful in itself. Here it would be more appropriate to use elements of classical design and natural materials - a wooden cabinet or shelf, gilded sconces near the mirror, marble panels.

The sewer riser can be designed as a marble column, and the washbasin can be replaced with a ceramic or porcelain bowl, standing on a countertop made of artificial or natural stone. However, do not forget that classic design is primarily luxury and elegance, so a small room should not be overloaded with decorative elements. For examples of styles in design, you need to refer to the photos on our website and on the Internet in order to choose the direction you like.

Photo of a bathroom with a washing machine under the sink and tub

Country style for non-professionals is the most successful, as it involves extraordinary simplicity and closeness to nature. Pebbles, driftwood, natural fabrics and rough crafts can replace most of the finishing materials and decor elements.

The design of the bathtub is also better to choose in accordance with the chosen style - free-standing on figured legs will decorate both a classic bathroom and a country style one. If it is standard, you can simply add some characteristic detail, for example, the standard front panel can be replaced with a roughly painted wood or even a curtain made of canvas or linen.

Photo of a small toilet in Khrushchev decorated with light brown tiles

A bathroom in Khrushchev in the style of minimalism, at first glance, seems to be the simplest and easiest to perform during repairs. Indeed, nothing superfluous is allowed here, and all constructions have their own functional purpose. But suffice it to recall that the origins of minimalism is the Japanese style, which has been developing its own rules for thousands of years.

Impeccable lines of surfaces and many other nuances create an elusive play of this style, and any mistake turns such an interior into an empty and uninteresting one. Little details create this simple style. However, a competent minimalist bathroom project is the best suited for Khrushchev apartments - the interior space of such rooms visually expands, and its functionality surpasses any other interior options.

Before choosing new plumbing and bathroom furniture in Khrushchev, it is necessary to determine the minimum that really should be in the bathroom. Indeed, many, if they have a bath, are ready to abandon the washbasin in order to put a washing machine there, or, on the contrary, they change it to a compact shower. In any case, with a shortage of space, you should not put bulky cabinets for storing things in the bathroom or try to equip it with all known plumbing at once, right up to the bidet.

Photo of a bathroom - a toilet bowl and a water heater and design. In red and white shades

Even the most modest size and area of ​​the bathroom in Khrushchev allow you to place a minimum set of items in it - a washbasin, a toilet bowl, a small cabinet for storing detergents, and a place for bathing. The shower stall in Khrushchev is generally very popular.

Angled and asymmetrical plumbing fixtures and furniture are the best way to organize a tiny bathroom space. For example, an asymmetric hot tub with a volume of 300 liters fits perfectly in a small bathroom in Khrushchev, because its length is only 150 cm, and its width is 51 cm and 96 cm. It is important to plan such moments in advance during repairs.

Minimalism at its finest. Photo of real repair

Above the washing machine, toilet and door, you can use the vertical space of the walls. Hanging cabinets and shelves should not be very deep (up to 25-30 cm), otherwise they will visually clutter up the bathroom space. The same rule applies to the cabinet for the washbasin, and it is better to refuse shelves over a small sink altogether, since bending over the sink for shaving or washing in this case will be very inconvenient.

Color solution

Many bathroom design projects are done in pastel light colors that visually expand the space and make it airy and weightless.

Combined bathroom in bright colors

At the same time, white color can be the main or additional color both in finishing materials during repairs, and in furniture or plumbing. Light pistachio and lemon color patterns on the wall or furniture facades give the bathroom an extraordinary freshness. A delicate cream or peach shade creates a special coziness, while the traditional blue makes the room cool.

Often bathroom renovation involves the installation of an acrylic insert, while the color of the new border must be matched to the color of the enamel or acrylic material. It is generally better to abandon horizontal borders and patterns in a small bathroom in favor of vertical stripes or patterns. The use of two or three colors in harmony with each other is quite enough to create coziness in a small bathroom in Khrushchev.

Photo of a dazzling white bathroom


In order for the repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev to give concrete results, often a complete redevelopment of the premises is required, which, of course, is quite expensive and troublesome.

  1. Area: when we hear the concept of "Khrushchev" the first association that comes to mind is a minimum of space. Of course, the option of a combined bathroom and bathroom is much more pleasant, but such happiness does not happen in every Khrushchev building.
  2. Communications: bathroom renovation in Khrushchev today requires a global redevelopment, because only in this case it is possible to achieve expansion and increase in space. However, such a plan is most often interfered with by laid communications, because plumbing is tied to specific places, which is not always beneficial for changing a room. In addition, during the renovation in the bathroom, there may be an unplanned need to replace communications or wiring, which is quite expensive.
  3. Uneven surfaces: one of the main problems of Khrushchev's houses is the rather rough and uneven walls. As a rule, during the repair of a Khrushchev bathroom, you have to level both the walls and the floor, which is quite expensive and takes a lot of time. It should also be noted that when leveling, mortar and putty are used, which occupy a considerable layer, and the reduction in space affects the bathroom area in a bad way.

Such difficulties are encountered on the path of any repair, and even more so in the bathroom of the Khrushchev house. However, any troubles can be solved, most importantly, it’s good to think everything through in advance.


Repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev, like repairing a bathroom, requires a detailed plan, because otherwise any little thing can ruin and complicate your actions. A preliminary plan will help to properly organize the space, increase the usable area, put all the little things in their places.

Such a project involves arranging furniture, plumbing, electrical appliances and even such trifles as a laundry basket and cup holders for toothbrushes.

Consider the options for finishing and its shades, because then it will be difficult to change anything.
The plan will help to organize the already scarce bathroom space in a functional and attractive way.

Related video: Bathroom renovation in 'Khrushchev'

Description: Anatoly Aristov, general director of the company Favorite Apartment and Favorite Turnkey Bath, talks about the renovation of the bathroom in Khrushchev, and the owners share their impressions of the Favorite Turnkey Bath.

Related video:

Description: Bathroom design in Khrushchev. TOP 15 bathroom design options.

In this slideshow, I have chosen the best options for how a renovation should look like in a small bathroom, which contains both a bathroom and a bathroom.

Often we are faced with such a situation that at the time when we are thinking about how to change the situation in the bathroom, nothing comes to mind due to limited maneuverability.

Photo of a water heater in the interior of a bathroom

Despite the general opinion of designers from every corner of the world, today even a child knows that a full bath takes up a lot of space. A reasonable solution would be to replace the bath with a shower or at least a corner bowl. If we exclude cardinal options with redevelopment, combining with a bathroom and removing the wall, such a replacement would be the most painless choice.

Advantages of a shower cabin:

  1. the amount of water consumed is reduced by 5-6 times,
  2. free space will be much larger,
  3. a place for a washing machine or a laundry basket is formed.

It is worth noting that replacing plumbing is quite simple with your own hands. A new shower stall is a little pricey, but it will pay off once you see your bathroom as spacious and comfortable.

  • Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev will be functional and reasonable in case of replacing the USSR plumbing with modern design options. Consider the idea of ​​a wall-hung toilet: when the cistern is hidden in the wall and the floor under the structure is free, the room seems spacious enough. The installation is quite durable and can withstand weight up to 200 kg.
  • Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev will also affect the sink. The cardinal method involves the complete removal of the sink, and the use of a faucet above the bathtub as a washbasin. Not everyone likes this option, so it’s better to get by with a modern hanging model. The free floor is the best effect on the spacious room.
  • Communications must be hidden, for which use a drywall box. Not a single toilet repair in Khrushchev is complete without this solution. In any room of the Khrushchev house, it is advantageous to use such an idea as additional shelves for bathroom accessories.
  • Of course, the bathroom in Khrushchev is unlikely to also accommodate a washing machine, but huddling in the kitchen is not the best idea. The device can be installed under a wall-hung washbasin, next to a new shower cabin, near a triangular bathtub with a narrow angle, or even make a special niche in the room. However, please note that the location of the washing machine must be considered in advance.

Having followed these tips in a complex, a new bathroom will not be recognized. The advantage of such solutions is that any replacement and redevelopment can be done by hand, and this will not hurt the family budget.

The big question is, how much does the repair cost? The modern market offers a lot of goods of various prices, both domestic and imported. It is very important not to chase the cheapness of goods, because bathroom renovation is not done for a year or two. Remember, no matter how much new plumbing costs, its service life should reach 10 years.

If you still decide to demolish the wall and radically change the premises, be patient and resourceful, because you will have to face the BTI service (you cannot make changes to the apartment plan without their permission) and a lot of related problems.

In favorable scenarios, do-it-yourself repairs will be a pleasure, not to mention the results.

Blue bathroom design

Choice of shades

As we have mentioned more than once, the primary problem of the rooms in the Khrushchev house is the minimum area. This issue is most effectively solved in two ways: the replacement of plumbing, which we indicated above, and the choice of light finishes.

Let's talk in more detail about the choice of lining and its shade:

The traditional choice of every second housewife is ceramic tiles. Repairing a toilet in Khrushchev, as well as in a bathroom, requires high-quality moisture-resistant and durable materials, such as tiles. Its plus is that you can do the styling yourself, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, extreme temperatures and high humidity.

Only tiles can protect the room from dampness and fungus, and, most importantly, it costs quite reasonably. The choice of decorative material is huge, so there is no need to worry about how much it will cost.

Design project of a small bathroom in Khrushchev in pink and white colors

  • the room only needs to be enlarged, with which only light shades have successfully coped for many years,
  • couples like yellow and orange, white and sandy green and turquoise, pink and purple look favorably,
  • tones should be soft and not irritating to the psyche,
  • saturated colors like red, black, blue, brown are best used as an addition to the main white, beige, olive and light gray,
  • to emphasize certain areas of the room, use mosaic tiles of the appropriate shade,
  • floor tiles should be slightly darker than wall tiles (example: white wall and gray floor),
  • the pattern or pattern should be minimal, better just a few tiles, a bathroom that ripples with polka dots or a flower is not the best choice for a modern do-it-yourself renovation.

In no case do not choose large slabs - they will divide the meager room in Khrushchev into even smaller zones. A medium-sized rectangular tile looks organic.

It is better to lay the material on the walls horizontally, so the bathroom will visually stretch in breadth. And diagonal masonry is perfect for the floor.

Find out how much tiles cost from various manufacturers, both domestic and imported. Do not trust single points on the market without a certificate and a warranty period.

Buy materials with a margin and in one store.


Related video: Bathroom design (Khrushchev)

How to place a bath and a bathroom in a combined bathroom in Khrushchev

Problems of Khrushchev's bathrooms

As already clear, the main disadvantage of combined bathrooms in Khrushchev is their small size, as a rule, their area does not exceed four square meters. It should also be noted here that at the time when the Khrushchev houses were being designed, due attention was not paid to the placement of household appliances, which means that in order to fit a washing machine on four square meters, you will most likely have to resort to redevelopment of the premises.

Redevelopment, as you know, is not an easy task in itself, and before starting it, you should carefully consider where and how to place plumbing. In addition, not all ideas with redevelopment can succeed: difficulties arise with a sewer riser, which cannot be moved, and therefore, plumbing will need to be installed not where you want, but where the riser will allow.

And finally, you need to pay attention to the interior and decor of the bathroom in order to visually expand the space, and the walls of the room do not psychologically put pressure on the person in the bathroom.

Related video: Bathroom renovation photo in Khrushchev

Description: In the recent past, the bathroom was given the undeservedly cramped place in the room, and no attention was paid to its design at all.
The traditional color combination was considered to be a range of dark and light tones of ceramic tiles. Such an interior is not at all pleasing to the eye, and is unlikely to cheer you up.

Today, everything has changed, new trends in design art will help create a room full of comfort and style, and boundless imagination will turn your bathroom into a real paradise.

The modern world provides a rich variety of various products for the correct, harmonious and beautiful design of the bathroom.
Also, a wide range of various accessories allows you to give each bathroom, the design of which is taken even from a regular renovation magazine, a unique look for every taste.

With the right approach, any bathroom, regardless of its size, can shine with colors of individuality. The most important thing is beauty and comfort.

Photo of a bathroom in Khrushchev: toilet, sink, bathroom

The walls and ceiling must be light, if ceramic tiles are used for wall cladding, then it is better to avoid large bright patterns. A tile with a discreet or no pattern is much more suitable for a small bathroom.

The same applies to the texture - a smooth glossy surface will visually expand the space, but if textured coatings are preferred, then this should not be a pronounced and medium-sized texture.

We combine the toilet, washing machine sink and water heater

As for the ceiling: it can be whitewashed, finished with a light smooth panel, and even better to mount a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface.

And if we are already talking about mirror surfaces, then the mirrors themselves cannot be neglected either - due to the reflection of the wall, the bathroom in Khrushchev visually expands significantly.

We develop the interior - the best photos and ideas that work

When designing an interior, you first need to decide directly on the decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor. As mentioned earlier, the colors should be light, so the walls and ceiling can be made in the same color scheme: creamy muted tones, with the ceiling lighter than the walls and the floor darker to create a kind of gradient from light to dark, which visually makes the room appear higher. .

You can make glossy not only the walls and ceiling, but also the floor, the only drawback of such coatings is their soiliness, so it is better to immediately remove drops of water from the walls and floor. Acrylic bathroom liner will save you money, time and nerves. This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to refurbish your bathroom.

If you started a bathroom renovation and are limited in funds, an inexpensive way to finish is described here.

Bathrooms with light-colored tiles can give the impression of a cold operating room, so it makes sense to add a few color accents to the interior. For a long time, the accent was the horizontal division into the upper light and dark lower parts - such a classic technique is good for large rooms, and vertical lines are more suitable for bathrooms in Khrushchev.

Therefore, for decoration, you can lay out a narrow strip of darker tiles from floor to ceiling - additional lines will visually raise the ceiling.

It is worth stopping at the choice of ceramic tiles: for small bathrooms, it is better to choose medium-sized tiles - large square or rectangular details can focus on the fact that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small.

Photo of a small bathroom in Khrushchev. Combine washing machine and sink

The same rules apply to mosaics of small squares that are so popular now - the colorful design of the walls will narrow the room even more, so it is better to leave the mosaic exclusively for decoration, and with a calm monophonic color combination. As for plumbing, with today's variety, you can place everything you need in small spaces.

The most bulky piece of furniture in the bathroom, of course, is the bathtub itself - now manufacturers offer not only long bathtubs, but also non-standard ones with a reduced length, using which you can easily free up space for a washing machine.

Photo of the bathroom "rainbow"

With a small size of the room, sitz baths combined with shower cabins are practical - they take up a little more space than an ordinary shower room, but functionally it is much superior to them.

For the tiniest bathrooms, separate showers are perfect, and if you choose glass doors or shower screens, the space will be perceived as a whole with the entire bathroom.

Significantly save space in the room will help corner baths, which, among other things, are also functional - their design provides shelves for storing care products. There should be no difficulty in choosing a bathroom sink - now on the market there are extremely compact sinks with dimensions of no more than 55 × 40 centimeters.

Photo of the bathroom where they could fit the washing machine.

You can experiment with the placement of the sink, such as placing it overlapping the bathtub so that the rim of the sink partially overlaps the rim of the bathtub. For very small rooms, manufacturers have provided corner sinks that will not take up a single centimeter of usable area.

Models of toilet bowls are also very diverse now, for small rooms, toilet bowls with installations inscribed in a corner have long been successfully used - due to the hidden drain tank, the room looks modern, and at the same time additional space appears.

An effective technique for small bathrooms in Khrushchev will be the use of sinks and toilets attached to the wall and not touching the floor. Due to its "floating" in the air, such plumbing is not perceived as bulky, and the room retains space.

It is especially justified to use such “floating” sinks to place a low washing machine under it - now home appliance manufacturers offer automatic machines no more than 70 centimeters high, this design saves space very seriously.

Photo of the bathroom - strictly, concisely, beautifully.

With a competent approach, even small bathrooms in Khrushchev can accommodate all the necessary household appliances and plumbing, while the room will seem spacious.

To do this, just listen to our advice: choose the right tiles for walls and floors, combine plumbing and choose the right washing machine - and even such a problematic room as a combined bathroom in Khrushchev will become cozy, comfortable and functional.

And again we combine the washing machine and the sink to save space


Bathroom design ideas in Khrushchev

Khrushchev is not a sentence

With the advent of modern plumbing, the situation began to change, now even in such a small area that Khrushchev allotted for a bathroom, there is an opportunity to change its design for the better, make it more convenient and functional. When using compact modern plumbing, the bathroom expands not only visually, but also accommodates such devices that you could not even dream of before.

First of all, the design of the bathroom noticeably changes for the better when replacing a standard bathtub with its modern version, preferably a corner one. Such a replacement will immediately free up space that is quite sufficient for installing a washing machine, because Khrushchev has such a small kitchen that it is difficult to install a washing machine in it.

Competently "hide" the washing machine

Modern plumbing manufacturers offer interesting solutions, thanks to which the small area that a bathroom in Khrushchev has is used most optimally. There are two original models of washing machines on sale, each of which changes the design of the room in an original way, and a small bathroom gets more space.

Photo of the bathroom. Small but beautiful. Pink and beige colors

One of the models suggests its installation under the sink, which is sold complete with a washing machine, thanks to which the bathroom receives an improved interior design. The second model surprises buyers who saw it only in the photo. What to say about those who were able to see it in action!

The washing machine is called flop. Its installation saves not only a small bathroom area, but also water. It is installed above the toilet, combined with the flush function in it. This real miracle of technology has such an original design that only its presence in the bathroom gives the room a unique design.

Or maybe ... remove everything?

A revolutionary solution used in bathroom refurbishment is the installation of a drain in the floor and the complete elimination of a bath or shower. Only the shower device itself is installed, and an impact-resistant glass partition is installed to protect the bathroom walls from splashes. Glass can be frosted, which will give some intimacy to taking a shower, and for convenience and visual expansion of space, they are made sliding.

The photos of such a room arrangement presented in magazines amaze with the spaciousness that the bathroom has after reconstruction. Many simply do not understand how Khrushchev gets such space.

Everything is done simply - the pipes are hidden in the wall, and if it is impossible to hide them in the plane of the wall, they are closed with boxes ennobled with tiles. At the same time, the upper planes of such boxes serve as shelves for toiletries.

The toilet is placed either in a corner, which significantly saves space, or does not require a tank and is attached directly to the wall. The walls are made in light colors, and the floor is covered with tiles, the color of which is identical to the color of the walls.

The sink for washing is combined with a washing machine, or a glass one is installed, completely invisible against the general background. The interior is complemented by a large mirror, which gives a unique visual effect, and wall cabinets, merging with the walls with their color.

This design, complemented by shiny heated towel rails, and bright spots in the form of towels and other accessories, will make the standard bathroom, which Khrushchev once had, a room that is pleasant to visit.

A small toilet and bathroom is the lot of most apartments on the secondary housing market, so repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev seems to be a complex undertaking that requires a competent engineering and design approach.

Next, we will tell you how to repair a small bathroom, the photos in the gallery will tell you interesting ideas for creating a stylish interior. And of course, we will analyze the design features, color palette, layout and decoration of a small space so that it becomes not only beautiful and practical, but also as functional as possible.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev - what to pay special attention to

The more than modest size of the bathroom in Khrushchev spurs you to carefully think over ideas for repairs, sometimes use a non-standard approach and optimize every centimeter of the room area to the fullest. And first of all, you should decide whether the toilet with the bathroom will be separate or combined.

Separate bathroom in Khrushchev, the idea of ​​choosing plumbing

The redevelopment of a bathroom in Khrushchev mainly consists in the demolition of the wall between the rooms, which requires coordination according to a simplified system, but even such a redesign must be officially reflected in the property documents and plans of the BTI. If it is planned to install additional plumbing (washing machine, sink), which will increase water consumption, then project documentation will be required from an organization that has access to the SRO for this type of work.

It is advisable to make a bathroom combination in Khrushchev only if the family consists of 2-3 people. If there are children and the elderly in the house, then it is better to leave the bathroom and toilet separate.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, zoning with a low partition

Engineering Communication

Pipes for water supply, sewerage and ventilation in old houses are long in need of reconstruction. Therefore, the repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev, photo examples will suggest several practical options for how to plan the space, you should start with the revision and replacement of utilities.

To draw up a pipe diagram, draw a plan of the room, and arrange the plumbing - this will clearly help you figure out where you need to lead the taps for the bath, sink, toilet, typewriter, shower.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, examples of arranging plumbing

Important: When drawing up a diagram of engineering systems, do not forget to provide shut-off valves for each item of plumbing, so you will protect yourself from trouble in emergency situations.

A bathroom is a very specific room with a difficult microclimate, the main problem in which is temperature fluctuations and dampness, which contributes to the formation of fungi and mold. And here it is important to pay special attention to the ventilation of the room.

Firstly, it is good to clean the old passage, it is better if not an ordinary grill is installed in it, but an exhaust hood, which will provide forced ventilation. Secondly, the standard layout of the bathroom in Khrushchev provides for a window that opens onto the kitchen. In modern interiors, this opening is usually laid tightly. But if you approach the issue more competently and creatively, then it is recommended to leave the window, and even expand and install a window system with hinged or flap doors, which will provide additional ventilation.

The idea of ​​​​how to style a bathroom window in Khrushchev

How to close the sewer

The huge problem of the bathroom in Khrushchev is the sewer riser, which occupies an area of ​​​​approximately 350 * 350 + - 30 mm in the corner. In this case, there are two ways:

  • close the pipes with a drywall box with subsequent finishing, leaving hatches for inspecting valves and meters;
  • to make a built-in wardrobe around the pipes, with proper design, you can arrange shelves for household needs in it, which is more practical and economical, the doors will serve as a decor, with this approach, finishing is not required.

Bathroom in Khrushchev, a way to hide sewers and pipes

Pipe routing - installation nuances

We have already mentioned that the bathroom in Khrushchev has a common wall with the kitchen, so on one side, from below, a bundle of pipes for water and drain will stretch. These communications are usually sewn up with a box, with proper pipe routing, the height of the box is 200-220 mm, the depth is 180-200 mm, it is not advisable to make the box higher, since the protrusion will interfere and will not allow the bath to be set to an ergonomic height.

Sometimes the height of the box is specially made 800-900 mm from the floor, then the protrusion serves as a shelf, but the size of the bathroom will not be 1600 mm - the maximum possible in Khrushchev, but you will have to limit yourself to a bath length of 1400 mm, or install a shower cabin.

Built-in cabinets for plumbing help hide pipes


Due to the difficult microclimate of the bathroom, it is recommended to pay special attention to the electrical wiring. Here it is important to calculate the thickness of the wire section depending on the load, and it is better to use a cable with copper conductors.

First of all, you need to draw up a diagram and note where it will be located:

  • main light source, auxiliary spotlights;
  • heaters (if any);
  • mirror lighting;
  • sockets for washing machine, hair dryer and other household appliances.

In accordance with the scheme, before laying tiles or cladding with other coating materials, it is necessary to make strobes in the walls, treat them with a primer, lay a cable and plaster. If the walls will be sheathed with panels or drywall, then chasing is not necessary. Before installing the crate, you can lay the wire in the corrugated pipe to protect it from moisture.

Advice: Fixtures for the bathroom should be special, with protective shades or gaskets that will prevent moisture from entering.


Waterproofing a bathroom in Khrushchev is perhaps the most crucial moment, the quality of the rest of the repair depends on this. Main steps:

  1. Lubricate all joints with a 100-200 mm approach to adjacent surfaces (especially the floor / wall junction) with bituminous mastic, glue with fiberglass.
  2. Cover the floor with roofing felt and glue it with a lamp, you can also use bituminous mastic or a cement-based waterproofing mixture of a coating type.
  3. When covering surfaces with moisture-resistant drywall, all joints and ends must be glued with tape and smeared with mastic.

Arrangement of plumbing - about principles and sizes

A compact bathroom in Khrushchev makes you look for ergonomic ways to arrange plumbing. Of course, in order to fit everything you need, you need to choose small items, and sometimes even an unusual shape.

Bathroom, photo, design in Khrushchev, how to choose the right plumbing

So, in a separate bathroom, you can install a large bathroom with additional functions, made in the form of a drop, angular or narrowed to one edge, a photo of the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev is presented below. A sink and a cabinet will fit nearby, and the smooth edge will not cause discomfort.

Repair of a separate bathroom in Khrushchev, an example of how to install a luxury bath

In a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, plumbing is placed according to a linear (one wall) or radial (all walls are involved) principle. Usually, one wall is short - 1650 mm, adjacent to it - 2070 mm, the door is set narrow, the total width of the opening is 700 mm. From the side of the door, where the bath will stand, leave 750-800 mm, on the other 500 mm, a narrow washing machine stands well against this wall, next to the toilet. A cabinet with a sink is installed close to the bathroom.

The interior of the combined bathroom in Khrushchev, linear arrangement of plumbing

So that the bath does not look bulky, it is better to make it built-in and tile it, so one surface will pass into another, breaking the boundaries of the room. For a bathroom in Khrushchev, a compact hanging toilet and a sink on brackets no more than 400 mm wide are ideal, bedside tables, of course, are more functional, but they look massive.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, photo of competent placement of compact plumbing

Wall, ceiling, floor decoration

The choice of materials for cladding surfaces directly depends on the interior design of the bathroom in Khrushchev and the budget for repairs.

PVC panels - all the pros and cons

The most economical option is to finish with PVC panels, they do not rot, are easy to maintain, and reliable. A huge selection of colors, textures and patterns opens up possibilities for a wide variety of design solutions. Easy installation of strips allows you to make repairs with your own hands. But in order to sew up the walls with panels, it is necessary to make a crate that will “eat” 50 or even 100 mm on each side, which will make the already small bathroom even smaller. Usually, the ceiling is sheathed with plastic panels, and the rest of the bathroom surfaces are tiled.

The idea of ​​​​how to share a bathroom in Khrushchev without cluttering up the space

Tiles on the floor and walls

Finishing a bathroom in Khrushchev with tiles is a costly and troublesome event, but more practical and durable than PVC panels. Before finishing the walls should be leveled, primed with antiseptics. The floor is usually done at the end of the renovation.

For walls, you can use tiles with any texture, usually, to solve 2 tasks at once, a smooth glossy surface is used, it is easy to clean, and the reflective properties visually increase the space. On the floor, it is better to lay tiles with a pebbled texture that does not slip, even if the surface is wet.

Radial arrangement of plumbing when installing a bath along the end wall

Other options or design features of a small bathroom

Of course, in addition to tiles and panels, wood, natural and artificial stone, textured plaster, painting and even wallpaper can be used in the design of the Khrushchev bathroom, but it is better to finish the wet area with moisture-resistant materials.

Loft-style bathroom design in Khrushchev

To make the room look more spacious, it is recommended to use light, pastel colors: sand, cream, beige, light green, blue, muted pink shades. Beige, white, sand are taken as the base color and the space is zoned with colored inserts, borders, art panels.

Repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, minimalism, small mosaic sizes make the interior graphic, but at the same time elegant

The classic option for repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev is the Art Nouveau interior. This design never goes out of fashion and is always relevant. Sand walls, finished with tiles or panels with a stone texture are very practical, they do not show drops of water and stains. And the curved, smooth lines of plumbing and furniture add comfort and elegance to the interior.

The interior of the bathroom in Khrushchev in the Art Nouveau style


Mirrors and glossy surfaces can change the geometry of a small bathroom in Khrushchev beyond recognition. Narrow vertical mirror inserts, alternating with tiles or other finishes, visually make the wall wider. Horizontal butt mirrors on adjacent walls add perspective to the interior and blur the boundaries of the room, see the photo below for an example.

Design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, mirrors in the interior

To make the bathroom in Khrushchev not only aesthetic, but also comfortable and functional, give up bulky plumbing, use glossy surfaces and a light palette in decoration. Built-in furniture will help close unsightly areas, allow you to use every centimeter of space and tie the interior together.

Choose objects with smooth angles, don't be afraid of creative solutions: mirrors, bright, accent spots, combinations of different textures. When designing a bathroom in Khrushchev, strictly adhere to the calculations when choosing and arranging plumbing. The bathroom should be comfortable and functional, but at the same time there should be free space for movement.
