In what cases is it possible to independently repair gas boilers? Manual for repair, maintenance, technical device, configuration, installation of wall-mounted gas boilers Ariston (Ariston) Troubleshooting of wall-mounted gas boilers


Any gas equipment (including boilers) is classified as household appliances increased danger. A mixture of natural gas and air is extremely explosive. Therefore, the repair of gas boilers with their own hands can only be carried out by a specialist who has experience in this kind of work and is well acquainted with design features modern heating boilers. At the same time, timely diagnosis of possible malfunctions of such equipment makes it possible to facilitate the task of gas service specialists called for urgent repairs, and extends the period reliable operation the boiler itself.

Possible malfunctions in boiler safety devices

The developers of such equipment are trying to increase the safety of boiler operation, for which they use monitoring and tracking devices. All of them can fail.
Traction control sensors
They are devices that monitor the outlet pressure of combustion products after the combustion chamber. The principle of operation of such sensors is based on the constant comparison of the actual flue gas pressure with the minimum required. The required limiting limit is always indicated in the extended specification gas boiler.

With a drop in such pressure indicators, the flue gas velocity decreases and, consequently, the temperature on the chimney walls increases. In addition to the danger of burning the walls (which is quite possible if a chimney made of ordinary galvanized steel was installed), with this option, combustion products are likely to be sucked back into the combustion chamber of the boiler. Since an appreciable amount of oxygen is present in the combustion products, even in bound form, there is a danger of an explosion. Usually, the draft sensor has a factory setting of 70-75 ° C, therefore, when the temperature rises above the specified limits, the boiler turns off.
Indoor air sensor
With an unsatisfactorily laid chimney, part of the natural gas necessary for the operation of the boiler enters the room. The concentration of gas can be very small, and can not be immediately detected by organoleptic means. This can (and does) lead to severe poisoning. If the concentration of natural gas is exceeded, the sensor turns off the unit.

Pressure meter
It is installed on boilers with a turbocharged principle of operation, ensuring the protection of the unit from the combustion products penetrating due to the reverse thrust into the combustion chamber of the boiler. Because of this, the service life of the boiler is sharply reduced, as is the stability of operation. The monostat thus controls the stability of the pressure in the gas network.
Thermal sensor
For double-circuit boilers designed not only for individual heating needs, but also for the production hot water, provides for the presence of a sensor that monitors the temperature of the coolant and the temperature at outer surface heat exchanger housing. If these temperatures exceed allowable level, the boiler will also turn off. This precaution improves the working conditions of the heat exchangers of the unit.
Flame control sensor
The health of the ignition system is monitored by a flame control sensor. The absence of fire can be caused by:

  • poor ventilation of the room;
  • poor traction.

Unignited natural gas can be sucked from under the top cover of the housing into the room. As a result of a gradual increase in concentration, an explosion can also occur.

Pressure meter

The hot water pressure in the hot water and heating circuit is controlled by a pressure sensor. If this indicator is exceeded, the connecting fittings of pipelines of both the heating system and the hot water supply system may fail. Therefore, in this case, the automation will also turn off the boiler. Thus, repairing a gas boiler with your own hands allows you to perform diagnostics in full.
Control and tracking systems of double-circuit gas wall-mounted boilers
Depending on the design of the units, a different level of configuration of automation systems and control over the operation of the specified equipment is provided. It should be noted that, regardless of the type of such systems, they always provide a 100% guarantee of reliable operation. An example of a complete set for the most common types of gas wall-mounted boilers is shown in the table.

Machine model Ignition chamber type Complete set of control and automation equipment
Self-diagnosis system Burning uniformity control Water temperature sensor The presence of an electronic ignition system
Baxi (Italy) closed there is there is there is there is
Valiant (Germany) closed there is No there is there is
Protherm (Slovakia) open No there is there is there is
Bosch (Germany) closed there is there is there is there is

It should not be thought that the boilers trademarks Valliant or Protherm are less safe, just set them additional features do not include those that may be relatively rare in demand. By this, the manufacturer reduces the price of their products and simplifies the rules for using the boiler.

Thus, do-it-yourself repair of a gas boiler in the absence of high-quality knowledge is undesirable. This should be done by a specialist. In addition, in the presence of a widely developed system service centers such work will be performed much more qualitatively and with a guarantee by the production personnel of these centers.

Troubleshooting wall-mounted gas boilers

If you have the right to perform such work and have completed advanced training courses, then repairing wall-mounted gas boilers with your own hands is quite within your reach.

Peculiarities gas equipment from different manufacturers often makes it impossible to have full knowledge of all the types of gas wall-mounted boilers encountered, therefore, a gas boiler repair video greatly facilitates the tasks of repair and diagnostics. The following working tool is required for repair:

  • gas key - for dismantling emergency or damaged sections of the gas pipeline at the entrance to the gas boiler;
  • portable electronic gas analyzer - to accurately determine the location of gas leaks;
  • calibration screwdriver - to adjust the electronic ignition system, if the source of leakage is eliminated, and the boiler still does not ignite;
  • tester - to determine the current electrical parameters of the electronic ignition board;
  • universal pressure gauge - for prompt setting of the current gas and water pressure parameters in the boiler circuit;
  • heat gun - for diagnosing the current state of the chimney.

It should be noted that all of the above devices must be annually verified and calibrated in a certified center for the provision of such services. Otherwise, do-it-yourself repair of gas boilers will not only not lead to an improvement in stability or even the possibility of operation, but will also worsen the quality of the functioning of this equipment.

Prices for the repair of gas wall-mounted boilers are determined by the nature of the work performed and the complexity of the identified problems. Excluding cost Supplies they make up:

  1. Departure of a specialist to diagnose a malfunction - from 2000 rubles. + from 30 rubles/km for a remote user.
  2. Replacement of one node - from 2000 rubles.
  3. Setting operating parameters - from 1000 rubles.

Possibilities to fix some problems yourself

A number of diagnostic procedures and minor repairs can be carried out without calling a specialist. Typical instruction for the repair of gas boilers includes the following in the list of such works:

  1. Restoring the original settings in case of their sudden reset (we are talking about the "Winter" and "Summer" modes, with the help of which the boiler is started). For example, this can happen when the unit is carelessly transported. If open contacts are detected, they should be set to the “Winter” position, after which a test run of the boiler should be performed.
  2. Missing launch circulation pump. If the connecting contacts are OK, then the cause is a malfunction of the pump itself. The vacuum pump must be replaced, fixing it with your own hands is an almost unbelievable thing.
  3. The gas supply does not turn on: the cause may be a clogged gas pipeline. It is blocked and blown through, for example, with a vacuum cleaner. After cleaning, the gas pressure in the gas pipeline is checked with a pressure gauge and must comply with technical specifications boiler.
  4. Loud hum in chimney. Happens in cold winters, and is caused by the formation frozen ice in pipes. Eliminated by installing a steam trap or blowing the chimney with a strong stream of hot air from a heat gun.

All work to eliminate the above problems is carried out on the eve of putting the boiler into long-term operation.
Do-it-yourself gas boiler repair video will help to more accurately understand the sequence and nature of the operations performed. Accurate compliance with the provisions of the boiler operating instructions is the key to its high-quality and long-term operation.

Modern gas boilers are quite complex technological equipment. With proper care and proper handling, the gas boiler will serve for a long time without any failures. However, even the most expensive and functional equipment has its resource, after the exhaustion of which, problems begin to appear. different kind malfunctions.

Knowing the main causes of problems and the procedure for their elimination, you will be able to repair your gas boiler with my own hands. This is a very painstaking, responsible, but in most cases relatively simple work.

First of all, it is necessary to establish, due to which any malfunctions may occur in the operation of gas heating boilers. A number of different factors can lead to problems.


Modern gas boilers are equipped with various means automation. These devices, in turn, are powered by electricity. And, despite the fact that it is already the 21st century in the yard and systems for using alternative sources energy, the problem of the stability of power grids remains relevant for many regions, especially for remote villages and all kinds of holiday villages.

A sudden shutdown or a strong surge of electricity is one of the main enemies of any modern gas boiler.

To avoid all the associated troubles, buy a quality stabilizer in advance. Do not spare money for the purchase of this device - there is little sense from cheap models, so it is better to immediately allocate funds for the purchase of a good stabilizer from well-known manufacturer. Be sure that in the event of a breakdown of automation, you will spend much more money on its repair and replacement.


Often used at home wall models gas boilers. Such devices are simultaneously responsible for both space heating and hot water preparation.

The design of wall-mounted boilers includes a flow heat exchanger. Low-quality hard water with a variety of inclusions - main enemy gas boiler heat exchanger. At the same time, under the influence of low-quality water, the heat exchanger can fail in just one season.

To prevent such damage, install special filters. The best option- a complete water purification system. With it, your boiler will work as long as possible, and using purified water is much safer for health.

Mounting errors

Any knowledgeable person will tell you: installation and piping of the gas heating equipment must only be carried out by qualified personnel.

Even the slightest errors at the stages of installation and connection of equipment can lead to irreversible consequences. For example, improperly performed piping in the case of a cast-iron gas boiler with a power of more than 50 kW will lead to the fact that when low temperatures the unit will simply break.

Therefore, if you are not an experienced gasman, entrust the installation of the boiler to professionals - this way you will save yourself from many problems in the future.


Adverse atmospheric phenomena can also lead to the appearance of many different problems. In frosty winters, people turn on heating for almost full power. This leads to a significant decrease in pressure in the gas pipeline system. As a result, boilers cannot realize their full potential.

You will not be able to solve this problem on your own - you still cannot explain to your neighbors that they only aggravate the situation by their actions. As a solution to the problem, you can install an additional boiler that runs on a different fuel.

Is it worth it to repair the boiler yourself?

A modern gas boiler is a complex and potentially dangerous system. The main danger of such units is the risk of a gas explosion in case of improper handling of the equipment or untimely elimination of various problems.

For maintaining the operation of the gas boiler for optimal level responds to various kinds of automation. An inexperienced user is often unable to understand its device. Therefore, to fix serious problems, it is better to immediately invite specialists.

On your own, you can try to eliminate only visible damage and various contaminants that led to the failure of the pipe, chimney and other parts of the boiler.

There are a number of typical problems, which in most cases can be dealt with on your own. Problems will also be listed, in the event of which you can only protect yourself before the arrival of a specialist.

If there is a distinct smell of gas or smoke in the room, immediately turn off the boiler and leave the room, opening it for ventilation.

Call in a specialist immediately. Trying to solve the problem of a gas leak on your own without the right skills is extremely dangerous and unwise.

Flame sensor failure

If the combustion sensor or the gas supply pipe is broken, turn off the boiler, close all gas valves and allow the unit to cool completely.

After some time, return to the room to check it for the smell of gas. If everything is in order with the draft, try turning on the boiler again. If there is no traction, call a repairman immediately.

Boiler overheating

Overheating is one of the most common problems of modern gas boilers. The reason for this may be a malfunction of the automation equipment or a clogged heat exchanger.

It is impossible to cope with the repair of automation without the appropriate knowledge.

You can clean the heat exchanger with your own hands. The most common materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers are copper and stainless steel. There are usually no problems with cleaning them, but still be extremely careful.

To clean the heat exchanger, simply remove it and clean it thoroughly with a wire brush. In the case of a copper heat exchanger, it is better to replace the brush with a metal sponge used for washing dishes.

Boost fan malfunctions

The problematic place of fans are their bearings. If the fan of your boiler has stopped developing the set number of revolutions, try to eliminate the malfunction as soon as possible.

To do this, remove the back of the fan, remove the stator and grease the bearings. Machine oil is fine for lubrication, but if possible, it is better to use a higher quality carbon compound with heat-resistant properties for this.

Also, an interturn short circuit can lead to problems with the fan. Only a specialist can cope with the elimination of this malfunction. Hand over the stator for repair to replace the winding, or immediately replace the faulty unit with a new device.

Chimney problems

Often, excessive clogging of the coaxial chimney leads to the appearance of various malfunctions in the operation of a gas heating boiler.

Remove the chimney and carefully clean all of its components from soot. So you will not only return the previous level of efficiency of the unit, but also significantly increase the efficiency of the boiler.

Here, recently fell into the hands manual for the repair of wall-mounted gas boilers Ariston (Ariston), tutorial Genus MTS group. Unfortunately, the book is paperback. Yes, and it had to be returned in a couple of days. Therefore, I decided to scan this manual for myself. True, the quality of the scan was poor due to the soft cover, but the manual is quite readable. It has over 250 pages. I didn’t find a similar manual for downloading on the Internet, so I decided to file all the pictures in PDF and put it on deposit so that everyone could download.

You have training materials for technical device, skills in setting up, repairing and maintaining ARISTON gas wall-mounted boilers of the Genus, Clas, Egis series. This manual is intended for service technicians, installers, technical service engineers, heating and water system designers, etc.

ARISTON is part of the MTS Group. Merloni TermoSanitari S.p.A. (MTS Group) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of water heating and heating equipment, air conditioners and components for domestic and industrial use.

ARISTON equipment is specially adapted for Russia; during development and testing, many factors that are encountered in Russian operation practice were taken into account: surges in gas pressure and voltage, low air temperatures, “hardness” of water, areas with high seismic activity, etc., MTS Group is constantly working to improve its products and reserves the right to make necessary technical changes to its products without prior notice.

ATTENTION. In addition to the data specified in the manual, the relevant standards, rules, instructions and regulations not listed here must be observed.

We are not responsible for damage caused by failure to comply with the requirements contained in the manual.

We hope that this information will give a complete picture of the operation of modern and economical wall-mounted gas equipment and will help you easily and professionally resolve issues. for design, installation and maintenance heating equipment ARISTON.





2.1.1 Hydraulic circuit heating operation


2.2.1 Hydraulic diagram of operation in the "DHW" mode










4.3.1 3x-way valve operation logic

4.3.2 Electric drive Zx-way valve


4.4.1 Anti-scale function


4.5.1 Checking the speed of the circulation pump

4.5.2 Types of post-circulation in the "HEATING" and "DHW" modes


4.6.1 Filling the heating circuit with heating medium

at first start

4.6.2 Semi-automatic heating circuit make-up













5.3.1 Checking the gas inlet pressure

5.3.2 Adjusting the maximum heat output

(maximum thermal power in TVS mode")

5.3.3 Setting the minimum heat output

5.3.4 Adjusting soft ignition (starter flame)

5.3.5 Graphs of dependence of thermal power on gas pressure

(CF models - open chamber)

5.3.6 Heat output versus pressure curves

gas (FF models - closed chamber combustion)

5.3.7 Adjusting the burner start delay time

on request for heating

5.3.8 Adjusting the maximum heating output












6.1.1 Wiring diagram




6.3.2 Entering the menu

6.3.3 Description of menu 1: TIMER-PROGRAMMER SETTING

6.3.4 Description of menu 2: BOILER SETUP

6.3.5 Description of menu 3: SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM

6.3.6 Description of menu 4: SETTINGS FOR TEMPERATURE ZONE 1

6.3.7 Description of menu 5: ZONE 2 PARAMETERS

6.3.8 Description of menu 7: TESTS AND CHECK PROGRAMS

6.3.9 Description of menu 8: PARAMETERS FOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN



6.5.1 Fault codes







Gas water heaters Ariston (Ariston) instruction, connection manual, repair, electrical and logic diagram.

Thermostat(TS) - a device that turns the boiler on and off in automatic mode. This happens depending on the room temperature and equipment settings.

Modern boiler houses are managed by the respective electronic boards, which are a kind of "brain" of the device, they have a two-pin connector for connecting a thermostat.

By default, the connector is jumper, therefore, the boiler room without connecting the vehicle will work constantly, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the system.

Possible malfunctions of wall-mounted gas boilers

Boiler equipment fails as a result of breakdowns of the main components and elements.

Faults are divided into groups:

  • damage mechanical parts;
  • problems with electric nodes;
  • breakdown of electronic components;
  • violation tightness connections of pipelines and hoses;
  • failure settings boiler room.

Important! Persons who are not specialists in the repair of such equipment may only engage in elementary repair and maintenance of boilers, in other cases, the wizard is called.

In accordance with the regulations, if you smell gas, you should close the inlet valve and call gas service specialists. The point is that the broach threaded connections should be made with special wrenches made of bronze alloys, which exclude sparking.

Places of gas leaks are determined during application soap suds on pipe connections. Inflating bubbles indicates that the tightness is broken, which means that part of the gas does not reach the burner.

Important! It is allowed to carry out repairs to the electrics of a gas boiler on your own, if available experience of similar work, otherwise the result can lead to sad consequences.

Requires skill to repair electrical tester, knowledge of technology rations, understanding the layout of the equipment.

Failure of mechanical elements is eliminated either by their complete replacement, or by repairing faults, if possible. In many cases, the owner can carry out the work on one's own.

Cleaning pipelines is a simple procedure, so calling a wizard is not necessary, but it should be borne in mind that as a result of inaccurate actions, the structure can be damaged.

If the disruption is due to reset board parameters responsible for managing the functioning of the boiler, they should be restored. Constant failures may indicate a malfunction of the electronic boards.


Competent implementation of repair involves compliance with a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Revealing malfunctions. There are obvious and implicit breakdowns. With a boiler that has ceased to function, everything is clear, but there may be defects that are difficult to notice immediately or do not greatly affect the operation of the boiler room.
  2. Diagnostics: search for the causes that led to the breakdown. This may be a clogged filter, a violation of the integrity of the wires, the failure of individual nodes.
  3. Elimination of causes. First you need to determine whether it will be possible to repair the boiler on your own, in some cases you can save a lot by performing simple manipulations, and sometimes there is a risk of exacerbating the situation if the wrong actions are taken.

Reference! Do not dismantle and repair the boiler when guarantee period his work has not expired yet. If it is not possible to repair the equipment on their own, the repairmen will refuse to correct defects free of charge.

Unstable operation of the burner, which often fades. To maintain the combustion process, the presence of oxygen is necessary, its deficiency (during the operation of the boiler) can be easily detected if, for example, the windows in the boiler room are opened. Combustion stabilization indicates the need improve ventilation in the work area.

Might have to put supply valves or door with vent hole.

Insufficient gas flow in the line is determined when the hose is disconnected from the boiler. When the valve is open, you should hear hiss and feel smell of additives gas mixture.

The pressure may drop as a result of a clogged filter, to clean it, remove the inside grid, and rinse. If the blockage occurs in gas meter, you will have to call the gas service workers.

Overheating of the coolant can cause emergency turn-off equipment. This often happens due to a malfunction of the pump that accelerates the working fluid around the house.

If air has entered the working chamber of the pump, then to remove it, you need to add coolant.

Sometimes rotor- the pump element, - sticks and stops rotating, you can fix the problem by disassembling the housing, the rotor is scrolled by hand, if possible, removing debris in the chamber.

You should also check expansion tank , which modern models boilers are built into the unit itself. The pressure in it is checked with a standard automobile pressure gauge, its value should be 0.2 atm less than the operating pressure in the pipeline.

If necessary, air is pumped by a manual or electric pump.

You will also be interested in:

Repair materials and tools

To identify and correct breakdowns of a gas boiler, you will need:

DIY repair

The following problems with the gas boiler are possible.

Flame sensor failure

The sensor turns off the gas supply in the combustion chamber of the boiler when the flame goes out. Identifies a flame by its special properties, such as direction of current flow(fire only conducts it one way, like a diode), or in terms of current.

Important! Some models of boilers stop working if reverse the plug in the socket.

The gas boiler combustion sensor may not work as a result clogging of the gas pipe. Troubleshooting is reduced to its dismantling and thorough cleaning. If the boiler continues to turn off on its own, you will have to call the master.


Causes of equipment overheating:

  • absence fluid circulation;
  • airing systems;
  • trash in filters.

Clogged pipelines can be identified by hearing, during the operation of the boiler there will be sounds: clicks or a slight knock.

For washing, special acid solutions.

The gas boiler heat exchanger is cleaned in the same way. Manufacturers recommend cleaning them once every two or three years.

Reference! Heat exchangers made of copper alloys are more “gentle”, therefore, when working with them, hard metal brushes cannot be used.

You should also check the correctness of all stopcocks installed in the system. If necessary, replace.

To remove air from the system: open the valves and wait for the gas mixture to exit until a stream of water flows.

Boost fan malfunctions

Gas boiler fan malfunctions:

    Most weakness any ventilator bearings. It is recommended to lubricate them periodically.

    To do this, you need to remove the back of the cooler, pull out the stator and apply grease to the bearing surfaces.

    Better to use heat-resistant types of lubricants recommended by the equipment manufacturer. They can be purchased, for example, in stores that sell auto parts.

  • Short circuit between stator turns also causes a malfunction. In some cases, it is possible to repair the part in the workshop, sometimes it is easier to replace it with a new one.

Chimney malfunctions

Signs of a violation of the normal operation of the boiler chimney:

  • violation thrust- is detected when a match is brought to the viewing window of the boiler;
  • advanced education soot.

There are a few options gas boiler draft violations:

There are reasons that greatly impair draft, even if both the boiler and the chimney are not clogged. For example, next to the house appeared higher objects(this could be buildings or even trees) that prevent normal functioning boiler room. In this case, you will have to build up the pipe.

It can also affect traction. powerful extractor, established in adjoining room, for example, in the kitchen.

Problems with the electrics and control boards

First you need to inspect the external cables suitable for the gas boiler, whether there are damage, bends and breaks, their presence may indicate that the power supply is broken.

Lack of glow of indicators is also an indication that power is not going to the equipment boards.

Attention! Some manufacturers refuse to implement warranty repair if the boiler has been connected to electrical network without installing a voltage stabilizer or UPS.

Control board malfunctions cause crashes in the operation of boiler equipment or its complete shutdown. For repairs, you should invite the masters, since without knowing the circuit of the board, it is impossible to even diagnose it.

The cause of a malfunction of a gas boiler can be individual elements (microcircuits, diodes, capacitors, resistors) or whole assembly failure.

Moreover, the replacement of a specific component will not necessarily lead to the restoration of operability, since improper functioning of the power supply will cause damage to other boiler boards.

Therefore, replacing individual elements of the gas boiler with new ones, you can waste time in vain.

Cleaning the valve of a single and double-circuit gas boiler

Best for cleaning once every two years otherwise, it will be problematic to remove soot and scale deposits later.

Having closed the gas supply valve in advance, you should begin disassembling the boiler by removing the burner:

Gas boiler cleaning process:

  1. After removing the top cover of the boiler, disconnecting the draft sensor and removing the chimney pipe, you can access heat exchanger. It is covered with a heater and a casing, they should be removed.
  2. Remove from the heat exchanger tubulizers(swirlers), they are cleaned with a metal brush.
  3. The heat exchanger itself is cleaned with homemade blades and scrapers suitable size and shape.
  4. Used as washing solutions mixture citric acid and vinegar.
  5. And there are also several types of factory tools, for example, "Antinakipin".
  6. Usage homemade flushing units allows you to clean the heat exchangers without disassembling or removing them. It is best to use reversible pumps for assembly, which allow you to change the direction of flow in one direction or the other.

Useful video

Check out the video that shows the process of cleaning a gas boiler.

Proper installation is a guarantee of long-term operation

The process of installation and maintenance of gas equipment is regulated by:

  • SNiP 2.04.08-87 (gas supply).
  • SNiP II-35-76 (boiler plants).
  • Government Decree No. 549 of 2008 (rules for the supply of gas to citizens of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the installation, replacement and maintenance of boilers should only be carried out with the participation and control of relevant authorities, because gas appliances are hazardous equipment.

For unauthorized installation and replacement of boilers, a fine is provided. Utilities may even turn off the gas supply.

Installation of gas equipment, made with disregard for the basic rules, will lead, at best, to its inefficient work, and at worst breakdown boiler.

The destruction of the body can occur if the device is strapped incorrectly, the power of which above 50 kW(it may crack at low temperatures).

Installation voltage stabilizer solve the problem of breakdowns in the electrical part of the boiler equipment. In this case, one should take into account the total power of the connected devices, starting currents, the value of which about 3 times higher than workers (this is true for pumps that distribute the coolant throughout the house).

Prevention of boiler equipment will help ensure its uninterrupted operation during the season. It is recommended to carry it out Twice a year

Today, autonomous heating systems have become very popular. The main component of such a system is the heat source. Most often it is a gas boiler. Such equipment has good quality and decent features.

Modern boilers have their own protection system:

  • lack of traction;
  • Extinguishing of the burner;
  • Heat exchanger overheating.

In the event of malfunctions, use the equipment only after they have been eliminated.

In some cases, repairs can be done by hand. But in order to prevent breakdowns, it is necessary to observe and carry out:

  • Operating rules;
  • Preventive actions.

Compliance with these measures will allow the operation of the equipment for a long time without breakage.

Having heating system and hot water, you can experience the full benefits self adjustment temperature regime. But in order for the operation to be completely safe and the services received to be of high quality, it is necessary to periodically repair the heating boiler.

What you need to know about the device of the system

Any heat generator can break down, this can happen for several reasons, for example:

  • Expansion tank damage;
  • Instructions and operating rules are violated;
  • Poor quality items or components.

Whatever the malfunction, the repair must be carried out carefully and in accordance with established standards.

When repairing, you need to pay Special attention to the correctness of the sensors. For example, if the presence sensor fails carbon monoxide, then there will be a high probability of inhaling dangerous gases.

Any master or person who decides to repair on their own should know what security groups are and what they consist of:

  • Traction sensors together with plates. They are rated at seventy-five degrees. This device helps to monitor the state of draft in the chimney or their exit to smoke traps. In the latter, the sensor heats up and works. It is best if a gas alarm is purchased in pair with this sensor;
  • The monostat is installed in order to protect turbo boilers from poor flue gas removal. May occur due to a contaminated heat exchanger or chimney;
  • Limit thermostat. It controls the water in the boiler. If it boils, then the overheating sensor turns off the boiler;
  • Ionization electrode. Installed to monitor the presence of a flame. Often repair of a heating boiler begins with checking the electrodes, because the operation of gas boilers without a flame can lead to an explosion;

  • Breakaway valve. Used to control pressure. At pressures above 3 bar, the boiler discharges dangerous excess.

Fulfill repair work control boards can only specialists. Because they have the experience and the necessary equipment.

Important! In most cases, the control panel fails due to power surges. electric current, so you need to take care of installing a voltage stabilizer.

The repair work of such boards themselves is in most cases the same for all brands of manufacturers, but there may be slight differences. Therefore, it is not necessary to climb into the "brains" of your boiler, as you can cause trouble.

Repair Notes

Never immediately apply full voltage to the equipment, because the repair of heating boilers may stop there due to failure of automation and wiring.

For installation, you need to use only sensors that are correct for operation, which the manufacturer advises. Use stabilizers to prevent damage to wiring and sensors. For most manufacturers, the instructions indicate all kinds of problems with the operation of the boiler, what errors it can show. Reading the instructions carefully is half the battle!

Self-repair - important point on the quality of which your life will depend. People have been learning this work for many years.

Do I need to do my own repairs?

All heating boilers- this is complex systems. Their main danger is the use of explosive fuel. To control the operation of the heat source, automation is used. In addition to maintaining optimal performance it also signals problems with the equipment.

We agree with the opinion of experts and argue that boiler repairs should be carried out only by professionals, but in some cases (replacing a small unit) you can limit yourself to do-it-yourself repairs.

Consider the most common flame failure problem. The reason for this may be:

  • Clogged damper;
  • Operation of the emergency valve.

To deal with the first reason, you need to make sure that the room does not smell of gas and check the chimney draft. In the event that flue gases enter the room, it is forbidden to operate the equipment. You need to go to a repair shop immediately.

If the equipment overheats, then it is quite possible that the heat exchanger is dirty (you can find its photo and video in our gallery) or the automation is out of order. It is necessary to ventilate the room well and seek help from specialists.

Important! If you smell gas in the room, then turn off the boiler, turn off the gas and leave the room. In this case, repairs can only be carried out by professionals.

Your actions:

  • We wait until the boiler cools down, and check the draft and the smell of gas;
  • In the presence of traction and the absence of a smell of gas, we try to start the boiler;
  • If the launch failed, then it is quite possible that the combustion sensor has broken. There may also be contamination of the pipe through which the gas enters.


It is better not to repair the boiler with your own hands, because this can lead to serious consequences. It is best to have periodic inspections carried out by professionals, the cost of these services is negligible.
