What is dangerous spider mite on cucumbers and how to deal with it. The main enemy of the greenhouse cucumber. Spider mite - how to deal with trouble? Ways to deal with spider mites on cucumbers

Dacha or garden - source positive emotions and fresh vegetables. Unfortunately, both the first and the second may be in jeopardy if some kind of "infection" appears on the cultivated plants. For example, a spider mite on cucumbers can completely destroy a crop in a short time. Only correct and timely methods and means of combating this pest will help save the situation.

What is important and necessary to know about the spider mite

The main thing you need to know about a tick is that it is not an insect. This arthropod belongs to the class of arachnids, family Tetranychidae. The most common member of the family is the common spider mite. It is he who attacks the cucumber beds. The pest has a cosmopolitan distribution, that is, its habitat covers almost the entire territory of the Earth. Found even in Antarctica. Therefore, the fight against spider mites is a topical issue for plant breeders from all over the world.

Spider mites are soft-bodied arachnids with a small, up to 0.6 mm, ellipsoid body, convex at the top and flat at the bottom. The maturation process is divided into five stages and is accompanied by molting. Larvae are translucent, greenish-brown; adults are most often colored reddish-orange or red. One of the phases of the six-legged larvae, adults, or adults, have eight legs. Produce web. They can migrate over considerable distances with gusts of wind.

The life cycle is short, taking less than a month. The rate of reproduction depends on the characteristics environment. Favorable conditions: high temperature and low humidity. With an air humidity of over 80%, it practically does not multiply, so the fight against spider mites in a greenhouse is always easier than under conditions open ground. Does not tolerate ultraviolet light, keeps on the shaded side of the sheet.

Spider mites are polyphages. Preference is given to some host plants, there are more than 200 of them. But in the absence of food “to taste”, they can eat what they have. They pierce the outer covers and suck out the contents of the cells, depriving them of chlorophyll. They settle at the point of growth and on young leaves.

Signs of defeat

An infected plant can be recognized by the following signs:

  • traces of "bites" are visible - small bright dots;
  • on the reverse side of the cucumber leaf, the skins shed after molting are noticeable, and if you look closely, then the spider mites themselves;
  • there are sticky shiny spots on the leaves;
  • a thin web is noticeable.

The main “wake-up call” that is easiest to detect: young cucumber leaves do not gain their size. The length of the internodes is significantly reduced. As a result, the shoot closer to the point of growth begins to curl, at the end a “bundle” of small underdeveloped leaves is visible.

Cucumber, trying to fight for life, begins to stepchild intensively. On the stepchildren, traces of the lesion appear in a day. Affected areas quickly turn yellow and die. exacerbate the situation and fungal infections with which the weakened immunity of the cucumber is not able to fight. In this state, even after intensive treatments, the plant will no longer be able to recover and begin to bear fruit. "Doev" escape, spider mites scatter to the neighboring ones.

Fighting methods

The fight against spider mites on cucumbers is a difficult task, but quite doable. The set of measures can be divided into three groups:

  • preventive measures;
  • fight against infection in the initial stage or with local infection;
  • fight against mass infection.

See below for more details on how to get rid of spider mite in the greenhouse, what methods and means of struggle are used in practice by summer residents and gardeners.

Chemical and biological preparations

To fight the spider mite, when its population has already grown, it is advisable to use chemicals. It is important to remember that since this pest is not an insect, insecticides are useless against it. Acaricides are used to kill arachnids. This group of plant protection products takes its name from "acari" (mite) and "cide" (cut).

Conventionally, the group of acaricides is divided into:

  1. specific acaricides. Contain sulfur, bromine or their derivatives. They only work on ticks.
  2. Insecticides-acaricides. Complex poisons that affect both insects and arachnids. Pyrethroids or organophosphorus compounds are used as toxic substances, less often preparations of inorganic sulfur.
  3. Acarofungicides that also act on spores of pathogenic fungi. Since ticks often carry them on themselves, infecting a weakened plant, the use of such drugs in the fight against ticks is justified and effective.

All acaricides that can be purchased on the free market belong to the third hazard class. That is, they are of little danger to mammals. When using them, it is enough to adhere to the usual safety rules in such cases. The respiratory organs are closed with a cloth, gauze bandage or respirator. At the time of work choose clothes that cover the body as much as possible. Acaricides have a sharp bad smell. The reason is in two phases of the lesion: contact and gas. The spider mite must "breathe" the poison. The smell does not speak of a special “harmfulness” for a person.

During processing, it is not recommended to eat or drink to prevent the ingestion of the substance. It is advisable to use a sprayer with a long spout for processing. Naturally, all work in open ground conditions is carried out in the absence of wind. There are two reasons for this: protection against accidental droplets and processing accuracy.

When working with this group of drugs, it is more important to protect the environment:

  • avoid getting into open water, as these drugs are dangerous for fish;
  • do not treat during the flowering period, as acaricides are toxic to bees.

To get rid of spider mites on cucumbers, “biological” preparations have also been developed. These include, for example, Fitoverm. It has the same hazard class and requires the same safety precautions for handling. Its difference is the possibility of using it during the growing season. After spraying with Fitoverm, fruits can be harvested after 48 hours (when using conventional acaricides - at least a month later). Aversectin is a biologically active poisonous substance obtained as a result of the vital activity of producing crops, which does not accumulate in plant organs, but self-destructs.

In order for the spider mite on cucumbers to really die, a number of rules must be followed. Firstly, all acaricides have only a contact effect, and are not systemic drugs. That is, to get rid of the spider mite, you need to literally water it. The leaves are sprayed on both sides, Special attention give the point of growth and the lower surface. In a greenhouse, a spider mite can hide not only on cucumbers, but also on supports, in the folds of the film.

Secondly, treatments must be performed strictly periodically: acaricides do not affect eggs. At a temperature of about 20 degrees, three treatments with a period of seven days are usually sufficient. At daytime temperatures of 25–30 degrees and above, young spider mites hatch faster. In this case, treatments are carried out every three days, increasing their number to four. In a greenhouse, where the temperature is higher, the spider mite is etched according to the latter scheme. Violation of the deadlines eliminates all efforts to combat the tick.

It is important to remember that acaricides (especially for preparations with aversectin) quickly decompose under the influence of high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. Work on getting rid of spider mites from cucumbers is carried out in cooler evenings, otherwise there will be little sense from them. It is desirable to add a drop to the working solution detergent so that the poison "sticks" to the leaves, and is not washed off. Before spraying, the web is removed as much as possible, which serves as a “roof” for spider mites; its dense structure will protect pests from droplets. Under the action of acaricides, the tick stops feeding after 8–12 hours.

Spider mites, like many arthropods, have an adaptive mechanism that allows them to "resist" the harmful effects of poisons. Since their generations change quickly, there is a risk over the summer to "grow" spider mites that are tolerant to a certain poisonous substance. Therefore, it is advisable to change acaricides with each treatment. It is important to remember that biological acaricides do not mix well with chemical ones. Timely, at the first detection, the use of acaricides will help save the crop of long-awaited cucumbers.

natural remedies

Natural, or folk remedies, are used as a preventive measure. They can also be effective if the spider mite has just appeared on cucumbers and the infection is localized within one or more plants. Indeed, many do not want to use chemicals for spraying plantings for the purpose of "insurance", and rightly so.

If spider mites are found on only one cucumber shoot, it is immediately uprooted and burned.

The rest of the cucumbers can be:

  • spray with soapy water;
  • crush with tobacco dust;
  • treat with a solution of peroxide (2 tablespoons per liter of water);
  • use a solution of ammonia (a teaspoon per liter of water);

Actively used to fight ticks and herbal infusions:

  • dope: 1 kg of the dried plant is boiled for about 3 hours, the broth is diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • dandelion: fresh chopped greens (500 g) are poured with a bucket of water and insisted for a day;
  • sorrel: finely chopped rhizome is soaked in a bucket of water for 5 hours;
  • calendula: 100 g of flowers insist in a liter of water for 5 days;
  • yarrow: dried plant (500 g) is brewed in boiling water, diluted to 10 liters.

To repel spider mites, cucumber beds are interspersed with dill, tansy, catnip, lavender or rosemary. These plants can also be planted in a greenhouse. Nightshade ticks are repelled, especially tomatoes. Don't forget chamomile. After all, it was in her flowers that the substances that are now called pyrethroids were first discovered.

Preventive measures

The best way to deal with spider mites on cucumbers is prevention. It will not completely protect against the threat, because these ticks can move with gusts of wind. But it will greatly reduce the chance of infection. Prevention is especially important in greenhouse conditions and in the case when the spider mite has already attacked the site last year. Individual females (they are called "wintering") hide in the ground, and with the advent of spring, they begin to actively breed.

In autumn, all parts of the cucumbers are removed and burned, even if they appear healthy. They dig up the earth before frosts: pests hibernate in the upper layer of soil, and after turning it over, they are likely to freeze out. It is important to observe crop rotation. In the area where cucumbers grew last year, tomatoes or cabbage are planted, and vice versa. Such a change will help not only to "hide" plants that are attractive to spider mites, but also to maintain the balance of nitrogen in the soil. Helps in pest control and timely removal of weeds.

To get rid of the spider mite in the greenhouse, after harvesting it is additionally fumigated with sulfuric smoke bombs. Upper layer soil should be replaced. The trellis and frame of the greenhouse are fired with a burner and treated with lime.

Spider mite is one of the most common pests, whose appearance often goes unnoticed. Even observing the consequences of his "life activity", they are rarely associated with the tick itself. Attempts to revive cucumbers with top dressing and increased watering lead to nothing, they die before our eyes. The fight against spider mites will be effective if you recognize the danger in time and choose the right set of measures.

According to experts in Russian Federation There are about 13 types of harmful mites that infect vegetable crops. The most dangerous member of its family is the spider mite. He is capable of inflicting massive damage in a short amount of time.

spider mite

The insect belongs to the category of harmful arthropods. The most famous species found on vegetable crops is Tetranychus urticae (spider mite). Its dimensions reach 0.4 - 0.5 mm in length, it has a greenish or dark brown color.

Favorable climate for pest reproduction is dry and warm air(humidity below 60%, t above 25 degrees). Even after various chemical treatments, the spider mite tends to recover very quickly and significantly increase its colonies.

The insect initially settles on the underside of the leaf, damages it and feeds on cell sap, wraps it in cobwebs. Gradually, the culture begins to turn yellow, and then dies.

The nature of the defeat of cucumbers

You need to sound the alarm if the following changes appear on the cucumber leaves:

  • white dots or yellowish spots on the back and at the base of the leaf;
  • girdle, thin web;
  • drying and falling tops;
  • the plant slows down growth.

Pest control methods

The cucumber mite is very dangerous for vegetables, it will take a lot of strength and patience to destroy it, it will not be able to cope with it with one spray.

Treatment with chemicals

It is necessary to take measures against the spider mite when the first signs of damage to the plant are detected. If the leaf has already begun to dry and a web has appeared on it, then the females have laid eggs and soon the pest colonies will increase tens and hundreds of times.

  1. 1. Fitoverm- has an effect not only on the spider mite, but also on many other pests. To improve the effect, it is worth combining with pyrethroids.
  2. 2. Fufanon, an insectoacaricide with high toxicity to ticks and other pests, is also unsafe for humans.
  3. 3. Apollo - acaricide that stops the population. It does not cope with an adult, but it kills eggs and sterilizes the female.
  4. 4. Neoron is a drug that perfectly copes with any harmful mites.

Undoubtedly, pesticides give the greatest effect in the fight against harmful insects, but they also have a significant toxic effect on humans. At the same time, the spider mite has learned to develop resistance (adaptability) to these drugs.

This method also has a disadvantage: if the spider mite population has reached a mass infection, the predator will most likely not cope.

Prevention is the key to plant health

A mandatory preventive measure against this pest is to prepare the soil for planting a cucumber crop:

When starting planting, do not place the seed or sprouts too close to each other. If correct distance will be observed, this will quickly neutralize the plant affected by insects.

One of the main rules for the prevention of pests is caring for the beds: planted vegetables must be constantly watered, weeded, removing weeds, and periodically inspect the leaves and stems. If the pest is still seen on the sprouts, immediately remove and destroy the infected plant. This action will help prevent the spread of the mite throughout the future crop.

You can sow dill between the cucumber rows, with its smell it will scare away the tick.

If landing is carried out in protected ground, mandatory requirement- carry out chemical or heat treatment of the greenhouse.

The spider mite is very hardy, resistant to weather conditions and means chemical processing. But do not despair, the spider monster can be defeated. If you take care of cucumbers correctly and in a timely manner, the plant will thank the vegetable grower with a wonderful, plentiful harvest.

Cucumbers are not the easiest crop to grow. And this is due, among other things, to the many diseases inherent in them and pests attacking cucumbers. One of the most dangerous pests is the spider mite: it is not easy to detect it early, and it is not always possible to get rid of it in an instant.

Spider mite on cucumbers: who is it

The sooner you find a tick on cucumbers, the higher the likelihood of saving the crop. Therefore, you need to know well what the danger looks like, and inspect the leaves in the garden as often as possible. Therefore, a summer resident who visits the site only on weekends, to a large extent, risks losing a full-fledged crop.

Spider mite danger

Only a gardener with excellent eyesight can carefully examine a tick: this is very small insect, not more than 0.5 mm in size, painted in a brownish-red color. With an increase, one can easily see four pairs of legs in it (while the insect is in the larval stage - three). The larvae are greenish in color, turning brown on the sides.

With magnification, you can consider the tick in detail; the bottom of the figure shows the results of his activities

Ticks hibernate in the thickness of the soil, crawl to the beds with the onset of heat and the appearance of a sufficient amount of greenery to feed. In summer, insects prefer hot weather no precipitation. Females lay about a hundred eggs at a time, giving about 20 generations per summer. The larvae hatch very quickly, within a few days. The most favorable conditions for tick reproduction are a temperature of about 30 ° C and a humidity of about 60%.

Despite the fact that the life expectancy of the tick is not long, no more than a month, its fecundity is so high that it is a great danger.

On cucumbers, the mite prefers to settle on the underside of the leaves, where it sucks the juices from the plants, piercing the flesh of the leaf. Gradually moves to the stems, and then to the emerging fruits, causing great harm. The upper parts of cucumber plants are most affected. A dense web entangles both stems and leaves, disrupting oxygen metabolism and inhibiting photosynthesis. Productivity is significantly reduced: at best, almost twice.

The web covers the whole plant, but it is not very similar to the web that the well-known house spider spins.

Cucumbers are especially comfortable in the greenhouse, because they create ideal conditions for his life and reproduction:

  • sufficient amount of heat;
  • protection from wind and rain;
  • absence of tick-eating birds and large insects.

The tick changes its location with the help of fragments of the web it creates. Perhaps "resettlement" and with the participation of humans or animals, as well as weeds. It is impossible to completely protect landings from a tick: it can fly from anywhere with gusts of wind or “arrive” on any animals.

Signs of damage to cucumbers by spider mites

It is not always possible to quickly detect the insect itself; more often, the consequences of his wrecking are first discovered. They might look like this:

  • light dots on the underside of the leaves, turning into merging spots;
  • barely noticeable, almost transparent milky-white web, entangling the entire plant;
  • slowing down the growth of cucumber lashes;
  • yellowing or browning of the foliage, followed by drying.

Of course, yellowing of the leaves is also characteristic of many diseases, as well as nitrogen starvation, but this is the reason for carefully inspecting the leaves, perhaps using a magnifying glass. It is necessary to start fighting the spider mite immediately: this procedure is lengthy and sometimes, alas, ineffective.

Ways to deal with spider mites

Despite the fact that most gardeners prefer not to mess with "chemistry", perhaps the tick is not the case, especially if the situation is running. However, on early stages it is worth trying to get by with folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Before processing cucumbers by any means, it is necessary to cut off and burn the dead areas; dead bushes should be dug up and destroyed completely. If possible, it is necessary to remove the resulting web. Further, if there are few cobwebs, plantings are treated with one of the following preparations:

  • turpentine (spraying is quite dangerous, you can simply place a few open jars near the beds);
  • tobacco dust infusion (spraying) or dry dust (dusting);
  • ammonia (a teaspoon per 1 liter of water);
  • hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons of a 3% solution per 1 liter of water);
  • infusions or decoctions of herbs.

Spraying is carried out several times with an interval of 3-5 days. As herbs for infusions, for example, can be used:

  • dandelion (500 g of greens insist 3-4 hours in a bucket of water);
  • calendula (100 g of flowers per 1 liter of water, 4–5 days);
  • sorrel (300 g of crushed roots in a bucket of water, 4–5 hours);
  • onions, garlic (200 g of husks in a bucket of water, a day).

Decoctions can be prepared from yarrow or dope. Processing with any solutions or infusions is carried out in cloudy weather.

Calendula - not only beautiful flower, but also the savior of many garden plants from pests

Chemical and biological preparations

Despite the high activity of chemicals, their use is not only undesirable (toxic to humans), but also not always effective: insects quickly adapt to them. Therefore, biological agents based on the action of various microorganisms are of great applicability, for example:

  • Vertimek;
  • Akarin;
  • Kleshchevit;
  • Aktofit;

Fitoverm is one of the most harmless preparations for protecting many plants from pests.

The most “heavy artillery” is acaricides, which kill not only adults, but also affect larvae and even egg laying. But, since such drugs are dangerous for humans, it is worth thinking carefully about the appropriateness of their use. This is for example:

  • Apollo;
  • Nisoran;
  • Flumite;
  • Floromite.

Such drugs must be alternated: ticks quickly get used to their action, and no more than 70% of pests are destroyed in one treatment. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to prevention.

Video: fight against spider mites

Preventive measures

Prevention of tick damage includes:

  • digging the beds after harvesting;
  • disinfection of tapestries;
  • destruction of weeds and plant residues;
  • sparsity of planting cucumbers;
  • planting nearby marigold, dill, hyssop and other odorous herbs: they attract ladybugs, which at the same time destroy aphids;
  • timely destruction of dried leaves.

The spider mite is the most dangerous pest of cucumbers, it is difficult to completely escape from it, but if you detect the pest in time and start fighting, you can save the bulk of the crop. It is advisable not to bring the matter to the use of toxic drugs, but to rely on available harmless folk remedies.

Many complain that they strike and lead to damage to the crop. In our article we will tell you what it is and how to deal with it.

What does it look like

The pest poses a threat not only to cucumbers, but also to many others. It can be found on crops grown both indoors and outdoors.

It is quite difficult to deal with such a pest, so it is important to recognize it in a timely manner.

Important! The spraying procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening, as under the influence of sunlight the chemicals will quickly evaporate and will not be able to destroy the pests.

The tick is characterized by a very small size. The female does not exceed 0.5 mm, and the male - 0.3 mm. Particularly voracious individuals who have found suitable food for themselves, for example, the juice of cucumber leaves, can grow up to 2 mm.

The body shape of the pest is elongated, elliptical. Females are orange-red in color and have high fecundity.

In a season, one female can lay about 8,000 eggs. Aging occurs very quickly - in just a few days, the egg becomes a sexually mature individual. If you do not hurry with the adoption of pest control measures, you can be left without a crop.

What is dangerous

Spider mite causes great damage to vegetables. By sucking out the contents of cucumber cells, it gradually brings the death of the plant closer. Also, the pest is able to infect the plant with various infections, it carries bacteria. This leads to the fact that the plant loses its immunity and can become infected by others.

Many are interested in the question: is the spider mite dangerous for humans? In this regard, you can be calm: the only harm (other than crop loss) that a pest can cause is the nerves spent on experiences.

Signs of damage to cucumbers

The main signs of damage to cucumbers include:

Did you know? IN winter time due to lack of food, the pest changes its color. The color of females becomes bright red or brown.

Usually, the spider mite is located on the underside of the foliage, so it is worth paying attention to it more often. The web that wraps around the plants serves as a springboard for pests to move through the foliage. Damaged crops slow down their growth, and leaves that have not been damaged turn yellow.


So that the spider mite does not overcome cucumbers, The main control measures must be taken - prevention:

  • It is important to remove plant debris from greenhouses, as they are a wintering ground for pests.
  • Be sure to dig up the soil - this will help move the tick to deeper layers of the earth in which it cannot survive.
  • It is necessary to carefully clean everything, as tick reproduction can occur in them.
  • Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to treat the soil with a 70% solution of colloidal sulfur.
  • It is important to constantly monitor how the plant looks. If yellow dots begin to appear on the lower part of the foliage, it must be cut off and burned.
  • It is recommended to alternate planting cucumbers with or
  • After harvesting, you need to remove the ground part from the site and burn it.

Important! If after treatment it was not possible to overcome the spider mite, the infected plants must be dug up and burned to prevent the spread of the pest.

By following basic preventive measures, you can protect your crop from the invasion of the spider mite.

Fighting methods

Fortunately, today there are many methods that tell how to get rid of spider mites on cucumbers. Some gardeners prefer to use folk ways, and someone prefers "heavy artillery" - chemicals. In any case, it must be remembered that when processing plants, it is worth observing safety measures and strictly following the instructions.


If you decide to seriously engage in the removal of pests, you need to use preparations against spider mites. The most effective and common include:

Unfortunately, the spider mite has the ability to quickly adapt to chemicals, so it is better to carry out integrated pest control.

Some gardeners prefer to use folk remedies to combat spider mites. Let's take a look at a few recipes.

Important! In severe drought or persistent high temperature air treatment of plants with drugs should be carried out more often.

  1. dry based recipe To prepare the infusion, which will be used to process cucumbers in the future, it is required to use dry foliage, roots and stems of fluffy montigation. The dry mixture is poured with water and infused for 24 hours. It is recommended to use the proportion: 1 kg of mixture per 10 liters of water.
  2. Recipe based on fresh hogweed. The green part of the plant must be ground to a mushy state. Then you need to add water to it (2 liters of water will be required for 1 kg of the mixture). After that, it is worth squeezing out the liquid part and pouring the remaining pomace into 15 liters of water. It is necessary to infuse the solution for about 10 hours. After that, again you need to select the liquid part and combine it with the one that was squeezed out earlier.
  3. Recipe based on creeping mustard. From this plant, you will also have to prepare solutions with which you can fight the tick: 120 g of dry crushed mustard must be poured into 1 liter of water. After that, the liquid part must be drained, and the remainder diluted with water.

The spider mite is an insect that settles on cucumbers and infects them, thereby destroying vegetable crops. Spider mite very quickly gets used to many chemicals. For this reason, it is often difficult to remove an insect. We present the most effective means than to treat cucumbers from spider mites in a greenhouse to quickly eliminate the tick.

Signs of a pest

There are several signs that can tell about the defeat of the culture. These should include:

  • the appearance of light dots on the leaves, and if the pest for a long time affects cucumbers, then spots appear on the plant on the back;
  • there is a web on the plant, it is almost invisible;
  • vegetable crop noticeably slows down its growth;
  • the leafy part begins to turn yellow quickly.

When the first signs of damage to the plant by the pest appear, treatment of the plant with agents against spider mites should be started as soon as possible.

The main actions for the defeat of cucumbers

Before you figure out how to treat cucumbers from spider mites in a greenhouse, you should learn more about how to act if the first signs of pest damage appear. In order to choose the right means for processing, it is necessary to find out the degree of damage to the plant.

How to proceed:

  1. Emergency action. If the summer resident finds completely yellowed leaves, they are cut and burned, completely dead plant will have to be dug. Such actions will help stop the spread of the pest to other crops.
  2. Hand tools. Solutions such as hydrogen peroxide, turpentine or ammonia can only be used if the tick has settled in cucumbers not so long ago, and the pest has not severely damaged the plant.
  3. Decoctions. This tool is very effective for serious damage to the plant. If the leaves began to turn yellow and dark spots form on them, this indicates the need for treatment with chemicals or weed infusions. There are many special infusions and decoctions that contain toxins that are dangerous for ticks.
  4. Biopreparations. You can buy special drugs that have in their composition natural ingredients. They are used for three or four treatments. Such biological products help to quickly destroy pests on cucumbers.
  5. Acaricides. The funds should be used when the problem is running, as they are strong enough and perfectly fight the development of ticks.

Chemical Methods

If the summer resident is faced with the question of how to treat cucumbers from spider mites in a greenhouse, you should turn to chemicals that can be purchased in stores.

As the experts say, effective way is the fumigation of a greenhouse room with sulfur, this method gives a positive result in a short time.

And to spray cucumbers, you should use drugs such as:

  1. Actellik. Helps to fight adult ticks, and is considered one of the most effective drugs to kill this pest. This drug is classified as dangerous, therefore, when using it, the use of protective equipment is required. The effect of the remedy lasts about twelve days.
  2. Karbofos. Such a drug is strictly prohibited for use when ovaries and flowers appear. good result can be achieved only if the insectoacaricide gets on the insect.
  3. Demitan. The drug belongs to acaricides, while it protects the plant from within forty days after treatment. To remove spider mites, the product can be combined with other chemicals. It is worth noting that Demitan is dangerous to humans.

    And how do you process cucumbers from spider mites?

Effective folk remedies

There are a number folk remedies to help control this pest. The most effective ones include decoctions from:

  • marigolds. Flowers are placed in a bucket, it is necessary to fill the container halfway, then pour the plants warm water. Leave the remedy to infuse for two days. After that, the solution should be filtered and add 40 grams of laundry soap to it. Plants are sprayed with the resulting product;
  • potato tops. About a kilogram of potato tops is taken and placed in a bucket, the product is left for four hours. After this, planting in the greenhouse is treated with a filtered solution;
  • tomato stalks. 4 kilograms of tops are used, they are poured with ten liters of water and moved to the stove to prepare a decoction. Boil the composition for about half an hour, then filter and add 40 grams of laundry soap.
