Installation of an infrared floor heating sensor. Installation of infrared floor heating. Possible mounting errors

Warm infrared floors are considered the most innovative option for heating residential buildings, which is characterized by high efficiency and practicality. The installation of such a heating system is easy to carry out without the involvement of specialists. We will deal with the rules of its arrangement.

Film heating - will make any home warm

Warm floors (TP) in themselves are not something new and unknown. They came to our country a long time ago. In many houses and apartments of Russians, electric and water transformer substations are installed. The last of these assume the use of heated water as a coolant. It circulates through a system of pipes laid under the floor covering. Electrical structures function due to a special heating cable. It is also laid under the floor. Such floors perfectly heat the room. But their main drawback lies in the certain complexity of carrying out assembly activities. A similar minus does not have a film (infrared) warm floor. Its installation is simple and straightforward. Any self-taught master can cope with it.

Film TP uses IR (infrared) radiation for heating. It warms up various objects standing in the room. And already from them heat diverges throughout the room. IR radiation is provided by special carbon paste. It is placed in a polyester film and the resulting structure is hermetically sealed. It works according to this principle. Voltage is applied to the emitters through conductors (tires) made of copper. It activates the heating elements, which immediately begin to give off heat. Busbars film system must be treated with silver dust. It eliminates the possibility of burning their joints.

The power of the described transformer substations can reach 220 W / square of the heated area. Their width is 50–100 cm. The film is heated to a temperature not exceeding 60 °C. IR floors are connected through a special thermal regulator to the household power supply.

Infrared heating - expensive, but flawless in operation

We can talk about the advantages of film TP for a long time. Such heating does not need advertising. We highlight only the main advantages of film systems:

  1. 1. Possibility of do-it-yourself installation under all existing floor coverings. IR film structures can be installed on horizontal, inclined and vertical surfaces. If desired, they are allowed to equip even under a stretch ceiling.
  2. 2. Low electricity consumption. The reduction in energy consumption is due to the fact that carbon is characterized by a high thermal conductivity.
  3. 3. Unique reliability and durability of structures. The individual elements of film floors are interconnected in parallel. Due to this, if any part of them burns out, the system remains fully operational. Serviceable elements continue to heat the room.
  4. 4. The installation of the described TS is carried out without the obligatory arrangement of a screed on the floor. This significantly reduces the cost and time spent on system installation.
  5. 5. If necessary, infrared heating can be easily dismantled. And later it can be mounted on the same place or installed in another room.
  6. 6. Complete safety of system operation.

The disadvantage of film structures is only one - high cost. But this can be put up with, given that such systems have been operated without breakdowns and failures for decades.

Where does the installation begin - the right start

High-quality installation of the heating film is possible only on a well-cleaned and leveled surface. Height differences on the floor base cannot be more than 3 mm. If necessary, carefully level the floor using suitable technology(for example, filling concrete screed). Then we vacuum the base and proceed to laying a layer of waterproofing on it - a plastic film. It will not allow moisture to get to the elements of the system and disable them.

Next, we cover the waterproofing with a layer of insulation. Its use is mandatory! The thermal insulation layer reduces heat loss from downward radiation. This reduces the power consumption of the system and increases the efficiency of its operation. As thermal insulation it is allowed to use any warming materials. Most often, products with a metallized coating are used. And, if the TP is laid under the tile, the technical plug usually performs the function of a heat insulator. We install strips (plates, sheets) of insulation close to each other, and then we glue the places of their contact with adhesive tape.

The next step is to choose a place for mounting the thermostat. It is advisable to place it at a height of 0.15 m from the level of the floor surface. After that, we draw a laying scheme infrared system.

The film floor is not installed under large household appliances, massive structures and stationary furniture.

Pay attention to the following. If the film heating structure is used as an additional one (the dwelling is heated centrally), it should occupy about 40% of the room area. And in cases where TP is the only source of heat, at least 70%. We also take into account that the infrared structure must be laid indented from the walls at a distance of 0.1–0.4 m.

Basic work - a couple of hours and you're done!

We cut the heating system, focusing on the laid-out scheme. Cutting can be performed strictly only along the lines that are available on the IR film. If cuts are made otherwise, the carbon layer will be destroyed.

We lay the cut material on the heat insulator. We mount the copper sides of the contacts towards the wall where we planned to put the thermostat. The next steps are:

  1. 1. We connect to the copper strip (to its edge) clips-contacts (they are included in the kit of film TP), and wires to them. Nuance. Contacts will be needed the less, the longer the strip we use. In this case, the maximum length of the heating panel is 8 m. It is forbidden to lay longer strips. Advice. To connect the tires, you need to use a copper wire with several cores. We take a cable with a cross section of 1.5–2.5 cm.
  2. 2. We isolate the areas of connecting cables and clamps, as well as cutting the film. We use bituminous mastic for this purpose.
  3. 3. We connect to the bottom side of the infrared film the sensor of the thermoregulatory device included in the kit. Carefully isolate it.

After laying the entire film and connecting the cables, we mount the thermostat. In principle, it can be connected to a household outlet like a conventional electrical appliance. But it would be better to install it permanently.

In this case, before installing the film, we cut an opening in the wall for junction box and a channel for electrical wiring. Cables that connect the thermal controller to the heating system are recommended to be routed under the skirting board. Then the wires will not be able to spoil the interior. After all these actions, we connect to the mains and test the TP for operability. The described procedure for installing a heating film is carried out by an inexperienced craftsman in a maximum of 2-3 hours (if we are talking about residential premises with standard sizes).

We bring the floors to mind - a test of the system and the flooring of the finish coating

Checking the installed infrared heating cover is simple. Turn on the system and see how it works. If there is no overheating at the junctions of the contacts (the structure has the same temperature in different areas) and the floors do not spark, we did everything right. Can proceed to the final stages of the operation. First, we cover the IR film with a special substrate. She will be in touch with finishing sheathing floors, and protect both the warm floors themselves and the selected finishing material.

The special substrate is made of a polyethylene film. It fits all kinds decorative coating.And here we take into account the following:

  1. 1. Parquet, laminated products are laid directly on polyethylene film.
  2. 2. Wooden floors are mounted on a flooring pre-installed on the film. We make it from particle boards or sheets of plywood.
  3. 3. If top coat is a tile, the amount of work increases. At the TP, we first lay protective film, and on top we cover it with a paint grid (plastic, not metal), which we fix with dowels to floor base. We carry out this procedure as carefully as possible. We can't damage the copper tires or the carbon strips. Only after all these steps can you mount the tile. Its laying is carried out on a special adhesive recommended by the manufacturer of the film heating floor system.

As you can see, installing an infrared warm coating is a really simple operation. We do not need to purchase special tools for installing a heating floor, study mountains of literature with expert advice. All stages of the procedure are simple, understandable to beginners and easy to perform. The only problem for home craftsmen who are engaged in arranging their homes can only arise when the thermostat is connected to the mains. If you are not sure of your skills in this matter, it is better to seek the help of a professional electrician. He will connect the system in a couple of minutes and will charge a not so big fee for his services.

Infrared warm film floor appeared on the market not so long ago, but very quickly gained great popularity. The fact is that such warm floors can be laid under any coating. It can be linoleum, parquet, laminate or even ceramic tiles. The great demand for infrared floor heating is also explained by the fact that when laying it, it is not necessary to make a cement screed. And this saves a lot of money, time and effort. If we compare it with a cable underfloor heating, then infrared is much more economical, in addition, a cable underfloor heating requires filling with a cement screed. Installation of infrared film underfloor heating will be successful if you follow the instructions.

It should be noted that the installation of underfloor heating does not require special knowledge, if you follow the instructions, then everything can be done by hand in a short time. It is noteworthy that with a possible move, the film can be easily dismantled and taken with you. You can simply re-lay it again if you plan to make repairs with redevelopment.

Among other things, the infrared warm film floor has a beneficial effect on human health. It is no secret that infrared rays have been used in medicine for decades.

Very well, infrared rays help with tissue damage, they warm them up, so that injuries heal much faster.

The film of such a warm floor is able to penetrate through flooring thus having a beneficial effect on the human body. The film infrared floor creates negative ions in the room, they are also very useful for human body. Thus, such a floor is a Chizhevsky chandelier and a heater in one device. This floor has practically no electromagnetic field.

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To install a warm film floor, you will need the following tools:

  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • big scissors.

How is underfloor heating film installed?

  1. The first step is to prepare the surface on which the floor will be laid. The surface must be thoroughly cleaned. After it is properly prepared, you can start laying the heat-insulating material. If it is planned to put linoleum or carpet on the floor, it is permissible to use any type of insulation, the thickness of the sheet should be from 3 to 5 mm. It should be borne in mind that the installation will be successful if all joints are carefully glued with adhesive tape. If it is planned to lay ceramic tiles on the floor, then thermal insulation can be used, which is made of technical cork, its thickness should be 2 mm.
  2. Before proceeding with the installation of underfloor heating, it is necessary to make a choice of the place where the thermostat will be located. After that, you need to compose and write detailed system installation. This is required in order not to make mistakes when the infrared film is laid. It must be remembered that the film can only be laid where there are open areas of the floor and furniture is not planned to be installed there.
  3. Now you can cut the films into strips. They must be of the appropriate size along special lines, they must be laid out with a copper strip down, with their contacts facing the wall (then a thermostat will need to be installed on the wall). It must be borne in mind that everything should be done in accordance with a previously drawn up scheme.
  4. Installation of a warm floor continues by connecting the films to the wiring. Contact clamps should be installed on the edge of the copper strip, then contact wires must be connected to them.
  5. Now the floor temperature sensor is connected, this procedure should be carried out from the back of the film. Then all this must be isolated.
  6. When the warm film floor is thoroughly laid, it is necessary to insulate all the contacts that fit it. Only then can you connect to electrical network.
  7. It should be borne in mind that before laying the floor covering, it is necessary to test the infrared floor heating. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that there are no sparks or heat at the joints. Otherwise, the result may be negative.
  8. In order to provide the necessary protection, it is permissible to lay a film of polyethylene on top of the infrared underfloor heating. If we are talking about laying ceramic tiles, then the screed under it should dry out for 20 days, only after that the warm floor can be fully used.

If we are talking about installing a warm floor using ceramic tiles, then a film with a power of at least 220 watts should be used. When everything is fixed, you must additionally use the mounting construction grid, the cells of which should be 45 mm. Such a mesh is laid on top of all materials, it must be pointwise attached to the primary screed.

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If such an installation of a warm floor is done, then you need to use a cement-adhesive mortar. So the primary screed under the tiles adheres more firmly, which guarantees reliability.

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The work of film underfloor heating is carried out using infrared heating– film heaters.

  1. In order for the floor to retain more heat, you need to use thermal insulation material, which has a reflective or foil surface. The fact is that such a surface is equipped with a film that does not conduct electric current.
  2. The thermostat can be installed both outside and inside. In order not to see the wires and the sensor, you need to take care of the recess in the wall. outdoor installation implies the installation plastic box. You can ground such a floor using foil tape, it must be glued diagonally and along the length of the film, after which the end of the adhesive tape is connected to the wire.
  3. If we are talking about laying parquet, then a layer of polyethylene foam should be installed on top of the warm floor. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the foam must necessarily lie down evenly, there should not be any drops. Next, you need to lay plywood, which is water resistant. Its thickness depends on the parquet riveting; it is attached to the foam with glue. Plywood must be sanded, there should not be any drops and gaps.

Increased focus on infrared warm floors quite
justified, because specifications this innovative heating system
demonstrate a number of advantages and allow you to equip an energy-efficient home.

Infrared film underfloor heating - what is it

Infrared floor heating is popular due to its unique principle
work. Although it is a kind of electric warm
floor (because it requires electricity to function),
infrared floor is much more economical and safer than its predecessor.

The principle of operation of IR underfloor heating is based on the release
thermal energy in the infrared range. Long wavelength radiation heats up
person and the surface of surrounding objects: furniture, walls. And they, in their
turn, being a secondary source of heat (reflectors) heat the air in
room. This approach to home heating allows you to subjectively feel the heat up to
how the air warms up.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared underfloor heating

  • simultaneous damage to the entire system is reduced to zero,
    due to parallel connection of blocks;
  • mounting on any surface (horizontal, vertical,
    oblique) does not cause difficulties;
  • uniform heating of the floor surface. What is very important when
    an infrared warm floor is installed under the laminate;
  • do-it-yourself installation will not be difficult;
  • it is possible to dismantle the film, for example, when moving;
  • installation of the floor is possible in any room
    (including wet) and under any type of coating;
  • we allow the installation of the film in an open room (veranda,
    terrace) and closed (rooms in an apartment or house, office, warehouse, etc.);
  • high heat transfer (97%) and efficiency (30% higher according to
    compared to other electric underfloor heating systems).
  • the need to comply with the rules of connection and operation
  • not recommended as the main source of heating
    due to the high inertia of the system (heats up quickly, cools down quickly);
  • unlike a water heated floor, film is unstable to
    mechanical stress and damage.

Types of infrared film underfloor heating

Despite the relative novelty of the infrared
heating, manufacturers offer several varieties of them:

  • film infrared heat-insulated floor. The essence of this system
    consists in the fact that the heating element is a fiber laid
    between two layers of plastic film. The heating film is flexible,
    strength, wear resistance, besides it is a good dielectric.

In turn, the film floor has its own varieties. AT
The division is based on the composition of the heating element:

  • carbon - carbon-graphite;
  • bimetallic - copper and aluminum.

The first system became more widespread among

  • rod infrared heat-insulated floor. The feature of the system in
    the fact that the function of the heating element is performed by carbon rods,
    connected by wire. This is the most innovative of the systems that allow
    reduce heating costs by 60% (compared to other systems).
    The ubiquity of carbon rod floors is hindered only by their
    high price.

Comparison of these systems for specific conditions
functioning, will make it possible to find out which infrared warm floor

Do-it-yourself installation of infrared floor heating

Installation instructions for infrared film underfloor heating
consists of a series of successive stages, which need to be studied in detail in order to
exclude the possibility of an error:

  1. Creation (development) of the project and calculation.
  2. Selection of equipment and materials.
  3. Installation of the IR warm floor system.
  4. Test run (verification).
  5. Clean finish.

Stage 1 - project development and calculation

An important feature of installing an infrared film floor
is that it is not mounted under furniture. Thus, starting
calculation of the required amount of material and determining the place of laying the film
you need to subtract the area under which the film will not be laid.

Note. For the system to be considered effective, the film
should cover at least 80% of the surface of the room in case the film
the floor will be the main heating system of the house/apartment and at least 40% if
auxiliary (alternative, additional).

Calculation of infrared film underfloor heating

  • calculation of the total area of ​​​​the premises: Sp \u003d a * b * 2;
  • calculation of the heating area Sb \u003d Sp - (X, Y, Z)

a, b - length and width of the room, m;

Sb - heating area, sq.m.;

X, Y, Z - fixed and / or low-standing interior items
(furniture, household appliances, etc.).

Note. Calculation of the heated area is made with
taking into account the fact that the IR film is laid no closer than 100 mm to any
vertical (adjacent) surface or object.

After calculating the heated area, you need to calculate
sufficient system power. Be aware that the power range
heating film is 150-220 W/sq.m.

Calculation of energy consumption of infrared floor heating

The energy consumption indicator for the film floor can be
calculate by the formula: E \u003d Sp * k * T

Where, E - energy consumption, W / h;

Sp is the total area of ​​the premises, sq.m.;

k - conversion factor (depends on the installed
temperature, if the system is turned on by 40% - the coefficient will be 0.4);

T - thermal power floor.

Infrared floor heating costs are easy to calculate,
knowing the electricity tariff in a particular region.

Calculation of the power of infrared floor heating

It is possible that the area of ​​the room is sufficient
large and for the installation of a film heating system, it is necessary to use
several sets of infrared film - in this case, their power
summed up. P total = P1 + P2 + ... + Pi,

If part of the kit was used, the calculation is made according to

P total = 110 L

P total - the total power of the film floor, W;

P1…Pi is the power of a single set of film, W.

L is the length of the infrared film that is used when

110 – film floor power conversion factor.

Calculation of the number of thermostats and their installation location

Thermostat function for infrared floor heating -
adjust the heating level.

With regard to the quantity, you should know that when
connection of several sets of film flooring, it is necessary to install
several thermostats, because the power consumption of a warm floor
summed up.

Install the thermostat preferably at a height of at least
150-200 mm. above the level of the finish coating, and for comfortable use on
a height of about a meter (the height of the sockets). The second option is possible if the installation
Infrared floor heating systems are made before the repair work is carried out.

Advice. The thermostat is placed on the wall
located perpendicular to the direction of laying the strips. This approach will allow
reduce wire length.

The thermostat is mounted next to the electrical wiring hidden or
external way.

When exceeding permissible load on the thermostat
There are two connection options:

  • zoning and connecting each zone to its own thermostat;
  • inclusion in the circuit of a solid state relay or magnetic
    starter. In this case, the system will be controlled by one relay. Such
    connection requires certain knowledge, which requires the involvement of an electrician.

The scheme of laying infrared film for underfloor heating includes
includes an indication of the direction of placement of the bands. Manufacturers and craftsmen
recommend laying the film along the longer side, this will reduce
the number of cuts of the heating film on the turns.

Rules for placement (laying) of infrared floor film:

  • the first row of film should be placed no closer than 100 mm. to
    wall (or to another object), but no further than 400 mm;
  • film cut line pitch – 250 mm. cut film in others
    places is prohibited;
  • the distance between adjacent film strips is at least 10
  • the maximum allowable length of the floor strip is 8,000 mm.

The project of infrared film underfloor heating should

  • calculation of usable area;
  • calculation of system power;
  • the place of installation of the thermostat (and their number, if
    installation of underfloor heating in a large room);
  • the direction of laying the film strips;
  • number of stripes (depending on the width of the film).

The result of the design should be an installation scheme that
needed to fulfill installation work, and for further
operation and repair.

Stage 2 - selection of equipment and building materials

Film underfloor heating is sold as a kit, which includes:

  • infrared film for underfloor heating;
  • connecting clips;
  • scotch;
  • thermostat;
  • temperature sensor.

Note. The set depends on the manufacturer. For example,
heat plus, caleo systems contain everything you need to work.

Additionally you need to buy:

  • electrical wire (preferably copper, stranded,
    section 1.5-2.5 mm);
  • thermal insulation material. Electric infrared
    underfloor heating allows the use of any type of insulation: foil
    film (polymer-coated), polyethylene foam, natural cork and
  • waterproofing film;

Tool: assembly knife, scissors, pliers, screwdriver,
wire cutters, adhesive tape, hammer, tester, drill bit (nozzle for a drill), puncher,
square, pencil.

Stage 3 - installation of infrared floor heating

Step-by-step instructions for beginners with no experience in construction:

1. Preparation (learning security measures)

If the work is performed by a non-professional, you need to familiarize yourself with
installation technique and safety measures:

  • minimize walking on the laid film. Protection
    films from mechanical damage, possible when moving along it,
    achieved through the use of soft covering material (thickness from 5
  • do not allow installation of heavy objects on the film;
  • prevent the instrument from falling onto the film.

Safety rules for installing IR floor heating:

  • It is forbidden to connect a heating element to the power supply
    film rolled up;
  • film installation is carried out with no power supply;
  • connection to the power supply is carried out strictly according to SNiP and
  • film installation rules are observed (length, indents,
    no overlaps, etc.);
  • only suitable insulation is used;
  • installation of the film under furniture and other heavy
  • installation of a film under low-standing objects is excluded.
    These are all items that have an air gap between the bottom
    surface and floor less than 400 mm;
  • contact of the film with communications, fittings and
    other obstacles;
  • isolation of all contacts (terminals) and lines is ensured
    cut conductive copper busbars;
  • the film floor is not installed in rooms where high
    risk of frequent water ingress;
  • obligatory installation of an RCD (protective device
  • break, cut, bend the heating cable;
  • mount the film at temperatures below -5 °C.

2. Preparation of the thermostat installation site

Includes wall chasing (for wires and sensor
temperature) to the floor and drilling a hole for the appliance. Power on
the thermostat is supplied from the nearest outlet.

Advice. It is advisable to lay the wires in the corrugation, this technique
will simplify Maintenance and repairs if necessary.

3. Foundation preparation

Infrared film is laid only on a flat and clean surface.
surface. Horizontal deviation of the surface exceeding 3 mm is also
unacceptable. Masters recommend treating the surface with a primer.

Note. Dismantling of the old floor (rough) is not required,
if its surface is not satisfactory.

4. Laying the waterproofing film

The function of the waterproofing film is to protect the electrical
underfloor heating system from moisture coming from below.

5. Installation of thermal insulation material

As evidenced by user reviews - insulation
allows you to increase the heating efficiency due to the fact that heat does not escape
way down. However, when installing an infrared floor heating system on the second floor -
rarely anyone used a heater, because. thermal energy will warm up
ceiling between the first and second floors.

Advice. Foil insulation should be laid metallized
side to the floor.

6. Laying infrared floor heating

  • drawing markings for laying on the floor;
  • preparation of a strip of film of the desired length. note
    you can cut the film only along the cut line;
  • the film is located towards the wall, which
    designed to install a thermostat. Oriented strip copper
    heater down;
  • the recommended distance from the wall of 100 mm is maintained;
  • the recommended distance (gap) between
    edges of infrared film sheets of 50-100 mm (film overlap is not
  • strips near the walls are glued to the insulation with adhesive tape
    (squares, but not a solid strip). This will avoid shifting the canvas.

7. Installation of clips

At the ends of the copper bus you need to attach metal
clamps. When installing, it is necessary that one side of the clamp fits between the copper
tire and film. And the second was located above the copper surface. Crimping in progress
evenly, without distortion.

8. Connecting the wires of the infrared floor

The wires are installed on the clamp, followed by
insulation and tight crimping. The ends of the copper bus are also insulated in place
cutting. The requirement of parallel connection of wires is observed (right with
right, left to left). In order not to get confused, it is convenient to use a wire of different
colors. Then the wires will be laid under the plinth.

Advice. To prevent the clip with the wire from protruding above the film, its
can be placed in a heater. A square is pre-cut in the insulation
under clamp.

9. Installing the temperature sensor for the thermostat

Mounting temperature sensor for underfloor heating film

10. Connecting the infrared floor heating to the thermostat

Wiring diagram for film floor heating thermostat

Connecting a thermostat for infrared floor heating

Stage 4 - test launch of the system (check)

Test connection of infrared floor heating is mandatory
stage before laying the final floor covering.

The normal laying of the film floor is evidenced by:

  • absence of extraneous noise (cod);
  • lack of spark;
  • uniform heating of the film.

Additionally, the reliability of the isolation of places is checked
wire connection.

Stage 5 - fine finishing

Before installing the floor covering, the film floor
cover with plastic wrap (100-200 microns). Further work is carried out in
in accordance with the instructions for laying the floor covering.

The specifics of laying the film floor under different types coatings
shown in the picture:

Infrared underfloor heating under laminate (pie) - infrared underfloor heating under laminate, parquet board

Infrared warm floor on a wooden floor is laid
the same way.

Infrared warm floor under linoleum (pie) - infrared warm floor under linoleum, carpet

Infrared underfloor heating under tiles (pie) - infrared underfloor heating under tiles, stone

Masters do not advise using a film floor under a tile,
due to the need to perform "wet" work, which reduces heat transfer

Operation of infrared film underfloor heating

  • when a significant amount of water gets on the film
    floor, it must be immediately turned off and dried (naturally);
  • do not turn on the system in order, for example, to dry
    carpet after wet cleaning);
  • it is not allowed to fasten something (for example, a limiter
    doors or skirting boards) using hardware. They will damage the film sections;
  • it is forbidden to spread carpets, blankets on the floor,
    metallized films (foil), as well as rearrange furniture. It may
    cause the system to overheat.

Video instruction for installation of infrared floor

Film underfloor heating is the best way to install additional and local space heating. This system is economical and easy to use.

In addition, the technology of laying underfloor heating film does not require special training and the use of complex tools. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the installation rules. But first, about the advantages of such heating:

  • the cost of a warm film floor is several times less than other heating systems;
  • laying a film underfloor heating can be carried out directly under wooden finishing coatings without the risk of damage to the material during operation;
  • absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • installation is possible without reducing the height of the ceiling;
  • low power consumption;
  • local damage to the film does not affect the performance of the system.

What is needed for work

Installation of a film underfloor heating can begin with the following equipment and tools:

  • film heating element;
  • connecting wires;
  • device protective shutdown(RCD);
  • cable for grounding;
  • fasteners;
  • temperature sensor and automatic regulator.

Layout of the heated surface

First, it is necessary to correctly distribute the film warm floor over the heated surface. The instruction prescribes not to lay the film where massive furniture will be installed. In addition, the following rules must be observed.

  1. When laying the film, it is necessary to distance yourself from the risers of the systems central heating, pipes and heating boilers. This is necessary in order to avoid failure of the heating elements under the influence of high temperature.
  2. Before starting work, it is necessary to develop a scheme for laying a film underfloor heating. On a rectangular sheet of paper, a wavy line should be used to mark the zones for laying the infrared heating element.
  3. To place an automatic thermostat, you need to choose an area on the wall that is not crowded with furniture or heavy curtains.
  4. For neighboring rooms and zones located on a common territory, it is recommended to plan the installation of systems independent of each other, with separate regulators and connection to the electrical network.
  5. After the layout is done on paper, the scheme is transferred to the floor surface. To cover the area is selected required amount elements and connecting wires for connecting the temperature sensor and the regulator.
  6. It should be borne in mind that the width of the film underfloor heating can be different: 50, 80 and 100 cm. It is sold in rolls that can be cut in certain places. It happens various types film underfloor heating: power depends on the characteristics of the film (150, 220 or 400 W / m²).

Preparing the base for laying the film

Installation of a film underfloor heating begins with the preparation of the base. This is done in several steps. Thermal insulation is installed. The choice of material for this is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. To compensate for thermal expansion, a damper tape is attached along the walls around the perimeter of the room.
  2. Fits waterproofing material(roofing material, roofing felt or thick polyethylene film) with an overlap of about 150 mm on the wall.
  3. The screed is examined: if the quality of its surface does not meet the requirements (there are many cracks, depressions, etc.), the screed will have to be dismantled.
  4. Dismantling the old coating:
  • in the event that the infrared film floor is not the main heating system, polyethylene foam is laid on top of the base with the foil side up (thus the thermal energy will be reflected towards the room);
  • if there is a heated room at the lower level, expanded polystyrene plates 30-50 mm thick are used as a heat-insulating material;
  • when installing the film on an unheated loggia, the thickness of the expanded polystyrene increases to 100 mm.

6. The next layer is a reinforcing mesh. You can do without it if the screed layer is thicker than 50 mm. You can achieve the required strength with the help of microfiber and a plasticizer.

How to lay underfloor heating film

Important: the total power of the film strips should not exceed the power of the thermostat.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video "installation of a warm film floor":

Precautions during installation

When installing infrared floor heating, it is prohibited:

  • work in conditions high humidity and at temperatures below zero;
  • bend the film at a right angle;
  • allow the imposition of underfloor heating strips;
  • pierce the strips with sharp objects;
  • lay sections exceeding 10 m in one piece;
  • allow excess current consumption by one segment over 10 A;
  • connect rolled film;
  • cover the thermal film with sheets of metal;
  • cover the film with furniture, thick carpet, lay it near other heat sources.

Important: when flooding a room with a warm film floor, you must wait until all surfaces are completely dry. It is forbidden to turn on the heating and dry the floor with a heating film.
In the event that the film was pierced with a sharp object, the damage site should be isolated from both sides.

System health check

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the film underfloor heating. The issue price is efficiency and safe operation heating system. Experts recommend checking all contacts in a chain using a voltage indicator. Make sure that all contacts are securely insulated. After the heating elements are covered with a film, it is necessary to perform a trial run.

If everything works fine, a fine floor covering is laid: laminate, parquet board or linoleum. As a result, you will get a film underfloor heating, reviews of which can be read on the Internet.

In conclusion - how to choose a film underfloor heating (video):

Infrared film underfloor heating is new material which has a high degree of energy saving. On the construction market given material appeared quite recently, but has already won a well-deserved prestige.

His hallmark is, it can fit perfectly under any coating (laminate, tile, linoleum, etc.) and it does not require pouring a cement screed.

The infrared film floor has another significant plus. Its installation is not at all complicated and anyone can do it, and when moving to a new apartment, it is very easy to dismantle.

Specifications of infrared film floor

Infrared film floor has the following technical characteristics:

Its voltage in the electrical network is from two hundred and twenty to two hundred and thirty Volts and fifty Hz;

  • Its power consumption depends mainly on the type of infrared film used (150 watts per square meter; 220 watts per square meter; 400 watts per square meter);
  • The temperature of the working surface should be up to forty-five degrees Celsius at 150 watts; up to sixty degrees Celsius at 200 watts; up to eighty degrees Celsius at 400 watts;
  • Wavelength from seven to twenty microns;
  • There is no electromagnetic field.

Calculation of the infrared film floor

Do-it-yourself installation of an infrared film underfloor heating

1. First you need to prepare the floor surface. Then we put heat-insulating material on it. If it is planned to put carpet or linoleum on the floor, then any type of insulation with a sheet thickness of three to five millimeters is suitable for you, and we glue all the joints with adhesive tape.

And if it is planned to lay ceramic tiles on the floor, then thermal insulation made of technical cork with a thickness of two millimeters is suitable.

Do-it-yourself infrared film warm floor: diagram

2. Before installing a warm floor, you need to determine the place where you will place the thermostat. Then compose and write detailed diagram installation, no matter what is wrong in the process of laying the infrared film. Remember that the film is laid in places where open areas of the floor are located and furniture is not planned to be installed.

Then we proceed to cutting the film into strips of the sizes we need along special lines and lay them out copper strip down. and with contacts to the wall (a thermostat will be installed on it later) in accordance with the diagram you have drawn up.

4. Let's start connecting the film to the wiring. It is necessary to install contact clamps on the edge of the copper strip, and then connect the contact wires to the clamps.

6. Then you need to connect the floor temperature sensor. This is done from the back of the film. And then be sure to insulate.

7. After the film floor heating is completely laid, it is necessary to isolate all contacts suitable for it and connect it to the electrical network.

8. Before proceeding with laying the flooring, it is necessary to test the infrared floor heating. Pay Special attention to the fact that there was no heating at the joints and various sincere.

9. In order to ensure additional protection it is possible to lay a plastic film on top of the infrared film underfloor heating. And now you can start installing the finish coating of your floor.

Remember that when laying ceramic tiles, you need to allow the screed under it to dry for about twenty days before you begin to fully use the warm floor.

Do-it-yourself installation of an infrared warm floor video
Therapeutic effects of infrared film underfloor heating

For many years, infrared rays have been used in medicine to treat many diseases. It has been proven that infrared light has a very beneficial effect on all damaged tissues.

Thanks to its influence, they gradually recover after surgery or serious injury. By infrared radiation, the film warm floor has a therapeutic effect on the entire human body.

Scientists have proven that our body itself produces a certain amount of infrared rays with a frequency of up to twenty microns, but a film warm floor gives our body infrared pulses with a frequency of seven to twenty microns.

They are very similar to infrared pulses. human body. That's why this species The warm floor contributes to the fact that fatigue and stress are reduced, blood microcirculation improves several times.

Infrared floor installation
Infrared floor construction

The main difference between infrared floor and other heating is its principle of operation. The energy of a warm infrared floor is not used to heat the air in the room, but is used to heat objects in its closed space. Those, in turn, accumulate and give off heat to the room, maintaining a natural microclimate in it. Infrared radiation is absolutely safe for the health of living beings and is comparable to solar heat.

The infrared heating system is made on the basis of heating elastic mats or lavsan film. The heating element has the form of conductive strips, which are arranged in 15 mm increments and are made according to Carbon NanoTube technology. Electricity, which initiates the heating element, is supplied to it through copper-silver contacts. The entire system is sealed on both sides with a polymer that has enhanced electrical insulating, fire and waterproof properties.

The connection of the infrared floor heating to the mains is carried out through the thermostat in a parallel way. Connection density, high quality materials used and the use of carbon adsorbent spraying ensure the operation of the heaters in an efficient and continuous mode. Thanks to the parallel connection, the system will function even if any of its sections fails. Sometimes this happens with mechanical damage.

The main types of infrared floors

Warm infrared floors are presented in two types: these are film and rod heating systems. They are produced in rolls having a width of 500 and 1000 mm.

Film floors are bimetallic and carbon. In the first variant, the base of the floor is polyurethane, and the thermoelement is made of a copper-aluminum alloy. In the second, the carbon strips of the heating element, when connected in parallel, are laminated with a lavsan film. Its presence protects the system from moisture and electrical breakdown. Film heated floors serve for about 15 years, their cost is 550-1100 rubles / m 2.

In an infrared floor rod system, elastic mats combine flexible conductive bars and rods. The heating elements of the system are made of composite materials. During the entire time of operation of the rod infrared floor, electromagnetic radiation is practically absent. This property is similar to film heaters. Its difference from them lies in the special design of thermoelements, due to which the core floor has the ability to self-regulate and is not afraid of overheating.

The technical characteristics of such a floor allow it to be installed in cement screed and into the adhesive layer under ceramic tiles. Rod system floors can be safely used in rooms with humid air and even bulky furniture can be installed on it, which is not recommended when using film floors. The warranty period of operation of the core floor is 20 years, its cost is about 1500 rubles/m 2 .

The infrared floor is powered by 220 V. If the room has good thermal insulation, a warm floor consumes 30-55 W / h per 1 m 3 of space per day. The most comfortable temperature in a room with an infrared floor is provided by installing a thermostat.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floors

By installing an infrared heating system in the floor, you can get a lot of advantages, these are:

  • Saving electricity due to its low consumption due to the high thermal conductivity of the floor thermoelements.
  • Possibility of installation of system of infrared heating under any finishing covering of a floor.
  • Easy installation of the heating system. It does not have to be laid in a screed or tile adhesive. If necessary, you can install the infrared floor with your own hands.
  • High reliability of the heating system, provided by the method of parallel connection of its elements. Damage to one section of the floor does not interfere with the correct operation of others.
  • The ability to quickly transfer the system to another location. This is especially true when remodeling a room or moving.
  • Uniform heating of the entire room due to the heat radiated from objects.
  • The impossibility of freezing the infrared heating system, overheating or cooling the room.
  • Independence from the mode of central heating.
  • Concealed installation. Such a floor is invisible in the interior.
  • Maintaining the natural microclimate in the room.
  • Silent operation of the heating system.
  • The healing effect of infrared radiation. For some diseases, it serves as a means of prevention.
  • There are very few disadvantages to this floor. First of all, it is the high cost of models. If used incorrectly or damaged, the base of the infrared heating system may melt.

    Materials and tools for mounting the infrared floor

    For floor installation you will need the most simple tools, which are likely to be found in any home: wire cutters, a screwdriver, pliers, scissors and a mounting knife. In addition, materials will be needed, the list of which is given below:

  • Infrared floor film and connecting clips;
  • Temperature controllers equipped with temperature sensors;
  • Vinyl mastic insulation;
  • Thermal insulation material, its basis should be lavsan or polypropylene film, but not foil.
  • Depending on the type of coverage, you can add to this list: chipboard sheets not less than 5 mm thick or plywood - under linoleum; reinforcing metal grid- under the tile.

    Infrared floor installation technology

    Laying the infrared floor is not particularly difficult and is carried out in several stages: preparation of the base, thermal insulation, marking for the location of the heater, installation and connection of the system.

    Subfloor preparation

    To make the infrared floor of high quality, you need to install it on a flat and dry base. The old flooring must be removed completely before the wood or concrete subfloor is exposed. The horizontality of the resulting surface should be checked building level, deviations should not exceed 3 mm.

    After that, the wooden floor needs to be cycled, and concrete base- polish. The debris that will appear during these procedures must be removed, and then the surface should be cleaned of dust using an industrial vacuum cleaner.

    On a clean base, you need to lay a polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 50 microns to waterproof the floor.

    Thermal insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. The heat insulator must be covered with lavsan or polypropylene film.

    If it is planned to make the floor finish soft like linoleum or carpet, a material with a soft layer, for example, infraflex, should be used as a heat insulator.

    If tiles, parquet boards or ceramic granite will lie on the floor, it is necessary to choose thermal insulation with a solid layer, for example, technical cork t. 2mm. After laying, the joints of the insulation must be fastened with adhesive tape.

    Floor surface marking

    Before marking, you need to determine the installation location of the temperature sensor, temperature controller and connect the film infrared floor to the network. The thermostat is usually installed on the wall 10-15 cm from the floor surface.

    When marking the floor for laying the IR heater, you must follow the following recommendations:

    • The film infrared floor must be laid on a room free from furniture and household appliances.
  • If underfloor heating is the main source of space heating, they should cover 75-80% of the area of ​​the room. For additional heating, 40% of the area for laying an infrared floor system is sufficient.
  • The laying of heating elements should be carried out with a distance of 10-40 cm from the walls.
  • When calculating the required characteristics of a warm floor, one should proceed from the maximum power consumption of the system, which at the time of connection to the mains is about 210 W / m 2.
  • To separate heating sections infrared floor, the film must be cut along special marking lines and nothing else. Typically, such lines are located in the longitudinal direction at distances of 17.4 cm, and in the transverse direction - 50-80 cm.
  • The base of the rod floors must be cut according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with this product.
  • Features of laying the infrared floor

    At the end preparatory work We proceed to laying the IR heating film. It is advisable to do this along the length of the room: in this case, when more solid strips will get fewer connection points. The floor installation procedure is described below.

    The heating film must be laid with a copper conductive strip down, the distance between the strips is taken at least 5 cm. When installing a warm floor under a laminate or linoleum, they can be laid closely, thereby ensuring uniform heating.

    The strips of the infrared floor must be attached to the thermal insulation with construction tape. This ensures the immobility of the elements for the convenience of subsequent actions. Cut lines located in the area of ​​copper conductors must be treated with bituminous insulation. The same procedure should be carried out with the silver-plated contacts connecting the heating elements to the tape.

    On copper conductive strips, you need to mount contact clamps: one half of them should be inside the film, the other - outside on the strip. Contacts are fixed with pliers.

    Connecting the IR floor system

    At the final stage of the installation of the infrared floor, it is necessary to connect it. The system thermostat can be installed permanently or plugged into an electrical outlet with a cord. At the same time, it should not interfere with the further arrangement. household appliances and furniture.

    The floor temperature sensor should be placed closer to the thermostat under the infrared film. It is fixed on the film under the carbon paste with adhesive tape.

    After installing the clamp contacts on the film, power wires should be connected to them, and the joints should be treated with a bitumen insulator.

    Then the heating system must be turned on, a comfortable temperature should be set and the insulation of the film cut line, heating of all film strips and connecting wires (with a probe screwdriver) should be checked.

    After checking the operation of the system, we lay the floor covering. Some of its types will require additional actions with a warm floor.

    If the finish is linoleum, infrared film you need to lay fiberboard or thick plywood. If a tile is planned as it, a reinforcing mesh with 2 mm cells or fiberglass with 5-20 mm cells will have to be mounted on top of the warm floor. They are fixed pointwise with dowels to the base. Then you can lay the screed on top.

    Important! Marking for fastening of coatings should be done in advance to avoid damage to the heating elements of the system.

    How to make an infrared floor - look at the video:

    Warm infrared floors have an incomparable advantage over heating that uses the combustion of any materials. In addition to being silent, they also do not emit toxins at all. Therefore, they are actively used in medical and children's institutions.

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    How to connect infrared underfloor heating

    To date, non-traditional heating systems quite widely used in modern houses and apartments. They are good sources heat and help to significantly reduce the cost of electricity, which has a positive effect on the family budget. And that is why the question "how to connect an infrared warm floor" is so relevant. In this article, we will look at how to properly connect the IR floor.

    Technical characteristics of infrared floor heating

    Before you connect this heating system, you should understand some of its features. Characteristics of IR floor:

    • expended power forty-five - 67 W / m2.
    • film thermal coating width - 50 cm.
    • the maximum allowable length of the film thermal coating is eight meters.
    • power supply - 220 V at 50 Hz.
    • the melting temperature of the film infrared heat-insulated floor is 130 C.
    • the content of infrared rays in the emitting spectrum - 95%;
    • the length of the infrared beam is five to twenty micrometers.

    How to connect an infrared warm floor - the importance of proper installation

    Warm film IR coating is an alternative widely used method of heating a room of any parameters, which is powered by the mains. In this system, the territory is heated from a special film (which contains a carbon mixture), heated by copper conductors on the sides. In order to avoid the problem of burning contacts, the design has a protective silver coating.

    To connect a warm infrared floor, you will not need a lot of effort and expense, it is only important to adhere to certain rules in installation. We will consider all the connection steps below, and if they are not followed, then you may encounter certain breakdowns and incorrect operation of the system. The causes of problems can be:

    • Violation of standards for installation schemes of electrical systems.
    • Incorrect calculations on the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the warmest floor covering.
    • Use when installing materials that are not intended for the equipment of such a heating system.
    • Violation of the stages of installation of steam and heat-insulating layers.
    • Use when pouring screed mixtures that are not suitable for infrared film floors.
    • Inaccurate calculation of the brand of electric power wire and section regarding the total load.
    • Use as a final layer of materials with low thermal conductivity. It is strictly not recommended to apply on such heating system natural carpet textile coverings.

    If you follow all these simple rules and connect the infrared floor heating correctly. you get an economical, durable and safe heating system.

    How to connect an infrared warm floor - steps

    As mentioned above, it is extremely important to observe all the correct installation technology for warm floor system, the stages of which are:

    To fix it, watch a couple of video installation instructions.
