Insulation of walls with foam insulation: features of the material and step-by-step instructions for implementation. How to insulate a house with foam insulation: reviews from those who have done it Insulating walls and ceilings with foam insulation

On the building materials market there are products with a cellular structure, an example is penoizol. Not only professionals create it with their own hands from scrap materials, but also ordinary people who have some experience. This is an inexpensive raw material that requires the use of simple equipment. For this reason, this insulation has a low cost.

Features and description of the material

The material is a modified foam. Its main characteristics are:

  • resistance to fire;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • installation by spraying.
Penoizol has good resistance to fire

The basis is made up of three components. This is orthophosphoric acid, urea resin and a substance with foaming properties. The specified ingredients are mixed in exact proportions and the device is installed. A mixture resembling jelly is formed. She has white shade. Influenced compressed air it moves outward. She:

  • fills any space;
  • ensures tightness;
  • forms a lush foam after hardening.

Curing requires several steps. After application, the composition sets slowly. This takes approximately 15 minutes. After 3 hours the foam becomes a little hard. But this is not enough for it to fulfill its functions. The material takes its final form after 3 days.

IN finished form not solid, but liquid penoizol is formed. Some home craftsmen are trying to make it with their own hands, since it has good specifications and is considered easy to manufacture. The material is elastic and easily restores its shape after any mechanical stress. It contains up to 90% air. Outwardly, it resembles expanded polystyrene, but differs from it in its fine cell structure.

The improved properties of penoizol have made it popular in the field of insulation of private houses. It finds application in thermal insulation complex structures, interfloor ceilings and floors.

Key varieties

Exist Various types urea foam. All of them are suitable for thermal insulation of buildings.

Penoizol can be used for thermal insulation of complex structures, interfloor ceilings and floors.

Main types:

  1. Liquid penoizol. Received the greatest distribution. It can be cooked directly on construction site, so it is very convenient. Material used for thermal insulation various designs, as well as for the purpose of repairs. The foam is poured into a confined space to form additional sound insulation V frame buildings. When it comes to repair work, penoizol in liquid form is used to fill cracks and gaps.
  2. Granular penoizol. It has several names: foam insulation crumb, thermal wool. It is available in the form of elastic granules. During manufacturing, the polymer is crushed into fractions up to 15 mm in size. Volume finished material after grinding, it doubles in size compared to the original amount. This a good option to save on installation costs. Granular penoizol is used to fill the cavity between walls and for laying on the floor.
  3. Sheet foam insulation. The liquid material is poured into a special mold. After cooling, it is cut on special machines or simply by hand until it is given the required thickness. After this, they are dried and mechanically processed. The product is used to insulate buildings under construction. Installation is carried out using dowels with outside walls Sheathing is laid on top decorative panels or siding. In addition, the slabs are laid between the joists on the floor.

More information about the production of penoizol:

Penoizol may have different densities depending on the manufacturer. It varies on average from 6 to 35 kg per cubic meter.

Technical indicators

Compared to traditional insulation, penoizol has many advantages. To the main characteristics, worthy of attention, can be attributed to:

  1. Thermal conductivity. The only low figure is 0.041 W/m/K. To provide good performance, it is enough to lay a layer 10 cm thick.
  2. Soundproofing. Noise absorption is at a quite decent level. It is approximately 65%.
  3. Fire resistance. The flammability group to which penoizol belongs is designated G-1. Its flammability category is B-2. This indicates that it will not melt when exposed to fire. When high temperatures are reached, the material will begin to evaporate, without producing toxic substances. Under the condition of an open fire, 10 times less smoke is generated compared to polystyrene foam.
  4. Resistant to chemical components. The insulation does not react in any way to aggressive environments. This primarily applies to organic solvents.
  5. Resistance to humidity. Penoizol has the ability to absorb moisture well, but it gives it away with equal success. The characteristics of the material are not affected. It is capable of absorbing up to 1/5 of moisture. Penoizol subsequently evaporates it. To prevent mold from forming on the wall, install a ventilation gap. The heat insulator absorbs approximately 20% of moisture throughout the day.
  6. Vapor permeability. The insulation in question is hygroscopic, and therefore allows the walls to breathe. Air circulates freely throughout the structure.

Penoizol has good vapor permeability, which allows the walls to breathe

Other characteristics include biostability. This means that penoizol is not afraid of fungi, pathogenic microflora, and domestic rodents. The material is soft, so it adheres to any uneven surfaces close. It fills any gaps. With a linear deformation of 9%, the compression strength is 0.5 kg per square centimeter.

They started producing penoizol relatively recently, so we can only talk about its durability. It appeared on the market only 50 years ago. But manufacturers claim that it can last up to 30 years. Environmental friendliness is another advantage, since toxic compounds are not released either during installation or during operation.

Video on how to make a foam generator:

Disadvantages of the product

The main disadvantage of penoizol is that it produces sediment in the range of 0.1−5%. These indicators are better for the material that is between the walls under some pressure. Other disadvantages include:

  1. Low tensile strength. It's pretty easy to tear.
  2. Increased moisture absorption. In some situations this is a significant drawback. This feature prevents the use of this type of foam in the underground part of the foundation and when constructing a screed. It is necessary to lay additional waterproofing.
  3. The need to use special equipment. This is true for liquid forms of foam.
  4. Installation temperature requirements. It should be above +5°C. High-quality foam will only be obtained if this requirement is met. In addition, liquid urea foam can release phenol-formaldehyde during installation. This is possible if it contains low-quality resin.

Selection criteria and equipment purchase

In most cases, liquid penoizol is chosen when it comes to domestic use. It is applied using special equipment. You can rent it to save money.

To apply penoizol, a special installation is required; it can be rented in order to save

To produce penoizol with your own hands at home, you will need to equip the installation. You can arrange it from scrap materials. You will also need a compressor, molds for finished products, and additional equipment for lighting and ventilation. Budget options settings require a combination of:

  • gas-liquid equipment;
  • supply hose;
  • set of taps;
  • plastic barrels;
  • compressor.

Urea resins and catalyst are mixed in the plant. They are placed there using a pump. There is compressed air here. The main attention should be paid to the purchase of a pump, since it plays the role of a key element in production. Errors in dosage are especially important. A vortex or plunger pump is the most profitable and effective option. But in any case, foreign particles should not be allowed to get inside, as this will ruin the whole process.

More information about liquid foam:

List of materials and manufacturing technologies

Penoizol is made from foamed urea resin. Its production is efficient, at an affordable price and speed of work. To make it you will need:

  • polymer resin;
  • foaming agent;
  • hardener;
  • specially prepared water.

There are several methods for producing penoizol, according to which sheets and mats are produced. The raw materials are poured directly on the spot where the insulation work is being carried out. If the filling radius of the equipment is large, the material manufacturing process becomes efficient.

You can use gas-liquid units that are easy to use and low in cost. For the production of insulation, installations of the Standard and Pena 2000 types are suitable. The first is characterized by an original dosage system. There is also a second generation system with an increased range.

To produce penoizol you will need a special gas-liquid installation

Comparison with polyurethane foam

The two materials are often compared in terms of financial benefits and technical performance. Safety of use comes first in importance. Manufacturers claim that penoizol is neutral and safe for humans and animals. But at the same time, in a number of states in Canada and America there is a law according to which the use of urea foam for construction is prohibited. It is considered a potential health hazard.

This situation is also observed in some European countries. This is explained by the release of formaldehyde during the polymerization of liquid foam. You can reduce the likelihood of adverse effects by using a vapor barrier on inside walls.

As for polyurethane foam, there are no bans on it in any country in the world. It has all the necessary quality and safety certificates.

In terms of water absorption, polyurethane foam has minimal indicators, since its structure is porous and closed. It retains heat well and is equipped with protection against corrosion, mold and mildew. The appearance of condensation is excluded here. Despite positive properties penoizol, excess moisture can lead to its destruction. This can be avoided by installing moisture insulation.

Strong humidity can lead to the destruction of penoizol

In terms of strength and physical and mechanical properties penoizol is also slightly inferior. It is resistant to mechanical stress, but in this indicator it is still ahead of polyurethane foam. In terms of price, urea foam is an order of magnitude cheaper than polyurethane foam.

Use in winter

Work in winter period difficult, since problems are created due to low temperatures air. This factor has an adverse effect on structural composition penoizol. Approximately 50% of the resin consists of water. For this reason, the viscosity of the material increases. Despite all these unfavorable aspects, penoizol can be poured under certain conditions. Its components must be stored in a warm room at a temperature of at least +15°C, for example in a garage.

The installation must also be placed in a warm place. You can install the cheapest tourist tent for this. The materials must be compactly rolled up, covered with a layer of plastic film, and then the fan heater installed. Before starting work, it is necessary to heat the solution to +40°C, and the resin to +20°C. For this, a regular boiler is used.

More information about do-it-yourself penozol:

If all these rules are followed, you can get penoizol that is no different from the material installed under normal conditions. It is unacceptable to keep it at a temperature below +15°C, as it does not dry well. The moisture it contains will freeze. It will fulfill its role as a heat insulator only with the onset of spring. Moisture that does not freeze in the spring will evaporate by itself. Dry foam will remain unchanged.

Today, more than ever topical issue about saving the family budget, he does not ignore those families who are engaged in construction own home. Insulating your home is an important step in achieving the comfort and coziness of your own corner and saving money.

IN modern construction hot topic is proper insulation houses and the material used by builders for these purposes. It must be of high quality, affordable and reliably retain heat in the house under any circumstances. Widely applicable for insulating houses.

Physical basis

Prepared penoizol

Penoizol is a urea resin reduced to a foam state, used in construction for insulation of premises and sound insulation.

It is made by mixing urea resin, hardener and foamed water and then drying them. Developed in the 30s of the XX century, penoizol has firmly found its feet in the ranking of the most popular and universal insulation materials

. Its production in all countries of the world accounts for about 30% of all produced types of insulation.

Consumer characteristics Like any other material, penoizol has its own physical properties

, which distinguish it favorably from other insulation materials:

Application in construction and industry One of significant qualities

Urea-formaldehyde foam (the chemical name of penoizol) is its availability and low price, so it is used not only in room insulation, but also in industry (in oil production and refining) and gardening (as soil insulation).

  • Traditionally, penoizol in construction is used for:
  • soundproofing coatings;
  • thermal insulation in three-layer brick walls;
  • insulation of frame houses;
  • roof and attic insulation;

insulation for interfloor space.

Process technology

Penoizol is used in construction for roofing and walls.

The technology for using penoizol consists of three stages:

Necessary equipment

When carrying out work on insulating a house with penoizol, it is necessary to take into account the fact that penoizol is a material produced not in plates, but in liquid form. This is, for the most part, the main problem with insulation.

In order to carry out work on the ceilings, you will need the following equipment:

  • penoizol;
  • metal profile;
  • drill;
  • dowels

Foaming walls

The walls are insulated from the outside and a protective façade is then installed. For this:

Roof treatment

You can insulate the roof of your house before or after installing the roof. Features of pouring insulation depend on the type of roof. If the roof is made of slate or metal tiles, then the empty space under them must be filled. If there is an attic in the house, it is necessary to insulate its floor with a thick layer of penoizol.

Before pouring insulation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which consist of several stages:

  1. The surface on which the insulation will be poured is covered with a film membrane (instead of film, you can take corrugated board or plywood). For vapor barrier, it is necessary to leave an extra 15 cm, which will overlap the wall.
  2. The spread film is secured with staples at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.
  3. After fastening with staples, special slats are stuffed onto the film to avoid sagging.
  4. Insulation (penoizol) is applied on top of the film.
  5. Wait 15 minutes so that the material becomes viscous, but does not have time to harden completely, level the surface. Leave for another 4 hours until the material has cooled completely.
  6. After this you can carry out further work with a roof.

Foaming the floor

Insulation of the floor in the house with foam insulation - good decision, since this insulation has a liquid form, which allows you to fill everything hard to reach places: cracks, seams, notches, gaps.

The process of insulating floors with foam insulation is no different from the process of insulating it with other types of insulation.

  1. It is necessary to install slatted sheathing.
  2. Penoizol is poured into all sections of the slatted sheathing using a pouring hose.
  3. Wait 4 hours, that is, the time when the material completely polymerizes and hardens.
  4. Apply on top plastic film with a margin of 15 cm on each side (which will overlap the wall) and secure it with wooden slats.
  5. Next, carry out the remaining work - pour concrete or lay a wooden board.

Thus, the use of penoizol is a reasonable solution for those who want to get high-quality and reliable home insulation without spending a lot of money.

The list of properties of penoizol puts it, along with other types of insulation, in first place in terms of quality, environmental friendliness, availability and ease of use.

Keep in mind: this material has one important drawback– high vapor permeability.

That is why, when pouring penoizol, it is necessary to install waterproofing, otherwise mold may appear and the insulation may be destroyed if it gets very wet.

Among various kinds insulation materials, penoizol has the highest thermal insulation properties. This material Excellent for performing various types of thermal insulation and sound insulation work. We’ll talk about its positive qualities and installation features further.

Penoizol is a type of urea-formaldehyde type of insulation. The history of its use originates from Germany. Now it is actively used in many countries not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity and low bulk density, which ranges from 6 to 60 kg per cubic meter. Externally similar to expanded polystyrene. It has the appearance of a white fine-mesh material, on which there are practically no large air inclusions.

After penoizol dries, it becomes more elastic, has no odor, and can easily recover under the influence of minor deformations. When the cut is touched, small bubbles fall off. In addition, the material is resistant to microorganisms and insects.

According to manufacturers, one slab of penozol 0.1 m thick can easily replace a layer of concrete almost 3 m thick, a brick wall - 1.8 m, mineral wool- 0.2 m, and polystyrene foam - 0.15 m. It follows that it is penoizol that has the highest thermal insulation properties.

In relation to the density of the material, urea-formaldehyde insulation has various strength characteristics. Penoizol has a light structure, similar to polystyrene foam, it is without special effort shrinks like a sponge.

If we consider the difference between penoizol and expanded polystyrene, then, first of all, penoizol is an absolutely non-flammable material that is not capable of ignition. This quality is based on its composition, namely the presence of nitrogen. To make the material, thermoactive resins are used, which after cooling are not able to become liquid again, so the insulation does not melt. Penoizol is able to function normally even at temperatures above 110 degrees. If the technology for laying the material and its correct operation is followed, the service life of penoizol is more than 90 years.

Penoizol - scope and features

Since this material is organic matter with a cellular structure, it is characterized by high density, low thermal conductivity, good resistance to fire, microorganisms, rodents, affordable cost and ease of installation - its main area of ​​​​use is the insulation of buildings with multi-layer building structures.

Since this substance is poured directly during the construction process, it is easy to work with. Penoizol is not capable of expanding, but has a certain shrinkage. To avoid the formation of cracks, you must strictly observe all technological aspects associated with its installation, and in particular, pour the surface at a temperature of more than 6 degrees and use high quality materials.

It is possible to use slab or tiny material. Its dry state facilitates pneumatic laying on any hollow surface. In this case, a seamless insulating and sound-proofing layer with excellent strength characteristics is formed. Structures filled with penoizol are not capable of allowing moisture to pass through, even if there are small cracks.

This material is used:

  • for thermal insulation of various types of external fences;
  • insulating walls of a simple or combined type;
  • for thermal insulation of three-layer brick structures;
  • when filling reinforced concrete wall panels;
  • as a soundproofing and sound-absorbing layer;
  • as insulation for laminated panels consisting of prefabricated structures;
  • when insulating roofs, attics, attics, and balconies;
  • for interfloor insulation;
  • insulation of garages, hangars, box houses, open areas;
  • when carrying out thermal insulation at the dacha, in vegetable stores, cellars, basements;
  • when arranging wall panels with both wooden and metal frames;
  • when warming the soil;
  • as an absorbent substance during oil spills.

Advantages of foam insulation insulation

The use of this material in construction has the following advantages:

  • Fast insulation work - this advantage carried out thanks to the convenient form of the material and its application.
  • Unlimited service life - since the life of the building is about 100 years, penoizol will last the same, so the use of this material as insulation will not require additional thermal insulation in the future.
  • Fire safety is explained by the presence of nitrogen in the composition of penoizol, which is a non-flammable material. In practice, ignition of the material is possible, but subsequently it will only lose a little volume due to the evaporation of moisture, but no harmful substances will not highlight.
  • The absence of shrinkage is ensured by adhering to a certain technology for installing penoizol. If during the installation of thermal insulation all the conditions specified by the manufacturer were met, then there will be no shrinkage.
  • In addition, this material has good moisture resistance and vapor permeability. Therefore, a healthy microclimate is ensured in the room and comfortable conditions residence.
  • Due to the presence of a certain composition, the insulation does not emit harmful environment substances, and therefore belongs to the category of environmentally friendly materials.

  • Penoizol perfectly resists the influence of various types of chemical aggressive substances; fungus and mold do not form on its surface.
  • It is resistant to microorganisms and not eaten by rodents.
  • Due to the absence of joining seams, reliable thermal insulation and sound insulation are ensured.

Insulating houses with foam insulation: manufacturing technology

Penoizol is called insulation, which allows you to carry out thermal insulation work quickly, efficiently and effectively.

The process of making penoizol consists of mixing carambide resins with water foam and substances in the form of a hardener. Next, the process of its hardening polymerization occurs. After complete drying, the material resembles fine-mesh porous insulation.

The primary phase of using insulation provides the opportunity to apply it in the form of liquid foam, reminiscent of dense thick foam. It does an excellent job of insulating private houses built of brick or sandwich panels. Filling of air spaces is carried out due to the presence of a certain air pressure. Then polymerization and hardening occurs, the material takes the form of a lightweight insulation material with excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

Insulating walls with foam insulation can significantly save on heating costs. Within a maximum of three years, all work costs associated with thermal insulation will be fully recouped.

Working with this material begins with filling. In order for penoizol to serve its owner efficiently, a certain technology for carrying out this process must be followed. In addition, when purchasing penoizol, you should require certification of its quality and written guarantees from the manufacturer.

It is possible to build equipment for insulation with foam insulation at home. This will allow you to significantly save on hiring intermediaries and builders. Thermal insulation of an average-sized house occurs within a maximum of 6 hours.

If you use the services of specialized companies involved in insulation using penoizol, then average cost carrying out work on 1 square meter is $30. If you carry out the work yourself, the amount is reduced by 50-75%.

The insulation procedure consists of pouring foam insulation into all voids and air layers of the building. This happens through special drilled holes. It is thanks to the presence of a certain pressure that the material is able to fill all the cracks and crevices.

When hiring a specialized team, you should be very careful about the quality of the product, since there is a large number of scammers who use cheaper resin in the production of penoizol, in which case its quality is significantly reduced. For example, there is the option of using furniture resin, which is a cheaper, but at the same time dangerous type of hardener.

If you follow the insulation technology with penoizol and use high-quality material, then insulation with this material is the best in terms of quality, price, durability, efficiency and thermal conductivity.

It is possible to pour this insulation under plasterboard, wood and plywood surfaces, if the thickness of the material from which the wall is made is at least 5 cm. Since the pouring process uses equipment that provides pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres, fragile walls are not capable of withstand it. If you use less pressure, there is a risk of the formation of cold bridges, material shedding and uneven distribution, which significantly reduces the energy efficiency of the building and the quality of the insulation.

There is a manufacturing option sheet penoizol. This is appropriate when there are no voids in the walls to fill and it is attached directly to their outer or outer surface. For the manufacture of sheet material special cubic molds are used, which are filled with material under pressure. After it dries, they are cut according to the required size. The remaining material is used to make crumbs that fill the cavities.

Penoizol: safety of use and disadvantages

High cost is one of its disadvantages. This is explained by the fact that among alternative types Penoizol insulation has the lowest thermal conductivity. Another disadvantage of this material is its fragility and instability to deformation, so it is used exclusively as a middle layer of insulation, but not as an outer or inner layer. In addition, penoizol requires compliance with a certain technology for its installation; if you do not adhere to all the rules for its application and drying, then everything positive traits will turn negative.

Since penoizol is not capable of expanding, sticking to anything or sticking to the surface, to fill the voids it is necessary to use a special apparatus, with the help of which the material is supplied under pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres.

Penoizol is retained on the surface due to its solidity. In addition, shrinkage is possible, amounting to 1 to 3% of the total treated surface. As a result, they form small cracks, which are covered with penoizol crumbs.

When applying penoizol to the surface of brick walls, the shrinkage is only 1%, since the material fits tightly to the brick and fills all the cracks. To minimize the appearance of voids or cold bridges, the material should be applied under a pressure of at least five atmospheres. But not all structures can withstand such strong pressure.

If the temperature at which penoizol is used exceeds 90 degrees, then it loses some of its properties and begins to gradually deteriorate.

The use of penoizol is prohibited in the following cases:

  • when insulating a car engine or hood;
  • when installing heated floors of any purpose and type;
  • when heating heating pipes ventilation or chimney purposes;
  • in the process of insulating the water supply system, since penoizol is characterized by a lack of adhesion and will not adhere to them;
  • during the arrangement pitched roof consisting of a plasterboard layer;
  • as inter-crown insulation for door and window structures;
  • in baths it is used only if they are made of brick.

If high-quality raw materials are used in the production of penoizol, it is absolutely safe. This material has been subjected to various tests and studies that confirm this fact.

Although, if the technology of pouring penoizol into the cavity between brick walls is violated, it leads to negative consequences its use, and in particular to the release of formaldehyde, which causes irritation, allergic reactions and other negative disorders.

To avoid the risk of formaldehyde release, high-quality vapor barrier of the interior of the room should be carried out. In this case, if this substance is released, it will only be outside the building.

Also, when choosing the quality of products and specialists performing pouring work, you should pay attention to the availability relevant certificates qualities confirming the harmlessness of penoizol. If penoizol is of poor quality, using cheaper resins, it will be very difficult to remove it from the surface.

Insulation with penoizol video:

What is penoizol, how is it produced, types of insulation, technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, rules for choosing material and equipment for its application, brief instructions DIY installation.

Description and features of penoizol production

In essence, penoizol is a modified polystyrene foam that is not afraid of fire and does not emit any harmful compounds. In addition, he has good thermal insulation properties. It looks like a marshmallow, and its installation is carried out by spraying onto the surface using special equipment.

The raw materials are urea resin, phosphoric acid, and a foaming agent. All components are mixed in precise proportions and placed into the device. Under the influence of compressed air, a white jelly-like mixture is blown out. It fills all the cracks and gaps and, when hardened, turns into lush foam.

The hardening process occurs in several stages. After 10-15 minutes the composition sets. After 3-4 hours the foam hardens slightly, but is still not strong enough. It receives final strength after 2-3 days.

The finished substance is polystyrene foam, but not solid, but semi-liquid. It is elastic, and any dents from mechanical impact they quickly deal with it. The air content in it reaches 90%. Outwardly similar to expanded polystyrene, but has smaller cells and has better technical characteristics.

Due to its characteristics, the material has become widespread in the field of insulation of already built private houses. They can insulate walls, ceilings, roofs, floors, interfloor ceilings, structures of complex shape.

Main types of penoizol

Thermal insulation of buildings can be carried out various types urea foam. There are three of them:
  • . The most common type. The convenience of its use lies in the fact that the composition is prepared directly at the construction site. It is used for thermal insulation of erected structures, as well as for repair purposes. Foam can also be poured into confined spaces to create a middle heat and sound insulating layer in combined walls, sandwich panels, frame buildings. When carrying out repair work, liquid foam insulation is used to fill cavities, gaps, and cracks.
  • Granular penoizol. It is also called thermal wool or foam insulation crumb. The manufacturing process consists of crushing the polymerized material into fractions measuring 10-15 millimeters. Such granules remain elastic. Such penoizol is advantageous in that when the polymerized insulation is crushed, the volume of the crumb doubles. Thus, you can save money when installing thermal insulation. This material is used for laying on the floor, interfloor ceilings, in interwall cavities, and on the foundation.
  • Sheet penoizol. It is made by pouring a liquid semi-finished product into a special mold. After the mixture hardens, it is cut by hand or on machines into sheets required thickness. Next, the material is dried and undergoes a finishing mechanical treatment process. They can also insulate structures under construction. It is installed using dowels outside the building. Sheathed on top decorative coating, for example, siding. In addition, penoizol slabs are placed on the floor between the joists.
The density of penoizol depends on its shape and averages 6-35 kilograms per cubic meter.

Technical characteristics of penoizol

In terms of its properties, penoizol is superior to traditional insulation in many respects. Let's look at the main characteristics:
  1. Thermal conductivity of penoizol. This indicator is quite low for this insulation. The coefficient ranges from 0.031-0.041 watts per meter per Kelvin. For achievement good results It is enough to lay a layer of 10 centimeters of thermal insulation. Thus, the cost of the material will be recouped by saving money on heating within just one winter.
  2. Soundproofing. This insulation has decent sound absorption properties. In percentage terms it is about 65%.
  3. Fire resistance. Penoizol is classified in the flammability group G-1, that is, a material that does not burn well. The flammability group of this insulation is B-2. This means that it does not melt when exposed to fire. It was also classified into group D-1 for its ability to emit smoke and T-1 for toxicity. The use of a heat insulator is permissible within temperature limits from -60 to +80 degrees Celsius. At high temperatures the material will simply evaporate without releasing toxic compounds. IN open fire Penoizol will emit ten times less smoke than polystyrene foam.
  4. Chemical resistance. The insulation does not react to chemically aggressive environments or various organic solvents.
  5. Moisture resistance. Penoizol absorbs moisture well, but just as easily gives it away without deteriorating its qualities. The material absorbs 1/5 of the moisture, subsequently evaporating it. To avoid the appearance of mold on the walls, it is recommended to create a ventilation gap. During the day, the heat insulator absorbs 10-20% of moisture.
  6. Vapor permeability. Because the this insulation is hygroscopic, then the walls are able to “breathe”. Air passes freely through structures that are insulated with foam insulation.
  7. Biological resistance. Penoizol insulation is not afraid of fungus, mold, and microorganisms. Domestic rodents do not gnaw holes and passages in it, and do not use it for food.
  8. Strength. The material is particularly soft, so it adheres well to all uneven surfaces, completely filling gaps and crevices. Compressive strength at a linear deformation of 10% is 0.07-0.5 kilograms per square centimeter. When bending, this figure is 0.1-0.25, and when stretching - 0.05-0.08 kilograms per square centimeter.
  9. Lifetime. The production of penoizol began not so long ago - only about 50 years ago. Therefore, it is possible to establish indicators of its durability only approximately. On average, manufacturers talk about 30-50 years of operation of the material.
  10. Environmental friendliness. High-quality penoizol does not emit any volatile toxic compounds either during installation or during operation. Even exposure to fire does not cause the release of harmful smoke.

Advantages of penoizol

This insulation has many positive features that distinguish it from other types of polymer heat insulators. Let's look at them:
  • Excellent thermal insulation abilities. A layer of penoizol 45 millimeters thick provides the same level of protection from cold as 75 millimeters of polystyrene foam and 125 millimeters of mineral wool.
  • Resistance to many types of mechanical stress. When pressed, the elastic material will shrink and quickly return to its previous shape after the pressure is released.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations and increased humidity. Temperature changes have no effect on penoizol, and the material absorbs water and quickly evaporates into the atmosphere.
  • Good vapor permeability. Thanks to this quality, the walls and roof will not deteriorate due to condensation. Therefore, penoizol is recommended for insulation and insulation of wooden buildings.
  • High adhesion. The heat insulator perfectly “sticks” to any surface, penetrating into the smallest cracks and holes. They are convenient for insulating structures of complex or carved shapes.
  • Low cost. The material itself is relatively inexpensive. The price of penoizol is comparable to prices for mineral wool from famous brands. At the same time, you can save money by installation work with his own hand.
  • Fire safety. When exposed to fire, the material does not burn, but only “melts,” releasing water, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide into the air.
  • Versatility. Penoizol can be selected in any form of release to suit any needs. They insulate almost all possible structures, preferably closed type.
  • Absence of “cold bridges”. This quality applies to liquid and granular material.

Disadvantages of penoizol

Like any other heat insulator, penoizol also has a number of disadvantages. The main ones include the following:
  1. The material shrinks. It is 0.1-5%. Only penoizol, which is poured between the walls and remains under pressure, does not have this property.
  2. Low tensile strength. The low density of the insulation explains the fact that it can be torn quite easily.
  3. High level of moisture absorption. In some situations, this quality can be considered a disadvantage. So, because of this, you should not use penoizol for installation under a screed, in the underground part of the foundation. It is also recommended to use an additional layer of waterproofing.
  4. The need for special equipment for applying liquid penoizol. It can be bought or rented. You can also hire a professional team.
  5. Possibility of installation only at temperatures above +5 degrees. High-quality foam can only be obtained if temperature regime work.
In addition, there is a danger of phenol-formaldehyde vapors being released during the installation of liquid urea foam. True, this only happens if the penoizol contains a resin of poor quality.

Criteria for choosing penoizol and installation equipment

As a rule, liquid foam insulation is chosen for household insulation, which is applied using special equipment. It can be bought or rented. The latter option is preferable, as it will cost much less.
  • There are two types of installations for installing penoizol. These are gas-liquid and pneumohydraulic devices. For example, to carry out work on insulating your own home, you can choose the budget equipment of the GZHU “Mini”.
  • You should not buy a unit with a built-in compressor without a receiver.
  • The plunger pump of the installation must be made of plastic or stainless steel.
  • Do not choose equipment for penoizol with a plunger pump that does not have a speed control function.
  • Avoid purchasing equipment in which the foam generator is attached directly to the pump unit.
  • Before you buy penoizol, ask the seller to mix the solution in the required proportions and make a little foam. The sample must be clean White color. The resin should be the same color.
  • The foam should not noticeably shrink or decrease in volume immediately after application.
  • 15 minutes after spraying, you can pat the material with your hand. However, it should not break.
  • There should be no large air gaps in the frozen foam insulation. The cells are ideally small and uniform.
  • High-quality hardened penoizol breaks with little effort. Only minor fraying may occur along the edges.
  • With slight compression, the material should quickly restore its original shape.

Penoizol price and manufacturers

Since penoizol is a trade name for urea foam, it is worth noting that in Russia the rights to use this mark belong to the NST (New Construction Technologies) company.

IN different countries you can find different names for this material: Mophoterm (Czech Republic), Flotofoam (Great Britain), Animotherm (Germany), Isolezh (France), Insulspray (Canada), Iporka (Japan).

In Russia, the production of urea resins, which are the basis for penoizol, is carried out by such large enterprises: Tomskneftekhim LLC, Metadynea JSC, Togliattiazot JSC, Acron JSC, Karbolit JSC. The most common brand of this substance used by manufacturers is KF-MT. The price starts at 44 rubles per kilogram.

In addition, orthophosphoric acid is needed to form foam. Its price is Russian market- from 170 rubles per kilogram. Foaming agent ABSC costs 170 rubles per kilogram.

Brief instructions for installing penoizol

The big advantage of working with penoizol is that the surface does not need to be leveled before applying it. A thick layer of foam will even out absolutely all defects.

We work with the material according to the following scheme:

  1. We assemble the equipment according to the instructions.
  2. We mix all the components of the future penoizol in a container, based on the proportions specified in the instructions for the equipment.
  3. We prepare the surface - remove the remaining finishing materials.
  4. We make lathing or install logs from wooden beams in increments of 50 centimeters.
  5. Apply an even layer of foam to the surface so that it is flush with the edge of the sheathing or joists. We begin installation from the far end to the near end.
  6. Let the layer dry.
  7. After the penoizol has hardened, cut off its excess with a sharp knife.
  8. After complete polymerization of the material, we lay a reinforcing mesh.
  9. After this, you can begin plastering or painting the surface, if necessary.
If you are insulating multilayer walls under construction, then penoizol must be poured evenly into the cavities so that there are no voids left.

Watch the video review of penoizol:

Penoizol appeared on the domestic construction market recently. It has earned considerable popularity due to its excellent thermal insulation qualities, practicality and budget. The characteristics of penoizol allow it to be used for insulation of almost any structure.

Now one of the significant ways to save family budget or a profitable investment is to insulate your private home. Typically, the average payback period for insulating a cold house is 1-3 years and depends on the chosen method. Let's consider general insulation technologies for private houses and the approximate cost.

insulation of houses with foam insulation

And of course, I’ll start right away with filling with penoizol. With the conscientious attitude of manufacturers and workers, with strict adherence to technology, with a personal certificate of quality and a written guarantee, this insulation technology is the cheapest, most effective and fastest. Only under such conditions reviews about penoizol are always positive.

For the customer, average price in Russia it can be 120 - 180 rubles per square meter or 1200 - 1800 rubles per cubic meter + - 20%.
For the manufacturer or if you do it yourself- then it’s 50% - 75% even cheaper! . Depends on region and competition.

watch the video of insulation of the ceiling, walls of the house and wooden floor

More than 30 people from all over the CIS have already completed the installation and are insulating their houses according to my instructions!

Russia: Moscow and St. Petersburg, in Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Yakutsk, in Bryansk, in Krasnodar, Voronezh, Stavropol, Samara, Novosibirsk, Perm, Omsk, Kirov, Ufa, in Rostov, in Belgorod, Barnaul, Armavir, Krasnoyarsk, in Ekaterinburg, Taganrog , V Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Izhevsk, in Stary Oskol, in Astrakhan, in Tomsk, Kemerovo
Ukraine: in Krivoy Rog, in Vinnitsa, Simferopol, Kyiv, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, in Zaporozhye, Lviv
Belarus: in Brest and Mogilev
Kazakhstan: in Almaty and Kostanay

video: do-it-yourself home insulation

Time insulation with penoizol, an ordinary private house measuring about 100 m2, is 3-4 hours. Through drilled holes with a diameter of 25-30 mm, it fills the entire void of the air gap during well brick laying and seals cracks under pressure.

Given the relative simplicity of the technology, you can do it yourself and insulate not only your home with your own hands. In this case, the cost of insulation can range from 40 to 100 rubles (depending on the region). And if you organize it with relatives and neighbors, it’s practically free, covering all costs together.

Disadvantages of foam insulation insulation due to lack of understanding of the correct technology

Again, due to simple technology and the general availability of various components and raw materials, the required specifications cannot always be used. There are many analogues of the cheaper main polymer - resin. which reduces costs and accordingly increases the profitability of the manufacturer. In particular, furniture resin can be used for the production of OSB and chipboard, as well as a cheaper but dangerous hardener. Also, due to the hacker’s desire to save money, equipment that does not meet the parameters may be used to blow in the walls of a private house. And if, in some way, at least a small part of the general technology is violated, then there may be negative reviews about penoizol, as with any other urea foam.

How to distinguish and not fall for hacks or manufacturers of defective penoizol? Even if you don’t want to insulate the house yourself, you can control it! Having learned in detail about the general technology, the correct recipe, the correct one, which can be produced under various types brands, including . And how to insulate a house once and for a long time without consequences, efficiently and effectively.

Sometimes you come across private houses with solid brick wall thickness from 40 to 80 cm or small air gap- 1 - 2 cm. Such houses are very cold, especially those made of white sand-lime brick and shell rock. According to the information of residents of such houses measuring 100 m2, from 5,000 to 10,000 m3 of gas per year are consumed during the heating season. It will not be possible to pour liquid foam insulation into the walls of such houses.

All that remains is to insulate the external walls with ordinary polystyrene foam. If you need to save money, you can choose polystyrene foam, although it may have disadvantages. It must be equipped with fire retardants, since without them, if there is insufficient protection, it will easily ignite, releasing toxic deadly gases. And you need to choose the highest possible density and strength for a long service life. There is a more modern polystyrene foam - extruded with a different production technology. It is devoid of the above disadvantages, that is, it is fireproof, strong and durable.

The general technology for insulating walls with foam plastic consists of fastening slabs using special glue or dowels with the necessary cutting in the right places. Next, if necessary, seal all seams and joints. Fix a reinforcing mesh on top of it for applying protective plaster and façade paint. As you can see, the process is much more labor-intensive big amount material and price accordingly.

The minimum price with a thickness of 10 cm is from 900 rubles m2, which is at least 5 times higher than penoizol and much longer. If you do it yourself, you can save 10 - 30%.

First experience with filling with penoizol

With insulation for private houses liquid penoizol I encountered this personally when insulating my home. Back then I didn’t know much about penoizol. And I chose the manufacturer only based on reviews from friends, to whom they left a guarantee and, according to their words, provided a certificate. Although the price was higher than others in the advertisements, I still called and agreed with them,

To insulate the walls of the house and fill the void with foam insulation, it is necessary to drill holes in the brick with a diameter of 26 mm.

But as it turned out, the size of the layer of 3 - 5 cm does not allow for full insulation and only 5 cubic meters of penoizol were used for a house of 100 m2. From what the manufacturers say, the effect can be no more than 20%, and I decided to immediately insulate the ceiling, since the attic was uninhabited.