Soundproofing walls in an apartment, comparison of materials. The best sound insulation of a car consists of a set of measures. Criteria for selecting materials for sound insulation for walls, floors and ceilings

Doing major renovation or checking into new apartment, you need to take care not only of obvious things like the washbasin in the bathroom, but also of the invisible factors of your comfort. Soundproofing the walls in your apartment is what will allow you to enjoy the silence and strengthen your nervous system!

The nervous system suffers the most from noise. Doctors diagnose people who are “sick” with noise with insomnia, hysteria, apathy, and decline vitality. This “disease,” if you think about it, awaits us everywhere, as soon as you step outside the threshold - the noise of vehicles, the squabbling of passengers on a bus, the rumble in an office or factory. Progress is certainly accompanied by an increase in noise levels! The only place where we expect to find salvation from it is our own home.

However thin walls They cannot protect us even from a normal conversation between neighbors, not to mention a quarrel or a noisy feast. The maximum noise level that a person can endure at work is 85 dB, although even at such decibels it is recommended to wear protective headphones. At home, this figure should not exceed 30 dB at night and 40 dB during the day. You don't have to measure them - trust your feelings. If extraneous sounds irritate you, it means they are too loud.

Most often, conflicts due to noise arise among residents of panel and block houses. They will help you avoid quarrels modern materials and technologies that prevent extraneous sounds from entering your home. However, do not forget to soundproof even if the source of noise is you!

You will find a lot of solutions to this problem on the market, but do not rush to shell out money. You can also get rid of noise using improvised means. Your task is to eliminate the mistakes and shortcomings of the builders. Our tips may seem too simple to you, but if you follow them together, you will significantly improve the acoustic condition of the apartment.

Soundproofing walls in an apartment - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Sockets

First of all, pay attention to the sockets located on the walls between apartments. Quite often, for ease of installation, builders make a through hole in the wall to make it easier to install sockets. It is very simple to verify the special role of sockets in breaking silence - at the moments when you hear noise, carefully put your ear to the socket, and you will see that it is precisely the weak link.

After turning off the electricity in the apartment for a while, dismantle the product. It is quite possible that you will even stumble upon the bottom of your neighbor's outlet. Place a pre-prepared washer made of compacted mineral wool or basalt fiber into the hole. Then apply a layer of gypsum mortar on top of the washer, leaving room for your socket to be installed. If the wall seems very thin to you, you should think about moving the outlet to another place. However, if nothing bothers you, install the product in place.

It should not be used as a sound insulator - it is very dense and does not disperse and reflect sound well, in addition, some of its types are quite flammable. If we are late with advice, then just plaster the foam properly.

Step 2: Cable Junction Boxes

In new buildings, installation boxes for connecting electrical networks are usually hidden under the ceiling near the center of the inter-apartment walls. As with sockets, they can be installed in through holes. All that prevents sounds from the next room from penetrating and vice versa are plastic covers. Unfortunately, their sound absorption coefficient is very low.

Finding boxes under the wallpaper is very simple - tap the handle of a screwdriver lightly on the wall, a characteristic booming sound will reveal the location of the unit. However, if you are not an electrician by profession, it is better not to go there yourself! This matter should still be handled by a specialist, otherwise you may leave half the house without light. What does not prevent you from preparing materials for sound insulation - the same mineral wool washer, gypsum mortar.

Step 3: Insulate the risers

According to building regulations, the risers of water supply and heating pipelines must be closed with vibration-insulated “sleeves” where they pass through interfloor ceilings. It looks like this: a larger diameter pipe (compared to a riser) is embedded in the ceiling. A gap of several centimeters should form between the walls of this pipe and the riser. It is sealed with soundproofing material and non-hardening acoustic sealant. True, this is all in theory - in practice this is done very rarely!

Often, builders simply embed risers into interfloor ceilings. After some time, cracks will certainly form between the pipe and the ceiling, through which noise will be heard. And the risers themselves perfectly transmit impact noise, which in this case is not dampened by anything.

If the builders were simply too lazy to fill the gap between the pipe and the sleeve, correct this omission immediately. If there is no liner at all, clear and remove the layer of coating around the riser, trying to penetrate deeper, but without fanaticism! Then wrap the base of the pipe with asbestos fabric or fiberglass and cement it. After cutting off the excess, seal the joints with sealant.

The older the house, the more flaws you may find! Over time, cracks through which unwanted noise penetrates form at the junction of walls, floors and ceilings. As soon as the opportunity arises to make a full or partial renovation, carefully check all joints, seal all cracks. After completing this set of completely doable tasks, you may be surprised at how much less noise enters your apartment.

The market can offer dozens of options. Among them there will be both truly effective and untested new products. In any case, the law of sound insulation is immutable - if you want to achieve a significant effect, you need to use several materials.

Multilayer structures should be composed of materials of different density and nature. For example, drywall reflects sound, while mineral wool absorbs and dissipates it. By the way, it is cotton and fibrous materials that have the highest sound absorption coefficient - this is facilitated by their uneven structure. Overcoming such a heterogeneous barrier, the sound loses its strength. However, soft soundproofing materials have one significant drawback– they are too thick.

It is unlikely that you will want to lose 8-10 cm from each wall, which is exactly what is required for arranging a structure made of lathing, wool and drywall.

Semi-rigid and hard materials They have a much lower sound absorption coefficient, but they are much thinner. These include pressed mineral wool boards, cork sheets, plasterboard, as well as a number of modern membranes such as loaded vinyl. Such materials should only be used in combination with each other; on their own, they will not produce the desired effect, no matter how much their manufacturers praise them. It is imperative that there is also a layer of air between the layers of sound insulation - when entering such an environment, the sound is significantly dissipated.

If, after completing a set of works, you find that your apartment has become quiet, and only occasionally particularly loud sounds can be heard through the walls, it will be enough for you to apply a soundproofing backing under the wallpaper. The backing is glued like regular wallpaper, but you don’t have to match patterns and wipe off excess glue.

Thin soundproofing SoundGuard panels Ecosoundproofing with quartz sand! Only 13 mm!

The main rule in sound insulation is mass and layering. It is according to this law that thin soundproofing panels with quartz filler were developed by SoundGuard. SoundGuard Ekozvukoizol panels consist of seven-layer cardboard and quartz filler - super calcined sand fine fraction(as in an hourglass).

The thickness of the panels is 13 mm, and 1 m2 weighs 18.5 kilograms. Due to their large weight and multi-layer nature, the panels provide a multiple reduction in shock and sound wave energy over the entire frequency range. In addition, this result is achieved due to massiveness, multi-layering, elastic-viscous consistency and free, unconnected filler particles.

Soundproofing panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol» title=» Soundproofing panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol» width=»300″ height=»285″ />

Characteristics of soundproofing panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol:

Size: 1200×800

Thickness: 13 mm

Weight: 18.5 kg

Number of layers: 7

Own insulation index airborne noise(RW): 38-42 dB

Installation of the panels is quite simple and does not require special skills or tools. The panels are attached directly to the walls using acoustic dowels, which are also available from the manufacturer Soundproofing materials. In case of impact noise, the panels are mounted on a vibration-decoupled frame on vibration suspensions using self-tapping screws.

Soundproofing panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol photo» title=» Soundproofing panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol photo" width="300″ height="169″ />

The panel production plant is located in St. Petersburg, but the panels have become in great demand throughout Russia, so there are dealers in all major cities.

The comfort and even the health of the residents depends on what kind of sound insulation is made in the apartment. Conventional fences in residential buildings do not provide complete protection of homes from noise coming from the street and from neighboring apartments.

The only solution to the problem is reliable protection against. The photo below shows how a frame with heat and sound insulation is installed under drywall.

Before making noise insulation, you should first understand the types of sound interference and how to protect against them.

The types of noise are as follows:

  • impact - formed from mechanical impact on a building structure: the clicking of heels, objects falling to the floor, children jumping, etc.;
  • structural - periodic mechanical influences on the building structure and the spread of vibration throughout the building: the operation of power tools, rearrangement of furniture, etc.;
  • air - transmission of sound waves through the air from the street, from neighboring apartments from working audio, - and television equipment, colloquial speech and etc.

Before you fight the spread of sound and its entry into the apartment, you need to know how it is transmitted.

Sound waves travel in two ways:

  • direct – sound transmission through windows or adjacent surfaces;
  • indirect – passing through bearing structures buildings, communications, holes and cracks.

The following factors influence the propagation of sound:

  • doors and windows lack seals;
  • materials building structures have poor sound insulation properties;
  • voids, gaps and cracks in structures have the property of resonance;
  • low-quality finishing materials.

What to deal with: noise or sounds

Many people consider sound insulation and noise reduction to be synonymous, but this is not true. There are differences between them. Soundproofing walls and floors involves changing the spectrum of unwanted sounds to such a level that meaningful components that can be heard by ear become inaudible.

Even at the same intensity, an indistinct sound causes less irritation, and with prolonged exposure does not cause harm to a person.

Noise insulation consists of the general suppression of extraneous sounds. The background noise remains, but is not perceived psychophysiologically.

Even sharp sounds do not cross the threshold of comfort. You can hear them, but they are not annoying.

Complete silence is not necessary for a person and is even harmful. There should always be some background noise.

Soundproofing properties are incorporated into load-bearing enclosing structures during design and construction. First of all, they are provided by their massiveness. Protection from airborne noise by walls and ceilings is set in the range of 45-55 dB.

Now this is not enough: for acoustic comfort it should not exceed the level of 62 dB, and for interior partitions– 52 dB. Most building envelopes require additional installation soundproofing.

Sound insulation index and sound absorption coefficient

Protective equipment can reflect or absorb sound. Sound-reflecting materials are selected according to the sound insulation index Rw - a numerical characteristic in decibels showing their ability to reflect sound.

In sound insulation, mass and density play a major role. The larger these parameters are, the higher the protective properties. The most common are concrete, brick, MDF, plasterboard.

Sound insulation indices of materials

MaterialThickness, cmStructure weight, kg/m²Airborne noise insulation index, dB
Ceramic brick12 (half a brick)267 40
Sand-lime brick12 (half a brick)330 45
Aerated concrete blocks10 74 40
Gypsum concrete slabs10 92 40-45
GKL (one layer) with wooden frame8,5 30-40 35
GKL (one layer) with a metal profile frame10 21,5 40
Glass blocks10 65-75 45
Sliding made of wood, glass, aluminum- 6-20 -

Rw depends on the thickness of the partition and its density. It is advisable to attach lightweight soundproofing material to the walls, since doubling their thickness improves protection by only 10-15 dB, which indicates low efficiency. Here you can solve the problem if you buy in hardware store material with Rw = 15-20 dB and cover the wall with it. After this, the conversation behind the wall becomes inaudible.

Another indicator is used in the calculations - the sound absorption coefficient. Porous, soft and cellular structures have the ability to reduce the intensity of sound due to its absorption. In their environment, sound overcomes many barriers and weakens.

To evaluate sound absorption, a scale is used ranging between 0 and 1. The closer the parameter approaches the upper limit, the better sound insulation walls or floors near protective material. Zero means total reflection of sound. The table below shows the sound absorption coefficient values ​​of some materials. It follows from this that its value is also affected by the frequency of sound.

Sound absorption coefficient of materials

Material, objectFrequency response, Hz
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Gypsum plaster0,02 0,026 0,04 0,062 0,058 0,028
Lime plaster0,024 0,046 0,06 0,085 0,043 0,056
Fiberboard (Fibreboard), 12 mm0,22 0,30 0,34 0,32 0,41 0,42
Gypsum panel 10 mm with a distance from the wall of 100 mm0,41 0,28 0,15 0,06 0,05 0,02
Parquet floor0,04 0,04 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,07
Plank floor on joists0,20 0,15 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,07
Glazed window frames0,35 0,25 0,18 0,12 0,07 0,04
Lacquered doors0,03 0,02 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,04
Wool carpet 9 mm thick on concrete0,02 0,08 0,21 0,26 0,27 0,37

The sound-absorbing properties of materials become noticeable starting from a thickness of about 50 mm. They are distinguished according to three categories of rigidity:

  • Soft - with a fibrous chaotic structure. These include felt, cotton wool, basalt wool. The advantage of mats or panels made from them is a high sound absorption coefficient (0.7-0.95) with a low specific gravity (no more than 80 kg/m³). A significant effect is achieved starting with a thickness of at least 10 cm.
  • Semi-female - slabs with fibers and cells. The materials contain mineral wool or foamed polymers. They have a slightly lower sound absorption coefficient (0.5-0.8), and specific gravity reaches 130 kg/m³.
  • Solid - products containing cotton wool in the form of granules or suspensions with fillers such as vermiculite or pumice. The sound absorption coefficient is about 0.5, and the specific gravity is up to 400 kg/m³.

Installing sound insulation from mats and panels requires a large amount of space in the room. The occupied volume can be reduced if panels are glued to the outside decorative finishing directly on the wall.

Soundproofing against airborne noise

They are part of structures where Rw is in the range of 0-20 dB. A person perceives this as a 2-fold reduction in noise.

Increasing the mass of the wall is ineffective and leads to an increase in the load on the base of the building. The thickness of sound insulation can be reduced by using multilayer panels, which use both the sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing properties of different layers.

It is important that air gaps are created between them. Especially the sound wave weakens when passing from one material to another through air gap. Experts offer sound-absorbing materials as part of multilayer structures.

Homogeneous products give less effect than multilayer slabs. Hard and soft products need to be alternated, where the former are responsible for sound insulation, and the latter for sound absorption. Cotton mattresses are made no thinner than 5 cm and occupy more than half of the structure in thickness.

Sound insulation of walls is carried out using frame and frameless structures. Sandwich panels are placed between load-bearing walls and plasterboard cladding. At the same time, the fastening points contain vibration-isolating gaskets so that there are no sound bridges.

Sound insulation against impact and structure noise

To prevent sound waves from being transmitted through building structures, comprehensive sound insulation is used. Floor protection is especially important, for example with a screed up to 60 mm thick. Efficient design is a floating floor consisting of an elastic layer of sound insulation on floor slabs and a prefabricated or monolithic screed laid on it.

Nowadays buildings are often put into operation without finishing, where the floor consists only of the ceiling. If the upstairs neighbors do not protect their floors from impact noise, this will create further problems for everyone living on the lower floors.

Materials for sound insulation of load-bearing walls

A popular material is fiberglass with random small fibers. Elastic glass threads absorb well sound waves. The thin material is suitable for gluing joints of building structures and can be used for walls.

  • Expanded polystyrenegood material, which provides moisture resistance, heat, and sound insulation. The disadvantage is the flammability of the material.
  • Mineral wool- Not flammable material and the best sound insulation in terms of price-quality ratio. It is often used for laying under drywall, but it loses its properties when moisture gets into it. Therefore, it is used mainly in dry rooms and with reliable waterproofing.
  • Cork– high-quality and environmentally friendly pure material used more often for floors. The advantage is the thin coating thickness, but the material is not very effective compared to others. Application is limited due to high price.

Modern soundproofing materials

The increasing noise level leads to the need to create reliable protection against it. For this purpose, noise-absorbing materials are used in the form of thick mattresses or sound-reflecting materials. Wall panels. Better sound insulation achieved by combining these methods.

Before you soundproof your walls, you must first determine the source of the noise. If city noise does not interfere, but sounds come from neighbors, external walls it is not necessary to isolate.

You need to know which insulating materials to choose for walls, their advantages and disadvantages.

Plasterboard structures filled with porous materials protect rooms well from noise and cold. The disadvantages are loss of space, complexity and labor-intensive installation, and accumulation of dust and moisture inside.

Wood-based decorative panels are easy to assemble thanks to the tongue-and-groove connection. On outer surface has already decorative coating, which eliminates the need for finishing. This soundproof environmentally friendly material for walls allows you to quickly finish large room, although it is far from the cheapest.

Polyurethane sheets have good soundproofing properties. Moreover, their thickness is 15 mm. The material is convenient to install due to its low weight, elasticity and ease of processing. The disadvantages are the high price and flammability.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam is a foamed thermoplastic with microscopic air cavities.

It is a reliable heat insulator, but it provides poor noise protection. Soundproofing membranes are only 35 mm thick and can be used in combination with other materials.

The material is highly flexible and quite dense. Its cost is also high. Sandwich panels are sound-absorbing material placed between gypsum sheets. The material is more used for protection public premises

, trading floors, pavilions due to the large thickness of the panels. Fastened with dowels or self-tapping screws.

Soundproofing walls in an apartment

Do it yourself at the repair stage. It is advisable to carry out such interior decoration if the premises are of sufficient size, since up to 8 cm will be removed from each wall. For work, you should purchase profiles, sheets of drywall, sound-absorbing material and fasteners.

  • The effectiveness of sound insulation can be significantly increased if you use:
  • modern soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials;
  • soundproofing gaskets under the frame;
  • special profile;

cladding of greater thickness (can be made double).

First, a strong frame is constructed along the width of the mat, for example, from mineral wool. A soft tape is placed under the guide profiles to protect against vibrations. It is better to make two layers of insulation. Soundproofing tape is also applied to the posts.

Then the electrical wiring is laid. Here it is important to follow electrical and fire safety rules, especially if flammable material is used for sound absorption. The ends of the wires are brought out.

Sound-absorbing material is laid tightly. These can be panels, mattresses made of mineral wool, fiberglass, etc. There should be no gaps in the joints or cavities inside the frame. It is also not recommended to apply a lot of cotton wool, otherwise bumps will form on the walls. Mattresses should be secured with wide-headed dowels. It is mounted on top of the slab or on a layer of insulation.

The wall is covered with plasterboard. You can purchase acoustic gypsum boards with holes that reduce noise levels and a non-woven fabric glued on the inside. Double-layer cladding significantly increases the protective properties. Just the seams should not match. This will require more frame posts. Repairs will cost more, but they are worth it.

If the dew point is inside the room, moisture will accumulate under the sound insulation. External thermal insulation is advisable load-bearing walls. Then the wall inside will be dry and mold will not form.

When using external insulation with soundproofing properties interior decoration premises may not be needed. If you use noise-insulating material as part of the plaster, the effect of sound protection will be enhanced.

Manufacturers of soundproofing panels

PhoneStar panels from the German company Wolf Bavaria produce material of European quality. The presence of subsidiaries in Russia allows you to purchase material at affordable prices. The panels are suitable for reducing airborne and impact noise with a thickness of just 12mm, giving them undeniable advantages in front of thick sound-absorbing mats that occupy a significant usable area of ​​the premises.

The domestic company EcoZvukoIzol produces similar boards using German technologies. The small thickness of the panels (13 mm) and the availability of a range of sizes make it possible to use them in apartments, industrial and public buildings.

"Acoustic Group", a German company, has developed an innovative product with unique acoustic properties - the ZIPS panel system. The basis is wood fiber with a magnesite binder, which has a high sound-absorbing ability. The company has also developed vibration-proofing materials that can be used in combination with sound-absorbing boards. The products feature numerous design options.

"EcoHor" - acoustic slabs with stylish design and good characteristics.

Video: soundproofing the floor

Soundproofing walls is most effective when it works comprehensive protection, including reflection and absorption of sound waves, as well as thermal insulation. First of all, you should determine the source of the noise, and then select effective solutions against it. protective equipment

High-quality sound insulation of a home requires additional measures: installing double-glazed windows, finishing the apartment with cladding with high sound-reflecting properties, etc.

Owners of apartments and houses often face the problem of insufficient sound insulation in their homes. Because of this, sounds from outside become audible indoors. This makes it difficult to sleep and do normal activities. To increase the level of comfort in the room, you need to use Additional materials for soundproofing walls and ceilings. Advice from experienced builders should be considered before starting renovations.

Types of noise

What material is the most effective for soundproofing walls? Today there are many offers on the building materials market that are designed to protect against the penetration of extraneous sounds into the home. During quiet times, even minor noises coming from neighbors' apartments or sounds from the street can be clearly heard. However, loud sounds can reach you at any time of the day, even when your apartment or house is not quiet enough.

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Panel and brick houses both old and new models do not differ in high-quality sound insulation of both walls and interfloor ceilings. All sounds are transmitted through the air, causing the materials of walls and ceilings to vibrate. Even minor noises coming from outside to the owners of the house can cause insomnia. And children's crying, screams, the sound of repairs, loud music cause significant discomfort.

There are now a great variety of combined materials for sound insulation, produced in the format of panels or rolls. So that you can choose the best from them, we have selected the five most popular materials from well-known companies. Every year new types appear on the construction market soundproofing materials, however, these products have been occupying leading positions for a long time.

All-round sound insulation: Sonoplat combi

These are soundproofing panels that can be used not only for finishing walls, but also for floors, ceilings, and interior partitions. The material cuts off sounds so well that it is even used to decorate recording studios.

The panels from the manufacturer are based on multilayer cellulose, between the layers of which quartz sand and a coniferous substrate are poured. All materials are environmentally friendly, which can also be considered a plus.

In addition, the panels are very easy to install and can be done directly on the wall, without the use of additional load-bearing structures.

Heavy sound insulation for an apartment: Soundguard Ekozvukoizol

But these panels are just the opposite; despite their small thickness, they weigh quite a lot, so it is better to mount them on a separate frame.

At the same time, the thickness of the Ekozvukoizol panels is really small - only 13 mm. Like the previous version, this material is made of several layers using cellulose and quartz sand. The recommended scope of application of this material is internal sound insulation of walls.

The disadvantages include very low resistance to humidity, so the panels should not be used for the bathroom or kitchen.

Soundproofing in German: PhoneStar

Sheet panels from a German company, which are made from pressed corrugated cardboard and quartz sand. The panels are mounted exclusively on a separate frame, and the degree of sound insulation is sufficient to use the material not only in residential but also in industrial premises.

The German product combines well with all types of paints, plasters and putties, so external processing can be carried out directly on the panels.

All inclusive: ZIPS-III-Ultra

Frameless sound insulation system of the 3rd generation, as reflected in its name. It consists of sandwich panels, inside of which there are 12.5 mm sheets of plasterboard and staple fiberglass. The panels are mounted on vibration isolators made of a special elastomer, which ensures very high level sound insulation with a fairly small thickness of the entire system - 55 mm.

Another advantage of the material is that it comes with all the necessary fasteners (their set has a separate name ZIPS-Vector). Standard panels have a size of 1200x600x42 mm and an area of ​​0.72 m 2 each.

Fine workmanship: Tecsound from Texsa

Soundproofing material from a Spanish company, which consists of membranes only 3.7 mm thick, which can be used individually or in combination with other materials.

The membranes reduce noise by 25 dB and can be used for walls or floors. In the latter case, you will have to make a screed or plywood base under the layer of material.

The main advantages of the Spanish material are high plasticity, resistance to rot, bacteria and moisture, and environmental safety.

Cons - make the room completely isolated from loud noise It won't work just with these membranes.

Photos from were used in preparing the material.

In expensive cars, the problem of sound insulation is solved by the manufacturer at the concept creation stages. The situation is different in cheap models, where noise protection is ignored or a minimum amount of noise insulation work is carried out on two or three units.

Airborne noise comes from the engine and transmission. Exhaust mechanisms, tires and door seals also make noise - sound interference depends on the degree of development of the design of these components.

Another type of noise, called structural noise, occurs due to vibrations of the power unit, transmission mechanism and chassis. Suspension elements are conductors of vibrations to the composite body panels and floor elements.

The comfort of travel in such cars is reduced to a minimum.

Constant irritability, fatigue while driving, inability to listen to music - these factors prompt the driver to take action to soundproof the car using quality materials and modern technologies.

Types of car sound insulation

These are bitumen-mastic tiles glued to the cleaned metal of the car body. The basis of car sound insulation, which dampens vibration waves of the engine, transmission and suspension transmitted to the body.

The thickness and structure of the vibration damper is selected according to the thickness of the car body. Self-adhesive vibration isolators are applied as the first layer of sound insulation to the body, giving it additional strength.

They are laid in a second layer, on top of vibration dampers. They perform a double function: they protect the vehicle interior from external noise and insulate the hood of the car.

Sound absorbers

Soft and highly porous structures that absorb sound waves. The absorption rate reaches 95%.

Seals (anti-creaks)

Eliminate squeaks and beating of panel joint seals and rods in the car. These are sound insulators for machine parts.

Reduce the amplitude of vibrations and vibrations of the mechanical components of the machine. The sound generated in the vehicle components when hitting a surface is converted into vibrations of the full frequency range.

To absorb them and convert vibration energy into heat, special materials with viscoelastic properties are used. They consist of viscous bitumen and mastics, covered with a layer of foil on top.

The elastic material rubs against the foil, and the energy of mechanical vibrations is converted into thermal energy. On the reverse side, it is applied to the vibration damper sheets adhesive composition, securing the sheet to the floor or ceiling of the machine.

Act as a barrier to vibrations, suppressing them to a minimum. The flexible structure of sound insulators allows them to be installed on parts of complex configurations - in the interior and on the trunk of a car.

The area of ​​contact of the sound wave with the sound insulator is so vast due to the cellular structure that the sound is lost in numerous voids.

Characteristics and advantages of sound insulation for cars

Here is a list of vibration damping materials and list their characteristics, which have been confirmed by research laboratories:

BiMast Bomb

The basis is bitumen and mastic. The base is covered on top aluminum foil. The recommended treatment area is limited to 50% of the total surface of the vehicle.

This is necessary to avoid making the structure heavier, because the specific gravity of BiMast Bombs is 6 kg/m2. Four-millimeter sheets are cut into pieces of 0.4 m 2.

Lighter than the previous type, but the foil layer is replaced with paper. Warming up is required before installation on the vehicle. The characteristics of thickness, dimensions and specific gravity are the same as those of the previous BiMast brand.

BiMast Standard

Made elastic and resilient, applied without heating. For strong adhesion to difficult surfaces, you can slightly heat it up, this improves the adhesion of the glue. The bitumen-mastic base is covered with non-woven material on top.

The material is thick - 3 mm, and the sheets are formatted to size 0.53x0.75 m. Considering that the material is a third lighter than others, up to 60% of the surface is processed with BiMast.

A product used for vibration protection of plastic and composite surfaces, the specific gravity is 3.0 kg/m2. The sheets are mounted in a cold state.

The width and length of the sheets are the same, but they are thin (2 mm). Processed up to 70-80% components car.

VibroPlast Gold

Practical for application in places where it is undesirable to weigh down the structure (door surface). Thanks to its elastic structure, it can be installed without heating.

The thickness reaches 2.3 mm, the specific gravity is 4 kg/m2. They can treat up to 80% of the car's area. The sheet is 0.53 m wide and 0.75 m long.

Moisture-resistant bitumen, adhesive base. Withstands aggressive influences from outside environment, resistant to decomposition. When processing surfaces, Vizomat heats up to 40-50 degrees. The relative weight is negligible.

Suitable for insulating car doors and ceilings.

The first type of sound insulation materials based on a fiber structure is the felt-bitumen structure, where the felt is natural or made from synthetic fibers.

Natural fiber intensively absorbs moisture. Over time, this leads to rotting of the material and the appearance of rust on the metal in the places where it was used. The disadvantage disappears with artificial felt: it is moisture resistant and does not decompose.

The second type includes synthetic gas-filled compounds.

More often, motorists use the following types of sound insulators:

Soundproofer Accent

Practical, easy to use and lightweight material with a weight of 0.5-0.8 kg/m2. The synthetic layers are covered with foil on top, protecting them from moisture; A layer of adhesive composition is applied on the bottom.

The sound absorption coefficient (SAC) with dense installation reaches 70-90%. The thickness of the sheets is 10, 15 or 20 mm. They are cut into rolls of 0.75 m2.

Externally it is no different from the Accent, but the internal structure is different. The cells are small, capable of capturing and suppressing frequencies from 600 Hz to 4000 Hz, while the Accent has an upper limit of suppressed frequencies of 3000 Hz.

The top covering is made in the form of perforated lavsan or PVC film. Below is an adhesive layer. The thickness of Isoton is 10 and 20 mm with dimensions of 1x2 m or 2x2 m. Weight - 0.25-0.5 kg/m 2.

Soundproofing BitoPlast

Noise-absorbing and anti-creaking material. It dampens sound waves of a reflected nature, absorbing them in an expanded state. Available in two versions – 5 and 10 mm thick. Weight – 0.4 kg/m2. KZP reaches 60%. Size standard sheet– 1x0.75 m.

Soundproofing BiPlast

An improved version of the previous sound absorber in terms of sound absorption. They are pasted over with it plastic panels. The sound absorption coefficient reaches 85%. The specific gravity is less than that of Bitoplast and is 0.35 kg/m2. Sheet area – 0.75 m2.

Soundproofing Splen

Material with an adhesive layer insulates sounds and heat flows, made on the basis of polyethylene foam. Thermal conductivity – 0.038 W/K. Operating temperature range: from -70 to +80°C. The manufacturer supplies sheets 4 or 8 mm thick, measuring 1x2 m.

Seals for cars

Motorists often use improvised gasket materials as sealants: foam rubber, carpet (carpet), plasticine. They are short-lived and decompose under the influence of external influences. Factory production means are much more efficient.

BitoPlast Gold

Seals technological gaps while absorbing noise. When compressed, BitoPlast returns to its previous state, has “memory”, and therefore fills the joints to the limit. Sold in the form of samples 1x0.75 m with a thickness of 5 mm. Weight – 0.4 kg/m2, bullpen – 60%.


The improved BitoPlast brand is an open structure of thousands of cells. Replaces Accent on surfaces with complex configurations. The material is elastic and flexible, dampens vibrations to low levels, and is equipped with an adhesive surface.

The sound absorption coefficient reaches 85%. The thickness and size are the same as BitoPlast, but it weighs half as much.

Anti-creak for Madeline cars

It is a dense decorative material with a sticky composition applied underneath. Thoroughly seals minimal gaps at the junction of air ducts.

The thickness of Madelin is 1 or 1.5 mm, it belongs to the category of materials with low weight (0.34 kg/m2). Plate area standard size– 2 m2.

Among the liquid noise-insulating materials, the following are widespread:

The paste from the Swedish company AUSON AB is available in the form of a can for aerosol spraying. Made on a polymer base, plastic, converts vibrations into heat.

Apply with a roller, spray or brush to degreased metal or plastic surface in several stages, layer by layer, until a film of the required thickness is obtained (from 1 to 2.5 mm).

On initial surfaces with a thickness of 0.5 to 5 mm, a durable polymer coating, protecting against noise and having water-repellent and anti-abrasive properties. On square meter 2-4 kg of material is enough.

Soundproofing Dinitrol 479

The composition contains synthetic rubber, which is a noise-insulating and anti-corrosion material. Used for application to the underbody of the car, protects against damage by gravel.

A film of 1-1.5 mm is applied with a brush or spray and polymerizes in 6-12 hours.

Noise LIQUIDator mastic

Vibration-absorbing and anti-corrosion mastic reduces noise by 3 dB. It is recommended to apply it to hard parts with a relief surface (on arches). A spatula is used in this work.


The disadvantage of vibration dampers is that they heavy weight due to the bitumen it contains. When treated with a vibration isolator, the total weight of the vehicle increases by 50-60 kg.

When operating such a vehicle, fuel consumption rises by 2-2.5%, driving dynamics and maneuverability decrease. In addition, the risk of sagging of a door treated with a bitumen vibration insulator increases.

Sheet bitumen materials do not completely isolate the car from noise:

  • The thickness of 4 mm does not protect against vibrations, recoil is achieved at 10 mm, but this dramatically increases the additional weight of the car.
  • The sheet does not adhere well and bends on complex spherical surfaces.
  • The materials do not work at temperatures above +30 and below -20 degrees.

Which one to choose

Select samples for vibration isolation according to technical characteristics - specific gravity and mechanical factor. In many cases, the first indicator becomes decisive. The higher the value, the better and with greater efficiency the material dampens vibrations.

The consumer should be interested in the following features:

  • how difficult is this material to install;
  • is it susceptible to easy flexion and extension;
  • does it have plasticity?
  • how it will behave when sticking to curved surfaces;
  • Is a heat gun used for heating?

Seals are compared based on the following properties:

  • how tightly do the parts between which they are installed contact;
  • how effectively squeaks are eliminated;
  • what is the abrasion resistance;
  • How long does it take for the previous shape to be restored, what is the elasticity of the deformation;
  • how much they can shrink when used in small gaps between parts.

Noise insulation protects against mid- and high-frequency noise in the audio range. Efficiency is directly proportional to the thickness of the material.

The specific gravity indicator for soundproofing blocks is not critical; the main thing for them is the sound absorption coefficient. Ideally, the EPC is 1, but materials with an EPC value of 0.8-0.9 are considered the most suitable for car sound insulation.

Products of the sound and heat insulation group have a number of advantages in the form of low cost, moisture resistance, and good heat reflection. But materials in this category cannot be basic; they are used as heat insulators under the hood of a car.

What is the best sound insulation for a car?

  • When choosing vibration-proofing materials, take into account the structural characteristics of the base of the sheet - mastic. If, while rolling a sheet over the surface, the mastic is squeezed out and spreads after heating, then the quality of the material leaves much to be desired.

Pay attention to the stickiness and quality of the top layer, because the foil acts as a reinforcing coating. Too much thin material breaks during installation.

  • It is important to take into account the technical characteristics of the vibrating material. It should have as much IMP as possible, and its specific gravity should be as small as possible. The vibration isolator chosen is non-toxic and does not emit foreign odors after installation.

The service life is equal to the life of the car, or even exceeds it.

  • For the gaps formed between the door casings, BitoPlast is suitable, and the edges of the glove compartment lid and the millimeter joints on the panel are glued with Madelin.

The purpose of using vibration-isolating materials is achieved if it is possible to reduce vibrations coming from the engine compartment, wheel arches and transmission. Up to 50% of the body surface is covered with plates, which is not critical for the total weight of the car.

The installation procedure for an anti-vibration insulator takes place in several stages:

  • Clean the body surfaces from dirt, rust and dust, and degrease.
  • First remove protective layer vibration-proof sheet and place it on the surface to be treated.
  • Preheat the sheet using a hair dryer on the adhesive layer side evenly, without bringing it to a boil.
  • Glue the sheet to the surface and roll the mounting roller over it.

The installation method, when heating occurs inside the machine after gluing one end of the sheet, is not recommended. It threatens to damage car interior parts and melt paintwork.

When purchasing soundproofing materials, look for documents that guarantee that the products comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. These conclusions indicate that the product high quality, and it is harmless to humans.



Large manufacturer in Russian market. Via network regional representatives StP supplies the market with popular soundproofing, soundproofing and sealing materials.

They have passed certification, which is confirmed by hygienic certificates. Standardplast products are affordable.


The products of the SGM-Techno company are also widely known to consumers of specific products. It is a diversified enterprise that develops and produces special products and materials for car noise insulation under the brand name “SGM-vibro (SGM)”.

Products are characterized good quality and low cost.

For a buyer with high quality demands, the products of the Russian company Teknikal Group will suit them.

The research and production enterprise develops and creates noise and vibration insulation materials for vehicles, based on modern innovative materials and technologies.

Developer and manufacturer of self-adhesive sheets that are used in anti-noise tuning of cars. Every third of the surveyed professionals claims that the company’s products meet the criteria for modern sound insulators.

The company's products occupy the middle price sector of the market and are suitable for most car models.
