Soundproofing walls materials comparison. Soundproofing material - the best soundproofing of walls in a private house with your own hands. Mineral slabs Shumanet

Almost everyone knows how it is to spend a sleepless night due to extraneous noise coming from the street or from neighbors. It is easy to get rid of such a problem by choosing the right material for soundproofing, an apartment or any other room. This is a rather important issue, especially if there are small children in the house and you need to ensure peace and quiet at least at night.

Loud knocking, ringing, talking, continuously sounding for a long time, negatively affects the psychological state of a person, reduces his ability to work, the ability to concentrate, concentration. Therefore, the solution of the issue in the form of soundproofing the wall, using modern material that neutralizes unpleasant sounds, will positively affect the general health of residents.

How to ensure high-quality sound insulation

To achieve the desired effect, you will have to carry out a series of repairs, even if it means wall upholstery with corrugated sheets.

A number of measures to improve sound insulation include:

  1. Replacing old windows with wooden frames with more modern double-glazed windows.
  2. Installation of a reliable entrance door, equipped with a special seal around the perimeter.
  3. Installation of special outdoor structures with high sound-absorbing properties, for example, insulation of the facade of the house with foam.
  4. Application of a special high-quality coating that can provide additional sound insulation. Partitions and walls made of materials belonging to this group and characterized by a relatively low conductivity of perceived acoustic vibrations do an excellent job with the task. Note that sandwich panel designs are not among these.
  5. Replacement of interior doors with modernized ones equipped with durable seals.

Experts advise to carry out facing work using special materials for sound insulation with sound-reflecting abilities. By the way, in addition to the qualities described, all of the above options also contribute to reducing heat loss at home.

How to choose the type of soundproofing

In order to make a competent and informed choice, as well as to choose the right soundproofing material, you need to go to the store only after it has been decided whether you need to buy soundproof panels or insulation for the facade. First of all, it is worth deciding from what level of noise you want to protect your home.

Types of noise

Structural and airborne noises are distinguished, the latter propagating only in space. These include the laughter and voices of people, the sounds that animals make, as well as the included household appliances. Structural can be recognized by the sound of objects falling to the floor, moving or creaking furniture, the clatter of neighbors or children.

Typology of soundproofing materials

When performing soundproofing walls, materials can be used in a complex. Thus, the use of several types of sound-reflecting panels may be more effective than the use of products of the same type.

If you are going to carry out such work, get ready for the fact that this is an inexpensive pleasure, and the interior space of the room will be slightly reduced.

All building materials intended to insulate the facade of a building and provide a sound barrier between the interior and exterior spaces are divided into types and categories. Each of them has its own characteristic features. If you are not competent in the choice of sound insulation, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist, since ignorance in this case can lead to some difficulties associated with the choice of goods.

The entire range of materials for soundproofing an apartment is divided into the following categories:

  1. Those that help create the desired acoustic atmosphere in the room. They are used to isolate theaters, music studios.
  2. Those that neutralize the sounds propagating in the air.

Both one and the other category is used to provide high-quality protection of the premises from annoying noises. They are divided into reflective and absorbing. And the latter are acceptable when there is a nightclub or disco nearby. Such material for soundproofing will help to completely protect the house, and you will be in peace.

Features of modern soundproof panels

For home improvement, the same materials are used as for the apartment. It doesn’t matter if you live in a high-rise building or in the private sector, the living space will need sound insulation. Modern wall materials are selected based on the functional purpose of the building. So, for the bedroom they use some materials, and for the bathroom - others, moisture-resistant and breathable panels that absorb noise.

Mineral wool

Among these foundations, mineral wool is quite popular. It is sold in rolls. Experts say that it can keep up to 98% of the noise penetrating into the house, regardless of their species, including shock sounds. This material is suitable for finishing any room in the apartment except for the bathroom, since its main disadvantage is the high level of moisture absorption.

Cork slabs

Natural materials also provide high sound insulation in the apartment. Modern materials of natural origin are presented in the form of cork boards, which have ideal sound-absorbing properties. Sheets of different sizes are available for sale, designed for mounting both on walls and on the ceiling. This is the best option, because of the shortcomings, he notes only the inflated cost of the goods.


There are even more advanced options that provide soundproofing walls. Modern materials are tremozvukoizoil and ZIPS. The first is synthetic, which, according to buyers, has excellent performance characteristics, but in order to achieve the maximum effect, several layers of this material will have to be laid.

If we talk about super-dense ZIPS panels, then such material is considered the best on the market. It combines sound-reflecting and noise-absorbing parameters, which is ideal for arranging an apartment in a multi-storey building. It is easy to mount it, but such a purchase, unfortunately, can significantly affect the repair budget.

So that each of the stages of work associated with this difficult process - sound insulation with modern materials - has been produced to an appropriate level, heed the following tips and tricks:

  • Pay attention to the installation diagram. It contains significant differences, depending on the type of material used for internal sound insulation. Whichever material you choose, follow the instructions for use and use the purchased products as intended. So, using innovative models, you can mount them directly on the wall without additional surface preparation.
  • To proceed to the subsequent stages of work, the panels are covered with plasterboard sheets, and all joints between the products are treated with a special sealant.
  • By using sound absorbing membranes, other types of materials can be used to achieve a greater effect.

Please note that when arranging soundproofing at home, all sockets are removed, and the holes are filled with mounting foam. Under the switches, new holes are drilled into which the boxes are mounted after the materials are in place. Under the laid layer of sound insulation, an annular collar is made of polyurethane foam.

Installation of insulating panels

The installation of the described material is not difficult and is carried out in stages:

  1. First, a frame made of wood or metal profiles is attached to the wall. Between the wall and the mineral wool, a special substrate is provided that has sound-absorbing properties. This is an ideal option for finishing a room in an apartment, especially if multi-layer insulation is used.
  2. Guides are attached at intervals of 60 cm between adjacent products.
  3. If necessary, the structure is reinforced with an additional layer of drywall, which has a soundproof membrane.

After studying the above information, you will understand that soundproofing walls in an apartment with modern materials is not as difficult to do as it might seem. It can be done quickly and efficiently.

But before buying building materials, including soundproofing, it is worth determining the area of ​​​​the surface to be covered. If there is not enough material, you can easily buy it in addition, there is nothing difficult about it, but what if it remains? We'll have to throw away part of the budget spent on repairs to the wind. Especially if you live in an apartment. Where to store bulky mineral wool or cork panels when living space is already limited? Calculations in this case will not only help to avoid the difficulties that arise in the process, but also save your budget.

Ensuring sound insulation in the apartment using modern insulating materials will protect your home from extraneous noise and annoying unpleasant sounds coming from neighbors or from the street.

Noise is not such a harmless phenomenon as it might seem: it is no coincidence that its level and time, acceptable for noisy work and entertainment, regulated by law.

If you suffer from riotous neighbors, the noise of running equipment, or screams coming from the sports ground, don't try to get used to: it can cause health problems(from hearing loss and nervous disorders to hormonal disruptions and cardiovascular diseases).

In cases where it is impossible to neutralize the noise source, the only reasonable solution would be the acoustic insulation of your own apartment.

Overview of modern materials

The first thing to know about acoustic insulation is that sound absorption and sound insulation are different concepts.

Soundproofing- this is the establishment of obstacles in the path of a sound wave that will not allow sound to penetrate into the room or, conversely, to spread outward. Sound absorption occurs due to the conversion of sound energy into heat and a decrease in the intensity of the reflected wave.

Naturally, different materials are required for these purposes: soundproof materials must have sufficient high mass and density, and sound-absorbing - to have soft, porous texture.

So, we list the main sound-absorbing materials:

  1. Fiberglass or mineral wool boards(better than basalt) are quite effective, but have a noticeable thickness (from 3 cm). They are embedded in a special frame inside the casing of plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets.
  2. Expanded polyurethane panels(acoustic foam rubber, "sound-absorbing pyramids") are simply attached to the glue, and under them it is not even necessary to level the surface. The thickness of such a panel is from 3.5 to 10 cm; the height of each pyramid is from 2 to 7 cm.
  3. Liquid soundproofing- only the name, in fact, sound absorption occurs. You need to apply it in a thick layer (at least 3 cm), without particularly leveling: you still have to cover it with drywall or a decorative panel.
  4. Cork sheets or roll cork- the coating is decorative, but with a thickness of 0.8-1 cm, you can use it for sound insulation. Sound absorption will be more effective if the diameter of the pressed chips is no more than 3 mm (be sure to pay attention to this, because there are chips up to 6 mm in diameter).

For soundproofing, products from the following list are usually used:

  1. Wall cladding with plasterboard or gypsum boards with fastening to a wall on a relative. Between the wall and the sheathing, a gap of at least 4 cm wide must be provided for filling with noise-absorbing materials (see above).
  2. Soundproof panel systems(ZIPS or sandwich panels) - industrial version of the previous version; their thickness varies from 5.5 to 13.5 cm. Finished sandwich panels are mounted directly on the wall in a frameless way.
  3. Decorative soundproof panels- thin (1.2-1.5 cm) layered material from a cardboard frame and loose mineral filler (eg quartz sand). To prevent sand from spilling out when cutting panels, it is necessary to seal their sections with special adhesive tape.
  4. Acoustic boards made of soft fibreboard- ply construction, including waterproofing, polystyrene foam and reinforcing mesh. Depending on the thickness of the filler, the plate can turn out to be thin (from 1 cm) or wide (about 10 cm).
  5. wood fiber panels(usually coniferous trees) is also relatively thin (from 1.2 to 2.5 cm) facing material with soundproofing properties.
  6. Thin high density membranes in essence, the material is homogeneous, but for the convenience of attaching to the wall, they sometimes have a coating.

How to choose the right insulation material?

If you do not take into account the financial component and subjective preferences for the color of the panel sheathing, then There are only two main criteria:

  1. Who will carry out the work: professionals or the residents themselves?
  2. What is more important: to reduce the decibel level as much as possible or to save the useful area of ​​​​the apartment?

If the installation is planned to be done by hand, then it is better to choose sandwich panels (ZIPS), which are assembled in a frameless way, or any coating that is glued to the wall with the entire surface.

More complex complex insulating structures are best left to install by professionals.

The answer to the second question allows you to choose between:

  • wall cladding with multilayer panels or drywall (with subsequent filling with soft noise-absorbing material);
  • thin soundproof coatings.

Thin soundproofing materials

Objectively, thin soundproofing is not self-sufficient: even manufacturers in the description of the material often indicate that it is intended for use as part of "puff" panels.

Nevertheless, many people prefer to do everything possible for sound insulation even in the case when, for some reason, “sandwich” designs are not applicable.

Here is a list of the most common materials and their approximate thickness:

  • lead foil in a “case” made of polyurethane foam - 0.7 cm;
  • polymer-bitumen membrane coated with polypropylene - 0.4 cm;
  • mineral membranes - 0.25-0.37 cm;
  • polyethylene insulation for wallpaper - 0.5 cm (more details in the next sections).

Among thin single-layer materials, those that have high mass and density and as high a critical frequency as possible (preferably outside the range that can be heard by the human ear) - that is, definitely not polyethylene.

Not everyone knows that the soundproofing capabilities of a material depend on the frequency of the "hostile" sound. So, the critical frequency is the lowest frequency, after which the soundproofing characteristics of the material are reduced.

From familiar materials highest critical frequency has lead, one level lower - steel, concrete, brick, rubber. If you choose according to this criterion, then the best option is a lead membrane. But since lead is not the healthiest element periodic table, it is worth taking a closer look at the polymer-bitumen membrane: this artificial material has a critical frequency of lead, but does not contain harmful impurities.

The most popular mineral membranes - aragonite (texaund) and barite (noise block, loaded vinyl) - contain polymers as a binder, which give the material plasticity and elasticity. The small thickness of the membranes allows them to be used in several layers to improve the effect, alternating with noise absorption.

With a little stretch thin sound insulation can be attributed to the previously discussed:

  • acoustic boards (minimum thickness 1 cm);
  • decorative panels made of wood fibers (from 1.2 cm);
  • rolled cork coating (from 0.8 cm).

The main ways to isolate noise with your own hands

Plastic windows can cope with the noise coming from the street, but the main thing here is not to overdo it: you should not order a two-, three-chamber double-glazed window, since more glass not only does not improve, but in some cases may degrade soundproofing. It is better to install a single-chamber package (of two glasses) with as much distance as possible between them.

It is much more difficult to level the noise coming from indoor sources (in our case, an apartment building). Fortunately, the preparatory stage of soundproofing your apartment anyone can do who has ever dealt with renovations.

It is better to start by sealing the joints between the plates and sealing other cracks and holes. If the gaps are large, blow them out with foam or, at worst, tightly rammed with rags, if small - just gently putty over.

The next important point is to get rid of through sockets (for this you will have to slightly redraw the electrical wiring) and strengthen all the rest in the socket.

Now it's the turn of the plaster (of course, high quality, elastic, with good adhesion). It turns out that a thick layer of plaster plus putty already gives a good level of sound insulation: in a standard situation, when the neighbors have no repairs, no holidays and no fights, you can sleep or work in peace.

Soundproofing the walls in the apartment: video instruction.

If “standard” situations are rather an exception to the rule, then additional acoustic insulation is indispensable. For DIY installation fit:

  • soundproof sandwich panels (ZIPS);
  • decorative panels with loose filler;
  • panels made of wood fibers or compressed cork chips;
  • thin high-density insulating coatings;
  • liquid soundproofing;
  • polyethylene backing for wallpaper.

All these materials do not require special installation skills: with their help, everyone can equip a soundproof room!

For wall insulation in spacious rooms, preference should be given to combined multilayer structures: their soundproofing characteristics are significantly higher than that of homogeneous materials.

If you are a professional in the field of repair and construction, it will not be difficult for you to sheathe the walls with mineral- or fiberglass-filled drywall inside the sheathing: this option is a classic of acoustic insulation, but will cost less good finished panels.

How to soundproof walls under wallpaper?

So, the walls are prepared for finishing putty. If you decide to make light sound insulation with foamed polyethylene, then it is not necessary to putty to the ideal, the material itself perfectly hides small irregularities.

The polyethylene foam substrate for wallpaper is usually already pasted over with paper on both sides and rolled into rolls, so it is simply cut into pieces of the desired length and glued to the plaster (without overlap!) with heavy wallpaper glue.

Be sure to take care in advance that during work and when the material dries the temperature in the room was above 10◦C.

When the substrate dries, you can glue any wallpaper: both ready-made and for painting (material has water repellent properties, so the water emulsion will not damage it).

Acoustic ceiling insulation

The purpose of soundproofing a ceiling is to get rid of not only airborne (spreading through the air), but also structural (spreading through the floor slabs) noise.

The last type of noise is also called vibration or shock: this includes sounds that occur when furniture is dragged, heavy objects fall, walking on heels on parquet, etc.

Important: no matter which method of soundproofing is chosen, the first step is to foam or putty the gaps between the plates.

Whatever the original height of the room, it is better to sacrifice centimeters: the best solution for impact sound insulation is the installation of a suspended plasterboard or stretch ceiling.

Moreover, the gap between the ceiling and the newly formed ceiling must be filled with good noise-absorbing material (see photo) (Never use styrofoam!).

Pay attention also to the fact that the fasteners (and the substrates under them) are also soundproof.

Both stretch and suspended ceilings have many enthusiastic supporters among professional builders, so it's up to you to decide. An additional advantage in favor of the tension will be that its coating itself is already is a decorative element, while the drywall construction needs to be puttied, wallpapered or painted.

If the height of the room is so small that you cannot even think of reducing it, it is worth trying decorative ecological soundproofing panels. (1.2-1.5 cm thick) or an ultra-thin aragonite soundproofing membrane.

Important: soundproofing one ceiling (without walls and floor) will not help to completely remove even noise from neighbors from above, since sound can also propagate through wall partitions.

The review of materials for acoustic insulation carried out here is, of course, not complete, but it can be a starting point for your search.

In a large apartment, it’s not a sin to turn around to the fullest, making thermal insulation and providing protection from noise in accordance with all the rules. However, what about a small area in which every centimeter is expensive? Thin sound insulation of walls, floor and ceiling in the apartment is the option that will save your living space!

Principles of Soundproofing – How is noise measured?

In high-rise prefabricated buildings, noise can turn into a real disaster. Sometimes it’s not at all necessary for neighbors to turn on loud music or drill holes at midnight with a drill - even ordinary conversation can penetrate walls and prevent us from concentrating on our business or leisure. Only high-quality soundproofing can help with this disaster.

However, almost all materials suitable for this kind of work have a solid thickness, besides, if you want to achieve a really good effect, you need to make multilayer soundproofing from different materials.

The point is in the nature of sound waves - overcoming materials of different structure, the sound loses its strength. In addition, the very origin of sound can be different - airborne noise, you guessed it, comes to us through the air, shock and structural ones can overcome walls and ceilings or reach our ear with the help of water pipes.

As you know, sound power is measured in decibels - dB. An ordinary human whisper has a strength of 20 dB, while doctors consider noises in the range of 30-40 dB to be quite comfortable for our perception. Citizens often do not even hear how the computer “rustles” or the refrigerator hums softly - they just get used to such sounds. However, at 60 dB, even a person accustomed to noise begins to experience discomfort.

In the fight against noise, mankind has come up with two types: the first type absorbs and scatters sound waves, the second type reflects them and prevents vibration. When finishing a room with soundproofing, it is important to choose at least one material from each group, in which case the result will be really significant.

The ability to absorb sounds determines the absorption coefficient, which is measured in the range from 0 to 1. For example, classical building materials, due to their dense structure, have a low coefficient: for brick this value is only 0.05, for wood it is slightly higher - 0.15. The closer the material is to unity, the higher its quality. The most modern materials boast an absorption coefficient of 0.5 to 0.9. Monolithic materials, as a rule, do not absorb sound well, but granular, fibrous and cellular materials do this very well.

The thinnest soundproofing of walls in an apartment - when there is not enough space

Only living in a small apartment, you can realize the value of every centimeter of living space. If you look at it, insulation and soundproofing measures can really “eat” a decent piece of an apartment - these very few centimeters on each side will not be enough in the end to squeeze a refrigerator or washing machine into a corner or place a convenient desk.

How to make multilayer soundproofing and at the same time save the necessary centimeters? In this position, only careful selection of particularly thin materials will save you. We will warn you in advance - this option can be considered a compromise, but by no means the best.

All soundproofing materials according to the type of structure can be divided into:

  • Soft - have the highest sound absorption coefficient from 0.7 to 0.95. However, the thickness of such materials will not suit the owners of small premises - a layer of the same mineral wool should be at least 5 cm, while in a multilayer structure space should be given to the air gap and drywall, which will hide the material underneath.
  • Semi-rigid - such materials have a lower sound absorption coefficient (up to 0.75), but at the same time they are endowed with a smaller thickness. In fact, this is the same soft type of material, but it has undergone additional processing - pressing. Ready-made slabs and carry out the sheathing of the premises.
  • Rigid - these materials cannot boast an absorption coefficient above 0.5, and even then in the case of relatively thick materials. However, the thickness of most rigid materials is just what you need for high-quality sound insulation.

Thin materials - the golden mean of sound insulation

With the help of thin materials, you can achieve the golden mean of sound insulation - you will save living space and at the same time save yourself from extraneous noise. Of course, the loudest sounds in this case will still break the silence, but it’s not every day that neighbors start repairs or a quarrel.

Of the thinnest materials, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Compound Green Glue- a viscous substance that is used in combination with drywall slabs or other finishing material. The substance is applied to the reverse side of the boards in an arbitrary pattern, and the boards are attached to the wall. As it hardens, the compound reflects and cuts off sound waves. Together with the plates, the maximum thickness of the structure will reach only 50 mm.
  2. Loaded vinyl, or noise block- with a material thickness of only 2.5 mm, the membrane has a fairly considerable weight, which is explained by the presence of mineral particles of barite and aragonite in the composition of vinyl.
  3. Membrane Teksound (Tecsound)- with a standard thickness of 3.6 mm, the membrane has high soundproofing qualities. It is also appreciated for its ease of installation. The main component, aragonite, is bound by a small amount of polymers, which give the material such flexibility.
  4. Soundproof wallpaper lining- foamed polyethylene, which is wrapped on both sides with paper by thermal lamination. The substrate has a very small thickness, which, however, is enough to even out small surface defects. The substrate is used as a secondary insulation and sound insulator - the maximum sound that this material is able to stop is only 20 dB (human whisper).

No matter how manufacturers praise their offers, not a single experienced craftsman will advise you to take one thing. We combine and combine again - this is the key to successful soundproofing! For example, Green Glu works great with tougher substrates: drywall, vinyl-laden, Texound.

The soundproof lining under the wallpaper, which is quite obvious, is glued to the finished hard surface - all the same drywall. By itself, this material is ineffective, but you should not neglect it. If your walls are so thick that they themselves hold back extraneous sounds, then such a lining will be enough.

Thin sound insulation of walls is also possible with the help of a material donated by nature - a sheet of pressed cork chips. Only 3 cm replace a ten-centimeter pine beam. One layer of cork is able to isolate you from noise up to 50 dB (normal conversation volume). In combination with other materials that are harder or softer, you will provide good noise protection. In addition, you can be sure that the cork will adequately endure exposure to moisture and will not become moldy.

Whatever material you choose, first carefully analyze where the noise comes from the loudest. Perhaps this is due to cracks or cracks that let sounds through. Very often, having soundproofed a through hole for an outlet (as happens in panel houses) and other cracks, residents notice a significant reduction in background noise. So the problem may lie in the details!

The most important and common material in our life, which has a fair amount of noise-absorbing properties, is foam. Please note that even the headphones used in shooting ranges during blasting are made of foam. That is, in a plastic case, behind a protective cover, there is an insert made of dense foam. Thus, I would put polystyrene in first place in this standings. But the disadvantage of polystyrene is the high flammability of this material.

Its additional advantages can also be attributed to the convenience of work. Styrofoam is supplied, usually in large panels, in the form of sheets of various thicknesses. When we were a large construction site in the country, at the dawn of the eighties, we all had contact with this material, and could study both its buoyancy and soundproofing properties.

The second most popular, I would call the material - foam rubber, which one way or another is always present in the life of each of us. You need to start at least with the fact that most home furniture is made using foam rubber. Furniture is also a good absorber of sounds, and therefore an echo appears in an empty room.

Foam rubber is made mainly in white, but there is also black, mainly used for technical work, as well as other colors (multi-colored - for crafts). It is sold in rolls or sheets, and can also have different thicknesses. However, it can also be of various densities.

Applying, for example, for upholstery of doors, in addition to heat saving, noise absorption was also achieved.

A good additional sound insulation is also provided by the complex execution of the floor cushion. In other words, the floor is obtained as a layer cake, where the base of the floor is a slab, then there is a vetonite screed, then there is a special noise-absorbing gasket, a layer of thick chipboard plywood is laid even higher, which in itself is a good sound insulator, and even further a porous base is laid and the coating itself, whether it is linoleum again on a soft or fibrous basis or a laminate. Thus, the floor, which was previously completely soundproof, suddenly acquired powerful properties, and became both warmer and less noisy.

To achieve maximum effect, all walls that are not load-bearing are separated from the ceiling by creating a gap. Special rubber-based materials are introduced into this gap, made of dense rubberized or hard rubber, natural non-combustible in composition. Thus, the effect is achieved that the sounds descending from the ceiling along the walls can no longer do this as before, because there is no solid articulation, and therefore there is no rigid transmission of vibrations and sound waves.

There are even rubberized dowels on sale, thanks to which a screw screwed into the walls does not transmit sound from the wall to the wall in the same way. But this is a specialized tool, and it can rarely be found on placers in stores.

There are options for felt coverings that use voids and niches. Finished pressed felt slabs, with voids and niches, are located against the wall that we want to soundproof. In this way, an effect is achieved in which the sound remains inside this panel, that is, inside the niche space.

Of course, the use of any kind of additional ceilings adds a plus to sound insulation. Ceilings can be both suspended and stretch. Additional ceilings can be built of plasterboard, and special wool can be placed inside, which has good sound-absorbing properties. You can also place foam panels on the ceiling, which are now sold in all hardware stores, in a large assortment. That is, such plates have a pattern, a pattern, an ornament.

In addition to panels, other ceiling space decor items are also on sale. These are columns, and arches, and cornices and corners. Everything is made of foam and is easily attached to the wall with glue during installation and repair.

By itself, the adhesive has the same ability as any silicone or rubber based sealant, and absorbs sounds to some extent.

Summarizing all that has been said, one thing can be said that it will not work to achieve the effect of sound insulation with one or more actions. It will be necessary to perform a full range of all necessary actions and work, using a large number of materials, including non-standard ones. Under non-standard materials here it is necessary to understand purely specific materials that are used exclusively to achieve sound insulation of the room. Therefore, those performers who will carry out and implement the task must have the appropriate experience and understanding of carrying out such work, otherwise the effect may be only partial.

Noise insulation of walls in an apartment, modern materials for which today can be found in hardware stores, is becoming more and more relevant. This is explained simply - fences in multi-storey typical houses are not able to fully protect the home from external street noise and from sounds coming from neighboring apartments.

medical scientists It has long been noted that the presence of constant noise has an extremely negative effect on the human psyche, not allowing him to get complete relaxation and rest. That is why, unable to withstand the constant sound pressure, many city residents, especially those who live in panel houses, begin an active search for a suitable soundproof material that will meet all the requirements for its use in apartments.

Almost all modern acoustic materials are made on the same basic principles as traditional ones. However, they have undergone significant improvement due to recent production technologies.

To date, a very large number of new soundproof materials are being produced, and it is simply impossible to cover the characteristics of all on the scale of one article. Therefore, attention will be focused on the most effective ones, which are used in an apartment.

Thin soundproofing MaxForteSoundPro

When the area of ​​​​an apartment or room does not limit the choice of materials, and you can install sound insulation of any thickness, this is convenient. But what if you can't afford to spend precious inches of living space?

In this case, the innovative MaxForte SoundPRO thin soundproofing material will suit you. It has a thickness of only 12 mm, while in terms of its characteristics it is able to compete with sound insulation with a thickness of 5 and even 10 cm! MaxForte SoundPRO is the latest material designed specifically for soundproofing residential and industrial premises.

Specialists from the Research Institute of Building Physics and the Department of Acoustics of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University took part in the development of the material. In the manufacture of MaxForte SoundPRO, all the important points for the effective operation of the material were taken into account: the optimal density was selected (with a low density, the sound will pass through, if it is too high, along the “skeleton”), the length of the fibers, their thickness. The sound-absorbing layer is calibrated and uniform over the entire area. The material is completely non-flammable. The composition does not contain harmful phenol-formaldehyde resins and any adhesives. Therefore, in addition to excellent soundproofing properties, MaxForte SoundPRO is safe for health.

MaxForte SoundPRO gives an increase in sound insulation from both air (loud TV, a crying child, screams of neighbors) and impact noise (noise from trampling, rattle of furniture, falling objects). It can be used for soundproofing ceilings, walls and floors, which will give a significant increase of up to 64 dB!

Installation of thin noise insulation is very simple, and not only professionals can handle it, but anyone who has ever held a hammer drill and a screwdriver in their hand.

MaxForte SoundPRO is mounted on the wall using ordinary plastic dowel mushrooms, which can be purchased at any hardware store. It is hung on the wall using the butt-to-butt technology, after which it is covered with a layer of GVL (gypsum fiber sheet). All seams of the sheets must be glued with a special vibroacoustic non-hardening sealant. After the soundproofing is sewn up with a layer of GKL (gypsum plasterboard). The seams of the GVL and GKL sheets should be in a run, that is, they should not match.

Visually about the installation of thin sound insulation MaxForte SoundPRO you can see in the video.

Video - How to install thin sound insulation MaxForte SoundPRO

Thin wall soundproofing with panelsSoundGuard EcoSoundIsol

EcoZvukoIzol SoundGuard panels are a unique material for soundproofing walls and ceilings, which allows you to achieve silence in the apartment and not lose usable space.

SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol panels are made of a durable multilayer cardboard profile based on the honeycomb principle, which are filled with thermally treated mineral quartz sand. The quartz filler used is very fine, exactly the same as an hourglass. It is this filler that makes it possible to achieve an impressive weight of the panel - more than 18 kg per m2, and according to the laws of sound insulation, the heavier the material, the worse it transmits sound (wool transmits sound very well, but for example, a brick wall or a steel door is much worse). In addition to weight, quartz sand, due to its fine fraction, perfectly dampens and absorbs almost all sound frequencies - from air to shock.

How to mount panelsSoundGuard EcoSoundIsol?

Installation of panels is very simple and almost anyone can handle it. are attached to the wall using SoundGuard DAP acoustic dowels, which are hammered into holes pre-drilled through the panel in the wall. After that, all seams and joints are smeared with sealant and the entire wall is sewn up with drywall.

Mineral noise absorbing material "Shumanet-BM"

This soundproof the material made from basalt fibers is considered to be premium grade mineral sound absorbing board. One side of the mat is laminated with a fiberglass layer, which helps to maintain the integrity of the slab and keep the internal basalt fibers in one position to prevent their small particles from entering the room. This is especially important in cases where the sound-absorbing material will be covered by perforated acoustic panels.

Packing of soundproof boards "Shumanet"

Plates « Shumanet BM" are produced in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23 03-2003 Noise protection. They have the following technical and operational characteristics:

Standard plate size (mm)1000x500 or 1000x600
Plate thickness (mm)50
Material density (kg/m³)45
Number of boards in a package (pcs.)4
Area of ​​boards in one package (m²)2.0 or 2.4
Weight of one package (kg)4.2÷5.5
Packing volume (m³)0.1 ÷ 0.12
Sound absorption coefficient (average)0.95
Flammability (GOST 30244-94)NG (non-flammable)
Water absorption at partial immersion in water for 24 hours, in% of the total volumeNot more than 1÷3%

Acoustic tests to determine the sound absorption coefficient were carried out in the measurement laboratory of the Moscow Research Institute of Building Physics at the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences.

The basis of "shumanet" are basalt fibers

Having a low degree moisture absorption, this soundproofing material can be used not only in rooms with normal humidity, but also, for example, in the bathroom. In addition, it is great for soundproofing stretch and suspended ceilings, and, of course, walls and multilayer partitions made in the form of a sandwich of drywall, plywood, fiberboard and other sheet materials.

Soundproofing walls using "Shumanet BM"

The installation of the plates of this sound insulator takes place according to the same principle as all types of mineral wool. However, one must take into account the fact that the material will be used primarily as sound absorber, and only then is considered as an additional insulation.

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • On the prepared one, markings are made to secure the elements of the crate. Since the width of the mats is 500 mm, and they should stand between the bars by surprise, the distance between the guides should be 450 ÷ 480 mm. If mats 600 mm wide are purchased, then, accordingly, the distance between the bars should be 550 ÷ 580 mm.
  • Further, the elements of the crate themselves are fixed, but at the same time, in order not to weaken the basic qualities of the soundproofing material, experienced craftsmen advise you to follow a number of simple recommendations:

- For lathing, it is best to use a wooden beam, and not metal profiles, since metal is a good conductor of sound, it can resonate, and wood tends to dampen sound waves.

- In addition, in order not to create bridges for the passage of sound, it is recommended to make spacers between the wall and the lathing bars from a thin soundproof material, for example, felt or strips of basalt wool 8 ÷ 10 mm thick.

- If, nevertheless, a metal profile is chosen for the crate, then it is better to move it away from the wall with a soundproof gasket by 12 ÷ 15 mm.

- In the event that the area soundproof the room is large enough, and it is possible to take out the crate for sound-absorbing material and cladding 100 mm from the wall, then you can use special details - hangers. They are screwed to the wall through wooden spacers, and the bars are already fixed in them.

Another option is the use of special suspensions, which are designed specifically for noise-absorbing structures. Structurally, such a product already has a special damper layer, which effectively dampens vibrations without transferring them to the frame guides.

Special suspension used for soundproofing work

If a guide bars fixed in the above way, then the sound insulator mats are mounted in two layers. The first of them is installed behind the elements of the crate, close to the wall, and the second - between the guides.

Two-layer placement of shumanet panels
  • Ultimately, upon completion of the installation of the Shumanet BM panels, the walls should look like this:

Next, over the mats soundproof material is fixed vapor-permeable diffuse membrane. Then they proceed to the installation of drywall or plywood sheets, which, in turn, will become the basis for finishing work. However, it is quite possible to replace this layering by fastening directly to the guide rails of a wooden decorative lining.

Next - the wall is tightened with a diffuse membrane and sewn up with drywall or plywood

It should be noted that all sound and heat insulating materials made in mats or rolls are mounted on walls according to the same principle.

Video: the advantages of soundproof mineral plates " Shumanet»

"Teksound" - a new direction in sound insulation technology

Texound is not yet as popular as mineral wool or polystyrene foam, as it is a relatively new sound insulator. The most important advantage of "texound" over others soundproof materials is that it practically does not “steal” the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, since it has a small thickness.

The main advantage of "Teksound" is the highest efficiency of sound insulation with a small thickness of the material itself.

This sound insulator is used for all surfaces of the room - it is fixed to the ceiling and walls, and also laid on the floor.

It should be noted that some craftsmen use "texound" in combination with thermal insulation materials, and such a bundle only increases the effectiveness of its use. But, unfortunately, the premises in apartments most often do not have extra space that can be given over to a “powerful” multi-layered sound and heat-insulating structure. In this regard, a material was developed that is able to protect rooms from excessive noise and not reduce the size of the room.

To achieve the desired effect and protect the room from outside sounds, it is necessary to cover all surfaces of the room with soundproofing material, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

Texaund was developed in Spain by specialists from the well-known company TEXSA, and its mass industrial production was also started there. It is in this country that the largest deposit of the mineral aragonite, which is the main raw material, is located.

To be more precise, the base component is calcium carbonate (CaCO³). Aragonite is very rich in this compound. In addition, calcium carbonate is the main constituent of many calcareous rocks, including chalk, marble, and others.

Harmless polymer compounds are used as binding components, and as a result, high-density membranes are obtained, but at the same time very flexible and elastic, with pronounced viscoelastic qualities, which is extremely important for sound insulation of complex building structures.

Sound insulation of rooms with this material is very effective even if canvases with a very small thickness are used. "Teksound"Able to absorb and scatter even sound waves of high intensity, which come not only from the outside, but are also created inside the room, for example, with very loud music.

Texounda canvas covered with a protective film

"Teksound" is produced in canvases (membranes) and goes on sale in rolls packed in polyethylene. It has the following technical and operational characteristics:

Name of material parametersIndicators
Material density (kg/m³)1900
Average web weight (kg/m²)6.9
Area covered by one package (m²)6.1
Weight of one package (kg)42
Sound insulation coefficient Rw (average)28
Flammability (GOST 30244-94)G2
Elongation at break (%)300
Manufacturing materialsmineral aragonite, plasticizers, polyolefins, spunbond

In addition, the material has the following advantages:

  • "Texound" is resistant to temperature extremes. Its elasticity does not decrease at all even at negative temperatures up to -20 ° C .
  • The material has a pronounced flexibility and plasticity, and this "Teksound" is somewhat reminiscent of rubber.

"Texound" with its plasticity resembles dense rubber
  • The material is resistant to moisture and will never become a zone of mold or fungus, as it has antiseptic properties.
  • The operating time of the “texound” is not limited.
  • "Teksound" is perfectly combined with other materials, and can be applied in a complex system.

"Teksound"Subdivided by its thickness, size and shape of release, may have additional layers that improve its characteristics. The main brands are presented in the table:

NameNoise isolator release formLinear parameters of the material, mm
Texound 35rolled1220×8000×1.8
Texound 50rolled1220×8000×1.8
Texound 70rolled1220×6000×2.6
Texound SY 35Self-adhesive roll1220×8000×3.0
Texound SY 50Self-adhesive roll1220×6050×2.6
Texound SY 50 ALFoil self-adhesive roll1200×6000×2.0
Texound SY 70Self-adhesive roll1200×5050×3.8
Texound SY100Self-adhesive sheet1200×100×4.2
Texound FT 55 ALWith felt and foil layer1220×5500×15.0
Texound FT 40With felt layer1220×6000×12.0
Texound FT 55With felt layer1200×6000×14.0
Texound FT 75With felt layer1220×5500×15.0
Texound 2FT 80With two felt layers1200×5500×24.0
"Texound S BAND-50"Self-adhesive tape50×6000×3.7
Glue "Homakoll", designed for "Teksound"canister8 liters

Installation of "texound"

Almost any base is suitable for mounting this material - concrete, drywall, plastic, wood, metal and others. The main thing is that the surface is well prepared - leveled, cleaned of old coatings, primed and dried.

If there is a qualitatively applied layer of plaster on the wall, then it must be primed, and then installation can be carried out directly on it.

The work can be done in two ways. In the first of them, only soundproofing material is used, and in the second, it is used in combination with a heat insulator.

The first option - without additional insulation

  • Glue is applied to the prepared surface. For the installation of "texaund"A special mounting adhesive is used, which is sold in ready-to-use liquid form, in canisters. After lubrication, it is necessary to wait 15÷20 minutes until the glue sets.

Marking and cutting canvases "Teksounda"
  • Further, the soundproofing material itself is mounted on the glued wall, which must be measured and cut off in advance, and also pre-lubricated with glue.

Special glue is applied both to the surface of the wall and to the Texounda canvas itself.
  • If self-adhesive material is purchased, then installation will be much easier, since it will not be needed for laying, and you will just need to remove the protective film and attach the material to the wall.
  • Next, the “texound” sheet should be pressed as tightly as possible to the surface, and then additionally walk over it with a roller. This must be done in order to achieve its best adhesion to the wall surface over the entire area, without leaving air bubbles.

Welding the Texound joints with a gas burner
  • Cloths "Teksounda"Be sure to overlap, by about 50 mm. The sheets are glued together hermetically. This process is carried out using "liquid nails" glue or by heating the material with hot air or a gas burner - while adjacent sheets are welded. If at least small gaps are left between the canvases during installation, then the effectiveness of sound insulation will be significantly reduced.

Fully texounded doorway
  • If the installation of "Teksound" is carried out on the ceiling, then it is glued in small sheets, since the material is quite heavy, and it will simply be impossible to hold a solid sheet from wall to wall.
  • After gluing the canvas, if necessary, it is additionally fixed on the wall with fasteners - “fungi”, the very ones that are most often used for mounting polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

The second option - with the use of thermal insulation

Complex installation is carried out if the wall needs not only soundproof but also insulate. If there is such a task, then the work is carried out as follows:

  • On the primed wall along the edges, the crate frame is fixed.
Frame for "Texound" along the perimeter of the wall
  • The next step is to immediately glue Texound on the entire wall in one version, and in the other, heat-insulating material is preliminarily laid. However, the first method shows a higher efficiency for sound insulation.
  • If thermal insulation is adjacent to the wall, then "texound" is first fixed with "fungi", and then additionally pressed with metal suspension strips.

Fixing the "Texounda" canvases with "fungi" dowels
  • To achieve the required place for installing the insulation material, the metal profile of the frame is fixed in suspensions at a distance of 40 ÷ 50 mm from the wall. In this case, it is necessary to set each of the profiles according to the building level, otherwise the frame sheathing will not be even.
Installation of a metal frame on top of the soundproofing sheets
  • The next step is the installation of insulation. The most environmentally friendly of suitable insulation materials that can be installed independently is basalt-based mineral wool. If financial facilities, then you can use the above-described "Shumanet BM", which is not only noise absorbing but good thermal insulation material.
  • It fits tightly between the racks of the crate and is pressed against the Texound, mounted on the wall.
  • Upon completion of the installation of insulation, the wall should look like this:
  • It is advisable to tighten the heater vapor permeable diffuse membrane.
  • The next step is . In some cases plywood or OSB sheets are used for sheathing.
  • The sheets are fastened to the racks of the crate by self-tapping screws, the heads of which are recessed into the sheathing material by 1.5 ÷ 2 mm.
  • Then the joints and holes from the caps of the self-tapping screws are sealed with putty.
  • Further, the surface is primed and puttied completely, and after that you can decorate the walls with decorative material.

Drywall - the most convenient material for leveling walls

The wall that received soundproofing and insulating protection, it is necessary to prepare for further work - to achieve a flat surface, which will become the basis for finishing materials. As well as - in special publications of our portal.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Existing schemes for mounting "texound"

Masters use various installation schemes for this sound insulator. Depending on the convenience of performing work, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the required efficiency of wall insulation from external noise, you can choose any of them. The only drawback of these structures is their thickness, which even in the best case will be at least 50 mm.

First option

This design will have a thickness of 50 mm.

  • They begin to mount it with the fact that the prepared metal profiles from the side of their contact with the wall are pasted over with self-adhesive tape "Teksound S BAND 50". This must be done in order to avoid the transmission of sound and vibrations from the wall through the metal frame into the room.
  • Further, the frame elements are fixed to the wall with dowels, and heat-insulating, sound-absorbing mats are mounted between them.
  • Then, soundproofing material is glued onto the sheets of drywall, on their inner side. In this case, Texound 70 is well suited.
  • After that. drywall is fixed on the racks of the frame, and its seams are sealed with putty.

Second option

The thickness of the structure with this option will be 60 mm.

  • In this case, a thin heat insulator is first fixed to the wall. You can use foil insulation by setting it with a reflective surface towards the room. The insulation should cover the joints of the wall with the floor and ceiling, that is, go to them by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm.
  • On top of it is made installation of a metal frame, which in the same way as in the first version of the design, it is attached to the wall.
  • Further, insulation mats are placed in the frame, which are covered with drywall with Texound 70 glued to it.

It should be noted here that the heat-insulating material attached to the wall can be replaced by "Texound FT 75", which has an additional layer of felt.

Third option

The thickness of the third design option is 70 ÷ 80 mm, as it consists of more layers.

  • The first layer to the wall is installed heat-insulating material.
  • The second layer is the Texound sound-absorbing membrane.
  • A crate is mounted on top of it.
  • Then the insulation mats are installed.
  • Sandwich panels are fixed to the structure with the last layer, consisting of two sheets of drywall, between which Texound is laid.

When purchasing soundproofing material of this type, it is recommended to provide the consultant of the selling company with the characteristics of the material from which the house is built. The sales assistant will help you make the right choice by determining the thickness and the best form of the Texound release.

Video: using "texound" for soundproofing in an apartment

Use of foam rubber mats as soundproofing

Acoustic foam can be called the most effective affordable material for soundproofing walls in an apartment. Due to its porous structure, this material perfectly absorbs and scatters sound vibrations.

Acoustic foam rubber is able to neutralize two types of noise - sound and vibration waves, that is, it muffles the sound and scatters low frequencies arising from surface vibrations, for example, knocking or "bass" of music.

The material is quite durable and can be mounted both as an independent soundproofing material and in combination with drywall. Foam mats are available in a wide range of sizes and can be embossed or have a flat surface.

Foam rubber is made by pressing polyurethane foam, after which cutting into standard blocks of 1000 × 2000 mm is carried out. The thickness of the mats varies from 10 to 120 mm. Domestic material is produced in two or three colors, while imported options have a more diverse range of colors, including 10÷12 colors.

Material relief types

Types of relief pattern of acoustic foam can be different. The depth of the relief determines both the total thickness of the material and its noise-absorbing properties.

The main types of reliefs used for the purpose of soundproofing rooms are presented in the tables below:

Material relief height (mm)25 50 70 100
For moderate soundproofing of walls and ceilings.Effective for absorbing standing sound waves and echoes in medium to small rooms.For effective soundproofing of rooms of any size.To absorb low frequencies, it is most often used in large halls.
For moderate wall protection against the penetration of high and medium frequencies.Standing wave protection in small spaces. In combination with traps for low frequencies, they can completely soundproof the room.It is used for rooms of any size and is used in conjunction with additional soundproofing elements, such as sound traps.Same features as wedge material type

There are other, less frequently used acoustic foam elements.

Name of relief typeCharacteristics
"Peak"This relief of mats is less popular and has an unusual pattern. Its lack of demand is explained by lower soundproofing qualities than those of the materials mentioned above.
"Bass Trap"Waves that have a low frequency are harder to dampen because they are longer. For this, bass traps are installed in each corner of the room, which are designed for rooms of any size.
"Traps of high and medium frequencies"These elements are installed in large halls. They are designed to capture mid and high frequencies, and create the effect of scattering low frequencies. They are installed in a vertical position, but if the blocks are cut in two and placed at the corners, they will become traps for low frequencies.
"Corner Block"Corner blocks are made in the form of a triangular beam. They are installed at the corners of the room and at the junctions of two surfaces, and also serve to dissipate low frequencies.
Decorative ceiling tilesAvailable with and without embossed pattern. They are designed to change the relief and shape of the ceiling, with the help of which an additional soundproofing effect is achieved.
Insulating wedgesThey are used to reduce vibrations from studio equipment and are used as a substrate under it.

Until recently, acoustic foam rubber was rarely used in apartments, since the material tends to accumulate dust. But in recent years, more and more residents of panel houses choose foam rubber to reduce the sound transmission of walls. Due to its high sound-absorbing and scattering qualities, this material is able to make the room almost completely soundproof, provided that it is mounted not only on walls, but also on the surface of the ceiling and floor.

It is very important to note that acoustic foam rubber does not lose its soundproofing qualities at all when it is closed with drywall. The main condition in creating such a design is that the foam mats themselves must be glued directly to the base of the wall, without any lining.

Soundproofing acoustic foam walls

Installing foam rubber on the walls is not too complicated, so you can easily do it yourself. In this case, it is worth considering the most acceptable method of soundproofing for the conditions of the apartment, but it should be noted right away that the area of ​​​​the room will decrease somewhat.

Installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • In order for the foam rubber to stick easily, it is best to prime the wall surface and dry it well.
  • Next, the mats need to be fixed on the wall. They must fit snugly against its surface, otherwise the sound insulation effect will be partially lost.

  • Foam mats can be glued on a wide double-sided mounting tape, liquid nails or heated silicone.
  • When all the walls are covered with foam mats, you can proceed to the installation of a frame crate made of metal profiles or wooden beams. Frame guides are fixed at a distance of 50÷60 mm from the wall.
  • Racks are mounted in the recesses of the relief pattern directly to the wall. Mounting holes are drilled straight through the foam.
  • After fixing the frame of the crate, drywall sheets, plywood, PVC panels or other finishing materials are fixed on the rails. This will in no way reduce the efficiency of the sound absorption of the foam rubber layer, since it will be the first to receive all sound waves coming from outside, absorb them and scatter them.
  • In the same way, the foam rubber is mounted on a crate, and then one of the types of suspended ceilings is fixed on it.
  • Logs are laid on the floor over acoustic foam rubber, on which a plank or plywood floor is laid. Further, if desired, laminate, linoleum, carpet or other decorative coating can be laid on plywood.

It should be noted that the installation of acoustic mats does not require serious preparatory repair work, and if it is decided to leave the foam panels in the open, then their installation will generally take no more than one day.

Exposed material will require frequent cleaning with a powerful vacuum cleaner to keep a large amount of dust from accumulating inside this porous material. In the event that one of the panels for some reason has moved away from the wall, it can be quickly glued into place without any special preparations.

In addition to the considered soundproof materials, others are also presented in the assortment of building stores. But today, acoustic foam rubber, texound membranes, shumanet plates and similar sound insulators can be called the most effective and safest for installation in an apartment.
