The best primer for walls. Primer for wallpaper - how to choose the optimal composition? How to properly prepare the walls for wallpaper

Room decoration is one of the most important components good repair, therefore, it should be carried out only with high quality and effective tool such as primer deep penetration.

Due to the fact that there are many types of them, it is always difficult to determine which primer to choose, which one is better and how to apply it correctly so that the surface finish of the material is carried out successfully.

Purpose of the primer

The use of a deep penetration primer is required for finishing insufficiently dense and loose wall surfaces. This can be done due to the presence of a binding component in its composition, which contains microscopic particles.

When applying a primer, they all get deep into the material and begin to stick it together, after which it will be more durable. Also, a primer with deep penetration has an antifungal and antiseptic effect on it.

After which it is covered with some protective film, which further prevents the penetration of moisture into the material. The primer is well suited for such types of bases as: foam concrete, plasterboard, wood, plaster, brick, aerated concrete.

It can be used for both interior and exterior surfaces..

Wall soil properties

Deep penetration primer has the following properties:

  • color. A combination of milky, white and colorless shades;
  • frost resistance of the primer is absent;
  • material safety. Primer components are not explosive and flammable and toxic;
  • penetration depth depends on the degree of porosity of the material and can reach up to 5 - 10 mm;
  • the largest particle size is 0.05 microns;
  • operating temperature is 40° - 60°;
  • antiseptic properties are characteristic of the primer;
  • drying times. Each layer of primer should be applied in stages with a time interval of 1 hour. In order for the primer to dry completely, you need to wait 1 day if the air temperature is at least 20 ° and the humidity is not less than 60%;
  • ambient temperature should be 5-30°.


When using a primer for finishing concrete, air exchange occurs and at the same time does not isolate its pores inside. It is characterized by considerable stability and can withstand up to 5 defrosting and freezing cycles down to -15°. It connects the finishing material well.

Wall plaster is necessary step apartment renovation work. learn how to level the walls with plaster.

Plastering increases the thickness of the walls, which has a positive effect on their strength. information about how long the plaster on the walls dries.

Any residential and non-residential premises must be provided with heat. - guarantee of high-quality and reliable heating.

Reduces the amount of materials used for further finishing.
Selecting the best primer for deep penetration, it will provide good water resistance and vapor permeability of the surface. Due to the presence of antiseptic properties, fungus and mold do not occur on the surface of the material.

Penetrates deep into the material and binds it. When the primer dries, a matte layer forms on the material. The walls become stronger and thus cracks do not form in them. Increases adhesion. You can prevent the formation of spots and stains on the surface. Dust is removed from the surface of the material.

Types - how to choose the right one

Its main component is a polymer. A very popular primer of this type is. It can be used to finish: brick, concrete, wooden surfaces.

It can be water-based and its main advantage is that it dries quickly and does not smell liquid.

Quartz primer consists of sand.

It is well suited to improve adhesion and if wall decoration is done with paint or plaster. It is completely harmless in application and at the time of its use it is necessary that the surface of the material be wetted.

It can be used if the walls are treated with brick or concrete.

At the end of its application, the wall will be dry after 2 hours. Its binding component is cement.

Its components are phosphorus and zinc chromate, which prevent the appearance of rusty particles on the surface of the material.

This primer can be used on surfaces made of wood, glass, metal or ceramics, but in no case should it be used on walls made of plasterboard or concrete.

It is also important to consider that such a primer dries for a long time and after finishing work alone, 12-15 hours should pass.

Antifungal or antiseptic

Antifungal primer for walls is used to prevent the appearance of fungus, mold on the walls and is divided into a conventional antifungal primer, which is designed to prevent their occurrence and a potent antifungal primer.

If you use a conventional antifungal primer, then it will help prevent the occurrence of fungal formations on the walls. It also increases the level of adhesion of materials and fastens them well.

Universal for deep penetration

Universal primer for deep penetration.

It should be used in order to destroy accumulations of dust on the surface of the walls and make them more dense.

In order to test the effect of this primer, you must first glue something on the walls and then try to tear it off.

From the surface on which there is a primer, the material cannot be torn off, and from the surface where there is no primer, it will easily break off.

In addition, if applied to unprimed walls tile, plaster or any other material within one year, it will begin to fall off, even if you used high-quality glue.

It is worth remembering that glue for, tiles in and tiles from differ from each other in their properties and characteristics.

With its help, you can stick something on the surface of walls or ceilings that is impossible when using other types of primer with deep penetration, each of which is the best in its own way. During the application of the primer of the concrete contact, it is possible to putty the walls, which, for example, can be painted with paint.

Concrete contact primer is a sticky substance, which has in its composition a filler in the form quartz sand. It contributes to the formation of a rough surface of the material on which it is applied, after which anything can be glued to it.

Overall this is a good enough primer for deep penetration and no matter which one is better they all hold up well. heavy loads and are suitable for laying tiles or plastering walls.

How to do it yourself?

Before starting finishing work, a good deep penetration primer can be bought at the store or made by yourself. To do this, you will need the following materials: 200 g of soap, 3 kg of slaked lime, 100 g of oxol and 7 liters of water.

Steps for preparing the primer by hand:

  1. Take a container and pour 3 liters of boiled water into it.
  2. Rub soap.
  3. Place soap in hot water and add oil to it.
  4. Take another container, pour 4 liters of boiled water into it, put lime in it and mix two solutions.
  5. The mixture that was obtained as a result of the above actions should be mixed well and filtered.
  6. When the mixture has cooled, you can begin to apply a primer.
  7. After that you need start doing the calculation of the amount of primer used. Its application is based on the type and type of primer mixture.

For more information about home-made production of a deep penetration primer, see the video:

Rules for diluting the finished soil mixture

  • with an acrylic mixture, you need to finish the walls, which are covered with putty or plaster;
  • dry waterproof primer must be diluted in water at a ratio of 1: 4;
  • if an alkyd primer is used, it should be diluted with a solvent or replaced with xylene, solvent at a ratio of 1: 1;
  • a one-component primer must be diluted according to the requirements with a solvent, drying oil or water according to the rules of the instruction;
  • in the presence of a two-component primer, the hardener and thinner must first be added to the mixture;
  • alkyd as the best primer for deep penetration into walls must be diluted with a solvent at a ratio of 1: 1;
  • it is recommended to mix the dispersed water mixture first and place it in a separate container, and then add water to it.

Application technology

After determining which deep penetration primer is still worth using, with which and which of all of them is better, you need to know how it will need to be applied to the surface:

It is necessary to check the air temperature so that it is not less than 5 g and does not exceed 30 g. The air humidity should be about 75%.

Get a brush, soil tray and roller in advance along with a telescopic handle. Next, wash off the layer of whitewash with water and remove the old wallpaper from the walls. In those parts of the wall in which the paper remains from them, the paper must be moistened and gradually removed using a spatula.

Pour some soil into a special tray for this. Take a brush, roller and pick up the soil. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the liquid does not glass and does not splatter in different directions.

The wall must be gradually and carefully smeared so that there are no dry parts and drips on it.

Also, the primer mixture should not drain from it. With a brush, you need to coat hard-to-reach parts of the wall. The best primer used for deep penetration walls should be applied in layers.

After completely smearing the wall, you need to wait 2-3 hours for the first layer to dry and only then apply the second.

After its completion, you can begin to do painting, laying tiles, wallpapering.

  • no need to immediately dilute the entire mixture. Only a part of the primer will suffice;
  • before starting to lubricate the walls, it is necessary that the walls have a clean appearance;
  • after the primer gets on parts of clothing or the floor, immediately after that wash off the dirt and wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • on the walls there should be no streaks from the primer;
  • wall decoration should be done in special protective gloves;
  • Apply the primer in comfortable clothing.


You can buy a deep penetration primer for 200 rubles with a capacity of 10 liters. Also, due to the fact that fakes are often made from building materials, you need to understand them well so that you can immediately determine which primer is worth buying and which one should be discarded.

To purchase a quality primer, you should follow these rules:

  1. When determining which primer for deep penetration is best and which one to choose, you need to pay attention to its manufacturer, which must necessarily have its own office or official website on the Internet, where you can send your claim if necessary.
  2. You should not buy packages with a primer if an unknown manufacturer is indicated on it.
  3. It is advisable to buy a primer only in the original packaging.
  4. When buying a primer for the first time, when a person does not know how it should look like and they offer to buy it in a package that cannot be easily opened in any way, it is better not to purchase this product.
  5. In order to know exactly the primers per 1 m2, you just need to read the detailed information about it on the package. Its exact amount depends on the condition of the surface to be primed. As a rule, to carry out the finishing 1 sq. m. you need 80-160 g of soil.


Based on all of the above, primer is one of the most the best materials for wall decoration which has many advantages.

Thanks to the characteristics of the varieties of deep penetration primers, you can find out which one to choose, which one is most suitable and how to make it yourself at home or purchase it.

In order to finish the walls with a primer, it is necessary to follow the successive stages of its implementation and apply primer layers after a certain time when each of them is completely dry.

In order for the wallpaper to look spectacular, to hold securely on the wall, two conditions are necessary - this is the maximum smoothness of the surface and its high adhesion with the finishing material. Therefore, before embarking on wallpapering, it is imperative to carry out preparatory work, which usually includes five stages: choosing a material, cleaning walls from old coatings, treating surfaces with special antiseptic compounds, then repairing identified defects, bringing them to perfect evenness with putty and primer .

The primer for walls under wallpaper is made on the basis of different materials. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken with the choice of composition, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics in advance.

What is a primer?

A primer or, as this composition is sometimes called, a primer, in fact, is auxiliary material, but it is he who ensures the success of finishing work, including

The composition is a homogeneous liquid or thick suspension, odorless. It can be transparent or have one or another shade (most often milky), produced in finished form or requiring dilution with water in a concentrated form. After absorption and drying, the composition forms a transparent film on the surface. The composition of the primer may include organic resins and adhesives, film-forming components made on different bases - silicate, acrylic, silicone, latex and other copolymers. In addition, the solution is usually supplemented with various additives and fillers that increase the efficiency of the material and simplify working with it. There is also a primer in the form of a dry powder.

Typically, primers are packaged in plastic buckets or bottles. On the packaging, the manufacturer must place information about the following parameters:

  • proportions and method of diluting the composition;
  • solution consumption per 1 sq. m.;
  • method of applying the material to the surface;
  • the drying time of the applied solution;
  • warranty period of validity;
  • date of manufacture.

The primer must have the following properties:

  • Great penetration depth into the treated surface.
  • The ability to increase the adhesion of materials.
  • Strengthening properties of the surface structure of the material.
  • Antiseptic qualities - the ability to make the surface resistant to the appearance and development various forms microflora - fungus, mold, etc.
  • Enough short period complete absorption and drying.

When choosing a primer composition, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of use that affect the effectiveness of processing:

  • Surface material to be treated - plaster, drywall, wood, brick or concrete, etc.
  • Humidity of the room where the primer will be applied;
  • Type of decorative finish, under which the surface of the wall is treated with a primer - liquid or ordinary wallpaper;
  • The density of the wallpaper selected for the sticker.

Why is a primer needed?

Due to its specific properties, the primer is able to bring the surface of the walls in order and create solid foundation for applying adhesive composition:

  • Deep penetration of the primer into the structural structure of the wall material contributes to the filling of micropores and cracks, holds together dust residues, thereby strengthening the surface.
  • Antiseptic additives disinfect the wall material and make it resistant to biologically aggressive environments.

You can't stick wallpaper on such walls! The surface must be “cured” and protected from further development microflora antiseptic primer
  • The primer provides excellent adhesion of wallpaper adhesive to the wall and finishing material, preventing peeling of wallpaper sheets at corners and joints.
  • The film formed on the surface does not allow wallpaper paste to be actively absorbed into it, which significantly reduces its consumption.
  • The primer significantly evens out the tone of the wall, which is very important when gluing light wallpapers.
  • The solution is able to mask small flaws on surfaces and make them smooth, which simplifies and speeds up wallpapering.
  • After coating with a primer, the surfaces remain “breathable”, that is, capable of passing vapors - this is extremely important for creating favorable microclimate in the apartment.

The main types of primers

All existing primers can be divided into three categories - by solubility, by the material on the basis of which they are made, and also by purpose.

According to the type of solubility of the primer, they are divided into:

  • Primers based on organic solvents, made on the basis of alkyd resins (glyphthalic), polyurethane and latex.
  • Water-soluble primers, deep penetration. These include acrylic, latex, silicate and silicone formulations.
  • Mineral materials produced on the basis of lime, gypsum and cement.
Type of primerThe purpose of the material to be applied to the surfaceDrying time (hour)
AlkydMetal, concrete, reinforced concrete and wooden surfaces10 ÷ 14
AcrylicPlaster, wood, chipboard, fiberboard, brick.2 ÷ 4
PolyurethaneAbsorbent and non-absorbent, including heavily dusty24
SiliconeConcrete, plaster, lime-sand4 ÷ 5
LatexPlaster, drywall, brick, wood, concrete and aerated concrete, as well as other porous surfaces.1 ÷ 2
silicateLime, concrete, mineral, etc. Do not apply on gypsum-containing substrates.24
MineralPlaster, concrete, brick.24

High-quality wall preparation will be ensured if all materials for it are made by one manufacturer. They, having good compatibility, with each other, will give an excellent end result.

Classification according to the purpose of primer mixtures:

  • universal on water based;
  • specialized - anti-corrosion and antibacterial;
  • deep penetration - up to 10÷15 mm;
  • antifungal;
  • insulating;
  • concrete contact.

To cover the walls for pasting them with wallpaper, the following primers are most often used, sold in ready-made or requiring breeding form:

The choice of primer composition by consistency

The primer can also be divided into covering or deep, that is, according to its property to remain on the surface of the wall, creating a film and leveling flaws, or to penetrate deep into the structure and strengthen it. Therefore, it is worth figuring out which primer is better to choose in terms of consistency - how it will work will directly depend on this property.

Primers are produced in the form of a liquid transparent and thick white solution. Each of them has a specific purpose, its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Deep penetration liquid mortars are designed to strengthen the outer layer of the wall and bind dust. Some of these primers contain special substances that can quench alkalis.

To positive qualities liquid primers can be attributed to their affordable price and the ability to penetrate into the structure of the wall 25% deeper than thick ones can do.

The negative qualities of such a solution are their transparency, possible heterogeneity of application, since it is difficult to apply layers without overlap. As a result, the surface will have glossy and matte areas, which means that they will differ somewhat in adhesiveness.

  • Thick primers that are white in color are not only designed to strengthen the surface of the wall and bind dust - they are able to close small flaws in the wall, creating a smooth surface. Some of these primers also contain antiseptic and alkali quenching additives.

The positive properties of thick primers include their ability to fill the micropores of the surface with the formation of a white substrate under decorative trim. In addition, the composition can even out the heterogeneity of the porous surface, bringing it to perfect smoothness.

The negative aspects in the use of a thick primer can only be attributed to its significantly lower penetrating ability compared to a liquid primer.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that, no matter what composition the primer is bought, it is better to choose its thick version, since it creates ideal conditions for pasting wallpaper.

Experienced craftsmen most often use both options - the first layer is applied with a deep penetration liquid primer, and the second with a thick one that brings the surface to the ideal.

How do different types of primers work?

To make the right choice, you need to know how they work different types primers when applied to the surface of the walls.

This type of primer is made using polymer binders based on styrene-acrylate dispersion. Acrylic primer is well suited for preparing interior surfaces for finishing work. The material does not give sharp unpleasant odors, dries quickly enough and is suitable for application under any type of wallpaper.

At the same time, such a primer facilitates work and gives the walls the qualities necessary for further finishing:

  • The hygroscopicity of the surface is reduced.
  • The appearance of new cracks is prevented.
  • Increases the life of the decorative coating.
  • The film formed by the soil is able to protect the surface from mechanical damage(this is especially important for drywall), as well as make it resistant to temperature changes.
  • Significantly reduced adhesive consumption.

The concentrated composition is very easily diluted with water without loss of its qualities.

Acrylic primer according to their physical qualities can be divided into five types:

  • With the effect of deep penetration into the structure of the wall - it is usually used for "weak" and porous surfaces.
  • Adhesive, adhesion enhancing decorative material with base.

  • A universal composition used for any type of surface and giving it high moisture resistance. Used for interior work.
  • An impregnating primer capable of leveling loose surfaces or smoothing out small flaws on them.
  • A special solution designed for a specific type of material.

Acrylic primer is usually applied in one to two coats, depending on the condition of the surface, using paint roller. Hard-to-reach places, such as corners and areas around radiators, are processed with a soft brush with artificial bristles.

The surface dries out two to four hours after applying the composition, after which it will be possible to proceed to pasting the walls with wallpaper.

The advantage of this type of soil can be called its versatility, as it is suitable for processing surfaces of any quality, even dilapidated.

If the wallpaper is planned to be glued on a wall lined with drywall, the primer is applied twice - before covering it with putty and already on the puttied surface. This way pre-training the walls will not allow for the future removal of wallpaper, when it comes time to replace them, remove them together with the GKL cardboard layer, thereby keeping the surface unharmed.

From a wall treated with an acrylic primer, old wallpapers will easily come off after processing them. warm water or a special tool, without damaging the putty layer.

Consumption of acrylic primer may vary - it depends on the component composition, wall construction material, surface quality, their porosity, etc. The average consumption is from 150 to 250 grams per square meter.

Latex is a natural ingredient derived from the sap of the rubber tree. It has such qualities necessary for finishing materials as water resistance, elasticity, strength, good resistance to stretching and compression.

Natural material is quite expensive, and today a synthetic substance is used in building materials that has the properties of natural latex. It is also used in the production of latex primers. This type of primer is most often an opaque liquid substance, which, when dried, creates a thin film on the wall surface, providing good adhesion walls with decorative materials.

The latex primer lays evenly on the surface and dries quickly, but has a lower adhesive power compared to the acrylic material. The primer is used to strengthen loose and collapsing wall surfaces - drywall or old plaster, and helps to improve their waterproofing qualities.

Latex primer - perfect solution for loose surfaces

Latex primer adheres well to wood and fibreboard, all types of concrete and a natural stone and is great for wet rooms, as it creates the conditions for confronting dampness surfaces.

Tury Acrylic Latex Prices

Tury latex acrylic

The average consumption of this material is 350÷500 grams per square meter.

Alkyd primer

The alkyd type of primer has the properties of a paint, forming on surfaces different type film. Such a composition fits perfectly on wooden and concrete surfaces, filling the pores of the upper layer of the material structure. This prevents the wood from swelling and moisture from penetrating the concrete walls.

Alkyd primers make surfaces moisture resistant and resistant to mold or mildew colonies. Often this type of material is used as a base for a second latex or acrylic primer coat or for acrylic-based paint.

Alkyd compounds do not have the qualities of deep penetration into wall materials, but they perfectly prepare surfaces for further processing. They are often used to cover reinforced concrete structures - making them more susceptible to finishing decorative materials. In addition, the primer perfectly blocks rust from metal inclusions that may be in concrete slabs. Rust over time can appear through pasted wallpaper and ruin the entire appearance decorative finishes.

It will not be possible to fix plastered, gypsum or plastered primers with alkyd primers, so this must be foreseen when purchasing this material.

Alkyd primers are produced in metal and plastic packages, ready for use. The material is applied in one or two layers with a roller and brush, the layer thickness can be 1÷2 mm.

If necessary, dilute the thickened primer, xylene or white spirit is used.

The consumption of alkyd primer is 100÷150 grams per square meter. Complete drying of this material usually occurs 24 hours after its application at a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

It should be noted that this material has a very affordable price compared to other primers. It is possible to use such primer under wallpaper only as a last resort, and it is better to use primers made on other bases, which will strengthen the surface of the walls and create higher adhesive qualities of the surface.

Universal primer

This type of primer is suitable for strengthening all types of surfaces, including shabby and crumbling. The universal primer is based on acrylic copolymers with the addition of resins that enhance the quality of the material. This primer is diluted with water and has the property of deep penetration into the structure of the processed materials, making them moisture resistant and adhesive with any finishing materials.

The best choice— primers of universal action

The universal primer is suitable for treating walls both outside and inside the room, increasing their resistance to various types of influences and increasing the life of the decorative coating.

Such a primer is well applied to foam and aerated concrete walls, drywall sheets, reinforced concrete structures and other surfaces.

This composition is also applied in one or two layers, and its consumption is minimal and amounts to only 100 ÷ 120 grams per square meter of area.

Priming with wallpaper paste

Some masters believe that before wallpapering, it is enough to treat the wall with casein-based wallpaper glue. Of course, you can use it, but such a treatment, which does not have the properties of a primer, will not be able to solve the problems of strengthening the surface, increasing its moisture resistance, acquiring antiseptic qualities and smoothing out small flaws.

Priming with glue does not require special skills - it is enough to dilute correctly, according to the instructions adhesive composition, wait until it is infused, and then apply with a roller to the surface of the walls. In order for the wallpaper to hold well, you need to wait about a day, and only then proceed to sticking decorative paintings.

Other wallpaper adhesives can be used to cover the walls. In some of them, the instructions even provide recommendations for observing the proportions when mixing it with water for exactly priming surfaces.

If you decide to use this particular option to prepare the walls, then when choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to the instructions for use. It should indicate that the composition can be used as a primer. If there is no such clarification, then it is better to abandon this idea, since such processing can adversely affect the decorative material. In this case, compositions on a different basis should be considered.

The average consumption of wallpaper glue for priming walls will be 70 ÷ 100 grams per square meter.

PVA glue as a primer

PVA is universal glue, and it is used for many purposes, including for construction works. It has been used as a primer since Soviet times, since then it was simply impossible to find a real primer on sale. The adhesive is a dense white emulsion produced on a polyvinyl acetate basis, it is non-toxic and has no unpleasant odor.

When making a primer for wallpaper from it, chalk, gypsum, drying oil or alabaster are often added to the composition - these components are designed to increase the strength of the primer and help fill and compare porous surfaces.

Making a primer from PVA glue can be called an economical way, but this composition has one serious drawback that can seriously spoil the appearance of the decorative coating. The fact is that over time it tends to change color from white to yellow. This yellowness can show through light thin wallpaper spots, and then you have to completely change the entire finish.

PVA glue is diluted with water in proportions of 1: 2 to the consistency of liquid kefir. This process must be carried out in a warm room and with active stirring.

It is necessary to prepare the primer in small portions, otherwise it quickly loses its adhesive qualities. After the development of the finished primer, the next portion is made.

Many are attracted to the use of PVA as a primer because of its affordable price, ease of manufacture of the composition and environmental friendliness of the material. But if high-quality expensive wallpapers are used for decoration, then it is better not to risk it and use professional primer solutions.

Prices for different types of primer


How to properly prepare the walls for wallpaper

Before applying the primer, it is necessary to carry out with the walls preparatory work. So, if there are still old wallpapers on the walls, you need to start by removing them.

Removing old wallpaper

There are several ways to remove the old wallpaper coating off the wall:

  • With the help of a spatula, with which dry wallpaper is hooked and torn off in small pieces. This method is the most unfortunate, since the work will take too long, and along with the paper, part of the plaster or putty applied to the wall may separate.

Removing wallpaper "dry" - a long and tedious task
  • The second option is to wet all pasted surfaces with very warm water several times. In this case, the wallpaper will move away from the wall and be removed from it much easier. But it will take at least one day for a really good soaking of all surfaces in the room with water.

  • The third option is to expose the finishing material to hot, moist air. For this, an iron with a steam function or a special tool that builders use is quite suitable.

However, due to one repair, probably no one will spend money on such a device, so some companies offer services to perform such work. Their implementation today costs about 35 to 60 rubles per square meter. The price depends on the level of complexity of removing the old coating.

Today, several companies offer such products. The method and proportions of dilution of the composition can be found on the packaging, and such a bottle will be enough for a large room.

Usually the solution is diluted in a bucket, then it is poured into a spray bottle and all walls are sprayed from which it is necessary to remove the old decorative coating. The time that must be waited after finishing the application of the composition is also indicated in the instructions.

After this period, you can proceed to the removal of wallpaper. To do this, you will also need a spatula, but not to scrape dried paper from the wall, but simply to pick up the corner of each of the canvases. Wallpaper will be easily separated from the surface in one piece.

First coat of primer

After removing the old decorative material, flaws will definitely be found under it that need to be eliminated. If the recesses and cracks are large, they may need to be expanded and repaired with putty, and with a wide spread of defects throughout the wall, it will have to be plastered completely. However, before applying repair compounds either to the identified defects or to the entire wall, they must be treated with a deep penetration primer.

The work is carried out with the help of a roller, which is dipped into the primer, poured into a special bath. The solution is carefully applied to the surface, starting from the bottom of the wall and gradually rising up to the ceiling. Using this technique, you can significantly save on the primer, since if you start applying from the ceiling, then most of the liquid collected by the roller will be on the floor.

Tidying up wall surfaces

After the surface is primed and dried, all cracks, “sinks” and recesses are sealed with a spatula. If necessary, plastering of the entire surface is carried out.

Leveling the wall with plaster

Sometimes too large surface defects do not allow limiting minor repairs or by applying a thin layer of putty. How to do it correctly - in a separate publication of our portal.

If only a minor repair of individual sections of the wall is sufficient, and you can do without plastering the entire surface, they proceed to puttying work. The main task is to make the surface under the wallpaper sticker as even and smooth as possible.

Prices for mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Priming prepared surfaces before wallpapering

  • When the puttied smooth walls are well dried, they proceed to priming them for gluing a decorative coating.
  • For work, a roller with a long handle and with a “fur coat” made of velor, short pile or foam rubber, as well as a tray-tray into which the primer composition will be poured, is again prepared.
  • If it is necessary to dilute the solution to the desired consistency, this is done in a plastic bucket, from which it is convenient to pour it in portions into the tray, approximately 0.5 ÷ 0.7 liters each.

  • A roller is dipped into the liquid, then on the corrugated surface of the bath it is necessary to squeeze out the excess from the roller in order to prevent unjustified loss of material. Then you can proceed to applying the composition to the walls. As mentioned above, the process is carried out from the bottom up.
  • Thus, large planes of walls are processed.
  • Next, a brush is taken, preferably with artificial soft bristles, and all hard-to-reach places- corners, the area under the windows, near pipes and radiators.
  • It is very important to cover the entire plane with a primer, without missing individual sections, otherwise the wallpaper will move away from the wall in these places.
  • If necessary, the surfaces are covered with another layer of primer solution, after the first has completely dried.
  • After completing the priming work, the walls must be dried well with room temperature during the day. In the characteristics of some primers, the time for their drying is determined at 2 ÷ 4 hours, but nevertheless, in order to avoid unforeseen problems with the finishing material, it is recommended to postpone wallpapering for 24 hours.
  • After this time, the masters advise to conduct another test, which will help to obtain a high-quality and durable decorative coating. Wallpaper should be glued to a well-dried wall surface. To find out the degree of their drying, a piece of dense polyethylene film is taken, approximately 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm in size and tightly glued to the wall using segments masking tape. A hermetically sealed space should form under the film, and the film remains in this position until the morning. If in the morning it turns out to be dry inside, you can safely proceed to wallpapering. If condensation has formed under the film, then you should wait some more time and allow the walls to dry completely.

So, the process of applying a primer is quite simple. The main thing is to make the right choice of materials, and, relying on the developed technologies, to carry out all the preparatory work. Only in this case, the primer will be effective, and the wallpaper will ideally lie on the surface of the walls and will not peel off over time.

Video: tips on choosing and applying a primer for wallpaper

In construction and finishing works, intermediate preparatory stages are very important, because the service life and reliability of the finished surface will depend on them. One of these steps is priming. Since all materials are different, and universal remedy there is no processing, then in each individual case they select their own special coating. Consider deep penetration primers. In what cases are they used, how do they work and what functions do they perform?

What surfaces need to be treated?

The surface to be repaired can consist of a variety of materials: wood, or cement-sand concrete. All of them have a different state and properties, which can affect the adhesion of finishing materials to each other and the further quality of the finishing service. In order to minimize the risk of their separation from each other and to best prepare the work surface, it is necessary to coat it with a primer on the appropriate material.

Purpose and properties of deep penetration compounds

A deep penetration primer is used to prepare surfaces that have various properties that can help improve the quality of the finish:

  • increased water absorption of the base;
  • fine surface porosity;
  • a base containing sand and various mineral components;
  • chalky soiling, dustiness, etc.

A deep penetration primer reduces the ability of the work surface to absorb water, improves the surface properties of loose materials, making their structure stronger.

How to make a choice?

What is the best deep penetration primer? When choosing a material for surface treatment, you should not lean towards the cheapest options. This is the case when the miser pays twice: practice shows that the compositions of the lowest cost do not provide necessary qualities for further work applied Construction Materials do not have reliable adhesion to the base, the wallpaper peels off, and plaster and other finishing coatings peel off from walls, ceilings, floors. Reliable is a deep penetration primer, the price of which starts at rubles per 10 liters.

Priming composition "Optimist"

Primer "Optimist" deep penetration is produced in Russia, perfectly adapted to the materials used in the country, climatic conditions and other features of the treated surfaces. It is suitable for both outdoor and indoor use. The basis of the composition of the primer is an acrylic polymer, which provides deep penetration into the surface and good surface-adhering properties. The composition includes antiseptic additives that prevent the development and growth of fungi, mold and other microflora.

Primer "Optimist" deep penetration is used to treat surfaces made of concrete, brick, drywall, wood. Moreover, the composition should be applied before each subsequent stage of finishing, which will ensure reliable adhesion of materials. The applied primer layer after drying becomes transparent, colorless, evens out the absorbing capacity of the surface and reduces the consumption of applied paint, water-dispersion and plaster compositions.

This product is also used to dilute water-based paints.

deep penetration primers "Optimist"

  • Entry into the surface: 1-5 mm.
  • Consumption depending on the state of the surface: 100-250 ml/m 2 .
  • Full drying time: 2 hours.
  • Without smell.
  • Color liquid composition: white.
  • Application conditions: in rooms with air and working surface temperature +5…+35 o С.
  • Storage conditions: in original packaging closed at a temperature of +5 ... +30 ° C up to 1 year.

Description of Ceresit Deep Penetration Composition

Primer "Ceresit" is also popular among builders. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality, have a complex improved composition, and are produced according to German technologies.

The primer is applied to all surfaces with the absorbing basis: walls, floors, ceilings. Increases adhesion of the working surface, binds dust, strengthens the base. Prevents drying of thin leveling compounds, promotes better spreading floor coverings and eliminates the appearance of bubbles on the finished surface.

Primer "Ceresit" works well with highly porous bases: it best penetrates into their structure and strengthens it as much as possible. Moreover, for such cases, the emulsion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied in several layers if necessary. Due to its composition and ability to penetrate deep into the surface, the primer dries for a long time (4-6 hours). When used on plaster and wood boards drying time is extended up to 24 hours.

The main technical characteristics of the primer Ceresit

  • The composition is based on acrylate copolymers.
  • Solution color: light yellow.
  • Consumption depending on the absorbency of the surface: 100-200 ml/m 2 .
  • Drying time: 4-6 hours (in some cases up to 12 hours).
  • Application: at air humidity not more than 80% at temperature from +5…+35 o.
  • Storage: in a sealed package at a temperature of +5…+35 o C for no more than 12 months.

Comparison of the compositions of "Optimist" and "Ceresit"

Which deep penetration primer is better: "Optimist" or Ceresit? It is difficult to answer unambiguously, since a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication is more suitable for each, despite their versatility. Analyzing specifications These samples are hard to miss: "Optimist" is more suitable for surfaces that do not have high porosity, which the German representative can handle better due to its more complex adapted composition. For example, when preparing concrete base for flooring.

For normal brick, block and plaster surfaces, any deep penetration primer will do. Their consumption per m2 is the same for one layer, if we compare coatings of the same porosity. It is the structure of the base that affects this factor.

In many cases, a single deep penetration primer is applied to the entire object. The price in this case is important: "Optimist" costs from 400 rubles / 10 liters, "Ceresit" - an average of 550 rubles / 10 liters. These are averages, implying optimal. There are also expensive premium formulations.

Primer for metal surfaces and wood

Before painting wooden elements and metal, the preparation of the base should also be carried out. For this purpose, a special primer was developed in Russia, GOST 25129-82 describes it. Composition brand - GF-021. It is made different manufacturers, but they all adhere to the State Standard.

Primer GF-021 has a general industrial purpose, is paintwork material. Provides uniform paint application.

Main technical characteristics:

  • color: red-brown;
  • consumption: 60-100 g/m 2 for single-layer application;
  • drying time at +20 o C: 10-16 hours/layer.

Before use, the primer must be mixed, diluted with white spirit. During work, the room must be ventilated. The composition should be stored in a tightly closed container away from sunlight.

When choosing a primer GF-021, look for the inscription GOST 25129-82 on the package. In this case, you will purchase a product made according to the standard. The inscription TU indicates that the manufacturer has made his own changes to the composition, which may affect the final properties of the coating.

What is the best deep penetration primer? Choose compositions carefully, read the technical specifications, use your own or someone else's experience. Choose the material suitable for specific conditions, then the result will surely please.

It is necessary to prime the surfaces during the repair process. The primer acts as link between the base and subsequent layers or finishes. With its help, roughness is removed, consumption of materials for finish coat reduced by approximately 30%. Theoretically, in some types of work, priming surfaces is not necessary. But in practice, the lack of a primer brings extra costs. In some problem areas, it is necessary to use a special primer. To find out which primer to choose for walls, you need to understand its varieties.

Types of primers

ordinary concrete and brick wall can be coated with universal primer. But even for a room with a normal level of humidity, there are nuances. For example, under heavy non-woven wallpaper, you should choose a material with deeper penetration and powerful adhesive properties.

Primers are combined into groups depending on the area of ​​application. The composition of the primer for walls and other surfaces is also important:

  • Alkyd used for woodworking and metal surfaces.
  • Acrylic often called universal because they are used for processing wood, drywall, brick and concrete. This species is able to penetrate 10 cm deep into the surface, therefore it is used for deep impregnation.
  • Aluminum also used to impregnate wood surfaces. These primers are able to completely isolate the wood from moisture and prevent the occurrence of mold and mildew.
  • Polyvinyl acetate used for impregnation of wood, concrete, metal and plastered surfaces. This type is used only together with special paint.
  • silicate are used for the processing of silicate bricks and decorative plaster on the facades of buildings.
  • Shellac prevent the release of resins by the tree.
  • Epoxy are used for deep impregnation of concrete and metal surfaces. They protect the metal from corrosion and provide concrete with a strong adhesion to self-leveling floors.

When choosing a priming mixture, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the main surface is made, the features of the room and the material used for finishing work.

This type of primer is used for processing porous, loose and weak substrates. It is able to strengthen the "capricious" surface and significantly reduces paint consumption. It is an excellent primer for puttying, painting or heavy wallpaper. The scope of this type of mixture is wide, it can be used on drywall, brick, foam concrete and aerated concrete bases. It perfectly fastens plaster and porous types of concrete.

Do not use a deep-penetrating primer on substrates with low moisture absorption capacity and on materials with grease or bituminous stains.

Choosing the right mixture for a beginner is difficult. So, deep penetration primer, which one is better? If you are using for finishing paint or decorative plaster, buy a primer from the same manufacturer. They will perfectly interact with each other. If this is not possible, purchase products from the most respected and reliable manufacturers.

For wet areas

High humidity is observed in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Bathroom primer should have water-repellent and anti-fungal properties. It should also create a thin waterproofing layer on the surface of the walls, which will prevent moisture from penetrating inside the base. Prime surfaces in the bathroom you need two or three layers. The first layer forms water-insoluble fillings and prevents the penetration of moisture. The second layer creates an elastic waterproof film.

Anti-fungal deep penetration primer is used for porous and weak, subject to destruction, surfaces.

Before tiling

The choice of the type of material depends on the humidity of the room, because tiles are most often installed in bathrooms and in the kitchen. It is necessary to take into account the material from which the main surface is made. The primer of the walls in front can be carried out with one of two types of mixtures:

  • Deep penetration - to strengthen the base and increase adhesion to the adhesive. It should be used for porous surfaces.
  • A primer for non-absorbent surfaces roughens very smooth substrates and thus improves adhesion.

Most of the good reviews from experts and craftsmen who are professionally involved in repairs have collected primers from the company Knauf.

  • 10 liters of a deep penetration mixture costs an average of 400-500 rubles.
  • 10 liters of anti fungal can be bought for 550-650 rubles.

The use of primer mixtures during repairs is quite reasonable, because any finishing material must adhere to the base very firmly and reliably. For this, a primer is used, and this article will help you which one to choose for walls and flow.

Types of modern primer

Modern manufacturers offer a huge amount of primer mixtures. Choose necessary types primers for concrete, plaster, putty is not always easy. For this purpose, it is necessary, first of all, to know the varieties.

Depending on the field of application, the types of primers for walls and ceilings are divided into the following groups:

  1. Alkyd: used only for wooden surfaces and metal structures;
  2. Acrylic: have universal properties, respectively, suitable for different surfaces. Compositions from this group penetrate 1 cm deep. This property allows the use of acrylic primers for deep impregnation of the base;
  3. Aluminum: used only for wood. With their help, the wood is completely isolated from moisture, thereby minimizing the occurrence of such unpleasant phenomena as mold or fungus;
  4. Polyvinyl acetate: used only when using paint special composition for priming concrete, wood, metal, plaster;
  5. Shellac: Helps prevent wood resin from escaping, respectively, is used as a type of primer for ceilings and walls;
  6. Epoxy: applicable as a deep impregnation of metal and concrete surfaces. Their main advantage is corrosion protection and sufficient strong adhesion.

Based on the classification presented above, before, it is necessary to determine the material of the surface to be primed and only then acquire the mixture.

When choosing a primer, pay attention to the manufacturer, price and specifications. The deeper the level of soil penetration into the base, the better it is for any purpose.

All about acrylic compositions

The most common primer that you can choose in different cases is acrylic. It is versatile and makes the final finish high quality and durable. In turn, the types of acrylic primers also have their own classification and, depending on the conditions of use and the purpose of the primer, are divided into:

1. Versatile: Used on all surfaces and in all conditions. This primer is equally well suited for both interior and exterior finishing work. If you don’t know how to choose a primer for wallpaper, what to use for subsequent tiling or just painting, take a universal one. The solution of this mixture is slightly cloudy, almost colorless. A special place in a wide range of universal acrylic primers is occupied by a very popular primer paint today. Its use helps to simultaneously solve several problems: securely fasten surfaces, get rid of the possible appearance of mold and fungal bacteria, apply a layer of paint. The composition is white and the surface is not only primed, but also painted.

Tip: You can buy primer paint at any store. You can achieve the desired color by adding a dye to the soil. For example, after priming, the wall is planned to be painted in Blue colour. Add blue dye and the first coat of paint is ready.

2. Deep penetration compounds have all the characteristic qualities of acrylic primers. However, primers of this type penetrate much deeper into the surface to be treated, smooth it, thereby adhering the base more strongly.

The absorption length reaches 1 cm. In the question of which deep penetration primer to choose or the usual universal primer, the first group should be given priority. The smoothing effect makes the surface perfectly even, as small particles, sand and dust stick together. This is a great option for priming walls for wallpaper, plaster and even tiles.

3. Adhesive: there is a quartz impurity in the composition, which makes the surface a little rough, which, in turn, glues heavy finishing materials much stronger. This is a good way out when you don’t know how to prime the walls before plastering.

Application methods: when and how to do it

The method of applying a primer is no fundamentally different from the methods of applying other finishing materials. The surface is cleaned, cleaned, sanded and degreased if necessary. To the question of how many times you need to prime the walls or ceiling, it is required individual approach but at least twice.

For application, tools such as:

  1. roller.
  2. Brush.
  3. Pulverizer.

Roller application

In each case, the tool is selected individually. For example, apply a primer on a brick surface better brush yu, but on a flat ceiling or drywall - with a roller. The sprayer is used less frequently, since it is not easy to wash the whole room after it.

Ceiling preparation

Starting the repair of the ceiling on your own, you need to study the information on how to properly prime the ceiling. Indeed, despite the seeming simplicity of work, there are certain rules:

  1. Having determined how to prime the ceiling, try to do it evenly. Wrong distribution, after painting will be immediately visible. The area where the primer is applied thicker will be darker than the entire surface.
  2. Before priming the ceiling before painting, choose the direction of application of the bonding material. With one layer of primer, this is done along the room, perpendicular to the wall with a window. With a two-layer application, the first layer runs parallel to the wall with a window, the second - perpendicular to it.

Wall preparation

In any case, it is necessary to prime the walls. Another question is the better to prime the walls, but more on that later. Before priming, the surface requires mandatory preparation: it is necessary to remove the old coating, smooth out irregularities, putty cracks, remove dust and dirt.

At work, you should adhere to technology, and not do everything on hastily. The first coat of primer must be completely dry and only then can a second coat be applied. It must be distributed evenly. Particular attention should be focused on the moment when you need to prime the walls under heavy wallpaper. In such cases, it cannot be used as a primer. wallpaper glue(as many people suggest).

Of course, one can argue why it is necessary to prime the walls if they will be sealed anyway? First of all, the wallpaper will hold on tighter and won't bubble when pasted. And in the future, no dirty tricks in the form of mold or fungus will appear on such walls.

How and what primed the walls for painting

Priming the walls is mandatory, and to the question of how to prime the walls before painting, we can safely say that it is a universal primer. It has all the necessary properties and is suitable for different situations.

Very often you have to decide whether to prime before painting? Some think not: the primer mixture, when dried, leaves stripes that stand out clearly after painting. And dust and dirt can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Others, on the contrary, argue that it is necessary to do this. Here you will have to decide on your own. Want to practical repair- prime, dream to save money - do not prime.

Often the walls are made of drywall, as it is affordable and practical material. Usually it is perfectly even and, accordingly, many are interested in whether drywall should be primed? Yes, definitely, because the priming process not only levels the walls, but also serves as an excellent factor in the adhesion of the base to the finish.

In this case, again, a universal primer is used, performing the work in the following sequence:

  1. Priming for the first time;
  2. Putty;
  3. Re-priming.

Only after complete drying, proceed to painting the surface.

Tip: when working with a primer, the temperature in the room should be within 5-20 degrees Celsius, air humidity up to 75% and no drafts.

How and with what the walls are primed for plaster

wall primer

Plaster is used on brick, concrete or foam concrete surfaces. They, as a rule, have high friability and absorbency, and the question of whether it is necessary to prime before plastering is beyond doubt. In these cases, a deep penetration primer is chosen. It not only perfectly adheres, but also has antiseptic properties.

It is necessary to prime before plastering in several layers. It is better to use a brush or roller. Each layer dries for about an hour and at this time it is necessary to protect the walls from getting dust and dirt on them. The temperature indicators of this type of primer are the same as those of the universal primer. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions and follow them.

Exactly the same requirements apply when the question arises whether it is necessary to prime before puttying. Everything is the same, even more, because not a single finishing material can hold on to a clean layer of putty.
