What wallpaper color to choose for a small kitchen. Deciding on the wallpaper design for a small kitchen: photos of the best examples of wall decoration. Wallpaper for the kitchen - photo

Wallpaper can smooth out bumps kitchen walls and slightly visually enlarge the space. We will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small kitchen of 6-8 square meters. m and less, we will show real photo stylish modern ideas and new collections of this year from the leading manufacturers of wallpaper coatings.

In a small room, it is more profitable to rely on light shades.

What wallpaper is best for a small kitchen

Important rule: what less shades participate in the design of a small kitchen, the more harmonious its interior. In a normal kitchen (minimum 8 square meters and more) you can still afford bold experiments with color contrasts. For a small one, the use of bright finishes is almost always an unjustified risk.

If you want a predictable result, choose light-colored wallpapers with a soft mother-of-pearl sheen. Thanks to the light gloss, the surface of the wallpaper reflects maximum light, so it will visually make even a cramped, poorly lit kitchen look larger. Dark matte, on the contrary, reduce space. But sometimes they give it depth.

Light - not necessarily white, although this color has a wide palette of shades. Take a closer look at the pastel range with a cold undertone: cream, beige, light gray, cappuccino, Ivory and baked milk, yellow, blue, pale green, pistachio, lavender, powdery pink.

A common mistake is choosing wallpaper with a large, intrusive print. The pattern must be in proportion to the proportions of your small kitchen. Give preference to wallpaper with dim small pattern: flowers, checks, narrow stripes, geometric ornaments, including glossy on a matte background.

Small drawings are preferred. But do not overdo it, otherwise the wallpaper (especially contrasting ones) will become annoying over time.

Monochromatic for painting with beautiful texture universal. They can be safely used even in Khrushchev in tiny kitchenettes (up to 6 sq. M). If desired, the walls can be easily and inexpensively repainted, updating the interior. High-quality canvases can easily withstand up to 10 staining cycles.

For eye-catching wallpaper with an active pattern, choose the color of the facades as neutral as possible (white, beige, gray are ideal). When the headset competes with the background, the kitchen looks overloaded. It's hard to be in it.

Any vertically elongated ornament (it is not necessary to glue the strips) is able to visually “raise” the ceiling a little. Horizontal will make the room lower, but wider.

Washable wallpaper options

Easy to understand different types finishing materials, compare the pros and cons will help you our detailed. In it you will find 200+ real kitchen photos from ordinary apartments.

Not all types of finishes normally withstand constant exposure to moisture and steam. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the future when buying, carefully study conventions on the roll label.

First of all, pay attention to moisture resistance. For a kitchen of any size, choose only thick washable wallpaper (vinyl, non-woven, fiberglass). It is good if they can be washed with soapy water using a sponge or soft brush.

Vinyl on non-woven base - the most practical to use, wear-resistant and easy to stick. They don't bubble, they smooth out easier. Vinyl on paper basis can also be used. However, they do worse high humidity. Entirely non-woven is better in quality, more environmentally friendly, but more expensive.

Before pasting, treat the surface with a special antifungal compound - a primer. deep penetration. This will prevent mold (a common problem in panel Khrushchev and other old houses with poor ventilation).

Neutrals look great in a very small room. textured wallpaper

Combined finishing of a small typical kitchen

Combined wallpapers often zone the room, highlighting the dining group, and at the same time distract attention from its dimensions. Accent wall in a small kitchen up to 8 square meters. meters are most often drawn up in two popular ways:

IN modern interiors(loft, scandinavian, minimalism) designers like to use combined materials With different texture. The combination of a spectacular wallpaper print and a plain surface painted with a special washable paint looks stylish. Joints are usually masked by moldings. Decorative plaster is more durable and more practical than painting, but will significantly increase the repair budget.

Save on repairs and do not want to level the walls? Irregularities mask wallpaper with relief well: imitation of the texture of matting, wooden planks, brick, plaster. This design is one of fashion trends 2018.

It is customary to make the most free plane as accent, which is least crowded with furniture, open shelves and decor. Usually only the kitchen table is located here.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Today it is not so easy to find suitable for a small kitchen in all the variety of choices. The color, pattern and direction of the lines can visually change the size or degree of illumination in the room. Modern range kitchen wallpaper offers the buyer wall coverings made of fiberglass, colorless, moisture-resistant wallpapers, photo wallpapers and even combinations of several types.

A number of principles to be followed when:

  • Stylistics. Depending on the style of furniture, household appliances And small parts the interior is selected certain wallpapers: in the style of minimalism, retro, classic and country.
  • Lighting. In a dimly lit kitchen, it is recommended to glue wallpaper in light and warm colors, and in a kitchen on the south side - calmer and colder. Lights and lamps should be sufficient to make cooking comfortable.
  • All shades and ornaments should look harmonious with each other. If the kitchen is decorated brightly and catchy, it is better to choose wallpaper in calmer tones. And if in the kitchen small area accents are not placed with the help of furniture or decorations, you can choose wallpaper with drawings and patterns.
  • If the surface of the ceiling and floor of your kitchen white color, choose a single overall design palette: pastel, warm or cold tones.

We select wallpaper for a small kitchen

The main thing when choosing a wall covering is not to make the room visually even smaller. The main points that you need to pay attention to are the style of the interior, the amount of furniture, the wall covering, the desired range of colors and the overall style of the apartment. Beautifully selected wallpapers for a small kitchen are shown in the photo below.

If in your kitchen small window, not enough sunlight or it is on the north side, do not use dark shades of wallpaper, even if you like them very much. You can choose wallpaper with dark patterns and prints, but always on a light background.

New trends in the interior

What are the trends and wallpaper ideas for a small kitchen now in fashion:

The main thing to remember: the smaller your kitchen, the smaller the size and number of prints should be. Also to be avoided vertical stripes on the walls, which will make the kitchen visually even smaller.

If you decide to use photo wallpaper, decorate only one scene with them in order to correctly place accents. The kitchen should not be gaudy, especially if it is a small area.

When buying wallpaper, be sure to buy rolls with a margin so that there are no unpleasant situations when you simply do not have enough materials. Leftovers can be used to decorate small details or patchwork walls.

If you have already decided on the style and color scheme of the wallpaper, pay attention to the following points:

  • The walls must be prepared for gluing, the cracks must be plastered and primed.
  • Wallpaper rolls should be all from the same collection and batch and should not differ in tone.
  • Carefully apply glue to the entire surface of the wallpaper, brushing each edge.

It is also not recommended to decorate the interior of a small kitchen only in light colors. It will resemble a sterile laboratory, and not cozy atmosphere. Also, it may not be practical, and you will have to clean the walls, furniture and floor more often so that the dirt is not immediately evident.

There are many design techniques, which answer the question of which wallpaper is better to choose for a small kitchen. Here are a few of them:

If your kitchen is small, choose wallpaper wisely in color and texture. The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't mix too much different materials, textures and patterns and keep the same style everywhere.

Date: 05/25/2017

Ordinary paper wallpaper - not the most suitable material for kitchen walls, but due to their availability and popularity, they hold a leading position in the building materials market. Manufacturers annually update the range, including fiberglass for painting and moisture resistant (washable) wallpaper for small kitchens and spacious rooms. Depending on the choice, it is easy to visually expand and zone the room with them, create a unique design and a welcoming atmosphere.

Kitchen wallpapers allow you to create any desired atmosphere in the house, as they are very diverse.

When you get acquainted with the assortment of catalogs, your eyes literally run wide - you want to buy almost a dozen colors. But when choosing, you have to rely on certain principles.

    • Stylistics of the room (country, retro, techno, historical styles and classics). With an eclectic interior or without reference to style decision the choice is expanding.

The selection of wallpaper is carried out taking into account the general style of the room. In case of eclectic general design the choice becomes very wide.

    • The degree of illumination of a small kitchen - on the north side, a warm range of the spectrum is preferred, on the south - cold and more restrained. In addition, there should be enough daylight and artificial light in the cooking room.

An additional parameter when choosing wallpaper is the illumination of the room. For example, in a north-facing kitchen, warm tones would be appropriate.

    • General harmony of design. If the facade of the kitchen set is bright and spectacular - the wallpaper is chosen discreet, background. With an unpretentious setting and not new furniture, you need a bright, memorable pattern that attracts the main attention. But it is enough to update the facades and countertops of built-in furniture, change the curtains - the kitchen will be updated.

The pattern on the wallpaper should be in harmony with the surrounding interior.

  • The choice of color and pattern of the walls can be done arbitrarily, if the ceiling and kitchen furniture white, then the overall palette should be warm, cold or pastel.

The white color of the interior allows you to choose wallpaper from a very wide range of colors.

    • wallpaper pattern with imitation of plates and other utensils;

One of the fashion trends in 2017 is the image of kitchen utensils on the wallpaper.

    • ethnic ornaments;

Ethnic ornament on the wallpaper will bring originality to the room.

    • theme of wildlife - eco style or country;

Eco-style wallpaper is becoming more and more popular.

  • photo wallpapers in 3D format, optical illusions, images of megacities of old European streets, large prints of fruits and flowers.

Be a little closer to the elements environment wallpaper with imitation of natural materials, such as wood, will help.

Advice. In parallel with the wallpaper, use vinyl wall stickers on different topics. Narrative drawings will enliven the emotional background, and single fragments will help hide defects and stains on the kitchen wallpaper.

Vinyl wall stickers - good way not only to give liveliness to the interior, but also to hide some defects.

From the point of view of practicality, the following are not suitable for finishing the kitchen:

  • simple paper wallpapers - they absorb moisture, grease, odors;
  • textured wallpaper - clogged with suspensions of fat and dust, when cleaning, some fragments are torn off;
  • wallpaper with a pattern that does not contribute to the manifestation of appetite.

Please note: for those who like to change the situation often, repaint or re-paste the walls and rearrange the furniture, the choice in favor of inexpensive modern paper wallpapers is obvious.

With constant changes in the situation in the room good choice become paper wallpaper.

In families where small children often draw on the walls, it is better to use an alternative - fiberglass rolls for painting, the color is updated as it gets dirty. But they need good ventilation and heating to prevent condensation.

If small children live in the room who like to draw on wallpaper, glass fabrics for painting can become a replacement for the traditional option.

Washable wallpaper for the kitchen: a photo review of the collections of 2017

Waterproof or still in demand by consumers, so manufacturers are constantly updating catalogs.

In the kitchen, waterproof wallpapers are becoming especially relevant, which are immune to the constant presence of moisture in the house.

Ethnic motifs and eco-style with floral ornaments are leading in terms of sales. Look different schematic drawings flowers, trees, birds and an almost photographic drawing. But both are not suitable for the background or decor of a small kitchen, too large fragments visually narrow the room. But interior designers widely use them for decoration. dining area.

In a medium or large kitchen, a picture close to the photo on the wallpaper is appropriate.

Wallpapers with a delicate watercolor pattern also occupy a large segment in the catalogs. They give a small kitchen elegance. A slightly blurry pattern is very practical, stains and stains are not so noticeable on it, which is important for a kitchen where they cook often and a lot. And this solution is also great for the cooking unit of a studio apartment without partitions or walls. Their coloring harmonizes well with the residential area.

A simple watercolor drawing can perfectly fit into the kitchen interior.

Light washable wallpaper in pastel colors - perfect solution in a small room. This is a great backdrop for bright furniture and dishes. If the whole design is well thought out, then the kitchen seems lighter and more spacious. plain roll materials discreet shades are well suited for those who like to experiment with the style of a small room. Whatever the content, the base can remain the same.

White wallpaper against a bright environment will give a feeling of spaciousness and light.

A small floral ornament on the walls is a favorite of most housewives. Such walls are suitable for retro style. In interiors such as Country and Provence, a floral pattern on the wallpaper is also practiced. This decision is also often made in large families, where 2-3 generations coexist peacefully, and everyone has their own preferences. The kitchen is a neutral territory where everyone gathers for joint reception food, and the coloring of the wallpaper should be unobtrusive.

Floral ornament in the kitchen is a classic for many generations. It is used in styles such as country, provence and retro.

Fans of extravagant interiors often choose original tricks visual expansion of space. It's glossy stretch ceiling and photo wallpapers on the entire solid wall. A drawing with a 3D effect will create the illusion of a continuation of space when the plot is appropriate:

  • depicts a staircase or corridor;
  • forest landscape or landscaped landscaped garden;
  • city ​​blocks from a bird's eye view or with steps "beginning" in the kitchen.

Due to the 3D effect, the illusion of a continuation of space is created.

Wallpaper with a pattern in the catalog or on exhibition stand in the store look a little different than it will be on the walls. Before buying, the roll should be unfolded and looked at the material a little from a distance.

Buying required amount rolls, add 1-2 more to them in reserve, especially if you have to customize the pattern. If you made a mistake with the quantity, and there is no way to buy from the same batch, leave a place on a solid wall in the dining area where you can make an original decor.

An unexpected effect will be when sticking striped wallpaper diagonally.

A unique effect can be achieved by pasting straight wallpapers diagonally. This technique can be used in almost any room.

The remains of any rolls can be used as a silhouette decor or for patchwork panels.

For patchwork-style panels, leftovers from any patterns will come in handy.

Don't overdo it with bright colors and glossy texture - this tires the optic nerve and overloads the emotional background.

Kitchen design can be bold and unexpected. But if you have to spend a lot of time here cooking, this option may cause a subconscious desire to leave. The environment should be as comfortable as possible, and the surfaces should be practical, not requiring complex maintenance.

Practicality and comfort are the main criteria for creating a kitchen interior.

Tiles, washable wallpaper and plastic panels, easy to clean, not necessarily applied to all walls. The corner in the eating area is decorated with any material. To prevent burning and small fat suspension from settling on them, a powerful hood is used.

A powerful extractor hood will protect the wallpaper from dust and grease particles.

For lovers of embossed surfaces, experts do not recommend textured wallpapers that quickly become covered with a sticky coating. Instead, it is better to use washable decorative panels and photo wallpaper with the illusion of volume. They are widely represented in the collections of elite wallpapers 2016-2017.

Decorative panels should be chosen to be even and washable in order to be able to keep the walls neat.

Harmony is the basis of any kitchen design.

Video: trendy wallpaper for the kitchen in 2017. Ideas, trends, colors and styles.

50 photo ideas for choosing kitchen wallpapers in the spirit of modern trends:

Wallpaper is one of the most available options finishes suitable for the kitchen. A wide variety of textures and patterns makes it possible to choose perfect option for any style. What you should pay attention to before buying wallpaper and how to do it with their help amazing interior, will be discussed below.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Since the kitchen, along with the bathroom, is one of the most humid rooms in the house, it is better to choose wallpapers that are resistant to such a microclimate for its decoration.

So, for example, inexpensive paper ones will quickly lose their aesthetic appearance and in a year, or even earlier, repairs will have to be done again. Periodic exposure to water vapor also has a very negative effect on textiles - it can stretch, sag, shed, become stained.

But vinyl, non-woven, acrylic, bamboo, cork wallpaper, as well as fiberglass - will perfectly cope with the function of a beautiful and durable wall covering for the kitchen.

The main drawback of polyvinyl, which is its inability to pass air and moisture, in the kitchen turns into a solid advantage. The exception is, perhaps, only wallpaper with foam top layer, in the micropores of which water can collect. In the same time, vinyl coverings With smooth surface or reminiscent of mother-of-pearl embroidery with hot stamping (silk-screen printing) can be washed even with a wet sponge with the addition of some neutral detergent.

Such wallpaper is a flexible canvas made of cellulose. Usually they are used for painting, but there are also colored ones. For better protection from moisture, it is desirable to use latex or acrylic paint. In order not to spoil the embossed relief, this type of wallpaper should be repainted no more than 3-5 times during the entire period of operation. The advantage of non-woven fabric is its environmental friendliness, and the disadvantage is the ability to absorb moisture (less than paper).

The composition of this material is similar to vinyl, but in this case the surface substance is applied to a paper or non-woven base by a dot method, leaving micropores for air. Acrylic wallpaper weigh about half as much as polyvinyl, so they are easier to glue, but moisture resistance and durability leaves much to be desired.

Bamboo wood is distinguished by its ability to repel water, and besides, it looks very beautiful. Natural wallpaper in warm straw shades will create a comfortable homely atmosphere in the kitchen. In addition to the high price, there are no disadvantages of this type of finish.

Another eco-friendly original material for wall decoration in the kitchen - cork in rolls. Waterproof, durable, weather resistant mechanical damage, the ability to hide the unevenness of the walls, the unique texture - this is not the whole list of the advantages of such wallpapers. By the way, denser cork textures are also suitable for floor decoration.

A flexible translucent glass filament canvas is ideal for those who value simplicity and reliability. Smooth or with a barely noticeable relief, cullet will “tightly” stick to the walls for at least 30 years, during which time they can be repainted up to 20 times. Made entirely from natural raw materials (sand-quartz, soda, clay), they allow moisture and air to pass through, while they do not get wet, do not absorb odors, and mold or stains do not appear on them.

A nice bonus - cullet protects the plaster from cracks and perfectly hides all surface imperfections.

It's all about style!

Each direction in design is characterized by a certain set of colors, textures, and decorative details. Wallpaper, on the other hand, acts as a kind of background, which simply must be in harmony with common idea, emphasize the beauty of all the details in the kitchen setting and combine them into a single ensemble.

Provence style interior provides gentle pastel shades: lavender, color eggshell, light gray, bleached pink, greenish and light turquoise. The relaxed atmosphere of southeastern France will help to create floral prints, small non-contrasting checks, polka dots.

In a rustic, simple and romantic kitchen, wallpaper with images of poultry and animals, country household items (watering cans, flower pots, bicycles, baskets, watches, lace) as if drawn with a slate pencil on kraft paper will be appropriate. If you need a wooden texture, then it should be an imitation of painted light paint and pretty worn boards.

If you see clear and concise design, so it is most likely modern. To withstand the interior of the kitchen in modern style, it is desirable to paste over the walls with plain wallpaper in discreet colors: white, gray, black, beige or light blue.

Photo wallpapers, discreet monochrome drawings, alternating glossy and matte textures, the effect of polished stone, wood, metallic luster are also acceptable.

For the kitchen in classical style silk-screened vinyl wallpaper is perfect. Mother-of-pearl patterns, shimmering silver and gold will create a unique harmony between the walls, appliances and facades of the suite.

To give the interior more luxury, the finish can be supplemented with decorative columns, plinths, frames or cornices in the form of plaster moldings.

Cool freshness of the Nordic design will be provided by the walls, the colors and textures of which are designed in the palette of the winter landscapes of Norway, Sweden or Denmark. It can be the sparkling purity of virgin snows, the mysterious depth of lakes and rivers, the smoky airiness of the sky, the mystical play of sunset.

You can add warm notes to the interior of the kitchen using the textures of bleached oak, coarse wool knitting, as well as dark red ethnic patterns on a linen background.

Wallpaper for a high-tech kitchen, you can choose white, gray, black, blue or coffee colors. They must be uniform and glossy. In extreme cases, it is possible to imitate iridescent mosaic tiles, silicate brickwork wood, polished to a shine.

How to choose wallpaper color

Wall color renders big influence to the general atmosphere of the kitchen. So that the whole family would be pleased to gather for dining table, it is very important to choose the most favorite and cozy shades correctly.

Snow-white and close to it pastel colors of the wallpaper are the perfect backdrop for any additions. Such walls will make the kitchen more spacious, and any contrasting patterns and bright furniture will look as advantageous as possible.

Shades of steel, stones, silver, chromed metal, mirrors - with such a rich spectrum grey colour can be a real godsend for the designer. A simple combination of different saturation textures - and you get a concise functional interior. You can always change it if you want. bright details and additions.

Black wallpaper in the kitchen is a bold and eccentric solution. However, if you combine them with a white or steel headset and make the right backlight, you get a very interesting interior no area reduction effect.

Natural shades from dark chestnut to beige, including the entire wood palette - optimal choice for those who do not chase fashion, but prefer cozy classics.

Unlike cold achromatic colors, brown always brings some warmth. Plain or printed wallpaper in the form of wood, bamboo wall, with painted autumn leaves, coffee beans, simple lines or in an English cage - this color will always remind you of something calm, of home and family.

The color of the sun and tropical fruits is the most cheerful kitchen design option. It improves mood, invigorates and warms. The brightness of yellow can be adjusted from delicate sandy to rich orange.

Yellow wallpapers are in perfect harmony with white, green, gray, black and purple hues. Bright colors it is better to choose the same level of saturation.

Walls with wallpaper in emerald, light green, mint shades will be the best frame for a wooden, orange or gray kitchen set.

Green is subconsciously perceived as the safest color, because it symbolizes life itself and the prosperous abundance of the warm season. It combines the warmth of the sun's rays and the coolness of the spring breeze, so the shades of herbs are wonderfully suited for both hot southern and cold northern rooms.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen / kitchen in Khrushchev

To make a small kitchen in Khrushchev seem more spacious, then when choosing wallpaper, you should give preference to light, plain coatings. Drawings should be small, without contrasts. Gloss, mother-of-pearl and golden-silver reflections will not be superfluous.

Vertical lines will help to visually raise the ceiling, but for this it is not at all necessary to buy striped wallpaper. It is better to simply combine plain and patterned rolls of similar shades, placing them from the floor to the top of the wall.

You can add missing volume with the help of panoramic or 3D wallpapers with beautiful distant views and the effect of sunlight.

Wallpaper for the kitchen-living room

In studio apartments, where the kitchen is combined with the living room, wall decoration will help to beautifully zone the space.

So, on the cooking area, imitation of tiles, stone, brickwork will be appropriate, and the guest part will be decorated with more elegant wallpapers, for example, with silk-screen printing, unusual photo panoramas or even exclusive freehand drawings. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain common stylistic features and adhere to a single color palette.

Wallpaper for the kitchen - photo

An inspirational selection of photos with the most beautiful design solutions help you quickly navigate among a huge variety of textures and colors.

In the pictures you will see how monochromatic glossy and matte wallpapers, all kinds of drawings and prints, photo wallpapers, as well as cork, bamboo and other exotic coatings look in the interior of the kitchen.

There are many options for wall decoration, and how more spacious room the more choices you have. In a small kitchen, every centimeter has to be saved, so wallpaper is chosen for wall decoration - a practical and decoratively attractive option. But even here there are several nuances, because not every wallpaper for a small kitchen is able to satisfy all requests: to last a long time, to visually enlarge the room, and to be attractive in design. We will deal with the rules of choice, types of finishes.

Five selection criteria

First of all, you will not look at the appearance of the wallpaper, but at whether they are suitable for the kitchen. Let's see which criteria will be decisive.

  1. In the kitchen, you will regularly carry out wet cleaning, grease, water, steam will constantly get on the walls, so you should choose moisture-resistant wallpapers. Such models can withstand cleaning with a damp sponge, and you can easily remove a small spot with a napkin or cloth without damaging their appearance. If you want to choose the most reliable option- look at washable wallpaper. They will withstand cleaning with chemical substances. There are also super-washable models that can even withstand brushing the walls.
  2. Choose from models high density. This indicator is directly related to the durability of the coating. The higher the density of the model, the smaller the pores in it, which means that dirt will not accumulate on the walls.
  3. Vapor permeability is another important indicator that is responsible for the rapid drying of the walls. If the wallpaper has such a characteristic, a pleasant microclimate without foreign odors will always reign in the kitchen.
  4. Light fastness - wallpaper must be resistant to fading. If the material under the influence of sunlight loses its attractiveness, turns yellow, the interior of the kitchen will very quickly lose its novelty and gloss. In addition, the yellowness of the coating will not allow you to rearrange the furniture without changing the finish.
  5. Look at the wallpaper markings. If you see the “wave” icon, this means that the wallpaper can be wiped with a sponge and it tolerates high humidity. The "wave with brush" icon indicates that such a model is super washable.

If you are a creative person and know that you tend to change the interior, choose wallpaper for painting. Such collections will allow you to change in a matter of days general style kitchens. The only thing to remember is that such wallpapers must withstand several paints. This parameter will be indicated on the package.

Choose the type of wallpaper - solve the main problem

In addition to design and general characteristics each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics. Some are easier to glue, others will surprise you with a variety color solutions, and still others are not suitable for your premises at all. What wallpaper to choose for the kitchen and how does each type differ from the other?

  • paper models. These wallpapers are not worth taking to the kitchen. Why? They have a low density, do not tolerate temperature extremes and moisture ingress. Paper wallpaper can be pasted over a bedroom where you do not cook food, there is no chance of getting fat and steam, but they are not suitable for the kitchen. Yes, such a finish will cost inexpensively, but get ready for the fact that the original appearance of paper wallpaper will be lost after a few months.
  • Natural wallpaper. The most attractive in terms of design, because such models can be made of linen, silk, bamboo and even velvet. That's just their characteristics do not fit into the kitchen. Natural wallpapers absorb odors, do not tolerate moisture and, accordingly, wet cleaning. Their only advantage is their extraordinary appearance.
  • Non-woven models. What is good about such wallpapers is the simplicity of gluing. It is enough to grease the wall with glue and you can lay wallpaper. With the help of non-woven wallpaper, you can hide the unevenness of the walls, as they are dense and durable in texture. Such a coating is suitable for a kitchen where you plan to wet clean the walls infrequently, since the wallpaper, although it tolerates high humidity, can lose its beauty under the influence of cleaning products and constant friction.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. For a small kitchen, you can safely choose this option. With the help of vinyl wallpaper, you can hide the bumps and roughness of the walls, because they are not as light as standard paper ones, and have solid foundation. This type of coating is distinguished by durability and interesting design solutions - with vinyl wallpaper, the kitchen can be transformed and be made both in a classic style, and in an oriental or Provence style. variety of models and colors will allow any solution to be implemented. The only caveat - for the kitchen, you should choose those models that have a special impregnation against mold and fungus.
  • fiberglass models. A relative novelty in the world of wall coverings. Such wallpapers are made from special glass, the fibers of which are processed under high temperature(about 1000 degrees). With fiberglass wallpaper you can create the effect perfectly flat wall They hide imperfections very well. Also, such wallpapers are environmentally friendly and reliable - they do not absorb dirt, odors, they are difficult to scratch and damage by cleaning even with chemical powders. Another advantage of fiberglass wallpaper is the possibility of painting. If you get bored with the interior of the kitchen, you can simply repaint the walls. As for the shortcomings, the high cost is worth noting here.

Another option for covering walls in a small kitchen is liquid wallpaper. They hide minor flaws well, absorb moisture and have a very diverse decorative solutions. True, such wallpapers will be difficult to care for - it will be almost impossible to wash grease, stains or dirt.

The choice of color and pattern - expanding the space

If we figured out which wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen in terms of material, then the task is difficult with decorative issues. You want to create a kitchen room as spacious and free as possible, and wall decoration will most directly affect both the appearance and size of the kitchen. The main rule of any designer who works with small spaces is to observe minimalism in everything. This also applies to wallpapers. The simpler and lighter they are, the wider and freer the space will appear. There are several other factors that influence this coating on the atmosphere of the kitchen.

  • A small pattern on the wallpaper will visually create a feeling of airiness and lightness of space, but large patterns, especially of a dark shade, will create a cluttered effect in a small kitchen.
  • Visually, the room will become wider if you use models with patterns in the form of continuous intersecting stripes. This pattern is similar to the Scottish kilt ornament.
  • If you have low ceilings, choose wallpaper with a vertical pattern. He will raise the ceiling. A horizontal pattern will make the kitchen room wider, but is suitable for rooms with a high ceiling.
  • Diagonal lines will give dynamics. If furniture set made in soothing colors, in a small kitchen you can use wallpaper with diagonal lines - they will create a balance of color.
  • You can add a couple of square meters to the room with plain wallpaper in blue, silver and light shades of blue.
  • The best solution for a combination of colors for a small room is to use one color, but in different shades for different zones.

Can be combined plain wallpaper with patterned models. For example, choose plain wallpaper blue color for the wall near the window and the free wall, and for the working and dining area, look for beige or white models with a blue pattern. You should not choose aggressive reds, rich blues and blacks for a small kitchen.

The gluing process is no less important than the choice of wallpaper. It is clear that you need to prepare the walls, remove the old coating and, if necessary, repair bumps and pits. Also, the walls need to be primed so that the wallpaper lies as evenly as possible, and after drying it does not disperse. Pay attention to such moments.
