How to make a screen under the bath. The best splash protection is a bath screen. Option - make a screen for the bathroom yourself


Having a bath at home, it is not every day that we manage to use it for its intended purpose - much more often we take a shower, which sometimes causes the problem of splashing water.

A screen on the bath will help solve it. In addition to the protective function, it will serve as a kind of space divider in a combined bathroom and make the bath a nook.

The screen will protect the walls from excessive moisture - the water flowing down it rushes straight into the drain. A well-chosen model will become an interesting detail of the interior.

Made of plastic

These are the most affordable models on the market. Their main advantage is very quick installation and no less quick dismantling if necessary. The choice of offered colors is very large.

With their functionality, plastic bathroom screens have certain disadvantages.

Water stains remain on them, which leads to clouding of the surface and a deterioration in appearance.

Prolonged exposure to moisture can cause the screen to lose its protective functions.

Plastic contributes to the faster appearance of dirt, which in a warm and humid environment will cause mold.

The main material used is polystyrene, which usually requires good care with special preparations.

From glass

The cost of a glass bathroom screen is much higher, but many consumers prefer this option because of its durability and functionality.

Tempered glass is a durable and safe material, it is not so easy to break it.

Patterns can be applied to the surface of such a screen in various ways, which will serve as a great addition to the overall interior.

The general background can be tinted, left transparent or even matte.

Due to the fact that the material contains dyes within itself, the color does not fade over time.


A sliding screen in the bathroom is especially convenient in a small room - it can be easily folded to free up space. However, its installation involves the use of sealant, and mold appears on the resulting seams with improper care.

The surface of such a screen is preferably selected from a transparent light-transmitting material.

Three-section sliding screen

A sliding 3-section screen for a bath, as a rule, consists of three parts, equal in size.

At the same time, one remains motionless. This design is most applicable for bathtubs located in a niche.

The most suitable material for the manufacture of three-section screens is glass.

The opening process takes place with the help of special rollers installed inside the frame, due to which the internal free space is significantly increased.

The use of a corner screen for a bathroom is most practical in the case of a hydrobox or using a cascade mixer.

Movable parts can be different depending on the type of bath, and the doors can be combined with fixed panels in different ways.

Before installing such a screen, special attention should be paid to the faucet, which is used for use with a washbasin and bathtub.

Often the installation of a screen makes such an application unsuitable.

DIY bathroom screen

Many home craftsmen are interested in the question - is it possible to do such a thing on your own, impressing your friends with your creative style. Of course, it is possible, only for this you need to have hands on your shoulders, the necessary tools and materials.

Made from polycarbonate

An excellent alternative to expensive glass is polycarbonate. This transparent material is lightweight and very comfortable to work with. It is perfect for making a frame screen, installed if the splashing of water is strong enough, for example, when bathing children.

The design is a rigid frame into which our transparent material is already inserted. With proper assembly, you should get a result resembling a shower cabin. By the way, you can assemble a screen for a polycarbonate bathroom with your own hands.

As a frame, any of the available materials is applicable. Metal and even wood will be quite suitable, but plastic is most preferable.

In order for the frame base to be mounted correctly, several important details must be taken into account. In the design, the main bearing element will be side racks located vertically, and horizontal profiles will be guides.

Having prepared the necessary tools, you can get to work:

  • First of all, carefully mark the details.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the polycarbonate into blanks.
  • We prepare a profile for the required size.
  • On both sides of the rails marks the mounting points, and we make the corresponding holes in the wall.
  • We mount the profile using self-tapping screws.
  • The lower guide profile is installed on the edge of the bathtub.
  • The resulting gap to prevent moisture ingress and damage to the bath is necessarily sealed with a sealant.
  • After the joint has hardened, the polycarbonate panel is inserted.
  • The upper part of the screen is also reinforced with a plastic profile.
  • A profile and a handle for opening are attached to the side edge.

After verification, the work is completed.

We make our own from glass and other materials

For a bathroom with a small area, it is best to make a frameless screen. Such a design will not unnecessarily overload the space with its protruding elements.

Typically, the screen may be a continuous sheet of streamlined shape with smooth corners. It is preferable to use tempered glass as a material for manufacturing. Its thickness is at least 8 mm - thinner has significantly less strength.

A glass blank can be ordered in a special workshop, where the master will grind the edges and round the corners, and can also apply a pattern on the surface. The main load-bearing elements will be a vertical profile fixed to the wall and horizontal along the side of the bathroom.

If you install special hinges on the wall profile, we get an opening option. To save space, such a screen easily leans back against the wall.

A home craftsman with extensive experience can also make a screen that falls or moves apart mechanically, but in this case the costs will be very high.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the screen is an indispensable element in the bathroom. What it should be - it's up to you, depending on the needs and the overall design of the room. We advise you not to skimp on its acquisition, and the room will be reliably protected from excess moisture.

Taking a shower or bath in such a way that drops and splashes of water do not fly in all directions is almost impossible, therefore humidity and dampness often reign in the bathroom. As a result - mold and fungus, the cost of processing the bathroom or even a complete replacement of the finish. But in order to reduce the amount of moisture remaining in the room after hygiene procedures, it is enough just to install a structure there, which is called a bath screen, a partition or a protective screen.

In modern stores, they are sold in a large assortment, that is, it will not be difficult to choose a suitable screen, but before buying, it will be useful to learn about the features and characteristics of different products.

Ordinary curtains, which until recently were very popular with buyers, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The only advantage is low cost, otherwise they are significantly inferior to screens. Benefits of bathroom screens include:

  • well protect the walls and floor of the room from water - literally not a single drop will seep through such a design;
  • do not require special care and regular cleaning;
  • unlike ordinary curtains, they do not contribute to the development of pathogenic microorganisms and fungal spores;
  • a variety of designs, shapes and materials makes it possible to choose a screen that is best suited for the interior of a particular bathroom;
  • it is much more convenient to use screens than ordinary curtains, since they do not stick to the body and do not open from drafts;
  • constructions made of glass and plastic are much more durable and stronger than any oilcloth or rubberized fabric;
  • almost all screens are mounted very simply, so the installation can be easily handled by yourself.

Accordingly, any bathroom can be equipped with a screen, regardless of its interior. And in order to choose the right design, you need to know about the operational features and varieties of bathroom screens.

Types of screens for bathrooms

All protective partitions for bathrooms can be divided according to two main criteria: the method of opening doors, design features and material of manufacture.

bathroom screen

Door opening method

In this case, there are three options: screens with sliding and hinged doors, as well as accordion screens. Sliding designs are most in demand, as they are suitable for any bathrooms, including small ones, as well as for straight and semicircular baths, which are installed in most modern apartments and houses.

Finally, "accordions" are most often used in bathrooms equipped with round or oval baths. In principle, they can be installed in any room, but in conditions of limited space, they will still “eat up” part of the free space. Another significant drawback of "accordions" is that after a while, numerous places of attachment of structural elements to each other begin to wear out and break.

Design features

Based on the design features, protective partitions can be frame, frameless and combined.

  1. Frame screens. Products consist of a carrier frame and several sections (usually from 2 to 6), and one of them is a sash that moves aside. The design is installed on the side racks and fixed to the sides of the bathtub by means of guides.
  2. Frameless screens. Screens of this type also consist of several parts, but do not have a frame. Usually they are made of tempered glass with rounded corners: stationary sections of thick, movable - of thin.
  3. Combined screens. They combine both of the above types of structures - most often one of the parts is only partially fixed to the profile, which makes it possible to open and close it.

Production material

Modern bathroom screens are made of glass or plastic (polycarbonate), each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

If we talk about the design of the screens, then there will be no problems with the choice. Designs can be completely transparent, tinted, matte or patterned, cover the bath partially or completely, creating the appearance of a shower cabin.

What should be considered when choosing a screen?

To choose the right screen for the bathroom, you should take into account a number of important nuances and features of different types of structures.

One of the most important aspects of the reliability and durability of the screen is the correct installation, which does not require special skills or knowledge, but requires accuracy, accuracy and careful observance of the instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a sliding glass screen

The installation of sliding screens may have some distinctive features, but in general it is carried out according to the same principle. First you need to prepare the necessary tools for work:

  • fasteners (bolts, dowels);
  • drill or perforator;
  • silicone sealant and a special gun;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • masking tape.

The set of a sliding partition usually includes guide profiles, a rail that fixes the structure, glass sections, fittings, special gaskets that protect the elements from moisture.

Step 1. First you need to fix the profile that fixes the screen on the wall. You need to remove the rail from it, adjust its position using a level and mark the installation points on the surface.

Step 2 Drill holes at the marked points. If the walls in the bathroom are tiled, it is better to use special tile drills. Masking tape will prevent the drill bit from sliding along the surface of the tile. To make the fixation as strong as possible, it is recommended to make more than two holes into which you will need to insert the dowels.

Step 3 Apply silicone sealant to the back of the profile and fix it to the wall with screws.

Step 4 Fix the glass on the installed profile, tighten the fasteners, but not too tightly so as not to block the glass panel completely.

Step 5 The remaining gap is necessary to install the seal - it is put on the bottom of the glass, after which the panel can be completely fixed by tightening the screws until it stops.

Step 6 Put special insulating caps on fasteners.

The gaps that remain between the screen elements and the wall should be filled with silicone sealant. It takes about a day to harden the composition, that is, during this period it is better not to use the bathroom.

Video - Installing a screen in the bathroom with your own hands

Step-by-step instructions for installing a plastic frame screen

Another common option for a bath screen is plastic structures on an aluminum frame. The assembly of such screens is also a fairly simple task - it will require the same tools as in the previous case, but the work algorithm looks different.

Step 1. Assemble the main part of the screen, that is, attach the fixed elements to the horizontal ones using special screws that usually come with the screen.

Step 2 Insert the sliding door into the upper part of the frame profile, align it with the lower part and snap the bearing into place.

Step 3 In the walls, mark the places for attaching vertical guides, drill holes.

Step 4 Attach the vertical guides to the screen frame.

Step 5 All places where the structure will adjoin the walls must be treated with silicone sealant.

Step 6 Install the screen in place and fix it with fasteners, put on them special linings.

After the sealant dries, attach the handle to the screen, carefully cut the protective film around the perimeter and remove it.

Screen care

Caring for such structures is a simple process, but it requires compliance with a number of rules, since the appearance and service life of the screens depend on this.

  1. After hygiene procedures, it is advisable to leave the door open so that moisture does not accumulate behind the screen.
  2. Glass products can be washed with any cleaning agents, and in the case of plastic, non-aggressive household chemicals without abrasive particles should be chosen, otherwise the surface will quickly become scratched and cloudy.
  3. If a sliding screen is installed in the bathroom, its mechanism needs to be checked and lubricated from time to time.
  4. Seals that protect the edges of structures from moisture ingress should also be regularly inspected for mold and mildew, and replaced if necessary.

Glass screen for corner bath

When taking water procedures, many are worried that splashes of water do not fall on walls, floors or furniture. For these purposes, a sliding screen for the bathroom has been created. These devices vary in design and material from which they are made. This article will talk about screens and how to make the right choice.

"Classics of the genre"

Most often, bathroom screens are made in a classic form, they have a frame on which the canvas is stretched. Also, the design may have sashes. At the same time, the number of sashes is not limited, it all depends on the specific model and size of the leaf; two- and three-leaf designs stand out among the most popular.

To date, there are several types of structures, namely:

  • Swivel - consists of elements that swing open like doors;
  • Folding - have a huge advantage, as they are very compact, which is especially important in small bathrooms;
  • Sliding - they are also very compact, such a shower screen has a frame along which the doors move on special slides. It is the frame in this type of screen that is the main drawback, because it can create some inconvenience when moving and storing.

Fixed structures

Although classic screens are compact and functional, they have recently begun to acquire fixed structures instead. These shower enclosures for the bathroom are installed directly on the side of the bath or adjacent walls.

All existing models of fixed screens are divided into three main groups:

  • frameless;
  • frame;
  • combined.

Briefly about each type, then the frameless screen is made in the form of a fixed structure, which is attached to the side of the bathtub or the wall. The most common material for frameless screens is tempered glass, in which the corners are specially rounded. Glass railing for the bathroom can be either transparent or frosted or with a pattern.

The next type of bathtub barriers is a frame or frame screen. To fasten the panels, special aluminum profiles are used, which are mounted on the side of the bathtub and adjacent walls. Such screens can have from two to four wings, one or two of which are movable, and the rest are fixed rigidly.

Important! If the bath is installed in a niche, it is possible to install a double-leaf screen, where both panels will be movable.

Combined bath and shower enclosures have collected all the properties and design features of frameless and frame screens.

Design features of screens

Folding accordion-type screen

In addition to the varieties of structures, there is a classification of stationary screens according to the method of opening the panels. Shower enclosures for the bath can have sliding, folding, as well as hinged doors.

Structures with folding panels have one fixed leaf, and the rest are interconnected using hinges or hinges. When opening such a screen, the sashes are folded "accordion" into one compact piece. A plastic or glass bathroom screen of this model is perfect for taking a shower, because it will be warm and cozy behind it.

In sliding products, the way the doors open is slightly different. For this, bathroom and shower enclosures have special skids, along which all moving structural elements are moved. Screens made in this design are very compact and easy to use.

Models of screens, made in the form of hinged structures, are most often created as a glass fence that is attached to the side of the bathtub or wall, but at the same time, such doors open only outward. Such a screen device has a narrow panel, the reason for this is the width of the door, which serves as a screen.

For your information: In addition to all of the above, it is worth saying that a shower enclosure for a bath can be of different size and height of the panels. They are up to the ceiling or the height of a person. Therefore, the main task before purchasing is a detailed measurement of the height and width of the screen.

Everyone has long known that soap stains are very difficult to wash off, and splashes that have fallen on the surface of a tile can leave their “trace” for a long time, because it is extremely difficult to wash them. Therefore, the screen, first of all, should qualitatively protect objects from ingress of soap splashes.

Advantages of a screen in the bathroom:

  • The main function of any screen is to protect walls, floors and other elements of the room from water splashes. Thanks to the special design of the doors, frames and sealing materials, the fence completely and completely prevents moisture from seeping outside the screen. Therefore, there will be no need to clean the room every time after taking a bath;
  • Since modern lightweight materials with a transparent or translucent structure are used for the manufacture of fences, a screen for a bathroom made of glass or plastic will not affect the overall picture of the room in any way and, on the contrary, will give the room design a certain “zest”;
  • Ease of care is ensured by the absolute resistance of polycarbonate or glass, from which the screen is made, to any cleaning agents;
  • Very often, glass and plastic bathtub enclosures have a special surface treatment against dirt and bacteria. Especially when purchasing curtains and bath screens from well-known manufacturers, you can be absolutely sure that the design will be easy to wash for a long time and remain hygienically clean;
  • The simplicity of the design of the product makes it easy to install even with your own hands.

Choosing a screen design

In a hardware store, an unprepared person's "eyes run wide" from the whole variety of designs and models of screens, so in order to choose the right fence, you need to use the following recommendations:

  • If the bathroom has a separate bathroom, then a regular or corner screen with absolutely transparent doors will be the best option. Particularly relevant is the installation of a screen with transparent walls in a small room, because these models do not hide free space;
  • It is better to choose models with painted or matte doors for bathrooms combined with a toilet. Such a glass or plastic bathroom screen completely hides the person who is taking a shower, so the rest of the family can do their own things at this time, for example, brushing their teeth, washing, drying their hair, etc.;
  • If the bathroom has a special design, then under it you can easily pick up a glass railing with a pattern. A bathroom with a screen painted with patterns in the color of the tiles will look very harmonious. But it should be remembered that it will not be possible to install a glass railing on bathtubs with complex geometry, because it does not bend, as an option it can be a plastic screen;
  • The use of plastic for asymmetric products will be a priority, because modern polymer material easily takes on any shape, even if it is a corner bath. With a screen made of modern plastic, the bathroom will look no worse than with a glass railing. Moreover, such a corner fence is much lighter than glass, and in the event of a breakdown of a separate section of the structure, it can be easily replaced with a new one.


When choosing a screen for your bathroom, you should remember that the material of the product should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have moisture-repellent and antibacterial properties. Also, fittings and other structural elements should not be subject to corrosion.

The presented photos will tell you more about how to choose a screen and how to install a screen on a bathtub.

Many apartment owners are faced with a problem - puddles constantly remain on the floor of the water treatment room. Even with special care, drops of water will still fall on the walls and floor. This increases the risk of slipping, which poses a health hazard to occupants.

Some owners solve this problem by mounting special curtains on the bath or shower. However, they usually look tasteless and do not fit into the overall style of the room. In addition, such products usually stick to the body when accidentally touched. An excellent alternative solution is a bathroom screen.


Bathroom screens are robust and simple designs that have been used for centuries. The design of such products is constantly changing, but the principle of their work remains the same. Today they are made with the expectation that the operation was convenient.

In the past, bath screens were not designed to prevent puddles from forming on the floor, but to create a pleasant appearance of the room. They were often made from wood. These screens became the decoration of the bathroom. They perfectly protected the person in the bath from unnecessary attention.

Today, bath screens are often made of glass and plastic elements. The characteristics of popular materials and the features of their use should be considered in more detail.


Polycarbonate is a universal material that can be used both in summer cottage construction and for creating internal partitions of residential premises.

Polycarbonate has many useful properties:

  • It has high thermal stability and is able to withstand severe temperature fluctuations.
  • This material is distinguished by excellent mechanical strength. This allows you not to worry that the bathroom screen will be split from an accidental impact.
  • Polycarbonate is highly resistant to various cleaning agents. For this reason, it is quite easy to wash it.
  • A small mass of products made of polycarbonate allows you to build structures of large sizes from it - they still remain practically weightless.
  • During installation, it is quite difficult to damage this material. The same cannot be said for glass screens.

All these useful properties indicate that polycarbonate is ideal for installation in the bathroom. Plastic screens are much cheaper than others.


This fragile material is often used to install partitions in the bathroom. Its popularity is due to its many benefits:

  • Glass is resistant to various aggressive environments.
  • It does not rot and is not subject to the formation of fungus.
  • Such screens serve much longer than plastic - subject to careful use.
  • The thermal conductivity of glass screens is low.

Important! Glass screens without a pattern are placed in rooms with any interior. This solution allows you to create a certain play of light that cannot be achieved when buying polycarbonate.

Types of structures

Bath screens can be classified depending on the design features. They are carried out stationary and mobile (usually on wheels). The first ones are mounted on the side of the bowl and fixed to the walls near it.

According to their design features, they are divided into:

  • Frame - they are distinguished by a special frame made of plastic or metal. This allows the use of thick glass or polycarbonate. The reliability of such structures is quite high.
  • Frameless screens. They are made of thick glass, which is pre-tempered. Often, screens are chosen for baths, only half covering the bowl. Their ends are usually rounded. Such products are called angular.
  • Combined screens with a large number of sections. Such designs combine the models presented above.
  • Screens are made integral or integral.

Similar products are divided according to the type of doors. They are of the following types:

  • Sliding bathroom screens. Their design includes rollers, along which the door can be easily pushed aside.
  • Opening. One of the doors in these designs opens with a simple push away from you.
  • Folding. Similar screens are folded.

Opening sashes can not be called the most convenient option. They are usually mounted in large bathrooms.

Role in design

A bathroom screen is just as important a part of a room's décor as plumbing fixtures or household appliances. It has an impressive size, so it can not be overlooked. When choosing such a product, it is important to consider several points:

  • If you do not want the screen in the bathroom to stand out too much, it is better to choose a product made of polycarbonate.
  • When living in an apartment of several people and having a combined bathroom, you should pay attention to the matte screen.
  • Plastic and glass models can be made in a specific color. Which shade will be chosen depends on the style of the room and the overall color scheme.
  • The bathroom screen is often decorated with various decorative elements. It can have an attractive design on it.
  • It is better to mount a translucent screen in the bathroom, which is made in a light tone. Otherwise, you will need to carefully look at the lighting above the bowl.

Such features of the choice of the screen are taken into account in any case.

How to make a screen

If the hardware store did not have a product of suitable dimensions, you can make a screen yourself. In addition, designs made by yourself will be quite cheap compared to the store option. In this case, plastic is usually chosen because it is very easy to work with.

The following materials may be required for work:

  • Polycarbonate sheet - it must have the necessary dimensions, which are calculated in advance.
  • Profile - it is used to create a reliable frame for a bathroom screen.
  • Screwdriver and a considerable number of self-tapping screws.
  • Roulette - it is useful for performing various measurements.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Handle for easy sliding of the screen.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin the process of creating a screen.

Work is performed in the following order:

If you want, you can make a screen, starting from the floor. In this case, it is better to install a shower cabin. The process of creating a practical screen is not associated with various difficulties. When buying special rollers and fasteners, you can independently make a sliding screen for the bathroom or a folding product.

Glass screens for the bath can also be mounted independently. However, in this case, it is necessary to contact a workshop that specializes in cutting glass into pieces of the desired size. When the time comes to insert the glass into the profile, it is better to enlist the help of a partner. This is because glass is fragile and heavy. It is important to make sure that it does not slip out of your hands. Therefore, gloves must be worn before work.

These features of installing a screen on a bathtub need to be known to every home master. Then the work will be done efficiently, and the finished product will last for many years.

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Bathroom screen: how to install yourself

Greetings dear readers. Not so long ago I bought an inexpensive but beautiful bathroom screen and I think it's time to install it. So that the editing experience is not in vain, I propose to see how I do it all, especially since I will photograph each stage.

Note! If after my review you still have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer everything.

A few words about what I will install

Bath screen was bought in Leroy Merlin. According to the assortment and prices, I will give a table further, since I have seen a lot of interesting things.

The Chinese partition is called Primo, made of tempered thick frosted glass. By weight, this is glass, since plastic is many times lighter.

Metal rails are attached to the partition, which will bear the load from the partition. Given that the glass partition weighs a lot, the rail needs to be mounted only on a solid, dense wall.

How to determine which wall is vicious and which is not?

  • The wall, which has not been repaired since the times of the USSR, definitely needs repair;
  • If the tile moves away in places, the mounting surface must also be strengthened;
  • If the sound is too different in tone when tapping the wall, then the wall may not be strong enough.

If the mounting surface is not properly strengthened, the rail can be pulled out with dowels, I don’t even want to talk about what this will lead to.

Installation work

I have listed the main stages of installation in the diagram.

During the installation work, the following materials and tools were used:

  • glass partition in the configuration specified by the manufacturer;
  • silicone or acrylic sealant;
  • dowels (we choose the length according to the type of wall);
  • masking tape;
  • water level;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring tool and pencil;
  • electric drill with drills for the diameter of the dowels;
  • manufacturer's instructions for installing the partition in case of questions.

Well, it remains to find out how bathroom screens are installed. Installation work was carried out as follows:

  • I unpacked the package and laid out the partition and accessories so that it was convenient to reach everything;

  • Dismantled the side profile, which was equipped with a screen and separated the mounting rail;

  • Marked the wall near the bath for the holes in the rail;

  • I drilled holes in the wall to the depth of the dowels;

  • I inserted dowel seals into the holes and drove them in with a rubber mallet;

  • I applied a strip of sealant to the reverse side of the rail;
  • I attached a rail to the wall and screwed in the dowels;

  • I inserted a profile into the rail and screwed on the fixing screws;

  • I installed glass in the profile, in the lower part of which I put on a rubber seal;

  • Then the glass was finally leveled and the fixing screws were tightened;

  • Over the fixing screws put on plastic caps, painted in the color of the profile.

Now that you know how to install a corner bath screen , I will list a number of recommendations for the successful implementation of installation work:

  • When making holes for dowels in tiles, we drill not in perforation mode, but in drilling mode;
  • Before drilling holes, we glue the surface of the tile with masking tape;
  • In order to prevent the ingress and accumulation of condensate, we fill all gaps with sealant;
  • Silicone or acrylic sealant will dry for at least a day, so you can start using the bath no earlier than 48 hours later;
  • When installing a glass partition, use work gloves with a rubberized working surface;
  • If the wall is old, install the holder rail not on 2, but on 4 dowels and use longer dowels;
  • Do not forget that there is an instruction in the screen set and look for an explanation there for each question.

What to buy

So, now you know how to install a screen in the bathroom yourself. It remains to decide what you can buy in the store today.

In the table, he listed those screens that he saw and felt in the Leroy Merlin store.

In accordance with the type of production materials, I will note the following modifications of the screens:

  • Glass - an outwardly attractive option, the price of which is higher than the cost of other modifications;
  • Plastic - the most common and most practical variety to use.

according to opening method the screen can be folding, sliding, hinged. The design of the partition is framed - metal or plastic is used at the base; frameless - strength is provided by the thickness of the glass; combined - combines elements of frame and frameless structures.

How not to buy, but to do it yourself

Before buying a finished partition, I was interested in how to make a screen for a bath with my own hands. It turns out that this is quite possible.

Of course, a homemade screen will not look as great as a store-bought product, but for the sake of saving money, you can try. A do-it-yourself partition can be assembled from different materials, but I will talk about glass blocks and polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate is good for its low weight, besides it is easy to drill and cut.

In order to do this, you need to assemble a supporting frame, that is, a frame on which sheet material can be fixed. To assemble the frame, it is advisable to use an aluminum profile, in extreme cases, you can use wooden slats, but they will have to be impregnated with drying oil so as not to rot and painted with moisture-resistant paint.

We apply a sealant to the surface to which the polycarbonate will adjoin so that condensate does not subsequently get into the gaps.

The obvious advantage of polycarbonate is its low price and a large selection of colors. As a result, the partition will not be expensive and you can choose a color for interior decoration.

Glass blocks are a classic solution in the arrangement of bathrooms. But, unlike gray cloudy Soviet glass blocks, today you can buy almost transparent, neatly made blocks that will be pleasant to work with, and the finished screen will look great.

The assembly of structures from glass blocks is not much different from brickwork. As a masonry mortar, I recommend using tile adhesive for external work, as it is resistant to humidity and temperature fluctuations.


A properly selected bathroom screen is the detail that will make the bathroom in your apartment more comfortable and cozy. You can ask questions about the installation of partitions in the comments to the text. By the way, you can find a lot of interesting things by watching the video in this article.

August 21, 2016

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