How to open an interior design studio from scratch. A new approach to opening an interior design studio

Increasingly, people turn to specialists in this field to solve design problems. Therefore, nowadays the profession of a designer is quite in demand. Good specialist must also be partly a psychologist: he should clearly understand what the customer wants and how it can be realized. The designer decides all technical issues of construction, taking into account dimensions and distances. His task: to make it stylish and attractive (meeting all the owner’s requirements) and at the same time practical and functional. Based on the data obtained, the designer creates a design project, which includes a general cost calculation. This allows the customer to accept the project proposed to him or make changes to it (this applies to those moments when the customer has financial limitations).

An interior design studio is a promising, current direction, a kind of business idea where even novice specialists can make good money. We determine the most important tasks in order to make your dream come true as soon as possible and open your own design studio.

We are recruiting employees for an interior design studio

A private designer, as a rule, limits himself to creating a design project. The interior design studio takes responsibility for the development and implementation of the project, which includes providing customers with all the necessary services until the complete delivery of the finished interior - architectural design, planning, engineering support and much more. For this purpose, many studios have a construction team of experienced craftsmen capable of realizing the most daring ideas of designers and customers. Studios cannot do without an experienced sales manager, whose task will be to find clients.

Enough important point is to calculate costs and profits, so the studio needs accounting (in in this case It is better to use separate services of special companies).

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What should a new studio owner remember?

Remember, to start a business and open your own studio, you need a clear understanding of the tasks. Will you deal only with the interior of the room or will your responsibilities include drafting, repairs, Finishing work And so on.

If you are planning to open your first studio, do not grab everything at once, do one thing first. As you work, it will become clear whether you are coping or not, and whether it is worth expanding the services provided by your studio. At the same time, the manager’s task is to organize the work in such a way that the designers’ ideas turn into profit.

Thus, the staff of a start-up studio includes one sales manager (with a salary of about $ 700), 2-3 designers ( average salary designer is $1000), administrator to perform routine work. Co construction team It’s better to agree on cooperation - it’s not worth hiring her.

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Office is your business card

To open an interior design studio, you need to rent a room. Office - business card of any enterprise, he is the first to talk about your work. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to carry out good repair, install expensive furniture.

The size of the room is determined by your tastes and preferences. The calculation is based on the fact that each employee of the state needs his own workplace. For example, for a manager, it is enough to install a computer (it is advisable to have a printer, scanner and copier) and provide him with constant access to the Internet. A designer needs a computer with a powerful processor, a good video card, and a sufficiently large capacity random access memory and free memory on your hard drive. The diagonal of the monitor display should be at least 20 inches: this will allow the designer to see a large area of ​​the picture, which is quite important in the work.

As you can see, buying computers is a serious decision that will determine the quality of the designers' work (as well as the speed of their work). This requires significant expenses when opening your own studio (the cost of one such computer can be $ 800 - 2000).

Software is the purchase of the necessary licensed programs for working with drawings and 3D visualization. The cost of each such program is about 30 - 40 thousand rubles. This is important to take into account when calculating general expenses to the studio (using licensed programs will avoid problems with law enforcement agencies).

In general, a room with an area of ​​20 - 30 square meters would be optimal for an office. m, high-quality repairs which will cost $150 per sq. m. The ideal location would be the city center, so you can receive clients from all over the city. Rental costs (office rent - from $10 per sq.m. (in the center - $30 per sq.m.) are compensated in this way.

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Attracting clients, advertising, creating a personal website

Attracting clients is not the most important thing. It is much more difficult to keep them and force them to use the services of your studio. Negotiations with the customer require the provision of photographs, diagrams, and estimates of completed projects. To begin with, you can use the work done by designers previously on their own. A beginning studio can create fictitious virtual projects, so you can show the capabilities of your studio and let the client understand the level and quality of your work. The main thing is to create a studio portfolio.

Advertising is the basis for attracting customers and the key to making your business successful. Use it to the maximum: advertisements in magazines and newspapers, creating a personal website (creating a website costs about 30 thousand rubles) and promoting the studio on the Internet, recommendations from your clients, etc.

The company website, office, work catalog - everything should be designed in top level, since the services provided by the company are perceived by customers primarily visually.

Nowadays, a design studio will not be left without work - it is a modern, promising business project. On average, a beginning studio can complete about 3 - 5 projects per month and earn 240 - 300 thousand rubles from them. Good job design studio ensures self-sufficiency within a year, after which net profit begins.

The services of interior designers are in increasing demand. More and more more people they want to live more comfortably and cozily. According to experts, the market for design services is characterized by a low level of competition, which makes it quite easy to take your place.

The number of new buildings is increasing every year and demand is much higher than supply. In 2008 alone, about 3 million square meters of living space were built in St. Petersburg.

According to information from the city government, 2 out of 10 apartments were undergoing redevelopment.

An initial investment of 12,000 to 15,000 conventional units to open a design studio will pay off in 1 year. Every month, the newly created company is able to complete from 3 to 5 different design solutions.

The interior design studio includes the following work:

  • Architectural works (architectural projects);
  • Redevelopment of buildings and structures;
  • Engineering projects;

Since 2002 Government agencies About 600 design licenses were issued. On this moment issuance of licenses has been stopped. This is due to expected changes to the regulatory framework.

Stage 1. Idea

To open a design studio, you need to decide on the services provided. An example would be interior design services for rooms, apartments, etc. In addition to the basic services, additional services may be included, for example, repair work, interior decoration, project preparation and its coordination with the customer.

It is best for a beginning studio to concentrate its efforts on any one service in order to bring the work for its main purpose to perfection, and then you can begin to provide Additional services, because it is difficult to do several jobs at once in the first stages, and it is unlikely that you will be able to combine it.

Often, a design studio grows out of a construction company that has experience in repair, finishing, and redevelopment work. Many are uniting, for example, architectural and design studios.

Interior design is one of the stages in creating coziness and comfort.

Stage 2. People

They often hire their own friends for the position of designer. An employee in this position must have professional skills and must adhere to the idea of ​​a design studio. The main factor in the work of design studio employees is a clear division of responsibilities: the designer creates, the manager deals with implementation.

The owner must create a favorable atmosphere for the creative flight of the designer and architect; their work must become the profit of the company.

The company, which has been in existence for 5 years, employs about 20 people involved in design and architecture. The rest of the company's employees are a manager, an assistant to a designer or architect, a PR specialist, office worker. For finishing and repair work the company enters into an agreement with a construction team or contractor company.

Sometimes studios create an additional manager position. His responsibilities include coordinating all design work with district commissions.

The main task of the manager is to create the necessary working atmosphere for designers and architects.

Stage 3. Office

The office should be comfortable and cozy for meetings with clients.

The area of ​​the room can be small, from 20 to 30 square meters. It is necessary to design an office based on the services offered to clients, because the company sells design services. The appearance of the office, its design is an advertisement for the studio and its business card.

Rent in residential area several times less than in the central part of the city. Rental price in mall ranges from 15 to 25 conventional units per 1 square meter monthly. The most suitable location will be the central part of the city, because it will be convenient for the client to get to the center from any part of the city.

The cost of renovation work to decorate the studio will be 150 conventional units per 1 square meter.

The next step in the office is the purchase of office equipment. Suitable equipment would be Personal Computer, 19-inch monitor, scanning and printing equipment (preferably with the ability to print in large formats, for example A3). For the work of a designer and architect, it is necessary to take care of purchasing tables (tables must be at least 2 meters long).

An office is the business card of any company that deals with interior design.

Stage 4. Marketing and advertising

In order to have a positive impact on the client, the studio needs to have a portfolio. For a newly created company, the portfolio may consist of personal portfolios (photo shoots and self-presentations) of employees (designers and architects).

It is important to note that than more projects will be in the portfolio of each of the designers, the more successful the studio can be with clients. The studio can also offer its clients its own developments using special software products (3D models).

Table of basic expenses for starting a company

Table of additional costs associated with opening an interior design studio

The total cost of a studio of 30 square meters will be from 12,400 conventional units.

Profit – 80,000 conventional units. Such a profit can be achieved by completing 4 projects monthly (projects for premises with an area of ​​100 square meters or more with a cost of 20 conventional units per 1 square meter).

Many experienced and even beginning designers want to open their own design studio, but in the end only a few achieve this goal. In this article, together with us, we will analyze how to open your own design studio and why it is needed at all.

Creating a studio involves endless problems that need to be solved constantly. This is the task of a studio manager: to find problems and solutions. This is not about creativity at all, but rather about hard mathematics, indicators and problem solving. However, there are also advantages. Below I have outlined some of the pros and cons of creating a design studio based on my life experience.

The advantages of owning your own business

1. You will be able to lead the process and develop leadership skills.

2. There is no limit to perfection: the studio can be developed indefinitely, but there is no ceiling on earnings. More money you can earn more than working alone.

3. You can conduct more projects at the same time.

4. You can choose the most interesting part of the project work for you, and give the rest to your employees.

5. In the end, you can leave the business and manage it from anywhere.

Disadvantages that creating a studio cannot be without

1. In addition to design projects, it is necessary to decide organizational matters, tasks to attract clients. This means that at the first stage you need to work a lot. So many. When you finish working on projects, start working on organizing and attracting clients. Sometimes it drags on and lasts from early morning until late at night.

2. These are risks and responsibilities not only for yourself, but also for all the people you involve in your work.

3. Creating a studio requires incredible patience and work. You need to be prepared to do a huge number of actions that do not bring results even in the first couple of years, but will work later.

4. To successfully create a studio, systems thinking is simply necessary (for me, as a creative person this was a disadvantage, but I managed to develop it).

5. You need to accept that although no one will do a better job than you, some things will still have to be delegated (this is where, most often, attempts to create a studio end, we’ll talk about this below).

3 directions of development of the design studio

Attracting clients and sales, production of work (creation of design projects and their implementation), organizational issues - these are the three areas in which the creation and development of a design studio takes place. Let's talk about each one separately.

1. Attracting clients

This is the very first problem that a specialist faces. As a rule, designers work by word of mouth: they created a project for one client, they were recommended to friends, and so on. It is very difficult to build a design studio on a sundress. We need stable channels for attracting customers. The studio organizer takes targeted actions and solves specific problems to attract clients.

The first thing you need to do when creating a studio is to determine who your clients will be.

The first thing you need to do when creating a studio is to determine who your clients will be, what projects you would like to do for them and in what style. Determine how you will stand out and be different from others.

Ask yourself, “How will your clients explain to themselves or others why they ordered a project from you?” Re-read this question several times. It is elementary and, perhaps, the most important in organizing the entire studio and attracting clients.

And if the answer to this question is adequate (it is advisable that this be confirmed by an outsider), then you can create a website, build positioning and begin actions to attract customers. Only then will these actions begin to work.

2. Work execution

The services you provide must be optimized and cost-effective. Providing interior design services is a “temporary” product (as I loosely call it). You are most likely selling services by square footage, but in reality, the services provided are your paid time.
The organizer’s task is to make the process pay off and put the right employees into production.

Calculate the cost of the service and how much time it takes you to develop it. For example, a planning decision can be made in 2 days and this service costs 10,000 rubles. The cost of your day is 5,000 rubles. Based on this information, you understand that you can hire a person for 2,000 rubles a day to do the planning for you. At the same time, you would correct it and spend only 2 hours on this task, receiving the remaining 3,000 rubles. This is how the production process is built.

The studio organizer’s task is to identify weak spots and problems in production. For example, if the level of work and visualizations does not reach the required level, you need to solve this problem through your development or hire a more experienced employee who will make visualizations best quality.

The place to start when working on a studio production is the quality of the work. It must be the best.

Remember that at the first stage, most likely, you will have to do everything yourself - this means that in addition to direct production, it is necessary to monitor and identify existing problems from a business point of view. You always need to monitor quality and be as demanding as possible if this quality is required to attract clients (point 1).

The place to start when working on a studio production is the quality of the work. It must be the best. Then I recommend optimizing the interior design process. Make sure that the services pay off and the creation of a design project does not take a huge amount of time.

3. Organization

In addition to attraction and production, there are such aspects as: contracts, legal issues... Plus attracting employees, drawing up job descriptions and recommendations for employees; creating the entire system of work itself - so that the business works like a mechanism.

There will always be organizational issues and problems that need to be resolved. Imagine the situation: the original file of the project visualization that an employee made was lost. For example, a visualizer’s computer burned out right before the project was handed over.

There is a problem. And whose is it? Of course, yours and your studio. You, as the organizer of the process, must solve and prevent such problems. For example, train participants in the process to upload all files to cloud storage.

I also include financial statements and accounting in the organization. It is necessary to take into account all the income and expenses of the studio. Come up with systems, reporting, signs to use them to identify and identify problems and solve them again. Problem, new system, the solution is romance, in a word.

An agreement is what I would recommend starting a studio with. A contract is a reflection of the business relationship with the customer. How the work will be carried out, in what form it will be delivered, and how many changes will be made - all this must be reflected in the contract.

It must be developed in such a way that all points reflect the interests of the customer and take into account yours. The contract should be a reflection of your work system. And the work system must be designed so that your production does not go into the red. This means that the work process will be structured so that the customer likes everything, he accepts the work and is satisfied, and the designer does not spend a huge amount of time on it. After all, he receives his salary from you. I hope you get the logic.

You may ask why I only write about problems in this article, is there really nothing positive? There is, of course, this search and solution of problems. A design studio is a never-ending problem to solve. And this is all positive. You can find and identify shortcomings, work on solutions to them - this, in fact, is where creativity lies in creating a design studio. If you are not ready for this state of affairs in the near future, put this idea aside for now.

When the advantages of your desires outweigh all the disadvantages, only then will you begin to create your own design studio.

At 20 years old I studied at the Faculty of International Economics and all I knew clearly was that I didn’t want to work in my profession and wouldn’t. I can’t say that I had any kind of search for myself. Sometimes analyzing how I came to decorating and designing weddings, I understand that it was a five-year long journey and it consisted of a great many very different parts. Honestly, if at the age of 20 they told me “Anya, in 3 years you will be decorating weddings,” I would have laughed.

Desire to start a business it appeared quite banally: I clearly understood that working for someone else did not suit either my temperament or interests. I knew that I could realize my potential and abilities only in my own business. Plus, ambition played an important role here.

The trick is that I didn't have to look for start-up capital, the initial investment was at $500: website, logo, minimum set printing. The funny thing is that now, for example, I don’t even have business cards, since I’m at the stage of a complete rebranding.

The most difficult in the first 365 days there was almost everything. Since I started without patronage or advertising, the first main problem was finding clients. I am still firmly convinced that in our field there is no better than advertising, than word of mouth, but where does it come from when you’re working for the first season? In addition, problems with logistics and contractors repeatedly arose. Now I am working with a group of proven contractors in whom I am 100% confident. At that same moment, everything happened by trial and error, more than once leading to severe force majeure and bringing me to gray hair. The first year there was a tangible problem with a quality portfolio, because in my field the client comes to beautiful picture. Plus, I was looking for my niche, now I often hear that my style is readable and recognizable, but then, in fact, I did not offer clients my taste, but only fulfilled their requests.

Happy Birthday I consider May 5th to be “my business”, and I really wanted to throw a small party for my team on this day, but it so happened that I celebrated at the location, decorating the event. And honestly, I would like to wish myself that it would always be like this :).

Business that pays off became in the second year of its existence.

Our motto: “Don’t repeat yourself, don’t repeat yourself.” My main goal in my activity is to create a product that is not yet on the market. Namely: truly European weddings and stylish designs, in accordance with the latest trends, or better yet, ahead of them. I love my client and always strive to give him the best, anticipate his desires and exceed his expectations. Happiness for me is that mostly people come to me who trust my taste and who are on the same wavelength as me.

In our field the most important thing in working with a client- be able to hear and feel the client. This is the niche where super expectations are placed on the performer. The client should never see the backside, in my opinion. When turning to a professional decorator, he, first of all, buys beauty and tranquility. Therefore, under no circumstances should you show the client stress, the impossibility of achieving tasks, or force majeure. Everyone understands that this takes place, there are always insurmountable factors and circumstances, but the customer should not see this. And even if the day before the wedding the bride asks to double the amount of custom-made textiles and fabrics that are no longer in stock, that's just my problem, and I think I'm not doing my job well if that problem isn't addressed. I can decide. And I set very high standards for myself in my work.

About Me

I'm very inspires my job. This vicious circle: This is where I get inspiration, and this is where I put it. It’s an indescribable thrill to do something that’s truly yours. This is what gives you energy that nourishes you so much that you can go without sleep for several days.

The best, and perhaps the only, way to reboot, relax and relieve stress for me it's travel. Just leaving for new town, I can completely switch off and restart my brain.

The first thing I always do when starting the day is, - I check my email and Facebook/Instagram feed, only then bath treatments and breakfast, if I have time. This, of course, is an addiction, but without this ritual I cannot wake up, like many without coffee, so even when I have to leave for editing at 5 am, I set the alarm so that I have 15 minutes for this :).

Since my day, as a rule, is not standardized and very often I come home around 11, then I go to bed, sometimes long after midnight, because I still want to devote a little time to myself, my family, to be alone with my thoughts and plan for tomorrow. But I try to get up no later than 9 am, ideally at 8. I really like it when the day is long and starts early.

Bad habits, as such, I don’t have any. I used to lean heavily on all sorts of junk food, but even that went away on its own.

In moments of despair I am very stimulated by a sense of duty and responsibility. I simply cannot allow myself to give up, curl up in the fetal position and indulge in melancholy, knowing that other people depend on me: my clients, my team, contractors, relatives.

Time is always short- this is the motto of any person running his own business. You get used to falling asleep and waking up with the thought “is it possible to have at least 10 more hours in the day”, “or is it possible to somehow not sleep at all”, but no, you can’t. We only have 24 hours and you need to fit in time for work, time for yourself and time for your family - and you just learn to juggle. It seems to me that there is no recipe here, it is impossible to conduct a master class on this topic, but when you find yourself in constant time pressure, you suddenly realize that by some miracle, everything is fine, you didn’t burst and managed to do everything.

An interior design studio is a type of business that combines both the provision of services and the sale of goods. The main service of the interior design studio is the artistic design of premises both outside (exterior) and inside (interior). This service is comprehensive and includes the following types of work:

  1. Development of a design project;
  2. Author's supervision;
  3. Equipment;
  4. Construction management.

This distinction allows the client to attract a studio to individual species works or completely transfer the construction project for turnkey implementation.

In addition, the design studio has its own showroom, where it sells designer furniture and decorative items.

The target audience of the design studio is people with above-average incomes who own a property under construction or renovation.

The main channel for attracting clients for the studio is word of mouth, as well as the personality of the studio's leading designer. But in order for this tool to work, you need to create your own website with a portfolio finished works and reviews from satisfied customers.

It is preferable to register an interior design studio as an individual entrepreneur in order to use the patent tax system. However, income from the sale of furniture and interior items will be taxed according to the simplified tax system (6% of income).

In order for the design studio to cope with big amount orders, it is necessary to form not only a staff of permanent workers, but also to cooperate with freelancers. For every full-time studio employee there is a ready-made job description, mandatory. Systems approach allows you to complete a large amount of work in the shortest possible time without loss of quality.

The design studio's income comes from two channels: from clients and from suppliers. In the first case, the client pays for the studio’s services according to the price list. In the second case we are talking about wholesale discounts. Since the design studio acts as an agent for suppliers finishing materials and attracts new customers, suppliers are ready to offer discounts on products from 10 to 20%. The studio can “share” this discount with clients or receive the full amount as a reward

Investments for opening an interior design studio is 1,784,100 rubles.

Payback period studios from 13 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The interior design studio provides clients with all types of services in the field of interior design: from professional consultation and development of concept ideas to turnkey delivery of the project.

All stages of work performed by the designer during the implementation of the project are strictly separated from each other and are formalized in separate contracts. This is done so that the customer understands exactly what each stage of the work consists of and what result he should get. In other words, so that he could control the process of creating the project, confidently demand compliance with deadlines and not overpay for the designer’s mistakes.

In addition, this format of work allows the customer to hire a designer strictly for specific work. For example, you can order only a design project, and complete the packaging yourself.

A more detailed list of services is presented below:

1. Interior design services:

1.1. Formation of technical specifications, measurements, photographic recording;

1.2. Defining the style and concept of the project;

1.3. Planning solutions;

1.4. Sketches of premises;

1.5. Visualization;

1.6. Development of working documentation.

4. Construction management;

5. Designer consultation;

6. Visit of the designer to the site.

Of course, for any person not related to construction by profession, repairs are always stressful. And there are few people who really understand how much work and in what sequence will have to be done before they get the home of their dreams. The situation with financing repairs is even more difficult. It is impossible to stay within the budget without the help of a professional, since construction market is subject to active price fluctuations, and the work of the team often has to be redone.

What client problems does the design studio solve?

1. Budget limitation.

At the stage of procurement and construction management, the designer draws up an accurate cost estimate, monitoring the quality of materials and work performed.

2. Search for a construction crew.

Construction management involves the involvement of an experienced team of workers. At the same time, the designer is a financially responsible person to the customer upon delivery of each stage of work.

3. Exact embodiment of the idea in the finished interior.

A professional design project guarantees the customer that all planned elements can be implemented on a real object. This is confirmed by the availability of working documentation, according to which the builders will work.

4. Search and purchase of finishing materials.

The configuration stage includes the selection of all materials for finishing premises. In this case, the customer receives a bill of materials indicating the place of purchase, article number and cost of each part. At this stage, the designer can significantly save the client's costs, since the studio works with many suppliers at wholesale prices.

The main restrictions that the client is guided by are budget, timing and volume. necessary work. In the design studio you can choose ready-made service packages according to your preferences and budget.

Basic package includes the formation of technical specifications, approval of the layout, sketches of the premises, and the necessary working drawings. Cost - from 700 rubles per sq.m.;

Business package complemented by 3D visualization, more detailed sketches, as well as a full package of working documentation. Cost - from 1000 rubles per sq.m.

The first consultation and site visit of the designer are provided free of charge. Subsequent additional consultations are paid separately.

In addition, the design studio acts as a showroom, that is, it carries out sales exhibition samples and designer decorative items.

3. Description of the sales market

Target audience of the project

The target audience of the project can be divided into two separate categories: potential target audience and real target audience.

Potential target audience- these are all people who are faced with the need to make repairs or start building a new home. These can be people of different age categories: from 26 to 60 years. What they have in common is that they have their own home and the desire to make the interior unique.

However, not every person is ready to seek the services of a professional designer, since for the average person this cooperation is associated more with costs than with benefits.

That's why real the target audience - this is a narrower segment of people that the design studio is aimed at working with. The main criterion of the real target audience is the level of income. Depending on whether you are going to work with economy class or VIP clients, you will select suppliers accordingly price category, as well as create service packages.

This business plan was compiled for a studio that focuses on economy + and business class clients. Currently, the services of a designer are mainly used by people with average and above average income, i.e. from approximately 40,000 rubles per person. This is an average income that varies by region. At the same time, the client is willing to pay about 1,000 rubles per square meter of space for a design project.

A customer who seeks the services of a designer wants to create unique interior your home or office. At the same time, he understands that paying for the services of a professional designer will be compensated by saving time and money spent on self-execution all works.

Description of competitors and advantages of the studio

4. Sales and marketing

The most active channel for attracting clients to a design studio is "word of mouth". As a rule, people turn to a designer based on recommendations from friends and acquaintances, after they have seen the result of a professional’s work in person.

The best confirmation of our extensive experience in this field are reviews from real clients. Feedback is collected by the studio manager for each project. Reviews have the form letter of recommendation and are accompanied by the client’s signature. The manager compiles a separate album with reviews, or includes them in a portfolio of finished works.

Another important studio promotion tool is own website and its promotion. The website must have a portfolio of finished projects in the form of high-resolution photographs. Since photographs are the intellectual property of the studio, before uploading them to the site, you need to apply watermarks to each photo.

5. Production plan


In order to open an interior design studio you need to pass state registration companies. It is preferable to register as an individual entrepreneur and use the patent taxation system. A patent is purchased for a period of up to 1 year, in this case the type of activity “Artistic design services” is indicated. Interior design of residential premises." However, the sale of furniture and interior items is taxed separately. In this case, the studio uses the simplified tax system and pays 6% of the company’s income to the state treasury. The total cost of registration will cost you 2,000 rubles.

Office space

Next, you need to find office space. The premises must have a convenient location and parking. It is best to place the studio on the ground floor of a residential or office building with a separate entrance to main street. It is preferable that there are companies nearby that provide related services: production kitchen furniture, curtain salons, tile stores and floor coverings. If you decorate the salon as a showroom and display samples of finishing materials, then the recommended area is from 80 sq.m. Rental cost at a rate of 700 rubles per sq.m. will be 56,000 rubles per month.

Work with providers

In order to attract the attention of buyers, you need to try to place as many exhibition samples of furniture and decorative items in the salon as possible. At the same time, very often suppliers offer to purchase exhibition samples at a discount of 30 to 50%. However, you have the right to set your own prices for the samples presented in your showroom. You will spend about 1,000,000 rubles on purchasing exhibition samples.

Office furniture must be purchased separately. It is not subject to sale, is the property of the studio and is subject to depreciation. On office furniture you will spend about 50,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment

Next you need to purchase required equipment for work. These are computers, professional software, an A3 printer. You also need a wired Internet connection that can provide good speed to several devices simultaneously. The total cost will be about 200,000 rubles.

Personnel search

The next stage is the selection of employees. Initially, three permanent studio employees will be enough: lead designer, graphic designer, manager. An accountant is outsourced. The total monthly budget for wages is 100,000 rubles.


If you don't have great experience work in the field of design and numerous connections among colleagues, then you should not organize a large-scale opening event. The most important thing is that your studio now works strictly by the hour and it will be easy for the client to find you.

6. Organizational structure

The interior design studio employs three people on a permanent basis: a project manager, a graphic designer and a manager. In remote work mode, the studio collaborates with a designer who makes 3D visualization based on ready-made sketches. An accountant is also hired only to submit reports. Let us describe in more detail the responsibilities of full-time studio employees.

Project Manager

The project manager acts as the lead designer:

  1. Meets with the customer, forms technical specifications, develops a concept idea for the project;
  2. Makes site visits and conducts consultations;
  3. Searches for suppliers, concludes contracts;
  4. Interacts with contractors;
  5. Monitors all stages of the project;
  6. Conducts supervision and construction management;
  7. Accepts key management decisions in a studio;
  8. Hires and fires employees, distributes responsibilities within the team, calculates wages;
  9. Responsible for creating a portfolio;
  10. Presents finished project to the customer.

Graphic designer studio

  1. Goes out to take measurements, takes photographs of the object;
  2. Develops planning solutions based on the finished technical specifications;
  3. Makes sketches, compiles references, selects materials;
  4. Prepares all working documentation;
  5. Coordinates each sketch with the leading designer and presents the final version.

Studio manager

The wages of all employees are formed from two parts: salary and percentage of the order.

A visualizer who works remotely receives payment depending on the amount of work. On average, the cost of finished pictures ranges from 300 to 500 rubles per sq.m.

7. Financial plan

The main part of the design studio's investments goes to the purchase of exhibition samples. You will have to spend 1,000,000 rubles on them at a time.

The total investment amount is 1,784,100 rubles.

Initial investment in opening an interior design studio

Current expenses

It is assumed that the acquisition of a patent will be carried out in a one-time payment for whole year. Depreciation will be calculated using the straight-line method for all equipment and furniture owned by the studio. Other expenses include gas costs during site visits, services of a professional photographer after the project is completed, and running office expenses (paper, water, etc.).

As for the studio’s income, it is generated in two directions: the sale of services in the form of completed projects, as well as the sale of furniture and interior items. In the first case, income comes directly from the customer and is taxed according to the PSN. In the second case, the money comes from suppliers of furniture and materials with whom the studio has an agency agreement. Taxes on this type of income are paid as 6% of the amount of revenue under the simplified tax system.

Since the main part of the studio’s work is interior decoration premises, then the seasonality factor does not matter.

The number of projects that the studio can conduct simultaneously varies from 1 to 5. This depends on the complexity of the project, the area of ​​the premises, as well as the type of services that are provided at a particular facility.

In this regard, the number of objects per month indicated in financially, is considered in square meters and is distributed evenly across months.

In practice, this would be 2 apartments of 100 sq.m., one house with an area of ​​200 sq.m. or a large object of 500 sq.m., on which you have been working for several months.

Investment efficiency

Month of work

Number of projects per month (in sq.m.)

Average cost of services per sq.m.

Cost of furniture sold in the studio + agency fees from suppliers

Income per project

Total income

Total consumption

Rent (sq.m.)

Communal payments
